Whoever thought that full basket cases live in a house, it might be fun? Our hero decides an interesting leap into another world to take, even if it's funny just to see how much of its old world which he has to take with him to make it feel like home. What begins as an exercise in curiosity on a journey of Jae-yeol self Contraption morphs, some of these Episode offer poignant moments as we leave a man who dedicated his life despite over other people to watch seems to understand so little about they
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We find Jae-yeol return home to be patched in the hospital as he reads an indication Hae-soo left before he woke up. in it she tells him, so they compensate her his bank account number to text him for his injury, which gets a rueful laugh out of it before he crumples and throws the paper.
thinking twice, he picks it up again and decides to call it. he is surprised when Hae-soo is so totally unaware of his reputation, that in order threatens hang up when he does not get to the point [1945021jetzt] , it simply says that they should ensure to see each other at least once before they die. click.
he mutters an insult under his breath after hang up while on her cell phone Hae-soo looks like it sprouted legs: "He has no money want to forget it then?"
she has more important things to worry about about:. the patient (Soo-bin), the Hae-soo was accompanied explicit warnings from the hospital by her mother against, the hospital is back after a failed suicide attempt
Hae-soo frustration with Soo -bin mother is obvious, so much so that Dr. Lee sends them out, as the woman is hysterical after the incident.
after a call from ex-wife Doctor Lee on hemodialysis get soo need therapy, Sunbae Jo has him recalled to deal with a smaller attack by one of his angry psychiatric patients when no further treatment, he would imprisoned for domestic violence against his wife and his son.
Hae-soo is not cried happy when Doctor Lee confronted her about the treatment problem as they see nothing wrong with mother at Soo-bins almost kill daughter for them.
Doctor Lee argument is that outbreaks like her mental patient manages, and that Hae-soo had no right to Soo-bin mother to be excited when this woman almost lost her daughter. Hae-soo, losing a patient, pales in comparison.
If this sounds like a serious problem, it is because it is. If the upbeat music playing seem flashy, it's because it is. Although Hae-soo and Lee doctor know them well enough to walk the line between a "talking-to" and friendly guidance, this weirdly Hacker music selection are just bizarre.
But Hae-soo is still her students, Doctor Lee she entrusted with a difficult new patients who is obsessed with making erotic drawings by someone he sees to make matters more complicated -and adds Dr. Lee that his sketchpad ingestion leads him depression and insomnia away. When Hae-soo wants to prove himself, she has to find a way to help him.
Jae-yeol editor (we call editor Bae only) is angry with his girlfriend plagiarizing his book, as well as the boldness Pul-ip had to assert that he was the one who the plagiarized from they .
She blames Jae-yeol for talking about his novel, if he had only things physical held with Pul-ip to which he answers boldly, that people talk about all sorts of things in bed-and the fact that it is not the white of the reason she's still single.
after the editor Bae told to move forward in suing Pul-ip, he is greeted like a celebrity when he visited his book signing. His young admirers, Kang-woo, is also among the crowd with a happy grin on his face.
Jae-yeol attempts questions about the plagiarism scandal to field fail when a pressing member mentioned that Pul-ip publisher released a statement claiming that he plagiarized their book, along with the requirement that all copies of his book pulled away to save from the shelves.
Editor Bae builds their team to deal with the situation, but they are not sure how it's all sued for Pul-ip go-Jae-yeol, but his buddy and editing team member TAE-yong is suspect against the idea. get
Media further strained when Jae-yeol shares his belief that someone in the inner circle sold his book File Pul ip, because no way they exist his book word for word in could have memory, even if he had recited it.
Since Tae-yong has been tasked with finding Jae-yeol new place that actually tolerate his ridiculous requests, he calls his old friend Sunbae Jo up. He suggests then that Jae-yeol live go to , that house, for he would be sure of a novel by a few months with two psychiatrists and a Tourette's syndrome sufferer spent as his roommate to mine.
Jae-yeol not enthusiastic about the idea until Tae-yong him a video of their new home showing party-and there Hae-soo, its possible future roomie.
the realization that seems Jae-yeol to be the determining factor, and the idea of living with her, brings him out of his post-plagiarized slump. Tae-yong is more excited about the possibility of a book comes from all this, but Jae-yeol is definitely enthusiastic about Hae-soo.
However, Tae-yong loyalty again brought into question when Jaeger yeol borrows his car and finds his address in navigator Pul-ip. He now knows Tae-yong log not even knowing where Pul-ip lived.
The Casa Crazy, Sunbae Jo and Soo-Kwang have with to put up construction noise from Jae-yeol soon-to-be bedroom and bathroom as it has to meet its exact specifications and are closed to all outsiders.
Sunbae Jo not the excitement nothing, even if Jaeger yeol is with them for only two months to live, he paid in advance and is filthy rich, so who cares about a small change?
Hae-soo the only unaware of who her new roommate, even though it is the one forced to answer the door with wet hair, he has been helping Sunbae Jo comes Soo-Kwang by a sequence.
Her expression falls in the moment she opens the door and recognize Jae-yeol: "Oh my god .." He, on the other hand, not happier could be as they grudgingly
to find him in the direction of his room points
After mistakenly Sunbae opening Jo door to help him Soo-Kwang by an episode that he finally reached his room, the one exact replica of his old. The bathroom is the same, all carefully decorated and color coordinated exactly as he likes it.He seems uncomfortable when Sunbae Jo and Soo-Kwang give to give their discharges his room. Soo-Kwang is polite but robots, but when a motor tic caused him Jae-yeol to shake hands when they shake, Jae-yeol automatic answer is equal to squeeze again. Hard.
Thereafter Soo-Kwang starts in practiced explanation of his Tourette's syndrome, if only his new roomie to warn that everything he says or does during a Episode does not mean anything.
Sunbae Jo explained how the episodes are as uncontrollable as a sneeze in an effort to ensure Jae-yeol understood. Even if he promises to pay more attention, the two do not seem to hit it off mainly because of its awkwardness.
Hae-soo is the next Jae-yeol rooms to visit, and immediately draws on the specific color scheme and how his clothes from him depart. "Are you OCD?" She asks, to which he quickly replied that he can have OCD.
He's like a ball of when she tells him where her room is, and he is not disappointed when he opens the door to a mess to find. Since Sunbae Jo said that there were no rules, Jae-yeol has decided to make his own, he says Hae-soo that he gives as good as he gets. "You screw me, I screw it."
In this case, as they stormed into his room he burst into her. He seems tease enjoy, as he says, he throws them at the welcome party Sunbae Jo for him tomorrow will see, but it is not as occurred slightly as she interrupts with its cool output: "So, who who plagiarized" [1945009Nun]
they one enjoy under his skin get when she recited the rumors she had heard while munching on an apple. She seems surprised when he lies in wait for her, takes her hand, holding her little finger ...
... And then use her Hand a piece of food to pick from her smile. Hah. Jae-yeol: 2-ish, Hae-soo: 1.
The transgender patients (named Sera) from last episode approaches Hae-soo are discharged through because understanding them, claiming why their parents and brothers responded with violence when they found out the truth.
Hae-soo rejects the request because Sera released would be to bring them back in danger, which is something they can not do. To prove why they Wheels Sera on a mirror, so that they confront their own bruised and reflection
Hae-soo .: "a woman was beaten by her own parents and siblings beaten for one reason:. to those who understand that they do not understand, even if her face hurt and broken her leg, says that a woman wants to go back into the house. to those who understood beat. If it returns, this time in the house could, struck her head open bust out. Not her leg, but her back could this time be broken. but she says that it's okay, because they her parents and siblings are. she says she deserves to be beaten, it will bear the blows. "
Sera bursts into tears when Hae-soo tells her that they either run can walk or be forcibly committed to its security of her family. It expresses the girl's shoulders reassuringly as she adds:
He tries to get to open about an incident from her childhood, she found where her mother to kiss someone who was not her father. But is Hae-soo determined not to talk about it, and managed to keep their stipulated time has expired.
After that Pul-IP will not be able to see him until the weekend, we Tae-yong with Pul-ip find when he bought her time bragging Jae-yeol had to promote the book before their planned flight to the US this weekend. He will ensure that the complaint is dropped while she's gone.
When Jae-yeol comes knocking on their door, Tae-yong hidden by hanging in front of her window. But Jae-yeol is no fool, and is not only capable of it also found on the plagiarism issue for a corner, but that Tae-yong is the one who betrayed him.
Pul-ip finally breaks, but tries to put the blame on him by claiming that this would not happen if he does not always ignore their manuscripts to which he answers honestly that he did, because he knew they were all plagiarized. He just said, never her until now.
Desperate to somehow get to him, Pul-ip then asserts that it was 3 years relationship just a sexual exchange, because he spent only what little time he ever did with her when he was not at busy writing.
These words sting, even if he does a wonderful job, it hides, he admits that he was not able to figure out what he meant to her, or what she meant to him until it just now deleted. You would have seen as only sexual partner, but he Product not, even if he did not admit straight out.
Nevertheless, it is not change the fact that Pul-ip crossed a line they should not have crossed. "You reap what you sow," Jae-yeol says before he goes.
After Jae-yeol a baseball bat to Tae-yong car takes, he discovers try his former best friend to sneak back through the window and snapped him up bring when he shouts that he is sad.
But when he stalks off, he calls Editor Bae call off the action and pull his books from the shelves-it will make the loss of his next novel.
Jae-yeol over lands Kang-woo on his way home, but despite Kang-woo pleas as he chases Jae-yeol car on his bicycle, holding Jae-yeol on driving.
There is Hae-soo 300th day anniversary with PD Choi, and he calls them to remember that he has booked a hotel room for them. You annoyed by how she wonders if anyone else who suffers from sex phobia as strong as they.
After going a ride from him upwards, Hae-soo finds Jae-yeol outside the home stand. He is nervous, go with all the noise coming from the inside, because he does not know what's going on.
"My boyfriend and friends are over," Hae-soo says that earned by Jae a shocked reaction -yeol when he repeated, as he has never heard the word "friend". They invite him to his surprise he believed that it would not have? (Yes, yes he did.)
I love that it brings the fact that his welcome party should be today evening. "No, we're just the football game to watch," Hae-soo chirps back. Jae-yeol can only shake his head. "What is it with these people?"
There is a kissing little embarrassing for him Hae-soo and Choi PD to see, especially because he remembers lips catch him to block with someone else backstage. He considers these delicacies to himself, at least
When Soo-Kwang invades his personal space, Jae-yeol finally decides to set the foundations with him. He will not treat Soo-Kwang different because of his condition, so Soo-Kwang expect nothing better.
Soo-Kwang Jae-yeol is the overview of how each is connected in space, including but not limited to: Sunbae Jo and Doctor Lee is divorced, Hae soo Sunbae Jo kiss once when she was drunk, Hae-soo is be first kiss, and how Hae-soo and PD Choi are likely to be married soon, but only because Soo-Kwang his loss PD Choi conceded
Jae-yeol reaction is priceless. "Does everyone here have to kiss each other and live together ... and do everything that to be part of the group?" The look on his face! Haha.
I think he actually what misunderstood Soo-Kwang said, as he seems to be really curious if he asks Hae soo if they "share" PD Choi min-jung, the PD's girl.
She's really confused and says that Min-young is just a colleague. But Jae-yeol, without knowing that he divulge a great secret, says Hae-soo that he saw them kissing before the interview. Yiiiiiiiiiikes. He really thinks they are only in some strange open relationship, he does not know.
Hae-soo marched into the living room, turned on the TV, and asks Min-young flat-out when they kissed PD Choi. Jae-yeol face falls when he realizes that it was a secret, while Sunbae Jo breaks the party as soon as he realizes that PD Choi is guilty. screaming
Min-young freaks out and begins to PD Choi first and literally have to be dragged out of the house that they liked. Jae-yeol tried Soo-Kwang from PD Choi draw when he begins to hit him, but a solid kick Jae-yeol family jewels indications that happy-go-lucky song to be a metaphorical kick for our balls.
All the men in the living room to start fights, and Jae-yeol even tried PD Choi to apologize, but that does not end well. Luckily the music is there to remind us not to take this scene so seriously. Poof , right? I mean, for a second there, I was actually taken and the moment. This is clearly not what the show wanted.
Jae-yeol is ostracized by his roomies then, so much so that every room he enters is immediately vacated matter how many times he tried to discreetly fit into the group. Awwwww.
His imprisoned Hyung calls him only to say that he thought him in the neck stabbing when he is released this time. "You framed me for the murder you committed, so you could enjoy the good life. It is not so unfair, is it?"
"I have kill anyone, "Jae-yeol answers. There is not a hint of danger in his voice when he says his hyung that he was not the same person he was before, because he now to fight back. Nevertheless, he says seriously Jae-Bum that he missed him, and that they drink together when he ponder free-leaving Jae-Bum, that his little brother now grown.
Hae-soo visited her parents' home, and helps her unni their severely mentally retarded father in a pool for children near the kitchen bathe. Mom plays the kind and loving woman, but escapes into another room, when she gets a call ... from Ajusshi Kim, named Sunbae Jo brought with her during her "therapy" session.
, it flashes back to the moment of her childhood, where she and unni happened Mom kissing her to see Ajusshi Kim. It's sad how you tried unni, to protect her by distracting, but never forget Hae-soo.
After a DJing gig finishing, Jae-yeol is his mother a call, and lovingly calls them by their first name, OK YES ( Cha Hwa-yeon ). He calls just to tell her how much he loves her, which is nice. (Meta moment: Mama Ok-ja it, this production team to watch the latest drama, that winter the wind blows is.)
Sunbae Jo meets the inmates Tae-yong asked him personally to discuss pro bono, and it turns out to be none other than Jae-yeol of the alienated hyung.
"I convicted murderer Jang Jae-Bum am," he says in the introduction. This is not awkward.
Hae-soo makes it a point to walk away if PD Choi approaches her at work, but a broken heel lands thwart their efforts. She finally breaks down only in pitiful sobs as she also adamant he rejects all efforts makes apologize.
Jae-yeol tries to make amends later with a bottle of good wine, and prevents Hae-soo down from the door with his foot on him. He claims that it is to drink a consolation, because it is as if in the same boat: His best friend from childhood betrayed him and his girlfriend of three years, his book plagiarized
This to Hae-soo to seems to come through. who accepted a very full glass of wine ...
... they feed then when Jae-yeol face before the door to her room slams. She swears that they have, it will the packaging or otherwise is leaving , but whatever the case, it is war.
them the door opens when Jae-yeol knocks on them, only to end up covered in wine as his glass on her right back lining. "I have told you. I give as good as I do. You screw me, I screw you."
Hae-soo yells after him, and Jae-yeol revolves around only with a cavalier smile as he shakes the wine bottle invitingly. "What? Do you feel like a drink now?"
What interesting for Show. I really do not know what going to be expected, although I have seen any collaboration between writer Noh Hee Kyung and PD Kim Kyu-tae and loved some, but definitely not all. To this end, I knew that no matter what to be the story, it turned out, it would be at least can not be represented in the general way dramas these days easily achieved only by the focus-like and. So while I tend PD Kim's work to like when he has to choose his preference for sliding lenses his actors managed back 'nose during a particular scene, I also for the production team out of respect by following shows strong and irrevocably burned. As never doing so has, always, always, ever proved to be a good idea. Ever. ( not . See: Basketball, shark, sword and flowers)
That being said, I am cautiously optimistic It's okay , which has a lot going for it did that are not necessarily behind the head in the first hour. There is clearly a slow combustion to establishing character goes, which has its advantages when it comes to people like Jae-yeol and Hae-soo too complex. We do not need to see her life in flashbacks know that to keep them well-established histories that get fascinating insights we turn in a fantastic lift you to observe, so long that structure is used correctly. And we will really not know if it is, when it is used wrong , which we know only in the future. So everything there is to do now is sit back and enjoy the ride as long as the road remains smooth.
go far as heroes, Jae-yeol is definitely one of the more interesting right out of the starting gate, is not he? And surprisingly, it has little to do with the obvious character flaws that he has on display as his possibly OCD-related level of finickiness or its perceived distant exterior. It is not even a case of a cold chaebol with the traditional warm belly, because the more we see of him, the more we realize that he is not the typical rich man who put aside his disdain for his colleagues and fewer people because the girl has unfortunate enough to receive his affection, yet it is another thing that can be neatly wrapped and packaged. The indefinable aspect to it is what cinched the deal for me at this hour, especially after I left felt interested, but rather lukewarm after the first episode. But give me an emotionally vulnerable hero and I'm sold .
It's almost hard to believe that someone like Jae-yeol actually exists, a part of the reason why he comes off as so unexpectedly interesting and fresh. And what book for an unexpected twist in a forced cohabitation action with a hero who's so socially awkward and endearingly naive, especially when flying in the face of all his swagger. I can not help but think about how drastically different show would had outlawed specifically Jae-yeol and be treated the idea with all the curious detachment in such unfamiliar place you live in a might feel to see Zoo is fun the lion, but to curl up not so much with them.
And the crazy thing is that it was pure curiosity that led him to move, he did it only because of his fascination with Hae-soo, or because he is a great story after climbing in the exhibition would have. What matters is that he is actually trying to fit even when it otherwise, because the act even trying, someone makes him instantly relatable that how ever feel as an outsider in the search, otherwise known to everyone.
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