This episode marks the death courtesy everyone keeps dancing around and play nice on the surface, and we see how fast a wrong move is the Prince of life in jeopardy. sharpened the political claws out in the open, and move in a fantastic, once the hands of the prince are bound, we get to see what is the princess. We always knew that it would be strong, but they use their powers for evil or good? And more importantly, they will ever let anyone know how they really feel?
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sun finally making some progress in Heung-bok of the murder case, and hears the devastating confession teachers Park Mun-su himself-he had thrown Heung-bok body into the well. Sun heart shatters on the spot.
teachers must park that to succeed in the secondary statement that he is not the one kill Heung-bok, but he does not get so far because the Mayor that the investigation leading, goes into their prime suspect for the shadow of the murder arrest: So.
Both Sun and his teacher look back and forth in shock and teachers Park is the one to raise his voice, that this is not a scandal-the prince of murderers! But even more shocking is the fact that they know the king appointed to continue the investigation that this means Sun must stand trial.
teachers Park goes directly to the Prime Minister Kim out to have it with him and grabs him by the collar shake out the truth from him. But Prime Minister Kim sweeps straight beard Teacher Park as he is sweet, and says condescendingly that parking is no match for him. The difference in their physical quantities makes the imbalance of power feel especially sardonically.
Princess Hyegyeong receives word that her husband had been arrested just for murder, and runs over to ask what happened from her palace of her father. Requests that the process happens to stop him, but also how she talks, the Court Minister submission are to begin past them the survey. Her father warned her quarters back, because it is not their place to be here, and is consistent with the other officials.
Sun kneeling on a straw mat in front of his father, who is leading the study. Yeongjo asking very simple questions about the shade was and why Sun went into his house at night, when he discovered the body.
But Sun knows the answer to this question to open up a can of worms, and he looks back and forth between teachers Park and Prime Minister Kim. Yeongjo nudges him for an answer, so Sun says honestly that he went for the person looking for the ordered Heung-bok and Jung-woon's murders.
Everybody does in a sharp breath, no more than Yeongjo. He cling faced with the question whether Sun discovers the person behind the killings. Without a word is on the sun and slowly approaches the line of ministers.
your heads with his every move, turn, and they all gape in horror when Sun holds ... right in front of Prime Minister Kim. Whoa. I mean, he's right, but now I'm scared for him. Also Yeongjo looks a little frightened.
Sun gives him the death of the two royal artists of the order, and then to bind the death of Shadow loose ends. Yeongjo stands up and asks defensively, what possible motive Prime Minister Kim might have for the murders
Thereupon sun turns to the throne. "If it is not the prime minister, it's you, father?" Oh shit, did not you just say that out loud. Yeongjo roles in the charges against him and asks why he would do such a thing.
Sun approaches him with a copy of maengui , the secret document that Heung-bok transcribed in the pages of Ji-dam Roman. He says that the design is correct that in these pages a secret conspiracy documented here bookkeeping. This ... has to be a daydream sequence, right? This must be terrible if it is genuine.
Yeongjo eyes dart left for a way to right wanted, but all he can do is grab the incriminating pages and fall to the ground when his Minister to look. Father and son lock eyes and sun in her eyes well with tears as broken his father to see.
Whoosh , back to the interrogation, as Yeongjo nudges Sun for an answer to the question why he primarily sought shadows. Oh phew, it was a daydream. I know it's the truth, but I'm not prepared for this kind of confrontation. , Sun comes out of his reverie and decides to keep his mouth shut, and says that he can not answer
This angers Yeongjo and he asks if shadow also to speak as, refused: "Is that why you tortured him? "Sun denies that he tortured or killed the man, but Yeongjo asks how he can insist on his innocence when the evidence recovered at the scene.
, the murder weapon is released, and terror to Sun, he recognizes it immediately that his knife is stealing a court lady what we saw, he is still missing was not noticed. Yeongjo asks whose diameter is, and the sun can only answer that it belongs to him. He swears he is not someone even killed with him, and Yeongjo screams, "How long will you try to cover the sky with the hand"
And then. In a movement that truly jaw drops, Yeongjo orders Sun detained in prison until he truth, he will begin to answer questions decides Yeongjo looks pointedly at teachers Park (ah, he is it by hurting after Sun?), While Sun pierced Prime Minister Kim stares.
It is only when Yeongjo leaves the scene he reveals any fear in the treatment of his son in this way. The ministers are in their seats frozen, wondering what on earth to do it. Prime Minister Kim is the one to say that he ask the king, will reverse the order, but Sun stands up and says that he will go to jail, because no one should not be above the law, the King, the Prince, or the Prime Minister . Well done.
Prime Minister Kim says he regrets only the fact that the prince has to suffer so then Sun to prove his innocence, personally asks if he really feels like it. Ha, he has to prove only the murderer confided that the man he framed for his own crime is innocent?
The people remember at the heart of the prince on the murder weapon, which was planted at the scene, and Advisor Chae pleads Court Lady Choi any suspicious activity by any of its employees. She remembers the girl who acted strangely while digging through a chest of drawers, and when they go to look for her quarters, she's gone.
Sun is guided in his prison cell, where the guard asks for his royal robes. He takes it off and comes back to pass it, and finds Hyegyeong wait condition. She takes his clothes still and looks like she is on the verge of tears the whole time, but holds it back.
When the sun turns to return to his cell, she calls after him, "They will come. I will make it so." He pauses, but further ahead, without looking back.
Once he is alone in his cell, Sun takes Heung-bok secret pages he hid in his shirt and begins to read it again for the hundredth time. We see Prime Minister Kim the Document 30 years in the past to create, and always his Noron conspirators to sign it.
And when we shall be presumed where all as much the historical context, we the flesh at last and potatoes of the secret document it describes the intention of a new king to place on the throne says, and that the history of the use of swords and poison (King Gyeongjong died of mysterious causes, and it was always suspected that he was poisoned) awarded.
Sun to the signatures (all nickname or code name looks) and recognizes only one thing: that the prime minister Kim Taek. He wonders who the other, and when the new king is intended to put them on the throne his father. And the million dollar question: "Does the father know these things"
Yeongjo drinks alone before his brother Gyeongjong shrine, called him "hyungnim", and notes how strange it is that he does not have a single time that to call him. He stares at the portrait of his brother to him to emerging below: "Looking At Me still with eyes"
He spits defensively that, while his brother was only the royal robes for four years, he has carried they thirty, always at the service of people and not a single time with any selfish desires for power beyond. "Why are you looking with eyes on me? What did I do wrong?" He turned from anger to laughter to fear in a matter of seconds, as he stands at his brother up, waiting like a response.
Hyegyeong and teachers Park each alternately trying to get an audience with the King, but stop at every corner always rejected. Hyegyeong hear vapors that Yeongjo went to see his concubine Lady Moon, and do worry about what Lady Moon is to continue with Sun undermine his relationship
This is exactly what Lady Moon does as she asks Yeongjo what he will do if Sun really killed a man, and he says that he must him of the prince-regent strips. She asks if that means that the position of the crown will remain unfilled, and he looks very pregnant belly over and says not to do that.
Advisor Chae Sun visited in prison and has a seat for him to take the case and do not call teachers Park as a killer. But Sun is have pieced smart enough together what the teacher Park meant by his confession that he put Heung-bok body in the good he did not want the death covered up as a suicide, and hoped that the Noron conspirators to pull out by the fall forces a murder investigation to be.
Sun says that the teacher Park the same will that they want, and asks Advisor Chae this now to keep between them. I'm so relieved that Sun unwavering faith really is for once not misplaced. He orders Chae to seek residence in Eastside Chef Chul-joo, find out exactly what he and teachers Park were up to.
Ji-dam and her father heard of the arrest of the Prince and worries that things are lost massively. Ji-dam is to go see antsy Chul-Joo himself, but Dad insists they remain (at Traveller Chae house, their latest hiding) sit while he checked on Chul-joo. But it turns out that their hiding place is not so secret, and everyone from the king's eunuchs to Prime Minister Kim sends orders to kill Ji-dam.
Princess Hyegyeong, meanwhile, is busy, the chamberlain of the prince of the order to stab himself in the neck with a knife, because to protect otherwise sun in his duties eunuch Jang asks for mercy, so Hyegyeong tells him he can live if he told her everything that's going on already and as sun ended up in prison.
eunuch Jang buckles under pressure, and says it all started with Seo Ji-dam. Ruh-ROH, I really do not think that's the way you want to shaping the history of the princess. In any case, this is how Hyegyeong finally learns Ji-dam names.
Advisor Chae rushes over the compound of the East Side gang and finds Ji-dam father before him. Looking for both Chul-joo, but his men say that their boss has been missing for several days, and they are worried sick that something terrible must've happened.
Chae beats driving back to his house, because he to question things, Ji-dam has, but when they get there, they find the house toppled and crying his servant that men stormed in black here and took Ji-dam a way. Chae runs in alarm, and Dad clutching his sleeve to ask that he find his daughter: "I can not live without Ji-dam"
Sun another visitor gets in jail, and smiles broadly teachers to see Park. Park face is stricken with guilt and worry the Prince suffering seen in this way, as he is the one who has committed a crime. But Sun assures him that what Park did in the service was to uncover the truth, and that if his teacher can work to ensure that innocent lives were not lost in vain, he can stand for some time in jail to spend his part to do.
teachers Park promises sun to free and receive his just punishment, when all is said and done, and asks the prince to trust him and wait. Sun smiles and nods reassuringly, have already decided to do so.
teachers Park investigated the mayor of going over the details of the case, but is informed, that's all that has already been transferred to the State Court. His Soron cohorts asking him corner, why he was so sure of the innocence of the prince, and accuse him of either being blinded by his trust, or to know the real culprit himself. The Mayor says that he does not hand over the evidence that would be bad for the park, and takes the piece of cloth that has been found at the scene.
It is part of to Chul-Joo, which is currently borne by that night the same clothes, because he has been tied up in bombers (and Prime Minister Kim illegitimate son) Cottage Kim Mu. Mu slowly Chul-Joo with flat cuts bleeding and asks why he felt hands humanity in Chul-joo, as they fought each other.
Chul-joo: ". Because you're my friend," he asks Mu if it does not have other friends, and Mu kicks him in response in chest. Chul-joo whimpers in pain, but it does Mu out of the room for a while, and it gives him a chance to the tools to try and get that are just out of reach.
The Soron Minister of the perpetrators are convinced behind Shadow murder that the teacher's Park and that the possession of the secret document that they wanted to buy it. He denies it, but there is nothing, and they threaten, unless he does not hand over the document to them, they will make sure he is charged with the murder shadow.
Park swears that the real killer is someone else, but they did not give a damn about that. And when he argues that the prince was imprisoned unjustly, the Soron's just say that he as ahead of schedule as neither Yeongjo nor Sun have the right to the throne, as they see it.
is terribly talking dangerous and teachers Park follows the Soron leaders to ask if he intends actually to use the document to overthrow Yeongjo and someone put another into force , Teachers Park does not ask him to repeat the bloodshed that they faced in the past, and asks him to keep a lid on his hasty colleagues.
teachers Park finally catch Yeongjo not just when he left Lady Moon, and Yeongjo the opportunity of to turn the meter on, he says Lady Moon that he would have moved into the palace, which for is queens and princesses reserved to give birth. Teachers Park face goes white Yeongjo already treating this unborn child as his future successor and Hyegyeong panics to hear when they listen to the same news
Yeongjo it all lays out rather easy for teachers Park. Park is one who has Sun in court, put him in prison and put in danger his Prince reign ... and he is the one who can get him. Ugh, how can he use his own son as a pledge so? The genius part is, of course, that it is fully effective because teachers Loves Park Prince.
Park sighs Yeongjo the designs so clear, and asks if he likes the power that much, risking his own son. Yeongjo only does what he does best, playing mind games to meet with him, that Park is the one who do made him this: "Why did you force my hand Why do you make me such a bad father" Augh , Or maybe you're just a bad father.
Yeongjo practically dancing rhetorical circles around the park, and asks for the secret document, so that they free the prince and put it back in its rightful place. They say it's like you're the one who does not, who threw it there.
Park argues that even if it to meet solved, would have to be the murder case, delete Sun completely-that is, they would first catch Shadowkiller. Yeongjo says only she can make a perpetrator, and proposes Chul-joo to take over the case.
Shocked says Park that he can not let an innocent man die, but Yeongjo says he is just one street thugs who had died in any gang anyway struggling and he should consider it an honor to die for the prince. Impressive. Park shouts that even a gangster one of the people of the king's, and Yeongjo agrees but says small sacrifices are needed to do great things.
It is now clear that Yeongjo has gone too far, and Park refuses to hand over the document. Yeongjo says, as if it is now only an inevitable consequence:
teachers Park leaves the room barely stay on his feet Administration, and "then you will lose a student ... and I want to lose a child." Prime Minister Kim in the hallway stops him added in passing that he should not be so quick to give the document to the King after all, the deaths are not only to stop the sun, when it also to consider Chul-joo as. Holy Moly, no one is safe?
Just when you think teachers Park was impossible day get any worse, consultants Chae tells him that Ji-dam now has been also abducted. Chae demanded some answers about what knows Park, worried that if Ji-dam dies, Sun will never forgive and easily break.
Park Towers in Prime Minister Kim at home and demands to be to their rightful places of tomorrow that Chul-joo and Ji-dam back. Kim tells him that nothing is free in life, but Park threatens the content of the document public to make on the entire nation, if it does not comply. He does not look like he's either bluffing, and Prime Minister Kim grimaces.
sun beats his fist into the wall when Chae Advisor tells him that Ji-dam and Chul-joo missing. He says that it's time to clear the way from here, and hands Advisor Chae the side of maengui that contains all the signatures. Without the content of the first page revealed or what is at stake, Sun asks him to find out who has signed the document:
Advisor Chae frightened because he recognizes the name of Prime Minister Kim and identified a few other important Noron members, min Baek-sang and Kim sang-ro, members of the inner circle of the Prime Minister. Sun tells him what to use also always means necessary to look for these men and their environment-one of them have Ji-dam.
Advisor Chae's eunuch Jang instructions to the search, but the eunuchs begin hems and rose hips awkwardly. At the same time, the inner circle Noron the seriousness of the teacher Park attracts threats, and ask them how they are supposed to produce a girl from the air, if they do not have. Do not wait, you?
Elsewhere in the palace opened Hyegyeong suspiciously large bag ... and it's inside a hog-tied and gagged Ji dam. Well, that's a twist. Hyegyeong indicates that this is not their first meeting, and Ji-dam says rather outrageous that the kidnapping people as this is against the law, but the last time she was in the wrong, and this time is the princess in the wrong, so they will call it.
Hyegyeong tamps down her anger to say that they are not her, she needs her statement is the kidnapping. Oh. Ji-dam told her about Heung-bok the murder, and asks as Hyegyeong whether they can testify to these facts in court, Ji-dam agrees without hesitation. Hyegyeong declared that from now on, they Ji-mother safety is ensured. Okay, wait, now that's a twist.
Advisor Chae loses his temper when he hears that Hyegyeong Ji-dam has, and that eunuch Jang basically spilled all his beans under pressure. Court Lady Choi thinks that maybe this is not a terrible development because Ji-dam might be the only way to get Sun from prison.
Hyegyeong has Ji-dam safely moved to his palace, and asks her father, Officer Min brought here to have. Her father insists that Minister Min is a powerful man, and bring here could testify to his son calamity upon all of them bring, but she is determined to see through this.
Sun is in his cell and down when Chae Advisor returns, and is shocked to hear that Ji-dam is in Hyegyeong care, all people safe. Hyegyeong kneels then to argue for a retrial to accompany her son, who was to do properly, as well as his father laments taught in the king's court.
show finally decided that her son Lee San (future Jeongjo) exists! I seriously wonder if they would return to a full child under the carpet. (He is three years old, at this point in history.)
The San whining, Hyegyeong over and over again shouting to reopen the trial of the King. Yeongjo covering his ears to drown out her screams, angry that his grandson and daughter-in-law to add his problems, but Hyegyeong still willing to do all night.
recognize Noron Minister, that it is possible that the Princess Ji-dam has, and the fact it fills with fear. Sun is more alarmed than someone who Hyegyeong intended as a witness Ji-dam to justice, and has her young son kidnapped there his case to the king to plead.
Sun says she does not because Ji-dam can be witness, if it is determined that there is insufficient evidence to support their claims, they will be punished as criminals. Traveller Chae refuses this time down, because it is the only way back, from the prison to get the prince. He says that they are going to put before the court officer Min to ensure Ji-dam statement. Guys, there are so many ways this could go wrong! Hyegyeong father sends his officers from Officer Min capture, and the Noron stock panics.
Little San is exhausted but Hyegyeong refuses her court lady let comfort him and puts again to do the child at her side equal to his duty as a royal heritage. Yeongjo finally comes out to ask what Hyegyeong do when the baby cries, but she replies that he. No baby, he is here as the heir to the crown prince It points out that Sun itself was not much older than he began to prostrate before the king to do that is true ... but that was totally messed up.
Yeongjo flares in anger and asks if she means to keep these on and Hyegyeong steels to explain himself: "the grandson of the king, and I will this place make our grave"
Oh man, I love Hyegyeong more and more with each episode. She's such a great character, and I find that I am much more in Sun's future invests with her (and her son, who actually gets now in the drama world to exist). I really want to see, to be Sun also a father, whether good or bad, because it just adds another layer of depth to its sad and twisted dynamic with his father. I can see her parenting a source of problems with his wife because Hyegyeong is all about tough love and frightening discipline. I am partially appalled that they before the king all night is kneel her child to make, but partly impressed, because they clearly do not know how to use this situation to always understood their benefit somewhat Yeongjo but Sun. It's a battle of will, and she gets Yeongjo Bluff to call as if he really did not let intend his only bloodline die in one fell swoop.
At this point, I believe that Yeongjo not to let the intention sun die, technically, however, we already know that he will one day this thing be very capable. So I can not honestly say he is not willing to go that far. But at this stage, he considers much his son as a hostage because he has leverage teachers Park give the title, never the absurdity of the fact not that it be son. Yeongjo is the one who told Sun that he could be his father by blood, but teachers Park was his father in heart, and it is frightening how easily he that truth uses to his advantage when it suits his purposes. But that is really unbearable that he shows bits of remorse, and it feels like deep down, he wants nothing more than for Sun this in order to survive, so that he get rid of the goddamned maengui and peaceful as a just and fair king shall reign, and passed this empire to his only son down. It is admittedly way waaaay down there under his thirst for power and its layer upon layer of uncertainty, but that is the sad part Yeongjo story because his intentions were good as ruler at the beginning.
There is probably saddest teachers Park, which too often put his faith even in these good intentions. I'm glad for his sake, the sun is still so hopeful idealist because you break the feeling that his teacher could get otherwise. I'm so relieved that they are finally on the same page because they trust faced with nobody quite bleak future both, and it finally feels like Sun might not be entirely alone in the world. Of course, that makes only safety scares me for teachers Park, now that everyone knows about the maengui and knows that he has it; it is only a matter of time until the people he loves knocked one by one down to start, and that amounts to our entire group of good guys.
I like that things in the to open, because the last two episodes have been a big step, with severe consequences, bigger bets, and a nice funneling all disparate story elements in a central conflict that drives each episode. , []; _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});
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