Recap And Reviews Kdrama Spy: Episode 8

Recap and reviews korean drama Spy: Episode 8 -

There is enslaving the only dinner party them all, where everyone, but our hero eat a secret agenda that has welcomed 'n that have primarily two tasks revolves around a mysterious hard drive and / or in a phone-hacking, a special significance for our villains in the north , Which meaning? Good question. Maybe we will next week, or maybe not figure out.

sometimes with a show quality and do not always correspond ratings, but Spy could be another story, the show has seen a steady decline since it was broadcast, and charged this series a new low with 3.8%.


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Based on the results of the identification software, presents Sun-woo, what he on Ki- compiled Chul of the few people who work in the NIS, but apart from the fact that he went under the pseudonym "Gostra", it is especially things that we already know.

What do they know, now that he will be an experienced Assassins and that he escaped the last purge of North Korean agents in the initiated South Soo-yeon killed only by him, and a poison pen at the end.

was his last official appearance again in China in 1988 and although he had killed by an explosion that happened then adopted (thanks Mom), they now know different. But it is only when its software draws a familiar-looking picture of a North Korean woman, that Sun woo breaks ...

... But the meeting is over before he knows it, and it's back on the grind. He takes a closer look at the image in his cabin, unable to shake the similarity until Hyun-tae him. For a trip to the storeroom cellar document NABS

Hyun-tae seems surprised when Sun-woo goes straight for a dust-covered file bin for years Ki-chul was last known to be in Shenyang. But Sun-woo is determined to begin with what he finds inside Ki-Chul.

Yunjin know who is at the other end of the line when it receives an unknown caller, but is forced reluctant to answer when they observed spots one of Ki-chul lackeys.

Hyun-tae, recalls some painful memories of the past as Sun-woo his eyes on the folder with Intel from the 1988 explosion blocks Ki -chul was somehow involved , just as he starts to tilt through them, Eun-ah falls in, and the three of them go back and forth playfully.

she tries on hard to conceal their excitement invited dinner that night of Sun-woo, and tried / failed not to enter Sun-woo the wrong idea when his mother want to ask what, so they can bring something.

"I'm not sure ... what does it do?" Sun-woo asks, more to himself than Eun-ah. He begins to have doubts when he saw the picture, he is not there?

While Mom and Dad for their hacking dinner extravaganza willing Young-seo picks her mother ringing phone and excited you recognize "uncle", also known as Ki -chul. Is he coming to dinner?

Mom pulls the phone away, ready Ki Chul to take to task if they do anything, is it has to be accepted. But he prefers instead turned their attention to the television, where news breaks that the subway bombing suspect turned in.

Obviously this can not be true, because Mom was the culprit, but Ki-Chul explained that it was his gift for her. "A good job", he adds.

Hyun-tae, who to attend the dinner had no plans in a bit of a surprise when Chef Song receives him in a surveillance van. He wants Hyun-tae go to dinner with him, to help him with something, even if the details are scarce.

Hyun-tae concern is whether Sun-woo is under suspicion, the chief song responds that he is not. He just needs Hyun-tae, to do something for him without any questions or think to ask it too hard. This is really Go Hyun-tae facilitate suspected what he does in his spare hours, I'm sure.

Yunjin called Sun-woo to tell him that it would be too late because of work than they actually sitting next to Ki-chul, the her, she told a good job. What about all the compliments from him in this episode? I think in this world, a telephone call to a spy to give a gold star.

Sun-woo heads home unable to shake off the images of the 1988 explosion, something in it has caught his attention. Nobody has yet come for dinner, so heads to his room Sun-woo and an old photo album draws to see what Mom's face looked as if he was a child ...

... Only Mom to be interrupted. He can not help but stare at her, whereupon she ask innocently if there was something on her face. When she spots, sun-woo steps ahead of her to cover up the photo album laying their view.

head song has come with bugs and earpieces, so that it can follow the commands, he is to receive, once in the house Hyun-tae. Song finds it ridiculous when Hyun-tae asks if he gave Eun-ah, a secret order to, claiming that he would land babysitter when he asked them for something.

come customary to Sun-woo home gifts as guests enter, and Hyun-tae paused when Sun-woo mother for the first (?) Time looks , quickly covering that he was distracted by her beauty. No wonder Sun-woo turned out so beautiful, he jokes.

Eun-ah comes last and brings ginseng with her embarrassed flush, when she looks at Sun-woo. Someone definitely a hopeful mother-in-law are trying to impress, right? (I've never second lead syndrome for the second female lead, but Team Eun-ah all the way!)

I wonder if Hyun-tae, a bit suspicious because he asks

Mom about her past in China and how they met her husband. She is happy to share their romantic story, even if it is mostly a production.

Yunjin is in the house brought by Ki-chul and his minions, and just told to do, as it is ordered. She asks worried when they go to storm the house, just to get the answer that it is only to think, do not their job. You must check their family security.

When asked whether they have any relatives in China, both Sun-woo and Mama quick to say no. It's Young-seo which bursts out thoughtlessly, that her "uncle", the Mom quickly to change the subject.

Sun-woo brings Yunjin in when he gets the call that it is outside, sort of sprout it to Mom so impossible to refuse it. He does not play around when it comes to her and Mama either, because he all but orders Mom to use with their banmal because they will see so much of each other now.

Mom expression is icy but forced as she plays beautifully against her son, but the second of the two are alone, she shoots Yunjin a death glare.

from monitoring Cart Ki-chul, they are able, they planted on Yunjin the bug on the table this week, thanks to overhear. Sun-woo puts all as the girl he will marry, surprised accept Chef song. knew all others that he had a girlfriend.

Yunjin hops up the dishes after dinner to help Mom do to bark just for mom that she does not need her help. Sun-woo seems to know that the two of them is to leave them alone a bad idea, so he asking noses at what they say.

You 're both all smiles for him, although the awkward tension in the room is thick enough to cut with a knife. Eun-ah is the only, ignoring her when she enters the kitchen, only to be humiliated when Yunjin her says she has before Eun-ah might not remember, because that's when Sun woo drank and passed out.

Mom motions for Young-seo Eun-ah, what they only get away with distracting because Eun-ah is so keen to make a good impression for mom at. Aw.

While Hyun-tae secret order gets to find a way to connect Sun-woo computer, mom and Yunjin some time alone outdoors. Yunjin insists she is not wearing a mistake, but that it was taken up in the house, so that their current conversation can not be overheard.

Yunjin answered every question honestly Mom, claiming that it was to visit the food for them Ki-Chul idea, but that they did so only so, because he would no promised hurt. Mama just wants them out of they stay way.

to close the voice in his earpiece, Hyun-tae innocently asks Sun-woo if he can use his computer to check his e -mail. Sun-woo forwards it to the laptop in his room, but Hyun-tae real mission has to do with hooking something up to the router.

Hyun-tae hates everything sneaking around, but can not get a response from its in-van hacker pal, what is all this. If the hacker knows he has to tell him, but I'm not quite sure, who knows what.

head song finally gets to approach password-cracking software developed Dad his company and explained that he did not because of the sensitivity of the information on the hard drive on official he can go channels collected.

Dad pretends to be happy, to help all the while hoping and praying that Boss song is put his phone only on the table , so to his company the-table tablet hacking. work

Meanwhile Ki-chul able overhear the entire conversation, which provides for one of his lackeys, equipped a pistol with a silencer. Yunjin asks her boss Mom Lied phone number to give, so they can help, and Mom actually it gives her.

Yunjin calls from the outside while Mom goes back in, catching Chef song with his phone. Mom brilliant plan for getting to lay it on the table? Awkwardly and asked him to take off his coat and get comfortable. But it works.

When Sun-woo noticed how Mama and Yunjin as a team are suddenly working, he says nothing, but he curiously not grow when Mom disappears into her room to check the hack.

Yunjin stops him before he goes by as it is too weak to open a jar, and the look she tells Mama, everything, I have his back ,

Ki-chul sends his men out when Chef Song confirmed Dad that he brought the hard drive with it, because that is what they claimed , Meanwhile takes Dad Chef song of the study to test the software, while Hyun-tae takes a look at Sun-woo photo album.

His eyes settle on the same picture Sun-woo honed in on how he thinks back to Sun-woo snatching away the 1988 explosion Act of him. Something is not right.

But thanks Hyun-tae to the network fiddling who get van hackers able to Papas program the second Dad opens to demonstrate his skills as Chief song. (Did he just touch his listeners as the most obvious spy ever?)

Ki-Chul lackey sent to kill the NIS Watchdog silently posted outside the dinner party and almost succeed before the sudden order comes in termination of the mission. Chef song turned out, did not bring with it the actual disk, which Ki-Chul overheard fortunately in time.

Sun-woo, a place of Mamas pills on the sink, but is stopped by the study of the medicine cabinet when his sister announces that rely guests.

The NIS watchdog, now can not even manage to get the license plate number of the suspect van that bothers him all night. You have a job!

calling to say Song of Hackers Hacking After dinner extravaganza boss that he did get to crack the password ... but there is a second password that he can not without connection to crack Papas company server.

it sends through a bunch of code, it manages to steal before the second password has been asked, and although it is not the case to know what it means, emphasizes Chef song a few numbers and draws a dollar sign next to them.

Ki-chul with Mama she meets explain how Chef song to get her husband in the office with disk. She asks if they want to do it and kill him, but of course not to say Ki-Chul.

"What's inside the disk?" Mom asks, to get the best out of curiosity it. Ki-Chul, he says'll tell her if she really wants to know, but it is closer to bind only the two of them together. Mom is quickly withdraw their question.

But Ki-Chul, to be this episode, decided beautifully says Mom, that this is the last task has to be done later, he would disappear from her and her family lives. Uh huh.

Meanwhile, Sun-woo recognizes Ki-Chul van license plate he caught on surveillance the day Soo-yeon died. He follows her and calls Hyun-tae, to tell him ...

... But quickly loses its ability to speak, when he sees Ki-Chul and Mom hovers near.


thank God for this development, because to walk with Sun-woo in relative is uncertainty a little pull in the last few weeks have been. Part of Spy 's problem is tension build the fact that we as the audience already know what our hero to learn more, so waiting for him to figure things less drive power than, say, revealing something that both shock him just and us.

what not to say that secrets from the audience keep the only way is to make an exciting television show, but if you're by hinging the voltage on a sign of the inevitable response to out X, to go Y or Z the opposite way, go, it's got so played that we wonder how on needles as reveal the will influence them. So while it definitely some of which is here, the objector has for too long and was instead to build the time in between to really use character, we had a kind of Sun-woo lag behind, struggling to make things for themselves itself out and to reconcile the unthinkable when it comes to Mama.

Well, hopefully we will see, to get on the offensive to Sun-woo, though I admit do not really understand where the action is trying to take us from here. They are the big strokes with Ki-Chul, Mom past and Sun-woo's (formerly) ignorant of how the two tie together, but all the focus on Chef songs mystical lately disk has gone over me. From now on it reads as a plot device that borders on being a MacGuffin, since it is the requirements fulfilled textbook suddenly a mysterious element of each of being. With luck, it might later have great meaning life-changing action be revealed. Maybe.

What came as a curveball in this episode was Hyun-tae response to Mom, because it really not seem like he was to meet a complete stranger for the first time. It would be interesting if they have seen it before or if he somehow familiar with it as a North Korean spy, because Sun-woo could not quite shake the feeling of recognition he got, looking than the old photos. Hyun-tae character and past is one of the most interesting aspects of the show, but I do not know if that has in Scripture to some luck, chalk or the fact that Jo Dal-hwan an innate ability to give all his roles a kind of warmth and depth that (do not see: aged feeling ) may not necessarily be scripted.

at least it will be interesting to see how Sun-woo's relationship with mom is now developing that he knows her secret, and whether he would hold it against it only in a big way are faced with the same thing to find, but probably worse with Yunjin. Why do I get the feeling that he will be on Mom much more difficult, but to forgive much more if / when it comes eventually goes to Yoon-jin? Or maybe it will be the exact opposite. It's hard sometimes to say with the quiet type,

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tags: Bae Jong-ok, in Go Sung-hee, Jaejoong, Spy

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