Recap And Reviews Kdrama Spy: Episode 1

Recap and reviews korean drama Spy: Episode 1 -

If all the spies were a vision regarded as Jaejoong is, I would probably cave in and give all my secrets within five minutes in the interrogation room. Fortunately Spy , the latest spy action drama on KBS block offers more to look as a beautiful face on. Not only this show is directed beautifully, but his heart is with the core relationship between a loving mother and her son.

might look like a housewife at first glance, Mom, could adores her family and her son seem like a regular guy who has a steady job. But the truth is that they are each other both harbor secrets that are anything but ordinary. This brief summary includes the first episode of the double header format of the show, but it looks like Friday at are to be fairly thrill-tastic.


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Shenyang, China. In a dark alley, a young man talking to his mother on the phone, calm her that he Busan travel to has the front let go of her and our hero introduced by name: .. KIM SUN WOO ( Kim Jaejoong ), whose smooth delivery einwandfrei masked the lies he says

He gets into a car, briefcase in hand, but hardly a few meters in front of a truck slams drives the car away. Several arise goons and break in the briefcase of an unconscious Sun-woo, to seize and to nick his wallet instructed and see, making it as petty looks thefts.

Sun-woo stirred, and is unlikely to be stabbed aware his driver in witness. He does not know it, but it's his wallet that in fulfilling the same fate spared the family photo inside the leaders break gives him .. "song-woo-yah" mouth twitching, the man speaks,

time Mom take aka PARK Hye-RIM ( Bae Jong-ok ), which raises a timid hand to speak during the meeting residents. She wins over their angry neighbors of their high heating costs borne by suggesting that all of them check their own meters around their buildings.

Mom rushes wildly to the news that their precious son injured in a car accident on the hospital. Sun-woo is awake and downplayed his injuries before his mother worried about protection. He has to think on his feet to explain the presence of the other man in the room away, referring to him as his superior.

Nevertheless, Mom can not help but note how the look in the eyes of his boss sends a chill her. Spine For now, though, she laments her husband at work stuck instead to stop by the hospital to see her son. Dad laughs good-naturedly that he can visit Sun-woo later because he did not already suffer life-threatening injuries.

Mom and Dad seem to love to share, friendly relationship, and it is clear that they care deeply for their children. Ensure that Sun-woo is comfortable and has everything he needs, buying the lie that the accident near took that exhaustion to think of the work is to blame.

Hearing Mom go about how she thought that working as a government official would her son always mean out of harm's way would be to return Sun-woo that their words might make people think that he dangerous in a type of work is. Well ... you are, are not you?

She thinks this is a good opportunity to ask as any for him for a desk job, looks at the Sun-woo directly to his mother and vows to not hurt more or cause them more pain. "I love you, Mom." I'm sure they'll still worry about him, but it's endearing to see how cute he is towards his mother.

[1945010EineWoche] later, Sun-woo is placed on the National Intelligence Service (NIS) headquarters regarding his failed operation in question. The man in the hospital is the intelligence analysis team leader SONG JOONG-HYUK who until this particular mission Sun-woo describes in the last three years-up as an elite field agent with a faultless record, that is.

Nobody knows, understands why the life of the Sun-woo was spared, but Chef song wants Sun-woo reassign an analyst to his team. The director chuckles that it will not be easy, suddenly a guy on the field used to work an office job, then asks Sun-woo family background.

Dad Kim Woo-suk is currently an IT the ability to lead and met his wife in China, where she worked as a translator. Seeing as Sun-woo his mother added languages, chief song feels that he will be a useful addition to his team. The Director approved, although he remembers the young Agent a wachsames to keep track.

We have a look at an agent to catch its presence has disapprovingly the Director tsk. We come to him as Agent KIM HYUN-TAE ( Jo Dal-hwan ), who curiously grins when the polygraph pings finally at Sun-woo, the answer is "no" to whether he something of hidden the NIS or not.

Back at home, helps mom her younger daughter Young-seo with their homework, then hurries preparing to finish dinner. It offers a guest - Sun-woo girlfriend, to be exact - and Mom shows some curious nimble knife handling skills while chopping vegetables on. Dad does not think he needs to do something special, but his wife tells him that it is the first time, Sun-woo is at home a girl who introduce to the family.

There are not yet to answer one last question for Sun-woo before he can go, "Are you someone see right now," Sun-woo answers yes, and Scully grimaces easy to see that he truth says. He runs there, totally oblivious of their interest in him, and Hyun-tae teases in record time getting rejected.

Sun-woo calls his lady friend apologetically he-will be really late. She is already in front of his house and refuses to greet his family alone. Mom has the young lady noticed outside in the freezing cold waiting, so Dad steps to the girlfriend, LEE YOON-jin ( Go Sung-hee ) to meet.

He invites them warmly inside, and none of them are aware that there is someone nearby to watch Sun-woo family photo in his hand. Ooh, the band leader, we saw in China?

Mom scans Yunjin from head to toe before they remember to be a great host. Her smile drops but when Yunjin mentioned that she brought Chinese snacks that Mom might like.

Mom suspected radar is on the table, as Yunjin says it was a while ago is, since it has had a homemade food, because she lives alone. In fact, it is from Shenyang, like Mom's. It is remarkable how Dad stutters on chance; and a few more of Mamas interrogative questions about their background, Yunjin replies that both died her parents when she was young.

Dad is sympathetic, but if Mama press the matter further, he changes the subject call. Yunjin works in a small Chinese travel agency and sometimes accompanies the group as a guide. Your reflexes are surprisingly fast, as she begins a jar of water that slips off the table. She smiles, still nervous, but Mom does not miss the moment.

When asked how they met Sun-woo, Yoon-jin says he helped her 'd out of a sticky situation during their job search receive. Because of their Korean Chinese nationality, it is often as a second class citizen treatment to government agencies. They finally got to discrimination used, but it was Sun-woo, who stood up for them.

Mom watches Yunjin with suspicion for some tense moments before the backup, apologized for as aggressive with their questions to be. It shares some of Sun-woo childhood photos with Yunjin after dinner, along with the story that her son had a speech delay.

She was afraid that her son suffered from a developmental disorder, but it turns out that she had once scolded for copying their speech Sun-woo when he was very young. He had clammed as a result and not speak again until he was a little boy.

But it is the mother every desire that their children take their good qualities and never face the hardships she has done in the past. "I wish Sun-woo would live a happy, normal life with a happy, ordinary dude." Yunjin says she wishes for the same thing, and vows to work harder to achieve that.

Sun-woo rushes in just then, apologizing for being late. He has Yunjin take home, and once the lovebirds bye, Mom shrug the idea already in-laws are considered.

Her husband already knows what happens when they bring their -jin suspicious impression of Yoon expressed and called his wife from their tendency to over analyze strangers. She insists that she gets only a feeling, and if her husband teases for already to be jealous she snorts, that's not why.

stopping at a cafe Yunjin is convinced that Sun-woo family otherwise you may, despite his persistence. She is sure Mom disapproves her, but he is that the opposite could very well be true, since Mom extremely shy when it comes to strangers. Oh, it's sweet of him to try and feel better.

She wonders whether her hometown to bring in an effort to find common ground with mom only made them feel uncomfortable. His mother had told her that she wanted to be an ordinary life for her son, and probably would not someone like greet each other. As a special Sun-woo is better than conventional answers.

took her hand, Sun-woo, he says knew he wanted to keep them from the moment he laid eyes on them first. This feeling was reciprocal, he points out, then puts a hand on the cheek. "This happiness is"

is a young lady sold along the roads Seoul, blindfolded. Remove them, they tried to get their bearings, and then starts walking. She soon takes a cock and begins to run, to get the cover of a passing bus with a projection.

It runs in the side streets down and into a building, her pursuer on their trail is still hot. You lose him to a stairwell and climbed through a window and into a taxi. She gets out to pick up a phone booth. In a frightened voice she says: "I want to turn in me."

At the breakfast table, sun woo his mother encouraged to refer to his girlfriend in a kinder tone. It rises when an urgent call comes home from work, but keeps to his mother to explain why he Yunjin like so much ". Because they like you"

Ha, no one can say, that Sun-woo doesn 't know what to say Mom, please, and her husband asks if she should go and get some fresh air together today.

Agent Hyun-tae is busy practicing his opera singing pipes (to "O Fortuna", and bad at that, heh) when he interrupted by Sun-woo arrival becomes. Once inside, he fills Sun-woo in the details: a North Korean female secret agent claimed that the North is in disarray after the execution of the North Korean General Jang Sung-taek - who was executed by his nephew because of betrayal - and someone is collect and kill the spies in the south.

Sun-woo asks if checked the story, but he has said that it is not important whether the Intel is true or false only if this information is useful to them or not.

at its meeting, Hyun-tae to an angry call assumes, while Sun-woo holds peeled for their informants his eyes. He sees a scared-looking woman without a winter coat their environment survey, and I love how Hyun-tae screams at the other agents not to be inconspicuous ( "Take your hand away from your handset! Join now shoot a film? ").

Hyun-tae is further dismayed when he hears that Sun-woo has not brought a gun with him, because he only show was instructed , Not like the odds without a firearm, if things go wrong in the battlefield heading and lives risking innocent citizens, Hyun-tae has to draw the agent and arrange another rendezvous location.

But Sun-woo has eye contact with the young woman, saying that they could not get another chance: He's in his head at himself decides

[1945010"coulddiewithinthistime"] He approaches the woman with caution under the pretext of handing out flyers. , Handing her the idea he provides the password. She breathes a sigh of relief.

But that is only the beginning, as Sun-woo the woman takes the arm and down into the subway station, followed by Hyun-tae. They rush through the station and continue underground, making sure that they are not followed. Once they finally reach their destination, Hyun-tae does not warn Sun-woo again so run to go away because there were at least three suspects in the area.

boss Song is already here at its provisional seat and asks for the broken arm of Sun-woo. He says it's better, eager to get back into the field, to the chief song she says later, that can talk about it.

Some introductions are in order first, including Hyun-tae and the agent who examined him yesterday, Agent NOH EUN AH. The intelligence analysis team takes the reins in this case, which means they are all working together.

It turns out that excursion Dad mentioned a round of golf with the Minister of Defence, much to the disappointment of his wife. She understands that he convince the Minister of had to consider his proposal, but wished that he had brought it earlier, so that they would not make their hopes.

But Dad has another surprise for them and they go into the mountains, to sell a house to see out. You must admit that it's nice here, and he wonders whether they should buy the place

he his wife humors when she lists all practical reasons on why they do not have the means now. - They have their daughter tuition save for marriage of her son and her retirement - but he is convinced that they can do everything, and more, when the offer is successful


He tells her to trust him and presented her with a bouquet of reeds. His voice full of devotion, he says he knows the sorrow she's already through, but it's time to be happy because everything worked out for them.

There is a wonderfully sweet and simple proposal, and then he adds the application to look at her in a friendly on Sun-woo friend Yunjin. Mom agrees to reconsider, and enjoy both the mountain air together. Oh, they have a really nice couple.

Back in the provisional seat, Eun-ah leads the interrogation on North Korean agent Jo Soo-yeon. Its original mission was to infiltrate the south and gather intel, but lately she had been working odd-end jobs, to earn money and send some of their family in the North.

All her colleagues agents did the same, but a new team leader arrived and used that excuse to spin the spies to collect and (implicit in the killing reasons that the money to send their families, rather than pass them on to the government).

Eun-ah, she says no trace to be found in the south, to which Soo yeon answers that's probably because they are all dead now that their northern comrades there, and she was almost killed , But Eun-ah indicates that it is still very much alive and not see everything hurt.

Questioning the truth of her statement incites only Soo-yeon to finally their pent-up release frustration, as she screams Eun-ah in their North Korean dialect that they had not addressed when they lay. Does not understand that their comrades are dead ?!

Hyun-tae berates Eun-ah for riling her informants, and Sun-woo volunteers to talk to Soo-yeon. She's still pretty excited when he goes in, but Sun-woo cuts quietly hunting and ask them to point out where it was recorded on a map.

He then asks how long the van was driving. About an hour, Soo-yeon answers, and Sun-woo grabs a radius around this position on the map. He asks what happened next, and she replied that they were killed one by one.

We see their words in flashback play like everyone pleads North Korean spy for mercy blindfolded, only be passed a death sentence. Sun-woo asks cheerfully to any specifics about the trip or the place and its ears to its reply, that there was a smell of something rotting was in the air.

When asked if they still wear the same clothes from when she was abducted, woo sniff steps-Sun to their clothes. Body, he concludes, meaning that they must've been taken to a crematorium. Keep the rest of Soo-yeon statements in mind, Sun-woo marks the place at a crematorium in Paju.

He asks why the life of Soo-yeon was spared, and outputs them to tears in their eyes that they rely was that for retrieving means they and their deceased comrades saved, that she and her whole family can be performed.


Soo-yeon manage to see the new North Korean team leader face to something. It was his facial scar, which had triggered her memory she heard in her training days again through an agent on a story that a mission in China years failed because of a woman-female agent who is supposed to be dead.

I'm sure it's no coincidence that we cut to Mama after these words. She lifts her new fragrance, when the doorbell rings. She goes to open the door and opens it, just to look around and to see that the North Korean team leader and the secret gang leaders from the top of the hour. "Song-woo-yah," he says. "It's been a long time."

Mom furrows her eyebrows as the man at the door interrupts the recognition itself correct: "Oh wait, no ... it's Hye-rim now"


A promising trip to Spy so far. I had hoped that the spy action thriller would provide to steer in all points, writing and action in the face of their stylish teasers and promotional stills. Although the first episode of the drama Doppelkopf Friday hardly the surface of the many mysteries of siphons, which are below, there are plenty of mysterious intrigue that arouses my interest.

Regarding Spy s two-episode-on-Friday deal, I'm always viewership interested in how experimental formats and the surrounding buzz will affect. The ratings stirred some interesting figures (Episode 1 pulling in 8.5% and Episode 2 hit 7.9%), and while I see the title of the top drama series in the search engines, it is still too early to have any to draw firm conclusions, what kind of show the following will have in Korea and abroad.

While I'm for Multiples spies to this running drama verse, which I fear if Spy selects disclose allllll his characters as spies. It is obvious that Mama, Sun-woo and the scarred man are not to keep the only personal secrets close to the vest, but it really is such a thing as too many Spies (see: the Iris Series) , So I hope that in the interests of drama, it chooses wisely on characters who possess a mysterious past.

I can say that I was the was most looking forward to Jaejoong 's performance here and that he he would continue the progress made in its actions had in Triangle . And while we do not quite get the offer in its Schauspielkunst to see only apart from playing the adoring son and friend and the cool and professional NIS agents, there is still a natural presence and confidence that Jaejoong to his character adds Sun woo. I really enjoy the loving relationship he shares with his mother and that he comes from a warm family upbringing with doting parents who really care about him.

But it's Mom character by far, that fascinates me the most and shrouded in secrecy in this opening hour. There are many subtle cues that hint to a unsaid past, and I feel that it is not much of a spoiler if the premise tells us that she is a North Korean sleeping pills. We saw a glimpse of their weapon handling skills, their high suspicion of others and their interrogation skills, but what interests me most, is their connection to the man at the door and the history they share.

[1945010SeineWiedereintrittinihrLeben] means that the quiet decades she has spent in the south, is to be rocked about, and I can not wait until it is drawn into whatever mission puts them back on the pitch and we get the badass see Mama secret agent in action. It is the family-centered focus this spy premise that in the most me to see how far a mother her baby chicks and not deliberately go to protect draws that he harbors his own secrets. It is a device that is rich with dramatic conflict, and I am confident that Bae Jong-ok and Jaejoong is a sign supply relationship that we on the edge of our seats for an emotionally driven and keep wild ride ,

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tags: Bae Jong-ok in, first episodes, Go Sung-hee, Jaejoong, Spy

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