When the web of mystery ever so slowly to San wraps, always roll the customers for the private detective agency in. today's customer is none other than our tattooed doc, make this case a personal one for solving crimes pseudo-family. His application will give us about the tattoo needle and the surgical mask and behind the closed doors of a chaotic family history. Dealing with deep-rooted resentment and emotional pain is never an easy task, but it is a necessary first step if we want one of our characters to find closure one day.
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Episode 8: "The soul of the judge"
Now that San white that Tae -Woo's still alive, looking from the police Academy in their old group photo, Gyeo wool is too painful for him. not like the way San has not yet shared why he was off-the-grid the other night, and tells him that they'll stay together next time, because they are a team.
While Tae-woo seeks information from young-Kwang to get, there is a young woman, the road with bloody bare feet trudging down you think to yourself:.. "Papa, I hear your voice," and her voice-over is intercut draw with doctor Hwang a haunting skull
a knock alerts him Gu-hyung of arrival with a packed lunch in hand, although the latter had hoped Se-ra was around. Doctor Hwang past Gu-hyung can see noble facade, and if Gu-hyung envious appears when the doctor texts, he tells him that Se-ra only makes the first move with guys she's interested. Ooh, burn.
iscalled Doctor Hwang hospital just then, because he knows the young woman, who was barefoot walking around the street. This is his younger sister, HWANG JAE-yeon, who can forget why they behaved so strangely, but it is done it more often lately.
The hiding place is the private eye headquarters team where Dr. Hwang gently pushes his sister to tell him what happened at home. He's a bit surprised to hear that her mother married again, but then attention Jae-yeon is drawn elsewhere.
She looks frightened and she gasps, "I can hear Dad's voice." She asks her brother and Doctor Hwang pulls in his arms to save. Our private detective trio, which has experienced its collapse, answered the door, and an angry woman bursts in.
This is Doctor Hwang and Jae-yeon mother, shouting to get their daughter home. She is convinced, to see her daughter a monk must be continued for her hallucinations, the only Doctor Hwang annoys back bay that Jae-yeon needs medical help.
His mother scoffs and asks whether he wants to kill his sister how he killed his father all those years ago. A flashback takes us back when Dr. Hwang was a doctor and turned his own father in a ritual to follow.
His mother protested when Dr. Hwang for an emergency operation called, and he asked them to accept the reality that his father was a terminal patient. She turned the blame on him arguing that they should have stuck to spiritual treatment versus surgery in the first place.
That's when his father began crashing, and also we can guess what happened next.
heard these words still sting Doctor Hwang heart, but he puts his foot down when it comes to his sister. It also recognizes the man who accompanied his mother as a monk, SEOL YONG CHUL, the "treated" his sick father, and can not believe that his mother is still hanging on his lips.
appears Seol has some shamans similar capabilities, knowing that Gu-hyung is not the owner of the house and San used to wear a uniform. It provides that they need to work quickly. Just then, Jae-yeon increases, but not as herself, she. By the spirit of her father that the medium and his wife curses for playing with his daughter's life
is obsessed Regarding Seol, she yells: "?! Wasn 't it enough that you killed me and drove my children's hearts a stake in" But then Jae-yeon collapses, and Seol says quietly of evil spirit of her father her about what she needs now is there has been an exorcism.
to all a little later, Doctor Hwang shares how his mother heard the media, said, shortly after they met. So when his father was diagnosed with cancer, she refused surgery because they believed that it would kill to cut into him. It still scares him that his mother might have been right.
Still, the him not not deter the protection of his sister. He begs the team to find out if it is true that his sister is possessed by an evil spirit, and San takes the case, even if they do not know quite where to start.
they jump to action when they hear Jae-yeon Downing bottles of water. Startled, wrestles Doctor Hwang water from her hands and holds them
Gu-Hyung people know that they can call. KANG DONG-IL, thug, a former street which later a divine gift, to be brought back to life by a defibrillator. Dong-il is happy to help and chants about Jae-yeon. He asks who he talks to, and leans to her better murmuring listen ... to bite on her ear.
Doctor Hwang rushes over and his father's ghost speaks by Jae-yeon calls the call him by his, Jae-gook. His father spirit apologized that his death was not his son's guilt, troubled by how he gave his dream. Thus slipping Jae-yeon into unconsciousness.
Gu-Hyung is frustrated at how little information Dong-il collected and then the medium Seol returns with his supplies. He adds various talismans in San room and told San like old-fashioned methods are less sought after in today's time, when it comes to the supernatural.
San noted that an expert like him would charge a pretty penny that Seol has no objections. San facial him say that San live a hard life, but our hero is not interested in a talisman, and Seol takes a crunchy bite of uncooked rice.
downstairs, Doctor Hwang and his mother bicker over their unshakable faith in the medium. It has therefore also fight, pointing out that he left soon after his father's death. Why now he tries like a faithful brother to act?
And when Dr. Hwang still exorcism refuses grabs his mother a sharps and keeps it at her throat and threatened to hurt themselves. So he brings his sister up, but refuses to leave the room. Seol allows, but warns him that he will not take responsibility for the consequences.
Doctor Hwang notes that rich, then bends down to warn him that he would be dead if something happens Jae-yeon.
Gyeo wool has all not yet been found to Seol, and Gu-hyung is still unsettled knew about it through the House and San. Dong-il explained, it is easy enough to skills with keen observation. There are pictures of the owner over the place outstretched, and virtually all private investigators were ex-cops
The Exorcism begins upward opening where Jae-yeon eyes fly and she chokes the medium in their possession status. She yells "Die!" Over and over again, and everyone can hear fighting clinking downstairs.
Jae-yeon is tied to the bed, as a ghost of her father growls Seol who uses a whip against her body. Enraged flying Doctor Hwang to him and his sister working at untying.
Meanwhile, our private detective team leads with Dong-il out to find additional help. San of vampiric sight triggered to see a drop of blood on the tire. He sees the car accident in a young man in a dark night and keeps this information in the back of his head for the moment.
Your first stop is one of Dong-il shaman friends who claimed to see a woman in Gu-hyung life. If the shaman looks at Gyeo wool, he pushes them aside and San puts right back. She goes down the line, so that observations about how San has changed jobs and Gyeo wool suffers from unsettled with respect to a human.
My buddy TSKS to the private investigators, adding that he knew because Dong-il to him. He reveals that they make generalizations based on their customers aged, but this knowledge is not the team will get much further. So they decide to divide and conquer, and San feel that he is being followed.
A look at Seol Yong-Chul clientele takes San and Gyeo wool in a hospital where a mother tells Seol had claimed to save her dying son. Seol had argued that she needed to cleanse his mind, would happen terrible warning. But his son had refused and get in an accident a few days later ... and had presented the same accident San earlier.
Gu-Hyung sitting with Jae-yeon's downward friend at school, a fellow theater major who tells how Jae-yeon had acting strangely. A few days ago, Jae-yeon had claimed to hear the voice of her father to tell her that Seol had murdered him.
Jae-yeon had told her that she for her mother for the trust a snake as Seol felt bad. Not only the media against the idea of Jae-yeon's father was hospitalized, he had the children claimed not pursue their dreams in medicine or in the theater, so that something terrible happened in the family.
When she left the hospital room, San casual Men recalls that it has been following. San and Gyeo wool follow the man as he runs for it, and then lurking him when he leaves the hospital. San takes him in one fell swoop down, that is when the man claims that he is a guy P. I.
Back at the house, Seol silenced finally brings the mind to Jae-yeon. Her mother and brother run to her, and she opens her eyes, as she herself. She wonders why her brother of her father, the burden of death would wear if it was not his fault.
These words lead us back to the past to Doctor Hwang tried to revive his father again, without success. Once he flatlined, his hysterical mother made him and Doctor Hwang froze with grief and guilt. "They were not killed one who Dad" Jae-yeon cries in the presence ...
... and then turns to Seol, screaming, " you were the one who killed me! "Looks like Dad is still there. Jae-yeon laughs maniacally and Seol leaves the room.
Gu-Hyung meets with Detective Park, stuffs his face with dumplings before Doctor Hwang father handing medical records. He finds it strange that the hospital so was easy to see that a mistake was made in turn, yet so that Doctor Hwang was a doctor of his father.
He gets protection over the tattooed doc when Detective Park wonders if he is a quack. D'aww. Seol Yong-Chul sitting in the car frustrated, then vows Jae-yeon, takedown just like her father and poured a clear liquid into his black bag of uncooked rice.
Se-ra brings some food for Jae-yeon and speaks very of Doctor Hwang. He is no different, as a family to her, and she knows that he would do anything to protect the people he loves. Jae-yeon says that's why she feels so bad, then her eyes roll back and they had more time.
Doctor Hwang mother can not start helping, in a "I told you", lecture, blaming him for Jae-yeon situation. Good God, my lady. But Dr. Hwang notes quietly that it was his mother, wanted to be a doctor to him.
When she says that was before Seol meeting, he wonders how long it will keep the media as an excuse. But his mother refuses to hear it and storms upward. And then Seol Yong-Chul takes his lackeys with the exorcism to proceed.
Our private detective trio sits with the private Chu Kwang-woo, which avoids over Seol the question by pointing out how pretty is Gyeo wool. She responds by to kick it, the glass in his hands, and San uses to visualize the blood on his face from him Seol pays to keep in mind.
This suggests Seol sought his services for its other clients, and Gyeo wool breaks the safe. She stops when she within colleagues, but Gu-Hyung steals the client files. They learn that Dr. Hwang father left everything to Jae-yeon, and Gu-Hyung proposes Gyeo wool, the money back it out of the safe.
This is when the blood Chu Kwang-woo says it's a cry for help, adding that Jae-yeon is now presumed dead. Back at the house, Doctor Hwang will always beaten while Jae-yeon horrified expels screams above.
Jae-yeon is slack, but Seol refuses to let her mother touch, claiming it is still dangerous. He grabs his bag and said that this is the last stage and to wear a sinister expression.
Our team of Dong-il in tow to the house rushes back to where the suits they engage in a fight. That's no problem for San, the men with a few punches and kicks until the right hand remains.
His bloody lip is enough Seol taking down San confirm that he was the driver responsible for the young man hit -and-run (and the right hand does not even notice that his eyes turn gold !). He throws the man into the railing while Gu-Hyung holding its own and vapors in the subsequent damage to the house.
Upstairs, Seol Yong-Chul hovering over Jae-yeon, to tell her to abandon the action. He says that she was partly responsible for the death of their father, because they did nothing. As it happens, her mother sent back while holding in Seol cried, who her father's mouth forced open and stuffed it with uncooked rice out of his pocket.
He opens his mouth by force, but San stops him before he can smother with the rice. Doctor Hwang proposes the quack, and San tells Seol to renounce the act. That's when Dong-il meets his cue remark how Seol chews constantly on rice, because the souls of them that he murdered hungry.
He points out that the name of Seol clientele, and added, as Seol to hearing her cries from the other side. The truth is always bound to reveal itself, Dong-il continues, and its victims will continue to pursue him
Dong-il changes expression and now speaks as Doctor Hwang father. "How dare you go to my inheritance after what you did to me? To think that my daughter would need to go so far as to pull this power from?" He turns to Jae-yeon with tears in the eyes.
Jaeger yeon apologized, that only makes Seol scoff. "Do you know why she's crying? Because you killed your father!" But Jae-yeon cries that she had meant for things to go differently. Now that former flashback is a bit longer: Jae-yeon was shocked by how Seol physically abused her father and saw him rice from his pocket to eat
So it is peppered the bag with pesticide, in the hope that Seol would eat it. , But Seol had seen how they do it, so he fed that rice instead of her father. Doctor Hwang strangles Seol and throws him to the ground.
Gu-Hyung and Gyeo wool show him evidence of his handling of the private Chu Kwang-woo crying while Jae-yeon. She had seen kissing Seol, her mother beside her father at the bedside. They resented her mother and hated the man she hung on, but had no idea that their intentions Seol would kill go to her father back.
A wind blowing into the room, the candles caused higher burn before going out. Then Jae-yeon finally hears the voice of her father, and now both she and Dr. Hwang can before they introduce their father.
Her father says he had to die because his tumor was too big to for the operation. He turns to his son apologetically the cause of his emotional pain to be. Although everyone can hear these words, used the ship is to deliver even Dong-il.
nor Doctor Hwang mother thinks it is an act, that is, when Dong-il turns to her and asks her for her children to let go. He speaks the words only they could know. "I want to lay down in the sky"
Since the whole family burst into tears, San goes up Dong-il and whispers that he can stop now , Dong-il's eyes roll back before looking at San and to say: ".. You are not of this world you died and came back"
He says, take San "this woman" soon, then Dong -il to shake begins. San and Gu-Hyung catch him when he faints, then kicks him awake. Gu-Hyung: "He was really obsessed."
Elsewhere, Tae-woo sitting next to Yoo-jin and tells her that Joo Young-Kwang isn 't speak. They both know that Yo-na will not stop, but Tae-woo is not worried, because they are both ring leaders of their respective bands.
He strokes her hair, but Yoo-jin takes his hand one way. She thinks they have gone far enough, but Tae-woo says all the dirty work he has done to get to this position was everything for them.
do not buy that excuse, at which point Tae-woo disclosed: "Yoon San is alive."
If that one thing that Vampire Detective has taught me so much, that it every week is a routine stimulation in its episodes. So as much as I used to know a bit more about the last conversation between Tae-woo and Yoo-jin would love the show's history dictates that we elsewhere week next will set without much of an understanding of how much time elapsed between the previous episode and the present. For example, even though I knew that Gu-Hyung and Gyeo wool would be fine, I was hoping there would be a small resolution after last week's heart-stopping, except for the wire completion. Instead we at an unknown time later sprang (it was hours? days? weeks?), Where everyone was fine, so that the audience that Yo-na blown off just in time to take their vampire. Or at least that's what I hoped offscreen conversation happen.
So in the same way, it would be very easy to forget that our hero San has a personal secret, without solving the weekly check-ins at the beginning and end of each episode. Since we learned that Tae-woo still exists in this world, is to show not much of a surprise that Yoo-jin does. So are the questions that are to follow, why they survived the bombed car five years ago and how ... we can be the question again until the penultimate episode, going at the rate this overarching story. My head full of questions, as if was Tae-woo turned why he is up against Yo-na, why he needs Joo Young-Kwang, and if all vampires are after the same thing.
My fear is that, by placing on the crime procedural aspect too much focus, the show will have time to be strapped to fully this subterranean ongoing war between explore two vampire gangs. Come to think of it, I want the story more than it was, because this type of premise with potential conflict is reaping rich. But how much of the vampiric element and our hybrid hemovore San, we know little and still less shown.
It is a real pity that the imagination is subdued aspect in this series so because it was an opportunity for Vampire Detective to set up its own rules and regulations and a different perspective on the vampire lore offer. But as time goes by with even less the vampire threads on to tug, it is much easier to stay in the microcosm that the private agency is, and try to find golden nuggets in the story elements, we are shown.
This brings us to Doctor Hwang, whose tragic story I did not expect that we would either explore. Similar to this style of show the notes were "blink-and-you-miss it" Paste scatters. It is helpful for us to know why Doctor Hwang medicine stopped practicing and his family the story of his sick father plagued his hysterical mother to his guilt sister is terrible. But at this point in the game to keep the story needs ahead, working toward greater mystery, because as some other undead creatures, we do not wait for all eternity.
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