Recap And Reviews Kdrama Witch Romance: Episode 4

Recap and reviews korean drama Witch Romance: Episode 4 -

Hi everybody, it is LollyPip, back for more fun with recapping witches Romance . I love this show so much, and I'm very excited to get a chance to make it recap with odilettante. I hope you have as much fun with this show, as I know we are!

A lot happens in this episode, on the career front and in our leading couple's relationship. Dong-ha feelings seem out of responsibility towards Ji-yeon to relocate to actual care, and while their feelings are still hiding a bit more, it is not immune to his sensitive and caring nature. But most importantly, their friendship is getting stronger, and I could see they only drink wine and talk together for hours.


We visit Ji-yeon memories of her ex-fiance proposed. She wakes in the hospital and thinks that she was Shi-hoon looks over them, but it is Dong-ha looking adorably concerned. When she wakes up, enough to recognize him, he has enough relieved she fuss because without him walk away and not answer his calls.

Dong-ha says Ji-yeon that she has a mild concussion from the knock on the head, and she goes unconscious again to make him a little panicked. A nurse tells him it is only the sedatives they gave her and that they'll give her a CT scan when she wakes up and then Ji-yeon can go home.

The Troublemaker Trio and Young-sik come into the ER running, but you freak out because the ceiling to look, is drawn as the person died in bed. They whine and cry and shake the "body" until he sits up, and it is the shaman, HAHA.

The shaman spits and curses on them (which I think I will start, only their way is to say hello), and stated that a bulb fell on his head. She threatens to do damage to the part-time employee, which permit, then the ceiling casts back over his head and puts it in front of him hiss. I love her.

Dong-ha returns to his arm always looked and Troublemaker Trio address him with questions about state of Ji-yeon. Bearing in mind that it only according to their supposed grief "incidentally" seem terribly disappointed that she is fine and (and back to work) to go home soon.

They say, Dong-ha, the Ji-yeon no longer in the ER, and it runs all the way to her house back to find it. Poor boy, is the age difference not long roll, because he goes ahead to age with all this by running to Ji-yeon!

Dong-ha finds them sitting on the floor in the middle of their destroyed apartment and begins again to make a fuss. She does not answer, and just sits there to hold the picture of the polar bear while her fingers bleed from the broken glass. You finally see him with tears in his eyes, which immediately loses his anger.

Dong-ha a black jacket noticed in the middle of chaos and remembers the intruder during their scuffle to tear. He picks it up and finds a business card in his pocket for an employee of Blue Eye Entertainment, Kim Jeong-do the management company.

He takes Ji-yeon to his place and bandages cut their fingers while chiding to touch broken glass, like a mother hen clucking. She jokes that she selected a good assistant and bicker about whether they actually voted for him, and that they'll just fire him if he keeps sassing.

Dong-ha asks where she went earlier than they did not answer her phone, and she admits that she went to see Kim Jeong-do. She says Dong-ha, the promised Jeong-do, to drop the complaint if it considers the products. Dong-ha asks what Ji-yeon wants to do, and her face set in determination as she says she'll take this to the end.

Dong-ha tells her that he take them to the hospital for CT scan back she needs. He goes into the bathroom his own wound to the doctor, and when he comes back Ji-yeon has fallen asleep on the couch, still keep the polar bears image. He takes it from her and reads the message "would you marry me" written on the back, to realize only now that the story she told him about the woman who was left at the altar, was even Ji-Yeon.

Morning Ji-yeon still wakes up Dong-ha coffee, though she is alone. She finds a note from him to stay where it is until it comes back, along with breakfast.

Dong-ha has gone to the man whose business card he found in the shell of the intruder to confront. He denies everything, but Dong-ha is not to buy it, where all the horrible things that has done man to Ji-yeon. The Blue Eye employee shoots a question: Is Ji-yeon lies about Kim Jeong-do make? Finally, the letter is what she does for a living.

Dong-ha lunges across the table and grabs the man by his shirt, so angry he could hardly speak. He tells the man that he better not come near Ji-yeon again or differently, but the man not to look intimidated like Dong-ha has a fantastic.

Na-rae helps Ji-yeon their apartment clean and loads it with her and her husband for a while, but Ji-yeon declines remain. Dong-ha barges in, angry that Ji-yeon to say again without him, has gone after he instructed them to keep his place.

Ji-yeon asks why he is so angry (perhaps because he liiikes you), but Na-Rae interrupts before he can formulate a response. You susses out immediately that this is the "hoobae" that Ji-yeon told her she remained with the last night, and tells him that she invited Ji-yeon in her house, but she insists to stay with it. Na-Rae makes a fantastic wingman.

Dong-ha insists take her back to his place, he is to get her in trouble on their own tired. She follows him while he accused of mutiny against his superior, but he has not intimidated. He returns her polar bear picture shy to explain that he took it from her so she would not crumple it in their sleep, because it seemed to be important.

Ji-yeon asks if he saw the proposal, on the back and he admits that he did. She sighs that the image is not important, but Dong-ha knows that the reason why they left the hospital. Ji-yeon tells him that it was a long time ago, and they should get rid of it, but he says that a valuable person remember, is not a bad thing.

He changes the subject and light says it in his new job, and he should not be late. Its first day In the office, Eun Chae Ji-yeon bring some flowers and words of encouragement, but Ji-yeon tells her only that if she has time for it, they should work instead be.

Eun-Chae takes dejectedly away her flowers, but Dong-ha stops her and asks about the flowers loudly and demonstratively during recording eye pierced Ji- yeon. He keeps glaring while loud comments about how beautiful the flowers are, obviously trying Ji-yeon instructing them how to be a nice person a lesson, but she ignored him easily.

There is a meeting of minds between Ji-yeon, Dong-ha and Young-sik business card that found Dong-ha and discuss his conversation with the cardholder. Unfortunately, a business card is to prove anything, but there is a fundraiser in a few days and Ji-yeon thinks Jeong-do can announce his political candidacy then.

Ji-yeon decides that the fundraiser their D-Day, but Dong-ha wants before then to find some evidence. The Troublemaker Trio travels in a certain negativity in their theories to empty, but Ji-yeon undeterred.

The two teams face off, and team leader Byul stated that when she gets all the news on Kim Jeong-do, he'll wear Superman tights to work , But if she does not, Ji-yeon has a girl idol group cosplay. Dong-ha points out that it will make for them fun, even if it loses, because she dances every night anyway in her apartment. PFFT.

Soo-Chul is home from his trip, and has a lady friend brought with him. But when they in his room light rotate sees Ji-yeon suitcase, jumps to the wrong conclusion, and dumps him. He calls Dong-ha to crow that he finally free in the laundry of this girl thanks. Dong-ha tells him that the clothes belongs to a friend, but Soo-Chul congratulates only Dong-ha on his choice of women, the size of BH given. Can I beat him? Sorry?

Dong-ha admits nervous, who are the things and Soo-Chul is no longer so happy. He immediately asks whether something between them is wrong, and Dong-ha denial is to be just a little too shrill credible.

Ji-yeon, Dong-ha and Young-sik sitting on Soo-Chul place and watch Kim Jeong-do and his wife about the recent scandal given interview. Soo-Chul tries past them to sneak, but Dong-ha stops him and remembered that his family owns the place where Kim Jeong-do fundraiser takes place, and Ji-yeon has to lift a finger Soo-Chul in to frighten them to help.

The team receives DNA Kim Jeong-do by Soo-Chul mimic a crew member on his drama set and get him to drink from a water bottle. It also secures an invitation to the fundraiser at his family resort. But a wrench thrown into their plans when they hear that Kim Jeong-do lover and daughter leave the country.

We see Soo-jung and get her daughter into a van and drive away, while Kim Jeong-do lackey (Dong-ha met) reported that they have left. But noticed Soo-young that she. Not towards the airport, and we see in the mirror that the driver is Soo-Chul He tells the pair that they will then just take a little detour. When the car stops, Ji-Yeon is there, waiting for her to speak sunbae.

And so, Dong-ha visits with daughter Yoon Ji-ji during -yeon and Soo-jung have their conversation. He gives Yoon-ji, a book, and tells her that she can have her read at the level of her mother. He offers her drink dropping litter, and they now have the daughter to DNA. Smart! Ji-yeon are Soo-jung airplane tickets for the next night, and asks for just one day her Ji-yeon to give a chance to reveal the truth.

Ji-yeon and her cubs brainstorming about how to obtain the DNA test because labs will not do it if you are a parent. But it turns out that Dong-ha was a medical student, and can run the test itself.

Dong-ha and Soo-Chul take Ji-yeon a dress for the fundraising event to get, and their dumbstruck faces when the are quite uncovered invaluable. Dong-ha is not too shabby in his all-black suit, the noted Ji-yeon definitely.

At the fundraiser, there is an announcement about a "special presentation", and there are Dong-ha on stage. He gives a little speech, drawing a comparison between magician and actor. Dong-ha plays the magician as Ji-yeon stage comes, and it is in a box and he covers them with a curtain. He calls Jeong-do on stage to support, and it is obvious, Jeong-do know this is a very bad idea, but he can not refuse an audience.

The two men the curtain retract to reveal an empty field. Dong-ha invites Jeong-do besides get. He does, and asks Dong-ha under his breath what happened, but Dong-ha tells him only not to be nervous, because his wife is watching.

Dong-ha brings the curtain and invites alongside Jeong-do stage Woman. They each take a corner of the curtain and pull it back, and the box is empty again. Jeong-do is now in a room with Ji-yeon, the cuts to the chase and tells him that she knows that he was the one who has been threatened her. Shame is not, he in front of his daughter? He denies any daughter who adds, added, however, that it is a good thing that they have left the country, so that no one can prove it. Sleazebag.

But Ji-yeon has the upper hand because they prove the DNA test results that Yoon-ji has Jeong-do daughter. Jeong-do begins to lose his cool veneer and says he never brought by a woman.

But then there's a voice behind him, and it is Soo -jung. She has heard everything. She tells Ji-yeon, that it would do the interview, the Jeong-do makes panic so badly that he promises a divorce for them to get.

that when his wife enters the room just at the moment. This is so satisfying. Soo-jung said Jeong-do that if her daughter ever again sees him in a film or on television, they'll tell all the world. His wife says he never let better that woman are revealed. His career is over.

Dong-ha says quietly Jeong-do, that it is time to go to the party. Soo-jung congratulates Ji-yeon on her ex-fiance always, and that Dong-ha as a good man seem (Dong-ha pretends not to hear, but puffs a little, so sweet).

Back at the party, Jeong-do takes the podium and announces that he has some health problems, and that he would stop immediately his career to concentrate on the treatment.

After leaving Yoon-ji and her mother, Dong-ha says Ji-yeon, she has done today, and invites them to a drink from ... Oops, but she stopped because of their drinking fits " "he said teasing.

Ji-yeon mother calls her to say that the dating service, she has signed for Ji-yeon arranges a date for tonight. Dong-ha overheard and creeps closer to eavesdrop. Ji-yeon reminds her mother that she has a (fake) friend, and Mama says he ragged fine, but he seems poor and dresses. Dong-ha miffed reactions to all this are hilarious.

Ji-yeon Mom threatens in right this minute and find fault, to move her until she gets a husband, if they do not go today evening on that day, so Ji-yeon agrees. She hangs up and snaps to Dong-ha, he should have better worn shoes, ha.

Dong-ha says she too beautiful for a blind date is dressed, because it will probably just some fat ajusshi be, but he agrees to drive her. He drops it, but it remains to be welcomed to see her date (Cameo of Lee Jae-Yoon ) grumbled to himself that the man probably stutters or something. Your date seems nice, and asks her out again, but it does not look very enthusiastic.

Dong-ha sulking around the house for Ji-yeon wait to get home, more and more antsy to always know what time it is to stay out. It is actually in the Na-rae restaurant complain about how awful their evening turned out.


your date answers a call from his grandmother during dinner, in this terrible aegyo baby voice spoke to her. He even sulk-wiggled and said grandmother not to go to sleep until he comes home, because he wants them to touch boobies to sleep. WHAT. Ji-yeon's face says it all.

Na-rae asks what Dong-ha thinking about her date, but Ji-yeon insists it is not so. Na-rae she does not believe, but she staggers when Ji-Yeon Dong-ha reveals age. Except it with happiness is reeling; Ji-Yeon is so lucky

Meanwhile, Dong-ha has shifted its migration to the road !; but he discovered Eun-Chae first who has come to bring something to Ji-yeon, and they sit on a bench to wait. Ji-yeon comes home and Dong-ha and Eun-Chae annoyed laugh together to see. Dong-ha starts directly with the nagging, noticing that her date not even go home. Eun-Chae hands off what they brought, and there is a grin.

Dong-ha and Ji-yeon combined embarrassing silence fades but are not very inviting, so they get a good night, and Dong-ha deals they command them to go into the corner, because it is not safe, for a woman walking alone at night, hint hint . She refuses, but he has now to make a point to Ji-yeon, saying that Eun-Chae of waaaay too good to walk alone.

When he comes back to Ji-yeon, he nags again as late stay out. He oh-so-not-at-all-casually asks if she once again that the human being is to see, but you never him says Weirdo mentioning. They softened him by sharing a drink to celebrate their victory over Jeong-do, and he murmurs drink over her again, but it works.

Ji-yeon asks how he knows magic, and he says that he did it to get closer during his pediatric rotation in medical school to the children. She asks why he left medical school, and he says it was because he discovered that the doctors do not really save lives. Ji-yeon tells him that she thinks he would have made a good doctor.

Dong-ha his phone attracts some music to play, and it is one of the old school singers who mentioned Ji-yeon she liked (he is as sweet to music for them?). He recalls his favorite line about a woman want that has never been on a blind date, HAHA. Ji-yeon asks if he means it, but he's all big innocent eyes, as he says no, because the song is about meeting (Casual Blind Dates) and they went to a mat- Seon (marriage-minded blind Date). Ji-yeon turns around him to sing along to the line of women that all they need is a man who looks good with a great woman.

Dong-ha invites inward, and his shoes off in order to offer them, as he noticed that she was limping on her high heels (impotence). She takes and takes his arm so they turn to go in, but he shrugs and screams in pain. They did not know that he had been injured during the break in, and the doctors his arm for him.

When she first aid kit, Ji-yeon takes his dead plant and asks it to clear away. Dong-ha mood on in a flash, and he is likely to take the plant from her and she screams not to touch him. She apologizes, but he is not to accept in the mood.

In the office the next day, the Troublemaker Trio will celebrate their victory over Ji-yeon, gloating that she was no match for Kim Jeong-do. Young-sik spills almost the beans about what really happened, but Ji-yeon stops him when she walks in, dressed as a girl the production nightmare.

Eun-Chae enters, dressed just like Ji-yeon (to support them) and Dong-ha stressed again how pretty she is, glare from Ji- Do yeon. Eun-Chae is based snacks, but Ji-yeon leaves and orders Dong-ha to follow her (and he looks pretty happy to obey).

you go to the airport interviewed a gambling comedian nab and Dong-ha laments that it is not fair that she was demoted. He goes Ji-yeon to get a snack, which is when the comedian shows up and the reporter crazy. Ji-yeon at least try to get a picture with her camera, but Dong-ha with news that comes back here what happened a bait: He heard someone say that the comedian in the parking garage will be in ten minutes.

proceed in this way, but Dong-ha has left his lens behind. He runs back to get it, and Ji-yeon sits waiting for him. He calls them from a few feet, but when she looks over her looks not Dong-ha, but the man on a bench near him sat ... It's Shi-hoon, her ex-fiance.


I can not sing this show praise enough. It has heart, it has humor and it has character, take care of them make me so much that, even if it is run on the show is too early. Much of it is the casting: The show is about as perfectly cast as a rom-com can be, with all the actors their roles so thoroughly that I find myself watching scenes more than once, only each character's reactions observed and expressions whatever does or says the focus. Park Seo-joon is particularly brilliant in this: he is never not "on," and there is not a moment when Dong-ha does not respond and react to what is going on around him is. This is my first time to see him in a drama, but it certainly will not be my last.

Uhm Jung-hwa also fantastic Ji-yeon plays to give her a depth and sincerity that I noted rarely in a heroine of this kind of rom-com. One can almost say what she thinks, without having to say a word to her, only to her eyes. A good example is the scene in which Dong-ha Ji-yeon her polar bear's picture and she says, they throw it out, but he does not say to her. You can Sensitivity sadness seen at the Dong-ha surprise and gratefulness cross all her face, without having to even speak. Again, this is my first experience with Uhm Jung-hwa (other than Running Man, where I hilariously endearing and also found), but I'll definitely be a point to watch some more of their work.

I love how the show zip along seems to introduce characters and conflicts with speed, but also through sickness, making it feel seen us much more than 4 episodes like but have never rushed feeling. Emotions have been coming into play; I'm pretty sure, Dong-ha is to be head-over-heels in love on the way, when his maternal and worrying and jealousy is evidence, but it is not to feel too early. Ji-Yeon is a bit behind in this respect, but it is attracted definitely, if not actually for him to start falling (albeit a solid case could be made). I like that they already have a good solid friendship, and seem to really enjoy each other's company, so if they fall naturally for each other, to feel comfortable.

But first we need to have some conflicts, and how better than to introduce an old flame? Especially one with whom you have never closure and who you are not over yet. Ji-yeon ex-fiancé shows up is with a wrench in her growing feelings for Dong-ha throw, although I'm pretty sure they will only accelerate his growing feelings. If he can, can knot on a blind date, how will he act when faced with a genuine love rival? I'm not so much looking forward to the conflict, but I expect definitely a few (more) cute antics on Dong-ha part.

And he will have to do his own worshipers, though I was there at first glance not very excited. On their own seems Eun-Chae a sweet girl, but rather bland and boring to be like the second line going. Then some evidence will result in 3 led me to confirm that they are very likely to be the younger sister of Dong-ha old friend. She spoke with her mother by her unni as if they (or presumed dead) is gone, and a woman at the orphanage mentioned someone named Young-Chae Dong-ha, who seemed to know Eun-Chae mother. Not that comment to mention that "Young-Chae mother" has a daughter returned from the United States recently, what we know is true about Eun-Chae. It is probably because the drama world is tiny that Young-Chae Dong-ha old friend is that (and his speech in a position not could to save lives be a further indication) has passed, and that he find out that the new intern is in fact her younger sister.

This would certainly be a layer of complexity and anxiety to Dong-ha and Eun-Chae Add relationship. While at first I thought, we need because not a female second guide really did, it was already enough to make a whole story, going on, I believe that his old flame sister's match could be an interesting way to Dong-ha to have work through each he carries lingering luggage. And I suspect that luggage will be mighty difficult.

I'm a little concerned about the entrance of love rival and background stories of our leads, because I love, could bring the light and airy tone of the show, as it is, and in dead ex-drama might turn things dark , I honestly could 12 more episodes of the nice watch and funny and just dispense along the EXE files and second lines, but I have a feeling that this honeymoon period soon comes to an end. Let us hope that the show can maintain structure well balanced, and give us a lot more chemistry and friendship between Dong-ha and Ji-yeon (and the rest of the hilarious gang), between fear and conflict on the horizon.

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