Recap And Reviews Kdrama A new leaf: Episode 6

Recap and reviews korean drama A new leaf: Episode 6 -

How terrible it must feel to visit a father you can not remember, and recognize that it what we are all abhors? This is just one of the blows that Seok-ju suffers this episode, the latest in a long series of unpleasant discoveries after his amnesia. It would be enough to break a weaker man, but Seok-ju soldiers. He is being pulled in many different directions, as his customers for his attention and his conscience screaming (as Ji-Yoon expressed, usually) bravely attempted to assert themselves and take him a new way.


Ji-Yoon slowly the hospital go, sorry about Seok- ju cold reaction to the news of the attempted suicide of the victim oil spill. Meanwhile, CEO Cha comes at the law firm where people are at work to clean up the site of the protest. His secretary notes that to the web site so more rapidly than expected, although a single fish remains half hidden around the corner as a reminder of the demonstration.

attorney Lee finally makes another appearance as Hye-ryeong discusses the case with prosecutors for their murder trial. They go back and forth on the evidence of the next neighbor who is an acquaintance happened call when he heard his neighbor, and an as yet unidentified woman yelling. Based on the lack of hard evidence secure Hye-ryeong history recommends the hotshot lawyer that Attorney Lee Hye-ryeong convince plead guilty.

Then a call comes in with news that could be really good, or really bad on defense. The witness has just happened, so his phone call will take, because the person who he owed money called him, and the police post to analyze the inclusion in the woman's voice in the background. The magnitude of these random smells fishy to me, but maybe that's just because all those fish that were thrown earlier to ...

comes a new witness while help the investigation, and who should it be but KIM HAK-TAE, otherwise Mr. Ex-NIS agent with a taste known that uncomfortable women disappear. My blood pressure is already rising, as he has taken to observe in CCTV footage from the day of the murder. He can delivery guy know who arrives at a point when shifty eyes and dramatic music is evidence, but he maintains that only recognize Jung Hye-ryeong.

The prosecutor meets with Hye-ryeong next and pressures to confess her. He says that they do not suffer as much as the murder victim, and will not get as much sympathy. He puts the hypothetical scenario he wants to admit it, in which she was angry and her rapist pushed but did not mean to kill him. All the time, he behaves as he does Hye-ryeong a favor.

A group of rough-looking men in the company arrive, roughly in front of the foot CEO Cha. Talk informally and suddenly, when an employee asks, where to go, and quietly departing CEO Cha gestures for the employee, be them.

Jung now meets with her defender, who says that if she confesses, he reduced her sentence can get accidental death of injury. She accuses him of not to believe her, but he answers calmly what he believes, does not matter.

"Do you know how old you after fifteen years will be in prison?" He asks. "You will not have much of a career at 50." He advises even bribe her boss Kim, the prosecutor, who is known as "flexible".

The waiting gang of thugs from before in Seok-ju office while his colleagues to collect about gossip, why they are here. Apparently pre-amnesia Seok-ju her boss was defending, and produced to produce a two-week delay of a key witness.

A flashback clues us. In the fact that Seok-ju was shamelessly with his usual operation, but effective courtroom chicanery If he does not find a witness, he tells his clients, he is only the case delayed again. He now holds paid by the customer and his henchmen.

The other lawyers noted his ruthless efficiency with the conversation, and Sang-tae seems even impressed, noting that there is a side of his friend that not even knew he about. "I'm sorry for the guys," he says. "Shall we serve them tea?" I laughed about it, I have to admit, even if the lack of moral outrage from these lawyers still makes me gag.

The Minions are to ask not very happy about Seok-ju failure nor a witness available. Take a lot of money on his desk and demanded that they get what they paid for. The camera cuts Seok-ju and his client before the judge who explains because Seok-ju "could not be contacted" the witness, he will soon make a final decision.

leave as Seok-ju and Ji -yoon the courtroom hall ~~ POS = HEADCOMP, they encounter attorney Lee. She is definitely not happy with Seok-ju, commented sarcastically that he looks good. Seok-ju know that Attorney Lee studied with him and Ji-Yoon has him in clued that their current relationship is not warm to say the least.

Ji-Yoon asks if she can go with attorney Lee Hye-ryeong visit, although the actress, they do not want to see. Seok-ju are immediately remove his permission for them from work.

Ji-won entered the room and looked pretty smooth when an elderly lady holds ask him directions. Ji-won gestures before his companions and goes with her take on the way to lift her bag. Oh, why is it that its casual act of kindness gives me the creeps ?!

Ji-Yoon Lee and attorney go through the hall, discussing Seok-ju to make decision, Ji-Yoon follow-up on this case. It does not like him, but Ji-Yoon told the prosecutor that Seok-ju wants to know why Hye-ryeong killed the chaebol heirs. That's enough for Prosecutor Lee, indicating that Seok-ju has to want to soothe his conscience.

Ji-Yoon sees Ji-won, the elderly lady in the elevator to help, and greeted him with a big smile. Attorney Lee nods politely, and Ji-won makes small talk about their various reasons for to be in court.


Joining us in the increasingly crowded hallway Seok- ju and bats his customers to know the demand that he not acquitted when her boss will do is. Seok-ju remains unmoved, respond to that, if the customer he is guilty will go to jail, and if he is innocent, he is free. After all the money that has been paid out this answer, is not what pleases the bat.

even more shocked when the customer is a lawyer Lee, who witnessed the entire confrontation. This is certainly not with her picture of Lawyer Kim Seok-ju Square. "Is he ill?" She asks blankly. "He's ... a little sick," Ji-Yoon replies. A while later, Seok-ju gets a call from Kim Hak-tae, the former employee of the late chaebol heirs.

Alone with Hye-ryeong, Attorney Lee describes the actress options. The threat of jail time threatens greater, and Hye-ryeong varies whether or not to plead guilty. They want to keep their weapons, but if their lawyers can not prove anything, then what can they do?

attorney Lee meets with Ji-Yoon afterwards, and it is literally shaking with rage and frustration. You know what the defense is doing is illegal. They deliberately try to get Hye-ryeong to confess to a crime because there is not enough evidence to condemn them clean.

Ji-Yoon asks why she does not say Hye-ryeong, but the prosecutor does not want to repeat their mistakes of the past. She encouraged Hye-ryeong the way of righteousness to follow, and it ended terribly for their clients. Telling her to stick to it, now out could be morally right, but it could also just make it worse by tying Hye-ryeong fate with a case that they have a chance to win barely.

When Ji-Yoon meets with her aunt later in the afternoon, so it seems that Hye-ryeong predicament still weighs heavily on her head. Asks aunt about her grandfather, who was held captive for over ten years unjustly. It touches made it for the rest of his life and also problems for his family, as Aunt exposure was falling apart and Ji-Yoon father failed several job interviews because of societal prejudice against ex-convicts.

It's time for Ji-Yoon move in their swanky new apartment, and aunt comes to help with their things. An employee gives her the password, and leaves the two women in the possession of the apartment. Aunt is in heaven, which explains the high quality digs inspection and that it is large enough for the whole family.

Later, the two of them meet Seok-ju in the hallway. He is confused to see her there, and aunt is very polite after hearing that he was a partner at the company Ji-Yoon works for. After her aunt leaves explains Ji-Yoon Seok-ju Affairs.

he mocks hear that this is all on command CEO Cha, and points out that Ji-Yoon CEO subordinate all this time was. It points out that it is not quite so, and that CEO Cha is a caring, kind man ... to Seok-ju snipe that Ji-Yoon every man sees them seems to like. Pfft.

Ji-Yoon Seok-ju barges in to apartment and fills it in the developments related to Hye-ryeong case. She plans to plead guilty to twelve years cut off her sentence, because it is not sure that they can win. Seok-ju wants to know why Attorney Lee tries to do nothing, and Ji-Yoon notes to him, like the earlier trial against him the prosecution confidence broke.

Seok-ju is now clearly interested in the results of the study, say that something is wrong when the defense lawyers is pushing for the reduced rate. It is not know how he would deal with the case, and he suspects the prosecutor tucked. Ji-Yoon will immediately call Hye-ryeong, but Seok-ju tells her it will not mean much come internally from one. Then he leaves for an appointment so that Ji-Yoon (and us) wondered if he plans to do something for Hye-ryeong.

Meanwhile, Hye-ryeong meets one-on-one with the prosecutor who wanted to confess. He again weaves the story of her accidental manslaughter, while a fantasy sequence shows how the chaebol heir reportedly fell and hit his head after Hye-ryeong pushed him away. This time, when the lawyer asks if this was how it happened, Hye-ryeong replies, "Yes."

Seok-ju meets Kim Hak-tae for a private chat, and entrusted to the staff that he was questioned by the prosecutor. Details of their cooperation so far come slowly, and Seok-ju is cunning in his attempts to pump the other man for information.

It turns out that there are many more suspects who meant the victim harm, but even more important he recognized the delivery man who visited the house before the murder. He is the friend of the chaebol heirs spurned lover, one who was pregnant with his child. A call comes from Hak-tae CEO and Seok-ju takes the opportunity later to tap the conversation for use.

The prosecutor, we learn that the scum prosecutor never meant to honor his illegal deal with Hye-ryeong all on. If the voice memo with Hye-ryeong voice back, as a 98% game comes, he decides to update the charge to murder. As Attorney Lee met him in the hallway, the prosecutor replied smugly that Backdoor plea deals are illegal.

Ji-Yoon Lee lawyer calls and gets the bad news about the pound. She hurries to Seok-ju apartment where he pored over records of life is his father's and his own. He opens the door, but when Ji-Yoon tells him that the charge was upgraded to murder he only replied that he would pass this knew.

He says curtly that they should hire a better lawyer, and closes the door in Ji-Yoon face. However, it is significantly affected by the message, what we see when he, as if bringing a hand to his forehead in pain.

in the Registry, CEO Cha takes a meeting for Seok-ju with Heads of City Bank. There is an impending lawsuit worth billions, and they want Seok-ju, to take the lead. CEO Cha promises the potential customer a trio of talented lawyers to replace while Seok-ju finished his "treatment", but they will not be happy until Seok-ju point takes. After they leave, CEO Cha listen to his lawyers, that most of the employees Company believe that Seok-ju simple car accident was not. The prevailing theory is cancer, which would explain why Seok-ju act differently and refuse to take on new cases.

CEO Cha comes to Seok-ju office where he sees two images of Seok-ju's father. Seok-ju asks if the CEO knew him, and listen to a little more about the beginning of his father's career. He was once a judge, but he was a promising career to the benefit of students of democratization back in foresee 1974. When he had his job, lawyer, a human rights has been protesting for a moment lost to govern, and had a political career much later , We still do not know why Seok-ju spent Father time in prison, but as we will find out, there is an interesting parallel between Seok-ju and Ji-Yoon.

CEO Cha Seok-ju asks what his plans are once his treatment is completed. Seok-ju will either take a break or work in the US. The chief says he with that. OK, although it when Seok-ju memory would return better

now alone in the office, Seok-ju makes a call to attorney Lee after his secretary provides the phone number. To the considerable surprise of the prosecutor, Seok-ju, he says a few details of Jung Hye-ryeong case go beyond want to meet.

as Seok-ju leaves, Sang-tae come to wonder if he is going to play later basketball. Seok-ju has a meeting, but he takes the opportunity to ask if Sang-tae Lee lawyer knows. Sang-tae is injured, that Seok-ju not remember how it is used so far, and as he pressed for weeks after they threw him out.

"Do you remember what you said at the time to me?" Sang-tae asks. Seok-ju not, and Sang-tae reflects that the attacker never remembers. He is about to go away when the interception employees chorus: "What did he say ??" HA!

Sang-tae, located Seok-ju cutting reminds statement that intelligent women have high standards, which cracks the interns and even makes Seok-ju crack a smile. He leaves for his meeting while a colleague Rath Sang-tae to let it go.

lawyer Lee Seok-ju does not trust customs, but it is ready to meet with him. He shares his news about the delivery guy, even though he does not say how he came by the information. He advises her reinvestigate, and in return receives a look at the case file. This recording is the most important piece of evidence, and Seok-ju looks fascinated to hear how it came to be recorded.

Hye-ryeong meets with her lawyer, who informed that the charge has been upgraded to murder. If she exclaims that she should get only three years, says the defender: "New findings coming back, so what should we do lawyers are not gods?." I'm counting the time lose this poor woman has been cheated, but you defying the bad news without falling apart. "When did you ever helped me?" Requested it, and fires him on the spot.

Seok-ju heard from his uncle that his father in the hospital is so he goes to see him. He brings a care package with him, and approaching his father with heartbreaking hesitation. His father, predictably, is not happy to see him, and is focused on its newspaper.

After his father says cold visit him not again, Seok-ju's headache returns, so strong that it does not hide the signs. His father admonished him, saying it's no surprise he get a headache with the type of work that he does. It's a hard blow, and his father pull no punches. Seok-ju leaves the hospital room, the confirmation cocoons that his father hates the person was.

The investigation, the delivery guy is on now in full swing, but the people in the chaebol are far ahead of the police. They have records doctored over the suspects, and have to witness a bait, sent in his place. the bait After police interrogation, they passed the real delivery guy enough money to the country for a few months.

In the courtroom, Hye-ryeong explained to abandon their intention to go without a lawyer. But because of the murder charge, says the judge, that if she does not decide a new lawyer, the government gets a appoint for them. After the court session, tells Hye-ryeong attorney Lee that they can, as hard as they'll fight, but it may be time to accept their fate.

When Seok-ju returns, Ji-Yoon waiting for him on the balcony. She meets him at his door, upset and angry at Hye-ryeong The new fatalistic attitude. She says that everything could be solved with a change of lawyers, and asks Seok-ju recommend "a good lawyer like yourself."

Seok-ju, the obvious inference resists, instead of saying that Ji-Yoon should just let the new attorney know about the CCTV footage and the fake delivery guy. He closes the door, she sat ignoring protests.

Later that night, but Seok-ju was still sitting at his desk, deep in thought. He checks the subset of the conversation he heard, guessing that Hak-tae have been involved in looking after the delivery guy angle. He called Hak-tae, and confirmed that the pregnant ex of chaebol had an abortion, and manages to trick him into revealing the name of the nightclub where she works as a hostess.

Seok-ju is -yoon over Ji to contact to receive only a call from her first. She is desperate and wants to know why he wanted to know about Hye-ryeong the study if he would not do anything. Seok-ju are their hopes once more, when he asks for a meeting with Hye-ryeong set up the next day.

Although Hye-ryeong's first instinct, the door to walk out, Seok-ju she manages to convince to hear him. She wants to know why he's still here, because he has made enough money and achieved enough fame. Is he just bored, or he wants to calm his conscience?

"Did you kill him?" Seok-ju requirements. "Whatever you say, I'll believe you." He is to leave, but Hye-ryeong breaks out: "I did not kill him" Seok-ju again sits down and meets Hye-ryeong eyes. "I believe you."

your work begun telling as Seok-ju his latest potential customers, write down everything you can remember about the day of the murder. He prepares to leave again until they leave the choice. "If you want to appoint me," he says, "call me."


And we gone! Help Hye-ryeong to an acquittal may not form completely for wrongly Seok-ju has done, but as far as I am concerned, it is a hell good start. Seok-ju has now learned a lot about his former self, and it is time he fight to become the person he wants to be started. The problem now is that he has no shortage of enemies: the pressure of his company and its increasingly clingy boss, the broken relationships of his former life, his own inner demons, and oh yeah ... a corrupt prosecutor and an army of chaebol minions Search Hye-ryeong for good to put it off. Glad Seok-ju is a fighter!

I'm looking for more of Ji-Yoon. I love them, but I want them to be more than Seok-ju moral compass. I would like a certain development in the law firm front to see how she is torn between CEO Cha demands and their changing relationship with Seok-ju. I almost want to see how they betray Seok-ju, or struggling with money and security over their moral code of choice, so that they are not pure, naive remains internally. So far, she has to make a lot of nagging Seok-ju to change his ways, done, but I did not get the feeling that it has always had to contend with their own sense of right and wrong.

It would be nice piece of symmetry having Seok-ju fight a new, better to manufacture itself, while Ji-Yoon sinks deeper and deeper into CEO Cha couplings. Basically, I would like a little more character development to show that to be good, is not as simple as just deciding. Growing up usually means learning that the world is not always black and white, that's something I'm not sure that Ji-Yoon has learned. I opted for Ji-Yoon and Seok-ju together, but I think that they both grow a lot of space and I hope the show decides to leave them.

I'm fascinated by Ji-won character, and I can not wait for it to come into direct conflict with Seok-ju. I may be wrong to read the characters, but I do not think that he as beautiful as his actions paint him so far. His little face-off with Seok-ju last episode was quite revealing, as he led a challenge, even though (or perhaps because) Ji-Yoon observed. I hope that many conflicts brewing, of ambition and emotion, aspiration and deliverance arise more clearly in the coming weeks.

And while I'm my hopes for this show from spinning, I want Seok-ju dog to come from beyond the mind and spirit guides snarky back. He will lead Seok-ju back on track, that would of course will be an upright judge and to protect in the fight against the weak and absolve the innocent. It could even be a spin-off series on Richter Seok-ju and his mind his dog: "A ruff and the Magistrate"

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tags: a new leaf, in Kim Myung-min, Kim Sang-joong, park min-young

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