Recap And Reviews Kdrama Police Unit 38: Episode 1

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Police Unit 38: Episode 1 -

Who knew that my heart would ever hurt for a tax collector? But that is exactly what is happening in the OCN new crime comedy Police Unit 38 , where the life of an ordinary man turned upside down when he crosses paths with a con artist fresh out of prison. During the premiere dive into these two characters spends more time, we can, that it will soon be added to the tax collection scammers team more personalities to be sure.

Once the team is formed, it will be time, the men con that the system con, and they will not even know what hit 'em

. Note: This is only a one-time recap, but a smooth talker like Seo In-gook can my heart for the rest of this series go ahead and steal.


man running through a crowded street, that's BAEK SUNG IL ( Ma Dong-seok ), whose mind at an earlier conversation thinks back when he had been asked to help. His colleague was convinced that what she did was right and had little confidence in the government they both worked.

Sung-il, however, had hesitated about leaving the financial secure job as a civil servant, and probably that was the last time he that staff saw ... until today.

We see Sung-il bar in the building and racing up into the roof. He is out of breath, until it comes into the garage, where he discovered a solitary, locked car filled with smoke his staff unresponsive.

He cries and pound on the window in desperation, then decides to use his fists to punch his way through. One, two, three ... plan .

six years later. buzz The tax collection office in Seowon Rathaus employed workers, save for the team leader to be taken in either Solitaire to complete, or in Sung-il case study English. Today's lesson is to gather by the need interrupted taxes on the field that follows the departmental slogan: "We will chase you to the end and collect"

He and his team are welcome with an icy met, when they come into the factory. The owner blurts out screaming that he scatters penniless, and the team to try (and not) to speak with the rowdy workers.

By going into the field to gather in person taxes is all part of the job description for Sung-il, where every day follows the same routine: wake up, eat breakfast, go to work, they get beaten to cursed, or distributed by angry residents, and go home. Lather, rinse, repeat.

all his hard work to support his family, all asleep when he returns home. His wife has fallen asleep on the management of finances, and to use Sung-il bags a statement as his allowance.

Sung-il sitting by an uncomfortable sitting over lunch with his boss, who, how much reminds his team, Team 3 is him greatly underperforming this year. His boss agrees that he should work harder to make up the 20 billion won deficit, and makes a passive-aggressive remark, as Sung-il could now eat.

So it's back to work for Sung-il, the spots screaming employee with his wife over the phone before he turns in his right hand, CHUN SUNG-HEE ( Sooyoung ) for the file to the person who owes the most taxes on their list. This person is MA JIN-SEOK that despite all efforts so far to put him on the blacklist and freeze its assets, still leads a life of luxury and is located in a penthouse apartment.

He tells his team that they are Ma paid a visit today Jin-seok, then aside hauled by another team leader, to borrow some money, she asks. He can hardly believe it when he hears the man had been deceived recently, though that would also explain the other angry employees.

section chief Kang claimed the fraudster was so smooth talker, it is not registered also that he had linked to the first. As Sung-il team leaves the building, they cross paths with the mayor of Seowon, CHUN GAB-SOO ( Ahn Nae-sang ).

In the van when Sung-il votes as only the gullible fall prey artists today con, Sung-hee blatant pragmatism noticed that she was once deceived, and she has learned a lot from this experience.

Unfortunately, for our team, Ma Jin-seok is the tax collector "Arrival tipped. He arranges the building security they come into the lobby to a halt, while his woman having to store the valuables in the house. His case will be released soon enough, and then the tax collectors have no reason of coming to him, he added gruffly.

downstairs, Sung-il still Sung hee will leave a couple of security guards in their way. They exchange a look, then try their way through to push. in the fight Sung-hee reached in for the access card guard, then runs inside alone.

for yourself on the elevator look presentable does go up, and the lady of the house does not like her. Sung il and the other guys are not too far behind, while Sung-hee brings to the woman reluctantly as Ma Jin-seok woman identified.

Sung-hee gentle notes how even the pair under one roof survived divorce despite, then reads out that her ex-husband at the time 5770000000 ₩ owes in local and state taxes. That's when the others arrive, and the team scours the place from top to bottom, to discover gold bars, luxury brand items and cash under the pillow and mattress, inside the device, and any other nook and cranny.

Jin-seok arrives while the team is busy trying to find all the valuables of the assessment, and he is not pleased uninvited visitors at his home. He throws his ex-wife the phone into an expensive vase, then points out that it is illegal anyone to look at home after sunset.

He begins the housekeeper delivers water publicans and it uses the point of how people are making easily influenced by money. He promises to increase their salary if they can on the expensive bottle of water without stopping, reminds them of their children.

So if the housekeeper opens the bottle and drinks, Jin-seok giggles, have proved his point. He argues that with repo Stickers his house Tagging is useless, then insulted by throwing the money in their faces.

He is not afraid of the so called impact, because these do not exist for men like him. The government could not take all of his other properties and wealth away by illegal means. And why is that? Because the law in favor of the rich as he is.

This statement is a hard pill to swallow, what if the housekeeper spits not able to finish the bottle. Sung-il berates Jin-seok down for conversation with a woman that he should be treated as a parent, snaps back to the Jin-seok. ". It is not my mother" Ugh

He insulted Sung-il from him a beggar call, and the other is to make men of each other physically tear restrain. Sung-hee steps in as Jin-seok feed, to push his wallet on Sung-il face, only for him on the ground. This movement pushes Sung-il over the edge, and it clocks Jin-seok directly in the jaw.

It is not until Sung-il begins Chef wind of the incident. He promptly escorted to the mayor's office, where he apologized for his behavior. His boss is inside (although Sung-il mixes hilarious until the intercom message as a command) and Sung-il is told that he will face disciplinary action.

Sung-il returns to his desk, where he drinks from a bottle of Soju in his drawer stowed. There is also an old photo of him and the current mayor standing under the tax collection slogan. Interesting.

Sung-hee is still in office and sighs over the news about disciplinary action heard. She knows that he is not the type to get easily angered, although these acute moments usually advised him in trouble. She has the responsibility within the team to share, so that their team leader suspension avoids, but Sung-il leaves wordlessly his daughter pick.

When they go home together, she wonders why her grades were not always better to study despite difficult. Sung-il checks an incoming text, you say, that he in the same boat he is working hard, but always comes in dead last at work, and its content always remained the same. They laugh at how similar they are, which is just adorable.

A passing car they soaked with water only, and the students inside is a classmate of Sung-il daughter. Her father is none other than Ma Jin-seok, the on going pointedly and personally apologized to Sung-il daughter.

But that is not enough, Jin- seok takes a couple of big bills from before his "error" to realize and instead smaller removal for the dry cleaning bill to pay. Sung-il politely refuses, and Jin-seok says she also for what is now happening today.

Jin-seok has to make a final comment, saying that Sung-il should not make his daughter to go home from school (translation: ". You can not even afford a car, but I can" ). Sung-il daughter sweet ensures that her father is in order, and they go home.

Sung-il can not sleep, his mind still fixed on the idea of ​​a car that night. His proposal to obtain a car is flatly rejected by his wife, but he will read until his options online. Even a used car is to buy too expensive, so he wrote a post on a community forum on a car for all the money to purchase it has. get ₩ 5,000,000 (approximately 5,000 USD)

Morning Sung-il a call from a potential seller on his mail inquires. The man's voice politely he explains his vehicle needs to sell in a hurry, he may prove his regular rates bring with Sung-il offer to work.

Sung-il is doubtful why a seller would like to raise him to the caller says they can forget the deal, if he is not interested, and hangs up. The camera cuts to the caller. A young man whose face we do not see

Nevertheless made this call Sung-il curious, and his team members convince him that it is a fair deal when he checked out of the vehicle itself. So called he returned the seller, but said on the way to their meeting, the seller was something that he can not make it. Sung-il need not worry too much, because he has sent someone else to take him.

The seller sounds apologetic when he says, take no money to bring, because he owes some money this person. Sung-il's understanding and found the car in the grounds. Delighted on closer inspection, Sung-il calls asking which car to buy today, even though he gets skeptical when the seller says that he can not be personally the seller.

He has said that his contact has all the necessary paperwork, and Sung-il, the money to be wired it directly. It provides that for a few moments before settling.

Sung-il, sends the money via an ATM and retried, the seller call ... but nobody takes. Uh oh. The realization that he has just been cheated, he runs back into the crowd, where he flags down the car to ask about the seller. But the contact, he says no such Hyung knows and that this car belongs to him.

Just then, Sung-il a call from the seller receives, which withdraws the money in cash, as they speak. In an amused voice, the caller Sung-il says he should not have sent money to someone never met. He should be sure to proceed with caution the next time, and only gets more amused than Sung-il voice turns pleading of outrage.

Sung-il now can go home again, further the caller. An incoming SMS notified Sung-il a meager payment on his nearly empty balance for a taxi to pay back home, and he left with nothing but frustration and guilt.

Now it's time to take a good look at our get tricksters. YANG JUNG-DO ( Seo In-gook )

Let the clocks to really understand Jung-do rollback, he at day out of prison. He tells us in voiceover that people in Korea have been fixed on money in 1997 since the IMF crisis:

He "ask money to their religion, their parents and their friend." ensures to say goodbye to a gray-haired inmate too busy watering plants is to say goodbye to him, and it reflects how the world people as he bred others in his 30s con. He even thought about why people fooled so easily to such a simple idea like a con, and his answer is as simple :. Everyone is obsessed with money

he has given the keys to send a car as soon as he leaves the prison gates, and Jung-do goes us through the work of a successful fraudster:... "When people look at money, you do not see the person to look at who the person is on the inside, who they seem to be Focus on an EQ person than their IQ you must to be kind of con artist, and if you achieve that, all going in the world is as planned "

Jung-do notebook takes out and uses his many phones calls to his goal. Sektionschef Kang. He pretends to be a bank employee a special promotion to offer his loan request can that ordered by the gray-haired inmate a ploy proves.

Section Chief Kang are easily their personal information and Jung-do moves on to the next victim of the other employees saw angry we called Han Se-chan. The notebook contains a list of information, including relatives, so Jung-do calls Han woman a fake reservation for a large group in the restaurant to make, she is working on.

he switched lines regretfully Sektionschef Kang informed that he will make a first deposit, you need to get the loan. The donated five million deposit to the restaurant will be sent as a deposit for the reservation, then Jung-do calls about buying a watch from an online vendor for ₩ 7,000,000.

He switches phones to inquire call the restaurant and apologize too much money on the wiring. Since it is on the company dime, he asks friendly, the rest will be returned. He turns back phones to ensure that the clock on his way is-he will send the money as soon as he sees the tracking label.

The deposits are made and the picture is sent, so Jung-do in the run convenience store to retrieve the package. Now it's time for the grand finale, as it dawns on all the victims that they have stolen. Jung-do leaves one of the phones, the bags now much harder.

He heads to the club where he smiles dancing to a pretty lady. This is JOO Mi Joo ( Lee Seon-bin ), who seems to recognize him, and if he is happy to see her, she greeted him with a blow on the cheek.

He and Mi-Joo had been in the car when Sung-il took his daughter to the rain. We see that Sung-il name was on the list next, and Mi-Joo had sent the text. It was Jung-do have been that they had passed on the sidewalk and Sung-il delete to see the text.

He had heard Jin-seok comment on how Sung-il did not have a car that sparked him a new con thinking: set up a buyer-seller meeting, but then swipe that money for itself

had So Jung-do called the original. pretending to be interested seller in the purchase of the car, while also Sung-il be selling the car pretending. He had said that both the seller and Sung-il, that he could not make it, then stopped to watch how the meeting went.


Now that we are on speed, Sung-il, he said, would be virtually impossible to get his money back. He throws the last two bills he left ... only to come back and moments later be retrieved.

Sung-il looking at the amount in despair when Jung-do goes straight to him. With a little smile, he asks, "Can I burn a light?"


Although Sung -il do not know, is the face of the offender, which is still a courageous step on Jung-En-part. Although Police Unit 38 not introduce plastered on the drama Promoposter in Premiere there is enough evidence all faces indicating that we are headed in that direction. The show is soon to entertain more than enough character, so I'm not waiting to be properly introduced to them all. And if I know nothing of writer Han Jung Hoon past works (in particular Bad Guys ) is that the people who will form the police unit 38 interesting personalities will be in their own right.

So I'm pretty happy with most of the Premiere always dedicate our team leader in Sung-il to know, played by the always lovable Ma Dong-seok . He adheres to the law to hard work ends to come for his family, and can see where the system for the common people failed. His wishes are simple and modest, and he can lose his temper in the face of injustice. But he also has a blind spot when it comes to modern scams, and fall so easily seen, a particularly difficult was to see him.

What makes me wonder just how Sung-il and the other tax official collection agency landed on the grizzled Hit the occupant. Something tells me it has to do with the incident six years ago, when the employee died in the car. My guess would be that he and the employee part in blowing the whistle played at the man, and now this decision comes back to haunt him. But who knows if there is so much politics in the office going even where the many questions include how far returns the relationship between Sung-il and the mayor.

But now, I'm more interested in these first encounters between young-do and Sung-il. used Compared to multi-threaded con to introduce our residents tricksters, the fraud he looks drawn on Sung-il as a walk in the park. Him walking past Sung-il and his daughter was near blink-or-you-miss-it moment, and the setup was just too simple, similar to the other tricks he pulled. Watch Jung-Ge smooth talking skills was so impressive and convincing that it was almost easy to forget that he ruined the lives of people in the process. And at the time he does not really care about these consequences, as long as his pockets to get a little harder.

So I can not wait until Jung-do begins well his abilities to con men who have cheated the system as Ma Jin-seok. It would be right of Sung-il not right to rely on the bat, a man like Jung-do, but both men have so much potential, a thing or two to learn from each other. Once this team with more prudish minds as Sung-hee and smarter talents as Mi-Joo beef, you are left with a deadly team that is not afraid to pull the wool over his eyes.

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tags: featured, first episodes, Ma Dong seok, police unit 38, Seo In-gook, Sooyoung

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