this show approach seems to be: take your worst nightmare, you multiply it by a thousand, set it on fire, stuck it and make it angry, and then turn on the light, so that it has the advantage in a fight. Only when we have our good guys catch a break think we find out that the only thing worse than not knowing, is too much to know. How can full answers only lead to more questions an episode?
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After they knocked, Soo-hyun opens her eyes to find Jin-woo, the only eyewitness from the group photo on the left, to the death is in his mental institution that strangled by another patient. I do not think he's our killer killer, but he's definitely trying to kill Jin-woo, what means that he knows something.
Soo-hyun broke quickly and grabs a piece of glass from the bottle the man over the head, and disks in the killer Achilles heel. Ack.
he then turns his attention she thinks, but he's badass injured, and it is so that it manages to him with a whining near IV stand until it is on the ground.
It is sufficient to obtain a distraction for Jin-woo from there, and the killer pulls his bloody foot on the psychiatric hospital corridor like a creepy horror movie psycho for him to go. But then he turns around a corner and suddenly Keyser-Sozes out, his gait straightening and looking very not crazy. He calls someone and says he has failed.
Dong-Chan has locked into a small hallway with all the thugs in black suits (who knows if to protect them here Jin-woo are or kill him), and he begins with the choice to regret when the minions multiply.
as he fights them off, Jin-woo doubled back to his room, armed with bleach. It does not make much sense, but it takes a glow-in-the-dark paint pen and shows Soo-hyun that it is played on the wall connect-the-dots. Now we see that the numbers are not random scribbled or crazy ramblings ever-they are a pattern.
He urges to connect the dots (pretty funny how that literal is), and when she's ready, they take a step back and he turns out the light. It is an outline of two bodies. If you lie on the floor, helpless, and the other above ducked, the other strangled
We had so much thought, but this confirms that the boys in the photo were killed off because it original to the crimes were actually eyewitnesses.
When Soo-hyun the outline glowing looks in the dark, it revived suddenly and the killer turns his head to growl at us. Yikes. The clock counts until midnight down. Four days before the incident.
Jin-woo turns on the light again and poured bleach over the drawing. Soo-hyun it wipes down while pulling something on her shoe and then draws a line of glow-in-the-dark paint in the hallway.
He must feel that someone comes, because he does it just in time for them to escape from two thugs who past Dong-Chan slipped into the fight. It follows the line, where it ends, and as the two men they attack, Jin-woo it comes with a fire extinguisher.
Soo-hyun sprayed the other down, and they make a run for it, even though the air passages. You get outside and scream for Dong-chan to join them, and drive away to safety. Soo-hyun asks again that the photo was taken, but Jin-woo leaves out only a panicked cry, so Dong-Chan proposes to wait until he calms down.
go to Moojin and Soo-hyun called Jin-woo mother to meet her, if she wants to save her son. Dong-Chan is worried that she would call the police, but she knows that a mother does not risk their child's life like that. Unfortunately Father Jin-Woo sees them leave in the middle of the night, which can not be good.
Soo-hyun says Jin-woo's mother that the person who took the group photo was trying to kill her son and has kidnapped her daughter. Mom does not know who could be the fifth friend, but not now remember that it at this time that things for Jin-woo went terribly wrong.
He kept going out and seeing people, and then years later, when one died of his friends, he came home from the funeral worse than ever, and that's when his father had committed him.
Mom tried asking Jin-woo about photography, but he cries only that he wants to pull back. Soo-hyun hands quickly him pen and paper, but this time he used the pin holes by the sides when he stutters to beat, "Stabbed three times." Soo-hyun takes the formulation and asks if he thinks that the killer stabbed someone else, but Jin-woo says no.
Before he can explain, they are bombarded by more henchmen. Dong-chan she gets to block, and grumbles at one of them for bad fight has etiquette and to him with a ring punching.
It does not take much for them away Jin-woo and Mama draw so Soo-hyun and Dong-chan empty-handed again.
Back to Soo-hyun gated community, we repeat the impact of the original timeline, in which two of the police officers in the kidnapping case take break a smoke outside and a tip of the get well-intentioned security ajusshi.
The conversation is somewhat different, but the result is the same: he told them about Dong-Chan skulking around the family. Nooo. This is what led to his arrest for the first time. People you may not lock awesome captain, if we catch a murderer!
Soo-hyun creates the design for Dong-Chan in his house, but his reaction is quite different, he sighs that the killer in the drawing is his brother Dong-ho. A look back at the crime scene reenactment confirmed that Dong-ho was exactly in this position when he played the events. It is worse because Dong-chan looks really Soo-jung there instead of the victim mannequin lying and shudders at his brother's cruel act.
Soo-hyun wonders why the notes do not add up then, because Jin-woo should have called Dong-ho, but he did not. Dong-chan is being stubborn about the fact that his brother is the killer, and everything that means that someone else was an eyewitness of the crime.
He crumples to the drawing and goes for snacks to avoid talking about it further. On the way back home, he begin why things to ask, do not add up, why Jin-woo said "stabbed three times" when Soo-jung was stabbed nine times? Jin-woo witness Hat another crime completely?
He takes Saet-byul the hairpin and sighs that this worried him especially. When he stands in the middle of the road to talk to himself, a taxi honks pass him and he swears that it's rude ... that triggers another memory of that night. After the alley fight, he thinks he took a taxi. But where?
But he does not even have a moment to finish the thought because the two police officers who arrested him for the first time to do it again to boot in the exact same place , Is it too late to a drinking game for every time, Dong-chan is going to begin jail?
Soo-hyun runs to the station down to insist that Dong-chan is not the kidnappers, but they say that they also, and because they are not just acts like a mother under suspicion as, just kidnapped her daughter.
them to arrest on rails for the wrong man, and says she will sue her and she half-jokingly, that she and Dong-chan must be a member. Listen, we are working on me and the universe.
Ji-hoon appears to say that Soo-hyun is mentally unstable at the moment, and shows them the institution to prove paperwork. He drags her away and tells her to stop, because it is fast the prime suspect in this case always. He takes home the back and makes the cops keep under lock and key.
Soo-hyun sits in Saet-byul room and opens her lockbox, but there is nothing new in the interior. That's when she pulled out the diary, which had in the original schedule its last page.
You can find the latest entry, the Saet-byul wrote the night she was abducted, recalls. She came home and wrote that the tattooed man chased her, and she ran away as Mama told her. She saw Dad arguing with someone, so she was afraid to go to him, but was relieved when she saw the snake van.
The manager she stepped out of the car, although she was afraid, and the taxi driver took her out for not having enough money. But was lifted their mood, as the camera shop was ajusshi nice to her, and gave her the pictures that he developed.
She writes that she did not understand what the images are, and that they will have to ask Mom about it. Soo-hyun aware that this is all about these pictures, and she tears the last page of the diary from. Good thought. But there is one thing that they have forgotten-the-camera in the room is all the recording.
She staggers out of the room and faints, which we know from the first timeline was a surefire way to escape from the police receiving stay in their house. Ji-hoon rushes to the hospital and finds empty the bed, just like before. Serves you right.
She goes directly to the camera shop, and calls on the ajusshi if he still has the film of Young-Gyu camera. He says that the film was so old that he could save only two or three images, and in poor quality it.
he developed it with his hand in the dark room to show her, and hangs it up to dry. It looks like the first begins to become clear, and recognizes Dong-Chan Soo-jung sitting. There are photos from the night she died.
The second begins to develop, and Soo-hyun's eyes widen when she sees it. Is that ... Dong-Chan strangled Soo-young? Ohgodohgod. It is the exact outlines of the two figures that drew Jin-woo, and the exact thing that readjusted Dong-ho. Tell me it is not Dong-chan!
Soo-hyun grabs the two pictures and runs out, forgetting completely that it floating a third photo is in the shell. There is another angle of the group photo on the river, the one of an outsider Dong-ho perspective. But it does mean that it. The whole group on camera, including the man who captured the image We see only that, although half developed so that no faces for now.
Soo-hyun both taking photos Dong-Chan at the police station to see. He did not quite understand it at first ask if someone snapped a photo of his brother when he was Soo-jung to kill.
But Soo-hyun said that Dong-ho, the one revenue was all these pictures. That's when he grabs attention: "Say, this is me!" He swears that it is not, despite the very obvious connection that the two men in the photos exactly carry him the same jacket
she says that when it is him. second photo that makes him the serial killer, the man who took the group photo, and Saet-byul kidnappers Dong-chan can not believe they would accuse him of kidnapping Saet-byul, and points out that, if the him he is in the photo in front stabbed a large scar on his neck who should (it looks fought like Soo-jung back and got in a jab).
But Soo-hyun says quietly that she is, does not know him. Oh puh. I do not think I breathed for the last five minutes. It points out that all they have to do is clear his name, to confirm that he was not at the scene. She remembers its history leave Soo-jung to go drink with friends that night, and get Ho-Gook bring the old CCTV footage from the event.
New cameras were all set up on Moojin because the serial murders and the one showing on the local bar Dong-Chan with his buddies drinking as just, he said. More importantly, he's not wearing his jacket.
Soo-hyun comes back to tell him that the person who has his jacket killed Soo-young, while he was drinking with his friends and that Dong-ho obviously not the killer, either when he is the one who snatch the photo. So Soo-jung killer, the guy who Dong-ho framed the case to take over, and Saet-byul kidnappers are one and the same.
Yeessssssss FINALLY!
[1945010Gesicht] Dong-chan is crumbling, and he stammers a broken voice, he needs to get out of here see his hyung. He keeps repeating: "What I did ... what I did my Hyung ..."
Ho-Gook takes him to free, and he races from there with photos in hand. He goes Dong-ho and presses the picture against the glass to see: "Who's that?" Dong-ho sticks to his story doggedly: "I am."
Dong-chan shouts at him to be an idiot-it can not him because he was taken the photo. Dong-ho detects the error as soon as he has it out, but not change his story. Dong-chan is trembling, barely able to get the words out: "Is that ... me?"
He makes his Hyung look at the picture: "Is that me Soo-Jungie Did I kill Is that why you said you killed them ... in my place??" Uff, the view to Dong-ho face the answer is enough, he confessed to protect his only brother the crime.
It is because of drunken Dong-Chan blackouts that Dong-ho was able to believe his brother had killed Soo-young, but Dong Chan laments that it wasn 't him. It is even worse that to know at this moment, Dong-ho's face breaks into a smile that his brother after all is innocent.
Dong-chan breaks, screaming and crying to his brother for being such an idiot. I can not see, it is so well-rending. You must be pulled apart, and in between screams, Dong-chan hangs his head and whispered: "I was wrong."
Soo-hyun takes him to pick up on the same curb, where they found him after the last time he visited his brother, and says all makes sense, now does, why they were sent back 14 days. She was sent to rescue Saet-byul, and he was sent to save his Hyung. "We had to chase the same guy"
He has calmed down enough to the head back into the case, and wonders who in Moojin all the women killed when his brother was not the killer. Soo-hyun gives him Ji-hoon, the original file on Dong-ho-case with crime scene photos of the other murders of women.
Soo-hyun the earring from the scene of photo as one of the pieces they recognize discovered the Hourglass in Cha Bong-seob. The other victims Matches up to the inscribed ring. They realize that their first killer was in fact the Moojin serial killer after all.
She thinks that it is possible that Cha Bong-seob Soo-jung to killed, but Dong-chan says that the methods are different. And they now know that Cha Bong-seob had a clear motivation for going to mothers who leave their children. The first two Moojin murder victims fit the profile, but not Soo-jung. This means that there were always two killer Cha Bong-seob and Soo-jung killer who tattooed man.
Soo-hyun now realizes that this is what Cha Bong -seob she wanted in the night he died to tell. He would confess his Moojin the serial killer, but tell her the truth, that he did not kill the third victim. And our tattooed killer stopped him before he could open his mouth.
Dong-Chan says the pieces are now starting to fit together, and it makes sense why Cha Bong-seob Young-Gyu and Grandma had photo. It had nothing to do with Dong-Chan (because he looked really surprised by this connection), and was, because he was guilty all these years for the fact the feeling that Dong-ho was in prison for his crimes.
so he stayed near Young-Gyu and grandmother to look at them in, which explains how he found out about Young-Gyu birth mother Mimi left him. Dong-chan remembers now that when he was dying, Cha Bong-seob him repeatedly asked why he did it, "the thing." In retrospect, it is clear that he was asked why he testified against his own brother, when Dong-ho never knew committed crimes.
start together piecing things that tattooed killer that he shouldn't-shelter where Dong-chan was Soo-jung that night, that only he and knew his brother was the fact that Cha Bong-seob something had on the night he died Soo-hyun to say stabbed the number of one of the victims. All this adds up to a connection. Cops
Soo-hyun wonders if her killer really could be a cop, but Dong-Chan argued that a tattoo that would obviously not go unnoticed in a pedestrian area. Perhaps what you are looking for is a police accomplice.
is what they do not know that the timing now makes sense because the killer feels that he is not sure to Dong-ho is executed for the crime. What he needed was to push for the death penalty, and they know that in the original timeline, Saet-byul the murder is the final act that goes the law, leading to Dong-ho execution. Fracture is finished, and the case is closed forever.
Soo-hyun says that if they expose the jewelry to Moojin serial killings combines that the case be reopened and the murderer comes to them, that is, when they get him. They examined their bags because it remembers them in Saet-byul helmet to see the night of the attack.
go back to the psychiatric hospital where she remembers her last on her has, and the nurse is super shady denying that someone went through her stuff. Dong-chan is likely to play a policeman upwards (rawr), and a flash of his fake ID she gets access to the CCTV footage of the hospital.
Surprisingly, it is not Ji-hoon to see them, but the murderer who came must've her things to Ji-hoon already fled to seek with the evidence. You do not know, so that they go through Ji-hoon of them that the killer came up with the goods and sigh that they are square again.
Dong-chan she says go back to the first location will the tattooed man is revealed, is where and in the street, he plays the moment when Cha Bong-seob killed has been. When he searches his memory, he sees the car that hit the motorcyclist: it has a familiar bell logo on it. Aha.
So there is another connection to the grandfather Chu Angel Foundation, what the hell it is. Dong-chan even remembers a bell keychain from the rear view mirror dangling in this car, and he wonders if perhaps not come the keyring Saet-byul, but was dropped somewhere by the killer.
The driver of the van Engels is a dead end, because his car was stolen at the time of the incident. has the entire security team at Angel Foundation access to the vehicles, so Dong-Chan calls Byung-tae some digging in the security staff.
Byung do -Tae and Jenny are camping and the Moojin Cottage (literally, in a tent) starts and Byung-tae complain about with be entrusted a difficult hacking job, but it thinks differently and decides to show his skills, look cool in front of Jenny.
Meanwhile, Dong-chan it can not get out of my head that the only people who knew about the glove that he had left behind after Soo-hyun kidnapping him Ho-gook, and Woo-jin. He pulls Ho-gook aside to ask if he is the dirty cop, and Ho-Gook cowers when he realizes that the next logical statement .: Then your boss is
he asks Dong-chan do not go there, because after Dong-chan, Woo-jin is he hyung the most. Dong-chan is chasing him in the hallway, and then Woo-jin peeping around the corner to have overheard the entire exchange. Uh-oh.
But the expression on his face is a horror. He calls someone and asks the man at the other end: "Did you have a child?" The man in order not to disturb him and tells hangs up, and Woo-jin realizes that he unknowingly supported in Saet-byul kidnapping.
[1945010ZurückzuDong-chanBüro], he and Soo-hyun go through the Safety Angel Foundation Team profile. He stops at a man that he wears as the man the ring recognizes that took take the picture on the Angel Foundation and demand to see him, and Grandpa Chu watches a monitor up in his office. While on the run-around when it comes, Soo-hyun leafing through a brochure on the company and a man who looks aside Grandpa Chu in the picture ... it the tattooed man.
tattooed man is that man and father. Ten years ago, Ji-hoon, the prosecutor was in his children's murder, and the suspect, a man named Lee Min-seok-was declared innocent.
Soo-hyun says there that Ji-hoon youngest turning against the death penalty is likely this man provoked come after him. The killer must've been for something else accused because his name is on a list of possible candidates for the death penalty, along with Dong-ho.
The man checking the list is a minister of justice, and Woo-jin comes into his office calls him father. He kneels down and confesses that he has done something terrible, what a relief-I is fully expected that he was about a shady father under shady contracts.
Woo-jin tells his father the whole truth about Young- Gyu hostage situation, and in flashback we see that he fired a shot at the exact same time that Dong-chan. It was he who failed, and he let Dong-chan take over the case.
Someone knew at the time and had comforted him (we see his hand only), and then later Woo-jin was threatened that information to cover up evidence. He apologizes to his father to shame him, and says he'll tell him.
Meanwhile Te-oh is released from prison and his lawyer are the Moojin group photo with the comment that he would not have come in, "the person in the hands . " Te-oh asks if the child was found, and then his manager gives him the ticket he asked.
Woo-jin's father enters from his post. I have a feeling that bad news is where Dong-ho As ...
Soo-hyun and Dong-chan to the tattooed man's house go (I think we know his name now: Hwang Kyung-soo) and find her son's room just as it was when he died. Among the things the boys, they find that video game with the Nemesis image in it. An elderly couple working on the plot, and tell them that the father has a secret job in Seoul, but what ever it is, he always dresses in black.
While they're on the elderly couple talking, interrupts the radio broadcast for a special announcement from the blue house. Full schedule, announces the President that they go forward with the death penalty and the names of the prisoners on death row will be revealed shortly. Crap, they're running out of time.
The program ends with an announcement that the families of the victims evening at a dinner today honored and Soo-hyun and recognize Dong-chan, that's where they find the Hwang.
Soo-hyun says Dong-chan suggested so far Saet-byul kidnapping was right to push forward Dong-ho execution has expired, but she does not believe that Hwang Kyung-soo could have acted alone. That's what I say. "A vengeful father does not explain the inner strength needed to all pull this off. She says that someone with a lot more force behind it, but Dong-Chan says all the power in the world not kill him to stop the bastard when he him place.
We cut to the grandfather, also known as Chairman Chu when he asks how Jin-woo is doing. he is off the phone when our tattooed man, Hwang Kyung-soo goes directly to his office. Grandpa greeted him familiarly by name.
Te-oh observed his shots home security and sighs when he sees, Soo-hyun and Dong-Chan to find the funeral DVD. Grandpa calls him into the office, and he is the former Moojin mayor, Jin-woo's father.
Grandpa asks if Te-oh agreed his mouth in exchange kept closed for dismissal and Te-oh sigh that the Chairman was right it does not end with him. He tells them about "the people" to find his Hyung funeral DVD, and Grandpa finds that it means that they are almost to the end. The secret? Your life? What, Grandpa?
Te-oh wonder if Dong-Chan and Soo-hyun is all the way really. I honestly can not decide, but it is a kind of sounds like you are rooted in your own shady cryptic manner.
Grandpa says Kyung-soo came to warn him not to bother. He apologized because he, but he warns him of the chairman, as a father thinks not with his plan. Opa counters that Kyung-soo does what he needs to do as a father, and so he is:
Te-oh listen to the story "This is my best that I can do for my son." and Raine, calls Kyung-soo a traitor. Grandpa is the one who says that he is at the point in his life where he is no longer matter what happens to him when the truth gets out. The mayor starts to protest, but Grandpa reminds him that if it were not for Soo-hyun and Dong-chan, would his son have died.
Te-oh agrees and says that he is already "the child's mother" sent away (I'm guessing the pregnant girlfriend), and that he is ready to go forward. Grandpa says it is now time to entrust the truth in "their" hands. I hope that you sincerely my Dong-Chan and Soo-hyun. Holy shit. []; _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});
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