Recap And Reviews Kdrama Punch: Episode 7

Recap and reviews korean drama Punch: Episode 7 -

The to of mystery, not the people who most would be affected by the knowledge, but fall instead into the hands of those who would most damage do with it-a fact that surprising since this should not be as unforgiving in a world. The former pillars of morality begin to fall this hour to leave Ha-Kyung as one of the few remaining bastions of truth and justice, although it has yet to realize that too much of anything does not make it a good thing. Even when it comes to the right, a little moderation to go a long way. Or perhaps forever end your political career. punch pull no punches when it comes to high stakes, that's for sure.


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We return to Jung-hwan interrogation of Dr. Mechanic, Hyun-sun unapproved beau, also when she defends his decision to give his medical license if it provided with a malpractice suit as evidence that he is a good person.

Jung-hwan disagrees, noting that the family History Dr . Mechanic (Yeon-jin must've dug for him) excludes that every woman on the city budget would be maid of his. And that's not what he wants for his sister.

done a strange thing when Dr. mechanic admits that he would make a different decision, if he could just go to this one moment: Jung-hwan is recalled saying of doctor Jang that the desire to return to a specific point in time is a universal, and one that could potentially lead to delirium in someone with Jung-hwan to state.

"what point in your life you would want might return?" Doctor Jang had asked him, whereupon Jung-hwan to manifest his personal feelings on the subject outward toward Dr. mechanic. "They chose misconduct admit and you chose this way of life. You will not regret. Take responsibility for your choice and bear it."

As called Yeon-jin to inform him that Tae-sub is dead, stunned the focus shifts to Tae-joon after stretcher his brother's body in the Waits Rage ambulance.

Ha-Kyung and Detective Oh come on stage, and she left Tae-joon their condolences together with its application to give the his brother's body to be taken for an autopsy-otherwise, they will not be be able to exclude murder.

Tae-joon to numb seems to argue the point, and asks only that Ha-Kyung ensure that no scars his brother's family will be visible will to. But he also gives her a message for Minister Yoon: What is going to play their game of hide and seek, it is to hide their turn. He is now be the viewfinder.

At the wake, Tae-joon his brother last effects after Kang-jae informed him that his cause of death was specified drowning are governed. Poor Tae-joon can not help but sob when he touches the Kudzu root Tae-Sub dug for him.

His tears dry when Jung-hwan is to pay his respects, the expression on his face incomprehensible. Jung-hwan manages to hide even his dizziness and blurred vision, also when he returned he dead moment thinks he wishes he could go back to the moment when he dodged the question by starting from a window for Tae joon arrival come to a halt.

as Tae-joon his hand enough, Jung-hwan takes it firmly to somehow transported back when Tae-joon pulled him to safety from the window sill. "As promised, I have ten minutes stopped," Jung-hwan says uncharacteristically with a smile, parrot what he said at the time. Oh no. It is the delirium setting in!

"I have been more than thirty years has been hanging, that's nothing," Jung-hwan on, completely unaware that his mind plays a storage role. But Tae-joon knows. He knows it. has

Almost immediately, Kang-jae shows on doctor Jang right outside the door with all the dirt Jang tried to get hide Jung-hwan ... plus a warrant.

But that's just for posterity, a threat he doctor Jang compliance when he says Kang-jae, can ensure the truth of Jung-hwan state, he make disappear the warrant.

"Jung-hwan practice failed," Kang-jae reported excitedly Tae-joon. "He left about two months." The pieces in place to start falling for Tae-joon, especially the bit about Jung-Hwan delirium, and as it will only get worse as time progresses.

Worst of all, Jung-hwan not the consequences will remember, once the Tae-joon witness firsthand as Jung-hwan was snatched from his temporary insanity and took his cold attitude towards Tae-joon as if nothing happened.

It is only when Kang-jae tells him that Minister Yoon on exposing the connection between him is dead set and Chairman Kim that Tae-joon says, with a see wild eyes, "Let's untie the link between Chairman Kim and I and put it in Jung-hwan coffin."

If his brother had drowned in ice-cold water, it would be fair, that it does not let Jung-hwan die in a heated room, is not it? (Everything you say crazy person.) Tae-joon keeps on this anger and sadness, as he later his brother spreading ashes over the same cliff he jumped.

Jung-hwan takes mom and Hyun-sun, have made their portraits without disclosing that he there to do their souvenir photo. Hyun-sun took the opportunity Jung-hwan to say that in the situation it was not Dr. mechanics to achieve a fact that pleases him ". So he understood"

Hyun-sun tried and failed to convince him that she likes Dr. mechanic because Jung-hwan is quick retort that feelings change and that if in a married love fades, only reality is left. "Be not do something you will regret and live a good life."

"So you have a good life?" Hyun-sunburns back, challenging supposedly sage and oh so pragmatic advice. "Do you live a good life without regret?" Now, she has him there.

Jung-hwan is in for a rude awakening when he does get a doctor Jang asks for a testimony withdrawn ... respond only doctor Jang that he has given his case, about Kang-jae. Oh, and Kang-jae took all the Demerol, as Jung-hwan is to go to him when he needs it. (Is there any other venal doctors in Korea ?!)

Kang-jae is enough of an asshat to deliberately make a phone call to order a suit to to carry Jung-hwan funeral when the deadman foot breaks in his office. He sees Jung-hwan scornfully when he asks how quickly he will need.

When Jung-hwan asks Tae-joon, Kang-jae answers to see that he is getting closest when TAE joon visited his grave. Impressive. Just wow, Kang-jae. And here I thought Jung-hwan was poor.

Kang-jae is too happy Jung-hwan to say that Tae-joon is holding his painkillers, and that he only received if he does exactly what they say. Jung-hwan only defense his ability, all do not want to confess work here because Kang-jae and he knows that he needs what little time he has to secure his family's financial future. He can not do from a prison cell.

Jung-hwan mission? To ensure that Chairman Kim not divulge in respect of its relations with Tae-joon, while in Ha Kyung custody. Jung-hwan does not jump on the opportunity, obviously, what Kang-jae to sarcastically ask if Jung-Hwan have need sooo much more time, if he thinks it to use on a decision.

to find another standstill at a meeting with the Blue House Chief Secretary, Minister Yoon and Tae-joon, when the refused to withdraw only to the investigation chairman Kim Tae-sub for death.

But Tae -joon proves that he is a hidden card all the time he is not being used as it brings conscription corruption case seven years ago when Jung-hwan, work dealing with her, had an illegal business with the suspect made. (. Without their permission, mind you)

The Chief Secretary does not know that, but Tae-joon subtle threat Minister Yoon clear: If they do not back out not he will open this case again, and drag her name through the mud.

they do not make much more progress if they alone are either as Minister Yoon threat refused to be intimidated by his she knows that many of his friends used their influence to spare their children from compulsory military service. The joke is, Tae-joon says to them, because he could care about his friends or their children no less.

Well, this is his chance to question Minister Yoon once desire to reverse to him whether an attorney general has ever been held captive, while through the exchange of "Attorney General" with "Minister of Justice" to serve his term to threaten they this time.

He adds that they hide better play well in their ongoing game of hide because ready or not, here it comes.

It turns out that record Minister Yoon not as flawless as it would lead us to believe this is an insight that wholeheartedly with her sinks into seems to be as before, that case seven years flashes back.

Media were friendly and almost family between her and Jung-hwan then until he passed her the list of men who had used an illegal intermediaries to escape enlistment ... and the name was her son.

knew that she did not win her son, but thought he had apologized with a legitimate medical problem, until they called her mother (possibly mother-in-law?) For clarification.

And the truth was that her son, the Yoon from illegally evaded his mandatory service have been alienated, put his mother in a very precarious situation. Minister Yoon had to ask the righteous Ho-sung, her son to refuse the name from the list not , because they feared the legal consequences, but because it would its efforts to crush the prosecution to reform, and let you -joon corrupt Tae take over.

Poor Ho-sung looked at the prospect of the books go away so tortured, but was the Minister Yoon said that Jung-hwan broker got to reveal the names by producing illegal business with him. So Jung-hwan of the scapegoat was the a Minister Yoon had to break the law to arrest her son to conceal unlawful acts.

Minister Yoon is shaken by the possibility that Tae-joon could all bring that to light, and even can compose ago Ha Kyung little when she asks her desperately the connection between Chairman Kim and Tae-joon in three days instead of a week, she said she would need to find.

reminds Ha Kyung, again with that hint of desperation that they all Chairman Kim must unmask crimes not before Tae Joon may suspend. Ha-Kyung does not know what's going on, but agrees with the tight timeframe.

Tae-joon is perplexed when Kang-jae creeps him told about all resources Minister Yoon, about Chairman Kim to dig confident that Jung-hwan will be able to make Ha Kyung stray from the case ,

he people for the Brokers Jung-hwan once looking for a deal with, and is confident that he will become the last nail in Jung-hwan coffin. And he will certainly Minister Yoon make will be the one to pound it in, when the time comes.

Jung-Hwan has only a vial of Demerol left and looks like he is knocking on the door of death already, but he manages to perk up when Ye-rin tomorrow to remember him from her studies and to ask called expensive gift for a suuuuper. (Note :. There is ₩ 50,000 around fifty dollars)

spent After a night on Mom to think and Ye-rin plans for the future with him, he knows that he can not meet Jung- Hwan has with Kang-jae mimes the act of injecting his much needed Demerol at work to cope. "Hurry up," Kang-jae mouths.

By Ha-Kyung to keep such a tight lid on Chairman Kim communication with the outside world, Jung-hwan derailed his prison transport to have a moment with him. Unfortunately for him, Ha Kyung sniffed something rotten and following the transport.

She sees Jung-hwan in Chairman Kim van obtained when ambushed by a flat tire has (not by chance), her suspicions confirmed, unfortunately. She calls lawyer Jung to let him know.

Jung-Hwan Kim Chairman convinced the sole responsibility of the Ocean Capital company (all links with the Brothers Grimm to disavow importance) in exchange for keeping some of its assets. If he mentions Tae-joon, he will lose everything.

His homework, Jung-hwan calls Tae-joon about Kang-jae to apply his Demerol ...

... But Tae-joon not intend it to give it, and explains exactly why, while the individual vials to break, so can hear Jung-hwan. He blames him for his brother's death, which proves that he is not kidding when he smashes all , the remaining vial by hand, so angry that he did not even the pain of his can feel bloody palm.

because it has been updated to Ha-Kyung every step (because he whole thing planned), he tells Jung-hwan a second before it the Ha-Kyung is it happening arrest. Lo and behold, she opens the car door with a team at the ready.

"first go to hell and wait for me. And say hello to my brother", Tae-joon says over the phone. Jung-Hwan: ".. I restarted can go to hell, but before that, we go to court," Tae-joon laughs

Ha-Kyung Jung reads - hwan his rights, but leaves him without escorted handcuff he has nowhere to run anyway.

Minister Yoon Tae-joon of calls all at Jung-hwan, to say in front of him to try that it is not to pin so easy to investigate the military corruption case if it involved so many high-ranking officials , The President would put an end only to prevent public outcry.

But it is not the way Minister Yoon wants him to be anxious when they say Ha-Kyung at her to hurry up and get Chairman Kim calls to confess his connection to Tae-joon, he that would take-and white days, he is the broker Yoon from the country returned before then.

As if things are looking ministers not bad Yoon is, their last holdout demolished when they are informed that the President conscription case holding his full support. Oh no.

But what both parents had apparently forgotten Ye-rin the division because Ha-Kyung gets a call from her teacher asks her since Ye rin occur inconsolable not appear on her father.

Da Ha-Kyung has locked him in an interrogation room, she has the teacher to say that no one can make of them. Poor Ye-rin.

Ha-Kyung is able Jung-hwan without a warrant based on Chairman Kim (false) testimony that Jung-hwan asked to hold one of its properties, which makes her an unsympathetic ear when Jung-hwan insists apologizing that he out for missing graduation of their studies to Ye-rin.

"It's a relief that you do not have to go to her graduation," Ha-Kyung said, stressing that he has gone this time too far. Then again, she remembers in the same way the feeling when she found out, had fabricated Jung-hwan evidence while Ye-rin was a baby.

Jung-hwan defends his actions then as so he could get hate for the sake of his job to be by his small-town job idea Ha Kyung promoted. "Do I have to lose?" Jung-hwan asks. "The privileged got in front of me with their families reputation and wealth. Should I look at only in silence? Ha-Kyung, that's the way the world is"

Surprisingly not argue Ha Kyung this point , and in fact there is to it: "the problem me How I'm so to live in a world which is the way you have lived, it is time for you to take responsibility for it and accept the punishment..?.."

Jung-hwan can not help but think back to ask him about his sister if he so lived a good life, and listen to, when Ha-Kyung tells him that they will investigate the status quo, where the poor and honest always lose to people is how to change him she is going to use the law to the case and win .

I wonder if Minister Yoon sees it as an act of providence that the weather turned bad enough to divert incoming flights, to give her the opportunity to catch the broker outside of Seoul and hide him from Tae-joon ,

to do that, she has to deal again Ho-sung's help to do so, he is however reluctant, because they broke their promise, would not receive Jung-hwan 7 Years ago injured. They defended that it happened because Jung-hwan joined forces with Tae-joon, while Ho-sung argued that she the reason Jung-hwan to do that the first place.

But their plea finally reaches him, because he knows that Tae-joon will take control of the prosecutor when he ahold of this broker gets. Nevertheless recognizes Ho-sung, that he, as before, only picking between two evils.

Meanwhile continues a war of influence between Minister Yoon and Tae-joon-who can turn Anyway enough muscle to land, the plane of the Broker at its airport choice wins wear.

Ha Kyung mentioned that this is the longest they were in a room together since their divorce, but Jung-hwan has spent the last few hours, in silence.

It takes him so long to finally admit that he should be punished for the way he lived: "But Ha -kyung ... why should I be punished alone? "you do not know, he thinks of his ultimate punishment tumor him and kill comfort (?) him with the promise that he will not so alone be when Tae-joon and Chairman Kim accede.

course, as Ha-Kyung is praising the virtues of the Minister Yoon fair and uncompromised sensitivity Jung-hwan, we see her all to get at its disposal with the aircraft to land where it wants.

Finally, the decision is taken out of your hands, as the plane lands at whichever airport is safest. Tae-joon ponders his Hyung him once promising that he would drop the stop rain, just to make him feel better, and holding back tears as he left eating the Kudzu root Tae-sub behind.


Ha Kyung allowed Jung-hwan an appeal to Minister Yoon has to make an offer: He is the link between Chairman Kim and Tae-joon reveal if she promises to leave him on bail so he can see his daughter. Minister Yoon agrees to the deal.

After he returned the phone Hands, Jung-hwan says his ex-wife that he hopes for her sake that Minister Yoon is the person who she thinks she is. Then he returns to call Ha-Kyung to begin their formal rank and title of his testimony.

And not for a moment soon as the plane lands on landing Tae-joon airport of choice, he stopped thanks to his brother-he the rain when they were children, and he did it again. Aw.

Tae-joon thinks he already won when he and Minister Yoon approaching their meeting with the Chief Secretary to the President, enough for him to dispose of it without it in able to speak a single word of protest.

they not Jung-hwan big rabbit out of a hat while sitting either much to my surprise, it ends, whereby the entire investigation on Chairman Kim does not seem like pulling a strange phase of Jung-hwan, and not significantly , Which means Tae-joon gets out without a scratch.

Ha-Kyung takes issue after this, although Minister Yoon argues that the application itself in the event came from the president shut down because he did not want the ailing economy to throw into turmoil by a prominent business leader as Chairman Kim arrest.

she knows that Jung-hwan take all the blame if they investigate stop TAE- joon and Chairman Kim, and out of the blue, when Minister Yoon asks " is lawyer Park Jung-hwan innocent? " Gasp. it is not serious, is it?

Ha-Kyung is shaken by this sudden change in her mentor, but announces that she was given three days to find the missing link, and she still has one more day. They will keep their promise.

To this, Minister Yoon Jung to lawyer turns around and tells him Ha-Kyung to dismiss as his aide and from each strip rights of investigations. GASP. W ... what happened to her on earth ?!

lawyer Jung for a moment thinking before he answered that he is an attorney, and as a prosecutor, he follows the rule of law and not the rule of the Blue House.

Then he looks at Ha-Kyung and tells her to continue its investigation with freely-he will treat the overthrow of here. Ha-Kyung answered an enthusiastic yes, so that Minister Yoon outnumbered. For now.


I love it when a show surprised us with a twist much earlier when we were there I just ask, expect, had begun as concerned Ha Kyung would be if that the mentor she idolized found out and emulated is not the person she thought she was. What was consequently exactly Jung-hwan concern. I also think he was being honest and real at this moment, because it so far through the five stages of grief were moved and seems to have arrived somewhere between bargaining and acceptance. Acceptance-based negotiations, perhaps. Or negotiable acceptance. Or none of the above.

But it is fitting that punch would spend a week filling two diametrically opposite secondary characters, especially if Minister Yoon and Tae-joon pretty much run the show. Minister Yoon was a fascinating character from the beginning, so I was more than happy to see all of an episode, but her devoted, although it exactly in a favorable light, they did not sit by most casting what we thought about it in question , This is probably just a taste of what Ha-Kyung feel when the actual truth because something tells me finds out that this phantom order of Minister Yoon did not come out of the blue house. If it is true that Minister Yoon (again) lied to save their own skin, then the impact will be great . I can not even wait. Does that make me sadistic?

If nothing else, proved that hour that Minister Yoon as fallible as the people it has all series condemn long, so Ho-sung plenty of reason to believe, that he was the lesser evil choice when it came to her and Tae-joon. Inevitably, I feel bad for them because they are not illegal conscription seemed to escape and the fact the hand in her son that she did not know it talks about the past to a crack in their family life, which, but still only was just indicated distressing. At the same time, I do not feel so bad, because they threw to save himself Jung-hwan under the bus while claiming it was all for the good. And maybe it was, but it was still a crappy thing to do for them.

The only thing that threw me plot as from this hour, even if it was dissolved fortunately in a very short time, was Jung -Hwan function of The Only Demerol Stash in Seoul. A man with his resources would not permit on a Douche like doctor Jang, so dependent, especially if he does not concocted by hand the wonder drug in a pharmacy a highly controlled substance can be anywhere-Demerol, but it is not made of unicorn horns and I'm sure doctor Jang with some skeletons is not the only doctor around in the closet. I was worried that we would spend a little piece of time enslaved by Jung-hwan to Tae-joon, but the show knew better and did not wear out on this front his doormat. I'm thankful for.

What is the motivation Jung-hwan is still a bit of a mystery, although at least one could always say what he was for the welfare of his daughter, no matter how morally reprehensible could get his actions. Compare that to Ha-Kyung, who set her job as a higher priority, and you begin to wonder, to be a parent or a person better. Because clearly, you can not just be in both punch 's cutthroat world.

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tags roll: featured, Cho Jae-hyun, Kim Ah-Joong Kim Rae-won Punch

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