Recap And Reviews Kdrama Marriage is not dating: Episode 16 (Final)

Recap and reviews korean drama Marriage is not dating: Episode 16 (Final) -

Marriage Not Dating wraps around it in a satisfactory and poetic way to bring us back full circle to remind us why we loved all of this couple so much. They remain true to themselves, as the show creates nice to tie all the loose ends, to leave me like everyone gets the feeling the ending they deserve. It's definitely made his mark as a memorable and wonderful fun drama, and I know I'll miss Ki-tae and Jang-mi and her crazy, messed-up family very.

EPISODE 16: "Yet marriage"

Ki -Tae and Jang-mi are in their wedding finery, at an altar under a stormy sky, both looking angry and hurt. Jang-mi says: "Let us work together." Ki-tae asks if that's what she really wants, with no regrets, and she replies stonily that it is. Ki-tae turns around and walks away, let Jang-mi on the altar at rest.

In the present, the business picked up again on "Ju Jang-mi" thanks Ki-tae mother of Kimchi, and Jang-mi, Hyun-hee, and Yeo-Reum are on top of the world. But Ki-tae has the unenviable task Jang-mi burst the bubble by telling her mother breast cancer, and she hears in teary silence as she thinks herself how life is full of surprises, and the worst is always together with the best.

Jang-mi goes straight to her mother, who would rather talk about how she hurt that Jang-mi not tell her she was from Ki -Tae really. Jang-mi says that is not important, and asks why mom dad not told she has with surgery in two days. She thinks Dad will drop the divorce if he knows, but Mama says that's why he can not know - Dad makes an impression and come back, and she is stuck with it.

While they speak, Ki-tae will happen to the envelope of postcards from Dad and steals them. Mom scolds him a tattletale for his, telling him that they will never accept him and Jang-mi, and kicks them both out. Ki-tae, it proposes to go see her father as they now have his address.

When he travels Ki-tae tries to ease the atmosphere, but he is thwarted at every turn by Jang-mi bad mood. Finally he pulls on a service area (against their will) over and orders lunch and said he needs energy to sustain them while they, she takes out angrily at him. He finally gets to say by eating Jang-mi, that as soon as the food can leave off. So cute.

Jang-mi asks why Ki-tae was her mother in the first place to see, and he says he was jealous that they so much affection was always by his mother and he wanted the same from her mother. She is grateful that he did, because now her mother did not have to have surgery alone.

see the small pond where Dad is spending his days fishing, but he is not there. Ki-tae noted Jang-mi looks pale and she runs to throw, but luckily only there is so much to eat on a nervous stomach (and perhaps also because Ki-tae grabbed just and fear the shit out of her).

Ki-tae provides Jang-mi to take to the hospital or the pharmacy or married ... Jang-mi is to get, "Stop! Wait, what?" Reaction is invaluable. She throws him to joke to cheer her up, but he mumbles that he would not risk his life on the line for that. Jang-mi will wait until they are safe, but Ki-tae is now safe, and Jang-mi gives it an epic addition to the eyes.

She tells him it is not the right time, because everything that their parents are going through, and tells him to take it again. But Ki-tae is sure her parents will form, and even betting on it, if their parents get back together, Jang-mi has to marry him. I love his argument that, if the worst Before they know can work, then surely they will.

Jang-mi want what was in her father's postcards to know to make as sure Ki-tae (he previously told her it was the sweetest love letter he ever read, hee) and grabs her by him. He complained, and they gorgeous tickle Hug Wrestle for possession of the envelope. A passing fisherman taking the envelope when Ki-tae find it, and says that he knows the man who wrote it, and that he now had to Seoul on the way its chicken to close the restaurant.

to to dad to sell the restaurant, Jang-mi is staked on soju is pretty drunk by the time to find him, and he roars at Ki-tae of the nerves that show here. Ki-tae stammers that he's dating Jang-mi, the Dad angered even further, and he shoves Ki-tae against the wall screamed at him for his daughter hanging but no intention to marry her.

Jang-mi's insistence that she makes about marriage unsure just Dad more angry and he wants to know what Ki-tae did to make her insecure. When Jang-mi asks what ever did Dad give Mom insurance, it takes all the fight right out of him, but the news that mom has cancer it hits even harder.

Jang-mi tells her father to go to the hospital, but he says that he will not be, because if her mother did not tell him that she was sick must mean it they really hate him. He believes that his presence will only make you excited and you will feel worse. Oh, that's so sad.

Outside Ki-tae hugs Jang-mi and tells her to go see her mother, and he will stay with Dad. She says sadly that their bet is over because their parents never see eye to eye, but Ki-tae still has hope. They tried to see again what is in the envelope, but Ki-tae promises to show her if their bet is really over.

Jang-mi climbs into bed with her mother and promises to be her partner and she never left. Mom says that sounds terrible, but Jang-mi says as long as Mama is against Ki-tae, she stuck with her, making Mom a little smile.

Meanwhile Ki-tae drink with Dad, the to down enough calm to say that he understands that Ki-tae was careful with Jang-mi be. They commiserate about how hard it is to be women who need to talk everything out, while men just get each other without speaking. although Hilariously, Ki-tae says he likes how it is easy to say just a few words to a woman, and everything is in order. Tip hint , Dad. Speak with your wife.

Ki-tae Mom sitting alone late at night and is joined by the grandmother, who also can not sleep. Grandma says she has something to confess and ask if mom remembers when they left home with Ki-tae. She tells Mom that Ki-tae of them as his happiest days of thinking, but Mama remembers them as lazy days. She did not cook or clean, only spent all their time with their son. Granny Says therefore Ki-tae was so happy.

Sorry Grandma says it's time to let go of Mom. She gives her permission to be, to stop the perfect wife and daughter-in-law, and tells her just to go Ki-tae Mom. Mom is crying tears of relief, and asks what grandma will do without them. Mi-young enters the room after all listened, and says Oma her has, and it will be fine. All three women in sobs dissolve and holding each other, but they are not sad tears - they are tears of love and understanding. ~ ~ sniffle

Ki-tae and Jang-mi talk to her mother a doctor who is optimistic about its operational forecasting. The only concern is that they lose this breast, but Ki-tae says Jang-mi to worry because he knows a great doctor. Se-ah goes directly to a keyword, and provides the reconstruction surgery at the same time to do as the distance, so Jang-mi mother must not live with only one breast by the shock.

Jang-mi mother is waiting for her surgery, and she is the only patient in the space alone. She sighs with all other ladies who have husbands, boyfriends and sons to support them, but pretends indifference when her own husband shows up. Awww. texts to leave him, but he says he can not read it because he smashed his cell phone in anger and he wants to talk to her face to face. Now finally .

He gives her a passbook showing a balance of over ₩ 50 million (about $ 50.000), which he got from the sale of chicken stand. She is touched that he sold the place so much hated, but holding on to her pride and says she's glad she sick because he finally left after she was ill. He screams that he never wanted a divorce, and he is angry that she did not tell him that she was sick.

Mom argued back with a wibbly voice, yes, she's sick, and so is everyone else here, but the other patients, they say, be continued since this is more riveting than a drama (ha). Dad asks haltingly, if he can stay with her, but Mom is stubborn and tried to give the passbook back. It's nice, like the other women in the waiting room Mom urge you to take the money and throw the man, but the men are all "These women are so untrue!" Mom reluctantly takes the money (and dad), to a round of applause.

Jang-mi and Ki-tae watch from outside the room, and Jang-mi cries a few tears and notes that the reunification deserves their parents. You go for a walk and Jang-mi asks her father to see the letter, but says it's nothing special when she sees that they only ask if Mom has eaten, or if they do not get sick. Ki-tae replied that "nothing special" is something very special, because only special occasions together as his parents do not spend a lot of means.

Ki-tae wonders if he proposes now to begin that the bet results are in, but Jang-mi stops him again. She wants an extravagant proposal, but Ki-tae argued that he prefers the simple everyday conversations as her father's letters. Jang-mi says she is worried that he is proposing, because her mother is ill and he wants to take care to take them. Asks Ki-tae to wait, but he rightly says, if they wait until the whole drama is over, it will never happen.

Jang-mi pouts that Ki-tae proposal is not very romantic. Ki-tae says only that life is uncertain and full of twists, and you never know what can happen, and there is no such thing as an absolute guarantee that the marriage will last, but he still wants to marry her and love her forever. Jang-mi cracks finally smiles and counters that you can not trust people, but she wants to trust Ki-tae. And keep them busy.

Jang-mi asks if he is not something to him to take back the whole thing for them like oh, perhaps a ring, and he shrugs, she commands. Hee. You can not do the romantic things without fighting. He pulls her out of her cranky but in voiceover Jang-mi says that at that time, they never expected the worst life twist, the green light for their wedding.

Ki-tae Mom serving tea to grandma and Mi-young and says that she thinks were about what Grandma said. Before they can announce their decision, running up comes in Dad excited to tell you that he has been transported to the University President. I love how all three of the women's faces are like, So what Jerkface. When he asks for congratulations, Mama says he should congratulate her, so he starts with the lip as he owes it all to her. He thanks her and asks for something in return ... a divorce. Dad's shocked face is so satisfying.

He turns to Grandma for the support, but Grandma tells him to give her a divorce. Mom asks for the house and invites grandma and Mi-jung not to live with it as in-laws, but as friends. The women are so affected as Dad is appalled, and they all hug again Dad out in the cold to leave. Sooo satisfactory.

After a successful operation, Jang-mi father cuts fruit for mom and tells her to open his plan a pizza delivery place. That it is not much better than chicken Grouches and lets him know that she still hates him, but she has him back to take not to burden Jang-mi. She says that they accommodate Jang-mi wedding be the money from the sale of chicken used to claim that they resist only because Ki-tae mother was so rude and whoops as it is, come to visit.

The two women talking alone, and Ki-tae Mom apologized for their behavior so far. Jang-mi's mother says she Jang-mi and Ki-tae commitment much more cautious nature of that time, but Ki-tae Mom says she the opposite and keep out, it has decided to do. She says she wants her marriage to be their own, but Jang-mi mother asks if she is not Jang-mi ask for rituals to cook and so on.

Ki-tae mother promises will not, because they divorce is always. She grins that she got the house, the Jang-mi Mom impressed. Jang-mi Mom congratulates her and asks her secret, and the two women laughing for the first time together. These two are going to be besties, right?

A few months later, a now shows Hyun-hee watches a new chef in the restaurant, and Yeo-Reum says Jang-mi, that this is his replacement. He says that he started this restaurant for them, and that he wants to cook many other types of food he got, he is striking out on his own. He offers his recipes for sale and bids farewell to her, and in voice-over, she says that this parting of the beginning of the wedding was trouble. have

Ki-tae parents a glass of wine at a bar where Dad tried to act miserable without her, but Mama calls him on his BS and said she saw he pull missing key from the outside. HA. She tells him that she does not regret their time together, but that does not mean she was happy - she did to keep their best to live with their choice. She says Dad responsibility for his love to take, and find fulfillment.

Mom turns to go, but Dad grabs crying on the arm that he has lost everything, so what is good love? Ki-tae not even invited him to the wedding. Mom shakes him off and said that what Ki-tae wanted, but makes him pity invite back to throw.

Ki-tae and Jang-mi a candlelit bubble bath at night before her wedding to enjoy. Jang-mi says he Ki-tae like a wet rat first saw when she saw (thrown from his date, the water on him) him, but agree that he looked so sexy that they later the juice to him just threw it all look wet and sexy again. They reminisce about all essential points of their relationship, teasing and joking gorgeous.

Ki-tae, it proposes the bathroom after her honeymoon rebuild, say it is a bit small, as it tries to their side of the tub to Scootch over. Jang-mi she says the small tub like, and they canoodle as she says in voiceover, at this point, that they each still familiar.

It is the day of the wedding, and again we see Ki-tae and Jang-mi at the altar when she tells him she should just fold, and he agrees and stems from. He told the wedding coordinator to the fold umbrellas from the tables, even if he thinks that it is because a storm is brewing a bad idea. Jang-mi argued that the forecast predicted, it would clarify and the bride gets their way so the umbrellas come.

Yeo-Reum approaches them and grabs Ki-tae in a bear-hug when Ki-tae pouts that he is just Jang-mi. Yeo-Reum escorted Jang-mi to their waiting room, and Ki-tae overheard him say something about money wiring and becomes suspicious. He overheard them about how much money Jang-mi sent talk Yeo-Reum, but his mother pulls him off and he does not hear the rest of their conversation.

Se-ah comes Jang-mi, congratulate, the jokes that her mother loves her new breast, but her father loves hee. She invites Se-ah its bar, but Se-ah says she can not drink for a while, because her dream come true - she is pregnant. Jang-mi face freezes in terror, and they can not even smile for their wedding photos. Hyun-hee notices something is wrong, and Jang-mi asks to obtain Ki-tae, for them.

Ki-tae, the wedding guests are greeted (and is glomped by an overly enthusiastic Hoon-dong, nice), where he and his mother of the female family members on grilled her divorce and be not invite his father. Dad shows and Mama confesses invited to have, but Hyun-hee takes to get Ki-tae, before it can access any of it.

An annoyed Jang-mi asks if Ki-tae was Se-ah, a baby, but he did answer the question offended yourself. He countered with the question of why she was Yeo-Reum money, and she says that it's business and takes offense again on his suspicions. The wedding coordinator since she comes Hoon-dong to get the groom has called down the hallway for several minutes, but Jang-mi screaming that they do not get married feeling this way.

The Angriest groom stomps ever down the aisle, and Jang-mi does not look much happier when her father accompanied him. Ki-tae refuses makes it worse to her about the matter, so that when it comes time for Ki-tae to take over from her father, she wants to take his arm. Before anyone claims Jang-mi know from her if Ki-tae's hiding something.

He explains that he did not, and that they only look for themselves. You (and every single wedding guest) look where Se-ah sits, looks very smooth with the salesperson 3D technology on her arm. Ha!

absolved from guilt, Ki-tae asks what Jang-mi hiding, and she tells him she paid Yeo-Reum only for its part of the bar, as he leaves , The busybodies Gong ladies who above all have been complaining now take offense that the only heir to the family Bar marries owner. Jang-mi Mom yells at her, "What's wrong with a bar?" Hyun-hee is to defend her friend, which is the first Hoon-dong mother has heard her participation in the bar, and soon was taken over the entire wedding by fighting and bickering.

Just when she thought it could not get worse, the sky opens and it starts to pour. All wedding guests in coverage, so that Ki-tae and Jang-mi standing alone at the altar in the rain. Jang-mi says in voice-over, the obtained by the life in life, the worst things that can happen during the best of times, but you can, because the best things come to the worst.

Soaked and abandoned by family and friends, Ki-tae and Jang-mi see each other only and begin to laugh. Jang-mi giggles as "she" is the wedding, and Ki-tae agrees. They exchange rings in the pouring rain, as Jang-mi thinks like marriage, it is not only about them, but both of their families. There will be many family problems, but the marriage is worth to be together.

with rain seal the deal kisses. Many of them.


Well, Jang-mi, the words took right out of my mouth - their wedding was so perfect "they!" it would not be felt right if it had gone off without a hitch, because their relationship is always full of struggles and drama was. But the fact that it was a total disaster, but they still came on the other side out smiling and loving each other and accept each other and failure of all, was the perfect wedding show to top it off.

In fact, my favorite thing about this drama, now that it's over, is that everyone remained true for basically. This applies to both the parents and the lines, because none of them really changed dramatically; they learned only to accept yourself and take responsibility for their own happiness. No one had a personality transplant to have someone to love them ... yes, they changed some, but she was just better versions of themselves. Previously, their quirks and hangups holding them back, but they learned these qualities in yourself take and use them in a positive way, rather than having to be in control of the personality trait.

The best example is Jang-mi tendency of happiness to think of others before their own ... in the beginning, they have this habit to the extent that run their lives, that they never get what they sign up for it wanted to make the other person was happy. Instead Jang-mi to give personal satisfaction, this led only to her by her friends and family dismissed and overlooked. But now she has learned that the quality to use in themselves, to help others, such as set their own discomfort aside time and again to reach to Ki-tae mother, and help her to find their own happiness ,

Ki-tae probably did most change over the course of the show, because he had to learn the people in his life have to (physically and emotional) to know that it is worthwhile to win to bring outdoors in orderliness. Protect yourself to the point that all and shut all can live a safe way, but it's not a happy way to live. He had to learn that, while you may be injured if you reach one, you can win even immeasurable happiness, and perhaps that is worth experiencing heartache in the process. But I believe that, although he did much growing, Ki-tae still remained substantially through the course of the show ... he just learned how to turn his protective instincts, to the people he loves rather than hold, them all for yourself.

But the best thing that the focus has been on this whole show to the family forever. None of us live in a vacuum and, good or bad, to make our families and to define who we are. Jang-mi and Ki-tae were dysfunctional because their families were dysfunctional - but as the future in-laws for the control of struggling like so many drama characters, they moved actually in those families and worked on healing. They understood that both the other family was a part of who they are, and they each held out his hand to get well from the other family to help (even if it meant that a pair splitting). I admire how the families are still, and always will be, dysfunctional because really not all families in any way? But they learned how to love and accept each other, despite that, and perhaps even because of it.

It is the acceptance of people and relations with exactly who they are, and try not to change who made Marriage Not Dating not only a fun and funny rom-com but with a heart and a soul to come with us for a long time, be liable. The best dramas are those who do not laugh for the characters and make root, but make you feel special, and I think I confident that this show can say that did, and did it well.


What a fitting end to a series on marriage and dating it does not paint the marriage as a fantasy or end-all -be-all the romance. It is in some ways the least romantic and realistic representations, as we mark that run the gamut from happily married, happily divorced for some, whose marriages resemble war comrades who are in it to the end, because no one else her pain would know. What I like most about Ki-tae and Jang-mi, the final decision is to be married, that they recognize that happily ever is but a fantasy marriages go bad, spouse cheating, love cools. But the theme of the episode is that despite the odds, they are with their eyes open and try to somehow go in. The realism optimism one-two punch only speaks to me when they propose another to love and trust, even if it is not something like always.

This series outstanding under rom-coms for its fresh on contemporary romance, its incorrect characters that were allowed to remain in error, and the lovely sense of humor that the author and director shared there was a cohesion in the writing and directing, which was tangible, that we were all feeling the right beats in the right way, which is really rare. So writes often feels heavy or diverges director because they are out of sync, but here each song a certain word, every sound effect, every move, felt like it was held us to a conscious, and that the author and director says team was always in control.

Admittedly, where we were met, was not always roses. There were obvious missteps with supporting characters, the central importance were given when we conflicts made it necessary to do crazy things to prolong this conflict, and then deported aside when they were no longer needed. And as with most dramas that take on the contract dating / marriage premise, getting your characters from the entanglement (or extends it, for that matter) turns out to be a difficult undertaking. I was impressed by the device, but it began to me nuts to drive the way we felt trapped there. The series was early at his best when the humor crackled and the couple has been lovingly forced on the surface to act as antagonism brewed under.

The signature is cold open show another one of those love-hate things I was there as a clever way, began to us for a change for our expectations, and often it worked very well, with our interpretation to lead a pun or a song one way and then take the right a sharp turn in the sequence. But once they started using starring recordings represent all wrong, which was a direct lie, it held clever and felt manipulative; they lost sense if I could begin to count only as fantasy sequences. It's a shame because they had remained the strict clever twists on expectation they would cap the coronation were show. I like that the writer was clearly experimenting, pushing the frontiers of this device; the results just were not always in my wheelhouse. At least the final was the kind of cold out openly that I had loved up early.

Marriage Dating Not a relative success for TVN was (it reached a peak of 4.2% during the episode 13 and remained mostly in the 2% do, which is good for cable) but it is a far greater success for Yeon Woo-jin and Han Groo , showed the fantastic range and now each have a leading role in a well-preserved drama under the belt. []; _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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