There's a new doctor the house doctor stranger , whose solid and convincing premiere still makes my heart race. And no, I am not talking about Lee Jong-seok abs, I admit that quite a big attraction is. I speak of the great visuals, a compelling story and characters that pull your emotions from the first hug until the last minute.
I should probably warn you that this show is not for the squeamish, as the medical aspect of this show do not withstand. The show also maneuvered the fleshy theme of North-South relations rather well, and is serious throughout the sound, there are notable shifts, the show proposes not always itself too seriously. Still, I find that the show keeps glued to the screen for the full hour my attention. Always a good sign, methinks.
Reviews have that by Thursday dramas between the Big Three all strike from Monday the 8% range on Monday. Leading was the package MBC Triangle (8.9%), then Doctor Stranger (8.6%) and finally KBS Big Man (8.0% ).
100% - "심장 이 뛴다 (Beat)" [ Download ]
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1994 in Seoul. A little boy changes the channel of a news broadcast on the elevated north-south tension of North Area withdrawal the NPT, together with North Korean leader Kim recently lack of public appearances of the Il-sung, in favor of a show of the child. We go further and identify him as our hero, PARK HOON (shown later of Lee Jong seok ).
a document on the table arouses his curiosity, but if Hoon his father asks what is a "process", dad snatches softly it out of his hands. He pouts, but tried again to get Papa's attention, before he leaves school. Judging from his dejected sigh, he is used ignored.
A man at the door to doctor Park Chul asks ( Kim Sang-joong ), the other is nothing but the boy's father. Your guest, JANG SUK-Joo ( Chun Ho-jin ) is an assemblyman, who works for the National Defense Committee, which led to the remark that he did not believe the doctor, the National Assembly a small medical malpractice suit would try to stop.
But he said that trying for a more pressing matter was postponed of national importance: their latest Intel suggests that the United States in the North for an attack prepared specially Yongbyon nuclear facility. Should this happen, the North would likely retaliate, which would lead to war. would
When asked why the government responds so highly classified information about a thoracic surgeon at Myungwoo Hospital, Assemblyman Jang disclose "because this stop war."
Despite the frenzied reaction outside young Hoon is still too small to understand the seriousness of the current situation. He wonders about the past military tanks and helicopters, offering a lollipop to bodyguards outside the house are.
It grows on the possibility thrilled to have lunch with Dad, but when he told made for himself alone tonight, he points to their practical empty fridge. It's sad as well that shows how much time dad spends actually at home.
Considering the hysteria of the guests of the danger of war on the news, Hoon asks if she can not go to the United States when the war wreaks break out this way he was able to see Mom. Aw, baby. Dad says war not happen so easily, but his expression darkens to see a political debate on the issue on television.
Somewhere off the coast, a pair of soldiers gapes to see from their look-a seaplane Barge (the same Assemblyman Jang noted that along the sea in an attack on the north) role would be used.
Later that night, Dad Assemblyman Jang informed that the X-ray indicates that the patient will not last a month. At the mention of the affected stores, the heart is to stop the threat of war, Dad kicks the patient to the hospital. The problem is, the patient is in the north. Oh, Kim Il-sung's heart, is not it?
There is, which means that Dad would travel there to treat the patient. It is imperative that they save the North Korean leader so his death the country throws in a tizzy that wants to beat as the USA.
to return home, Hoon accepts reluctantly the phone call Mom, just overhear his parents arguing over who should look for him. Mom refuses to say that she married again soon and that they have already cut ties with her past. Dad heard another click after hanging up in order to let him know that his son in listening.
The next morning, Dad tells his son that someone looking for him and Mama will come for him. But Hoon says he wants to be with his father. A tear falls from his eyes when he adds that Mom is not anyway you want it.
Hoon followed his father to the car, and when it is clear that Dad say not goodbye, Hoon says it for the both of them, and said in a broken voice: "I am in the school", and go away.
and while Dad could be removed, it is not cold-hearted, because the next thing we know, he runs to embrace his son back. Aww, Papa-child relationships make me soft in the knees.
Dad travels secretly to the north over a calm exchange of late at night takes somewhere in the sea. Assemblyman Jang briefs South Korean officials on current events, and the men are reluctant to prevent all-out war, the one-man mission.
In the event that Kim Il-sung happened away, will the US take the chance to the north, with a counter-attack on both the US military and more importantly, a South Korean nuclear plant will repay. Although the war the resulting radiation levels from the nuclear attack would only a third of the nation should break uninhabitable for the next 0 years, make.
in the north, preparing Dad for surgery. Nothing like a firing squad at the ready to remind him (and us) that this life-or-death scenario not only to the one is lying on the operating table.
Then all the phones in the Korean War be room South start at once to ring. Uh oh, this can not be good news. It isn't-the US has on a strike against the North.
Back in the operating room initialed, we see going into cardiac arrest, the patient, and Dad begins immediately CPR. One of the officers sent by a signal available, and then Papa's eyes widen slightly Hoon led to see in the room. With a gun aimed at his head. Holy shit.
But despite the tense situation, Dad keeps his cool as he goes to meet the patient's body to massage the heart by hand. Before he does, he takes another look at his son, who gives him an assured nod.
The announcement of an impending strike an uproar among the political leaders and the public causes, as these protests outside the US Embassy. Assemblyman Jang breaks through the crowd and marched into the building of the Ambassador about the countless people to confront life at stake.
Assemblyman Jang is interrupted so that the ambassador may finish his call, then they are told that the company has ... stopped to her confusion
... and then we'll see the heart start beating again on its own. Thank god. Dad prepares the operation to wrap, and fearless Hoon looks with a proud smile.
Assemblyman Jang newscast about the US watches and North Korean armistice in amazement as a man saved the whole world. The South Korean officials praise him for his efforts, and Jang bodyguards discovered the candy still in his pocket.
Facing the television, the bodyguard a Couple spots. The boy on the screen is nothing but Hoon who see we fiddle with a few loose strands, the mesh of his father performed in surgery to imitate.
He claims that the little girl was sitting with him, that he would like to become a doctor when he grows up, because he will save lives is a great idea. He first surprised by her beauty (aw) taken, and it presents itself as SONG JAE-HEE (later Jin Se-yeon ).
Dad takes him to collect, and Hoon stops sewn red bracelet to wrap around her wrist. "My name is Park Hoon," he tells her.
In the car, Hoon noted that they we followed you, and they soon surrounded himself by firing squad. While a country entry could have been easy, so it asks an entirely different matter, and Hoon, if they do not go home. Dad responds, "I do not think we can."
Dad keep close to him and covered his son's eyes in front of his own closure. They brace themselves for the inevitable and the firing squad shoots give a little smirk
Then we see Assemblyman Jang before to welcome the media to step out :. "There is no need for another hero in South Korea, unlike me, Jang Suk-Joo."
But in the cheering crowd of supporters, know that a woman needs, what happened to her son. It's Mom who has moved away briskly, and the assemblyman drinks in the praise.
, and then to the abandoned farmhouse we cut back, where to find Papa and Hoon himself unharmed, to her surprise. The same officer out of surgery appears on TSK how cruel are the South Koreans to leave their own.
From that moment on, their South Korean identities have died and are from now on North Korea, which ". Comrade" on Dad as Then the officer began to applaud what I think is most welcome.
A few years later, an elderly Hoon ( Lee Jong -seok ) to the Wonder Girls dancing a group of students from harbors "Tell me. " Pfft, your business to sell bootlegs Kpop bands go? Now I have burned the image of Lee Jong-seok dance to a girl group forever in my memory.
he will have to hurriedly pack shop when he drew attention that the teachers come (although he seems more amused than angry and running, hee) to avoid through campus to his pursuers.
He leaves his goods before escaping to the gym, locked only to find the door. Fortunately for him, someone pulls him away: Jae-hee ( Jin Se-yeon ). hand, he brings his face close to her, and smiles. AWW.
Jae-hee tells him to stay quiet until his pursuers are gone, but Hoon says her pulse feel. Drawing his face close to her again, Hoon tells her that the heartbeat of a person is individually different, like how people differ from each other faces. Then he pulls her into a hug, letting his hear: "Listen, but see how our is the same."
You stand there like that for a few moments linger until Hoon pulls away and says why they're that's meant to be together. "I have decided something," he begins, but Jae-hee drags him away from the ear. LOL.
Hoon asks if she really going determined to treat their game in this way, to which it mocks amused. But then he draws her into his arms and takes them up to the roof, where he proposes with a ring.
Hoon tells her that he understands that her parents do not approve of him, but they are destined for each other. "Will you marry me?"
He openly admits that he was sold to pop music illegally, to get the money to buy the ring, and Jae-hee locks constantly against the idea of him to put his neck in jeopardy like that. It stems from first (just to mess with him, ha), then doubled again for the ring.
He says that means, she said yes, and she admits, "I'll marry you I suppose ... in 100 years." HA.
As they chase each inside, they run into Dad who to scold his son for skipping rounds. Dad wakes up as the loving couple all smiles about Jae-hee new engagement ring, but if Hoon his arms covers an embrace from, Jae-hee pushes it all, Her father is watching, doofus.
go The newly betrothed for a bike ride, and Jae-hee asks what will Hoon do if they ever disappeared. "What do you mean? I would search the whole world that you find," he replies. Hoon breaks hear in a smile that her father wants to meet him, not distressed to hear in the least that he is a scary man. Then he does this adorable victory pump, when she was not looking.
fit at home but frowns when Dad says they planned medically treat the local community. As they ride, Hoon hopes not there as many patients as will be the last time
section to. Endless long line from the barnhouse door. HA. Turns out Dad and Hoon her time as a father-son team of doctors voluntarily. At one point, the hands father his son the syringe, and when Hoon says that the needle insertion may be wrong problem, Dad encouraged him to go by touch and imagine the area in his head.
So Hoon has when he says, and successfully extracts the structure like a pro. After sending off the patient, gives Dad a bouquet and sends Hoon of his potential father-in-law to go and meet, as he will treat the other patient. Oh, those two.
But if Hoon will flicker to Jae-hee place, the light and the door unlocked. He goes to find completely plundered in the place. Oh no.
Hoon runs outside, to her voice, and if this could not be worse, it did only because it thunder and rain begins. Suddenly someone running up coming to him it is Jae-hee, shouting that she is afraid.
He holds her and asked her what's wrong, but that is when they approach see a group of soldiers. The realization that it is running out of time, Jae-hee is on tiptoe and kisses him.
They are broken apart, and pulled as Jae-hee of the guards is removed, she cries that he can "t forget about them. Hoon tried to resist the soldiers holding him back, but will head knocked through the rifle butt.
Hoon finally comes home, where he learns that Jae-hee's father was sentenced for a political offense, and as such was the whole family to punishment and subject. Dad holding his son back from taking off Jae-hee to save, as this will only be at risk.
Hoon from marched anyway, but there are men out there waiting to to take it away. it led to Kumsusun Palace of the sun (also known as Kim Il-sung's official palace residence) come and all the way to cry there.
another man is pulled and shot against Hoon. Bad timing or a daughter, who is responsible? The officer swings his weapon recognizes our hero-ah, he is the man who saved all years ago Dad and Hoon, otherwise known as Agent CHA JIN-SOO.
Agent-Cha's Hoon and the group a tour of the medical research facility which Kim used to protect public health. After receipt you can never leave, so that a death sentence would ask for. Neither is their entry their own personal choice-the government that decides.
When a person asks if there is a chance that they could serve as leader Kim personal physician 1 day they are told that they can either be the renowned doctor ... or as one of its research topics at the end. Eeek.
and then to illustrate the terrible reality of this statement, expand Hoon eyes on frightening sight of sick medical staff, a pool of blood on a darkened operating room leads that came out of a straight out looking horror film. Welcome to hell, indeed.
five years later. Hoon is now a thoracic surgeon at the research facility and again scolded for leaving the premises without permission, although the risk of dangling barely shot to death frightens him. He is surprised to see Dad, who already knows that his son at night is sneaking out.
Hoon, it is not denied to explain that in the hope he is yet to see through each prison camp Search Jae-hee. He could not care less about themselves to endanger themselves when to find it, meant the love of his life.
Agent-Cha leads a group through investment Hoon coronary artery bypass surgery to observe that faces a hiccup when the power suddenly goes out. Hoon is ordered to stop arguing that he can not even see in the dark, but Hoon believes in his abilities, and all but rolls his eyes, saying that he has done countless times before this operation.
We see Hoon in his ability geeenniiuuss tap the problem area to image, then expertly sew the heart with apparent ease. He jokes with Agent Cha about how the best research institution of the DPRK could experience a blackout, and I'll be honest airy tone, makes me uneasy about his safety, genius doctor or not.
Agent-Cha presents Hoon with another case: the patient comes from a secret concentration camp, and the job is to take a viable organ of the subsidiary is to save his life
Hoon denied. the idea to kill a person amazed to save the others, but Agent-Cha counters that off shows that "big nose" lead his to their foreign guests to more money.
If Hoon still refuses Agency Cha pins him. Against the wall and told him to climb his moral horse, especially if he has done a lot worse here But Hoon characterized by its decision.
He goes past the patient to be wheeled, but something made him turn back ... then drops a hand off the stretcher and he sees the red bracelet on her wrist. Oh crap, it's Jae-hee. He staggers in shock.
It all Hoon takes willpower when Jae-hee bruises and contusions search condition to hold back his tears on the hospital bed lying. He turns around when a hand reaches out to him, and Jae-hee's father desperately yelling: "Please, please my Jae-hee to save."
Notes Dad that the subsidiary is in a worse condition, but there is some hope to save the father. Hoon asks what might happen if they only told the father of the kidney to daughter transplantation, that they both die.
Hoon is determined to rescue the daughter's life, but Dad reminded him that this is not what the doctor does. Hoon raises the question back to his father, describing the terrible things he had to do these past five years. What is to be the meaning in a doctor if he does not save someone who is dying?
Then Hoon finally breaks, shouting that his Jae-hee, who dies at the moment. In a world where doctor kills people what so wrong to save his girl about his desire?
We see Hoon with an exhausted expression from another operation come scrubs in his bloody. Holy shit, did you actually Jae-hee father kidney? He leaves in the shower a horrified scream (and I know this is a heartbreaking scene, but abs!) And then preps for its next operation. Oh, so you are trying to give Jae-hee his kidney!
But before making the first cut, Agent-Cha is the party swoops crash and Dad to say that their foreign guests grants for research have agreed to provide. There is one condition, however: their guests Hoon to display remarkable skills to the world
However Hoon refuses only to go to Budapest to make the research organization happy .. He then checks in on Jae-hee in bed lie, promises: ". do not worry, I will not lose you again"
The power of the research facility goes out again, and Hoon returns to his room to find him waiting his father. Hoon tried Dad usher before he caught, but Dad urges him to go to Hungary-he has to a contact there, and it will be the last opportunity Hoon to escape.
Hoon apologized and said that he can not let Jae-hee behind. But Papa says she will go with him; he knows how much interest his son for it. Send to live his best wishes for the happy couple, he adds that this is when they will be seeing each other for the last time.
Hoon followed his father into the hallway and says he is not going. He will not leave his father, and he will find a way to protect Jae-hee. He has the secret passage, which he often uses with his father, who urges to reconsider it.
Temporary hand over his father's position Hoon bids farewell to daddy and goes away. But then the power comes back, and Hoon doubled back. Sure enough, we see Dad in the yard are when the headlights swerve around him. Oh God, he did lock the door to protect Hoon, also?
Hoon shouting repeatedly for his father, who returned to his son turns around and sends him a warm smile. And a brief but excruciating moment later shot and Dad falls to the ground, breathing his last few breaths.
A fantastic start for Doctor Stranger driven emotionally with and narratively strong Premiere. Even in the first ten minutes I was still worried about the show because, as North-South relations is not an easy subject, especially in a turbulent time in the history (I history assume is a spoiler, which tells us Kim Il-sung died in 1994).
in this sense I believe that doctor my expectations not exceed a pretty solid job of the tone of the political tensions between the two Koreas in its opening hour. I could feel the pressure, the fate of the world could rely on a surgeon's hands on a visceral level-how one wrong move to destroy the Korean peninsula. Also, I have appreciated how the Premiere spent the majority of his time to explore what life would be like in the most isolated nation in the world, give us a full spectrum of both the good and the bad, which exist without overt about. We consider it to be in poor medical treatment, the Kpop bands that frequent power cuts, the threat of death, and so on. It is the execution of this particular element, I am most impressed, since it would be only too easy to fall back on the display negative stereotypes.
Yet the story before our characters more than the policy seems to favor (which I'm sure we will see more of this show) to see something I'm happy. I love how the show attracts at any given moment, the emotional tension between his characters from, be it in the war room or operating room. Already we see the corrupt politicians in Assemblyman Jang, who would play the lives of his fellow citizens receive reputation and praise. I would not call it necessarily wicked or villainous at this point, but he is not an upstanding pillar of morality either. Then there is the wonderful father-son relationship that brought me to tears honest at times. I suppose you should expect no less if someone fantastic as Kim Sang-joong cast that brings such a depth and makes a brief appearance as memorable.
I was not entirely sold on the hero introduction geniiiuuus doctor before the show premiere, since it is a prototype we have seen in practically all medical drama ever. So it was to sell to the two authors and Lee Jong-seok relieved me on our hero, and I can say that I am delighted and by Hoon trip already. Hoon is fearless, rebellious, and even a little cocky because he white , how good he is. Like I said, there are times where I'm torn impressed and anxious defy him power to see are between, although he managed for five years a Frankenstein-y-research facility in order to survive. But we also see that Hoon is incredibly faithful also, because he would not take the chance to escape, while his loved ones to leave behind.
This leads us to the epic romance between Hoon and Jae-hee, whose endearing and sometimes loving relationship reminded me of King 2 Hearts aka that other recent- cross ish drama with lovers of the 38th parallel. We can see how in love they are and how much they care for each other that us, save to understand his despair helps.
On another note, I was a little confused on our timeline from when we made our first time jump. There were historical markers that in 1994 helped us back down, but then made two fast forwards the years in-between practically any size. I do not expect always a show to anchor us in a given year, but if you do well with bits of history, these markers is very helpful. Even with a gennniiuuuss doctor, that's the kind of medical drama I love: those with heart (hur) and an emotionally steady beat. We keep our fingers crossed that these do not flatline in the foreseeable future.
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