Recap And Reviews Kdrama Secret Door: Episode 7

Recap and reviews korean drama Secret Door: Episode 7 -

The stakes get increased in this episode begins as the network of bad guys to unravel and all-good, bad, and mysteriously neutral makes a play for the secret document. And in his search for the truth about the death of his only friend in the world, receives the prince some answers dangerously close that only could give him public enemy number one. Is it wrong to ask the sake of his safety that he remains just a little bit more in the dark?


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Sun convene with his crew of secret investigators at the Royal Painting Office, where he explains the meaning of the painter Jung-woon's dying message, hwabutado . he refers to a drawing of a royal procession, and he suspects that Heung-bok left him in a message.

he finds Heung -. bok the last drawing and scan the page for an indication that one of them is the killer when he locates the man in the drawing, displays the image in a cool shot of the procession from above

Sun. scans its memory for the person who had next to him standing right would in the procession ... and recalled that it was Kang Seo-won, the palace guard that his watchdog was to be sent by Princess Hyegyeong.

they are worried that it is not enough to go on, if they want to catch him, so Ji-dam suggests that they find sufficient grounds to arrest him and his home for evidence they are still looking for the book lacks that Heung-bok with this copy of Ji-mother mystery novel in the night of his assassination.

Sun agrees that the person who is their murderer borrowed. This triggers a sudden thought, and he remembers Heung-bok letter to him this evening. It should be noted how much he enjoyed the book and mentioned a certain story point, and now that Sun considers it, Heung-bok has never fallen novels before this mystery.

Heung-bok had as increasing the hair, the scene described the back of his neck, and Ji-dam counter that really is not that kind of scene. The Sun convinced that Heung-bok leave him in these pages about something a message that it was frightening, and he says that they recover the book.

The king simply tells his chief eunuch, that he has done a good job; whether he was previously responsible for Sun and Ji-Mother narrow escape that night or just there to spy on them is initially unclear.

In the morning the eunuch of Prince leads a team of guards in Kang Seo won's home to arrest him, and Westside Chef Pil-jae asks why Kang Seo-won was dismissed from his post first be searched again , The eunuch warned only that he would hurt if he ask questions, maintains, and orders them to search every corner of the house.

But the search appeared neither Kang nor the book, and the good guys ask if he made a run for it, after he was caught at the Prince espionage. Pil-jae reports of new interest in the Prince Kang Seo-won Prime Minister Kim, and suggested that Kang was not ... it was removed.

Pil-jae thinks there could be a connection to the fencer who attacked his men while they were kidnapped woman (our might gisaeng missing? ); He knows only that they trained sword used official state capabilities.

The Prime Minister is Kim enough of a premonition to go, and he goes to the king to ask if he took Kang Seo-won. Yeongjo it bothers no denying, though he adds in mock curiosity added that Kang Seo-won courage has the size of a bean, wondering how he could be behind the killings, the perpetrators and the one dealing with the Noron make while her secret document hold hostage. Basically Yeongjo that Kang do not know her husband is

He says Prime Minister Kim Heung-bok via drawing and the faith of the prince that Kang Seo-won is the killer. now with Kang Sun disappearance will be all the more convinced that he was right. Yeongjo says that Sun should down the wrong way to be good news for Prime Minister Kim, and warns him to recover your document.

Ji-dam father pitches a belated fit about it short of gibang and Woon-Shim assured him that Ji-dam is in order and that they just did not want Dad to take care of the details. Woon-Shim promises that Ji-dam is in a safe place, even though it makes a little suspicious wondering why Ji-dam went so willingly.

It turns out that Ji-mother's new hideout with Eastside Chef Chul-Joo. Yay-I do not know why they do not come here in the first place. I mean, he is armed for the beginning!

here seem very different opinions about their stay have, though, because it is here to pry and get some new leads in their investigation, while he tries to tell her that she hiding here in secret and for being limited its own security. She sends word to Sun that they are safe and looking at what context the Eastern and Western bands have their case.

Chul-joo keeps its unilateral ignore interrogation about why he was there in West Side area the night of the death of the forger, so she ended up stealing the book he reads , But as he looks at his eyes with tears are full, and he begins to brush them away in embarrassment.

She looks at the book cover curious and asks why he is crying while reading The Story of Chun-hyang , and he says so sincere that Chun-hyang weeps for her lover now. Hahaha, the gang leader reads romance novels. I love it.

Ji-dam knows how to make it right where it hurts, and holds his book hostage until he answers their questions. My favorite part is that it scares them will lose his place, so it was he threatens her finger from the last page to take, and he sings like a canary.

he does not tell her the whole truth, however, and is, that he was there some payback get for his gang knife in Jung-woon's murder scene that night to plants. He asks defensively, when the murder of their forger has accused him, and she says no, she Chul-joo well enough to know, know that he do not kill people, without them in the eye and a to give fair fight.

Ji-dam asks if he knows anything about the Westside boss, and Chul-joo, he says only as a shadow is known. She begs him to let them know how he can learn something new, and is surprised when he agrees readily. He says that now know will make no difference, because they will not be able to do anything with this information; they will not be here until this case leave closed.

she pouts, and he only gives his book by suggesting that they switch genres romance and thrillers stop writing and get personally involved in murder investigations. But the second he goes, Ji-dam is peering around the corner and espionage, and she overheard Chul-joo his minions warning that they do not get caught to make sure they do not exclude the possibility to obtain, and. Let's do what caught?

Meanwhile, in the palace pays sun scant attention during Advisor Chae its schedule details, and asks if Kang Seo-won is probably dead by now. And if so, who killed him? Traveller Chae suspected that the brains behind everything had released him, and his instincts tell him that the Noron are behind. What they need to do is somehow shrink their suspect pool.

Advisor Chae says they need bait, and Officer Min Woo-sub, the principled policeman beats with that took Ji-dam statement and argued with (then) police captain Hong about doing the right thing. He is also the son Noron Minister Min, who said to bury the truth basically his son or kill his father before confessing. Traveller Chae says if his suspicion is correct, then they can exploit the tension between a father who wants to hide the truth and a son who wants to discover it.

Sun agrees that it is a good idea and calls Minister min in the presence of Minister of War Hong, and says he Minister min dismissed from his post, is if he can not explain why suddenly his son resigned from the police force. Sun says that if he is suffering from an incurable disease, the only other explanation is that the two ministers conspired to liberate any reason from him.

Your hands are tied when Sun says that the only way to prove their innocence would Officer Min, resumes and enhance the sense of urgency he has his own bodyguards as interim police to min Woo-sub is back in service.

Advisor Chae plan works like a charm, and he Minister Min and Minister Hong has followed as they go straight to confer with Prime Minister Kim about how dangerous close the prince is always the truth. So concludes that the four Noron officials are very likely at this meeting the heads behind Heung-bok death while Prime Minister Kim his colleagues said that Sun already learned a fair bit of the truth of Ji-dam, and see them at each other in alarm.

sun spends the evening sitting alone before his unfinished portrait, hands along Heung-bok made brushes and remember their last conversation wistfully as he wished, he 'a painter and d given birth to a prince been.

he sees Heung-bok there painting kneeling, and he sees even to smile up at Sun smiling him back. Heung-bok paints what looks like wet tears on the Sun Portrait, and when the vision faded, Suns frightened when he thinks he sees traces of Heung-bok of the brushstrokes, and his eyes fill with tears.

tell the difference between images or figures Yeongjo pores of the royal processional drawings with a microscope, and can not for the life of him in them. confirmed his eunuchs that Sun just knew by a glance which was drawn from them by Heung-bok and what was the hidden message.

Yeongjo to note paused how pathetic his son, and sighs that Sun had no one to give him the heart, but a humble painter. Gee, you think you might have had something to do, Dad? Yeongjo are on the futile search and ordered his eunuchs to put the images back, because he is sure that someone of interest, it will seek to come.

At the same time, Westside Chef Pil-jae is heard over the drawings of Prime Minister Kim, who wonders why Heung-bok stated (incorrectly) Kang as Killer Seo -won. Pil-jae, on the other hand, is convinced that they show him properly and grows alarmed how close Sun, to discover the truth. He adds ominously that if Prime Minister Kim to stop something not do sun, he is confronted an even greater enemy than he realizes.

The spies of the king are that night lying in wait at the Royal Painting Office are, and Pil-jae makes furtive his way inside ... But he does not go for the drawings, and heads for the records room instead, where it through the books until the found guns with the appeal, which corresponds to Heung-bok drawing.

He opens the page up and takes its name, as expected. Ah, so if Sun had looked up the official roster, he would have seen that Heung-bok pointed at Pil-jae all the time. Perhaps his own memory was gone a day, or something the two guards swap places happened that day to make. Pil-jae steals the book.

The Soron Minister takes Pil-jae about the offer, the secret document to buy, say Yeongjo and the Noron and gets would burden a note prepare 10,000 Nyang as cash. Pil-jae burns the official roster of the painting office and smiling at the document, called the Great Reunion.

The other Soron Minister demand to know what is the great reunion document, but the teacher of Prince Park Mun-su refuses to speak. It does not take much to guess for them, that it is probably a conspiratorial agreement Yeongjo brother, King Gyeongjong (on the throne of poisoning he died his brother to mysterious causes and Yeongjo was suspected) poisoning.

The Sorons say they know soon enough, when they make the deal with shadows, and teachers Park is shocked to hear that they are through with him. He asks what they do with it when they get her revenge in the blood, the documents? Their leader says that they are easy to correct the story, and that if the park is not join, they will no longer pull it Soron into consideration.

Prime Minister Kim has ears everywhere, and receives the report on Pil-jae's pending deal to hand over the document to the Soron. And at the same time, listen to Yeongjo that no one came for the drawings to the painting the office last night and wonders curious why Prime Minister Kim is not eligible for his bait. He figures they must only be released the bait switch up, and orders Kang Seo-won.

A scary looking black-hooded horsemen galloping down the road and falls Kang Seo-won in a sack, as is a laundry delivery, and when Kang public notice provides a reward for his whereabouts, he goes in the palace on their own feet.

he kneels before Sun and swears that he was kidnapped and that he is not to kill Heung-bok and that he could not have, because he was in the palace at night. They let him go now, and Kang asks hilarious for the reward money, he turned in. The eunuch prince tells him to get lost, but Princess Hyegyeong and her father have been on the watch, and give him the money, to find out what Sun's up.

If they find out that he's Heung-bok of the murder investigation, guesses Hyegyeong that he builds a case against the Noron substantially and advises her father to distance themselves as quickly as possible from the Noron.

He says the policy is not so easy, but it is sneakier and more intelligent than he is, and says he should only act as he is to dispose of them in order to win the favor of sun She plans to ride through both sides to play the faction fight and impressed loyalty to none, and her father on their skills. He regretted that she was not a son, but Hyegyeong rightly points out that they are enjoying the time in this position, because they have a daughter.

Sun checked Kang Seo-won alibi for the night of Heung-bok murder and he as he was in the palace said. You are back to square one now and Sun wonders why Heung-bok pointed the wrong man in his painting.

teachers of the plea inquiries King Park considers him only once, to save for the benefit of people. He seems to make a decision, and looking at the country and controlling a list of certain equipment to record. He then passes them to a contact, and asks her to find out who has these properties.

He reported to the king, saying that he expected news, and Yeongjo looks very grateful to the teachers Park has come to. Yeongjo says that even Hyegyeong and her father act otherwise lately thought suspicious of everything, while teachers Park is very concerned for the sun, because he is always deeper and deeper into the crossfire. Yeongjo assures him that she will not worry he-must from Sun. care

To this end Yeongjo calling his son to afternoon tea and give him a warm fatherly speech about how his health will deteriorate if it attempts the investigation keeps running, while his royal duties is maintained , and tells him to stop itself overstretching.

Sun protests and Yeongjo he does not say that he says to terminate the investigation, but only someone entrust else-someone like teachers Park. Yeongjo: ". If I am the father who you had in the body, Park Mun-su is the father who raised you in heart"

Still not meet Sun and asks for only a little more time and Yeongjo laughs at him and making light of his son tenacity. He asks if Sun has discovered something new in the case, and Sun hesitates and says that he will report the things he sure of them. Yeongjo says reassuringly: "I'm always on your side", but reveals a careful look.

Chul-joo climb a huge rock face, which he evidently does just for kicks. Teachers Park finds him there and says ruefully that Chul-joo has always been such a gifted child, and laments the fact that he was born not noble son.

teachers Park admits that he does not like that Chul-joo lives as a band leader, and adds with a still sigh heavy that he is the one who Chul-joo warned never to get ... in politics, and yet he was the one who in the eye of a political storm led him directly.

Chul-joo says he is a favor simply the repayment, not to engage in politics. He was a fifteen-year old boy framed for murder when they first met, and teachers Park was the only one who trusted him enough to prove his innocence.

Chul-joo admits that he has forgotten a long time because, on the important man Park Mun-su, who cleared his name, but he will never forget the taste of the soup that he fed him when he was hungry. "I'm just the cost of that meal reimbursement."

Elsewhere an unidentified man raw meat cuts to his pet hawk serve. Prime Minister Kim goes complained in him that he was hard to find, and the young man swears he quietly living as a hunter.

Prime Minister Kim takes him to a grave, and tells him to pour wine for his mother. Ah, the young man, Kim Mu, is Prime Minister Kim secret illegitimate son. He asks if Mu is surprised that he buried a gisaeng in such honorable grave, and says that he really loved her and even plans to be buried next to her.

Prime Minister Kim says that as soon as he has finished this present task, he wants his mother to fulfill desire and take him as a son in. "Do not you wish to call me father?"

teachers Park contact looking at the owners of large estates, which he listed, and a name sticks out as odd: Kang Pil-jae. The man replied that a palace guard would not do nearly enough wage to own a house so big.

Teacher Takes Park and finds Pil-jae at the tobacco manufacturers. He has nothing of Pil-jae in conversation, but he did not find out from the seller that Pil-jae is not a smoker, but he ordered a very long pipe.

Sun head court lady comes in to tell him that he believed his wife sleep tonight (the fact that other people Calendar to decide this for you, Weirds make me out forever, but so is the palace life).

He have completely forgotten and asks if she can not date slide, but Court Lady Choi says as him that Hyegyeong is because of Sun attention will any way that they can get it. She urges him to take care of them because Palace life is cruel and hard, even with someone to lean on.

He seems to take to heart and goes to lie with Hyegyeong that night, as he has assumed. The ladies tell him at the door (no pressure!) To start, and he begins to loosen his clothing.

But then he suddenly an inspiration has (right now? Do you have to have a moment?), And it dawns on him that the processional drawings are painted in advance of an important event. Well, they would have to be, if you consider that Heung-bok could not have drawn the procession for the day after he died from the grave.

The important point is that they are painted by the advance roster So realizes that Kang Seo-won entered the palace at night by Heung-bok murder again , which means he took someone's place in the procession. Suddenly he apologized Hyegyeong and then he gets up and runs literally from there. Augh, you can not just leave like that!

His eunuch says pretty much that as they walk past the Royal Painting Office, but to hear Sun on his latest discovery amping to anything else. He explains that Heung-bok drawing shows the man who allegedly to be in the procession, but the real killer could not have returned to the palace in time, because, before the night was on the outside killing Heung-bok , If you check the original roster, they will find her killer.

But of course they are already one step too late an artist they informed that they had a break-in only last night, and that is exactly what was stolen.

Prime Minister Kim calls in the second West Side gang in command, a man called black list, and gives him a little box with silver filled. Blacklist reminds him that he is not the Westside boss, but Prime Minister Kim calls shadow a thing of the past; Blacklist is the future. And so is the new black list Hound Prime Minister Kang Seo-Won is sent to kill before he speaks.

Ji-dam sneaking around the compound Eastside look for what ever it is that they try to keep hidden. She hears sounds of a woman from the inside of a shed to cry, and overheard her friend gisaeng-Jung-woon to let Girlfriend sobbing for her captors to go.

They swear they will go even let all this is over, but they do not trust them and shouts: "Do you think I do not know that Park Mun-su and your boss along and killed [Jung-woon]? ! "Oh no. Ji-dam face faded.

Sun, and his officers drive as fast as they can to Kang Seo-won house, knowing that without the official record, he is the last loose thread. They only come as a blacklist and his men chase Kang from his home and Sun grabs his bow and arrow to fight off a couple of hitmen.

He stands on his horse to pursue them, and when he gets, he swings Kang Seo-Won for a trip on his horse. Once they are out of sight, Sun maintains its place he ask in the procession took on that day. I swear I'm for the stray arrow just waiting to come out of nowhere, flying, but he actually gets to say ". Kang Pil-jae"

And then we see Pil-jae roll secret document in his new extra long pipe, while the Soron Ministers prepare the money for the exchange tonight. Ji-dam spies on Chul-joo, as he parts ways to take shade with the teacher Park, the care of him to recover jobs and the pipe.

The Sun race off to another location on horseback, reverses its eunuchs to the palace to convey the message that the prince of king requests help. Yeongjo says of course they'll send help it-finally his hands on this document preciousssss obtain. He starts to shake in anticipation.

sun comes in front of a house and runs inside, and then later, a second, a woman screams and our local corrupt police officer Byun it comes to listening and turn inward.

ACK. Sun strolls out in a daze, his hands and sleeves covered in blood.

It is only when an officer Byun asks what happens is that Sun sees a dark expression on his face at his bloodied hands. And inside the palace, Yeongjo throws his hands in the same manner, but with a very different expression on his face, practically at the mouth in anticipation foams.


Okay, the bloody foot freaked me out seriously, just because that's the exact way I imagined Sado this drama began. I have every confidence that our fictional character Sun were framed, be (... is not it?), But it's haunting effective because they play with the expectations just that he would grab and a killer any day now. Although the drama is clearly its own story about the Sun as a noble prince spiders caught in a political struggle, it is in pain, to paint a plausible version of events, which could be misunderstood as its rampant misconduct in the twisted, versions you could see how in the wrong hands, is written this story and new sun goes down in history as a killer.

And here I thought he panned with good day, with an actual lead shadows from. I should have known better that the costs Pil-jae name would be high for learning, but I was too busy to be happy for them. The good guys had taken more wins than normal today with Officer Min reinstatement and teachers Park detective skills into use to track down Pil-jae; the problem is that Sun and teachers seem Park to be on the same side, but separately and often at cross purposes to work. I really need it a team, but I have the feeling that Yeongjo not always let it happen.

I have the detour in Chul-joo history today, and found it too short, he is an interesting character that I do not take more history tangents hand would have if he itself is concerned, whether it is. to backstory or more of its everyday banter with Ji-dam, which was really nice I'm glad it as politically aware a personal reason for his involvement in this mess because he did not beat me or slightly swayed. It also adds the teacher Park credibility that he can really cares about the common people, not only the Royals he is, and that his teachings both King and Prince is not just lip service.

I do not know where we go with the prime minister Kim illegitimate son, but he seems perfect to become another of the Prime Minister disposable hounds, especially with Pil-jae for his britches to get too big. Who knows, maybe talk about the gisaeng was not an act, and he really has a heart? Not that I would put money on that. | []; _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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