Recap And Reviews Kdrama Joseon Gunman: Episode 17

Recap and reviews korean drama Joseon Gunman: Episode 17 -

There is a Korean proverb that suits virtually every hero and heroine known drama land, the mountain after mountain is . As in, you practice this, all energy in a huge mountain of pain and effort to climb, only to be found at its tip that is a whole freaking other mountain hiding behind him. And before you collapse in defeat, you have to go only, otherwise you will only on that cold peaks die as fate scapegoat, and we can not have that, can we? (The saying goes not explicitly all that, but obviously it is indicated.)

specifically for better or worse, that is Yoon-kang fate in the series as a whole, and in this episode as he is able to find a degree of closure on a front ... and yet the battle is far from done, because there are more bad guys are to defeat more injustices to correct. What's to do a hero here has to earn a little peace and happy romantic times with his honey?

(Is a rhetorical question, of course, as the real answer is :. five more episodes )


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Yoon-kang Mr. Choi Home infiltrated and holds him at gunpoint. Mr. Choi goes into negotiating mode When asking this to his life and pointed out that he has the power, Yoon-kang, what he wants to give in return

Yoon-kang growls.. "Make no mistake you are ready. "military coup failed, Mr. Kim will die by the law, and if it succeeds, he will die at Yoon-kang hand.

at the house, in which the Queen of shelters, Soo-in and took Ho-Kyung are the first to be confronted with armed intruders. "stop!" Hye Choi Won-shin leads a team of armed men in, and they raise their arms but before they can make a woman's voice commands, shooting,

There is -Won what withdraws a small army of armed men. Choi Won-shin immediately, and she orders her men to capture the gunmen.

Then they presented the Queen's announcement that it is here to serve you. Both Soo-in and the queen are skeptical, knowing her father's loyalty to Mr. Kim, but Hye-won states that her father innocent of all accusations was found and is to support, in fact near the Queen protection.

[1945010Aha], clever Hye-won. She says that her father is these armed men sent by Lord Kim capturing and Soo-in, who knows the truth, gapes in shock.

In the woods, Choi Won-shin and his men corner a quartet farmers for their lives and have no idea why they are being chased begging to be. Choi gives the order, and they are shot. What are you doing?

Then he returned, these four places where he presents as the captured gunmen. Ahhhhh. Evil Bastard. Soo-in tense anxious, but she is the only one who knows that this is an act, and Choi his part acts fully, all affirm that they are now sure to protect them with him here.

Minister Kim claimed credit for this plan to tell the king that he Choi Won-shin ordered the assassins of Lord Kim remove ball. Gojong know that Minister Kim Member Suhogye but Minister Kim said he followed only because he was forced to. Dropping to his knees, he cried that he did not, that the king believe a request him, only that he spare his life; Minister Kim will then go and nobles round to support the king.

You have to give them credit: Minister Kim and Choi have planned this very clever. Choi turns to say that he was sent by Minister Kim, who requested that he sign him Ho-Kyung: ". He told me himself that you are his son" Aw. Exactly what appeal to poor Ho-Kyung who so desperately wants some sort of acknowledgment from his father.

Soo-in Hye-won attracts aside just ask what she's up. Hye-won says, it is all as it seems, and calls Soo-in again to go home. Soo-in-States find that their job is to help the queen, but Hye-won she informed that her mother needs her and-that her father was killed in the coup.

Mr. Kim will

Next, Choi Won-shin posted to show the king, have to kill that they are on his side, and will continue to do it. But when he breaks in Mr Kim's inner chamber, it is empty.

This is because it has been hijacked by Yoon-kang, who took him away to his hideout. Mr. Kim goes on and on about how the world will not change, and that the rich always act to preserve their own status, and how the aristocracy always wins. His attempts Yoon-kang to convince his plans are futile ineffective, however, and Yoon-kang just gags him to silence him.

Yoon-kang says that the needle is indeed fear, which is why they are tizzy in such to protect themselves: You know that people can one day rise against them.

But only Yoon-kang hears that armies of China on the way into town. Ack, so Gojong relented and called the Qing help, did he do? The news hits the streets fast enough, and the sight of the foreign military has people on alert. This spell doom for Suhogye members, because Qing reinforcements rebellion can be crushed, and soon herded our Sugu ministers as criminals and brought before the high court. Mr. Kim is missing in the round-up, but Yoon-kang supplies it to the court and turns to the king to punish those appropriate for their act of treachery.

Minister Kim looks deeply disturbed as part of the group arrested, but we see in retrospect that this part of his master plan is: he Choi said that he were captured with the rest. The queen will be critical for the rest of their plan, and so now Choi sitting in Lord Kim sitting and waiting in anticipation smiling.

The Queen with Hye-won competence and contributes as a commander is impressed, and she praises. She also expresses dismay at the loss of Soo-in father, who is the reason for Soo-in early departure back home. You will still half incredulous in a house in mourning, and when it goes down, that her father is really gone, she breaks into mourning.

Facing charges designing Park Jin-han of conspiracy and betrayal, the Suhogye members that Mr. break under the pressure, and a minister blurts out, Kim, also was behind everything. Gojong delivers her sentence: execution of their uprising, pardon for Park Jin-Han called crimes, with a posthumous promotion in military rank. This also means pardon for Yoon-kang through expansion and restoration for Yeon-ha from her slave status.

This is all fantastic news for our good guys, and Yoon-kang is overcome with emotion. And yet, I am restless left on the face of Mr. Kim because of the smug look. He's just lost everything, why did not he get upset

Maybe he has a card up his sleeve got, or maybe he's just a smug bastard ?; sitting in their shared prison cell, Mr. Kim chuckles Minister Kim that they are going to die, both the same way. Minister Kim replied cryptically that "we" are not dying when he these will survive.

Ah, so now the queen the king says that her rescue was orchestrated by Minister Kim and Choi Won-shin. Gojong understands that their help had failed in response to the coup they were acting only in their own interests, but the Queen points out that regardless of the motive, it is run, that they saved her life. She asks him for lenience with them while his advisers insist that they are too dangerous to let go.

The queen says Minister Kim win could prove useful on the members of the aristocracy who are the king resistant. Her nephew Min Yeong-ik Chimes in, added that Choi Won-shin has a variety of merchants under his command, which could be mobilized to support the king. Gojong fluctuated will and agrees to assign these two: He understood the risk he takes, but notes that citizens allied with the rebels, "If I can strengthen the crown, I will join hands necessary with someone." to attack the palace thus undermining the crown. With such instability on foot, "Joseon has no future."

Ho Kyung is worried about his father, but after his dismissal Minister Kim chuckles only that this is the policy at work, he saved the Queen and now he has saved his own life.

Gojong calls in Yoon-kang and initially apologizes for last so long would his father to make wrong right, and nervous rather then asks him for a favor. He hopes that Yoon-kang will be able to accept a difficult decision he has made for the good of the country, and describes the man who will work with all the dealers in the country. Yoon-kang gapes in horror when Choi Won-shin is called to protest attempted when the king told him firmly (if to satisfy even without his eye capable of telling) that despite the rancor between them, now they sake of employment.

Gojong makes it clear that they no longer go to each other, and asks for their promises. Choi Won-shin there easily. Yoon-kang refuses reminded the king that Choi killed the king's faithful scholars and his own father: "Your Highness, as you could take the hand of such a dirty person"

Gojong begs Yoon-kang to see the bigger picture, but if Yoon-kang refuses, he collects and makes it a royal command him no choice. Now he commands to promise Yoon-kang to let his resentment with Choi behind him and to forgive his crimes: Ughhh "And if not, you will again be a treacherous criminal, and your sister will again be a slave.". Well, that's only slightly, and the sign of a weak leader.

Choi smiles brought to see him in such a situation. But even so, Yoon-kang refuses to be forced and stated that he would make for his crimes Choi Won-shin pay. He says Gojong, "If you so have to stop then kill me, you do not need to feel I have now completely thrown away my trust in you..."

Yoon-kang apologizes, and the king did not stop him. "He will obey me," he says rather weak. "But you do not have to kill him," he warns Choi Won-shin.

Yoon-kang leaves that fully meet of indignant frustration, but these feelings fade into the background when he hears of Soo-in delay of the father's death. He races to her home and does his best to comfort her, while they do not know themselves to blame, plagued with guilt earlier. He promises to be forever at her side, to share in their pain and tears.

The Kaehwa scholars convene the king to discuss decision, realizing that he. The decision to protect the throne at the expense of justice "We must give up our hope for the king," said one. The time has come for them to make their move, to decide it. Ho Kyung she agrees and Kim Ok-Kyun tasks leaders to join him with another job: to be a spy. Now Minister Kim Man of leadership that will be the direction of the government, Ho Kyung is to tell his father that he wants to join his side, and then watch him carefully.

Kim Ok-Kyun warns him that it will be a difficult task, earning him several quarters contempt, and he must reveal his true intentions to anyone. Is it for the task?

Choi Won-shin to reach the Galle at Soo-in has household or perhaps it is the king who has to send the audacity to offer him gifts grief that so goes something and you would accept , Soo-in orders left him, and then Yoon-kang seems mad to pull him length.

Choi notes that Yoon-kang is as irascible as ever, saying that Choi in the same way feels to him (as in, would make him very happy do away but) restrains because the bigger picture. Yoon-kang assures him that he not only, but killing is him, he will bring him enough pain sure the wish Choi, he was dead. "I will make sure that you pay for your crimes," he says.

for Soo-in's sake, he only think of their father's funeral, and urges not this latest development. Ho Kyung comes to pay his respects, and while it can not reveal the choice he has made, he assures her that the other scholars is the work of her father look, and that he will do everything he for this purpose can.

Ho Kyung visits his father at home, and while Minister Kim treats his concern with sarcasm, Ho Kyung is so thoughtful and as always calm. Perhaps it is his steadfastness in the face of multi-year denial that ultimately Minister Kim moved that seems touches despite his own intentions; he finally extends a hand and asked Ho Kyung his side return.

Choi Won-shin out Mr. Kim in jail and asks how it feels like it to be bitten by the dog lifted. Mr. Kim admits that it is uncomfortable, and Choi says he feel lucky, he will not have much time, angry because he would run before long. Mr. Kim sputters and spits in his face, which only Choi long stirred suppressed anger; he tells him that Mr. Kim is lucky execution be confronted, that would be far more friendly than the agonizing end, which would mete Choi.

Maybe he's right about; The next day, Mr. Choi, the sword of the executioner is more friendly and meets a swift end.

An enemy has been eliminated, but Yoon-kang mission is still under way, with Choi Won-shin and Minister Kim still alive. He sends Sang-chu on reconnaissance Chois watching gunman Army.

Soo-in is given by her mother her father's diary, who that in him all the notes is about Soo-in. They pore over his writings, which bring in their pride express to bring his wish about the new world that she sees, and his dismay at not allow to enter the work in a position her the opportunity.

Then Yeon-ha in bursting the alarming news to share she has just learned that the king Yoon-kang ordered her father to forgive murderers, and what's more, rewarded him with government office. Soo-in is outraged.


Choi Won-shin, now celebrating with other merchants-now that an official position has to monitor trade created, it is each trading company in the nation catching substantially. "That's our age," he told the gathering. Hye-won, meanwhile, will be in the role of step he has just left.

The festive atmosphere of Soo-in arrival interrupted when she joins the party receiving a thunderous glare against Choi Won-shin. Hye-won tried to be quiet, but Soo-in pull not be silenced, and stated that Choi can not escape punishment for his crimes. Hye-won raises a hand to deliver a powerful blow to the face, but Soo-in blocks her time (YESSS) and tells her the same thing for them is: ". Because now you're equal"

She shares her outrage with Yoon-kang, who said that her says he will make sure that the men pay. But she points out that it would make in a criminal, and while it is true white, he says that he will find a path "a wise, smart way." Yes, please .

He expresses his frustration to think, it's had solved everything, only to find it was not. He asks her to wait longer for only a while, until he finds in this way.

The real Yamamoto finally puts in his appearance and increased if Yoon-kang his identity reclaims (Putting Hanjo behind him). But Yamamoto reminds him that he is working not been completed, and is not free to leave Yamamoto, until this is achieved. He also orders Yoon-kang, to find a way to recover the losses he is responsible for after-those obligations fulfilled, he can turn back to his Yoon-kang life.

that the backstory to obtain, we flash back to Japan three years ago. Ah, now we finally get to see what happened after Yoon-kang had been approached by this man, after he struggled on the road. This man is Hanjo, and he talks about what it's like for the famous Yamamoto work. That's when they're attacked by another gang in the street, and a sword fight breaks.

Yoon-kang starts in the fight and keeps his own. Hanjo takes quite a while, but it also falls, and Yoon-kang rushes to his side. Hanjo gasps for him to Yamamoto to rush and instructs him to take his name as a Joseon man would be a sign to him.

your group had been on his way to an important delivery to Yamamoto, the meeting with a man who decides who survives, and brought it to him. Yoon-kang presents itself as Hanjo and the question of what he would invited to work for him. Yamamoto true light, but tells Kanemaru to kill him, knowing immediately that he was an impostor-he speaks accented with a Joseon.

But it is Kanemaru, urging him risked the alternative-this man to carry his life by this association to check and they need men like him. Oh, you're going Kanemaru. No wonder he so excited Hanjo acts like a lecherous boor to see.

Kaehwa leader Kim Ok-Kyun Soo checked-in to see how it holds up, and she expresses her desire to carry out her father's unfinished work. She had also Yoon-kang like to help on rights of its injustice, but not been able to find a way to think, to do either. He assures her that she can not find a way.

Yoon-kang visiting the explosives specialist pay, which is now recovered from his accident, and suggests you give the project to try again. He builds a team of specialists (engineering, mining) and is making plans to begin work. The explosives expert sees the entire programming discomfited until he finally his backstory for shares why he came to her team, and it has nothing to do with money. He calls these mines hell, and was shocked at the working conditions. The job was so hard that no one could be borrowed, and so Choi Won-shin would send slaves. Beaten and malnourished, she would collapse from exhaustion, and when they tried to run, they were killed.

Choi Won-shin his ducks the lining of the mining operation is to resume up, and he does with Yamamoto nice to grease the wheels with him. I would be more worried about this alliance, if not for the presence of Kanemaru that is comforting.

Horrified at the accounting expert, Yoon-kang continues its transition gunman that night and makes its way into the mine. It comes only as a mutiny is about to break, guards with the slaves for food and Choi begging sneering that they do not deserve. Man raises his sword guide slaves to knock down, and Yoon-kang fires a shot quickly to take him before he does it. He shoots several of the guards until they start to disperse, but when the slaves are trying to jump on the rest and beat them down, he orders them to stop. Instead, he told them to go because these guards only act on someone else's command, and the men do not have to be told twice to run.

A young boy remains anchored in place, though, said that his father is buried here and that it can not rely on. Yoon-kang kneels into his eyes to see and tells him that his father is in his heart, urging him to go.

morning Choi Won-shin his mine will leave, and tried Yamamoto, to ensure that there will be a quick job raise new workers. Kanemaru is not so sure.

Enter Yoon-kang, who comes with his team in tow. He has to Yamamoto as coordinator of mining operations, having already taken every precaution to make it go. Yamamoto is delighted and agrees to leave Choi Won-shin fuming.

Yoon-kang informed him: "You will not be able to have something now you have to make angry, not be able to kill me, we wait and see the things are... With more and more interesting. "I certainly hope so.


It is interesting that Mr. Kim went with relatively little fanfare, as the scope of his trouble efforts in the series so far. But I can see how it is quite appropriate for him to go with a smile on his face and zero remorse whatsoever because it is the purest embodiment of the old guard of the slogan of self-interest and the status quo. He would never admit defeat or admit that his way is not the better, and so the only end for his character suitable is simply that ejects it out of the picture, but not our hero solves suffering, he was just a cog in the machine of injustice. And the work of a vigilante hero is never only done because a bad guy to be bad stopped.

I would also like more this version of pissed Soo-in to see, although I do not expect that the show actually let them act on their anger very much. I would be thrilled if it, though did, and took advantage of their grief after the death of their father, because if anything could touch her sense of righteous anger, there is evidence to see that ideals you only get so far, and are poor shielding of injustice. Maybe it's time, she and sharpened their mind, the boys and instead of ruling evil takedown into a smart, practical way, looking for the letter of the law and impotent sovereigns. Because as it turns out, the power is taken, not given by nice people who think you deserve it.

Minister Kim political ploy and Choi Won-shin slippery descent from destruction take us in a new narrative ground, and I am especially Ho Kyung place in this double fascinated -agent mission because he absolutely of worst man for the job, personality wise as a softhearted soul that he is, but to be the only person for the job. We now know, to have faith in his true nature, his loyalties will not be too much of a question mark to us, so that in this regard I wish it a little earlier, had come not only his idealism versus child exploring -devotion conflict, but also play on our insecurities. It could have been quite convincing to see him, to work both sides before we knew him so well, so we would ask which side he would eventually choose the margin. We have seen him already send into exile his father for his crimes, so that the show skips out full use of this potential conflict to make.

Nevertheless, I'm happier than not he at the spy story over, and look forward to his anxiety, especially considering that his father finally gestures of reconciliation. It's just a shame that the show happen a few dramatic decisions let them through.

So deleted with Yoon-kang father Vendetta (... ish), now we are seeing him in a protector of the people turn, standing up for people who are not directly related. I make would want the show his circle of wicked extend so that Choi Won-shin is not ever painted as the source of all evil, for this is to limit and also because we had shown him enough nuance to know that he more than that. and I'm pretty sure that much more evil in the world there is to fight as a man who also happens to be his enemy, comfortable. That's the thing about evil: It is evvvverywhere

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tags: featured, Joseon Gunman, Lee Jun-ki, Nam Sang-mi

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