I like the emotional depth that we get when Robin is pushed into a corner. A journey toward healthy acceptance for Seo-jin is a life and death struggle for Robin, and now everyone else is trapped between them, whether they want to be or not. And to believe that Robin is the good and Seo-jin, the bad, it could still another turn around the bend ...
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The video message which asked Seo-jin online does the trick, and Tae-joo already observed the next day. it Seo-jin very quiet tells him that this seemed like the best way to get a message to him, and he started to remember their past.
he concedes his cowardice time and apologizes, says, and that an unfortunate side effect of remembering the events of that day, there are :. Other memories to dive are things that only knows Seo-jin He asks for a chance to sit on and talk truth that he now recalls.
Tae-joo watches skeptical gnarling through his teeth that it is all lies. he is not to be very confident, though, and I feel that curiosity, the better get from it.
Secretary Kwon is quite proud of Seo-jin when he hears about it on the phone, and it is so adorable as Seo-jin as a teenager cringes when Secretary Kwon says that it was a bold move.
He is even like a proud father of Chairman while Dad watches the video and fuss on kicks. And precisely predicted as secretary Kwon, cousin Seung-yeon finds the video on his own, Seo-jin stalker who he is.
Hana's friends tell her the video can also be seen, and she now realizes what Seo jin meant to trust himself and his past against. Seo-jin comes back to ask if they are now returning to Seoul with him does not want to find out that they can do to think it all over. After a pause, he adds, "I also can not go. Do you know how?" Chaebols.
On the drive, Hana steals a few glances at Seo-jin as he closes his eyes, and he accuses her that Robin of hope will show. She is uncomfortable with this kind of conversation, he proposes instead before eating and stop eating.
you go for a walk on a tree-lined street, and Seo-jin stops only a few steps behind her, remember her night on the farm when she thought he was Robin. Hana stopped halfway and whirled to ask why he left her again on foot, and he says he likes it that way, and that's how it was going.
He reminds them of the animal sounds they call to make him held because he was afraid of the dark forest, and she asks how he would know the things that they shared with Robin. He fesses up that it all night, and types of barrels humiliated them by using their knowledge that they may confessed to him.
He explains matter-of "liking Robin to like me: -factly that she fell him since that night I have decided to do it this way. to think. "she argues immediately that it makes mad her when he talks like that because you feel like two completely different people. How can he insist so that they are the same?
Seo-jin has this apparently thought because he counters:?.. "And what should I do to I'm Robin is in me I've spent my whole life running away from themselves but how. it's love, if I all by myself not show? if I do not recognize that this me, how can I ask to be loved? "
Well that was mature unexpectedly. He says he the best he can to show her everything and ask if they can love him. He leaves the choice up to them and adds as an afterthought, he will not let what happened happen five years ago. Hm, what was going must've five years involved a girl?
Secretary Kwon still shines with pride as he arrives at the police station to deliver the good news: Chairman Dad has agreed to the investigation go public, to let including kidnapping that began everything.
Detective Na wasted no time in holding a press conference, where he outline the case and flashes the only picture she of Lee Soo-hyun, have taken when he was a child at the time of the kidnapping. Tae-joo observed his childhood image on jumbo screens in the street flashed, and his jaw moves into anger.
He rushes home and shows Dr. Kang, the video message from Seo-jin, they proudly watches. Tae-joo still thinks Seo-jin on an act-it to set the truth is known all the time, and pretends to remember now. He refuses to believe that Seo-jin knows anything about her abduction, that he does not, but Dr. Kang has gently that he was young, and could also some of the events blocked.
Tae-joo that roles and insisted that he is the strong and not compartmentalize his memories as Seo-jin. He decides that Seo-jin must've another lie invented to hide behind, because he remembers everything.
The doorbell interrupts and Tae-joo is shocked to find the building security guard at his door to seek from a neighbor in a noise complaint. Tae-joo strikes a smile, saying that he was some exercise equipment installation that seems to convince the guard. Dammit.
Tae-joo tears back into the room for everything to look, it is that Dr. Kang did make noise could be used (although I find it funny how much furniture in the room is for them to throw if they wanted). He finds the spoon in her chair hidden and asking if she was planning her escape, almost as if it were a betrayal.
Dr. Kang says she will not try to escape, and admits that she was wrong to think only of him Seo-jin recovery approach. They assured him that they do not leave, is now even if he let her go, and he suddenly sees so hopeful and childlike as he asks quietly why. She says that Seo-jin is already on the way to be healed, and now it's Tae-joo's turn to face the past and learn how to trust again.
Hana calls for the night to make an appointment, and Tae-joo says Dr. Kang who is Hana a perfect example of the trust. He says that they all trusted him, and asks ominously, what he could have her convinced that in the course of twelve hypnotherapy. Shiver.
cousin Seung-yeon eventually makes itself useful and finds out that the specialist Chairman Dad in the country flying is an expert in dissociative. This is enough to confirm his suspicions, and he calls a meeting emergency board over before about Chairman Dad.
Seung-yeon explains that he turn Wonderland is running, otherwise it will be his guess about Seo-jin to share the disease with the board, and let them do their own digging. He's a weasel, but he's pretty smart about it; I'll give him that. Chairman Dad's mad, but he also reminds Seung-yeon, he never answered threats he even gave his son, when he was kidnapped after all. He admits that the decision regretting but also enjoys the fact that he can not change.
The board meeting begins and Seung-yeon says that it is time for miracles director to choose, and that Seo jin would be the natural choice, if only his health was not a problem. Chairman Dad cuts for evidence in question, but Seo-jin takes a few minutes late and accepts some announcements to make his own.
to everyone's Much, Seo-jin suggests that Seung-yeon should the director have position, and that he himself take shock six months leave. Seung-yeon do not know what to think, and wonders what's up suspiciously Seo-jin. I'll laugh when he turns the job down, just because he believes that Seo-jin Jedi Mind Tricks draws.
Seung-yeon sloooowly to ensure checked that the bathroom is empty, before erupting into hilarious childish foot-stomping dance of joy, to decide that it does not matter, as it is-it got his job. He refers to his reflection in the mirror before taking a big cheesy thumbs-up. I'm so embarrassed for you now.
Chairman Dad puts in Seo-jin for runaway and abandonment, to decide that it was all to think together, that Seo-jin would never amount to anything right. Seo-jin is calm as he replies that he's not giving up-he prepared for a fight.
He says this to a fight for his life, and he has finally before the kidnapping wanted everything on the way. He says he will even surpass the expectations of his father, and I love how Secretary Kwon suddenly a suppressed grin breaks behind him in. It warms my heart, it does.
Secretary Kwon sticking out his tongue, until they reach Seo-jin office, and then wanders about how he did the right thing back there. Seo-jin sees him only as he is a freak, but does not keep him from it.
Secretary Kwon says that it is hard enough to change, and thinks that it is more impressive when you can change someone else, refer to Hana. He urges Seo-jin, not to lose it, in spite of Robin complication. He muses that there is much about five years ago, then catches himself in mid-sentence.
Seo-jin not shrug and say that it is different this time. He admits that it is a similar situation that he and Robin have feelings for a woman. But he adds: "..... One thing is different Mich Even if everything else is equal, I'm different I have changed When changing love, I love you" Secretary Kwon him only gives a silent oooooooooh . to find
Tae-joo smirks seo-jin on his door and takes the opportunity to chat about the IPO with the case. He calls it professional curiosity when he mentioned Seo-jin transformation, and Seo-jin agrees openly admits that he is in a way now changes that he could never have, because at that time he was. I think he means to itself, but of course Tae-joo takes the worst.
Seo-jin says he everything thanks to the recent kidnapping recalls, and Tae-joo asks if he is anything reminds that it is for the apology. Seo-jin says it is-something he has to beg for forgiveness on his knees.
Tae-joo suggests that he start with an apology to Soo-hyun and Seo-jin, he no longer wants to say, but now. Tae-joo tense at that again and stares icily as Seo-jin, he says other memories and recalled and need to share them first with Soo-hyun.
Seo-jin tells him about his condition to Hana professing and says that her shock must've been strict. But Tae-joo counters that Robin shock is probably even greater, pointed out that Robin see this as an attack on its existence. Seo-jin had not thought of it that way, but Tae-joo explains how fragile Robin identity, and how easily he could break if threatened. That alarms Seo-jin, and he asks himself if what happened five years ago could happen again.
Hana currently asking about this very incident, and secretary Kwon writhes in his seat. He tries through them to shine and asks if it is not enough that Seo-jin has changed, but Hana repeats what Seo-jin told her to, it is not love, if he could not show all of herself she. She says she needs to love or do not know.
At her insistence, secretary Kwon finally there and tells her that five years ago, Robin and Seo-jin liked the same woman. They kept the twin cover story for a while, but finally got in the lie caught. They had to tell her the truth, and the woman responded as she had seen a monster and left.
Back to Tae-joo place, Seo-jin asks what it means that Robin could break and Tae-joo asks if Robin before traumatic slightly depending has seen how the loss of a loved one. He explains that for Robin, whose greatest uncertainty is his identity, a bit concerned to take him about that a tougher reaction than in a normal person incite.
Secretary Kwon his story continues and tells Hana that leave after the woman, Robin was so traumatized about his lack of identity that he was Dr. Kang, to see and asked her to destroy it. It was basically a suicide mission, and Dr. Kang hypnotized him and got close to getting completely from Robin los ... if Terry appeared. Oh no, there is another personality in there?
Without the backstory to know, Tae-joo says Seo-jin, that if something were Robin to cause enough stress that it broke, a third identity could occur. Seo-jin immediately thinks in his head: "Terry ..." Tae-joo says it is rare with dissociative for a patient only have two personalities, and asks if Seo-jin ever encountered a third. He is that he has not.
Secretary Kwon says Terry is violent and unpredictable, and that he tried to kill Dr. Kang. It took the entire security team to subdue him, and he was gone, as he lost consciousness. From that moment on, Robin disappeared five years.
Hana can not understand, Robin has a violent alter ego and secretary Kwon says Terry is why Seo-jin so careful in the last five years to hurt anybody again.
Tae-joo on path Hana to see him later in the day, and they will chat to a picturesque place. They want more to know about Seo-jin state, and Tae-joo committed in a very soft statement that it is no different than any person have several facets of their personality. He describes all men as with light and dark sides, although Hana is to be seen as the same thing, fighting
Tae-joo says that there really is only one important difference :. Memory. He says that for normal people, no matter how many pages there are, remember the same experience, but people with dissociative identity disorder may not share the same memories, and do not know what the other facets of themselves do or feel. He confused me with his intelligibility. Okay, his face. That is part of it, I'm sure.
Tae-joo says comes from his doctor side, then he says, is to offer his thoughts on Hana position in all this. He says it does not matter if it so that it will cause pain to him, because their life is what counts. He asks if love is not to share the same time and memories with someone, and asks how love without these things is possible.
Hana admits that she does not know and has no idea if they leave before of output anxiety or fear and that they do not ignore Seo-jin and Robin feelings. Lets you specify a reference to the past slip out, and if it fails to say more, Tae-joo hypnotized to betray her to him what she knows.
Tae-joo goes directly home before Dr. Kang to feed and needs only one word to explain: Terry. He says he knew it was no such thing as someone has a split personality, which saves only one and makes beautiful things, and says that it is time to draw the real Robin. to meet
Hana heads over Woo-jung and come back to Editor min ago Woo-Jung comes down. Hana tells him that she knows the truth about Robin and Seo-jin and knows that he knows. He is shocked and tells her that Robin to tell her to want mentioned, but do not feel ready. He is still finding it difficult to make the most of the time to think.
Woo-jung just happens to arrive in time to hear that Robin and Seo-jin are not twins, and Papa is forced to say, the truth. She takes it hard, and Hana lands comforts her as she cries herself to sleep.
Robin wakes that night and still have flashes Seo-jin memories, and runs back to where he saw Hana hoping their last. He calls secretary Kwon, desperate and at his wit's end.
Secretary Kwon sighs that he talked to Hana, and prefaces his next statement by saying that he really likes the little brother Robin. But he points out that Robins reality that he can not even get a national identification number, as it is that he expects to take responsibility for Hana? He slumps against the wall, remain the question on your mind.
Hana texts, ask to meet him, but the theater rushes, Tae-joo is there waiting, watching from the projection booth when. In flashback, we see that, while he was hypnotized, her phone programmed Robin to send a text.
Robin runs in the darkened theater and Tae-joo turns to reveal the headlights Dr. Kang in a chair tied, sitting eerily motionless with his back to Audience. Robin approaches and found them unconscious and then Tae-joo projects a series of hypnotic images on the giant screen in front of him.
The images are designed to provoke all his fears, and Robin expression changes, it goes towards Dr. Kang looking suddenly very predatory. Tae-joo: "Welcome, Terry."
Robin / Terry Peers Dr. Kang down and shake them awake, and at the same time, Tae-joo sends Hana a video of what is in the theater going. It calls Robin repeated, but he does not answer, so she asks Detective Na to trace the number that you sent the video.
Back in the theater, Robin / Terry edges closer and closer to Dr. Kang, until it is secured against a wall, still handcuffed with his hands behind his back. He says not a word, but only raises a hand to her neck with an expressionless face.
She screams: "Robin" in front of their eyes in terror down, and then his eyes flicker. All memories of the flood Robin of people back in, save and he starts to lower his hand. Maybe Terry is not anything separate identity yet?
His phone rings again, and this time he answered it. Hana asks him to wait just a little longer, because it comes to him, and Robins eyes fill with tears in conflict. She asks him to say something, to promise that he'll wait.
After another pause, Robin finally opens his mouth and says quietly: ". I want to live" that seems to break the dam, and it is so unsteadily, "I want to live I do not want to disappear.." Begins Hana crying and says: "Live We will live.."
Robin throws a tear on it, and it pulls him back into the moment. He replaces hastily Dr. Kang ropes and leads her to the door.
Tae-joo goes from shock to anger when he Robin gears turn clocks and sets gas from the theater to make his escape. Will you just let her go if she can tell everyone who you really are? Maybe he has no choice at this time.
Hana and the cops come as Robin Dr. Kang made through the emergency exit, and the police escort Dr. Kang from when she falls limp and cough. Detective Na comes, but you go on to the ambulance leaves, and ugh, why do I feel that he is not going to regret this right to ask second to her about her captors?
inside, all other clearing up and Hana breath catches at the sight of Robin. He smiles at her, and she runs to him, her arms around his waist wrapping
hold each other and he is restrained as he speaks. "I ... want to live. I want to live, but ... I want to live as Robin. As Robin, saves people and that you" Closing Caption :. to love Another day and love to this day is why I am here
Poor Robin. I do not really blame him for cracking, although it is irritating to know that he's got a dark side. Can a Hyde have their own Hyde? I'm sure there are millions of different ways that can break identities, but I'm fascinated by the idea that a secondary identity of its own secondary has identity as an endless hall of mirrors. However, Robin seems to have a better handle on its Hyde, almost as if they do not separate at all, and I can not decide if this is better or worse. In today's case, it's a relief, because I do not want to kill Robin and Seo-jin Dr. Kang and break forever. But it makes me wonder if Robin loss of self is a door that things dark, in which case its destruction is not just something that is healthy for Seo-jin, but necessary to keep Terry, and who knows, what made otherwise.
It is interesting that the language to speak, of Robins end the destruction or disappearance, death is never used. It seems worse than death, the idea that you never lived in the first place, never, ever leave traces to have been to have. I find that I like Robin character so much more when it raw and desperate to live as if he just in love or happy. I feel like it to capture for proof that he is really here, as he is afraid that he might be a figment of the imagination really. And it's killing me that the only thing he wants-a life is self-impossible. I suppose there is a chance that he will completely take over, but no longer to hide with Seo-jin of its problems, it is not likely. I'm afraid that he now really for the control Seo-jin is a challenge that he wants it badly enough, not that there is such a bad thing for the conflict would ratchet.
The last scene was the first time that I Hana emotions come through ~~ POS = TRUNC it has seen me think for the first time that they really love Robin and everything could risk to keep him here. Up to this point, I feel it honestly do not. Maybe there is hope for this romance yet, now that they have something to lose. Hana acceptance and interpretation of Seo-jin disorder have a lot to do with how this relationship goes, because right now she is still so or so-Seo-jin can swing, the enemy could they be happy forever after with Robin Ultimately, or she could warm up to the idea that they are the same guy.
I still feel strange about the latter, although I know that it's perfectly logical, especially because I agree with Tae-joo (if he not be angry). The fact that Seo-jin and Robin can not share memories, is definitely what keeps them separated, but when he raises the question of love the way it makes ask if memory is so important me to love how it seems. Because if amnesia in drama country has taught me anything, it's that the absence of memory has no hold on love is. The fact that Seo-jin and Robin in love with the same girl fell once before also supports the idea that they are the same depth that maybe they can not always help loving the same person. That is, it is better to sit with me that Robin begins to divide in Seo-jin memories, because that is the best of both worlds both sides of a person is present but un-compartments. It does not detract from Robins existential fears or the weight of his conflict everyone, but it gives me hope that there is a way out of this, the tears do not end there.
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