Recap And Reviews Kdrama Fated To Love You: Episode 16

Recap and reviews korean drama Fated To Love You: Episode 16 -

Good intentions can just as toxic as bad as our hero might somehow sorta not only to realize yet to come. But for as much as they interact both directly and indirectly, Gun and Mi-young are like two ships in the night over when it comes to their true feelings-though to I reveal the most of this debt on Gun and his inability set would sort through his own feelings first. What is a hero needs to do to get a little honesty around here


Melody Day ? - "사랑 을 몰라서 (I Do not Love know)" from the OST [ Download ]

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A charged moment passes like Gun in each leans slowly Mi-jung kiss ... but the mood is broken when they forward on his shoulder slumps, unconscious.

Gun watching at her bedside when he tried to help with her fever, and in her feverish dreams, mutters them Keddongie name. Gun, heartbroken, she asks why she, as she hurt is still is-when it stops, it can also.

Daniels calls Mi-young-phone unanswered as Gun at night continue the cold cloth on the forehead to change. It is much later, when it finally comes to, and they seem to be surprised with folded hands to find her at her feet Gun asleep.

they tried to wake him, and if that does not work, she feels comfortable enough to turn to him the more familiar "Gunnie" call held by his full name, as it has been. Then she grabs tentatively to hold his hand. Awwww. Wake up, Gun! Wake up and look at this!

When he wakes up, Mi-young's gone-everything they left is a note. Daniel confronts Mi-young, when she was home with how concerned he gets when she came home last night not but be reassured when they claimed that they temporarily ill and was much better now.

He thinks that she is not looking well and place them on babying that waking Mi-jung think back makes Gun found asleep, hit the hand. "That should stop, that's not right," she thinks to herself.

The next morning Manager Tak finds Gun with his trademark under eye circles and not mark painted tears. Gun then tears in Manager Tak than not their means care Artist natural that he Mi-young especially, but covers on them by claiming that it means all its artists, present and future.

Thus Manager Tak for his terrible mistake make, Gun tells him the address of Mi-young studio to learn. Manager Tak dances his way out of the office, because he knows what's going on, and it's all for the screw pair Reunion.

break after an extra long PPL where Daniel Mi-young buys exercise sneakers, we find Gun outside Mi-young club, laden with all kinds of herbal supplements and vitamins down ...

... But then he sees Daniel and Mi-young foot under the same umbrella in her studio, new sneakers on the feet. Needless to say, he is not happy.

Meanwhile, in Meta Makjang parody land Mama Yong blood pressure spikes when Yong Ji-yeon presents as his girlfriend. Da Mama Yong her son wants to marry a rich girl, she screams that she does not always accepted their marriage.

Since Daniel and Se-ra neighbors are now, he happened to her on a scene and stop her overbearing mother in the hallway, she instructs them teachers should know, either cold or doing ballet Gun marry.

Se-ra warns Gun speak against, not that her mother already done, and falls on the floor in tears as her mother storms out.

Haha, but it's kind of funny when Se-ra all turns dramatically when Daniel comes he thinks is going on, to insist comforting her ... if he needs to just get to it past, to open the door really.

Since he is not heartless, he decides Se-ra out for ice to grab in order to feel better. When he has two flavors, it ends his favorite picks up. (We know why, but he does not.)

He notes how beautiful a daughter who is her mother also understand if they so mean at her before he asked her if she still met Gun. She says that she does, but in no capacity of more than friendship-Gun will never come back to her, and she can not go back to him.

Daniel very curious one seems to know what she thinks back, at least until Se-ra says that they do not when they committed so many misdeeds "she." he confused with their "it" and not say "him," but when he pushes and now claims it is his business, because he proposes mi-young, they do not acquire.

Gun not listen Manager Tak and Yong conspired for him back mi-jung to win (aww), but refuses it to [golet, to do business by a false excuse that they "top secret" boxes of files from the office can not take place. It is his way to get it, instead of coming into the office, and it works.

I love how Mi-young does not buy his act on the secrecy of the files, but sitting anyway to work. Then he brings in a trolley with vitamins and dietary supplements packaged to present it to her as a waiter in a restaurant. Hahaha.

She is not impressed and tried to ignore him. That's not so good when Gun decides to sit with her in the room to see her work, which eventually makes her uncomfortable enough to mention it to him entirely. He pretends to acquiesce to leave, to pretend before that his leg is to sleep for him to go. HA.

But he has finally no choice but to give it in peace and to go when Mi-young does not react stay at one of his pathetic excuses. Aw.

In Mamas Restaurant, the sisters and Soapsuds Duo argue the pros and cons of being team-Gun or team-Daniel. But if one thing is clear is that both President Park and Mr. Choi are jealous that Mama loves Gun enough to call him by his name, if she does it with one of them.

Mi-young leaves the office late at night, and notes that the lights appear mysteriously always on everywhere she goes. It is Gun doing since he got his security team on it is to ensure that they are safe to come home.

you have not noticed Gun in the window when the taxi he was driving them hired away and he waves to her.

grandmother Wang is all but jumping in excitement when they of Manager Tak and Yong finds out that Gun was working late with Mi-young, although her say their expectations-Gun and Mi-young to be agreed following the cooperation separate ways select Reset.

but that does not mean they do not have feelings for each other, and Manager-Tak is happy to report that he sure Gun has 0% feelings for Mi-young. It's Mi-Young's feelings that they are not so sure about.

Gun frets when Mi-young is progressing much faster than expected, because it means that their visits to the office will end after tonight. He tried to make excuses about how they get the quality for speed in an effort sacrificed must've they stay longer, but Mi-jung is safe from her work and does not worry.

Later that night, Mama is worried when Gun do not appear in his usual hour, and they know that they never miss a chance to eat no matter how busy he is.

Which means she has to hide her relief when Gun is entered , and he laughs about how Mom is just like other women, when it comes to the playing push and pull, because he knows that she misses him. Aw. But today he can not stay evening to eat and asks for takeout place, so that mom to ask if he meeting Mi-young again.

Gun returns to the office with food Mi-young to find sleeping on a bench. He can not help out wanted to brush his fingers against her cheek as he sits next to her, and fights with all he has no closer to lean, and closer and closer ... (All this, to think as he does not stop "Bare neck! Bare neck!" like a vampire.)


Mi-young wakes up to find Gun face hovering over her, and she jumps up quickly before something happens. Both decide the unpleasant situation from pass and turn to the food, but it is not until Mi-young it realized her mother.

She is angry that Gun did not listen to her when he asked them not to her mother take longer and will be even more upset when he tried to pass her words in this brand light fashion his. "They do not think about the other person and do only what you want to do," accused Mi-young. "Did you try even the favor I asked you hear?"

Gun claims that he tried to listen, but Mi-young disagreed and said that he clearly has not been trying so hard when one of the case sitting around table by her mother food. He defends himself with the fact that the first anchovy pack (Mom specialty) he ever with Mama had had, and he has been unable since to get over the taste.

"To you, it is the vital mother you want to protect, but she was also a mother to me," Gun argued. "What do you expect to do to me now, if you tell me you're taking my mother away? What do you want from me?"

Mi-young flashes back to warm memories of Gun and Mama, and finally relented in the argument. She does not have the energy and Gun is full of inappropriate anger when it comes to her not to eat the symbol of his sincerity to her.

He redeemed to eat, it's all even, but when Mi-young points out that he is on the food his anger taking, it explodes : "drugs There are drugs in this food!" HA. You are are ridiculous, I hope you know that right now.

Gun attempted to solve the silence by playing a song on his cell phone, but it is to remember the music once they danced to. While fiddle around awkwardly on, Mi-young decides Young-ja in text, forcing Gun furtively back even in text, although it next to her reputation.

He is being made so nervous accidentally calls Mi-young, and must leave the room to Young-ja runs to answer in a higher pitch than. Hah. While saying he Mi-young / she is too busy talking to, Manager Tak which shows bath and before he can from Gun true identity, Gun hits him in the throat, so he can not. (Best part? Manager Tak thinks Gun eventually lost now that he has a wife speaks like.)

Gun returns to the office in time Mi-jung to overhear Daniel (on the phone) to say that today their last day at Gun office will be, and that they would be happy if he could pick them up later.

He decides Daniel topic jokingly to address the in an effort to try and get Mi-young on the subject to open, but all she says that Daniel is not he someone speak ill of may because he is incredibly grateful a good man. Gun makes it only that it must be beautiful, so they want anyone to have their side like.

Se-ra ends the reading of Mi-young artistic approaches Jangin Chemicals with a serious expression, as we see, Daniel and Mi-young hang some of her paintings in her studio. One of them is the silhouette of a man filled with heart-shaped lollipop. AWW is that Gun should be?

Meanwhile looks Gun on the painting of Keddongie as he says, "Keddong-ah, I am now totally prepared to send your mother away." Noooo!

Gun happens Mi-jung as young-yes right to text when it is frustrated in terms of an artistic block her most. As previously Gun appears in her studio as an expression of his voice into text.

He is nothing but supportive, although he noted that it seems very childish (not in the bad way in which "the world is full of wonders!" Fashion). She admits that she did not hear that she looks young for her age, but Gun / Young-ja tells her age today to forget so that they can speak freely because Young-ja technically Mi-Young unni is and all that.

"Whenever I have these conversations with you, Ellie, it reminds me of my childhood when I used to run with my friends to look after. It reminds me of this friendship, as if I have gone to be a young girl back, "says Gun. Mi-young: " 'There lives a little girl in the heart of every woman," You mean that, do not you.? "He says yes

Gun .: " It was a girl I knew. the girl wore ugly glasses, thinking that she was an ugly duckling. But in my eyes, she was so very beautiful. in their hearts the widest sea and the brightest star was. she was a beautiful girl who appreciated these qualities. Women want than to change their appearance into something fancier himself, but really ... a woman is very charming and beautiful, if she is a girl full of dreams. "

Mi-young feels inspired, and Gun gives her a good "Fight!" Spur on them. AWW.

The next day Gun face falls when Manager Tak tells him Mi-young is already its first project for the company finished, because it means it is that much closer to zero have relations with him.

But he breaks immediately when Manager Tak tells him he invited Mi-jung in office, claiming that the CEO wanted to speak directly to her. "I did good, right?" Manager Tak rays. Gun could not be happier, and they are both excited jumping for Mi-young through the door to come ...

... As it is Se-ra, taking occurs. She wanted to have lunch with gun, but politely turned away when he asserts that having a business meeting. When she leaves the lobby, though, it Mi-young

section looks at. Just another coffee shop meeting with Mi-Young-Se-ra. We know this will not end well. ( Why does receive Mi-young with her to reach agreement privately?!) Se-ra tells her how much learning their cooperation with rifle company they upset while Mi-young defends that she felt would be the same if they Se-ra.

it also soothes Se-ra, the cooperation is about to end, and there is no need, they were concerned. "We met only for work. There are no feelings between us." Se-ra actually thanked her for understanding how it is something going on actually got with gun. What the hell? I thought Se-ra those three years took un-bitch, but clearly that was not the case.

Finally made at the meeting, Gun in the drawings a glance takes Mi-young. He is clearly reluctant to admit that their work be done once the promotional team to take a look, but Mi-young, perhaps inspired by Se-ra of the "talk", seems more willing things to an end when he is. Even if they either it does not look happy.

There is so much that between them they do not say, with both of them as they seek 'in physical pain at the thought again that this be one of the last times they will see each other. When they check the pictures with the team, both they think back to their text talk of earlier .: There in every woman's heart a little girl lives

Their work is a success but in the speech are Gun to her and the whole team then, he seems half-hearted and sad as he thanked everyone and Mi-young-for their hard work.

But Gun ensures Mi to catch -Young before she goes: "It's really over I want to treat you one last time for dinner.." Mi-young answers that they already have a family dinner restaurant'd planned to Mom, because it also mi-ja birthday, and Gun can not catch himself before he refers to mi-ja as his "sister-in-law." Oh, sorry.

He tried to make small talk about their family, to do anything, they remain, but the tension is all but noticeable. They both know what's going on, and finally Gun stops with the facade as Mi-young says she'll leave and take bows.

resigned fate Gun bows in return, as he calls by their formal titles (now "Artist Kim Mi-young") and tells her how happy he was with their work. He is serious. Mi-young looks close to tears as she officially thanked him in return before they disappear into the elevator.

He observed through the glass until it can 't more. "This really is the end," Mi-young thinks to himself. "Ensure Gun".

At home Gun tells Keddongie the image that he asked Mi-jung for dinner, only be refused. Then he looks sad, where France is around the world and decides "Let's go. I can away your mother, do not send Keddong-ah. Our Keddongie should instead go with her."

Mi-young calls Daniel to say that she would be late her sister's birthday party because they forget the gifts in her studio. But Gun makes it there before it has with Keddongie painting in hand, ready to finally back ... only the painting to see what may be his only :. The silhouette of a man with heart shaped lollipop

He is immediately flooded with flashbacks, but Mi-young presence snaps him out of it. She wants to know what to do in her studio, but he can only do they stare at when he holds the painting of Keddongie ...

.. . And slowly, everything begins to dawn on her. "They were Young-ja?" She asks incredulously. He says nothing, but Mi-young is almost shake "? Lee Gun, why you do me Who the hell are"

Gun flashes back to the moment he after losing Keddongie for itself alone had, we have not seen where he sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. Alone. , Ooof Wow, tearing these old wounds

How to play the memories, so the thoughts he had when he heart-shaped lollipop outside Mi-young hospital door on the left. "If it is left a bit of luck in my life, I will give it all to you. You have lucky to be Mi-young."

In the presence Gun leans near Mi-young and nods. "Yes, Kim Mi-young. I'm your number one fan, Lee Young-ja."


Oh, rifle. You really have this right to itself? It is so easy to love and compassion Gun, but sometimes I just do not know what to do with him and not Mi-young, apparently. What makes his situation more difficult is that he is the source of problems between them, and it is also due to its own confusion, which actually, he wants that this type of situation ever happens.

to his credit, I am sure that gun would really, really like to be able Mi-young to let go. Not to be their lot, not because he does not love her, but because he wants what is best for them, and always has. The problem is that Gun was never with the times had his fingers really what is best for Mi-young and has very, very wrong frequently and egregiously. It makes him both complicated and pitiable because not once did he ever from the Mi-young injured egoism-it's just that to be selfless in all his labor for their own good, he is more or less failed.

There that flashback of him felt like a punch in the stomach oversees Keddongie sobs because it brought to mind how much suffering Gun has had to endure alone, even if he make of his own been is. That almost makes it worse, is not it? Especially when you consider that he could not foresee it, or know how much pain he inflicted both themselves and Mi-jung. But while Mi-young was able to escape for a few years to try again and start gun was left behind with only himself and his memories. He separated never, even if he wanted.

Unfortunately Gun curse is that Mi-jung interpreted events exactly how he wanted them so that they that he still thinks was well Keddongie before that fateful event broke up with her. Se-ra interventions have been terrible in their own right annoyingly, but the talk of the episode is really the one who threw me. The show had led me to believe that they would actually matured, considering that they gave to Daniel that she had not only violated Gun, but also Mi-young. And now that they have links with Gun at best tangential, she still feels like she has the authority to pull Mi-young aside and warn them of a man away she is not entitled? Girls better control themselves.

If there is something, have proven these last few episodes, it is that neither Gun or Mi-jung been able to side or moving to forget despite their efforts. Although Mi-jung can physically do so, even if she could, and now return to France, prove their images, that their marriage is with gun part of their lives, they can not or do not delete. The fact that she held his hand for that brief moment, even while he was unconscious, went a long way to prove that her feelings for him, but suppressed, are still very real and alive.

But then again, their feelings were never those in question, were they? She admitted that she loved him, but never returned Gun feeling in words, even if we could see it in his actions. That makes his case as a sad, because we knows that he always tried we know the kind of pain he endured, although he pushed the best thing away, that's ever happened to him ... but unless he allows himself ever with Mi-young, to be honest, they never will. Here's hoping that this commitment will be one of many, many more to come.

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tags: Choi Jin-Hyuk, Fated To Love You, in Jang Hyuk Jang Nara

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