Recap And Reviews Kdrama Kill Me, Heal Me: Episode 6

Recap and reviews korean drama Kill Me, Heal Me: Episode 6 -

There is time to make big decisions for Ri-jin (none of them include kisses, sorry), but it's really up to you? It is getting her big question drawn in this episode as strings in all senses. Our two main characters have to take a stand, but the threats looming large for Do-hyun, who has not only to protect his eyes, but also themselves. Despite the danger, we can still use the family moments and the promise of Friendship enjoy ... finally? Maybe?


Do-hyun and risk jin faces are apart inches, and both wondering why her heart pounding - or in Ri-jin case for whom. Asks hesitantly, "Shin Se-gi?"

Do-hyun takes her shoulders and asks her if she is confused still between them. "Should I make it so you are not confused?", He provides. Painfully slowly, he leans in to her and closes her eyes. My throbbing heart louder, and the moment before their lips touch fiiiinally, Do-hyun flops break it. Lol.

A beat later Ri-jin grabs it out and grabs his neck, face angry. He apologized hastily. He tells a heart with the other spin-offs, he did not know , the react with her, so he wanted to check -

"Why did you stopped? "she looked at him crying, and tells him to finish what he was doing, because it's something they need to confirm. He tried to backtrack, but they argued: "Even if I'm with my heart alone, it has become confused!"

He completely surprised, and she wears rages around him to get in his head. At the end of things, it warps and goes for him. He withdraws and they end up on the floor ... and enter Ri-on.

his sister looked on the Do-hyun fidgets, he yells Mom.

The next thing we know, the family dosing hyun grabs cart full of groceries. Ri-jin hangs back, totally drunk while her guest from being sent. It is inconvenient, and once it is out, turn the smile on frowns and the family rounded on her.

Mom thinks she deliberately blocked to have in the basement their way, with Do-hyun and chastises her for unclassy while Dad to quickly blames fall for a pretty face. Ri-one parting shot is that it must be quite embarrassing now the drink of subsided. Their protestations of innocence go unheard.

Not far away, Do-hyun stops his car and tried to shake off what just happened. In the dog house (ha), clinging to the family dog ​​whines Ri-jin in self-reproach.

Now back home, Do-hyun ponders Ri-jin confessed their confused feelings. He stands in front of his mirror image and a growing smile takes hold. AWW. He runs out of the bathroom.

After he leaves, the lights flicker and dim the room. With this look in his eyes, the man now in the mirror is Se-gi.

The next morning, Do-hyun shakes awake in his bed. Relieved, yet to be himself, he sits up - and is immediately shocked by the words "KILL YOU" sprayed on the opposite wall. Getting out of bed, he is met by a tangle of empty liquor bottles and cigarette on the floor. The whole house is an angry wreck broken furniture, ripped the CCTV in pieces. He startled

A voice greeted him from behind -. Se-gi. "While I was not here, you can visit the house into a prison." From a video, Se-gi Faces Do-hyun. He is angry that Do-hyun stole his happiest time away. For someone who is such a coward as have Do-hyun his girl dare kiss? Se-gi is a warning: If Do-hyun with his girl screwed up, Se-gi will mess with Do-hyun. He holds up a photo of Chae-yeon in the camera.

Chae-yeon phone rings while she is sleeping, wake Ki-joon, beside her. He checked her cell phone, and it is Do-hyun to see, it takes out of the room. Before he can say anything, starts Do-hyun in anxious questions about their safety, but is relieved when he hears Hyung was with her yesterday. He thanked Ki-joon exuberant, and asks for a favor.

now awake, Chae-yeon asks who it was. When she is anxious to learn more about his cousin, he told her Do-hyun never asked him to alone leave. "I almost cried," he says dryly. It is at Do-hyun pettish fraternal concern.

In his video, Se-gi rightly says everything Do-hyun probably just did, including call Chae-yeon to confirm their safety. He repeated his warning: Se-gi of the girl was better to stay safe when Do-hyun his girl wants to stay safe.

Do-hyun rips the screen in a fury down, and Chief Ahn arrives just in time to keep him from bad back. Do-hyun, he says taking a gamble thinks.

Ri-jin lies in bed thinking about the near-kiss that makes them squirm in humiliation. It is by a call from Dr. Park (stored in her cell phone as a "Take a deep breath before answering") interrupted, who tells her to get her butt to the hospital.

Once there, Dr. Park told her a VIP wants to visit at home and asked them specifically. He pushes a confidentiality agreement to it, and the name at the bottom is ... Shin Se-gi. Asks Dr. Park to forgive someone else, but it does not move and physical casts out of his office.

Ri-jin is deposited outside his home. The red Ferrari in the driveway gives her flashbacks to her last trip to her, as well as other memories of that night: the toy, Se-gi to tell her to choose between them. The kiss. Him asked them to bring Do-hyun to sleep. She is about to turn tail when Dr. Seok words come back to her, to tell her that Se-gi to avoid, is not the answer.

With a sigh, she goes in.

She gasps at the state of his house. His back turned to her, she rants him and asks if he is going to ask Do-hyun put to sleep again. This gets his attention.

He stands and noted that they not think to ask him about Se-gi, log of her in front of her. Realizing now that he is Do-hyun, she clarifies that Se-gi asked only that after they met Do-hyun. But why did he call them here under Se-gi name?

Do-hyun his test agreed to see if it responds to Se-gi summons. As the two of them seem to be closer than he thought, what if them together to sleep worked to put him? So he decided to get on his side instead, and asks her to be his secret doctor.

Ri-jin tells Do-hyun is not qualified or experienced enough to treat him. The reason why they is best qualified Do-hyun counter, because the only person Se-gi is cooperating with. He wants to convince them Se-gi give reintegration therapy in three months, and guarantee Do-hyun security until then.

asks for timeline it, and he says he plans to go to the US, then, after what he has to do. It is to be brought frustrated in this position over the two of them and rejects.

Do-hyun response to this setback is to call her boss and to process it to her farewell. Problem solved, he informed them. It is now out of work, and he offers her a really good, well-paid job. She is spitting mad.

Plagued by Ki-joon theory that Do-hyun must have a girlfriend, Chae-yeon at his home will come in time to leave Ri-jin.

to see

alone, Do-hyun is in his memoirs to meet Ri-jin and kissed her lost, to ask her his name. His reverie is broken by Chief Ahn, from the control room (so he was all the time? Lol). He asks if Do-hyun strategy is to use Se-gi woman he to get rid of. No, says Do-hyun - it is protect it from him.

chief Ahn also worry about Chae-yeon, but Do-hyun assured him that Ki-Joon got her back. But Ri-jin, the situation is different. Even if Do-hyun avoids, there is nothing Se-gi she chooses to stop. To protect the two women and himself, he must keep them close enough -. But not too close

Chae-yeon phones Do-hyun to be demanding in He pretends he is not at home, but she calls him out. on the lie.

, so they go to a cafe, where Do-hyun over Chae-yeon sits not meet her eye. She asks if he fights because he found out that she and Ki-joon operate. Way it about you to make lady. Do-hyun is confused about the right to know why that should upset him, and she replies that it's because it his first love. With a heartbreaking little smile, he muses that she knew then. He reminds them of their contempt for him.

He allowed that she was his first love, but he gave up when he had found for Ki-joon feelings. Chae-yeon, remembers that he secretly took a picture once he appreciated her, and that he someone who cherishes. Do-hyun, but it cuts off. He points out that she does not want him say, but not that he wants to be with someone else, it is keeping dangle it easy. Without hostility, he says to her: "Stop it, it is no longer fun.." Agreed. He tells her not to come back with him.

Ri-jin and Dr. Seok eat together and she complains about Do-hyun high-handed tactics. He appeased that it is only a break, no burning. But her point is they it did not choose, "A selfish bastard my life is in control!"

Who the hell is he, she asks - a kind of second-generation chaebol? Third, the Doc tells her. Haha. The silence brings them for a second, and it expands on his Seungjin background and the group of financial support of the hospital. But it is not change their status.

But Dr. Seok has something else in mind. Johns Hopkins offered a slot for one of his doctors to study there for a while, and he suggests she goes. He advises her to turn Do-hyun proposed below -. And do not hate him too much

Dr. Seok words follow her home, such as Do-hyun is not suddenly selfish or to be unreasonable, and how he always takes responsibility. And he scared people get hurt because of him, the concern Do-hyun does and every moment of his life to fight. So when to ask for help, then it is because it is the only way

Ri-on works away on his manuscript, in a passage that sounds very much as it describes Ri-jin and Do-hyun. Two people are poised to unlock a Pandora's box of memories that must not be opened, which whispers to them to remember, "on that day, what happened between you and her."

Ki-joon mind is the mother of Min Seo-yeon's alleged child. She asks her husband, what if the child was a boy? That would shake the Seungjin successor and perhaps injured Ki-joon, but left Dad says they found him first, then, and to win him over to their side.

out of his window, Ri-one thinks he sees a ghost. He starts sobbing with fear, "I think I killed too many people!" Ohmylols, Ri-on - as you write books frightening if you are such a coward? His ghost is a zombie-like Ri-jin, and when he comes in, he practically wet in it. I think runs in this family screaming.

At breakfast, Ri-jin told the family that she goes to study for six months abroad. But if the good news, why did she run around like a ghost, asks Dad. She's forced her chaebol job offer and Ri-on combines to explain their dilemma as a rice cake to have in each hand and not knowing what to eat.

Ri-jin is likely that she wants to throw them both away and live freely as they did before. She is asking for their opinions and tell her sweet, it is to meet them choice.

has it fallen below later than every parent you seek to tell her what they really think: Mom wants them to stay the chaebol job and take, and Papa thinks that they should go abroad. When Ri-one finds her, she jumps on him first :. "I thought that you respect all my decision" Ri whimpers about that he just wanted to take the dog out

On their way, Ri-on takes the chaebol an old man, and wonders aloud what he wants her, needs. For someone who do not want treatment and has to keep his condition a secret, it must be a lonely struggle. A doctor is not everything needs a mentally ill person, he says. What he needs most is a friend - he probably does not want anyone right now has at his side and does not know how to ask or share to help that he fights

Ri-jin digested this and wonders if they should then help him. Your choice, says her brother. Depending on what it is, then he is proud of her and tells her confident to choose. To himself, he added that he would be behind her, ready to help with winged shoes, her elegant escape should things get too hard.

Ki-Joon has a staff meeting the preparation of omega -3 to discuss film. He wants the original manuscript to see and duties Do-hyun with tracking the hidden writer down. Do-hyun pointed out that he does not give way to another job, but Hyung. It seems as if it is set, doomed to failure.

After the meeting, Ki-joon says it Do-hyun not to take it personally. Changing subject, he asks for Do-hyun opinion on a company doctor from Kanghan setting adding it clear that they are famous for their psychiatric unit - who was this doctor? Seok-something, was it?

Do-hyun chokes in the bathroom, Hyung words in his head ringing like a threat and mixed with Se-gi. He downs his medication.

Oma Seo waiting for him in his office. She has a picture of another second daughter chaebol group, and their intentions are clear. They mocked him for themselves, to understand the political implications of intercompany marriages, and asks if he has any idea how much Seungjin stock Chae-yeon own parents. Since they announced their engagement known, has to deal with their side or against Ki-joon parents in a weaker position.

Do-hyun apologizes and promises to do his best to consolidate their power, but he plans to return the United States in three months. She asks if he has a wife there. He says nothing, but his fingers twitch. She tells him not even to dream of. ". Her mother is enough disgrace to our family" Nice

Down in the cellar of Cha Manor, the housekeeper ajumma pushes Do-hyun drinking mother to stop. Mom spotted a big teddy bear in one corner, and the ajumma tells her Do-hyun brought it. She wonders why her son would be there when he does not drink, but when she hears it was the day Ki-joon's mother for dinner she came chasing the woman away to clarify alone.

takes the teddy and sees the chalk marked image below. In a quirk of memory, she sees the same drawing, this time on a bare concrete floor. Wide-eyed, she is afraid Do-hyun remembers "the child." Mama knows?

Do-hyun still looks sickly and has had no word from Ri-jin. He asks Chief Ahn a meeting with Omega main set Editor and get him the novels. Then he goes to rest off

On hands and knees, Mama scrubs the chalk on the floor withdraws, praying desperately that Do-hyun does not remember himself. - He must never remember the child.

Do-hyun asleep. His memories, recent and older, warp and mix in a disturbed dream. Voices and faces and hidden - Se-gi and Ri-jin, Chae-yeon and Ki-joon. In scary playroom child again Do-hyun is suddenly no longer alone: ​​Ri-jin is there. She is afraid of fire and basements, "But if I work with you, I do not believe it to be scary." They smile at each other.

your dream voice shaking him awake and change his eyes - green, this time. Someone new?

On the way to hospital, Ri-jin says Dr. Seok it is decided to take the study Post. She chooses Do-hyun next, to say goodbye. She turns from his job offer and tells him to go abroad. She thanks him and says to meet him was not bad. If he does not respond, she stops to ask if he is listening.

His voice floats out: "You are running away, however, the end was noona Do-hyun Hyung you leave, do not you.?" Ohhh interesting. She asks who he is.

"I? Ahn Yo-sub. Age 17." In glasses and plaid shirt, with a pair of headphones around his neck, he says Dr. Seok called him "a suicidal." Ri-jin her car stops in a panic and calls its location.

Somewhere very high, he is so busy spray painting his dying message. "There is no point living longer. I'm fed up like a monster or a mutant to be treated," he tells her. "Maybe this is heaven my grave will become." I know it's not funny, but ... the emo.

Ri-jin says he must have something to say when he leaves a message. She asks him to tell her where he is, and promises to hear everything. He asks them to guess, and gives her an hour to find him. "If you're late by even a second, we will have disappeared." He hangs up.

His death is message, literally, a work of art. Change Stylized portraits of each span a bar, the Yo-sub on walks. Do-hyun, Se-gi, Perry, small Nana herself His twin sister, Yo-na, who has not yet appeared -. All function.

The camera pans behind him, more portraits unveiled, and in large red letters on the roof, "Kill me !!"

Yo-sub is on the edge, and looked down. Putting his headphones on, he spreads out his arms as if to fly. It extends one foot over the edge, and leans forward.


I refuse to worry. Because it only episode 6 and no one can possibly die, especially not incarnation of Ji Sung.

There is so much to go to Ji Sung, so I want to start with Ri-jin. If Do-hyun forced her goodbye, I dig really how they rejected his high-handed manipulation as something more than to see outrageous. Even better was how the show made a point with Dr. Seok of counteroffer intentionally return to their agency to her. So if they does become his secret doctor (which they must of course), it is because they have chosen themselves. I also love that it is aware of this agency, and it is so precious to them -. More than money and status

There contrast between Do-hyun unwanted interference as compared to how they are actively applying for each family member for their ideas made sense. She was willing to take her advice on her because of her claim, but because they are awesome, they are (usually) not exercise this influence. But on the other hand, it would be unfair to think Do-hyun, was out with her moodiness brass (although it would help if Ri-jin knew). He really tried to protect "his people", and even the seemingly unfriendly things that he did this episode were compared with its larger end. It is not necessarily true, but his morale at least in the right place. The fact that he tells Ri-jin in this small group of people who will he take care of absorbed: he sees them already as someone he must protect. Ri-jin has not yet gone the last step in order also to maintain it, but I think that she now is on the edge. Yo-sub is the catalyst, especially endangered its appearance represents their collective life.

What Do-hyun test was really proven that Ri-jin in both him invested and Se-gi. Whereas before, which was called Se-gi from under Do-hyun name it, this time it is reversed. It is much more interesting for him to leave the line "You have to run away from me", because now there is room for more interaction and development between Ri-jin and Do-hyun et al. As you have noticed, as they do not actually so much time on the screen to have together? More, please

I tried to predict who will fall for the first -. I Episode developments with Se-gi (= adorable and funny) was actually surprised at last, because I thought she emotionally more connected with Do-hyun. I know! I am naive! I forgot about the supernatural magnetism of bad guys! Nevertheless, the connection remains to hold, as can be seen in their conversation in his home. Although she threw both words fight, the actual tone and undertone were lighter and playful. Their chemistry is quiet but strong. It might not open romantic be (still ...), but it is better than that right now, because they learn how to be friends. And forcing friends friends not in their employ

There is a storage Do-hyun keeps playing, repeatedly. Ri-jin to ask his name. It is a critical and precious moment for him because he will be recognized both, and asked to define it in his own terms. It is also part of what Ri-jin special him short in such time. The integration of the treatment on the table, and his step towards Se-gi (but sideways), it is a sign that he wants to sew together to launch its split selves. Perhaps the question of Pandora's box. After all, to know who he is, he has to know what he's been through. The blocked memories are leaky already in his dreams, and I'm starting to know all via Do-hyun state already when both mom and grandma to ask -. They seem to know for sure what then happened to him

There is of course no coincidence that Ri-Ri-jin on and are writers and psychiatrists. to give Ri at his sister an insight into their work has become a recurring theme that works really well with the story, because it will see the disease rather than the patient emphasizes its occupational hazard. The two are very similar (which, lol), but in an emotional context rather than diagnostic, which makes him easily to the heart of the unspoken things. Frames people This does not mean Ri-jin is not good at her job -. If anything, perhaps it is to good, and Ri-one reminds them that the answers could be easier than that

Chae-yeon has hitherto not really done anything for the story, but I think it deserves Do-hyun criticism. As a sign archetype, she is one of my pet hates, but I want to trust the show to make it more than a set piece. Right now, she wants to be after languishing, and her transparent attempt to evoke, Do-hyun feelings made her miserable. Because it comes from a selfish ultimately place their arguments centering around their own satisfaction, to be their desire, respected and admired. He refuses a part of her man-harem and his open advice to her to be fraternal, which would be a better phrase for their relationship. Plus she and Ki-joon earn quite a bit today.

The show continues its handy balance of tone, but I did have a moment of doubt towards the end, because Yo-sub ... made me laugh. Was he meant? Suicidal adolescents do not make me laugh normally (I'm not angry!), But Yo-sub does. Ji Sung Face makes Yo-under fear of more emo and dramatically that the character is in a way, because that's part of his existential dilemma. He frozen as 17-year-old, no matter how much older Do-hyun is. But seriously, I wonder how he came to be, and how it differs from Se-gi. They seem like opposites - Se-gi of the survivors is where Yo-sub will die, but the same pain and memories of the root both their existences

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Tags: featured, Hwang Jung-eum, Ji Sung, Kill Me Heal Me, Park Seo-joon

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