Recap And Reviews Kdrama SuperDaddy Yeol: Episode 1

Recap and reviews korean drama SuperDaddy Yeol: Episode 1 -

Welcome to SuperDaddy Yeol, rotate the webtoon adaptation in which a parent to live with just one year sets to their failure from the perfect father. It is a sad premise and the first episode does not shrink from him, but there is hope (and a bit of humor) as also found. With its stubborn insistence on only looking after himself, our hero does not seem like Super Daddy material, but then, where is the fun without a bit of a challenge?


It is 05, shortly before the end of the baseball season. Our main character HAN yeol ( Lee Dong-gun ) is in mourning at the funeral of his mother with his father. It welcomes guests dutifully, but when he receives a letter him goodbye to say he goes for the woman looking to run that wrote it.

Yeol funeral leave to look after a baseball game on TV. His father crying out for blame him running around him after "the woman" and reminded him that he is not the only grieving. But Yeol goes without saying a word.

In a flashback we see him running CHA MI RAE from a game ( Lee Yu-ri ), the woman he loves. He falls to his knees and says that he was lying. "When I said I could live without you ... it was a lie."

Mi-rae leaves to study abroad, and says she can not imagine a future with him she did not "correspond to 100 percent." This expression Yeol annoyed, and he asks when in life everything is safe. There are always variables and conditions, but he loves it 100 percent. Mi-rae feels not the same, however, and she goes out of the stadium and out of his life.

In the present we see the baseball game, the same time as the funeral is going on. It is the last inning and the pitcher (UHM KI TAE, played by Park Joo-Hyung ) is an easy to hit. In the dugout, sighs the head coach, that they will have to change pitchers, but not that someone good enough.

Just then arrives in his baseball uniform Yeol, yet his sadness wears tape. He pushes past the other players and marched right up the hill.

Yeol receives the ball from Ki-tae and explains that he is from now on pitching. Coach Bang says that this pitch he could be the last ever he throws-can live with it?

Mi-rae goes through the airport and stops in front of a television, the channel switches to the baseball game, and looks Yeol on the hill are.

"My mother always said that I the person I meet supposed to meet," says Yeol in voiceover. Now alone on the pitcher's mound, he starts his windup. "In drama, they call it fate. In sports it is called fate. But I call it love." He throws baseball ... but we do not see what happens next.

Ten years later, a car speeds past a pair of police officers on the highway. The hunt is on, trace weaving ends before a primary school to track and. A young girl gets out and the car takes off, but not before the driver hurls one bookbag. The girl catches them and shoot the officers a dirty look, as if she ventured into her to get way-this Mi-rae daughter SA RANK (played by Lee Re ), and it has an impressive gloss was for someone whose name means love.

The baseball team has changed in ten years, not much. Coach Bang is still around, and Ki-tae was completed furiously by angry Pitcher coach. A relief pitcher sent in, although it will come one month of physical therapy. This is rookie ace Ryu HYUN-WOO ( Choi Min-sung ), and he was cleared to play by the rehab coach on the strict condition that he does not throw curve balls.

Coach Bang reminds Ki-tae over award ~~ POS = TRUNC at school his daughter, and tells him to leave early, so he will not be too late , Meanwhile, rookie Hyun-woo takes the hill, and blatantly ignored instructions with a nasty slider leads.

The Rehab coach watched the game from the training room. "I told that bastard to throw straight!" he growls, the TV screen shattering with a fastball of his own. We finally see his face-Han Yeol.

Hyun-woo another pitch raises and injured his shoulder in pain on the floor rolling. Ki-tae has to accompany him to the hospital, attend ceremony despite his promise to his daughter. At the suggestion of one of the higher-ups, decide to send space for school the coach Yeol in Ki-tae.

Yeol a group of athletes responds them the story of his last match 10 years before told. He plays upon themselves to say how Coach Bang let him pitch, because he was so talented. But a flashback shows us the truth, let the coach asks Bang Ki-tae, this time pushing because Yeol's so pathetic.

Finally we see Yeol pitch that goes wrong when it pops into the head of the racket. He invites the hill, and within seconds the players and coaches have instigated a fight from both sides.

A player asks Yeol why he threw the pitch, especially when he was in mourning for his mother. "Because I wanted someone to show," he says. A call comes from another coach, ask Yeol stand in for Ki-tae at school his daughter.

Sa-rang teacher tells the class to get information about head coach Ki-tae, who's next father and talking about his job. His daughter Bo-mi is happy to hear praised her father, and the children romp to speak at the thought of a real star in the coming.

One of the children indicates that Sa-rang father has not come for his lecture in. A chatterbox sitting near her, said that he heard she has no father, only a "scary mother."

Just then comes the class president and tells the teacher that Bo-mi father is not in, and her "uncle" is a substitute on the way. The teacher asks the boy to choose a seat, and the only two available adjacent to Bo-mi and Sa-rang. Uh-oh ... Classroom Drama!

class president strolls down the aisle, while Sa-rang with a shy smile for him, pulling the empty chair. But he sits down beside Bo-mi, and the whole class laughs that Sa-rang was unloaded. The boy who once jeers outed her about her father that she has a false father and a fake friend-gah why children so my ?!

Sa-rang pounds on her desk and gives Bo-mi a death glare so strong, it has overcome President even in his seat class. She rushes into the classroom door to knock only in Yeol in on the way. He reached enough, but it ignores it and leaves the classroom.

Sa-rang books it down the hall, out of school and all the way to the soccer field. She looks in the direction of the classroom, hurt and angry. "Jerk," she murmurs.

Mi-rae talking with a patient in the hospital, she was told that they do not have much time left to live. The patient is understandably upset even more when another doctor had said that nothing was safe, and they could still be alive.

But Mi-rae insisted that her death is 100 percent safe. Most they can do with chemotherapy and radiation, it is delayed for a month or two. The patient breaks and attacks Mi-rae cry when she thinks she is a god, know for certain when someone will die. "Do you understand a mother's heart?" She wails.

The patient Hair Mi-rae draws until another doctor intervenes (Doctor SHIN, played by Seo Joon-young ). "I'm a mother!" Mi-rae said, finally pushed out of their cold professionalism.

A while later, in the bathroom Women, Mi-rae corners of the colleague who gave false hope to their patients and pushes her face first into the sink. "What is the chance survive ?" She growls.

Mi-rae accuses the other doctor to try to make the patient angry at them, so they do not have to be promoted. But Mi-rae promises that, no matter what will be boss, and her colleagues emerged once more for good measure.

Yeol raises the children, the roof, they real to teach him baseball instead before talking of 10 years more than games. When Bo-mi claimed that her father was a better pitcher and is an important coach, Yeol has to defend the value of rehabilitation.

In order to clarify what rehabilitation is all about, Yeol turns to the teacher and starts pointing their mistakes. Your attitude is messed up by trying to look sexy, her chin and neck are strained from looking at her cellphone the whole time, and he calls them out to have received plastic surgery not cool, Yeol!

The teacher stands up, ready to tear into him when Yeol her smile and commitment to the children compliments. "If you only fix what I pointed out," he says, "you could be the most popular teacher in school." Before we can see when they buy this line or not, a student from the window Recalls and roars.

Sa-rang on her tenth round on the track, running barefoot. It keeps going until it falls, her knee molting. Yeol offers a hand to help her, and when she ignored it, he laughs that this that they rejected him today for the second time. When he asks why she ran, Sa-rang says she wanted to show someone.

The teacher and class representatives come from outside, with a pair of running shoes for Sa-rang. "Do not do that anymore," class president asks his little face all serious.

The teacher asks flirtatiously Yeol when to meet again, admitting that she used to be a part of his fan clubs. She remembers him as he used to marry for love to talk and to start a family, but Yeol says that was all lies. Now only he wants the rest of his life to live on her own. Yeol and class president every walk away to leave two ladies disappointed in their wake.

The hospital told Mi-rae Dr. Shin to make sure it doesn 't no longer cross paths with her scheming colleagues. Dr. Shin admired their strength (and wonders if she recently studied the martial arts is already, ha), but it also shows that they could be more tactful with their patients. But Mi-rae that would be immoral because it only patients false hope are

Da Mi-rae such a strong advocate of honesty, Dr. Shin decides to be honest. "I like you sunbae. I like you a lot." Mi-rae looks him straight in the eyes, it occurs in the tibia (and frankly, one would be the stilettos she wears? Ouch).

She says she does not have time to raise her daughter, let alone another big baby, but Dr. Shin says he seriously, he wants to be Sa-rang father. a chance to respond before Mi-rae, who is called on by her supervisor, hospital director Dr. Choi.

Dr. Choi has suggested to conduct Mi-rae, the new oncology department. Mi-rae says that it was a hard climb to get where it is now, it should go all the way to reach the summit.

"Therefore, I have you," said Dr. Choi. "You're pretty and ambitious." He says Mi-rae that they go at his side far will give her arm a squeeze lustful. Mi-rae waits until he's gone, before rendering its forced smile, muttering that he sleazy and incompetent.

Yeol is seen at the hospital for the injured Hyun-woo. Ki-tae not wait a second before him accused negligence, worried that the team losing their expensive ace pitcher. Yeol goes directly to Hyun-woo and raises his arm and explained that his shoulder is not violated.

There is actually Hyun-woo's neck that has been infringed and Yeol demonstrates its expertise as he explains how the throw curve balls the load directly onto the neck, why he Hyun-Woo told to avoid them. But Hyun-woo ignored his advice, and Yeol suspected that he did it on purpose.

An X-Yeol the conjecture about Hyun-woo neck confirmed, but DR. HWANG (played by Kim Mi-Kyung , the sports rehabilitation clinic director) says that the damage is worse than expected. The coach at Yeol all rigid that goes out of the room.

Yeol remembers what Mi-rae told him that it's either 100 percent or zero when he walks down the hall. It is better to be alone, he thinks, because in this way you do not need for anyone to take responsibility, but himself.

Mi-rae find Sa-rang after school and offers to take her to dinner. Sa-rang wants to know why she did not ask about what happened at school, but Mi-rae knows her daughter must have had a reason. It is not what has happened, but what Sa-rang in addition that counts.

Sa-rang to leave will track because it feels like they lose if they do not first place. Mi-rae wonders clever if that's why Sa-rang lied to have a father, because they do not want to "lose" to the other children who have two parents. That's how Sa-rang first felt, but she assured her mother that she did not now. Her father is in heaven, she says, it really does two parents.

Mi-rae says Sa-rang not to end the survey because of it. In order to lose a little, if you win in the end Sa-rang asks eagerly if her father the kind of person who always won, and Mi-rae, he says, "unless a person." Sa-rang guesses happy that a person was her mother. A call comes from Dr. Choi, and Sa-rang says Mi-rae they meet for pizza that night, after she takes to her work.

Yeol meets with coach Bang who has bad news. The manager of the team investigating the coach after Hyun-woo injury, and Hyun-Woo himself talks about Yeol sued for overly demanding rehabilitation.

Coach Bang says Yeol to put his pride aside and Hyun-woo ask relent as he was repeatedly forced as manager to a father and head of a family. But Yeol replies that this is why he lives alone-so that he can keep his pride and look for yourself.

reporters swarm around the hospital, hoping for an interview with Hyun-woo. Yeol progress past them without a word. Director Hwang speaks with her daughter, HWANG JI HYE (played by Seo Ye-ji ), who happens to be the baseball team's doctor. Ji-hye follows Yeol to Hyun-woo room, and when Yeol sees that it is empty, he removed stems. Ji-hye calls for him, but he ignored them.

Yeol finds with Ki-tae in a bar Hyun-woo to drink even though he has planned an operation. Hyun-woo asks sarcastically if Yeol came to ask him to waive the action, as Ki-tae. Ki-tae tries to pull rank as head coach, but Yeol dumps a bucket says over his head and that if he. Really a coach, it is how one should act

Ki-tae leaves Hyun-woo in the room with Yeol, but once he reached the hallway he a reporter calls and offers a juicy story. Now that it's just the two of them requires Yeol knowing why Hyun-woo hurt intentionally. "I've been in more pain than anyone," says Yeol. "You can not. I'm fooled Rehab Han Yeol. Me"

Hyun-woo at these words from eyelashes and said that Yeol is a nobody who deserves no respect. He used to see Yeol as a model, the pitcher who played through everything, even his mother disease. But now thinks he is Yeol garbage that deserves to be alone. Yeol punches Hyun-woo in the face, and the reporter lurking outside grabs a flood of images and runs away.

"I wanted to show her," Hyun-woo says finally. His girlfriend broke up with him, and he thought that if he showed her how much he was hurt, she could come back to him.

Yeol says Hyun-woo that he has done the same thing again, without success. He hit the batter intentionally ten years ago, and welcomed the struggle that followed, all his desperate to show and defeated side to the woman who left him. But she did not return, and that was his last game.

Yeol not warn Hyun-woo to be like him. Show someone your worst side does not get it to come back. It's not really love, and it's disrespectful to the game of baseball. "And what shall I do ?!" Hyun-woo crying. He does so much he wants to die, and not even baseball is more enough. "How do you do that rehabilitate?" He Prompts. But Yeol has no answer, he just goes away.

Hyun-woo words remain with Yeol as he walks down the hall, and he thinks back to what Mi-rae said as she left him. He wonders resentfully how they live now. Then Yeol hears a voice that sounds suspiciously familiar in another room, but he gets a call before he can investigate.

There is Mi-rae in the next room, singing with Dr. Choi and other greasy old man. Dr. Choi is all compliments for their determination, while the other doctor tries to get a little touchy-feely. Mi-rae has a radiant smile as she fends off his advances, to keep the interest of their careers in their anger.

Mi-rae makes a quick escape in the washroom. Looking at her reflection, she swears to succeed, so that they look down on no one will be a single mother. It is Sa-rang to protect to the end, even if it means, put up with the lecherous old men. Mi-rae gets a furious text of Sa-rang, which at the pizzeria is waiting for them, and immediately calls to say they. On their way But as it is to go out, she collapses to the floor.

Sa-rang waiting in the restaurant, sure that her mother come. When the shop closes after waiting outside, sighing that she has something she needs to tell Mom. Just then it starts to rain.

Yeol walks through the rain looking for his father, who is (apparently not for the first time) escaped from the nursing home. Yeol finds him in a restaurant to drink and flirt with the owner. If Yeol goes inside, Dad tells him because Yeol not marry, he is going to marry instead. Their bickering is very heated, as Dad Yeol accused woman to chase, when he should have taken his sick mother while Yeol fires back that Dad was absent more often than not.

Yeol is sick when dad asks him to choose a woman to marry from a selection of photos and said that he no longer cares if Dad collapses or not. Dad yells that it was Mom's last wish that her son marry, although Yeol scoffs that he fibbing. He walks away, leaving Dad with the bizarre ajumma in the restaurant, apparently with outliers of nursing homes enjoys flirting.

Mi-rae heard the bad news from their junior colleagues in the hospital. She is in the final stages of cancer and has more than a year to live. She takes the news with a stiff upper lip, just ask her colleagues to delete the records and keep them secret for conditioning.

Outside in the hallway Mi-rae drops to his knees, overwhelmed. She remembers her phone to check the ten shows missed calls from Sa-rang.

Yeol goes home in the rain, talking on the phone to another coach on the reporter who saw him Hyun-woo punch. He sees Sa-rang at the empty restaurant crouching, and is keeping about walking when she keels. He looks closer and recognizes them as the current girls of Bo-mi school.

Yeol brings Sa-rang in his apartment on the couch to install ceilings and hot chocolate to warm to her she. She wakes up and cries a strange man to see, and Yeol screaming right along with her.

Sa-rang behind the sofa jumping until he recalls that they met at the school and then warns him quietly that she is an athlete and he'd better not mess with her. "Do you know how manipulative and frightening my mother?" She Prompts. It's official, this girl is awesome.

Sa-rang grabs her cell phone and backpack and goes to the door, ignoring Yeol when he shouts that she has a fever. Her mother always keeps its promises, she says, so she has to meet them. You going Yeol can tell her that she will be left behind a sack.

Mi-rae reached the restaurant, looking for Sa-rang, relieved when Sa-rang almost the same time arrives. Mi-rae tries to apologize but Sa-rang do not want to hear their explanation. "I said it was fine if you were there," she says. "But if you're like that, it makes me miss Dad."

Sa-rang says she wants to have a father who can be there, even if Mi-rae is busy; someone who can play with her and look out for her. Mi-rae looks beaten at these words. It comes a taxi, so that they Sa-rang can take home.

Yeol the corner rounds, yet Sa-rang pocket. It has their running shoes in him, and Yeol reflects that it can run quite well without, as he prepares to throw the bag. But then he starts a look at the taxi, with Sa-rang and receive Mi-rae about in.

In voice-over, he repeated what his mother always told him that he should finally meet the woman he being with. "The people in dramas who call fate," he says, echoing the words he said ten years ago. "People in sport call it fate. I ... call it love."

Yeol runs after the taxi, the shoes waving and screaming like a lunatic. Mi-rae looking in the rearview mirror and sees him behind running.


This was a solid introduction to what I a great drama will hope. We have our premise, and a good sense of the characters and their relationships. Only an hour and I feel a connection to our two lines, flawed as they are. Even the characters on the periphery, such as Hyun-woo, Ki-tae and Yeol father felt like fully realized people that develops during the episode. It is too early to say for sure, but I think SuperDaddy manage his characters with a skillful hand.

Despite their stubbornness and passion for their colleagues to drown, I'm already half in love with Mi-rae (who am I kidding-it's because these things). She is open about her ambitions and simply to a fault, but it also has the fortitude to face the reality of their approaching death. You can kind of a jerk sometimes, but she's not a hypocrite, and her determination to protect her daughter, is all kinds of admirable.

Her "100 percent or zero" setting does , when we see mainly it reflects in Sa-rang attitude towards track seem wrongheaded to me. It's almost exactly like Ricky Bobby Credo in Talladega Nights : "If you do not first, you're last!" And as Ricky Bobby's father tells us: "This makes no sense at all you can be second, third, fourth ... hell, you can even be fifth."

So it seems to me we two faulty worldviews that were in the store at the center of a row. The first is the idea that life is 100 percent or zero, win or lose, right or wrong. But that is not at all. Not everything is black and white, in fact, I've heard that sometimes it can be as many as fifty shades of gray (har har).

The second erroneous belief is the belief that the right answer to someone rejecting you is to show them your worst side in the hope that it will bring them back. Yeol know that this does not work, but his response is to vow to live alone, someone no responsibility for the inclusion of other than himself.

begins as Mi-rae to turn their plan Yeol in a SuperDaddy of legend, I am pleased to see them both grow and adapt different worldviews. Yeol needs to learn that the way someone to win back if in fact it can be done, to be is better than before. And for their part, Mi-rae has to learn that there are many other ways in addition to 100 percent or zero are found in the eternity that lies between life and death in the heartbeat. There is room for change, compromise, half and whole steps, forgiveness ... and maybe even love.

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tags: featured, first episodes, Lee Dong-gun, Lee Yuri, Seo Joon-young, SuperDaddy Yeol

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