Recap And Reviews Kdrama Entertainer: Episode 9

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Entertainer: Episode 9 -

It is difficult enough trying to be a successful band, if everything goes smoothly, and Ddanddara band seems the hard way to go about everything. Dark Pasts, difficult family and personal issues need to be treated before they really focus on the music, can be expected, so it's time to start, clean the slate. First, there is a bouncy castle drummer mother who has some very constrictive ideas about what is best for her son, regardless of what he loves for himself.


Jinu back to the cabin from going where he allegedly attacked Ji-young, but of clues, he finds Ha-neul waiting for him. Ha-neul quips that the criminal recognizes in the scene of the crime repeatedly, and Jinu that it was Ha-neul who texted about his tattoo.

Jinu says he thinks they are both victims in this that just makes Ha-neul angry, and he his fists and progress on balls. Jinu swears he here not to look for evidence - he does not remember what happened that night than what Ji-young has.

He remembers to open the cabinet door, and asks Ha-neul what could have been in there. That's what he came out to find. Ha-neul tried, but he can not keep his anger, not when he sees how truly upset Jinu is.

Jinu leaves, so Ha-neul looks in the cabinet, and on the floor he finds a set of keys with a robot key chain. He knows that key chain - once he little brother Kyung-soo play with him, saying it saw Ji-Young a Gift Girls was he likes. He remembers seeing Kyung-soo it. In the cabin when he was dragged by the police, but he had always thought that he was wrong

It runs in Jinu back from the bus stop, clutching his head and grimaced after his car runs into a tree. As much as Ha-neul wants to ignore him, gets Jinu obvious pain to him. Ha-neul calls Seok-ho, to tell him that he is in Busan, and so is Jinu, and he says that it was an accident and Jinu can not drive.

He has his insurance Jinu call companies to help, and to avoid the police - not that he wants to help, but so that the consequences will not harm Seok-ho. He pretends to be the car owner, while Jinu hides his face, and takes him home in a taxi. He takes Jinu Mango and leaves Seok-ho and Jinu to talk alone.

Seok-ho Jinu wants to take back to the hospital, and wants to know why this cabin Jinu want back. He still thinks Jinu should turn in as this is obviously him in Essen, not to mention the innocent that he pays not make a mistake.

Jinu smiles peacefully and says he call Ha-neul heard him "Seok-ho-Hyung," and wonders how that was so far from two of them, if they used that close to have a relationship.

Seok-ho hits Ha-neul Place and Ha-neul awakened when he puts it asks how long Ha-neul was involved the famous Jinu in. Seok-ho, and he says he knew that it was a Jackson member, but only realized that it was Jinu when he saw the tattoo.

He did not say anything because he knew Seok-Ho, feel that torn between him and Jinu. Clearing his name means Jinu, but Seok-ho says to destroy that, although he did to both of them cares, he Ha-neul blame can not leave it. Ha-neul asks only that Geu-rin are held innocent until everything is over.

Seok-ho rebels and says: ". Ha-neul Sung-hyun little brother is my little brother you are my singer, and my little brother.." Ha-neul almost crying, but goes all rugged and rejections Seok-ho request for a hug. He holds out his hand to help out of bed, and they remain on the handshake, and Ha-neul draws Seok-ho in for this embrace, after all. ~ ~ wibble

Geu-rin the day spends on Ddanddara band information passing out, and it goes into Annoying Fangirl mode when their favorite radio show host sees. She has at least the presence of mind to give her a copy of the band album. She even offers free two hours a day working at a business in return for their album during their full hours to play.

At lunch Kyle complains that every person in this band is a troublemaker but him - they have an ex-convict, a single father, and a mama's boy. Ha-neul calls him by his real name, Lee Bang-geul ( "smiling brightly" the means) to just get under his skin, so that Yeon-soo giggle that it is so opposite of his real personality.

Annoyed Kyle recalled that he sacrificed his pride for this band, and they now have no drummer. His big idea is to kidnap Jae-hoon, but Ha-neul refusing to participate and the leaves with a reminder to "Smile!"

Ha-neul says Seok-ho about Kyung-soo key chain, which he found in the cabin, and as he saw him in the night of the incident. Seok-ho asks if he believes that Ji-young was involved, and he takes the key chain to confront her.

Ha-neul also asks Jae-hoon, but Seok-ho says he'll be back, do not worry. He wins Jae-hoon at school (yuck, his mother even walks him to class) and a bad Jae-hoon's just so sad and wilted. Seok-ho asks if he Ddanddara band to leave, or if he wants to do it, but just can not, and Jae-hoon says that the tape showed him that it might be fun things in life, too.

Seok-Ho has a plan, and he approaches Jae-hoon father, who seems like a nice guy. He loves to hear how much Jae-hoon loves music, and figures that Jae-hoon mother pressed him so hard because how difficult their early marriage. You are now successful, but only because they fought so hard, and Mom pushes her son academically so he will not have to fight.

He agrees that Jae-hoon's a good boy, never go against his mother, though he could. But Dad is worried that Jae-hoon never smiles, not even for images, not since preschool.

gets on his way back Seok-Ho a call from CEO Lee Pet lawyer and is responsible for the survey in the ratings boost scandal implicated. You have to prove that fake online IDs were used although Seok-ho says that much happens when a new song is released, not only with Jackson.

The prosecutor knows of Mr. Kim, the agent who created the program, the phones forces to play the song, without claiming their owners' knowledge, but Seok-ho, that the company never pay for something would. It shows the accuser had his own bank account information, he never turns out the kind of money that to pay themselves either for such a thing.

undeterred The prosecutor and says she'll only be Mr. Kim asked. And by the way, a new bill is even right now performed with respect to this kind of cause and Seok-ho could be honored that he'll be the first to be held under the new law.

Jae-hoon Mom still hanging over him at home, and he says, in this empty voice that he is the only person still he takes bones for him knows its mother. Mom says it's only her love for him, but her voice carries a clear knowledge of the warning. Jae-hoon asks how they will ever let him go his army to do service, and Mom blames his outburst of rebellion on this lowlife belt children.

Jae-hoon says he just trying to her about his honest thoughts to speak, but she interprets everything he says, back when talking, and Mama cuts it off easily. But he is tired of being fired, and his voice is stronger than he says: "I want to play the drums." Mama goes directly to: "Did you see me die?"

Jae-hoon screaming that he did not, of course, does not want that, but he has always done everything she says, and studied constantly. Drums are some fun, he loves for himself. Mom says he can do that, in a studio, they'll just rent for him. It's just another way to keep Jae-hoon under her thumb, but Jae-hoon wants to do this with his friends.

Mom goes for the guilt trip and said that she had no friends at all, since she had him, her life completely focused on her child. But Jae-hoon does not want the way to live, never had any friends, and Mom says he should make friends of his own class. Dad's already heard from the next room, and it breaks at this in, booming, that he has had enough talk of their class.

Later Dad brings Jae-hoon a suitcase and his stuff starts to pack. He says Jae-hoon to keep his studies, but that it is doing time for him to go, what makes him happy. Jae-hoon is concerned about his mother when he runs away, knowing that he has been her life for twenty years, and his father says that this is not the answer.

Mom listening outside the door, and Jae-hoon words appear to touch them. She sighs, looking triumphantly

Seok-ho is Geu-rin credit for their willingness to work for free in order to promote the band, but it is not a good long-term strategy -. You need to get on television and the radio. He says he'll have to go Jae-hoon Mom look, even if it means barging into her.

The boys try to think either of ideas for their great debut had to make not immediately known. Yeon-Soo beats busking (playing on a street corner), but they need Jae-hoon for something. Geu-rin tells them they will tomorrow speak to his mother, but they are still not playing an event.

Geu-rin goes online to find ideas for events, but nothing seems reasonable and affordable. Ha-neul finds asleep on the keyboard and gently put to bed. He lingered to watch her sleep, Yeon-soo noticed the open door through.

Geu-rin is alert the next day, as they observe and Seok-ho for Jae-hoon mother. They bicker adorably about their respective fashion choices, and Geu-rin wins the battle about wearing sunglasses who, because she is the driver. HA, then they do not move when Jae-hoon Mom finally comes out because Geu-rin's got the car in neutral.

Seok-ho follows Jae-hoon Mom in her studio, and although she did not seem angry to see him, she does mention that they is about to take a class and he should go. He says he'll wait, and after he is out of the room, she says a classmate he Jae-hoon of music teachers who fired recently. She decides to skip class and go for coffee with Seok-ho.

you pepper Seok-ho with questions about his company, and lists everything to help them in school, Jae-hoon excel has done and how much it cost. There is a large number, especially since she sent him abroad to study leave and the language in each school. She wants to know about Mango assets, because, as much money as it is invested in her son, she can not allow him to be a small, bad company in a band.

Seok-ho says quietly that Mango can not use the money they compete spent on her son, and Mama did not tell him they approaching or Jae-hoon repeatedly. But Seok-ho wants to know ... if Jae-hoon is worth that much money, how much is his dream? Mom has no answer for that, but she swears vehemently that they will never see again Seok-ho.

Meanwhile, an event for the following weekend Geu-rin books. Seok-ho comes with determination in his eyes, to return the car and calls the boys to meet him in the studio. He cheers up a little to hear that Geu-rin the band got a gig, but worried what they do if they do not Jae-hoon back.

Seok-Ho Ha-neul bundles, Kyle, Yeon-soo and even small Chan-hee in the car and takes them all to Jae-hoon school. They draw a small amount, if a student recognizes them and they all respectfully bow when Jae-hoon Mom him comes after class to pick.

Jae-hoon sees the stalemate, and it is clear that he has to make a choice: Will it with Mom, or the band go ? He takes a long moment, looking at his mother, then Seok-ho, then trudges to his mother's car.

on their best behavior and feel triumphant, Mama beats skip golf lessons and do something fun. Jae-hoon tells her that he loves her, but when she takes his wrist, he pulls away. He goes to Seok-Ho, who asks if they are it the abduction or if he joined and Jae-hoon makes his decision. "I'm with you." Hooray!

Mom makes one last attempt to pull him back, but Jae-hoon says he has his spent to do the whole life what she wants, and now he wants his own dream. He promises to keep his grades, and is in the car with his friends. Seok-ho tells her that this Jae-hoon's choice, making it clear that he never pushed him, and bows respectfully.

Jae-hoon's so sweet, he is nor worried about his mother, and Ha-neul he says wishes he had a mother. Seok-ho teases sure Jae-hoon seatbelt on is to make, because it worth so much money, and Kyle explains the kidnapping a success.

Jae-hoon moves with the rest of the band in and a redeployment of Raumbelegungen has Chan-hee sleeping in Geu-rin rooms. Chan-hee is all for it, especially if dad can sometimes sleep with them, which makes Yeon-soo go all weird, heh.

CEO Lee, an update of the Prosecutor gets that tells him that the new law to their cases will not be helpful, since it is not come into force for another six months. Even if they find the broker, Seok-ho could get out of this unpunished.

seem to be dropped the charges, and Seok-ho and celebrate Min-joo. Min-joo mentioned that Seok-ho always seems to be soft, but he replies that he has something to go fight for now.

He meets with Joo-han and shows him a picture of Kyung-soo key chain, which they found at the scene of the crime. He texts on the picture to Joo-han and tells him to show it to Ji-young, but do not give Joo-han more information.

Back to Mango, Seok-Ho finds something in his desk - it is the picture that he drew the rain by himself in, the one who the Geu- rin rescued from the trash. She has drawn a bright green roof over the head, and a note that says: "Even if there is a storm of stress, I will be your green umbrella Be strong."

He imagines , watching her pull the screen, and asks her to picture what they scribble on. You just looks at him and smiles and goes back to her image. He thinks about how many times lately that they mentioned his stress, and called them to find out where it is, to tell her to stay there and wait for him.

Ji-young says Joo-han that it is never to be seen in the key chain in the picture, although it is written all over the face that she has . He tells her to be honest, as Seok-ho could cause a lot of problems for them do so, and it notes that Jinu and CEO Lee would also be affected, but she claims still do not recognize the key chain.

Seok-ho finds Geu-rin still at the site, after dark, waiting for him. He steels himself to her, and she waves him approaching through the glass wall. He wonders why he came all the way, and says: ". Right there to stay Do not come closer, Jung Geu-rin."


I guess the show raised the issue that lately plague many cultures seem to be, is that children so put under severe pressure to study and to succeed that it is pushed in some extreme cases, to hide from the world, or even suicide. I am sure that Jae-hoon mother is convinced that he make study consistently good was for him, but it seems to him almost an asset to look at them in, but as a person with their own hopes and dreams invested. She never thought about what he wants ... maybe she is so disinterested that they probably will not even asked him.

While it is admirable is to be scientifically competent, people need to have balance in their lives, and Jae-hoon wanted to rebel one way or another, as soon as he found his talent and his dream. She sees Jae-hoon as possession, something they control and not something that nourishes them, and it is obvious that it has even expelled their own lives to bring aside to his control. It is sad because it is a life not only which will be destroyed if this happens ... Mom their chance at a happy life also lost because they help ensure Jae-hoon everything was so worried she did wanted. only should have him to enrich some of them used their own life and marriage Instead of investing so much time and money in it and .

There is nothing to be wrong with wanting your children the best they can be and to succeed. The problem is, if you undermine completely who they are, to force them to do what you want. Dreams are important, and that is what drums and tape are Jae-hoon - a way to have a happy life, to do something that he loves, and be satisfied. Balance is essential in life, and I'm happy for him that he decided to break and to pursue their own dreams. So many children do not get this chance, and either dry on the inside or find other, destructive ways out. Kudos to the show for modeling that you can pursue your dreams.

This is really what this show is all about your dream to live. Seok-ho thought he lived his dream, but he was really just chasing fame and success, even if in the name of his talented customers. All the boys, the barriers between them and fight their dreams - Kyles inferiority complex personal situation of Yeon-soo as a single father, Jae-hoon controlling mother. Ha-neul has had the worst time, between his brother dying, his parents forbade him to play music, then his parents die, and to be now musically successful to try while its name to delete. Dreams do not come easy for Ddanddara band, and I love her fierce determination not to give up, and to stay together, no matter what happens.

There are a lot of secrets to reveal still primarily Ha-neul and his family surrounded. We are always in the meat of the story now is really happening in terms of what a year ago in this cabin. I hesitate to guess, because I was now several times wrong, and I suspect there are still more to the events than what we know at this point. All I am confident that it was a set-up, and as Ha-neul accidentally involved was changing gears to make him responsible for the whole thing. I'm still curious as to why any of this was primarily because Ji-young is certainly to take only capable and was not the reason that Joo-han put things primarily. Was it to keep Jinu in row over something? That seems the most likely answer, but I still feel as if it's more than that.

And then there Seok-Ho big secret - how was he involved with Ha-neul brother's death? I wonder if Ha-neul knows himself. Certainly based on Mr Byun confrontation with CEO Lee, had something to do with KTOP, but I think Seok-ho was also in tangled. I do not want anything to harm the brand new bromance he and Ha-neul have established, especially since they need both family, even if it has acquired the family. But I think all the secrets have to come out before this is all over.

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tags: entertainer, episode 9, in Hyeri, Ji Sung Kang min Hyuk

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