Recap And Reviews Kdrama God's Gift - 14 days: Episode 6

Recap and reviews korean drama God's Gift - 14 days: Episode 6 -

doubts are confirmed, and we get this time a lot of answers. And just when you think it can not get any worse, you are proven wrong. It's creepy, eerie and more confusing than ever, but all that makes the show so right and so worth seeing. Unless you watch this before you go to sleep, in which case beware: you will be the full impact of fear get


not beat this show up, and we jump right to not skip where we left off: makes our killer with Dong for them a run -chan on his tail. the driver, a bat in their hands - But out of nowhere, a motorcycle, hunting closes.

He whacks our killer on the head as he goes, but the driver of Detective Ho Kook is stopped, the effort on the bike. The bike slides off the road, and our driver is run over by a passing car.

Dong-Chan led by our dying killer Cha Bong-seob and demands answers from him. Why did he have a picture of his mother? Was she his next target? He fights out his words and make it just to say that he was going to confess everything to Soo-hyun.

Ho Kook in shock over it, and we see the result of the accident: not one but two deaths. Dong-chan calls Soo-hyun to tell her about our dead killer, and the countdown continues. Eleven days before the incident.

The police come to investigate, and Dong-chan recognizes the motorcyclist when he is transferred to the ambulance. He came earlier in the police station, as a relative of one of the murder victims.

Soo-hyun is again in a state of hysteria, Saet-byul clothes packing to leave. Ji-hoon tells with all this nonsense to stop, but she takes the mystery Café photo. The killer is dead, but Saet-byul still missing from the photo. You thought it was over, but the picture suggests otherwise.

Saet-byul is freaky Mamas behavior, so Ji-hoon takes them away and says Soo hyun calm. It turns out in tears and ends up sleeping in Saet-byul rooms fall.

When she wakes up, she goes downstairs and sees Ji-hoon sitting on the couch, hanging his head. She asks if Saet-byul asleep, and Ji-hoon tells her to get together: is Saet-byul dead. Shock, Soo-hyun rushes to Saet-byul room and finds her funeral portrait. It dawns on her that this might have been just a dream.

Soo-hyun wakes to ask in a cold sweat with Saet-byul if she had a nightmare. Soo-hyun firmly embraced, facilitated it, that it was all a dream. Phew.

Dong-chan is interrogated by Woo-jin, who asked him why he was there when the murderer died. He draws a picture of his mother with Young-Gyu, which he found at the killer place, stating that he needs some answers. Woo-jin responds with more pictures: one of the babies in the third victim Mimis apartment and a Young-Gyu as a child. Dong-chan connects the dots - Mimi Young-Gyu birth mother was

Woo-jin's Dong-chan to say that all three of the victims are women who leave their children .. Our killer was of his own leave mother and went on a personal vendetta revenge for abandoned children get. Working as a teacher at a Wohlfahrtsstiftung (where Young-Gyu school), he was able to access background information on these orphans able.

Dong-chan asks why the killer would Young-Gyu birth mother directed, and Woo-jin takes Young-Gyu have our killer showed some hostility towards his mother. Dong-chan refuted this, knowing that Young-Gyu only mentioned his father.

Back in his car, Dong-Chan remembers when Mimi gave him the red knitted sweater and looks with a touch of sadness and regret.

At breakfast Young-Gyu is immersed in play with its special ddak-ji of Saet-byul while Grandma tries to feed him. While playing, he spills hot soup on himself, but the first thing he worried about is his ddak-ji. Grandmother hangs them to dry, and then we see that hand written at the top of the page (which originally comes from one of Ji-hoon law case files) is a note about his father's case, "Moojin serial killer case point doubt: first suspicious Ki Dong ho on this day ... "

Dong-chan watches from afar as Young-Gyu grandmother for another day of work goes out. After she leaves, Dong-Chan welcomes Young-Gyu and gives him the red knitted sweater. As he puts it on, Dong-chan asks if he his birth mother remembers, answered to the Young-Gyu with questions about his father's whereabouts.

Dong-Chan tells him that his mother was a good man, the very and never forget loved and missed him about him. He says Young-Gyu, that he has the grandmother and uncle. And of course, young Gyu adds that he has Dad.

forgive this in mind, Dong-Chan told his nephew to him never. Of course Young-Gyu not and comments is to understand how hot the sweater, while his uncle tears in debt.

Dong-Chan returns home that otherwise but to find Opa Byung-ho. He asks for the money a lot and told Grandpa, he needs only enough money for surgery someone he knows. He says that it is a famous surgeon in the United States, who charge a lot of money, but can guarantee dramatic improvement.

Opa shows skepticism about this information, saying that damaged brain cells can not be restored. Dong-chan asks suspiciously, as he knew of damaged brain cells - he never mentioned it. Grandpa just smells him on the head, claiming that Dong-chan has mentioned it. Ohhh, so that he does know more than he lets on ...

Dong-Chan gets a call from Soo-hyun, who with to meet him, asks. On their way through Dong-Chan, Soo-hyun and Saet-byul get experimental Young-Gyu meet fixed camera. Soo-hyun has to buy a new, but Saet-byul denied because it belonged to Young-Gyu father.

While Saet-byul playing with Byung-tae and Jenny, Soo-hyun shows Dong-Chan the disturbing photo from the secret cafe. Soo-hyun is still concerned about the lack Saet-byul in the photo, but Dong-Chan reassured the facts: the killer is dead, so Saet-byul can not be taken from him. If only there was evidence that the killer was Saet-byul kidnappers ...

Soo-hyun is not convinced, so she seeks time from resources of Woo-jin. She asks him if he knows what the murderer wanted to tell her, but he has no idea. He he takes her devotion to rescue her daughter was moved (taking into account its motives), that has to ask why he had kidnapped and killed Saet-byul Soo-hyun.

Woo-jin then shows her a boarding pass with our killer Cha Bong-seob name on it. He intended to kill in the Philippines to escape to Mimi, suggesting that he might not have been the one to take Saet-byul.

dubious than ever, Soo-hyun wonders why Cha Bong-seob would be Saet-byul killer. She drives past an accident on the road, suddenly a memory and cognition solves that he did not Saet-byul kidnappers after all.

She remembers the day of the big jam when Saet-byul ran to see what happened in the accident of the car. You see shielded Saet-byul from the dead, but now she realizes that the dead man was our killer, Cha Bong-seob.

you come back to Dong-chan about the details of that day to go, convinced that their wanted man is still out there. The caller knew at Soo-hyun study program that the second victim was stabbed fourteen times, which leads to the conclusion that there is an accomplice to the crime.

Leaving Soo-hyun to search for her daughter, Dong -chan waiting Woo-jin at the police station and tells him to investigate the case again. He says Woo-jin, his police instincts tell him that it is an accomplice.

Woo-jin asks him why he is dedicated to this case so, and the air is tense. Staring violently says to Woo-jin, Dong-chan, he's just a citizen for justice to fight. Woo-jin acknowledges that views of Dong-chan days officer when he chased his goals like a mad dog. He asks Woo-jin, if he sees a look in his eyes, one that reflects the blood of a killer through his veins. Woah, it's clearly a bad blood between these two.

The voltage is interrupted by the news that Ho Kook (the one who shot the motorcycle) turns in his badge. Dong-Chan takes him for a drink, and Ho Kook is visibly wrought with guilt. Dong-chan tells him that he is going to have the guilt, overcome, and reminds him that he shot at his own nephew and turns it off.

Dong-chan tries Ho Kook to help and calls the local police station near the site of the accident. He asks for information about the person who reported the accident, but there was no call.

Dong-chan remembers clearly a witness say and log to call the accident, but if it was a call, it means that type of accomplice was ,

Dong-chan, Soo-hyun, and Ho Kook traffic cameras for each usable shot of the truck driver to check, and Soo-hyun identified a small detail. It recognizes the tattoo on the wrist of the driver as one of Saet-byul drawings from the shed where she was held before she died.

Soo-hyun wakes Saet-byul to ask if they recognize the tattoo, but of course it has never been (or still) not seen. So Byung-tae is to work in search of the complete picture off, but he fails to find any. Dejected, Soo-hyun goes back home with Saet-byul.

Dong-chan is back called Ho Kook that the recovered black box video file showing him Motorcycle. The video shows that the motorcycle to slow down before the shot and shaking began, proving that Ho Kook is not to blame.

When they come home, there is a great scene between the neighbors and our residents watchman tells Soo-hyun, the Yong-Gyu grandma (who for the neighbors babysits) was so adamant not a stranger into the house to get her to be the police to a man named, the child's uncle turned out. Young-Gyu jumps in grandmother to defend, but it is still fired.

go as Young-Gyu and grandma home, she notices his new red sweater and asks where he got it. He shines and tells her uncle Dong-chan gave it to him. He says he likes Uncle Dong-chan, but after Papa and Grandma course. Aw.

Back at the police station, Dong-Chan watches proudly Ho Kook get his badge and gun back. It turned out, she used partners back in the day, and Woo-jin thanks him for his return to support Ho Kook. Dong-chan says that the partners always have the back of the other side -. Although it is a person, he knew that this rule is not followed has

Woo-jin Dong-Chan follows and asks when he'll hate him stop. Dong-chan, he says to the grave of this resentment is to take, and when Woo-jin told him live in the past to stop, he turns around and slaps him hard across the face.

Now we finally get a flashback to the truth. The armed man young Young-Gyu hostage was the girl's father Dong-ho killing was accused and the police come both with Dong-Chan and Woo-jin in the squad. At the scene to stay Woo-jin orders Dong-Chan, but he defies orders and pulls the trigger, young Young-Gyu in the process of recording.

Both men are to a police later called hearing where Dong-Chan he says his best judgment in this situation, and fired only because he saw the opportunity as the Armed was distracted. When Woo-jin is called, he testified against Dong-chan, claiming that he defied the order and put into operation in danger. Dong-chan looks at him in disbelief, and proceeds to give his ID before walking out.

Back to the present, Dong-Chan shouts angrily at Woo-jin that he can prove that murder was not in his blood, but Woo-jin ruined everything for him madly worked as an officer.

Woo-jin says Dong-Chan to wonder if this is really true, and tells him that he did his best in this situation. In order, Dong-Chan spits on the ground, stuffed some bills in Woo-jin in his pocket, and goes out.

Ho Kook tried to stop Dong-chan leave, but he stopped by a lady to kill him, accusing the motorcycle guy. Dong-Chan sticks explain him and takes to the fact help that the motorcycle had been recently hired, should the cause of his death is not his motorcycle malfunction.

their video game case falls When the lady how they talk, he finds another reference to their lack of complicity: the tattoo design, vengeance and death symbolized. Dong-chan calls Soo-hyun to ask if they can think of someone who would want revenge against her. But since it operates a research program, she says, it's probably a truckload of people that revenge would want.

Dong-chan is the details of the bike tune-up to investigate, and took note of a helmet marked WOMAN in the motorcycle club picture on the wall.

Soo-hyun is hunting for clues of her own, as she finds an email on the computer of her husband over a 10 year event before: "You're the one who made the wrong man a murderer. "They are a copy of the email to Dong-chan for further investigation and asks him, from that time her husband to examine past murders.

The news of the motorcyclists, Han Ki -Tae, the president seems to have reached, asking his cabinet if there were any shady dealings with the police going on. Officials mean that there was some talk, and the president is furious, saying that the people are not stupid.

The officials suspect that they approve the death penalty request, to appease the people, to the Minister of Justice punishing them for receiving a human life so easily. But the president seems to be on the same side, and calls for a meeting on ... Uh-oh.

Dong-Chan meets with the friend of the motorcyclist for information and puts together more pieces of the accomplice of the complex plan. The accomplice establish Cha Bong-seob escape and hired motorcyclist Ki-tae to kill him, for fear that Cha Bong-seob would reveal his identity. Then he founded Ki-tae, to be killed in order to cover all his tracks, and at the end, it seems as if Ki-tae purely acted out of revenge. Wow, I can not believe that he composed all.

Indebted Ho Kook offers Dong-Chan with documents on Ji-hoon of the cases of ten years ago, and Dong-ho case is one of them. That's where Dong-Chan recognizes Ji-hoon from - he was the prosecutor to investigate him in court. Before handing over the documents to Soo-hyun, Dong-Chan ensures case of his brother take out.

Overlooking the Falls, Soo-hyun recognize the residence of a man who directly opposite the Saet-byul school has a stationary shop. They also recognize that they (the man wearing the hat boxes in the elevator) it to the transmitting station saw the day Saet-byul was kidnapped.

Dong-Chan and Soo-hyun disconnect the business of the suspect, but they both enter another stop: he knows both their faces. So Jenny occurs casually for her nephew to buy a birthday present.

they tried to get the suspects to reveal his tattoo, and spills and hot coffee on his arm, but he keeps lifting aggressively out of his sleeve. He's totally the accomplice.

Dong-Chan and Soo-hyun next step of the victims to find personal items in his house, and Dong-Chan noted that Killer enjoy their "trophies" place somewhere in public. Creepy.

At home, Soo-hyun sitting beside sleeping Saet-byul and asks Ji-hoon, when he was received any threats lately. He clips from the question, saying that threats are a daily part of his work.

Soo-hyun gets say they are willing to go and how she goes out, she knocks over her jewelry box text of Dong-chan. They noted the jewelry missing from the plastic bags and asks Ji-hoon if he has seen them. He denies any knowledge of the jewelry, but we know that he suspiciously eyeing ago.

Before she leaves, Soo-hyun, the housekeeper asks if she moved the jewelry, but they do not know anything about it either. They also mentioned that they will her daughter for a while since giving birth any day now. She asked Yong-Gyu grandmother a few days for it to work, and Soo-hyun agrees

Back to business. Jenny pound on the door and asking our suspect if they can exchange their nephew presence. Then suddenly, the store Truck alert the suspect goes outside, trigger Soo-hyun and Dong-chan to enter the store, while Jenny followed the suspect out of his car.

Soo hyun is reckless as ever and heads straight for the house of the suspect. Dong-Chan studied at the store and discovered a helmet in the candy basket with the initials M. S. - the same helmet in the picture in the motorcycle business.

He suddenly gets a call from Jenny, warns him that the suspect went back; he really does not care too much about the damaged car. Dong-Chan remains Laden hiding, but the suspect is headed straight for his house, where Soo-hyun is.

Soo-hyun looks carefully through the suspects drawers and found a receipt from the charitable foundation where Cha Bong-seob worked. It puts in her pocket and look further when suddenly the cuckoo begins to chirp on the clock. False alarm, but my heart skipped even a beat.

Soo-hyun thinks back to Dong-chan observation that killers like their trophies somewhere publicly display and looks up back at the cuckoo clock. She climbs on a chair and opens the clock and finds Saet-byul the clock inside just as we reach the final seconds of Day Eleven.

Ten days before the incident. Soo-hyun hears the suspect inputs and slips into his room just to avoid being seen in time. It is too early to call it safe but because she fumbles and drops her phone that attracts the suspects attention. , OH NO

Before they can start caught on freaky, Soo-hyun noticed the wall in front of her in photos covered - hundreds of photos, all of Saet-byul , Along the other wall, it looks ropes, ribbons and bottle of chemicals. He is the one: .. Saet-byul kidnappers

as this would no longer could get frightening the door behind Soo-hyun creaks open, and it casts a look back, petrified in fear


chills, goosebumps, chills, everything! I think that last scene gave me some intense chills because, as casual and simple it was. The door creaks open only with our suspects behind without dramatic music or close-ups. The scene is the case, and it ends. Ack! How can I sleep and wait until next week ?!

Dong-chan was the focus of this episode, and I'm glad that we have finally shed some light on our complex character. His guilt, drive and cynicism explained pretty well with its background story, and we see the reasons for its strained relations. And oh man, the intensity in his eyes, especially in his scenes with Woo-jin. I could feel the hatred and guilt. While I understand him more, Dong-chan is still interesting and flawed - enough so that it still remains something of a mystery. That's what makes him so fascinating, and I really can not seem to get enough of him to get.

Also, as it is to balance to be able character with humor? Considering how difficult and complicated is this drama, I can for laughs every room barely see, but somehow Dong-chan does. I can not tell if it's just intense mood swings or just the awesomeness of his character, but I think I just go with this.

Small note to Ji -Hoon which is always shaded by the episode. I wonder at which point I lose faith in him. I know that he loves Saet-byul and would let happen anything bad, but his ideals sometimes seem him too much to weigh. I watch him out.

and the twists, turns oh. The drama just never seems to run out of them. They are designed as ingenious and temporally. Premonition it is, especially when you look back in the first episode, but they are so detailed that you are not sure how, when and where this notice kick in. It is intelligent, and I appreciate it so much.

How many of you expected there are two killers, and I think that the transition was pretty well done. Clues were scattered here and there, but it has Dong-chan take notes of the compilation for me to understand the whole compound. It is tortuous, but necessarily so, because we know that our killers are smart, and now it seems that our survival accomplice is smarter. Oh dear

I'm not sure how I feel about Soo-hyun reckless audacity -. Part of me questions that they, while another part of me totally admired it. knowing their intelligent investigative background, I would think, Soo-hyun would use more logic in these situations, but we have seen since the beginning, that when it comes to their daughter, Soo-hyun is willing to risk everything. She is to save forward to her daughter that it scares me how many lives she has - she's already gone through a few. But I think it's that dedication that wins me. She knows what she goes in and jump into it, with no intention of turning back.

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tags: in the gift of God - of 14 days, Jo Seung-woo Lee Bo-young

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