Recap And Reviews Kdrama Harre, Gu Hae-ra: Episode 5

Recap and reviews korean drama Harre, Gu Hae-ra: Episode 5 -

" Harre "is such a fitting theme in this episode, as we see our emerging" artistars "try to take their first step in the music sphere. They do not get very far before they run into its first obstacle, but also when they fall, they get right back up to try. As usual, we get our healthy mix of music, humor and fear, when Se-jong seems to get deeper and deeper, see the Hwangje chaos. I can only hope to remain intact for his soul, as he suffers from several blows Hwangje and slowly losing the support of his loved ones.

Episode 5: "I will not stop,"

Se-jong says Hae-ra, she does not need to explain what it is doing with someone, and he is not. Hae-ra is trying to catch him before he goes, but Scarlet disturbs and stops them. It calls for Se-jong with more to say, but her phone begins to vibrate. She reluctantly accepts, and we see why. It's Ray.

Se-jong she looks accusingly, as it absorbs and quickly ends the conversation with Ray (he with Soondae for ordering pork liver asks) to tell him that she would soon call back. He walks away with Scarlet, so Hae-ra with even more misunderstandings.

Yoon Sang explains Tae-POONG the circumstances surrounding his decision. He can not give his song it because President Hwang found out about it and threatened Hwangje commercial dollar of his productions to take that. Not only affect himself, but all his staff

Tae-Poong smoke and sighs in understanding - President Hwang a person who could make it worse. He thought it would all end if he left, but treated Hwangje people without electricity as convicts get in this industry. And he is one.

Back in the trainee Lodge, Woo-ri wheezing in the amount of pig liver Ray bought without Soondae. Henry says he saw Hae-ra eat this last time and imitates them. Woo-ri mocks his imitation that Henry asks Woo-ri to imitate aggressive eating habits. She is offended and they bicker with Popel and feet smell until Ray pulls apart. He thinks back to Hae-ra promise to call him back and looking at his phone, waiting

Jang Goon comes bad news stock. Tae Poong told him that Hwangje bribed the songwriters, so it will be difficult to find someone to provide them with a debut song. cue Tae-Poong and Hae-ra in disappointment back, but on Tae-Poong, Hae-ra whipped out a piece of paper and says to fetch them. In a flashback, we see Tae-Poong suddenly a song shine playing in the cafe (it is Roy Kim and Jung Joon-young remake of Kim Kwang-Suk "Becoming Dust" Superstar K Season 4). He and Yoon Sang exchange looks and high-five in their new idea: you can use a remake debut.

look through the list of songs - inspired Woo-ri and Hae-ra as Sharp "Sweety" and sing with. But Henry thinks they get a stronger song with more effect, and Jung Yeon-joon of "pilot" seems like a stronger choice. Contact Jang Goon, and he argues reluctantly, that these are all the 0 songs that do not know the people today.

Henry assures him that they are going well and the phrase brings "Legends Never Die." The people may not know, Michael Jackson or the Beatles, but they still find their music fantastic. You can not get on a song to an agreement, so Tae-Poong decides that each team of their choice to prepare and confront each other, and they will choose between the two. Jang Goon who has not yet decided, is said to participate in the teams and decide thereafter.

Scarlet goes Papas trophy room in a good mood and tells him that she leaned just returned from a reporter a photo request. He asks what it was for, and she told him cheerily about the scandal between her and Se-jong. President Hwang freaks out, but Scarlet assured him that nothing is really happening, much to her disappointment. But they still seem happy with their scandal.

President Hwang makes a call to try to eliminate this chaos and promises the reporter that he will have to take the two images again. Scarlet doubts that Se-jong is to agree, and as expected he refuses to participate. But once he based the images of him on Scarlet to see if he was drunk, which without context quite convincingly, he has to rethink again.

has Team Persevere now divided into team-Sweety and Team Pilot, each prepared their own performance. Henry, Ray, and Jang Goon dress in pilot gear and pilots, but Jang Goon seems invested in the preparations more teams Sweety. Finally he changes teams get together perfectly with the girls. HA.

Jang Goon carries Hae-ra in a demonstration of the choreography and Woo-ri asks quickly for the same treatment. He tried really hard, but it ends with Woo-ri is awkward fall on him and her face in Kissing near up. She is pleasantly surprised by this close, but Jang Goon asks politely to rise and if it has not accept this choreography thanks to her.

Se-jong and Scarlet stage their scandal pictures, walk the street at night in the middle downwards, while the reporter to look them give instructions on how to a midnight are date. He is great to get reluctant somewhere near Scarlet, but she is delighted in their own perception, the Se-jong difficult plays to get. When the reporter's photos, Se-jong clear disinterest looks through, she wonders if the two are not really dated, but they go anyway through with the deal.

prepare the team for the competition and first up is Team Sweety. Lives up to the title of the song, they provide a sweet power, moved and secured by Woo-ri strong vocals with adorable dance. We also get a few hints of jealousy of Woo-ri when she sees Jang Goon wear Hae-ra. From the audience watches Henry look tasteless with, but Tae-Poong and Ray's performance, particularly pleased to enjoy with Ray and Hae-ra seem.

Team Pilot provides forecful performance, with some pretty sharp choreography. Henry is even on his knees with the electric guitar, but at the end Jang Goon seems be so done. He leaves than the other two to keep on their final position, complained that he did not want to do that. Heh.

Tae-Poong expresses his joy at the two performances but tells them that they voted to leave team Persevere remake debut song to choose it. The voices at the end at 2-2, decide their debut song with a final vote ... and it goes to Sweety! The girls celebrate with Jang Goon.

Henry called Jang Goon a traitor, but Ray also says that he voted for Sweety. This confuses everyone, and they struggle with simple math to figure out how this result came about. Henry approaches the trash to vote to check, but Woo-ri takes it from quickly before it has reached it. What's that funny business going?

With Hae-ra debut just around the corner, Hae-ra Mom to an old family picture looks and asks her husband why he left so early. She sits next to the oppressed mother of twins and thanks her to stay at her side for all these years. They shake off the darkness in by coming with the boys back in the day about their popularity in memories, and then Tae-Poong.

Hae-ra Mom brings Se-Jong father again, with another woman, and Se-jong mom tried to calm him a traitor demanding runs. Then they are both hypnotized by Tae-Poong drinking spilling water which is a overdramatic and impractical way to drink water, but hilarious nonetheless.

Tae-Poong runs in manager Pyun that is convincing to let music camp (a mash-up names of all live music) to fall out of formation, producer Scarlet the show Inki because they are so with other obligations is posted. Their short and unpleasant encounter ends with good news for Tae Poong: Since let someone just fall into place in the lineup, they have a vacancy for Team Persevere this week.

Tae-Poong forwards this message to his children, and they jump for joy. However, since their performance is so close, they do not have time to exercise "Sweety." Instead, they are "entertainers" got with Psy, they have already perfected (but we have not seen).

mothers show a look at the top 0 male stars countdown, with the third place to Jung Woo-sung goes. Tae Poong goes in but heads to wash straight for the shower, as well as the names indicate him as the second place, 0 shots of his choco abs showing. Hae-ra Mom swears one day those who see in person, ha.

Se-jong Mom gets a notification of their late monthly fees, and she says Tae -Poong that he is late with his payment to her. He screams to take through the bath, only the money from his wallet, and she discovers that his ID as a go-hwan Oh ( gohwan = balls) reveals his real name. The mothers get a kick out his real name and are then hypnotized by Tae-Poong the half-naked body fresh from the shower.

After a dramatic viewing of Tae-Poong the upper half, he takes an excited call from the music show producer. But there is bad news: Scarlet decided after all to be in the show, so they kicked. Tae Poong jumps up and down in frustration, which inevitably leads to an explicit consideration of its lower half, right in front of their mothers, who look back in shock. Tae Poong noticed too late his towel drop and quickly runs out of the room, and Hae-ra Mom says he to his name. HAHA.

Scarlet Se-jong approaches and ignores the rest of the impact members, to ask him if he's excited to be public for their scandal. Once it is outside, Scarlet goes away in delight as headlines Tops. The impact members leave Se-jong with Ki-joon, who asks him for the truth. Se-jong apologizes the team with this scandal for onerous and Ki-joon calls him to cause this mess a bastard.

Tae-Poong dejectedly connects the Chicken Festival "Children celebrate Teams Persevere debut performance news, and he can not even to tell them that it is canceled. His mood is worse than the news of seconds jong date the scandal breaks, which builds only the misunderstandings between Se-jong and the team. Hae-ra is speechless and shocked to observe a response from Ray.

Woo -ri with ice comes in and asks Hae-ra, when the scandal around Se-jong and Scarlet is real. But it is too deep in their own thoughts, to register the issue and suggests that they talk about something else. Hae -ra asks if Woo-ri, the flusters instead of starting as Jang Goon them and their causes on her face, lotion putting ice. she asks if that was so obvious.

in the boys' room says Henry, it was obvious how Ray had long eyes only for Hae-ra whole day. Ray says he can see why Se-chan liked Hae-ra but denies that he likes himself. On the side of the girl, admits Woo-ri to Vote for Team pilot (which explains the voice), because she was jealous only Jang Goon seen dancing with Hae-ra. Hae-ra promises Woo-ri along to help, and they decide that this is their secret, and promised their loyalty.

Tae-Poong and Jang Goon are roommates, installation, and lovable. Tae Poong pulls the covers on for Jang Goon, the murmur of his father in his sleep. Tae Poong shudders when he thinks to be rejected for the program, the children decide tomorrow to tell.

On Air Day, Scarlet revels in their expectation the triple crown to win, but Manager Pyun warns careful that they will not win because of the effects of popularity and her scandal - and it is probably a one-digit score only net. Embarrassed, she laments that she wants to leave. Ki-joon tries to improve the situation by apologizing, but Se-jong interrupts by asking why they should apologize -. You are fair and honest to win

He goes out with Scarlet background and accused him of being too hard, look at their relationship. Se-jong clarifies what their relationship, and she calls him dejectedly hoobae and sunbae itself. He nods and goes on his way. Manager Pyun tried to calm her down, but her patience (or lack thereof) is at an end, and she decides that she will not perform today.

Just then, a reporter approaches them and asks a loaded question about it and Se-jong still dating. After a brief moment to put their Bengel level at full throttle, it is that they date at the time. Manager Pyun tried this time to deny chasing after Scarlet, but the reporter has already its desired response.

The music show producer gets word of the sudden withdrawal of the Scarlet and curses artists take advantage of their popularity. He remembers team Harren and arranges his team to call it. Keywords: Hae-ra Mom in van ajumma mode to navigate the streets dangerously high speeds. The team completed the final preparations in the car, and Ray remarked Hae-ra the timid response to the aggressive driving style.

Hae-ra Mom comes to a sudden stop, anger their road punctuated by loud saturi but you even stops when she realizes that Tae-Poong is in the car. Ray holds Hae-ra hands to calm their fears, and when she tried to pull away, he says that he needs to calm down. Aw.

But as soon as they arrive, they are more than two hours on standby. While Tae-Poong and Henry admirable Crayon Pop "Bar Bar Bar" rehearsal, Woo-ri reads on the follow-up scandal, the Se-jong and Scarlet says currently dating. Hae-ra is significantly shaken by the news, as she thinks back with Se-jong to their last interaction containing a overanxious Scarlet.

Se-jong gets a text from Tae-Poong to tell him that the team Persevere debut performance today - now he is the burden placed it can bear, always feel sorry for them. But he sees the new scandal that Scarlet is only caused, and it does not seem to be as he charged no less.

Hwangje is with calls explodes this new scandal regarding, and Scarlet is nowhere to be found. President Hwang scolds manager Pyun for as incompetent and cause these headaches.

Crayon Pop comes down to its performance and leans her sunbae Taepoong but Henry cuts in express his delight in their performance. He congratulated them on their cuteness and vows to be an everlasting feel. Next for sample up is Team Harren and Tae-Poong makes a final cheer with them before he leaves to check their schedule.

tries On stage, Team Persevere to imagine: "Though we fall seven times, we stand for the eighth: Perseve-" They are cut off by the staff and then switching for not wearing name tags. An employee quickly scribbled her name misspelled on paper, and they are dependent on their seats to start their trial without a microphone test.

But Persevere teams is not one to disappoint, as they fill the stage with her performance. In true team Persevere way they perform the song, as if a mini-musical, while Se-jong watches with its impact members which provides the stage performance. He smiles as he watched his old teammates, though his expression a hint of jealousy reveals when he sees Ray fishing Hae-ra, as she slips.

The staff impressed but appear quickly move to the next sample, as effects for a whole 10 minutes into by is. As a team Persevere leave the stage, they are hit with Impact and Ki-joon welcomes Jang Goon with a mocking smile. Jang Goon gets a look back at his middle school days, and haughty Ki-joon they insulted as dogs and pigs make their debut. Hae-ra calls him for his harsh words, but Ki-joon counters that he is their sunbae and goes on stage.

Hae-ra tried to follow them, but Se-jong holds on them not to listen to their advice their meaningless words. He asks for her ankle and gives her some spray to put on her shoes. stiff talking, they him to worry about his personal life for the concern you but advises him first. He grabs her and clarifies that it is all a misunderstanding - it is not what it thinks it is.

Hae-ra thinks of Se-jong answer back when she tried to clarify their misunderstandings and repeated his exact words to him: "Whatever you do, whoever you are dealing with - there's no reason to tell me, "Ouch, but also touché ..

Ray steps in, giving him a dirty look from Se-jong and a warning stay out deserved this. But Se-jong is removed for its sample so that another misconception unresolved.

Scarlet justify their actions to Papa in his office (decorated with awards for his parodies Idol Group: CARA, 6:00, and the boys among them Generation) explaining that she was angry that she would not win the triple crown was frustrated angry with Se-jong, and by the reporter. But she apologized quickly to Papa when she realizes how crazy he had become.

He orders her to return the music show, and when she refuses, he explains it in a way that makes sense for them to measure intelligence. If they let teams Persevere run, Woo-ri, the girl who is the voice of Scarlet, is to debut. At this news, rushes Scarlet, and President Hwang shakes his head in embarrassment.

wait as Team Persevere for the live broadcast, eat take-out Chinese and Tae-Poong promises them extra food the next time to buy. Just as the reality of their debut starts to beat her, Tae-Poong is called by an employee with bad news over. Scarlet is back to take their place, so they do not occur for her debut stage today.

Angry and disappointed by their lost opportunity for Scarlet, Woo-ri crying loudly in the bathroom. Natural Scarlet enters the bathroom and makes remarks about its reunification diminish. Woo-ri criticized her selfishness and Scarlet finds that, as she is different - they can do whatever she wants, whenever she wants

Hae-ra the Bad as that occurs. Argument further. Woo-ri asks whether the implementation is a joke to her, and Scarlet replies that it is. She did not feel like before performing, but now it does. So it is. Hae-ra consider it their hand in greeting, but Hae-ra ignored and accompanied Woo-ri from.

Scarlet roars Hae-ra, as they leave, they do not warn of approaching her boyfriend. Ray and Henry they find the Scarlet causes quickly turn to hide her face. She knows the guys from somewhere and will not be recognized.

The final broadcast schedule Impact and Ki-joon comes sneers that dogs and pigs were not allowed to perform. Se-jong looks through the list (more parodied Idol contain groups: Vaxx, OAO, girl-week Got6, A1B4 and Hae Shabet) and runs Hae-ra to find (as Noel "Fate" playing in the background). He asks what happened, and she tells him that he better should know yourself. She reminds him mind his own business and go away.

impacts resulting Watch as Team Persevere from the bottom. Ray tries to comfort Hae-ra, although he omitted actually in contact, when it moves, stroking her back. See the mothers from home on the television, and although Hae-ra Mom Recalls Se-jong is looking good on camera, Se-jong Mom seems more worried about the team Persevere appearance.

The MC (cameo by fellow Super Junior member Leeteuk) counts from the voices for the number one power that goes in a landslide Impact. Leader Ki-joon expressed his gratitude to "Father Hwang," and congratulated her Scarlet hoobaes like a good sunbae should.

Leeteuk then asks Se-jong on for a few words of his scandal with Scarlet respect. Overlooking team Harren, he takes the microphone to apologize to those who have a difficult time because of their companies. Then he thanked Tae-POONG to be there for him forever. Yay for public humiliation and gratitude, but I fear for his fate under President Hwang.

The mothers see the end in disappointment and wondered what happened to the debut "Children, and Hae-ra Mom congratulates Se-jong Mom for victory of her son. They are both injured in the interests "children and Se-jong Mom assures her that it another chance. When Hae-ra calls pretends Mom that she was too busy and forget to see the live broadcast, which breaks my heart.

As expected, President Hwang loses it. He breaks in Impact waiting room and slaps Se-jong. After Manager Pyun closes the door, he beats him again. When Se-jong is silent and does not apologize, President Hwang takes out his watch, ready to do more damage. Fortunately occurs Ki-joon the room, and President Hwang leaves before other witnesses come.

Ki-joon reminds Se-jong about his warning not to act up and gives him a handkerchief to clean his split lip. There are about people, and he should do to avoid a scene.

Platt team returns Persevere as Hae-ra in the van told her feelings:

Hae-ra: Once you fight a cold, you develop an immunity to. But if you catch the cold again, begin to fall. When my father died suddenly on my birthday when we were dropped from Super week, and today our failed debut. Because of the vicious cold that comes with every happy moment, I'm hurt.

A mysterious person loads the sample shots of teams Harren on Youtube, and by the next morning, it has become a viral hit. At their respective jobs, the mothers are shown the footage, puts the smile on their faces. Team Persevere collects the video to see and wonder who shared their rehearsal, because it was not Tae-Poong.

Then Tae-Poong gets a casting that grabs the attention of the team. He agrees to accept the offer and smiles in amusement as the team worry if their debut will be this time really.

And it is! Only it is a Buddhist monk at a radio. HA. But teams Persevere is happy to finally make their debut, and Hae-ra said: "Even without a big stage or a cheering crowd, we were a successful debut And so we fought off another cold.."

But it's another story a month later. Se-jong told that he is in the middle struggling with an ordeal of another kind, and we see him approaching the police station, swarmed by reporters. He ignored them how to photograph them, and further inward.


The camera pans over the laptop to reveal the Uploader team Persevere the sample material: It is secondary jong. He had a staff asked to collect their sample, and it loads the online footage. It is to the first observer, and he. With a smile


Aw, Se-jong. I did not expect to have someone else the sample material uploaded, but I love the little details that we went in on Epilog how it all. It's depressing Se-jong Watch Teams Persevere with such a nostalgic smile to see, to know that he never again likely to be a part of them. I just want to be him happy, but we see that he has to go a long way to go before that happens. Besides his biggest conflict - his deceased brother's last wish - it has to be clarified so many misunderstandings, thanks to its big pain in the ass called Hwangje.

Hwangje is such an interesting paradigm for the Entertainment business, which we have now, and it's amazing how relevant Hwangje actually is. Driven by a business model is Hwangje use all the means possible to make a profit and to manifest its power through the money it makes. Money certainly is power in this industry, but the business loses its meaning when the shadows what to sell it, which, in this case the music. And I would imagine that the "musician" would lose business model purpose under such Hardcore. The trainees under Hwangje seem perfectly adapted, however, be seen with Ki-joon. Ki-joon is clearly the antagonist in the show, but he is an interesting character who is aware of what he is to whom. Having been so long in the system, it has become the model for Idol Hwangje, but that also makes it a powerful tool on both sides. When crossing from the dark side, then it is a Pandora's box, ready to reveal the evil secrets Hwangje so hides effectively.

Along these lines, the whole posing for brands scandal pictures I wonder about the inner workings of the K-Pop and entertainment industry in general. I found it quite amusing as Se-jong and Scarlet actually posed photos for this scandal, but it also seemed like a possibility. Are scandals produced, so that the reporter did not let go even scandalous blackmail photos? It all sounds like a conspiracy theory, but I would not be surprised if this is ever actually happens in real life.

Se-jong again stays true to character and remains frustrating still, but I have to give it to him for his public apology on behalf of Hwangje. This stands as much for President Hwang, and I was so glad he had the balls to call his own company. He's a little Tae-Poong in the production, and I hope he at crushing this institution will be more successful than was his mentor. I wish he would ruthlessly as often anymore because it makes me so for the potential damage he could do pumped on Hwangje. I mean, I'm afraid so in this society for his life, but he would really make the most of it, if it could be as much as possible and disobedient rebel. That would be the best way, Se-chan and help Hae-ra honor out. Act fast before Hwangje She digs in a deeper hole! []; _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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