Recap And Reviews Kdrama Pinocchio: Episode 15

Recap and reviews korean drama Pinocchio: Episode 15 -

So SBS changed their minds this week and there is no double header for Pinocchio , which I only assume, could be good news for a Recapper, but does not worry-the result for them in the investigation with some juicy tidbits and relations. Of course, the we only hungry enough now leaving next week crying episodes, but what would be fun to watch drama, without the agonizing wait and the dark circles?


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EPISODE 15: "Don Quixote"

Now that Mom her cop friend Chan-soo as the one role as a scapegoat in the chemical plant fire, both in-ha and Dal-po vow to clear his name. Chan-soo thinks of his old hunting ground to visit only the pressroom, and hands to tell a request mandarins at all its history , the right way.

he tells them everything the CCTV recordings is by him before the fire at night can explosion reacts on a small butane, and he did not go inside the building because the men who she said called, was only a small kitchen fire while Ramyun cooking on a portable stove, and that they have the call would be canceled if he had not reacted so quickly.

they ask for it because apparently the people so cavalier in the material, in search he leans with the way rather than standing straight up while on duty. Chan-soo indicates the pounds of equipment strapped his waist at all times were output, and says that it is exactly what happens when you wear your equipment all day.

reporters wonder why they always have to envelopes with their mandarins, and assuming give him the pages eye, it is a little money to their lubricate palms. But they turn out to be invitations to his baby's first birthday party this weekend. Dal-po and In-ha's eyes widen and Dal-po throws Chan-soo on his shoulder to carry him out of the room, while In-ha pinched mouth.

try to explain that this is no time for him party to throw the public willing to crucify him, and throws a birthday party just goes to make him look bad. Dal-po says he, before he has been through, and it's only getting worse. In-ha viewed on both enormously to feel guilty, and apologizes for her mother. Chan-soo tells her sweet that her mother is not something they have to apologize for it.

Chan-soo seems either as he put on a brave front, or that it has not really sunk in how bad it could be, but only tells them both that it will all work out. Dal-po tells him that he will do everything in his power to clear his name and In-ha chimes in as well as what Chan-soo, that his old classmates grateful his back.

He hugged Dal-po and then forwards to embrace over to in-ha her, and hA-Dal-po steps between them to play disorders and hugs Chan-soo again , It is a Dal-po sandwich!

Dal-po's Hyung in prison to visit and told him about Chan-soo and the fire, and Hyung thinks he has a brave face his putting and inside the burning anger tamped down because the is how he was thirteen years ago. Dal-po realizes he Hyung adopted in order holding back then.

He says this time it's going to be different because it is outside a good reporter is there, and points the finger at yourself with a cheeky smile. Heh, I like that Hyung him a hard time about the swagger.

When MSC is, Princess tries to lead his staff meeting and agrees with In-ha and Beom-jo, that they should look into the cause of the fire. But Mum holds despite an interruption to tell them to think of it as invisible, and holding for more stories about Chan-soo pushing, including Santa incident where he let a suspect escape under his leadership.

In YGN, they sigh over the fire investigation takes so long, and an employee places the same story about Chan-soo and Santa. But Gyo-dong switches it off and tells them not to be the influence of other reports.

He reminds them of the fire thirteen years ago, and why it was a lesson during their interview they are sticking to the facts on this issue, otherwise refueling are they to come the anger in other ways. Director Lee listens in and smiles proudly before his own words from 13 years to hear comes from Gyo-dong.

MSC reports the history of Santa, although Princess seems ashamed. Beom-jo finds In-ha Chan-soo CCTV Watch recordings over and over to look for clues, and connects them. She complains of a bandaid on her heel to wear new shoes, and Beom-jo already flying out of the room before she finished her sentence.

Yoo-rae examined the wreckage in the area and almost falls trying to make their way through the court when Dal-po just appear in time to catch them. He says he came because he was curious about something they naturally takes as renewed signs of his rush.

make the inspectors how to get the CCTV footage, and they say it is impossible the security space was destroyed in the fire. That just makes it even more suspicious that mom somehow managed like. Miraculously, the band of Chan-soo to get, but the inspector adds that backups would be kept from the outside security company that they use

The In-ha with her head sleeping on Beom-jo shoulder, he finally discovered something strange about the film (it took them all night to to see this is crazy, but whatever). He shows In-ha, that is what represents a fraction of a second gap, where a man suddenly goes from one side of the group to another, that two segments were edited together.

She runs down Mom to ask, and Dal-po is to add that the security room in the plant was completely destroyed-as it is that they got directly from the source of their shots, as she thinks?

Mom starts to get nervous, and Dal-po says that the external security firm told him it. Against the law for them to give their backups everyone, but the original company that hired them Mom just rages with them to come up with facts, not suspect, but otherwise in its defense is not much to say.

In-ha puts two and two together and realizes that this means that somebody to cover up the real cause of the fire in the plant material, processed , and the cover-up mom helps by all eyes in Chan-soo direction. Although there have suspected, it is still floors her that Mama is actually this evil.

Dal-po heads back to try and track down security cameras neighboring factory and In-ha worried that it would take him forever. She takes her coat fall and told Beom-jo they do the same, is out of the line, and even though he has bloody nose out she says she is fine and runs.

Beom-jo is surprised when he finds a strange phone ringing in his sack is Yoo-rae at the other end, asking who stole her cell phone. He goes to the station back to give it back, and asks why Dal-po image is its wallpaper. She says it is to throw him a bone, because she feels bad that he likes, and Beom-jo yawns: "You did not really think he likes it real"

He realizes that she believed his lie before father and grandfather, and explained that it was a lie ... but then it has gone so far that she tells him it does not matter, because this lie has become the truth. He sees how she's crazy and says that there is no way that Dal-po she likes, but she did not even let him finish.

Dal-po calls only to tell her that he has cameras near the security searching and can not go to the baby's birthday party, which she takes as a kind of proof that he loves her. But all Beom-jo hears is that he do exactly what does running In-ha. You go to the party, but Beom-jo suddenly says Yoo-rae to take a taxi and leaves them standing on the street.

Meanwhile, In-ha finds Dal-po and provides the search to split with him and he steals a brief look at them while they chatter is on CCTV cameras and card away.

chaebol Mama calls her office thank the MSC Director and Song Cha-ok for her report, and says that she gained a few points with the assemblyman they help. Oh, so all this is so that they have an assemblyman in her pocket. It asks shift focus to the police officers continue until it blows over.

you noticed Search Cha-ok nervous and thinks it's nice that it is all nervous to discover about Dal-po that the material has been processed and to search the area for other cameras. Mama already concern that taken, and says not to worry her pretty little head about such things to her.

Sure enough, In-ha and Dal-po hit dead end after dead end, but they press on. In-ha insists help, even while limping and bleeding from her new shoes that she is hiding from Dal-po. But Beom-jo watches from afar and sighs.

After coming empty, Dal-po heads MSC where Mama certainly asks why he is not here with the evidence as he said he would. He tells her that he was naive, he thought only of Chan-soo name Clear, but it was not until he discovered that someone with tremendous force and resources must've the entire neighborhood security cameras deleted, it occurred to him, that was much, much bigger. He tells her to thank, who is behind all of this for the note, and then she leaves to tremble in concern.

Yoo-rae comes to the ballroom with reporters to find swarms. The party was over long ago, when Chan-soo his family had gone to vacate by reporters who chased them with accusations of throwing parties, while the families of the victims grieve. Each station except YGN report the incident in the night, and when Chan-soo sees it on television, he finally begins to decline, how bad it is.

Dal -po asks him to check, and alerts when Chan-soo, he says to MSC on the way it is with the Song Cha-ok to have made. Eep. Dal-po calls In-ha and leads him to stop by, and someone to get them lucky for him before at MSC busts of a camera.

Chan-soo breaks right and then down and there, screaming for them to tell the world the truth that he has done anything wrong, and attack to stop his family. He grabs Dal-po collar and implores: "You are reporters You believe me So they say it was not me ... Please say something!".

In-ha is particularly shocked when Chan-soo asks to do something for her to get her mother to listen. And if he buries his head in Dal-po chest crying, In-ha back away, beside herself with guilt.

She runs upstairs to pack her things, so they go back out and look for more CCTV cameras and Beom-jo yells at her to slow down. He recalled that this is the second night in a row that she has not slept, and she is of both feet bleeding now. But she swears that she is fine and she can not just sit here, if she feels so bad.

Mom passed the corner rounding and eavesdrop on them as screams in-ha that Chan-soo and Dal-po are their friends, but, because of her mother now Chan-soo ago as Dal-po become 13 years old. She asks how she should rest when she feels so bad it makes them crazy. Beom-jo asks why she is the one who is sad, and she replies through clenched teeth: ". Because my mother does not always excuse it or to fix" go

Beom-jo with her and says he will go at least drive so it can sleep on the way, and Mom is watching with a curious expression. Is it ... grow a conscience? She opens her drawer of old mobile phones, but noted that one of them is missing, much to her horror.

MSC Il-joo seems to have an eye on YGN camera Jae-hwan, and he teases that she finally looks like a girl with her hair. She says that with his face caked with foundation over, he finally looks to like a girl, pfft. Hyun-kyu takes him lately for his reports on the Chan-soo on the task of earning a high-five from Jae-hwan and an eager look of Il-joo. Why not this love triangle was introduced earlier?

Dal-po trudge wearily back to the station, where Yoo-rae watched the CCTV file sent in-ha about. Dal-po takes a look and noticed parked a flashing light from the car outside the hotel, and they realize that it is the light of a black box camera. Finally a break!

Yoo-rae putting on her best puppy pouting Chan-soo ex-team leader get the car number plate to see, and they gorgeous on a show about how he a pedant not break the rules and the law, all while he looks at the information and passes it to her softly.

Dal-po bar and thanks to Yoo-rae comes for by, and find the car and the camera in question. He takes the material to gyo-dong, and they see that, arrived trucks with waste material in the plant in the time that has been processed from the first CCTV clip.

Gyo-dong tells him to prepare for the mission and Dal-po smiles when Gyo-dong assures him that this is not only to dig to name-they are Chan-soo keep stopping at clearing up they find out who is behind all this. Gah, I wish this man would get more time on the screen!

Dal-po comes from Chan-soo to tell the good news and gets another hug. Chan-soo says sincerely that Dal-po saved him, and is very serious confess before that he was behind the rumors of him in high school. Ha, it's so cute how serious he is. Dal-po hides a smile and pretends to be mad, and demanded back his baby birthday gift.

Mom still around frantically digs her missing phone, and at the same time, takes Dad to discover it sits on in-ha desk. He wonders what she's doing old phone with her mother, and mom says that it is okay, it deleted everything that had to be cleared, so fine. She does not look convinced, so hopefully that is, there is a way to un-erase what they deleted.

Dal-po returns to the station but only seems to care, where In-ha, and Yoo-rae starts at last notice of this fact to take. They watched as he keeps asking all, and then calls Beom-jo and runs off to meet them. She follows and listens in as Dal-po and Beom-jo face.

Beom-jo asks if Dal-po finally thought to hunt at In-ha now, and told him about the days she spent not sleep and ignore bloody noses and bloody feet, only leads to try and something do because she feels so guilty. He says that In-ha thinks what happened to Chan-soo, and what happened with Dal-po thirteen years ago is her fault, and asks why she is, walking around feeling like a sinner.

He tears in Dal -PO for not even things out properly to break, so that it alone with one foot in and one foot to suffer from. Seriously, I'm on this one with Beom-jo. Beom-jo yells: "But you know what really makes me angry I want them stupid to stop stubborn behavior, but my words have no effect No matter how many times I do not off the mouth about their guilt, hear! it is not! Why ... Because counting? to get these words from you. "

Oh, it hurts, clear his pride, the truth confess, but he is to be a good friend. And Dal-po needed to hear it. He asks where In-ha and expires, and not even see Yoo-rae standing right there. She comes to Beom-jo and asks quietly if it is true that Dal-po like In-ha and provides ground to finally their bubble burst have.

Dal-po sighs as he in-ha will take place at hobbling with bleeding feet, and she runs excitedly down to the idea she had for the car to share and search Chan-soo to erase the black box camera name , She is very proud to come on to the idea, but Dal-po is run only mad at her for themselves in the ground, and she barks activate on their phone.

he tells her that he already found the black box camera, so they can go home now, and she is so relieved that give her legs finally , He barks again, as they can not remember the last time she ate, and tells her to get on his back, so he can piggyback home.

But she insists that in order and she hobbles away, leaving him to go behind her all the way. He accesses can not bring himself to touch, and is just a few feet behind her in silence.

Yoo-rae her sorrow drowns in Soju, and quoted the lyrics Seo Taiji "Victory" with a plastic bag strapped to her chin, lol. It stings the egg, which they and In-ha once used to talk about the boy-he, boy-they wanted, and tells him to die.

Cut to: City news desk, where they once again drunk and fell asleep on the couch, much to gyo-dong horror. He refuses to go to get it or make it his problem, although he throws his jacket over it to serve as a ceiling. Aw.

In-ha eats its way through four bowls of udon and holds for things to apologize, and Dal-po finally breaks out, to ask what it is so sad. She asks why he has screaming all night, and he just says that makes him angry. She says that he is the one who told her nothing, not to do worry about, not to comfort him, nothing to do.

She argues that unfortunately is the only thing that she can do, but he just says that bothers him. Uh, dude, not their fault.

She scoffs bitterly that they will do anything not really then, and storms out. She gets on the road and then you realize that they do not pay and turns back reluctantly, and inside Dal-po sighs itself for the struggle and passes out.

meet both sides of the door and there staring at each other, both itching to say things, but not willing to tell them when Dal-po finally noticed the button in-ha wears around her neck. He pushes the door open, and In-ha holds money and admits that she could not leave with a clear conscience, without paying when they ate four bowls.

But he just steps right out and grabs her in a kiss. EEEEEEEE! She is shocked, but she closes her eyes as he kisses her gently, and as he is leaving, he tells her, "Do not be sad. You're not Song Cha-ok daughter to me, and you're not my niece. For me you're only you. "

you start him Dal-po to call and Ha-myung corrected himself to say, but he tells her it's okay to call him Dal-po. He says he tried everything, but nothing has changed-when he thinks about her mother and brother, he knows he is not likely ". But I can not give you"

you do not even let you finish him and kisses him again.


Yaaaaay. Well, that's one way to start the New Year right. No more denial, all is not even denying it, and no more breakups that are not even broken. Let's cut through the crap and get into all the happy kisses that we can, I say! Frankly, I am less moved by the reunion as a story point, just because I found to start the breakup with pointless (they do not even have to stay away from each other, come on). But we have some nice development for Beom-jo in the process, and I loved the detour that the button made its way back in after being seemingly forgotten.

At this moment, when he button just hang around the neck looks to me, the conflict country made, because it reminds me how heartbroken he was when he recognized (wrongly) that his Christmas imagination was just a dream. One might think that it would be enough that he sees their suffering and to love him, anyway, but the button nudges him effectively off the ledge when he hesitantly-if she has to wear it, he has no intention of what has and he has already confessed how he feels. And she has already answered that she would not go to someone else, as he asked.

Until Beom-jo outbreak, I was pretty frustrated, how things were in this episode is because Dal-po was not aware of In-ha efforts to work could from their guilt, as if they form her mother wrong with blood, sweat and tears for. I thought that Chan-soo conflict was harder to In-ha as Dal-po, and I was angry with him, to ignore that. But Beom-jo said that all the things I wanted to say, and cried Dal-po to break in a manner which not one of them could go on, and I felt a wave of relief that someone said it. It is also a great moment of growth for Beom-jo, which is finally discovered the hard way that he can try and be there for In-ha as much as he wants, but he can not save himself. It breaks his heart that she is punished, but Dal-po is the only one who can get through to her, and I liked that it was large enough to admit it.

I never really Yoo-rae Crush seriously (or for that matter their character), but I suddenly hoping that Gyo-dong she likes. It could happen, right? There must be a reason they always end it when she's drunk. The big case against Team Mom starts to dull a bit, so I hope that we can raise the stakes of the next week. Although now that the romance is back on track, feels everything else is secondary. The best part is that Dal-po has finally saying what we have to hören- all that waiting for his head to the right, it does not matter who is her family, or what their names-Dal- po-po is Dal In-ha-ha is in, and love is love.

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tags: featured, Kim Young-Kwang, Lee Jong-seok Lee Yubi, Park Shin-hye, Pinocchio

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