Recap And Reviews Kdrama Jackpot: Episode 19

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Jackpot: Episode 19 -

If you thought our resident terrible villain had to deal well before the consequences for his actions, think again, he is a master now. Best of all, it needs very little help to do it, because everything he says goes. Without a king and without a prince him to take to hunt initiative Injwa will kill who he wants with impunity and nor creates people to trust what comes out of his mouth, as he never lied. That's talent.


Chae-gun has his failure to report Injwa to kill the King, and claimed that it was the victim because of the Dam-seo that he could not carry out the king's order. The King can only gasp about the unhappy relationship he and Injwa share.

He do not even know half of them, as we return to see coolly Injwa killing his favorite son, Prince Yeonryung. In the absence of royal guards or any kind of security, Injwa instructs the few companions of the prince to dress him in his burial clothes.

Because he owns the Quartier des Princes now somehow Injwa is able to see the three Invite leaders of Soron faction over the coffin, the body contains prince. Okay, how is any that this is happening?

The ministers are outraged by the sight, at least until Injwa cool declares that he has done them all a favor. He also claims that that displace no evidence to tie him to the death of the Prince (HOW), and this Prince became the Sorons "golden opportunity Yeoning and the Noron faction.

Minister Kim Il-Kyung isn 't with him, but Injwa reminds him that he would give him a sword, he promised to use could Norons-that's the sword. Minister Kim is of the mindset that the water has already been shed (also known has been as the fact already done), so they can also use them to their advantage.

the Chief State Councillor Kim Chang-Jip and other Noron leader come interviews Minister Kim one of the companions of the Prince about the what happened. After being trained by Nameless, the guards only says that he saw a young man, like the Prince Quarter a.

the instruction is to incriminate Prince Yeoning without actually calling him out, but Councillor Kim aptly remarks that Minister Kim and his people were there in the dead princes quarter before and the Norons arrived. So if someone is to be incriminated, it can certainly not the Norons or Prince Yeoning.

Surprisingly, kicks Minister Kim a deal with Councillor Kim Chang-Jip to work together, just this once. When the hands, can they both Prince Yeoning of untoward allegations protect and Crown Prince Yoon.

Dae-gil finds Prince Yeoning thoroughly drunk and out of an existential crisis about the death of his mother and fallow suffer seo-he does not even know about his dead brother. He is concerned that the brother still sitting opposite him to him will leave, because everyone he loves leaves him.

with a shoulder under his, him Dae-gil helps home drunk his little brother, passing eventually to his faithful bodyguard from. He also broods when he gets home until Chae-gun arrives. Oh, right, I forgot, they lived together. That will be the case.

Dae-gil said Chae-gun, the Dam-seo death was not his fault, because she wanted to do it. He does not understand why all this had to happen, and what Dam-seo has so wrong in their lives, to have such a wretched death. His mentor advises him out just to cry and they all doing Dae-gil, Echo Yeoning the mood, as he always loses the one he loves.

As he weeps over not to be to protect those in a position he cares about most, Chae-gun brings a calming hand on his shoulder. "You have everything you could," he tells him.

Crown Prince Yoon seems thoroughly unsurprised and eerily unimpressed when Minister Kim informed him of Prince Yeonryung death, which he accepts as a result indigestion to be. Somehow Injwa has been able to influence the police and the royal doctors spread in this lie that seems to buy all complete.

The Norons and Sorons have worked together to help this lie, ease, although they make it clear to each other that their alliance will be of short duration. You still need to figure out how to do with the king's wrath when he finds out, but that is a task that can be dealt with in the morning.

Prince Yeoning learns to spread over his brother's death, the next morning, when the news starts with people in the capital. Hong Mae hears of the death and remembers how Jin-ki came to her for a last minute coffin, apparently put two and two together. Because they put the coffin available and could be incriminating, she orders her right hand to the following Injwa begin.

Nameless asks Injwa when the killing is planning the next king, the Injwa says he will have will do, he waited for the king on his own to die, but he stubbornly stick to plans Injwa, do something about it. It is Traitor Jeong, of him to wait until the king told die naturally.

Crown Prince Yoon reported Prince Yeonryung death of the ailing King, claiming it is due to indigestion. Chief State Councillor Kim Chang-Jip confirmed this and said that he checked into it himself. King Sukjong, the only reasonable one being still around, orders that the body of the Prince are brought to the palace for its own control, it is just not allowed.

Traitor Jeong has finally decided he wants hands with Injwa but to Injwa to ensure that Jeong has for himself to take his ambitions discarded the throne, he has his blood oath he stamped writes. Jeong cuts his hand and stamp of the oath they both drink.

Injwa are the blood oath to Traitor Jeong as a sign of good faith, as Jeong may take the oath Injwa the other half man introduced via Chyron than PARK PIL-hyun-should something ever happened to him. As for what Traitor Jeong can give him in return, says Injwa he did not need him to give something, and that in fact he just throw it away.

Prince Yeoning his older brother confronted about the suspicious circumstances surrounding Prince Yeonryung death and asked him to investigate the matter further. The Crown Prince seems death is lazy to know, but makes it very clear that the reason for Yeonryung death has his indigestion. Any other cause of death would reflect poorly on Prince Yeoning.

Yeoning listen to the same line of argument from Councilor Kim, who tells him that he had nothing to gain from examining Prince Yeonryung death. The realization dawns Prince Yeoning that they all think that he had something to do with it because he had the most to gain, but if he does or not, the Norons be ready to protect him.

Dae -gil and Seol-in clock take a royal officials from the people the things that gave Prince Yeonryung out of the goodness of his heart, which is of two random audience tells us. Dae-gil wants to help, but Seol-in stops him.

Prince Yeoning assumes his brother's funeral, and apologizes to his memory for not able to investigate the truth behind his death. Injwa visited all smug when he praises as good and humble the Prince was to give all his land and wealth away to people.

But Injwa wonders what is Prince Yeoning do now that there are only three brothers in line for the throne, now that Prince Yeonryung is out , Yeoning is confused at first, because he knows only of himself and Crown Prince Yoon, that's when Injwa cuts, to say that the third brother, whom he knows very well.

Prince Yeoning he knows speaks Dae gil, but refuses to believe it. If he refuses to believe that they are brothers, or that Dae-gil could try for the throne? Because I thought we established the former.

Dae-gil catches his father to the market to sneak, and pulls him aside for a private chat. His father only remind him of what he told him about his life before the people heard, but now Dae-gil needs to arrange a meeting between him and Traitor Jeong.

Man-geum this is achieved through a series of silent glances and exchanged messages with his country (?) What to Dae-gil Traitor Jeong, waiting for him to find. Jeong wastes no time telling, Dae-gil that Injwa killed Prince Yeonryung, and that Prince Yeoning tried to cover it up.

When Dae-gil asks why Prince Yeoning would do something, brings Traitor Jeong up King Sejo, who ascended the throne after a bloody coup, and King Taejong who killed his brothers to king will. That's how the royal court is, he claims, and Prince Yeoning is no different. (But then why not say it was Prince Yeoning who killed him, and not Injwa?)

Traitor Jeong tried to justify its treacherous ambitions, by claiming that it is all for the welfare of people without really say how or why. He also alleged that Dae-gil is the only starting their big thing by an uprising and still can complete king, which is not technically treason, when he is of royal blood. He would only take back what's supposed to be his.

It seems like Dae-gil is incitement to spill it into the whole plan, without wishing to follow it through, although Traitor Jeong fiscal sweetened by the offer to give him Injwa when he teams up with him ,

Prince Yeoning allowed what Injwa proposed over Dae-gil, to poison his thoughts to a tense conversation between the leading two brothers as Dae-gil asks why he has to cover up death for Prince Yeonryung when it was Injwa who it was.

Yeoning who never needed a reason Injwa ago to suspect now asks if Dae-gil everyone has to support proof of his accusation. He may or do not know about Injwa, but to bring it aside in order to have at the Peace Palace, his father is very sick, he says, and the government is to stabilize in the first place.

Dae-gil calls him so quiet about his own brother's death in his anger between them, turn out to be on the table. Was Prince Yeoning always so? "That's how politics is," Prince Yeoning responds, barely suppressing his own anger. It's enough to make Dae-gil suspicious that Yeoning is just glad to rid his side of the spine, which was Prince Yeonryung.

"Then you have never lied to me? Have you been completely honest?" Yeoning fire back. When Dae-gil says he never lied to him, Yeoning immediately asks who is his biological father, and all jumps over him when he is silent.

When Dae Gil replies that Man-geum the only father he had ever asked Prince Yeoning grits out that he biological about his father, challenging not lie to him. Dae-gil remains silent instead, which only makes Yeoning suspicious-he heard of Injwa that Dae-gil met with Jeong Traitor, and now uses that it is indeed true when Dae-gil again responded with silence.

feel betrayed, angry Prince Yeoning asks why he hid the fact that he of all people was the son of the king, and of him. What does he want to win by close to him? Dae-gil tries to argue that who is his father, does not matter, only for Yeoning to disagree-if he had known they were brothers, he claims he never opened to Dae-gil or made him his friend.

Dae-gil takes this to heart, and says that he understands Injwa the great thing now. Your country is rotten, he adds, and Prince Yeoning is no different than the rest of them. Wait, wait, why suddenly all such Injwa act now, is trustworthy?

Yeon-hwa and Seol-in find it suspicious that the land and asset Prince Yeonryung gave to the people have been taken the day of his funeral, which means that it previously were instrumented had. Dae-gil seems Prince Yeoning to suspect that makes him think what Traitor Jeong said the entire corrupt government overthrow.

But since all Prince Yeonryung owned the assets of the Government, it is not illegal for the government to take it back, that's what found the two girls during their investigation. That's when Dae-gil said that he will be hands with Traitor Jeong-he is tired of all the corruption, and wants to do something to help people.

So Dae-gil meets a lot to offer him Traitor Jeong that night. when Jeong cuts his ties with Injwa, then Dae-gil is the king be the cause needs to be him

Traitor Jeong has Dae-gil eyes connected so as to be brought into the forest to a secret compound, that is where all gather their comrades, when the time comes. In order to prove that he means what he says Dae-gil came about their cause, Traitor Jeong calls him that night a business transaction to make.

Before the carriage of stolen goods, Dae-gil hands to he was promised the money head soldier, and in turn checked out the goods for trade. The department seems to be what has been confiscated by the people to Prince Yeonryung death, the Dae-gil says belongs to the people and should be returned to them.

Just then, the closed doors burst open, and common people wielding pitchforks and other homemade weapons come pouring through. Traitor Jeong realized too late that Dae-gil sat on him, as well as Chae-gun and his men come to make the arrest.

By looking back, it is revealed that Dae-gil find dropped cards for Chae-gun strategically tujeon as to the eyes are out of connection connected because he had heard of Hong Mae that Injwa and Traitor Jeong had a blood oath.

Da Yeon-hwa and Seol-in also that Traitor Jeong had found seized the late Prince Yeonryung fortune, he had it designed very plan to catch him and make him pay what he did. In the present, he tells Traitor Jeong that he was never interested always king, and that he only in his heart always had a cause. Your nation tries in a right to make their people

Traitor Jeong to cut it off, because only Dae-gil defuse him quickly. But as it is to kill him, one of the Civil keeps him on the basis that it should not be too dirty have his hands with blood. Jeong escapes, only to fall straight into the trap of Prince Yeoning.

Prince Yeoning comes to see the people of the time, cheer for Dae-gil, and the two brothers reluctantly recognize each other as Chae-gun acknowledges that he brought Yeoning in on the scheme.

in Traitor Jeong compound Dae-gil finds evidence for the opium used to slowly poison the king. He hands over to Prince Yeoning to be confirmed before deadpanning that the king will be soo impressed that Dae-gil Traitor Jeong captured at the scene of the crime and found this evidence to incriminate him.

"I can not have to do it for the king," Dae-gil says, meaning that he did it for the people. Prince Yeoning takes some problem with this, because working for the people, the task of the king's, but seems a little to soften when Dae-gil says his only goal was to catch Injwa. To do that, he needs to find the blood oath, the Traitor Jeong signed.

Knowing this Injwa is determined to take the oath to find initially so that it can not be used against him, but neither party has any idea where Traitor Jeong has hidden it.

told Prince Yeoning his father that Dae-gil Traitor Jeong arrested, and the king rejoices, as best he can, while dying. He brought Dae-gil to him so that he can ask what he wants to do with his life, it makes it clear that he does not want Dae-gil continue to live as a player.

to win for permission to speak honestly, Dae-gil says the king that he he wants compensation for the brutal life lived, although he does not there is a connection will be between himself, the king and Lady Choi. He wants to live as a citizen of Joseon, and nothing more.

King Sukjong beckons him closer so that Dae-gil goes by the screen printing to kneel before him. "Yeongsu-ya," the king calls him affectionately what the princely name he was given at birth. "An elder brother has to act like an older brother and a younger brother has to act like a younger brother. That's the way things go. That is the basic moral obligation that must be respected in the world."

to keep After promising his words in mind, Dae gil a little be stunned, wondering how he sees Prince Yeoning whether it should be an issue of the nation, or an older brother. The two brothers have a long, silent look before the Crown Prince arrives, and briefly recognize Dae-gil arrest of Traitor Jeong.

The ailing king, in an effort to get his affairs in order before you shuffle this mortal coil from, asks the Crown Prince, what he will do about Prince Yeoning, when he becomes king. There is no doubt that Norons try Yeoning to sit on the throne, so if that happens, what Crown Prince Yoon do about it?

"The fate of a prince is that he must win the war among his brothers survive. The fate of a king is that his life does not begin until after his father dies," King Sukjong wheezes. When Crown Prince Yoon does say, we did not hear it.

The next morning, the king Prince Yeoning advises not to make an enemy of Dae-gil, nor should it come to hand. He just has to accept that he and Dae-gil need to take different paths.

But King Sukjong also makes it clear that he wants his son to survive and take care of, because he is come to sit on the throne and lead Joseon. Then looking up, the king remarked: "Verily, life is just a moment."

He takes a last heaving breath and continues. The death knell tolls, echoed the sound inside the palace and without reaching Dae-gil outside the palace gates.


It was touching to really have that one moment in which the king him by calling "Yeongsu" and an even added bonus Dae-gil recognized as his son, that their relationship never milked melodramatic was the recognition on the point (or lack thereof). They knew who they were to each other, but by the time they realized it, it was much too late to do. And it worked that Dae-gil was never eager to embrace his real father, or vice versa-it would have been unusual for both, both seemed to understand them.

Most of the subtext in this regard can be attributed Choi Min-soo 's amazing performance that had the show is reluctant to him primarily to part probably why. But his death finally took happen if the story had to move forward, because there is plenty to cover the left, when the show will still behind King Gyeongjong make (Crown Prince Yoon) rule and in King Yeongjo of (Prince Yeoning years), since we the Musin revolt of 1728.

And while the death of the king was started from a poignant moment for the show, the rest of this episode was pretty insane. It was amazing to have primarily Injwa Prince Yeonryung kill in cold blood, without anyone pulling the announcement, but it is absolutely crazy that he came only ... cause it? Even if he got the Norons and Sorons in on it, it's all too much wear in that they were able to buy the royal doctors, guards, and all other curious mind who must've wondered how on earth a previously healthy young prince easy on and died.

and he died from a huge slash to the chest, no less, it literally was blood everywhere! What was Prince Yeoning of chemicals to examine even the smallest hint of blood crime scenes, to accept that he could not investigate his brother's death? Even if he had to stop for his own good, ask what he has done, it is quite different from Yeoning trap concern for justice and the truth. Where the sober, impertinent youth go? More importantly, why should he have a reason to doubt Dae-gil, to tell him that Injwa killed his little brother? It's not like the other explanation for his death meaning, and the Yeoning we would know, better known as to believe otherwise.

There is the possibility that all this Yeoning knew to be true, but kept his own feelings in check because he was suspected in the death of his brother. As it is no less suspect that one of his rivals died accidentally on the throne, as it would not be at all useful to have Injwa burden to find evidence of the murder with witnesses ? Even if it does not defeat the object of his revenge on the king when Injwa never takes credit for the crime?

What is most disheartening about all of this, that if Injwa got off scot-free from something so crass as to kill a prince, then there really is no set of rules to bring in place ever to consider him , It is always more to do on the rock of what it is he wants without consequence until the script decides otherwise or the story ends just. The sooner we give up the hope his comeuppance everyone will happen sooner (or at all), the better. At least Dae-gil not crazy turn the power on us, though, that's a silver lining I am happy to keep hold on as long as the show allowed, even if it should for Dae a Birthright were -gil when he found out that Injwa killed a prince of Joseon by he saved his life. , Details

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tags: Choi min-soo, episode 19, in the Ji-yeon, jackpot, Jang Geun-seok, Yeo Jin-gu, Yoon Jin-seo

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