Doctor Stranger is settled in his new home very well, and spends this hour to explore the personal lives of the characters that are not our lovable scoundrel hero and his question mark of a first love. politicize The hospital keeps a low profile and welcome, with the exception of the competition for the best cardiothoracic top team-which, of course, is created as a response to the shortage of surgeons. Because what better way to deal with dwindling doctors as to split their numbers by making the death fight (their careers)?
Reviews have, Stranger took first place with 12.7%, while the former top Drama Triangle brought up the rear with 7.4% upwards.
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Hoon chasing Jae-hee Doppelgänger by the hospital, but loses outside her when she gets into an ambulance. on the question of what took her so long by the driver, Jae-hee (?) responds that they to a patient Kim Eun-hee-Doctor Soo-hyun mother.
tended the ambulance drives called so Hoon off alone. Strange but maybe Jae-hee it seems to notice in her side mirror.
Unsettled to demand Hoon directly Smuggler in is a response to ensure that the man knows where Jaeger hee is. smugglers Hoon of brushes, by claiming that the girl he saw a different person, and puts the heat on him to get at least fifty large round Jae-hee from prison camp .
leaves after Hoon, a mysterious man for lying in Smuggler paid. But if the smugglers asks if Jae-hee really is in the north, shady man with a missing finger applications, "I'd tell you, but then I would kill you" line before it disappears magically ,
Doctor moon is so desperate to get Hoon to work in his hospital that he draws the fifty large Hoon has from his wallet it casually to wave under the nose.
He claims that he is in support of young love, if it really, he Hoon just want a rival cardiothoracic surgical dream team in hospital Hoon was only the head and create re-entry for life impossible. But in the face of all the money Hoon definitely considering it.
When Jae-joon and Soo-hyun finally a chance on their unwelcome (at least at its end) to discuss relocation in hospital administration, they are interrupted by a dizzy and forgetful Doctor Moon. The discussion will be submitted again while Doctor moon noted that he got the perfect new candidate for their department ...
cut: Jae present -joon his candidate choice to his colleagues hospital administrators. While they are all happy to go with the one who takes Jae-joon, doctor moon casts a material of Hoon to play impromptu surgery.
The doctors in awe, not just by Hoon precision (since the cut was so perfect that there is no bleeding), but also its speed. Also Jae-joon admired the mysterious abilities of the surgeon, but while he wants the surgeon records to see, Doctor Moon bypassing him by the surgeon in invites.
open the doors and Hoon struts confidently to the conference hall. Soo-hyun jaw drops, the Hoon offers her a cavalier wink and a wave:
Hospital Director Choi that ajusshi whose portrait Hoon acknowledged visiting Chairman Oh pays after returning from "Hello, Quack Doc." a long leave of absence. Even if it is close to retirement, Director Choi has a recommendation now that the Chairman Oh looking for new doctors ...
Meanwhile, there is a hiccup in Hoon Introduction to the Conference: the question of where he studied medicine, he replies, "Pyongyang Medical School." That the support movement smothered him in the bud.
Jae-joon remain with Doctor moon behind and is not so much angry as he is practical. If Hoon, were to join the team, who would it operate on? Doctor Moon: "The Prime Minister, of course." Jae-joon next question: How would Prime Minister Jang about a North Korean defector feel to it in operation? That's when Doctor moon looks where he's from.
Once they are left alone, Doctor Moon back frantically paws Hoon step for his money. Although each Hoon to accept as a doctor, he would not because he hates commies.
He throws a few dollars on the floor, and then proceeds to insult Hoon for stooping to pick it up. Soo-hyun sent to observe the exchange if they Hoon to be recovered back into going 500 coin, sympathy clearly written all over his face.
Hoon has finally had enough with doctor moon wheedling and confronts him with a dangerous gleam in his eyes... "That's right I want money I'm crazy about him I would give my whole body, not just my kidneys and liver, for this , "he says as he waves a few paltry dollars. "Why can I not do that? What's wrong?"
Soo-hyun stops him when he made storms to ask him why he is not to start a business if he does not need money Fits he had pride as a doctor? Hoon ridicules their use of the word "pride" as she grabs doctor's coat to make a point. "You do not get proud of this to wear. Understand Quack?"
Chang-yi congratulates Hoon for a job with a pair of shoes that he knocks out of their hands. At least he immediately felt bad about it, and puts on the shoes in order to make them happy. D'aw.
It seems that the semi-retired Director Choi Hoon candidate recommendation was, since President Oh calls Doctor Moon and Jae-joon to tell them that he want the setting none of them the doctor.
add insult to injury, he will take over all but forces Doctor Moon Hoon to form a dream team, with Jae-joon to compete because Chairman Oh claims competition is healthy. Whoever wins will have the honor of representing their hospital cardiothoracic surgery department, and will also win a prize. The loser will be punished. Let's play with people's lives!
Doctor Moon seems almost frightened by Jae-joon, because he can not help but put his cock under the legs, as Jae-joon flatly asks: "Do you think you can be my rival" it is clear doctor has not moon.
Hoon helps Chang-yi mother settle hospitalized, and declines Chang-yi offer Mom to take to his clinic because he sell it. Chang-yi protest but Hoon of the enterprise to its decision. (I'm not sure if this is important, but Mom casts a strange look their way. Is she really sick?)
After Director Choi him that Prime Minister Jang says wants Hoon team, a bipolar doctor moon has made money to wave under the nose Hoon, his change of heart, citing as because of its nonexistent generosity.
Hoon has no choice but to comply if he wants the money, although Doctor Moon insists that he him as "master." Hoon will be his general against Jae-joon in combat.
While Jae-joon gathered his team and leaves the previously obedient "trashy Bastard" Doctor Yang out of it, Doctor Moon plunges him in Hoon team.
Meanwhile Hoon waves under Smuggler in the nose, the bills to seize fifty thousand before in half. He gives smugglers a half, while holding the other, and promised to give the full amount as soon as he that Jae-hee can prove from the prison camp. (Just because I'm curious why Hoon not only give him half the amount instead of half of paper?)
Sang-jin, Soo-hyun petulant half-brother, surprised her father by showing him to her mother hospital bed , Soo-hyun still do not know that it's there.
Speaking of unwanted guests, Soo-hyun over surprise is to find Hoon to work in their department. He answered all their questions, the call of her "Quack", and because he knows how much he has her on the nerve-grating, it protects his cheeks out again is beaten with hands. Ha.
I love how he's like, you not only want to hit me? , to which they replied that no, it doesn 't ... before it kicks him right in the family jewels. OUCH. Disproportionate reaction.
Unbeknownst to Soo-hyun, chairman Oh Jae-joon advises about the likelihood of success if her mother were to get surgery, but the prognosis is grim.
Chairman Oh no mention of it, made as she leaves him to protest Hoon will remain firm in its decision. That's when douchey half brother Sang-jin comes forcefully to pull their length and in their own hospital room, as he acts to be just won a prize for the biggest asshat in the city. Now here a man who could use a solid kick in the huevos rancheros.
He completely surprised when Soo-hyun, a non-response has to learn that her mother has 1 week due to lung cancer to live in the final stage, and blustering begins when Soo -hyun only identified his mother when her mother and calls the dying patient only "the woman".
she leaves Sang-jin without a leg to stand, although it is clear, it is their pain compartmentalization, when Hoon mentioned in transition, especially that the patient is a "do not resuscitate" order intentioned signed, if they were to need CPR or life-saving measures, they would not be allowed to do it.
Soo-hyun visited her mother in the private and requires that a nurse trying to wake her from her comatose state because she has to ask her something. A flashback shows that Soo-hyun spent their whole lives, ignored by her mother, no matter how desperately she wanted a relationship with her. It looks like Mom deliberately sent push away, allowing them to live with her father, would continue.
It is arranged very far away at a dinner Jae-joon. for his dream team, even if he gives his speech short and only says that his team is like a family
But then she gets a text with shocking news for him: her mother has flatlined. Although Jae-joon wants to know where she goes, she holds him now in the dark. The air is still not clear between them.
A code is blue announced at the hospital, and Hoon crashes in the nurses only to see it be because the order was for them, not to resuscitate the patient. But he refuses only watch as someone dying, and start-up to bring it back.
Soo-hyun tries to keep her composure as she makes her way to her hospital room the mother, only now instead of the bad times to remember, she recalls to be loved as a child by her mother. Before she was sent away, anyway.
Meanwhile remains unresponsive her mother to a defibrillator, and Hoon regular methods for CPR. The world goes still, as he takes a step back has her mother die?
Soo-hyun prepares mentally her mother dead see how she enters the hospital room. Their fears confirmed when she finds her mother empty the bed ... only to be told that her mother alive and in the ICU.
Instead of being happy, her mother found alive, Soo-hyun drags Hoon side to him to mill for going against the wishes of the patient. He replies that he could not just let them die, and that they "do not resuscitate" order was signed long ago.
"Maybe she wanted to die since" Soo-hyun grits from. Hoon is confused by the reaction to Soo-hyun tells him that the patient has suffered immense pain due to their terminal lung cancer, and that it returns by, Hoon only prolongs their suffering.
Hoon argued that if the patient did not really have the will to live, that CPR would not have worked. Soo-hyun may scoff only that a woman who is barely alive breathes not a will before they might have to live storms off.
She leaves Hoon curious about their relationship with the patient, at least until he comes on the bracelet wears-the comatose woman he once made equal and gave Jae-hee.
he calls the doctor about the shape of the patient ... and it is perhaps Jae-hee, the answers only they as Doctor HAN Seung- hee introduces. (For ease of use, we will play ball with the show and call it with its new name, is at least until we given a reason not to.)
But if Hoon immediately not responding, Seung hee leaves the phone to tend to an emergency. Hoon is to ask the nurse if it where her former patient knows Kim Eun-hee, got her bracelet.
The sister knows nothing about it, and claims that patients Kim does not even have a family, he can contact. The grown cold on the track.
Only, Seung-hee lied another patient to tilt as it leaves the hospital to meet the nine fingers man who bribed the smugglers, now revealed to be agents Cha , Curiouser and curiouser.
After sent questions dealing with possible bribery allegations from the last primary race at an informal press conference, Prime Minister Jang is avoided with them confronted in mind when night tells him that the prosecutor in the dig details to his campaign financing.
sure it's toying even with him, Prime Minister Jang, the President used night as a scapegoat. If the problem goes beyond the news, it is nightshade, publicly the overthrow of corruption is increasing, while insisting that Prime Minister Jang had nothing to do with it.
Rookie doc Chi Gyu is looking from another intern caught macking his bespectacled colleague in love with the anesthesiologist Love Chi Gyu exploits to get out of trouble when Doctor Moon Hoon.
Hoon says Doctor moon that he wants to operate on patients Kim, because he sure that he can save her, even if she has to live for a few days. Doctor moon blood pressure spikes when he a million different ways to find a word to say, but Hoon as stubborn as he claims that he is save, because it is something he has to ask them.
Jae-joon finds Soo-hyun on Patient Kim watched and recognizes their medical report of his conversation with the chairman Oh. Soo-hyun seems surprised that her father even took a look at the situation of her mother, but when Jae-joon tells her that his opinion was that the operation would be pointless, they all but whispers: "Even so, you can be working on their ? "
is His answer the same, but not for the reason you would think he is trapped in the new competition with Doctor moon, and since winning depend on how many successful operations they can perform, a failing operation on patient Kim means that your dream team would lose points. The fact that she would die in second place
But when Jae-joon asks who is the patient, Soo-hyun calmly replied :. "My mother. My biological mother."
Meanwhile Hoon activated his genius a detailed scenario run showing how its operation would go to Soo-hyun mother. Even if the first scenario fails, Hoon will not stop dreaming. to bring
Soo-hyun her father confronted about her mother at her hospital, which he explained as an act of love. But it differs from her father desiring her mother to prolong suffering and asking for his permission to remove them from life support. You want to be there, but when her mother passes.
After the memory her mother to live on the night sent with her father after they order not to cry, Soo hyun starts life equipment as her eyes brimmed off slowly with unshed tears.
Jae-joon asks permission to Soo-hyun mother of Chairman Oh, the not know how he responds to work him recalled that he has to think his competition with Hoon of now. It is also would sully its record, if a patient were to die during surgery. Patients die of gross negligence, though, that's perfectly fine.
While Hoon virtual scenarios always errors, Soo-hyun's life ended draw support. She does not seem ready to leave, as if the hope that her mother will wake up miraculously, and it is only after she worked up her mind that they look down ... stop
... like her mother's hand reached her keep. In complete shock, watches Soo-hyun into tears when her mother fluttering eyes open. "Mama ..." she whispers, but her mother's hand falls soon and close their eyes.
Soo-hyun desperate calls Jae-joon, who knows what she wants to make their calls and avoids. Then she pulls something out that they had forgotten about won-Hoon 500 coin.
Hoon awakens to lose from a nightmare, Jae-hee to get into Hungary only face with Soo-hyun to who asks him if he can operate on her mother.
he admits that he wanted to, but can not because the success rate is too low. Soo-hyun latches the fact that it is an opportunity, no matter how small, that even makes it clear, if the operation is a success, they will still live pain.
"I had something to ask them, so I wanted to save her," Hoon admits. "But I do not think I can." Soo-hyun fires back with what he with her to live on her mother, who had told the will he say now excused. "I'm sorry, quack."
But Soo-hyun, tears approaches, gives his 500 won coin, as she says she'll pay him what he wants for the operation. When he says, not yet, she tells him that the patient is her mother. "I have something to tell her. I'm begging you ... please save."
Chairman Oh Soo-hyun takes for her mother in operation OP prepping, and tells her that they are wasting their time because he refused Jae-joon for surgery.
If Hoon occurs as a surgeon, claims Chairman Oh to talk to him, so that he can order a halt to the operation. It is sweet as Soo-hyun Hoon is a chance out again, as they believe that it knows will be ramifications if he chairman goes against the will of the hospital.
But get revoked its license even with the threat, Hoon he winks then at Soo-hyun looks Chairman Oh, he says: "Sorry, but the charge operation have been paid.". AWW, he accepted the 500 coins recovered as cash?
Doctor Moon nose breaking gag continues as he tries to convince a very angry chairman Oh, he does not give Hoon permission for the operation, but it's nothing.
Jae-joon enters the theater on the mezzanine and shares just a silent glance with Soo-hyun as the operation begins. And romp for all his, Chairman Oh remains when he observed the operation from his office.
hours pass. Hoon and Soo-hyun are the only ones allowed to stand until a sudden arterial spray marks the beginning of a cardiac arrest. Hoon applies the defibrillator directly Mamas heart while Doctor Moon falls in a ridiculous fight of comic-end in impotence.
, you can not bring Mom's heart back to beating, and Hoon ceases to try. Soo-hyun holds to the hope that there is a part of its strategy to ... Hoon everyone says that they are ready.
"It is not over yet," Soo-hyun insists desperately. " It is not over yet! " Hoon hangs his head and apologizes, but Soo-hyun refuses to give up. She begins Hand heart, ignore Hoon insisting that they stop to massage mums.
Hoon lands a step back Soo-hyun, the time to realize admit that she holds a dead heart. It comes slowly over them and ends in her to ask her mother what she wanted to hear so badly when she was still alive: "Why did you do that why you gave me this?"
Breaking down fully, Soo-hyun can only ask: "Why?" is it incredibly sad to watch, especially when Hoon calls the time of death. Soo-hyun can still do not accept it, and insists that her mother is not dead, she's still alive ... and Hoon does the only thing he can do it now to help. He pulls her into a hug.
Even as she asks him to bring her mother back between her sobs, he sets to keep them in. "I'm sorry, but now she's gone." Hoon says quietly. "I am sorry."
your fists grow weaker as she continued leaning for support in Hoon, so that both of them lost in the moment that they Jae-joon give not notice.
[1945010Und] clenches at the sight of the two so close, a muscle in Jae-joon jaw.
This was by a long shot Soo-hyun result that a definitely surprise in a show came that first it seemed like a would have a track-mind when it came to its central romance. Maybe it has to do with the fact that it is just commendable for a second female lead in today's world to get an interesting and meaningful character trajectory all , especially one that is not one of mankind brings sacrifice with for unrequited love. You know which dramas you are.
But if the central message of this episode was really about love and loss, then the execution is was nearly perfect, when it came to Soo-hyun story that manages not only enhance their character, but also those the direct in its orbit. During the show tropes strongly supported in some very well on his journey appeared every drama ever to be, it is at least not to do so at the expense of character. Not yet.
Which means that as stereotypically as a sign, as Prime Minister Jang and Doctor Moon we are the ones who break the mold and like Chairman Oh, who could have been chaebol father just another uncaring, but who mourned Soo -hyun death of his mother in his own way. Or Jae-joon, who is far from the perfect friend or a person as he seems to have problems with the care, when it is convenient. What reasons and makes him him imperfect, not crazy, is the fact that he not attempt to hear this inner voice to tell him if he make an effort should. What makes him tragic is almost that his attempts at Persona in the end just below the heroic drama country average, which means that he will always lose to the Hoon of the world, when he finds out how others put first.
in this sense helped add some structure to a character, with Hoon its melody change from the desire to save the patient for selfish reasons, to save the patient for Soo-hyun, the disliking is impossible, but one that will have the least seems opportunity for personal growth. The years of human experiments under a repressive regime spent not really make a dent in Hoon always make the doctor he was born already be, so it will be interesting to see how his character develops from a superior brain and with a bleeding heart to .. . not mean? I really have no idea where he can go from here, but I'm not unwilling to stay and see.
Hopefully find the show, like all the different things to juggle, it is still to be, try the future, because I find the medical stuff to do rather convincing. The inclusion of the Big Conspiracy and maybe Jae-hee come out like cuts of another drama currently, so I can not take too seriously the possible twists, if only because they all sound completely ridiculous. Whether Jae-hee a cyborg, alien, clone, identical twin, or simply himself as brainwashed spy, let's just hope she does is only enough sense. Do not disappoint us, Cyborg Spy Jae-hee. Do not disappoint us
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