Recap And Reviews Kdrama Three Musketeers: Episode 8

Recap and reviews korean drama Three Musketeers: Episode 8 -

This episode is not even to be about Dal-hyang, but he gets the best seat in the house for the light at the end of the tangled mess that is Sohyeon love life. (I know, right?) The two women involved in the affairs of the Crown Prince himself found on completely opposite ends of the spectrum against their own will, which would be like looking in the mirror to see the person you wanted to Been. It is as terrible as it may be, but terrible in the way can be a good drama to his character sometimes what makes bad for them for a compelling hour of television. This is one of the cases.


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Episode 8: The Crown Princess Wish

Yoon-seo eyes with tears on the news to fill that Dal - hyang was arrested, but they do not get to cry long, if her husband is brought on a stretcher in

Regardless of the warnings of the doctor, Yoon-seo refused to look away because they Sohyeon the stab wounds but eventually treat. ending swoon despite (and because it was sprayed with blood). as soon as it wakes up again goes to his side, and with a towel by the attending court maid handed ...

... If you stand out his Mi-ryung in disguise. Yoon-seo, not long seen enough to recognize that, eek .

Mi-ryung the princess worry about Sohyeon Watches , forget to look away when Yoon-seo she noticed staring. Yoon-seo calls from it to find something about the girl who hit gone strange, but only reminds them of the ceremony by Mi-ryung.

Yoon-seo walks up her skirts to chase after her, and confronts them in the pouring rain: "By chance ... You're Hyang-sun" She has her Answer one Mi-ryung turns on her, and indeed berates the girl for the nerves in the palace come to that has happened after all.

But she is stunned into silence when Mi-ryung deadpans that they sneaked into the palace, because she was concerned about Sohyeon, and needed to know if he was going to make it.

Although he was the one who gave him that she still stabbed concerned for his safety, and emphasized to Yoon-seo, he let himself stabbed and said he missed them by he had been stabbed.

There is a strange thing to make someone jealous, but Mi-ryung uses its proximity to the Prince at this moment to stab Yoon -seo a metaphorical knife and it works.

She sees Yoon-seo directly in the eyes as she claims that she forgave Sohyeon everything after he asked for forgiveness, though the irony of their current situation is not lost on her. She may be pathetic, but so is Yoon-seo, who was forced to marry someone she did not love.

And that someone just happens to be the person Mi-ryung loves that takes them to admit that she is jealous of Yoon-seo. Is not life funny sometimes?

Yoon-seo tries to leave, at least until Mi-ryung reminds them to stop, that she was born a Slave , it could hurt light. Once Yoon-seo loosens grip, Mi-ryung bows formally and expresses its sincere hope that they will be satisfied with Sohyeon.

Even before the rain soaked and her own tears, Yoon-seo ignored by the participants float her husband to kneel at his side, while they call into question what it is they really know him.

Dal-hyang gets a hearty prison greeting from the two musketeers and Pan-swe which happily announces that he goes where his master comes, even if it is a prison is. His masterpiece, now takes the whole incarceration thing as a way to gain some street cred with the ladies. Hah.

The Monthly Dal-hyang spent in prison elaborated on in his memoirs that Yeonam reading in the slightly-more-presence-year-of-our-Lord 1780. Since Dal-hyang scope was only limited to what he says behind bars as he tells the story of those weeks, as he heard them

So it's back to the present-past. after it from Minister Choi asked her husband thing, Yoon-seo helps to sneak Ingguldai from the palace to help. Meanwhile convinced Minister Choi King Injo Ingguldai execution order and Dal-hyang noted in his memoirs that did not previously Injo pretend withdraw that Ingguldai was captured alive, almost as if he had been waiting for.

Dal -hyang also recorded that he heard that Injo and Ingguldai after some posturing from both sides reconciled, and the Ingguldai worked closely with Sohyeon to try to prevent a war. He also heard that Kim was yes jeom demoted and sent away from the palace, but mentioned in his memoirs that he could not confirm it with his own two eyes.

But as for what he could prove Dal-hyang mentioned how Yoon-seo came to visit him in prison. In the current past first question, the Dal-hyang can be seen on it, about the prince, and is visibly relieved when it improves the Sohyeon state responds.

He does not have much to say for himself when Yoon-seo asks how he still hanging around as she had asked to put some distance between them Sohyeon, they decide chalk up to happenstance Instead plus, he's pretty sure he throw in his lot with Seung-po, min-seo and Sohyeon is now fated.

Dal-hyang does her question to dodge, who stole the letter, as he admits, to find it and burn it as he did not know about Mi-ryung and blames accepts to be before all to no-soo. Yoon-seo is accompanying smile is almost sad, because she knows Dal-hyang is to her.

Nevertheless, they usher him closer so that they can knock the blood from his cheek between the bars, and he can not help of a smile. "I am glad that I am in prison," he jokes, before adding that he would later write about this moment in his memoirs and mention how happy he was to have the Princess to tend his wound.

There is gratitude that they touched, as always thanks to the palace you. For something that nobody admits Here she came to comfort him, but he's the one comforting they . "I Highness wants to be happy," Dal-hyang says with a smile. "That is my sincere wish."

The rest of the guys wake up in time Yoon-seo with a message from Sohyeon see them to say on the other side of the bars to remain strong and to endure for just a little while longer

section to. A month later (hah), as the boy led to the torture courtyard on the ropes. After seeing what they can expect, Seung-po and the other in their tracks, all, Are you sure the Prince does not mention us ?! get

Seung-po and Min-seo hard punches for non-Prince because of their gambling problem to protect are condemned while Dal-hyang gets ... much less than that. He is not official in a was position, when he was arrested, his punishment is minimal beside them. Haha.

get Pan-swe and the other slaves with a light prison sentence because it only by their masters, so that the two musketeers as ordered to do (and Dal -hyang) expected their shots, while bound to a cross. This is definitely the funniest torture scene in a Sageuk cake, and if you have not previously existed think you have not seen Dr. Jin . (And do not, by any means.)

The boys are too clumsy talk before the blows begin and Seung-po is about to cry just a . Fifty-nine more to go ...?

Luckily comes the Prince of permanently save the full set of his friends. Seung-po is not as pleased as if he was to get the only hit another, and ensures it to complain in detail. Sohyeon can not help but smile and a few jabs accept his good friend, because he knows he can.

Sohyeon sends a sly look Dal-hyang way before whispering to his chamberlain, although we are like Dal-hyang left as clueless when it comes to what is said. Then Sohyeon is taken to task by his father, who still believes his son was caught gambling and not to help the enemy.

Although Sohyeon agrees with the steps king Injo iron things took Ingguldai is Injo still too sore to see on this subject to it in a positive light, when everything he feels humiliated.

Injo the subject Sohyeon lack of an heir turns, now full debt placement on his son since Yoon-seo has proved honest and virtuous. Sohyeon would argue when his father says that he did not see him again, if he has a child, and ekes out instead of the politically correct words Injo want to hear than that he wants to say more.

to be discharged to win after the king's pardon from prison (but not command his blessing for her friendship with Sohyeon-Injo them split), to draw boy Seung-po house, where he will continue to act ribbed sore, even though he was the only one among them who was hit.

but as his unique woman enters immediately Dal-hyang springs for proper greeting at his feet, which includes a formal bow. Seung-po, "Why are you bowing?" Dal-hyang: "It is my first time to meet your mother." Dead

Dal-hyang expression turns panicked when Min-seo tells him that the woman. that is, and his mother that deserves by Seung-po a good laugh Seung-po woman.

... give Prior to his four children when Dal-hyang did not even know he had one. Seung-po even mixes his children ( "Wait, that's you? My goodness, you've grown so much"), because it at home is not enough, what the boys shake their heads over.

the guys think they are in for it when an official of the king 'order provides that not only forgives for their crimes, but they Months Holiday time is.

Well, all except for Dal-hyang, that is. He took as an officer back into operation and said immediately and to start, he says immediately as in now . Undoubtedly, this was all idea Sohyeon and Pan-swe is ordered his new favorite to accompany Master on the border.

Cue both in her haste she tripped the Messenger procession to make where Ingguldai waiting. He jokes at Dal-hyang to make able costs as Dal-hyang not understand Manchu when told me something Ingguldai naughty wink and laugh means he just having fun with it. (And I can only say a big improvement over the killing of innocent women on horseback.)

But he receives a gift from Sohyeon: its personal, one-of -a kind of sword, together with a letter from Prince: "you are arrogant punk, you pledged your loyalty to me without my permission So I have no choice but to give this sign of your faithfulness.."

After adding that Dal-hyang can use the sword only for good causes, he adds: "Are you moved I also know how cool I am?". only Sohyeon.

As it so happens, Kim Ja-jeom is now Ingguldai and His Messenger host that he has nothing but time in exile, but that does not mean that he has to be happy about. He annoys still not kill Ingguldai when he had the chance.

He has a visitor in the form of no-soo is to rudely throwing there Mi-ryung under the horse, by everything. On their guilt and swore his loyalty to Kim Ja-jeom He also promises Mi-ryung Kim to provide yes-jeom for punishment personally, because they die anyway is about.

The prince is surprised when he finds that he is not only forbidden to leave out of his quarters, the king has instructed him the evening with his woman to spend . Of all things!

There's nothing he can do, he pays a visit to Yoon-seo. You know very well that the king wants them to conceive a baby tonight, the mere mention of which Sohyeon like a child afraid of cooties wincing.

Sohyeon figures he'll remain platonic for a few hours with her, just enough to fool the audience outside that they got it. Yoon-seo responds by cups of wine chugging up Sohyeon you stop, his face a giant question mark.

Yoon-seo apologized and claimed that they normally do not "do" before before Sohyeon positioned his clothes in a very businesslike manner undress. When asked what she does, she replies in a trembling voice that she to the king is the implementation.

your knowledge of what brings this order is only what she has heard from other women who told them act like a gisaeng in bed. Before Sohyeon itself can answer try if they will be asked if this is what gisaengs do, she leans quickly to kiss him.

It takes a while to push them away, but tried it, the moment to save by closing in for another. An awkward moment occurs when Sohyeon tried to keep them at bay, to fall at the top only with her with a lock on her wrist.

tears fall from her eyes and on Sohyeon cheeks as she asked brokenly, if he really so little wants to do with his own wife before she repels him crying for yourself.

Sohyeon into his old routine resets to be jokey irresponsible, despite his attempts to lighten the mood will not work if Yoon-seo about to betray herself if she asks how he can I could "her" go when "their" loves so much clear.

he puts on that and Yoon-seo decides to tell him to be clear that it Mi-ryung / Hyang-sun looked into the palace while he was recovering. Uh oh.

Meanwhile Kim Ja-jeom finds out everything there is to know about Mi-ryung is not so secret identity of No-soo, who a misogynistic taken detour when it comes to his former lover.

Yoon-seo is that they, by found Minister Yoon wife and Mi-ryung mother the same to Sohyeon. A flashback shows that the actual daughter of the house, Mi-ryung was kept inside because their parents were ashamed of their being moronic.

In order to save face in front of others, Mi-ryung mother dressed the beautiful and able Hyang-sun to make-believe that she was her daughter. But when the queen heard of her beauty, and chose her as a candidate for the wife of the Crown Prince, Mi-ryung mother was thrown into a panic, certain that they would be caught in their lie.

But Hyang- sun was smart and knew how to play Mommy Dearest and even managed to convince them to send them in the selection of candidates, while the insured resting Hyang-sun would be rejected and sent back home, where no one would know the difference.

That's when Hyang-sun and Sohyeon saw each other for the first time, while the narrator muses that it is love at first sight.

[1945010Jetztlinks] ask what to do with real Mi-ryung, Hyang-sun acted still the part and met the prince secretly with him none the wiser. Everything went on well, until Mi-ryung father, Minister Yoon, belongs delayed them and confronted his wife about what she had done: "Do you know what will happen Our slave will be the Crown Princess?!"

Minister Yoon, doing the right thing by telling the truth, also wanted if he would ruin his family, but Hyang-sun burst in begging that he only let be his daughter , It would not be difficult, as the Queen and Prince they love so much, is not it?

She had crossed the border, as they the real micro- sending proposed ryung far away, even though they accused Minister Yoon to have abandoned his daughter, because he was so ashamed of her.

as much as he called her a slave, she had faith in themselves because they are the queen impressed on their own merits. "I on Mi-ryung, the future crown princess!" Walking they are beaten by their false father for their impudence.

Later that night led Hyang-mi-sun simple ryung to a well and pushed them to their deaths down. But then a voice called out from just off-screen ... it was Sohyeon. He looked Hyang-sun a girl slide into the well, even if he did not know who the girl was.

In the present, no-soo says Kim Ja-jeom, the Mi-ryung was strange ever act, because the lock to leave, and that they get sick when they approached the border. Although no-soo has it all tied up, it is pointless seems as if they have been living up to try anyway they do not eat, drink or speak.

Yoon-seo anxiety is worse now that she thinks that she is caught by a glimpse of what Sohyeon suffering, and wishes that they could be of comfort to him, knowing that it in his heart no place for them.

asks if he can do her a favor, if only repay their rescue Ingguldai on his behalf. He replies coolly that he would decide when he hears the favor, ouch.

"Please take me to the side," she said says. "That is my wish." He would not be held responsible even if it has gone five years without having a child, and she is wearing in order with the force of public opinion, seems to surprise the Sohyeon.

Kim ja-jeom addresses the near-catatonic Mi-ryung who either cry or (or both) sweating as he wonders why she did not just say that the princess to be, is, what they have all the time-because he wanted to help her might.

Already he offers his help her the princess she always wanted to be, what to move gets students Mi-ryung at least. They can be heard.

Yoon-seo sincerely inquires Sohyeon to leave them and let them take the case, what is, even if he did not think she knows what women happens, thrown out of the palace.

"I can no longer care", Yoon-seo says. "I want to live with a man who loves me ... even if it's for a day, and as a man to die. Please, threw me to the side. This is my wish."


intense. What it must've taken for the meek Yoon-seo build enough courage to confront Sohyeon as on my realm of fantasy right now, suffice it to say that it has even gained some respect when he took a pair of glasses Downing fluid courage to get her to put the impregnable fortress that is Crown Prince Sohyeon.

tries to their credit, they have . For a marriage to be without love, I would say that it is more hard work and effort than Sohyeon, and has more suffered more for it. I always find the feeling sorry for Yoon-seo alone in a palace full of strangers she can not trust, if at least her husband gets the world to go, see and decide things for themselves. A part of her pitch much like a woman in life in 1636 and part of it is, its restrictive position as a princess, a role that would give her would think more power rather than none. [1945009It]

was a little shrill, to see that the dark stripes in Hyang-sun / Mi-ryung a direct result of Sohyeon was not cruelty, but an error in their character that runs deep. It embodies the nature vs. nurture question, even if the narrator appears with the former to side when it comes to that, and I'm still on the side of not sure. Perhaps it would not be so bad if she had done anything for love, but she maneuvered in a prime location to be able to enter the palace before they even Sohyeon and once met the actual daughter of the house was in the way of their ambitions, she made them disappear. Literally.

So to now bring this scene with Mi-ryung the inconsolable mother in context, and it makes sense that they would upset, as they raised over her daughter's death from embarrassment her killer. It makes sense that Sohyeon would have found only on the List by catching Hyang-sun in an irreversible, irredeemable act of cold-blooded murder . And while it's still what he'm no less unthinkable asked her, after so many episodes in his repressed pain of the ordeal I was of the opinion that Sohyeon is not even 25% as happy as he wants to be. He is also charged his repentance, even if the weight is a little disproportional to the shoulders.

Understand only feelings a bit more than any other not , the only way we would know me wrong, I'm not saying it would be nice if we were privy to the prince, what in his skull meat is going on, if no one else-especially-he will show us. But he's so illegible to me, as he is her most of the time, because if he has aaaangst (and we know that he does), he is a Zen master is pain when swallowing and convert it into empty smile , It's almost a shame that he is not the player his father thinks he is, because he would have a hell of a poker face, and a much better excuse.

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tags: featured, Jung Yong-hwa Lee Jin-wook, The three Musketeers, Yang Dong-Geun

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