Recap And Reviews Kdrama Three Musketeers: Episode 7

Recap and reviews korean drama Three Musketeers: Episode 7 -

This episode is downright fun filled with high stakes and intrigue as Sohyeon life in the middle of a political power game Dal-hyang either itself can escape choose caught off or to commit for the long ~~ POS = TRUNC. The latter choice is more-or-die-options of which are the hardest to whether he would for King fight and maybe his land, or Prince, and still just a opens perhaps on land. If only it came to personal preference down and not to certain death if he were to get on the wrong side, but where's the fun?


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Episode 7: "Mi-ryung and Hyang-sun"

It is with great shock that Yoon-seo hears one early from her court lady death of the chamberlain of the prince, who also told her his suspicions that it was the court lady who stole the letter and acted as a spy against their own mistress. has

Yoon-seo had enough with the secrets and comes directly from the eunuchs to ask what he knows about the mysterious woman to get only these mysterious reins to her.

the eunuch finally that admits her name is Mi-ryung, and she was chosen to be the Prince's wife before Yoon-seo. the princess's eyes widen, she has heard this story before, but in the version everyone knows , Mi-ryung died , so what can he possibly mean?

she lives, is the eunuch claims. Yoon-seo further beaten when they as when Mi-ryung supposed to have been hanged in demand. "The thing is, your Highness, Minister Yoon daughter Mi-ryung is certainly dead. However ... Mi-ryung servant, Hyang-sun, is alive." Whaaaaat.

Returning to the events immediately before the ending to last week's episode, when Mi-ryung (?) Become had to face Prince with tears in his eyes. Then the eunuch in Voiceover is continued: "Yes, the woman's name is Hyang-sun Although it is known to everyone as Mi-ryung.." Again I ask, whaaaaat?

Now we see the conversation that took before the stabbing, the prince said in his usual cryptic manner that he does not Mi-ryung still knew on was living. As it has been?

I love that Mi-ryung is all How do you think I was? how his question is just ridiculous. Then she asks what he wants to know how it is to live these past five years already, or how they managed that night in order to survive? "Both," answers Sohyeon. "I was told you hanged himself."

She did not deny it, but adds sardonically that their servants "helped" her task for he made the order for them to commit suicide. In a flashback, a young struggling Mi-ryung desperately against the men hanging from the rafters, as they (who was there that night) with the Prince eunuch pleaded to let them meet with Sohyeon.

The eunuch showed no mercy and left the building to be lit on fire, too. Mi-ryung had screamed, as the ministers of the chair kicked from under her and she began to leave hanging as flames to consume the space, and the eunuch left only heard the fire alarm after go had seen them limp.

at the last moment, one of the servants, she returned to cut down. But his intentions were not noble, when he had sat with a traumatized and burned Mi-ryung in the forest outside the palace, and told her to be her because he had saved her.

But he called her "Hyang-sun", claiming always have non-liked because she was Minister Yoon daughter, but because she was pretending a slave of the same house, be the daughter. In his head he was better suited to her, as he in the same class as it was, although he used force to try them and to rape.

In the present Hyang-sun / Mi-ryung (for easy operation, we keep their Mi-ryung call) tells Sohyeon that at that moment she realized everyone was, were the same, whether a slave or a prince. "So I killed him," she says the rape-y servant in the forest. She made it look like a suicide look like, so that their track could not be traced, and adds almost too defensive, they never sleep over it has lost.

"I did not do anything wrong," she exclaims. "It was all of you who used me. I never asked, Mi-ryung, but it has to be forced me. I did exactly what they told me to do, because I was just a slave!" Sohyeon face remains as ever as apathetic, no matter how passionate her speech is.

tells you about the flashback that follows it shows in her dirty and torn underwear run for their lives.

half starved, burned, and still traumatized, she was moved to a village where a man took pity on her and offered her with him to take territory Manchu. but .. for a price. Mi-ryung says Sohyeon in the present, that they are using their bodies as currency had to cross the border, and later learned how to control it to use men.

She describes how her to a rich Manchu was man, and in flashbacks we see a sixth concubine faking tears when her husband suddenly and unexpectedly passed clearly no coincidence. She had only made it look like a, so that they could take his money.

In the present, she adds that to have money and idle time gave her finally have the chance to think of Sohyeon, the man responsible for setting off the chain of events that made them who they today is.

Therefore she has yes jeom approached Kim because they needed a way Sohyeon to meet, and he needed a spy fluent in Manchu. But even she admits that she did not expect to see Sohyeon again, as soon as they had planned to surprise him.

"It must be awful for you that the woman you thought was dead, is alive," she hums both and grits his teeth. Finally Sohyeon responded with a shake of the head: ".. No I was glad you seen alive"

He tells her he spent every day of the past five years regretting what he did-that he ordered her to commit suicide then. Mi-ryung eyes fill with tears as she all but whispered: "You are lying."

But maybe she knows that it is true, or does not want to believe it. Sohyeon shows none of the same emotions as he tells her that now is their chance to make him pay. That's what she wants, right?


Mi-ryung at his cavalier attitude when she asks if he even knows how they want to take their revenge on him, but he does not care. Sohyeon ". Whichever method you choose, I can have nothing to say"

His attitude seems to grab hardened from her daze as look in her eyes, and her voice crooning villainously again rotates. "You'll regret it," she says, before she stabs him in the shoulder.

This is the scene Dal-hyang barges in on, and still not interfere Sohyeon orders Dal-hyang. Dal-hyang versa violently that he does not he has in him to leave the prince as though Sohyeon be determined to repeat.

This is Dal-hyang reluctantly led / dragged out of the room, while inside falls Sohyeon his hands of Mi-ryung shoulders. His lack of resistance it acts more than anything else, as she tried to keep him desperately hate despite everything.

"Does it hurt?", They tore border. She wants to give it to her to cause a reaction, any reaction, so it can know whether the pain she is on him to inflict is only half as bad as what they suffered when they hanged was. I doubt it is also the physical pain, what is important, they want him to see her pain more than anything else.

Sohyeon a hand reaches up to stroke her cheek, as he admits, "I've missed you." Flowing tears freely as each other's eyes for a long moment staring after until she finally loses her nerve and drops the bloody dagger by loose fingertips.

While Kim Ja-jeom waiting Prince response to its offer to hear a team (or be turned in for treason did not commit Sohyeon), Dal-hyang waiting outside the secret corridor for the prince on needles in the night.

Finally Sohyeon dive alone, looking quite fine for the open wound to save. He speaks no-soo first with the order / request for him from Joseon to flee with Mi-ryung, since it would jeom yes be a target for Kim if she stays. He wants to leave and never return.

Dal-hyang attempts Sohyeon to convince a doctor to go unheard, and his attempt to see after Mi-ryung to go and no-soo-although Dal-hyang their crimes lists (usually murder) as reason enough Sohyeon holds him by the letter preparation Yoon-seo years ago to him five have written.

He gives Dal-hyang the letter since he had once claimed it was his, which effectively stops Dal Hyang of chasing Mi-ryung now that he knows Yoon-seo are not extorted from her , Dal-hyang it burns make sure that it can not always be used against them again.

In his usual manner, says Sohyeon an enigmatic farewell when he mounts his horse tied for House Minister Choi. He seems half teasing and being half-serious (wait, that's him all the time) when he says Dal-hyang, that he may be on the way completed his mission and now.

he mentioned how he was Dal-hyang going to bring into your lap as soon as he completed this mission, but sighs that their destiny ends here, it was Yoon-seo, who said that he asked them keep a distance from her first love, even if he is not sure if it. this distance for themselves instead needed established him

as Dal-hyang reluctant separates with the prince, we briefly flashing in the future (1780), where the narrator Yeonam Park Ji-won of reading The memoirs of Park Dal-hyang his confession that had Sohyeon right: Dal-hyang did the king to use as an excuse to pick a fight with him because he had not liked him from the beginning.

and he had not liked him, Dal-hyang says in his memoirs because Sohyeon had taken his wife and could not even make them happy. In the present / past Dal-hyang turns his horse to the prince to follow as we hear it in voiceover that he his opinion of him that day changed when he the common binding them with regard to their first love recognized divided.

Dal-hyang even wondered whether Mi-ryung like to find two of them in their suffering, was a commonality between the three of them, he had not seen before. Although he was not sure if Sohyeon earned his faithfulness in the past, now it is quite safe.

and not for a moment soon as Dal-hyang enough Sohyeon near hovers him to see horse on his passport. When he tried to shake the prince to his senses, falls a bloodied letter from the sleeve (if only bags had been invented!).

Dal-hyang the Prince in Minister Choi Men piggybacking, where the other two Musketeers quickly jump into action. Since Kim is not aware Yes-jeom that Sohyeon is ill, he assumes that the prince has declined his offer, if the time limit of him without a word go.

Although it is not as sharp told only to the king over Ingguldai, Kim Ja-jeom plans Sohyeon name through the mud to pull as he threatened, he would. It will not be hard to manipulate someone as suspicious and fearful as king Injo he claims.

In an empty court Injo reads a message from Kim Ja-jeom repeated what he had said about traitors in high places during the last General Assembly. Injo do not want to believe it, and looks like a madman as he begins by the court migrate to face the question whether the Minister he imagines, there are could be a traitor.

Every Minister, also Minister Choi is cleared of suspicion Injo various reasons. Scarcely not whine, the king, that he does not know who will be the traitor might be that he turns on his heel to the throne rotates and brings two and two together: But whoever keeps more other authority within the palace by his son, Sohyeon ? Ruh ROH.

Yoon-seo can not help but think of all the Mi-ryung / Hyang-sun secret while their handicrafts to practice, and reminds himself the eunuch she realized that say real Mi-ryung was found in a well dead. It also flashes back to Mi-ryung mother cry that they have died instead of her daughter should.

After quietly Prince Eunuch not ask, to tell him that she knows about Mi-ryung, Yoon-seo is surprised the king wants to hear from her-all to see, because he does not get ahold of her husband get Has.

Minister Choi and the two musketeers have a crisis, such as help Sohyeon best that urgent medical care. Add it to the palace doctors do not accept, because the king would suspect his son now that Kim Ja-jeom said, who was the traitor had been wounded.

This means that their only option is Kim so-jeom although Sohyeon had no intention of playing ball, to beg him. Minister Choi claims to have no choice-they have to do what they can for Sohyeon to survive.

has of course responsible for Dal-hyang why Sohyeon ended stabbed at his watch, and Minister Choi finds him reading the letter, the Sohyeon dropped. Although Dal-hyang can not divulge specifics, it passes somberly letter to Choi, claiming that it is the reason why Sohyeon risked his life.

This raises the damning info Mi-ryung claims to be out, she had to Kim Ja-jeom, they promised to give to Sohyeon when he met her she guessed kept their end of the bargain.

But Dal-hyang stops Minister Choi with a bit of an existential crisis: "What does it mean to protect our country," he asks, much in the same way again Minister Choi asked him. It's because he still not know the answer, although it is thought at length about: Is Sohyeon to do the right thing by protecting Ingguldai against the king's orders

While Dal-hyang know Sohyeon prevent attempted a war, he wonders if that makes the king deceived better. His question to Minister Choi is whether the end justifies the means, even though it does not get much of a response from Choi, who tells the story is the true judge of their actions be.

but also Minister Choi refers vaguely justice of the king its citizens die because of a war he had would bring, leave Dal-hyang to decide for themselves if he really Injo or does not relate.

then He says Dal-hyang that the choice of its own Sohyeon-with-Injo or to the side to make. The third possibility is that no one, and away from the conflict he. Pages

After the incriminating evidence against Kim Ja-jeom are the two Musketeers, says Minister Choi Dal-hyang, that he must make a decision now: How will he decide to protect their land? Dal-hyang: "I readiness ..."

Cut to: Min-seo the unconscious to save Prince in liquor as a part of their plan dousing him. Meanwhile there Seung-po his slaves weapons to fight, even though they do not know what they are fighting for. In a funny interlude, wakes Seung-po until they ask his round and deliberately grotesque woman for money.

that all sweet talk must've worked, soon since Seung-po Min-seo connects with the cover in brandy, seems to be completely drunk. Pan-swe found Dal-hyang missing when Seung-po asks him if he is willing to die for his master, only to perk up when Seung-po tells him that he Dal-hyang today will see evening.

Dal-hyang is the provision of Prince response to Kim Ja-jeom commissioned moments just before he would have entered the palace, he almost too happy was written by Minister Choi confirmed the true traitor, a signed copy of the list of those pledging allegiance to later Jin / soon-to-be-Qing ,.

There is. Kim Ja-Jeom the letter tears back before Dal-hyang, than to prove whether he will not be threatened by it, but to joke on Dal-hyang, that there is only one copy of the Prince has the signed version with him.

like drunks Acting, Seung-po and Min-seo raided Kim Ja-jeom house under the pretext that Seung-po has absent collect a gambling debt from currently Minister.

They fire their weapons nearby to alert authorities before Seung-po breaks in Kim Ja-jeom is sure to real signed Traitor List find as Dal-hyang safes tells owners how they found it. the list of Pan-swe, Seung-po depends to keep the drunken Ruse with the authorities again.

Kim Ja-jeom play can not after sending Coy, when it comes to the Traitor list now, but if he asks Dal-hyang who tipped it to the document, Dal-hyang him saying his father once said, who tells him: Be wary of women. At the time, Kim Ja-jeom realized Mi-ryung betray him, it is too late.

King Injo sets Yoon-seo on the spot when he asks her if she's lying about Sohyeon current location, and warns them only to speak the truth, already has her quaking in fear.

He recalls that it was one of the people who told him the prince the day he slept burst into his room, so it all but you bludgeons with his accusation that they fact the that to cover up the prince, log out of the palace was just before Injo found him.

There is, if she does not know how to answer that Injo is excited more and more. Rather than deny the charges, she suggests nervously made reaction Sohyeon debt.

The Dal-hyang goes to the king to tell him that Sohyeon was seriously injured, Kim ja-jeom tried Mi-ryung down into the secret room pursue he gave her-the same Sohyeon met her in.

There is Kim so-jeom the bloody knife that she used the prince, and a few meters to stab away place he ... the real Prince. (Been of Dal-hyang unloaded) He does not know what to make of this discovery, at least until the royal guards arrive. Ah ha, smart! Kim Ja-jeom has been used only caught with the weapon to stab the prince.

And it's Dal-hyang, acting like he just Kim Ja-jeom at the game room looked but can not remember, because he. pretty drunk

Now the whole plan falls into place: Dal-hyang tells the king that Sohyeon in a brawl got in his own secret game room (Micro- ryung rooms), and that Seung-po chased after the man who had no idea who Sohyeon was when he stabbed him and ran with the large sum of.

and since Seung-po made sure he would be caught Kim Ja-jeom house, it implies the Minister in the gambling ring which, hilariously, the King total buys. He is even happy to lock up with this idea, because there is an excuse Yoon-seo lie for him when she was covering up for her husband gambling.

Luckily Yoon-seo slightly faster on the uptake, and follows Dal-hyang silent cue to tell the king that yes, that was exactly why she was. In any case, the only reason. Haha.

Before he carted in the night's events for his role of the guards, Kim Ja-jeom ominous promises Dal-hyang that he would his recall name-it can with his hanbok down this time have been caught, but now that he knows what Sohyeon is capable, it will not happen again.

While carried on a stretcher into the palace, Sohyeon be waking up long enough about what happened. However weak he is, he still asks Dal-hyang why he still around when he actually go home.

Dal-hyang confidently tells him he refuses to go home because their bet null and void now that he was (offscreen) tells how the prince betrayed him. They bicker cutely for a bit, certainly with Dal-hyang that Sohyeon will release him from prison, as he was one of Sohyeon people now.

"Who said you're one of my men?" Sohyeon challenges. "That's what everyone says," Dal-hyang answers. "Mi-ryung, Kim Ja-jeom, and the king. So you have no choice. I'm your man."

Dal-hyang adds that he also the kind of person that a decision sticks when he did it, so he asks the Prince to prove to him that he made the right choice.

Sohyeon says nothing, but when he has carried away, he sends a knowing smile Dal-hyang way. Dal-hyang is the gesture.


Awww, they are friends! It is good to know that Dal-hyang still like Sohyeon even after finding out that he had been deceived by him, since it means that the lesson Sohyeon was fucking lost it to him, but again did not want to teach, whether he going to let Sohyeon sight for a second, if he knows what trouble he gets into.

I like the dynamic between the two of them because Sohyeon hand the upper hand ~~ POS = HEADCOMP seemed to hold in their relationship ready. He can older, wiser and in a great position of power that he used to met Lord of Dal-hyang from the moment they are, but Dal-hyang is not only his head bow and take orders blindly more (or at all ). He has found the prince, perhaps even better than the other two musketeers, and in a way that he knows he can no longer be taken too seriously.

The fact that he knows how much bark is bite in Sohyeon is not only levels the playing field, there is also Dal-hyang a degree of power, I would not expect last week of him this time. Also, to be at Sohyeon who he is, sometimes Dal-hyang does know better than he, and join yourself to this knowledge gives him to smile just loose and shake my head sometimes Sohyeon. If he will continue Sohyeon mother while acting as his bodyguard, sign me up for all future seasons to (please and thank you).

Mi-ryung history rather shaping up is still beautiful, which is not something I was sure I would be able to tell if most everything on the table. I say to , because there are still a few questions Sohyeon surrounds suicide in order, although sometimes I wonder if he of it will only be in the interest unfathomable. I can not even Mi-ryung him. The blame for stab if they just had for any kind of reaction from him looking to prove something that he was listening to her And while his "I missed you" maybe not the sonnet she might have desired, it was enough to get them to move themselves when they hear about their history, they had the right to stay mad and despised.

The question is still why he asked she did do what they, if he loved her, as he appeared to be, and the answer in Mi-ryung could be true identity , We do not know why Hyang Sun was forced to play the part of a minister's daughter, only that they are of a slave went as the princes engaged nobles paraded be. No matter the pretext, they both fell in love, so that Sohyeon without reason, it ... to have killed, unless he found out about the trick and their status. It would easily justify its proposal, even if only slightly-if he had a choice in continuing the list, because he loved her or kill her because he will marry a slave would, his argument was just a whole lot more interesting. Not to be as uninteresting, was always Sohyeon the problem

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tags: featured, Jung Yong hwa, Lee Jin -wook, The three Musketeers, Yang Dong-Geun

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