Recap And Reviews Kdrama Pinocchio: Episode 18

Recap and reviews korean drama Pinocchio: Episode 18 -

This episode is our big windup before the last climb where select all our mark pages and show their true colors. Some are in conflict, as we might have expected, while others are far more principled than we gave them credit for. Well, if you're a soulless start the show vultures of other people's tragedy feeds for news feed, there is nowhere to go but up?

Pinocchio broadcast both episodes 18 and 19 back to back, so that I in the next episode plugging be removed as soon as they recap goes up. I do my best to keep ahead of the final coming together Barrels, so please be patient; they come, I promise! * Chugging coffee *


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EPISODE 18: "The Red Shoes"

Once Dal-po passes the evidence and the burden of the big story to tell song Cha-ok, she leaves in tears and locks the incriminating envelope in her desk away. she gains her composure, but then two seconds later, in-ha back to the office back in order to get their work.

Princess and Il-joo are adorably happy to see her, and assure her that she will have many opportunities in the future to find their voice heard if it considers shady dealings with chaebol Mommy about Mamas quiet .

But in-ha it corrected, it is not here, because they keep her mouth to go. they the opposite, in fact, will do, and says that it respects Princess and quotes the great speech the wording he belongs to make news was a duty of the reporter. He pretends not to remember me, but she says only happy that they trusted him to do the right thing.

Over at YGN, Gyo-dong can not understand why Dal-po would hand over their smoking gun, and feels that he be too confident in his plan song Cha-ok to ignite conscience. But Dal-po admits that he also has a contingency plan: He has got an informant. It would be better, Beom-jo!

He is the informant anonymous holds, as desired, but we cut over Beom-jo from chaebol Mommy office go where it runs in the Song Cha-ok on the way in. They chaebol Mommy that evidence was told flipped and destroyed her, so she can rest.

But if chaebol requests Mama to meet with in-ha, Mama comes with the excuse that they no longer need, and gets up to leave. Chaebol Mama remains eerily pleasant, as always, and notes pointedly that this is the first time that Song-Cha-ok has denied her a favor. Gulp.

If Mama MSC returns, she tells princess that they no longer have their pitch sessions will take part, and Princess pumping his fists in geeky glory, finally declared the room be. Except, of course, he only exchanged for Mom daughter and In-ha is the loudest voice in the room when she's summary on Mama and Mommy chaebol pitches.

No one is on the idea of ​​ratting out sharply their bosses and Il-joo brings it to a vote. In-ha is the only one to raise her hand ... but then his princess raises ever so slightly. Once people notice, even though he chickens and go with the majority.

After the meeting complained princess in-ha on his conscience keeps poking and it drives him crazy. He decides to go ahead and the history of the chain pitch, knowing that mom will just shut down immediately. In this way he gets to do the right thing, but not to lose your neck.

Except ... Mom tells him to go and chase the story. Princess gapes as she tells him quietly that they will report, so they have to do a good job themselves. He slumps at the table in shock over, and calls his wife to tell her to pack her life abroad, because he is about to lose his job.

Il-joo watch this latest development with a watchful eye, and then spills the beans to her director, who called chaebol Mama immediately. Damn, I knew you could not be trusted! She does not even seem surprised that Song Cha-ok has turned against them, although the question is what they will do in retaliation.

Dal-po's In-ha in home that night and asks for Opas health with concern, however, he considers going short inward. Whhhy. Go visit Opa!

you begin to go home, when suddenly a motorcyclist flits run almost directly above her, and Dal-po she withdraws at the last second. In-ha is not much thinking about it, but Dal-po looks worried. Uh-oh, has In-ha become the target Mom scare now?

When Dal-po gets in his apartment, he finds Beom-jo wait for him outside. He says that he is here to give him the answer now, and we fight back when Beom-jo initially discovered the skeletons in cupboard Mamas. He came to Dal-po and told him that he would be leaving his job and ... to get the return to his mother's side, the answers they need.

Dal-po invites him inside and Beom-jo looks around the studio apartment wonder amazed that it is possible to fit it all in a room like this. He asks for wine and Dal-po shoots him a look before two doses grab beer, and then makes this impish face before shaking Beom-jo angry can. HA.

sit down for a serious chat, and Beom-jo admits that he has a really hard time. At least he, his mother was always the nicest, sweetest person in the world. As suspected, Beom-jo recording since the day each week with mom, he has faced them.

(It looks as if he was asked on his phone the recorder while pretending to call his job and quit, although his intention as a does not seem to stop lying, he could be a separate conversation with have the princess.)

he says Dal-po that he did not keep his promise, might be able and Dal-po, he tells him of pressure, has no intention, because he knows as this will be difficult. That seems to comfort Beom-jo alone, and he asks with a smile when Dal-po finds him annoying and obnoxious. Dal-po reminds him that he has always thought so, heh.

Beom-jo asks for In-ha and Dal-po she says appears to be under the impression that Beom-jo on the dark side and be boy a mother is gone again. Beom-jo sighs that maybe she's right.

He finally appears his can open beer, shake his moment of reflection with a huge foamy exploded in his face and he throws undercutting Dal-po of intentionally his can, because he does not like him. Dal-po is only this hilarious grin of satisfaction and continued to drink his beer.

Outside of motorcyclists stalker lurking almost In-ha sideswiped near Dal-po apartment. And in the morning the same young man comes YGN with a box and provides a delivery boy with a package for Dal-po. He directed the editors and find Dal-po sit with Gyo-dong at a table and the rest of the team.

Motorcycle Boy tears suddenly open the box and takes out a giant nail gun and starts in the space to fire like a madman. Eeeeek. Each crawling for cover except for Dal-po, who is looking for a way to disarm the attacker. But! The flying nails!

Dal-po hurls an empty bottle on motorcycle boy to sneak up on him and get the nail gun out of his hands gives him enough time. They fight and Dal-po gets him nailed, but Motorcycle Boy wrestles free and pulls the fire alarm, to the confusion with his exit.

is busy about the MSC, In-ha more through old reports ditch on the assemblyman that chaebol mom, and she is shocked, comes as a mom of to help .

After the dust to YGN settles, everyone wonders, the attacker was and what he wanted. Dal-po does not recognize the attacker's face, but he remembers the jacket, and it suddenly dawns on him that this was the motorcyclist from last night who came to In-ha. He runs out in panic.

Yoo-rae looks down and whines when she sees blood on their hands, and Gyo-dong gets tellingly about their concerns worked. He checked and again they checked for injuries, although she says she's fine, and the others are all, "Uh, we are fine." None of them are injured, which means that the blood Dal-po must be.

sure enough, as Dal-po of YGN runs to MSC, we catch a glimpse of the trail of blood seeping down his arm. He is already one step behind because Motorcycle Boy has already made its way within MSC newsroom with a knife this time. He screams for Song Cha-ok and In-ha, which are locked in one of the editing rooms.

Mom wants, if the attacker asks for them to go, but in-ha refuses to let her out of there. Dal-po runs through the lobby and bounces security gate, but upwards, Motorcycle Boy discovers Mom and In-ha and smashes the window into the editing room to break in his way.

It can lift the door open and lunges at them ... if Dal-po rams him with a flying start. Phew. As they fight, In-ha manages get the knife out of the guy's hand, so that Dal-po a chance to catch him until the security guards to knock.

The first thing Dal-po does is ensure that In-ha's fine, and then he goes out on the shoulder.

wait and mom in the hospital, such as Dal-po gets surgery for his torn arm, and Gyo-dong and Princess come running together in them to check , You wonder what Mom, In-ha and Dal-po have in common, which would send an attacker after the three of them, and no one seems to guess the obvious exception Mom who thinks back to chaebol Mama passive-aggressive warnings.

Ha, running YGN and MSC teams into one another on the road to another station to cover attack. Il-joo thinks this. A type of message that they should not stick their noses into dangerous business, but Hyun-kyu and Jae-hwan argue that this is exactly what they should do as a reporter This time, Jae-hwan throws her arm around Hyun-kyu and they go away someone else in the MSC to find to interview.

Motorcycle Boy is in the police station and booked boss to speak Yoo-rae texts the detective up, so they can eavesdrop right outside the door. I love that he met on a keyword to repeat awkwardly and enunciating everything.

Yoo-rae finds out that Motorcycle Boy, the son of the bus company's president, is trying to scam Song Cha-ok, and that he on a mission to avenge his father. Beom-jo watched the news report of the attacks with a dark face, and struggling with what to do about his photographs of Mama.

In-ha and dad wait until Dal-po comes out of surgery, and Dad tells him that he comes home with them, because he orders, doctor can not use his arm. Yay, thanks Doc.

Dal-po finds it suspicious that the bus company president's son would attack them so, and at YGN who heads wondering the same thing-isn't the time, and the reaction is a bit higher compared to the weight of history?

Gyo-dong wonders if it's something else entirely-message, a warning to keep quiet about the chaebol Mommy history closed. Thank God one of you has a brain.

Yoo-rae and her sidekick try to listen to the meeting in, but can not really hear anything. Crony wonders if perhaps Gyo-dong really do as Yoo-rae, judging by the attack by his reaction, but this time Yoo-rae is to the one who declare that they do not jump to any more conclusions where romance goes ,

Director Lee sees her ears against the glass down and blames that it is sasaeng again but Gyo-dong jumps to her defense, call a reporter's instinct. Uh-huh.

Song Cha-ok goes to see chaebol mom and says that it's terrible accident, as the attacks on the three persons were addressed in chaebol Mama way, but it deceives ignorance, as always. But this time, she adds that, if it were a message, then it would mean that their relationship had gone wrong, in which case song Cha-ok should do what they can to repair these bridges.

Beom-jo Mama asks if she sent Motorcycle Boy by Dal-po and In-ha, and she admits that she did. She says it was not difficult to use to find someone with a vendetta against them, and that there is a warning for them was ... and also for Beom-jo. Ruh-ROH.

him turns around and says that she knows her son better than anyone else, and takes the phone out of his hand. I knew he had been her too conspicuous recording. She picks up the phone and says with tears in her eyes that she knows how disappointed he must be her, but asks if she is not to be going reused on the way things when they took care of all the dirty things, and he had a carefree life.

Dal-po home with In-ha comes, and Dad and Grandpa with a dinner in wait ready. It is as sweet as Opa and In-ha compete Kimchi on spoon of Dal-po set. He smiles sheepishly at all the attention he's getting.

In the morning, In-ha sees him with his left hand to shave to fight, and offers to help. He is nervous that they will draw blood, but they are starting to be aware of how close they are, and suddenly turns into a romantic moment between charged shave them. God bless arm injury incapacitated!

Dad jumps when he sees them comfortably together in the bathroom, but he chooses rather not know what happens next and runs away. He approaches Opa carefully and said that he had yesterday evening a crazy dream, ask about Dal-po for permission to date In-ha.

Opa hits him in the face with a pillow and says that's ridiculous even for a dream: "Dal-po is my son and In-ha is your daughter! That can never happen! "Dad nervously agrees to know exactly what's going on in the bathroom next door. Oh dear, I hope fall Grandpa fainted or something.

When MSC, Song Cha-ok is more determined than ever, with the message to go Report on chaebol Mama, and says princess all prep so that they can exchange at the last second the story on the evening news.

He worries more than she tells him that the attack was a warning to remain silent, but she replies that the news report, the safest thing is, they can do silencing one or two people is simple, but even ten thousand people know how to be silenced? Princess stares dumbfounded, wondering if she has become like this. You are not the only one.

But their plan comes to a halt when they both get assigned to new departments to effectively crush any chance that they 'll ever this story in the air get. In-ha asks princess when his demotion over because of her, and he tells finally Mom plans and their suspicions that motorcycle boy attack for it was a warning.

mom calls In-ha and she makes a cup of coffee, noting that it sweet and creamy, like Dad does it. they are In-ha evidence envelope, telling her to give it back Dal-po, only this time, it will be the whistleblower .

In-ha meets with Dal-po return the evidence to him, and says that Mama to tell the story itself, the planning, but no longer can. Mom wants the truth another way and was to make way known if they can do messages behind a desk, it is not, and says In-ha, not enough is the fourteen-year-old fire (because the statute of limitations has run out every crime chaebol mum with rechargeable could).

Mom says In-ha her friend Chan-soo who sue for libel, so that it has examined and questioned where the orders came from. At Dal-po request of Chan-soo is exactly as asked.

Mom says they the police, the truth will say on everything from before fourteen years until today, and she and Mama chaebol will be charged. That is, if it at In-ha and Dal-po to report everything as it is, and says In-ha to be influenced by anything else. Mom warns that chaebol Mama is by all means necessary to escape punishment, so it is up to them to ensure that they can out of this weasel.

In-ha spills tears and worries that this will mark the end of Mom-she'll lose everything for which they worked. Mom puts on a brave front, saying that she was already tired and will not be sorry to lose it all. She wipes In-ha away tears and tells her she has to stop crying, so Mama is sure to leave the story in In-ha hands, and In-ha clutches her hand.

asks Dal-po, if this is how he felt when he had to tell his brother, and asks how he endured. He only tells her it was hard and still is, and puts an arm around her and lets her cry on his shoulder.

He says Hyung news, and Hyung finds that Dal-po does not look as happy as he should. Dal-po admits that he has a hard time in-ha to watch because he experienced the same things when Hyung have to report crimes.

Hyung blames Dal-po for again blame, and admits that he originally planned to end the night of his live interview with the Song Cha-ok. He was going to kill her and kill himself, but it was Dal-po, who saved him because he proved that he was different and would not hide the truth. "You want to live me. You saved me."

chaebol Mama is not even ruffled when she gets news of Song Cha-ok the police investigation since it is already prepared with counter-movements. Regardless, Song Cha-ok goes to the police station for questioning and waiting patiently, like all the reporters to their flock. But she lectures them hilarious irrelevant to their terrible questions, and tell them, they will come back after their interrogation by the police, so that they have time to prepare better.

This brings a little smile on In-ha's face, and Mama gives her a little nod to ask before upward toward the music. It runs in Dal-po on their way in, and he promises to have questions for them on their way out.

to remember their first encounter, she stops to ask if he thought a reporter, is what is now. He says he has, so that it rotates with a smile to him, "Then all barking you want. I'll answer everything."


There were no particularly surprising developments in this episode, but I prefer this new plan on Dal-po. While it might have been effective Song Cha-ok report have the story itself, I would rather see the two mothers face what minimum criminal charges they expect. It seems unlikely that they will without any kind of contingency for their contingency chaebol Mommy corner, but I expect that Beom-jo get through somehow. I am glad that his phone was taken, because frankly, he was to be too flashy with him, and it would have made their case to light.

Is it unlikely that he held a second telephone in another pocket all the time? Whatever their plan, I hope he gets more time to connect with Dal-po. Plotwise, I think it's stupid that they only have the same envelope, has been back and forth and back and forth, although I assume the intention that counts. It is always a bit of a rake gag at this point. I think , we all have milked the self-sacrifice that we can out of it, hopefully they will be the evidence now to use it.

It is interesting, this commonality between Dal-po, in-ha and Beom-jo: Each of them has a morally questionable, Act ~~ POS = TRUNC family member, and it happens on their shoulders fall do what is right and turn it in and, in most cases. "Re also that idealism upwards to spread their infection the older generation. Apparently he worked for Hyung doing Dal-po, the difficult thing was saved (although it would have killed can spend a few more episodes us see that instead of hearing playing on them from prison after the fact? Hello, missed opportunity!). and in the end, song Cha-ok of In-ha and Dal-po is enough significantly affected their mistakes possess and to provide the music.

I just do not know that we necessarily requires the subject to play more than three times, as there are literally the same conflict of sign to sign. But it is worth, forcing in Mom a radical change, to see, to risk to the point where it is ready to their entire careers, which is her whole life. you can see why they also mind disregarded, since when it has not so enviably successful career as a star journalist, sacrifices to her daughter all those years ago is all in vain. But they shamed basically them on their own turf, in the only language they know, and I like that it is a lobotomy pushes her without changing. It is enough that we get the satisfactory exchange at the end of the episode, when she realizes that Dal-po has the right to call itself deserves a reporter and challenge them.

The nail gun attack was too convenient a device, but if that's what it takes to break Dal-po arm and back him with the family in the house, I'll take it. Why did not we break six episodes before his arm? Then we have this stupid denial phase could be avoided and skipped right over shaving cream foreplay. Priorities, people! Just think of all the help he need in and out of his clothes! This is very important business, you know

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tags: featured, Kim Young-Kwang, Lee Jong-seok Lee Yubi, Park Shin-hye, Pinocchio

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