Recap And Reviews Kdrama Secret Door: Episode 16

Recap and reviews korean drama Secret Door: Episode 16 -

Despite into what thrown seemed like a pit of quicksand leads directly to hell, undermines our hero deep to solve the impossible problem, and to keep his soul, while doing it. It is a great challenge, and one that no one expects to reach him, but as we know, to keep the faith, the big question is: How? The answer is at once a nice surprise and perfectly in character. But that is why he is our hero


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To shock anyone, but Sun, Kim Taek and his Noron cronies backstabbed to help him on the pretext have. the most valuable ginseng that to be a foul, the wheels of diplomacy to grease the Qing envoy turns out infested with maggots chaos which of course does not go over well.

We see in flashback, that Chul had -joo meant devised this scheme to prepare ginseng, appeared one day in order and then decompose quickly. Would not it have been easier to show the Prince a good box of ginseng, and then just prepare the others were rotting? Bah I can not believe I'm on the logic of the boring plot twist care ever. Also, I can not believe that we are in a drama about the tragic life of Sado and we much time on ginseng [1945021Handlungsstränge], but what Anyway.

the Qing envoy so offended that they from the negotiations, with the intention to leave Joseon explain at once. Sun acts quickly, apologizing for the gifts and promised to replace it immediately.

If it fails to sway, he falls to his knees right then and there in. Holy crap, this is a big fucking deal-the whole yard at once on the ground falls and cries out in protest that he does not have as to reduce them.

The offended ambassadors are suspicious, uneasy to think in terms of the Prince, as he pleads in the name of peace. Finally, the envoys soften, offering to give a second chance in terms of the seriousness of his vocation him. He has three days to find a new gift that would induce the Emperor, because would not cut quite good Ginseng.

The father-in-law of Prince asks the envoy for a bit more to go, because this is a pretty big challenge. But the envoys Huff that. To the Prince and his people the gift to find out No pressure or anything.

But now the danger is over, or at least been put on hold. The court sighs with relief, and as one of the messengers from leaving the farm, he falls a string of pearls. Sun finds her with curiosity.

The response to the Sun Ginseng sabotaged land skirting is largely incredulous because Chul-joo and Norons were confident that he would fail immediately. But Kim Taek is not worried, and giggles because Sun from the pan and jumped into the fire has.

What this means is that Sun act is pleading a serious offense to Joseon pride, and soon everyone express their outrage that their prince himself lowered the stranger ,

Yeongjo scolds Sun for his temerity to tell him that a ruler is the face of his country, which does not have to put his pride to avoid a momentary danger. If his negotiations ultimately fail, which will be the last image have his people from him. Yeongjo this can for the wrong (selfish) reasons to say because it is waiting to fail on Sun, but it is also wrong not to make his points. It is part of his brilliance.

do not prevent the sun in the least back down, but-f his actions and war to protect its people's lives, he could do more, too, he says. Yeongjo only gives him an ultimatum: Fix this mess, or dethroning face. Okay, at least now you are honest about your goals; clearly he was set up only to dethronement.

Bingae is sent with a job to Sun, and he asks, as has been the Hofleben manage. She was in the yard when he to the Messenger knelt and was like the others shocked, and notes that it is the cause of much whispering in court.

She admits about his actions in confusion thrown, wondering which side is the real sun Since the spendthrift who wasted his life by drinking and debauchery, and it is the man who tries humiliated for his people to make life better.

Sun asks what to say, it wants to hear, and says: "I hope that a day will come when I will give you the answer you want."

A meeting with his State leads to quarrels among Norons, mutually to blame for the debacle ginseng. Sun says that their new problem is urgent; they must now find something of the emperor heart to move, if they want to prevent the war.

His Minister indicated that his approach is naive, because even if he found a perfect gift that would speak to the Emperor, to do all the messengers, is a lie and say it's not, and then the creek he intends. This is just one case, establish explain a pretext for Qing war, and they are better off to some of the envoys agree receivables before they demand even more.

Sun replies that if, on the Qing resign and give up that his people would starve, would lose their livelihoods their fishing rights. Even if this is a trap, he is still trying to find an answer and by he has tried everything he can give up his seat and fishing rights. But not before.

Kim Taek feigns concern about the poor ginseng, in which it apologetically for his role to Sun, a smug smile on his face. Sun responds politely that his teacher is not to blame, and says Kim Taek not worry too much.

He adds warm words of praise, saying that it feels good to be a teacher for him to have overlooking ... and then when he goes away, his smile disappears and his face hardens. Phew it. I had hoped that he was wise enough to realize he had duped, and it is always busy even smarter than he does not know it.

He shares his suspicions with the faithful Min Woo-sub, knowing that Kim Taek the source of ginseng was action. He says Woo-Sub Kim to have spied on and must also something with the underground bookseller, to confirm that it sends a message via carrier pigeon. Curiously, Bingae lurk and listen to the man's name and asks her.

The message to this man flies over, which is with Chul-Joo. They are still under the impression that their book-buying client can order their interests are aligned, while not realize that it cheerfully by Sun, and the seller accepts another meeting with him.

This time sun shone here with a question, and the beads of the Qing envoy draws. The bookseller they identified as rosary to explain their use in the Catholic faith, and routes it to a particular text.

Kim Taek Sun fall as imminent and turns his attention to their next step sees: to elect a new king. He muses that Yeongjo old get (although it has historically living almost twenty years), and even looking to see who would replace him. If Yeongjo protests, they can only do with him, away, as it did the previous one. Gyeongjong youth stirred suspicion when he died, but no one would call the death of the old king in question.

Advisor Chae falls from Sun to see, and word reached Yeongjo that it is often these days the Prince to visit. Yeongjo already knows that and is not excited to hear it, because he was aware that the prince Chae and was always loves with him in spirit as he works or the king. With the Qing problem is so urgent, Chae will try his best to help him.

Yeongjo the eunuch to the proposal surprised that the king wants his son to succeed, but it is not quite so simple. Yeongjo giggles that Sun's success for the country would be good, but it is not possible to win outright. He calls it a game not to win without sacrifice, but to win, while the losses to be minimized. When the two sides battle and then strike a compromise, it is felt that he much more than if he had just ceded. Add in a few bribes, and everyone leaves happy.

The eunuch asks the million dollar question: But what about the prince? Will he really leave him? Yeongjo not responding.

Kim Taek is a fast runner, and that night he arranges a secret meeting, his grandson bring a royal to make relative, Lee Gyo. He says Lee Gyo that he wants him to be the next king, which seems to me rather ballsy. But Kim is a master in this game of the royal puppetry and feel to hit the right timing.

The report of this meeting reached Sun ears, and the effects are immediately apparent. But Sun smiles when he reflects that he is about to be dethroned.

return to its secret library, Sun with Chae advises and shows him the Rosary asked if he can, that to establish use a connection line with the envoys , If he could gain their empathy, perhaps he would be able to find a way to move the Emperor.

The thinking inspires an idea, and he wonders if sympathy is his answer. Could he reach to find a way mutual understanding?

He shares his information about Kim Taek planning to enthrone a new ruler, and intends to use Kim ambition against him. He needs to plan a turn.

is His next step is a mystery, but, as he heads to the military training ground and met with the general to arrange for a training exercise. That night, he watched as soldiers involved in a fight, the training, but in the midst of a loose, festive atmosphere. There is drinking and revelry, and it all looks quite unseemly. In the midst of it all, is Solar drink, along with the best of them.

Hyegyeong is beside himself with fear knowing that it left to solve the problem just one day. She wonders what he thinks and whether he has a plan, her father concede desperate proposal rejecting some of the Qing demands for tributes.

Kim Taek is also puzzled by Sun's trip to listen to the military field, and attempts to derive his motives. His cronies are hesitant about the theory that the sun can be war court, rather than circumvent, but an argument is made that he might an extreme decision was pushed into the production. Kim orders Minister Min to look into this.

By that he means to ask his son, Woo-Sub, for an explanation of Sun's behavior. Today Woo-sub is more communicative and looked very concerned as he says he does not think who wants to negotiate prince, and that he said that he could keep his crown by "conquest".

Woo-sub hands over two books, the sun in the last three years has written, and they contain an alarming collection of military strategies and descriptions of weapons. This has to be a pattern, right? I actually give too much trust in Woo-sub, so I'm looking more forward to seeing how the trap is sprung.

The books will be handed over to Kim Taek who reaches the same conclusion that the minutes did: have to prepare the prince for the war, and he has these failed negotiations are to using for the start of its own pretext strengthen. When asked why he was sitting on this information only as long to share it now says Woo-sub vexed that he was Sun intellectually interested only thought, not that he accumulated practical knowledge.

armed with this overwhelming evidence, Kim Taek calls a secret meeting with the envoy in the middle of the night, where he. On the military magazines hands The Messenger is suspicious Kim designs and Kim presents itself as a noble statesman who just wants peace; right now, Sun is the biggest obstacle in achieving this. So they have to get rid of him first, and only then they can open negotiations.

Kim Taek his last weapon employed and claimed that the Qing Emperor withdraw its recognition of the status of the prince. It is a de facto dismissal from abroad, and it is a bold move. Kim Taek glides over a huge bribe of silver, and the Messenger sees attempts.

That night Sun over a Catholic text pores, a passage copying in Latin written. He calls this his "ultimate weapon."

The next morning, the ambassadors an urgent meeting with the prince demand and the air is thick with tension. The senior envoy declared his intention to have revoked the imperial recognition of the Prince's status, and asks bluntly if he does not claim, in fact, the conquest would be his way to keep his crown.

Breaths held as Sun answers and then fall on both sides of jaws on his confirmation. I'm pretty sure that Sun "conquest" is to mean more than anything else, but there's really no other way for them is to be interpreted in this context. Which is the whole point.

Kim Taek, now counts his chickens and muses that the overthrow happen today is the prince. The joke is on him, though, when the soldiers appear to accuse him of conspiracy, and they have Lee Gyo, the man he chose to be the next king, in their ranks to witness it.

Sun begins his explanation, describes a conquest that has nothing to do with alleged Qing territory do. He pulls out the Latin text that he had copied, and the rosary, admission, he was looking for a way to befriend them. Just the fact that he knows what they are, has the secondary messengers (the Rosary of the owner) amazed and mistrust "Messenger relieved gradually.

Sun says honestly that he did not know much about this beliefs do not know, but he wants to learn. the conquest he sees culture is an exchange of knowledge between Joseon and Qing, it provides access to its shops Western knowledge, science, medicine and the like. and this cultural exchange would be the way to peace . Mark

Okay, that's all well and good, but what about those books Sun she shocks them his gift to the Emperor calls;? construction Joseon makes Qing shield against the Japanese invasion. the information would in turn strengthen their own army of the emperor.

Sun are the books to the ambassadors who are stunned that this valuable information would be appropriate not given to conditions. Sun only replies that even if he can send troops to help the emperor, the book is his way of showing that his heart is with them.

Well played, sir. Well played.

And so is the entire debacle smoothed and the ambassador informed the king that it with the original conditions (without the additional demand for troops agree). I must say Yeongjo is totally shocked to see is pleasing; he stutters and practically has to force us to appear, that his country will not be thrown into the war. The ear-Scratch reappears as the envoys praise his son in the sky.

In fact, the ambassadors are so impressed with the prince that they are angry at the idea that one of their own vassals of the king daring to try to depose him. The Council is shocked to hear about it and Norons are quick to explain this a shame. Yeongjo rumbles in indignation and asks for a name, and the envoys they offer: Kim Taek.

Yeongjo orders arrest of traitors, and we see Kim burst into a round of laughter when he realizes that he had fallen into the trap of the Prince. It's a pretty cool shot that starts close to his face and withdraws Kim on the floor amidst a chaos lying to show in time for a tantrum when he laughs just laughing.

Hyegyeong taking her son quarter to Sun and gives him instructions on how his father for permanent congratulate so good and such a great work. San doing, and in return, Sun told his son the same words in praise of Hyegyeong. It's a really touching moment, both spouses have appreciation for each other, showing albeit through a messenger, yes, but in the open in front of a court of witnesses. It is so gratifying to see how far they have come.

Bingae is among the ladies who listen to the exchange, and it looks ... something I can not say. (I'm not snarky, her face does not look happy, but discontent is their resting face, so I'm confused.)

Kim Taek his fate expected, but also to know that he is good and Got no not prepare him for the criminal treatment, and he snaps at the guards for calling him. He barks, that he is the man who did on the throne of the king, but not him doing well now, and he has taken on the ropes.

He is brought before Yeongjo, thinks back on his own life in the attempt that took him to Kim Taek grace all those years ago. Asked to explain his actions, responses to Kim Taek that be are the same as the King-Sun has not forgotten the old crime, and is a danger to them. Kim's method was therefore to strike first before they put down.

Yeongjo chuckles and tells him: "The only one who can cut it down to me and I'm the only one who make him ruler. can, or dethrone him. "

Kim Taek warns that Yeongjo will miss him when he greater danger facing (against sun) -and that, because he is his father, it'll hurt him his son knock down with his own hand. Yeongjo replied that that will not happen, because he teach Sun and steer him away from his political enemy to be. Aw, now, who is it sounds naïve?

It's time for the court, and Yeongjo Calls Kim Taek execution. Under the sword, and it is then sufficient to son, instructing him, with his own hands to kill the traitor, thereby protecting the license:


for one second, it looks like the sun could shrink back, and his father asks if sun wants him to do it for him. But Sun steps forward to do it, and unsheathes the sword before Kim Taek. He sees both decided, and maybe a little sick, but he can not shrink back now.

he raises his sword, Kim Taek prepares for death, and the whole court shrugs and closes her eyes as the sword swings down. disc!

It takes a moment to recognize all that Kim Taek is still alive, and that the only things were cut his ropes. Sun tells him that he does not assert his life, and will punish him by and to send him from the post stripping him out of town.

Instead of gratitude, Kim Taek thunders at Sun for pities him and insisted that he did not take and shouted to already take him to his life.

Sun replies, "That's your method I have a method of my own.."

Kim can not understand how Sun could leave him is not life-he-afraid that Kim retaliate becomes? You can almost see his brain meltdown when Sun tells him to go ahead and try-because it is just to stop Kim continue to use its methods. (And that, folks, is what we call to kill with kindness.)

Yeongjo is equally puzzled and asks if Sun really thinks he is doing a good thing. Sun once responds more about his methods: "It is not a policy of killing, but a policy of saving This is how I make my re-entry policy.."


Phew, and for a few reasons. First off, Episode 15 as a sound was wearing, that I was afraid that the show was taking a bad fork in the road, because look at the top does not have political gifts and diplomatic negotiations, the drama took us away from Yeongjo Hyegyeong and Bingae. And in favor of Kim Taek and some day player? In what universe that is the compelling dramatic choice?

There will always run moments the necessary exposure and setup by any drama, so that alone is not the problem. It's just that Secret Door is a show about Sun and Yeongjo and psychological interplay and political machinations were fascinating (when dry) when they served this dynamic. Okay, the plots of episodes 15 and 16 were eventually driven by Yeongjo at the top, but he had swapped his manipulation of an evil mastermind, and that's when I outsource my ability to take care of.

The strange in this drama that I found consistently intellectually engaged there and well planned. The policy is not usually that captivating for me definitely, but the drama she worked in an intelligent and thoughtful way. It's just ... you know, chess is also a stimulating intellectual game, but one I would want to see never unfold. And if we can see Secret Door played a brilliant game of chess, then it is also the termination we already know!

At this point, is a kind of feels like we're hanging to see as to which ending more than we are to enjoy the process of arriving there because Sado death is the whole selling point of this show, it is not? It is what sells the idea, and it is what caught our imagination, and it is what we are moving towards. I love everything the show does this imply future, but it does not do that nearly often enough.

In addition, characters are fascinating and gripping as Yeongjo and Hyegyeong who get maybe five minutes per episode big screen. I find myself just for those moments waiting, they drink when they arrive, and then feel sad when they are over. Even Bingae, of a character I really could do without, at least narratively interesting, if it is the screen with Sun But then all they do is to look inscrutable, and that does not help when I am already achieving good will to her to find.

(I think Yoon So-hee in his this new character do a good job, but my beef is that it just does not feel like Ji-dam at all. I know that they are great life traumas and had a sign turnaround is the point, but added with the actress swap, I can not connect for the life of me to this new version of Ji-dam / Bingae. in fact, I have her in Lee Je-hoon spectacle been amazed, because he interacts with Bingae as the same person as Ji-dam, and it is honestly kind fucking with my head. because he believes it, and he is credible, and yet I can not believe.)

so girlfriday as a result and I have to stop, recap chose this show, even though we really, really fall recapitulates hate generally. We know that there are not many people watching, but that's not much of a factor in this decision; we would keep going no matter who was (or was not) observed when we overzealous about the project and excited to pursue it were. It hurts a little, because we do not come to this show to the curb or the argument that it is annoying, and the action is top notch. (Without the consistently outstanding performance, we would have really bailed earlier, they are the lifeblood of the show). It's just that we are trying to do what is best for us and our schedules / interests, and it feels like we need to make the strategic section here. We intend to keep in mind-it's the end! -and likely weigh on the finals, so we hope you understand our decision.

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Tags: featured, Han Seok-kyu, Lee Je-hoon, Park Eun-bin, secret door

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