I'm back for a another round of Bad Guys this week, as a team Mad Dogs their first case together to tackle in a hunt for a serial killer on the loose. And while each of our jailbirds get a chance to shine in this episode, it's really Tae-soo bow that my attention who knew that the Hitman people will he protect?
deep as our team digs them quickly in the event to find out that everything is not as it seems, and expect the answers they are even more alarming when one of them could have expected.
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EPISODE 2: Outlaw
We open with Tae-soo along a street limping, his bleeding hand clutching Well, you. certainly my attention. so as to ground he sacked by a kind young woman is discovered, he gets a glimpse of when he comes to the hospital.
, the memory is only a dream, but, Tae-soo wakes up in the church. he mentioned to Jung-moon, who were already detained in the same prison, which he considers interesting. Jung-moon, on the other hand, does not share the same feeling-only time will show whether their relationships are unhappy or not.
"you will die by my hands, if it is", Tae-soo ponders to himself. Awoken by the doors behind Jung-moon slamming, a grumpy Woong -chul says his neighbor to keep it, so he can sleep.
Meanwhile, Goo-tak comes on the scene, where the ninth victim was discovered. a young policeman seeing awakens back memories of Detective Nam first day when Goo-tak the rookie had said, to stay alive. Threw his cigarette, Goo-tak growls to his words about the killer on the loose directed out: "Have fun, you bastard"
Mi-young and our trio of criminals are passing along the way, when Tae -Soo tells her suddenly to stop the car. He recognized the neighborhood, but do not say that outright; Instead, he makes off the simple but serious craving for a little time and assured her that it will not take long.
With Goo-tak permission Tae-soo heads to the same house on the hill above from his memories. He examined the young woman from the top of the hour, Park Sun-young, and is confused when another woman who opens the door. So he asks his police escort the phone to borrow, effectively knocking him if the answer is no. Ha.
Back in the waiting van down Woong-Chul trying his luck for a certain freedom of time to score points. His attempt mimics Tae-soo earlier request is hilarious terrible: "It will not take long, agasshi-I mean, Inspector." Mi-young: "You've never been to the solar plexus of a woman, you have been punched Shall we make for the first time?" LOL.
you get a ping to Tae-soo location, but just as she remembers how he foot is moving too fast, we see Tae-soo past them into another drive vehicle. Ha. Woong-Chul taking the wheel and takes to him off.
In the other car, Tae-soo thinks of an elderly man back to a prison visit, who had asked: "Is this a woman that matter to you? " You saved his life, while Tae-soo had tried to kill him pointed.
he was asked why he was trying to, in turned and atone for his sins, instead of remaining to protect this woman, a subject which is still a sore point for Tae-soo. "In order to reduce your own load, you can leave this woman."
Then in our car chase is back where Woong-Chul remains hot on Tae-soo tail through the narrow streets. Unfortunately for them, though, they eventually lose it and Woong-Chul blames the van itself.
What Tae-soo, he heads straight to meet at a pawn shop that same older Men we saw earlier. I do not think it is a stretch to assume that he and the man refer to Sun-young, when they mention "that woman," and Tae-soo bad, the older man does not know where it is either, as everything what he does is wire money for them.
Dissatisfied with this response, Tae-soo reminds the old man, which depends his life on his ability to take good care of this woman. "Did not you trust me?" Asks the man. Grabbing him, Tae-soo tells him to find out if Sun-young and the little girl are alive and well, and nobody bothers them, wherever they are.
In this sense, cut the sound of approaching sirens their conversation. "Hide not you protect her yourself, because they are afraid.." Tae-soo with giggles that-he had as to: As Tae-soo takes his leave, told the old man to him do also.
Goo-tak for him there waiting, though unfortunate, that this is how his confidence in Tae-soo is treated. Tae-soo is still in an acidic atmosphere, and his cheek brings him a blow of Goo-tak. Yikes, this is how you plan to keep your hounds at bay?
Mi-young meets with deep Commissioner Nam, the sighs of the youngest victim of the news. Noticing the pouring rain, he muses that his deceased son to cry, demanding that serial killers to rush and find.
Mi-young, the theme changes and asks for Goo-tak, the connection to the three criminals they "ve brought aboard to quote the uncanny sequence of events in their past. Though aware that Goo- tak much about Jung-moon knows says Commissioner Nam her job to Goo-tak entrust anyway.
Speaking of whom, Goo-tak begins the hunt, his hounds give anything to see her serial killer during the day. He tells them that the residents have a hard knock life here, something that they refer as criminals. "now it's your turn ... to find out how dirty and scary life. Make him feel that it is better for him to bite his own tongue and to die rather than get something from her that drove her life to the extreme. "
Jung-Moon looks Tatort latest victim and concludes:" This is not the first time it is? "Tae-soo happens to catch the words, and not only to let Jung-Moon, without having to rely for an explanation from him. Jung-moon warns him coldly that he would kill him if he is not careful, words, the Tae-soo back in style.
While Tae-soo himself knows quite well, Jung moon can not say the same for himself. even though he can not remember how he killed all those people he does give an advantage ". There is no fault" does not feel Tae-soo, the same
Then it's time for our crazy dog to get to work, and each have their own individual style edited in this case. Woong-Chul kicks down (or rather, beats down, heh) to collect the local crime boss with his guys and find someone. Tae-soo searches a collection of knives to identify the murder weapon, then imagines himself. As an observer, analyzer and instigator of the incident
A neat trick view takes us on this rainy night, where there were no CCTVs or witnesses. Tae-soo concludes that the offender knows the area quite well, and given the anatomic location of the stabbing, the killer is shorter than the victim.
Either that is can include as much as each of our criminal consultant at this point, or they simply do not share with the class, much to Mi-young and Goo-tak disappointment. This is the case for Woong-Chul, who does not want to share how he would catch the killer in three days with its competitors currently.
Tae-soo up brings as Goo-tak was not looking teamwork, anyway it does not matter how many lives will be lost before they catch the murderer as he finally here is to get a reduced prison sentence from the Business. Then open Goo-tak, do the question to the floor, all of them feel this way?
Then Jung Moon finally breaks his silence with the question: "What could the motive of the murderer for murder be" the smell of blood, he says. The reason why he picks on rainy days, because the smell of blood on such days is much more, so more difficult to contain the pulse.
There were other incidents apart from this series of murders, Jung Moon concludes. Goo-tak asks why he thinks that is explained to the young-moon that the process has died to clean-all victims with a stitch in the lungs. He believes that the serial killer had a lot of practice by killing other people, until the method was perfected.
Jung-moon detectives advises in cases over the past year by unskilled, clumsy search murders that took place in rainy conditions with the same design: ". Locate the murder of offenders in hidden"
At the same time we have our mysterious killer sniff to see the blood of his raincoat. Looks like someone on the right track.
So Goo-tak numerous case file boxes at home sifts sigh, "Are you sure, a lot of people killed." A while later, Goo-tak grins to himself. "Found it-the murder you are hiding."
At the abandoned church, Goo-tak explains a lot of murders where the killer in the victims homes collapsed and killed them with a wrench to leave behind messy crime scenes. Mi-young notes that have not done enough of a differentiator, but Goo-tak is. These victims stab wounds all, because of their blood killer post-mortem with a syringe extracted
But none had of the other nine victims this type of wound. That's what their serial killer makes more frightening, Goo-tak argued because he found a simpler and faster method to feed its momentum.
When asked why the other detectives responsible for these murders did not notice, Goo-tak barks that various districts never Intel would share with each other, not when they compete all the culprits to nab.
There was a ten-day gap between the first series of murders and the next, he says, and that's when the killer changed his method. Among the fifteen "practice" incidents, two of the victims survived.
Meanwhile Woong-Chul told his new gangster favorite Chul-joo about how the killer break easily without a trace in people's houses. Spotting a hardware store nearby, he interrupts to ask Chul-joo history where people turn when her locks are broken.
When Chul-joo can not beat two and two together, has Woong-chul, the response in him: a locksmith. All want it over if something had broken into her house and the people trust, who works there, so they should never be suspected. Smart thinking.
For a good minute to get it as Woong-Chul is seems on the right track when the locksmith answered yes to all his questions, to commit even murder. But it's never been so easy, right? So if Woong-Chul owner drags out, Goo-tak in the time comes literally punch the feeling in him.
Goo-tak is of TAE accompanied soo, who admits that he wants to soon to to protect from prison, someone. So imagine Tae-soo surprise when he finds out that the first surviving victim is none other than Sun-young. And although he recognizes it, it does not.
Once inside, she explains how her husband died a few years ago. Suffice it to say that Tae-soo is a nervous klutz around them, spilling coffee on himself. Fortunately Goo-tak smooths the situation over.
With some encouragement, Sun-Jung tells how a hooded figure broke into her home last summer. She and her daughter woke up just in time, and as she walked the perpetrator, her little girl to help fight. He had disappeared, and it was too dark to see his face.
Elsewhere, Mi-young and young-moon meet with the other surviving victims who shares how they sleep, pretended while her sister was murdered beside her. She feared that she would be the next, and then the killer had leaned to whisper in that it has a lot of people at once to kill to "beat him."
They also did not see his face, and then noticed Jung Moon, "You're lucky." he that is not particularly comforting, but never to bring the inhabitants serial killer a gold star in empathy in transition, it is?
Needless to say, that it is flat by his remark, then shows the brutal scars on the side of her face. Aha, so that the killer had left for dead, but she had survived. Then Jung Moon offers some words: "Live in the light not die in the dark.."
Tae-soo depends Back Sun-young to ask why they in so shabby Living conditions-it is too poor? She has offended by his question, wondered if he believes that it is given one of these unfortunate events to poor people as it would even happen.
He struggles with himself for an answer, so they set him straight, no one to tell him, is poor because they want to be. To think that he is also a detective, she advises to open his eyes as the poor often fall victim to accidents, suicide and homicide.
Staring at the locked door, Tae-soo promises to find the killer. has just around the corner we find Goo-tak overheard the conversation
Then it's back in our case at hand, as Mi-young has to beat an addiction out their serial killer. Jo Dong-soo, the twenty-three people in the same rainy weather conditions killed with the design that he loved the smell of blood before he was captured.
Jung-Moon Jo record (since 13 through wrench and 9 by diameter = 22) beat believes her serial killer will try at least twice to kill. If Goo-tak wonders if wanted boast their killer one in essence, is killed to , Jung-moon replied matter-of-factly, "It is not a given for a second place you want to beat the first? "
another field of case files comes, and Mi-young shows Goo-tak an incident where the intention was murder, but survived the victim. So if their serial killer will record a perfect kill, he will return to finish the job for the two victims who are still alive.
And as Goo-tak comes to this realization, it starts to rain.
The team Mad Dogs from heads, Woong-Chul and the other station Gangster located. Near Woong-Chul bumps into someone, if he passes in a store, then the blood noted on his hands when they brushed each other over.
he confronted the man, although the latter still masked under an umbrella. Woong-Chul pursuing when he starts to run, and the team separates into different directions upon arrival.
Tae-soo breaks in Apartment Sun-young is no one to be found at home, and Goo-tak knocks a gangster down, only to find out that they are on the same page. He loses sight of the offender, much to his annoyance.
Woong-Chul keeps a closer look at a darkened room to take when someone attacks him from behind. Ack, it's the serial killer! It seems at first like Woong-Chul has been stabbed, but the camera cuts to show that he caught the knife in his hand. Accckk!
The killer against a car is fixed before he pulls the knife out of Woong-Chul hand and then cuts him over the head. Jung-Moon takes Woong-chul on the ground and bleeding, and instead go for the killer, he has a hand Woong-Chul.
As for the serial killer, he comes home, where he cleans off his bloody raincoat. His knife turns out to be a twist-off to be, and he poured the blood inside a vial and place it with the other.
course another victim of the morning found. Tae-soo pauses before the body bag, fearing that open Sun-young could be in there. But it is the other surviving victims-one who belongs to be murdered her sister. To his relief, Sun-young is close with her daughter.
Back in the church, Jung Moon is skeptical that the forensics to discover something. If it has not been previously any trace of evidence, it is a not now or in the future. Just then Goo-tak a call and relay to the other receives that the murderers were fingerprints found.
There is Woong-Chul Gangster favorite, who was arrested by the police to Woong-Chul confusion. Mi-young finds it strange how the incriminating evidence rotated so quickly, but Goo-tak says what is important is that they have the culprit found.
However, Jung Moon thinks differently: ".. he is not the culprit:" If it were, then the murderer when robbed of an assured victory angered his would, a killing, instead of scared looking on TV
Remember when Tae-soo the killer completed approximate height shorter than its previous victims (170 cm)? The gangster exceeds arrested, which means that they have the wrong guy.
And then like clockwork, it started to rain again.
Tae-soo decreases to realize that Sun-young is on the hit-list next. Sure enough, we see it followed by a hooded figure. They accelerated their step, frightens, but the figure walks past her.
Shortly thereafter, Sun-jung runs in the locksmith, who helps spilled food pick. She refuses at first his offer to accompany her home, but he's creepily persistent. The next thing we know, he runs it with a wrench and pulling it along the road through the hair.
He throws her against a car and turned his keys and his knife. Now things are turning fun, he tells her, and retires for the kill ... but then noticed something in the reflection. It's Tae-soo, the locksmith / serial killer strikes.
Tae-soo tells him to ask for forgiveness, and the killer sobs turned into jeers. At the end, he will treat him like a no better than an animal, Tae-soo. Punching him repeatedly, Tae-soo tells him did for his life as his victims to ask.
The killer mumbles for Tae-soo, to spare him, but now Tae-soo does not intend to let him live on. He reaches for the knife. Ahh, do not do it, Tae-soo!
But only if he throws it, Goo-tak calls him from a distance. It takes Tae-soo a minute to figure it out, but he stunned all the same-tat Goo-tak set this trap to catch the murderer?
If Goo-tak does not respond, Tae-soo turns only to kill, will kick of Goo-tak weapon. The police come to him and the serial killer to take away. Commissioner Nam instructs Goo-tak his hounds to put behind bars until they are useful again next time.
Mi-young asks Goo-tak why he lied discovery incriminating evidence, if any was found. Goo-tak replies that the real killer would be enraged to see the credit for his work, do not assume someone else. So he waited for the serial killer next attack.
The Mi-young laughs his cruel methods to catch criminals, Goo-tak immediately sets her straight.
Jung-moon, the survey results demanding to know why only twenty-two ampoules to meet blood there instead of twenty-three was his murders. The serial killer has no idea what he is talking about, he killed twenty-two people.
So Jung-moon casts the images of all the victims, the killer to say, to point out that he not to kill.
Just outside, Tae-soo barges in and engages Goo-tak in a stranglehold. Why did he use Sun-jung as bait? Goo-tak Tae-soo his own words reminded all that he had cared about his prison sentence, does not endanger life.
Goo-tak might not know how valuable is the Sun-jung to Tae-soo, but when Tae-soo of all life as valuable as it holds, then he never spoke so careless about the lives of people ,
so Tae-soo lets him go, but it is not until Woong-chul connects them and proposes Goo-tak. And then in the interrogation room, has the serial killer from the woman, he did not kill. He pursues her three months but was then, because he thought he heard someone nearby.
Just then, the police, the bad guys ... our trio to collect criminal file in. Goo-tak says nothing until they are taken away once the hunt is over, it is time that to detect hounds.
only two episodes, it was, but I had already so accustomed to our crazy dogs on the event that I do not even contemplated had what get them between the cases would happen. It makes sense, since all three of our bad guys are men still in custody, and yet this initial separation is coming at the worst time-when both Woong-Chul and Tae-soo are angry with Goo-tak and his methods in worse criminals capture. Not that I expect smooth sailing when it comes to three hard jailbirds and an even tougher detective, but I hope Goo-tak has a plan when he pays them a prison visit.
I like how we spent some time on Tae-soo. This week than to see his backstory was pretty bare boned compared to the other two criminals He is in debt with the woman who saved his life, and I would even venture to say that his concern for Sun-young, moreover, that thanks. When they ask him at Wake her husband, along with the ever-present guilt that he carries me that he hired her husband might take out. His relationship with the elderly man is still a mystery, and currently he is the only character who knows more about Tae-soo past. And attempts to kill him.
Although we have dealt only with the case so far, I like how the show our criminals any strengths and weaknesses on the field handling. Woong-Chul might be strong, but he's not the smartest tool in the shed, although I give him out credit that the killer would someone people trust the most and not guess. I thought it would be too easy, the hardware business / Schlosser be the serial killer, who she was looking for, but it turned out to be one and the same. Now that the key / knife caught serial killer, I hope that this means that we can move on to another case where I do not have a specific Seoul neighborhood turns into a permanent flood warning area due to heavy rain to worry.
I also hope that this means that we have a good background, we still made the three whose get a chapter on Woong-chul in more depth to explore. Despite his fretting, we see that he whom he has a deep sense of loyalty interested. As for Jung-moon, his serial killer profiling was certainly useful for this case, even if I am quite disturbed, like a man human blood collected by the murder weapon.
To be honest, I found this week's episode to be a little confusing with so many files and data to keep track of. Include in the schedule of our three criminal crime, prison, and Goo-tak past, and now I think that a timetable would be quite helpful. I am counting on the show to remind us of these dates, because as more cases file in, I'm afraid that might remain important to the obscure route compared to the ones we have to worry about only on a temporary basis. Besides the fact that it is not much more I ask may consist of a solid show good except the hope that our criminals will again be made available shortly on the field. Because the bespoke suit is far better than the blue uniform
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