Recap And Reviews Kdrama Beautiful Mind: Episode 12

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Beautiful Mind: Episode 12 -

The mysterious man in the Wheelchair finally makes his train, and what he shows, pushes a few of our characters to the edge. It is taking time for father and son at the center, but right when it seems like they are starting to see eye to eye, a dark truth comes to light with some disastrous consequences.


as a child, Young-oh draws a picture of himself and his father, and in voice-over, he says how much he loves his father; and how, as an angel, he came to save him. We flash the events briefly, the Young-oh made the assumption and the disastrous operation that cured him instantly and turns it off.

Back to the present, we will pick up from where we from having Dr. Lee left and director Kang. Dr. Lee demanded to know if they are to accept foreign investment, and if they leave the property of their research to those investors who only care about money. He asks director Kang to reconsider its position, going so far as to get on my knees

Director Kang uses this moment Dr. Lee, to bring attention to the other man in the room. His old colleague, DR. OH YOUNG-BAE, an investor of a company called Green Pharmacy. Young-bae turns in his wheelchair and commented on the importance of how well Dr. Lee's son has grown up.

In his office Young-oh makes tea as Min-jae said, have as Young-oh has some sort of development in his frontal lobe expected, which is why he MRI requested. Young-oh denies it immediately and claimed to be satisfied with the results. Now he has confirmed that emotions can confuse people, but they have nothing to do with his condition.

With a small grin, she raises him his words and said, ". Your lips are, but your body can not" then removes them to the pot from his hand to him by trapping his teacup to stop.

He seems stunned by his body, and quickly moves from topic to avoid further discussion to be deceived. Then he has inquiries about the patient, she needs help.

Young-oh and Min-jae meet with the patient, describing a mysterious and agonizing spirit pain on her face. Min-jae colors in the patient's history and explains that they had been removed a brain tumor a year ago. The patient presents Young-oh to cut all the nerves on her face, ready to do anything to stop the pain.

He solemnly tells her that unfortunately her nerves were already removed during its previous operation. He stated that it is known as neuropathic pain has a chronic disease that occurs when the nerve fibers are damaged (or away in their case), and causes the body to send incorrect signals to other pain centers. Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done to relieve the pain. The patient storms out angrily, observed as Min-jae with tears in his eyes.

When they are alone, Min-jae gets a little philosophical when she asks if the woman is meant to suffer, because life without suffering is not real. She uses it then as an opportunity to tell their side of things, and says that Young-oh was the only one who was nice to her, without a reason, but when they discovered that his kindness was fake, her life suddenly fake seemed as good. She was mad at him, but over time she came to understand that what they really felt was pain.

expressed their interest in their use of the word to have "pain" Young-oh asks what she means. She hopes that Young-oh suffering can accept as part of life 1 day because maybe that's what normal people do when they are not really sure. Then, as if she had been waiting for the right moment, she asks if she can start over from the beginning.

Dr. Lee and Young-bae meet privately, and Dr. Lee wasted no time to wonder what Young-bae wants. Young-bae just want it to join his company and invest in its stem cell research. Dr. Lee rejects his proposal, stating that he no longer his life in the hope that is committed to this research that someday surgeon is needed. Big pharmaceutical companies such as Young-bae are just interested in making money and raising prices of medicine, while sick people in need as a security to serve their greed. He refuses to ever give his research, so they can draw their pockets.

Sensing that he does not get anywhere, Young-bae is trying to attack by the education of his son Dr. Lee vulnerability. Young-bae reminded his former colleagues that he promised to raise his life to devote Young-oh in a normal person, but that does not seem his real focus. Provoked, engages Dr. Lee the jacket Young-bae tissue is and tells him that he has no right to mock his life. Unmoved "not I?" Replied Young-bae back bitter, And the fact indicates that he. In a wheelchair

He pushes Dr. Lee's hand away and provides for the payment Young-oh a visit for a consultation to fix his legs. Young-bae asks if Dr. Lee son knows that his father errors, made him the way he is. Dr. Lee hooking on to the implicit threat and Young-bae concludes that his son does not know. He threatens Young-oh, to tell the truth when Dr. Lee reject its offer.

Jin-sung is in the hospital and again calls Young-oh, who refuses to answer. She slips into a crowded elevator and tries again. The elevator opens on the next floor, until it is left with Young-oh alone who stood

your courage gathered to him on the back. unwilling to initially hesitant, she breaks out then, knowing ask why he does not pick up the phone. He tried without letting respond, but she stops him and says that because he much smarter and more eloquent than you, they know they can not win the argument. So instead, she asks if it is possible not to complicate their relationship; all they want is to spend time, time with him.

He does not answer, and after they did talk, he can coldly alone in the elevator.

In another part of the hospital, Dr. Hwang with a very pregnant woman the patient fulfills the condition of her husband to discuss. He is dying of cancer. He needs a very dangerous operation, but the likelihood of survival is low, and it should also survive, he will probably paralyzed and have to rely on a respirator for the rest of his life.

The woman is surprisingly well informed about the possible results of her husband's condition, and seems prudent about the whole situation. She says Dr. Hwang that her husband has been rejected by twelve other hospitals that have refused to operate because of the hopelessness of his case.

Dr. Hwang articulately explained, while her husband's hand, that they do not expect it to cure her husband or prolong his life for years. She just wants to give it to him a little more time, so that her husband can see the birth of her child. It is then that her voice cracks and her eyes well with tears as she her modest hopes.

Young-oh, who overheard the whole thing explains steps and provides the operation to be done.

Later Dr. Lee meets with Young-oh his surprise to express that Young-oh agreed to do the surgery because he patient the probability of success is based always selected. He wonders aloud whether Young-oh desperately his superiority, by proving on such a risky case. Young-oh answer is vague when he replies that he also curious to see why he would do this.

Young-oh hands of operating consent to the patient but repeated how difficult the operation will be, and the life -altering consequences it may have. The man smiles softly and puts on a brave face, to hear all the risks often. He then asks Young-Oh, what it is for a human being, as a dangerous operation with so many potential complications, since the assumption could harm should his medical career goes wrong.

His wife offers her take, says, and she does not care what his motives are, as long as he helps her husband. In this sense, signed, they consent to.

After her second rejection by Young-oh, Jin-sung Suk-Joo pays a visit to tell him of their displacement in the violence of division and calls a check-up to make sure everything is in order to make.


, the air charged if it brings the regenerative research and its recent transition to commercialization. With ruined the mood, she gets left too quickly. He tells her that he'll call if he gets back their test results to make their break.

She turns to ask why his head thinking, rather than causing pain in the heart, especially when given by a certain someone thinks.

, the surgical team wheels of the man in the hallway for the operation, but their way his wife blocks. Young-oh asks the couple if they want to do the operation again, and the man called to his wife interrupt override. The woman insists that she is afraid and asks him to reconsider. He has not, and tells Young-oh to go, because he make it through the operation goes to

to be on the operating table, the man asks Young-oh understanding his wife behavior. none of them have any other family members, so that they need each other. But it is precisely for this reason that he can not give up the operation. He is determined to see his son and to confirm that he is strong enough to take care of his wife. He asks Young-oh to promise to do his best for her family.

The operation goes well without complications. successfully removed to have all discovered tumors, Young-oh forwards the messages to the woman. When he begins to explain in more technical language, the woman cuts him short and asked if that means that he's alright. Young-oh pauses and nods, but adds: "It is for now."

Young-oh meets with the couple as they prepare for the husband of dismissal. They talk about their plans for their baby to go shopping, and Young-oh she remembers not to miss their follow-up appointment. The woman remains behind Young-oh to give her sincere gratitude, and Young-oh she watched with a worried look on his face left.

Dr. Lee swings by to comment on Young-oh successful surgery, but Young-oh corrected him; the tumors not in have taken before surgery scans discovered already spread to the spinal nerves. , Young-oh plans radiotherapy to change them to solve

When Dr. Lee asks why Young-oh the patient when he was still nursing need not leave his son replies:

"not save doctors people's lives, they only extend their lives quarreling, laughing, talking and eating with their loved ones this day, meaningless things that people on average tend luck in these things to find;.. lucky I have not felt ... No, those are feelings that I have never learned or experienced. "

Touched by Young-oh words, asks Dr. Lee when the desperate desire to live the patient was the reason why he was held to the operation.

alone in his office, Young-oh looks over the keepsake collection in his drawer. He remembers Jin-sung words in the want to lift to spend the time with him, and connects them with the words of the woman who wanted to do the same with her husband. He muses wistfully about the similar language.

The date of purchase of the pair is cut short, and they turn worse than when they went to the hospital. Young-oh rushes to the side of the man who worked between breaths an apology gasps from. He apologizes to permit against his advice for harassment Young-oh in their trip.

The man begins to fade, just want to be able to keep his child only once. Young-oh orders him to stop talking, and reminds him that he can help his child promised to meet him. The man smiles weakly and says: "They say beautiful things in such a mean way, just like my wife." Young-oh the man asks to promise that he will not give up.

Young-oh begins the irradiation. The woman throws Young-oh of looking at it, because they do not have parents. Despairing, she says that she asked Young-oh, more time with her husband, but not while he is in pain and barely alive.

Young-oh she holds at the shoulders and tells her that he promised her husband that he would do anything he could to give him time, but to do that, he must also be strong be-it is not a panacea to prolong his life without pain.


to discuss. Young-bae promises that Dr. Lee will lead in a matter of time, but want to Director Kang knowing what Young-bae used to blackmail with Dr. Lee.

Director Kang guesses correctly, that it has something to do with Young-oh, but then asks if it has something to do with his birth. Assistant Manager Chae say steps in too wise: "Secrets only have power when they remain mysteries." He director Kang asks if he wants to satisfy his curiosity or make a deal, director Kang forced to retreat.

Speaking of Dr. Lee, he gets an overview of Suk-Joo on the status of the first clinical trials for regenerative treatment. Suk-Joo expresses his belief that Dr. Lee never renounce the patent, but Dr. Lee replied evasively that their priority at the moment is to ensure that treatment is as successful as possible.

After Dr. Lee leaves, Suk-Joo asks Gi-ho a ECMO prepare that support basically a form of life that mimics the natural functions of the heart and lungs in the event of cardiac arrest or respiratory failure. The understanding that the safety and success of these patients is the fate of their research, Suk-Joo warns his colleagues for the worst prepare determine.

That night, Young-oh sitting next to the man's progress to be monitored, as his father watched from the outside. Dr. Lee asks about the patient's condition and nurse Jang tells him that the man has developed an infection, but Young-oh is personally visited him and give him proper care.

How did it fate that the man's heart begins the next morning, and Young-oh need ECMO fail to buy some time. Unfortunately, there are only three in the hospital, and Suk-Joo has one of them.

Young-oh goes to immediately see his fellow surgeons, but Suk-Joo denies the request. He needs the machine to be on standby should something go wrong with his important patient. Young-oh shoots back that, while waiting for the unknown, another patient is dying, as they argue. Suk-Joo did not back down, stating that his patient's life are on the line. Moreover, this is observed not only a vanity war for Suk-Joo, the entire media the progress of regenerative cell treatment and the lives of his patients. If you something happens, then all their research will have been in vain.

desperately, Young-oh bows his head to Suk-Joo and asks for the use of ECMO, but Suk-Joo is not gesture humiliating by which he persuaded know Young-oh the patient would not survive anyway. He refuses the ECMO to dispense only to save a patient with such a small chance of survival.

Young-oh then reaches and maintains Suk-Joo through the throat while he orders one of his surgical assistants transmission ECMO. After the machine safely to secure for themselves, Young-oh asks sharply when Suk-Joo still keeps a good doctor for what he has just said.

to have lost the machine, Suk-Joo proceeds to tell on Young-oh Dr. Lee, stating that Young-oh unlike concerns and has much to its patients to make pragmatic decisions , Dr. Lee smiles.

Dr. Lee meets with Young-bae again to tell him that he has decided to accept his conditions and work with Green Pharmacy. has mean Young-bae answers that he has chosen his son about his noble interests

Elated, Dr. Lee says that his son finally. "Always full," that he ever closer to "a normal person" and all his work finally bear fruit.

Things go from bad to worse for Young-oh. He is desperately trying to revive the man of cardiac arrest, while one of the doctors begs him to call the woman. However, she has gone into labor. Young-oh does not give up when the patient Flatlines. But shockingly, then open the patient's eyes, and he seems to be coherent.

The man reaches a limp hand upwards Young-oh to say, to stop, but Young-oh remains promising to give up, do not. The man asks him weak once more to stop, and only then finally give Young-oh and leave the room as the man passes.

Young-oh staggers through the halls of the hospital as to his father's words flash through your mind, to ask him about a time before when his goal, a patient alive as long as they breathe was observed. Or from another time, when he asked whether Young-oh understood why he like to be him a "monster", unlike a doctor. He sinks into himself on the floor in the stairwell, looking stunned.

Meanwhile, again with Dr. Lee and Young-bae, instead of being satisfied with Dr. Lee's surrender, Young-bae is visibly upset. He says Dr. Lee, that once again he has chosen to protect its own interests, as it did 25 years before. Dr. Lee asks what he means, and Young-bae answers that made the one that Young-oh in a monster Dr. Lee was himself. He tells him that the operation to Young-oh was not really a bug as Dr . Lee thought. OMG what

Young-bae says cryptically: ". If there was something that went wrong [with the surgery], it was me" He did not explain, and instead leaves Dr. Lee with this thought? "Your operation was not a mistake, but you've created a monster, after all." Do not do to let him go easy! He is in a wheelchair, for God's sake.

Dr. Lee rushes over Min-Jae and ask for Young-oh old CT scans to see what she saw when she one in smaller hospital was where Dr. Lee worked. He unleashes a barrage of questions, want to know where the records, what they looked like, and whether the scans looked normal after surgery.

However, Min-jae is taken to answer even surprised and Dr. Lee leaves. Once he's gone clear that they have something and goes through her memories of her research on Young-oh, but we did not find out what is their realization.

At the same time, Young-bae meets with Assistant Manager Chae him about his encounter with Dr. Lee debriefing. Young-bae he predicts thought that medical practices had been so advanced as now then what would have happened to Dr. Lee never occurred. But he recognizes now that he meet with Dr. Lee that he was wrong because Dr. Lee the same all stayed years.

"Since that day, all that has happened Young-oh can not be attributed in medicine, it is the human condition. Ambition, unselfishness, humiliation and anxiety" to the, Assistant Manager Chae wonders what will happen to Dr. Lee and Young-oh, but Young-bae brush off and says that they get what they wanted control. the regenerative cell research.

destroyed by the loss of his patients on the ground, Young-oh alone in his office brooding sitting, that's where Min-jae finds him. He asks if he is a monster, because no matter how hard he tries, nothing changes. Guilt, she corrects him and says he. Not a monster, but rather a victim of medical malpractice Under the pretext of a perfect form, he endured years discreet and sustained abuse at the hands of his father to get his reputation: "They are his failure."

Dumbfounded, he seeks his father until he finally finds him at home nursing a drink and stare at their wall social signals. Young-oh tells his father that he has long and hard thought about what he would say when he finally found him, but came up empty. He asks his father to teach the right expression to make right now

Young-oh .: "You have saved my life. You are my only family. She has taught me everything about life. When I found out, they were the true monsters and raised to be a monster, what term should I do? you taught me never how to deal with this kind of difficult emotions myself. "

Young-oh starts on the wall of leaves ribs and said: ". I do not want more than living your failure"


This was definitely Heo Jun-ho episode. His portrayal of Dr. Lee is so nuanced; even if he is angry, there is a kind of restraint, as if he is fighting against his own nature, his own ideals. Without Heo Jun-ho, the revelation of what Dr. Lee did Young-oh would not involve so many complexities. If Young-oh begin the papers from the wall ribs down, it felt liberating, yet very devastating. Perhaps Min-jae serves as a mouthpiece for the writer when she says that Dr. Lee to hide Young-oh tried to protect his reputation, but because of Heo Jun-ho portrayal, I always had the feeling, as he did to give his son a shot at a normal life. I think based on the way Young-bae described Dr. Lee's unchanging nature, both could be true.

Now it makes sense to me why the show was so evasive about Young-oh and his condition in the beginning. Although the figures as concerned knew they exactly what was with him, Young-oh often behaved in very contradictory ways. How terribly tragic that a man who is driven by high morale and always tried to do the right thing has unwittingly and inexorably psychologically abusing a child, that he was to help committed. instead of accepting Young-oh to his perceived flaws in his arrogance, and allows him to grow naturally, he tried to form it into the shape of a human being. All during the one thing that he really needed resources. The love of a parent

I am absolutely not try Dr. Lee to defend actions, but I hope that, as the abusive mother in Episode 10, including Dr. Lees behavior is a kind of love. And the added in the past wounds despite deepest intentions of the parents, can only begin to heal with unrelenting, unwavering love. Tell him you love him! Come on! Sorry?

What I find disappointing is that the working life of Jin-sung has come basically from a cliff behind, since it to have stopped, any medical relevance. I get it, this is a medical drama, but it would be someone kill Kick Butt as improved (and competent) show Detective? Is it too much to ask? With the result deforested think I must be. It can not be denied that Young-oh is the center of the show, but it bothers me that Jin-sung's been casually drawn into its orbit. Oh good.

I explained before, that in return for the episode reducing the show perhaps the patient episode stuff could be cut, but this episode proved how wrong I was. It is the life of these patients to make our story and the characters, move the pieces together and push our characters. The pain and suffering of these very vulnerable and desperate people a little reflection of themselves. At the heart of our doctors This show was as a history of advertised, as Young-oh would find his humanity by those in love, and while that was true, it is also have the love of his patients for their members who has as much influence, or well more, on his understanding of the human heart. What could more appropriate than that?

There was in this episode a lot of great lines, but my favorite was when the man said. "They say nice things in such a middle way" I love how boy oh sincerity reached him. We have progressed in the last few episodes of How-oh boy relationship with his patients seen changes, and with the pair, we saw their wishes will be. We see him really live accept their desperation to exceed them also. A few episodes ago, Jin-sung mistakenly believed that Young-oh began to love his patients, he corrected them, saying he spoke about them. But after this episode, I believe that he was the one who was wrong.

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tags: Beautiful Mind, episode 12, in Jang Hyuk, Park Se-young Park So-dam, Yoon Hyun-min

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