Recap And Reviews Kdrama Bring It On, Spirit: Episode 12

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Bring It On, Spirit: Episode 12 -

This episode I's all been missing for weeks, and more. Questions are answered, the motives are excavated, and a few new surprises arise to complicate events. Both Bong-pal and Hyun-ji will be again forced out of their comfort zones again, but with the danger seemingly on every corner, I hope they can recover their amazing teamwork ... and soon.


Hyun ji barely manages to say Bong-pal that she is before she starts to flicker to life and fade. her lifeless body with black fog-Hye sung Up in her room, attacks until they Flatlines, and Hyun-ji spirit disappears from Bong-pal in her arms. But just as smirks Hye-sung that he got rid of another threat, Hyun-ji doctors will be able to revive her, and she opens her eyes.

Down in the parking lot, Bong-mate yells Hyun-ji name as tears streak the face. The world begins to rotate it, and it falls on the pavement, unconscious. Chun-sang and In-rang him to be found there and carry him back to the hospital

Hyun-ji watches a crowd of relieved to see faces around them. - Nurses, her doctor and her two parents. Her mother tells her that she has been five years in a coma, but she does not remember anything of the accident. The doctor says her parents that it is normal that to have some memory loss, and their memories finally return.

Hye-Sung Hyun-ji overheard doctors about their miraculous recovery to speak, and he lurks her hospital room door. Inside is crying the whole family - Hyun-ji parents back have for her daughter and crying Hyun-ji because to weep. Hye-sung watching them laughing and hugging, and grins.

Bong-pal will collapse chalked up to exhaustion - thank God, came out the head X-ray fine. Chun-sang, murmuring the Bong-mates had a hard time since Hyun-ji left, and In-rang innocently asks why. He figures out eventually that Bong-pal is the type Hyun-ji liked, and they suspect that Bong-pal like her back. Supportive bro-hug time.

Myung-Chul told his shaman friend, that the monk he spoke in the temple, told him that Bong-pal mother had planned another ritual before she died. You have to fulfill it never, and the monk does not know where the ritual tool is that to use it, planned, and the chief monk at that time has now passed.

There is the ritual tool that Bong-pal father spent all these years. Of course, the demon is looking for them, because whatever it is, it may terminate its existence. Myung-Chul remembers a pearl bracelet break when Bong-mate was expelled for the first time, and quickly leaves.

Hye-sung to his clinic goes back and stares at Hyun-ji student ID, which he stole when he tried to run over them. He wonders what now to do with her.

Myung-Chul Bong heads-pal place, but there is empty, and growing concern for him. He rests still in the hospital so Chun-sang answered his phone and says Myung-Chul, where they are. The monk rushes Bong-pal to see, and learns that it is simply exhaustion.

Chun-sang and In-ranking face as Bong-pal College sunbaes and business partners and Myung-chul grows on the idea excited that Bong-mate is actually in the ghost hunting business. It recognizes the boys from when they ran into each other at the Landgasthof, and blames them forever Bong-pal in their moneymaking scheme.

Ow, he almost pulls Chun-sang from the ears. He warns again never rope Bong-pal in fighting spirits, then sits to watch him as he speaks to the doctor.

Hyun-ji is something of a celebrity hospital .... it is not every day that someone wakes up after a five year coma, and it seems relatively easy to recover. She said slowly practicing their hands and not to try to go yet, but it looks like they'll make a comeback. The doctor and nurses give you all a little applause, but a man in the back seems unhappy.

In-wringing going on a snack run and provides the audience to Hyun-ji-speaking countries, and everyone hears about the girls talking, according to a five-year coma woke. He cranes his neck to get a glimpse of the girl - and immediately recognize Hyun-ji. He runs back to Bong-pal room where Bong-mate to wake up from a nightmare of Hyun-ji last disappearance.

In-ranking says Bong-pal that Hyun-ji is here, and Bong-mate running through the halls to find them. She was alone when he finds her room, her paper art to work with on their hand strength, and Bong-pal is stunned for a moment, to see that she is still alive.

It can be in the hospital room, but there is no recognition in Hyun-ji's eyes when she sees him. Bong-pal not noticed, and rushes to embrace in her, but she pushes him away and asks suspiciously, who he is. Bong-pal looks stricken when he realizes that Hyun-ji not remember him, but her mother comes into the room so Bong-pal comes and says, must have been that he is mistaken.

He says Chun-sang and In-rang that Hyun-ji not remind him, looking heartbroken and lost. The guys looking at the room and confirm that it is their Hyun-ji, in fact, and when her mother wheels her. In the hall, they do not recognize, even AWW, In-rang the small sadface.

They conclude that her mind must have left her body for these five years, she was in a coma, and only now came back. Somehow she does not remember anything of what happened while she was in spirit form.

Bong-pal wanders discharged from the hospital, not the way Hyun-ji, saw him to forget how he was crazy or dangerous. Myung-Chul finds him and fusses him to hang out with Chun-sang and in rank, but he was obviously worried about him and offers to take him home. Bong-pal apologizes Myung-Chul smiles for screams and the monk that he has grown up.

show the boys with his things at Bong-pal place to tell him that Hyun-ji has not only forgotten him, but she forgot everything , They had a nurse delighted to tell them that Hyun-ji can their accident either not remember, but that the memory loss is only temporary. In-rang even says that he thinks her Bong-pal should try to be there, even though it was so hard to say looks for him. Sweet boy.

Myung-Chul overheard and gapes at the news that Hyun-ji's alive. But he is puzzled why Bong-mate is so excited when it seems he should be celebrating.

Bong-pal goes to his room, staring at Hyun-ji toothbrush and books he has not yet thrown away. He throws all their stuff into a pocket, determined to search.

Full faithful friend, Chun-sang checks with In-rang to make sure he was okay to stay with say Bong-mate of Hyun-ji page. He had to know it would grow closer, so that means he to her abandonment?

In-rang says he just happy, happy to see Hyun-ji, and that he ... Revenge is something more important to do to get on the guy who did this to her. He asks if Bong-mate nor the card from the detective met her when her Internet Stalker died.

Detective Yang looks at the death of Hye-sung of the father who was ruled a simple accident. He had fallen from her fifteenth floor apartment balcony and died instantly from head trauma. Visit Yang and his detective friend the current residents of the apartment, and go directly to the balcony.

His friend says that it could have been just an accident, as there is no defensive wounds on the deceased, and witness his wife ruled out suicide. He had been drinking a lot, so they assumed he was smoking outside and lost his balance. When police arrived had a passerby to check reports from a corpse, the man's wife he had fallen was not even known.

The couple's son, Hye-sung was then was 13 years old, and the detective had only briefly seen the boy in his room volatile. Hye-sung had his bedroom door slam, and the detective never gave him another thought.

Detective Kim calls Detective Yang to warn him that the boss is looking for him, and to come immediately. Yang tells him that he does not Hye-sung thinks his father's death was an accident, because the balcony railing is large enough that it would be almost impossible to lose his balance and fall - unless someone pushed him.

Hyun-ji goes through extensive physical therapy their muscle strength to recover, and soon she is slowly walking. She gets to start the green light to go with crutches. On their way back to the room she welcomed the doctor she saw in her room, but he seems surprised that she spoke to him. Is he a ghost? Can Hyun-ji spirits now see?

she battles her chair to drive alone a ramp, and loses its footing and starts to roll backward. A hand begins ... it's Hye-sung, nooo! He offers her to her room to take back, and makes pleasant small talk on the way. He asks after her accident, and confirms that it is nothing remembers about, although they mentioned that they probably eventually will remember. is

Hyun-ji back to her room when Bong-pal out again, with the bag of her things from his place. He apologized and explained that he did not realize she had lost her memory, and also shows to prove her his student card that he is not some random weirdo. She asks who he is, and he introduces himself: ".. Park Bong-pal your friend"

The Hyun-ji gets attention, and she gapes when he says that they have put together in peace to live. It reacts with virginal horror, and he explains that it was as if she was a ghost, while she was in a coma. He tells her that she followed him relentlessly around and smiles when she says indignantly that he is not even her type.

He says it's okay if she remembers anything yet, and he is just glad that she is still alive. Then he rips her new phone and gives her his number, hee. He says he came here today to give her things back, and when she realizes is that he come every day again and again, not to dare him, warns. Bong-pal promises only that he will not stop until she recovers her memories again. PFFT , he lay down in her phone as "My Love Bong-Bong".

Hyun-ji noticed mother that the toothbrush and cup look exactly like the ones they used to give Hyun-ji break. She opens one of the textbooks and find the pictures of the Soondae Soup travel, and recognize her handwriting on which she moved to itself. That sparks a small memory, the Bong-pal you. On the dock apologetically that day

Bong-pal is in the hospital to hang, open doors and lurking adorably to smile Hyun-ji, when he sees it. Knowing how much likes to eat them, he makes them mountains of food, and soon Hyun-ji gets the message that it can go in a few days home. Awww, they actually pouts a little, if he is not in her room after her physical therapy as usual.

Hyun-ji spots Hye-sung a fluffy little dog to some children the introduction and they nod to each other. Then he explains Hyun-ji that he voluntarily some animal-assisted therapy to do with the kids. He leaves them to keep the dog, but his face is scarily flaccid when not see him.

Myung-Chul now decides to visit Hyun-ji, that she recovers, but he meets her mother in her hospital room. He leaves a message for Hyun-ji that the average monk who spoke harshly with it came, and that he's sorry.

Hyun-ji learns more about Hye-sung, and she tells him that she wanted to apply to the university, where he, before she teaches her accident. He invites to one of his classes sitting to come, which they excited, as they slept quite a bit about their college years.

Myung-Chul she sees on the picnic bench talking and wonders what Hye-sung does here. Bong-pal shows up and sees them well, and wonders aloud why Hyun-ji's with his professor. Myung-Chul realizes that that's Bong-pal Hyun-ji and grows very distracted.

Bong-pal waiting inside for Hyun-Ji, and ignoring, prickly asking answer whether they will be recovered any memories. He fades a little when she tells him to see a psychiatrist, but he returned perks and mentioned that he brought lunch.

Hyun-ji it turns flat - until he mentioned in passing that meat hee. This boy knows the way to his girl's heart, in order. She takes the food, while not him think she likes him now or something warns. Okay, honey, we believe you.

Hyun-ji scarfs down the food, adding that Bong-pal is a great cook, although it is a little strange, thinks he knows all their favorites (Hyun-ji: "Are you my Stalker ?? "Bong-pal:" she stalked me ... ") Bong-pal watching them eat, his feelings all there in his eyes.

Knowing that something is with Hye-sung, Myung-Chul hits the animal hospital and asks the nurse if he could use the toilet. He sneaks into Hye-sung's office to see, and find Hyun-ji student card in his desk. Hye-sung come back and hear that the monk is still here, and corners him. In his office Myung-Chul only gives him a big happy grin, completely on him now.

After all, what to eat, Hyun-ji has to go to their doctor, to do justice, and to rotate downward Bong-pal offer you to go to her room. He touched her arm and she swings hard to push him away, but she stopped to throw their crutches up and fall to the ground. Bong-pal responds quickly and throws his arm around her waist and to cushion her fall under her.

touching her lips almost exactly like the first time when they fought and kissed randomly. Hyun-ji jumps up and yells at him that she never kissed anyone before, but Bong-pal murmurs that they have their first kiss and pointed to his warped-up lips. Cute. Then Hyun-ji the shit kicks out of it. Double cute.

Hyun-ji meets with another doctor today that her that her family doctor says is. She noted that doctor Kim Jung-woo seems to be out lately, the one who saw her standing over her the day when she had her accident, and who was there when she awoke. The sister says they have no doctors under the name Kim Jung-woo. Strange.

Hyun-ji notices that she is missing her cell phone and on the roof there is to find. Bong-buddy has it, and it checks that it has changed its name in their contacts "Crazy Stalker."

Hyun-ji makes her way slowly through the dark hospital halls without knowing that someone is following her. She senses something and turns, but the hall is empty. She turns back further, and it is their successor, his face in shadow, and oozing positive black fog.

At the nurses' station, doctors Hyun-ji to discuss strange mention of Dr. Kim Jung-woo, and one of them recognizes the name. He was a doctor at the hospital, who died ten years ago, here on hospital grounds. He murdered a patient intentionally during surgery, then went to the commissioner and ate a meal with blood all over him, like it was normal. The police had been called, but he had cut his own throat before he could be caught.

We have changed the face of the spirit following Hyun-ji to see, and it's the same man she has been throughout the hospital to see the same man, the we kill just seen. He soaked in blood from a gash in his neck, and his name tag says: "Kim Jung-woo." ~ shudder ~

He hisses black fog to Hyun-ji, and she screams. Bong-pal she hears and comes running, as the Spirit over Hyun-ji looms and yelling his name: " BONG-PAL !! "


Big cliffhanger! Although I worried about Bong-pal ability'm ghosts to see - I am concerned that his Bonk have influenced on the head can his skills, and we have to deal with him not seen a ghost since. What would Hyun-ji to do when he can not see her attacker and fight? She's obviously not lost their guts, but it is too weak minds on their own to fight at the moment after five years stuck in a bed. How will I wait a week to see if Bong-mate still has his spirit Fight strengths

On the other hand, I am not surprised that Hyun-ji now can see ghosts? - It is another "twist" that saw many of you, and it makes sense that story for five years would be a ghost you decided to revive it a unique ability that transfers after. But somehow, in this case, as well as other not so shocking twists, I do not mind not even know that it was not much of a surprise, because it makes sense within the story, and the universal rules has set up the show for themselves. It's all in the delivery and Bring It On, spirit has a way to give us exactly what we expected in a way that seems fresh and sweet, so we do not even think about it, that we get it totally looked because it exactly what we wanted.

Not that I ever stopped, but I adore Chun-sang and In-rang right now so much. Chun-sang's just might have the best, most loyal friend a person ... he is to take care always there In-rang or Bong-mate, when they need it, and he's amazingly intuitive about what they at any given time feel. He is he certainly emotional center of Soondae Soup Club. In-rang rather is a go-getter, he is the one who always done things and get really, despite Chun-sang claiming to be the boss, In-ranking makes all the decisions. In-ranking is the muscle of the group, and I love that these two actually the opposite roles from what we expected.

But as In-rang gracious Bong-pal pushed toward Hyun-ji and turned his attention to get the bastard who hurt her, I melted only in a puddle of dope. That's true love right there, be ready to help out of the shadows for both Hyun-ji and for Bong-mate, their luck in the first place and. I am thrilled that the guys are involved in the hunt, always stop Hye-sung, although I am concerned about their safety. But mostly I just love them, despite their quirks and craziness. Where can I get a couple of best friends as these two?

Speaking of love, I was so proud of Bong-pal get for bucking and choosing honest immediately with Hyun-ji. Dramas have trained me to expect a period of angsty isolation and secrecy, so I almost cheered when he just flat-out told her that they lived together while she was a ghost. I knew Bong-mate would the man and the pursuers be now that the tables have but to be laughed at for talking about spirits with his past, I did not expect him that so courageous and confident about it be. He took a big risk that Hyun-ji would think he was mentally and kick him out, and I want to embrace just about him for getting past all of his social anxiety and decide to get his girl, no matter what. I feel like a proud mom now.

It is not often that we get to reconsider the fun bickering and snarking the first part of a drama when the cables are another annoying best, and that was a particularly attractive phase of this show. I keep grinning like an idiot (really like Bong-pal) every time, Hyun-ji snipe at Bong-pal and he just smiles happily at her, because it's such a reversal of their previous relationship when he was the grump and was the relentlessly cheerful anger. I love the switch-up, and it is just as adorable as I had hoped. That's one thing that I hope the show does not move too quickly, because seeing each other these two snap, is really one of the highlights of my summer. Stay strong, Hyun-ji, do not give him tighten completely yet!

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tags: bring It On spirit, in Kim So-hyun, Kwon Yul, Taecyeon

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