Recap And Reviews Kdrama Triangle: Episode 22

Recap and reviews korean drama Triangle: Episode 22 -

we have circled back to the officially plotting and planning with minimal follow-through which the meandering pace in the hope of weathering that the emotional payoffs, but sparse, it pays to make its own kind of disappointment for anyone is. During this hour not robbed important fraternal connections, it certainly takes its sweet time they, very flowing to the detriment of history to explore. If Triangle not to start designing soon, it will be yet, affected another addition to the growing list of negative drama by extensions. And I for one, do not want it to be.

Reviews have, Triangle his first place spot held 10.0% (I know!), While his competitors remained in the single digits.


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Unfortunately, we don ' t get the immediate fallout from Young-dal told Yang-ha, to see that he's long lost little brother. Instead, we have cut after the fact to the two siblings as they pore over what just happened.

Yang ha calls asking Kim Jin-soo for the truth about his adoption, but the old man does not hesitate for information to spread, he stresses: ". you are a Chairman Yoon and only son"

". Before I my name Jang Dong-woo, was adopted, was not it?." Yang-ha suppressed "My father Jang Jung-Kook was I have two Hyungs: the oldest Jang Dong-soo, and the younger is Jang Dong-chul. is that true? "

Kim Jin-soo is increasingly uncomfortable as he stresses that he does not know, but Yang -ha incessant pleading, he finally gives in: ". Yes, they are your brothers "

Yang-ha roles in shock, tears streaming down his face when he asks if this means his real father that the man Chairman Yoon appointed chairman was going to kill you. and if so, how could he adopted him and raised him as his own? How?

The elderly man asks forgiveness Yang-ha as he maintains Chairman Yoon, was not known, his Ethnicity, he took it upon himself to try and atone for what happened by Yang-ha grown from a rich family. This is not much of a balm for Yang-ha, who asked had him right Kim Jin-soo, what something to decide so enormous.

"What I did was wrong," Kim sighs heavily. "Please forgive me." But Yang-ha can only pathetic cry when the truth of his existence in deposits.

Since Young-dal is through such a rough patch, Jang-soo tells the boys that he will not be for a few days at work and asks Jung- hee Young-dal whatever support they can lend. He will take it.

Jung-hee finds Young-dal moping alone, and is not successful, to open it in its early trials. When he finally tells her that he recently found his younger brother, she smiles, that is good news-what it is to be sad?

"My dongsaeng ... is Yoon Yang-ha" Young-dal admits. While Jung-hee's eyes grow wide with shock, stay Young-dal distant and thoughtful, as he adds guiltily that he the reason his little brother is about to arrest.

Chairman Yoon has to had to free up here with Young-dal and responsibilities Director Hyun with him. Knowing that Young-dal would stay without his connection to Daejung no reason to Elder Ahn, swears Director Hyun, to find a way to separate their relationship.

Kim Jin-soo takes this opportunity with the Chairman Yoon to plead on the blank Yang-ha take the case to him, but Yoon are undeterred: if they do not feed Yang-ha to the prosecutors, mean it would he would responsibility have to take on. And he does not intend to do such a thing.

Young-dal feels hopeless when it comes to saving Yang-ha out of prison, but Dong-soo refuses to let him fall into despair. He thinks Elder Ahn could be of help, and advises Young-dal to seek his opinion.

Da Yang-ha is still looking Shin-hye Council for whatever reason, he goes to her with the same riddle his two brothers face : What should he do

their advice is not to take the fall of his father for him, but Yang-ha replies, she asks? him to leave the man who is raised (?) him all his life for two brothers who came out of nowhere just.

Yang-ha decides that he will no longer search from Shin-hye, if this is the type of material is it is run, because he Dong-soo and Young-dal as nothing more than two people keeps trying to take to him and his father.

Young-dal Elder Ahn asks if there is a way to stop the investigation, not only because it has the main objective to find a way to weasel found it, but because the scapegoat, Yang-ha, is his long-lost little brother.

Elder Ahn knows an incredible turn of events if (only in drama country) he sees and feels in two Young- dal and Yang-ha, as it promises to see what he can do a.

In the event, we did not know Young-dal inner conflict explains Boss Min Young-dal is the team as she wonders if there is anything they can do for their poor comrades.

Jang-soo tells her that it, and asks if she makes sure spilling Kang Sun-tae is not independent of incriminating information he has on Chairman Yoon, making them from jail Yang-ha prevent.

and in the event that we nor were not on and on, what's going on, Hyun-mi wonders aloud about Young -dal responsible for Yang-ha possible-future-arrest. Jung-hee is true, as she murmurs: "You should not do this together really."

stand up embarrassing attention when Yang-ha they are, but he keeps a share for a moment but burdened silent glance with Jung-hee.

to the next scene in which the same thing is discussed, this time with the director Hyun the casino manager investigation to tell on their toes with Yang-ha on the horizon.

He is in an excavation on Manager Bae on the wrong horse betting (also known as Yang-ha) before in Yang-ha possible arrest Bae female counterpart to the rumor mill regarding Young-dal Part to correct. Of course, later Manager Bae tells her that the rumors true-Young-dal is responsible for the investigation.

Yang-ha begins his farewell tour before the examination and holding by office manager Hyun to warn him not to get in his head that he can be Daejung the heritage while is away.

is now director Hyun puzzled that he has been found, while Yang-ha all but shrugs at the futility Hyun ambition. But he makes sure to warn him to be careful of Young-dal, if he really is trying to usurp his position per se ". Because Heo Young-dal can be an even greater threat to you than I am"

during President instructs go his subordinates to do something about Young-dal (this time really you), Yang-ha warns Manager Bae careful Director Hyun to be moments, come to accompany before men him the prosecution.

Young-dal gets a moment with his littlest bro, only aback when Yang-ha, that his relationship explained to him with his father when his brothers is more important. These shocks Young-dal in whether Yang-ha is not aware of what Chairman Yoon did to them.

"Your father is not Yoon Tae-joon," Young-dal voltages. "It's Jang Jung-Kook. Your father's Jang Jung-Kook, the man Yoon Tae-joon killed." But Yang ha snipe back that this name has no meaning to him as well, he has no memory of this father.

"Dong -Woo-ya" Young-dal ekes out with tears in his eyes. Yang-ha: ".. Do not call me by that name My name is Yoon Yang-ha" But even as he escorted calls Young-dal his birth name from miserably

Outside Young-dal completely collapses ". Dong-woo-ya ... Dong woo-ya ... "

Dong-soo Chairman Yoon confronted about his inaction on Yang-ha arrest, accepts Chairman Yoon the same attitude as his adopted son, when it comes, which is his real family as that Dong-soo relationship explains Yang-ha means nothing to him.

In addition, he adds that Dong-soo and Young-dal is the reason Yang-ha are ever investigated -so if they care so much about him, they should something to do about it.

Dong-soo says Shin-hye how shocked he is over how little Chairman Yoon cares about Yang-ha added that he has changed his mind about whether Yang-ha better with his adoptive father would stay tuned: "When under Yoon Tae-joon, left at the end Dong-woo is also a monster to be."

But Shin-hye, all-seeing and all-knowing, reminding him that they must like to concentrate, before anything else Yang-ha to liberate. That's when Dong-soo tells her that Young-dal work with Elder Ahn at its end, to see what can be done. (Yes, but what are you do it?)

After finding that Boss Min would certainly taken Kang Sun-tae not spill any of its incriminating information about Chairman Yoon, Young - dal gets her to thank. It outputs nothing, but make sure to warn Young-dal that Chairman Go has given orders, be taught a lesson for him. Again.

Um Young-dal, Boss Min orders mobilized all their men fend Chairman Go men to protect. Talk about deja vu. Manbong assumes the role of general Boss Min men as they gather to prepare for the fight against the group of thugs Chairman Go has provided near Madame Jang Casino.

Madame Jang has enough warning before you delete customers Go Bat give looking for Young-dal their casino. Boss Yang suffers no guilt, it redirects to Daejung casino takes in.

more beautiful to act only to Jung-hee atypical After the leader of the Annoying Sunbae Trio vicious about it to ease behind her back, Young-dal invites to speak Jung-hee of his loneliness.

Jung-hee just happy he reached out and explained how there is a worrying consumes him was. Over some soju, Young-dal accepts it and in the past when he told her how he had gone to look for his littlest brother alone and how painful it was when he was taken from him.

She's having a hard time wrapping her head still with the fact that Yang-ha is his long-lost brother, and asks what will happen with him. Young-dal hangs his head as he admits that he is doing everything he can to rescue trapped him in front, but do not know if it will be enough.

over the table Young-dal grab picking on his mood, Jung-hee reached her hand in. "One day ... Yoon Yang-ha will realize how much you really care about him."

find Chairman Go minions Young-dal with Jung-hee and force that he follow in a shady alley, where they can duke. Jung-hee can not do anything but annoy and call Jailbreak for help if she is left behind.

Young-dal is in the minority, but to take excited at the prospect of the racket because since a fight he itch. He ends up actually to occur as are executed much ass that the bats go home Dad sent with their tails between their legs.

Team Young-dal freaks out about her friend fate because he never came home that night, without knowing that he spent the night in his old room at Jung-hee house.

Small Byung-Soo is the one who him by calling wake him "brother-in-law." Hah. It is adorable to be as Young-dal so excited, called that as with a grin usher Byung-Soo about him? "I This is right on I probably happen, is not it? "Awwww.

Of course, Byung-Soo extorts his new soon-to-be member of the family, saying that his friend brother-in-law always gives him money so naturally, Young-dal wants points collect, and does the same. Cute cute cute.

Young-dal smile brightens only when he notes that Jung-hee breakfast has prepared for him and the family while grandmother about him fondly agreement. To add to this idyllic scene, he and Jung-hee also share a sweet little smile when her eyes meet across the table.

Team Young-dal is easier to see, to take him alive and well at work the next day, though Boss Min calls him as a caring mother to let him go on the net last night mission ,

But when he tells her that he plans to meet with her to make plans about Chairman Go, accepts it, that he eventually plans for good in the care of Go.

Young-dal meets with SUNG YOO-jin to call (executive decision Jiyeon of their character name, now that we know it ), and is introduced with her pal, DIRECTOR YEON, from her father conglomerate Hanchang Group

It cuts immediately to hunt. Hanchang Group and the American based casino conglomerate Anderson Group are to sign about ten billion dollar investment deal.

There the matter would completely darken Daejung for their latest island resort made, but Anderson has a condition: you want a monopoly over foreign customers. Therefore brought Yoo-jin Young-dal in contact, because if he can help solve their this condition, they will cut him in on the deal.

After Dong-soo that Yang-ha thanks Young-dal which was released behind the scenes help, Shin-hye says Yang-ha him the same thing tell. It is distinguished by its decision not to consider his brothers as his family, but Shin-hye manages to convince him to meet with Dong-soo, before deciding not to cut his blood ties.

Yang-ha face remains stoic and impassive as Dong-soo admits that he does not have the right to name his brother after he failed to protect him as a baby. "But Dong-woo-ya ... even if you deny our relationship, do not deny our father, Jang Jung-Kook. No matter how you choose to live your life, not always to clear his name from your heart."

when Dong-soo goes on to say that he when Yang-ha Young-dal not decide object to live as long life separate as not fight, Yang-ha eyes begin unshed tears glistening. Dong-soo adds that, if he had one wish free for his youngest brother, it would be for him to Chairman Yoon tracks do not follow

Dong-soo. "Do you remember, tell me again that the money honor was money, proud, and the money was all? That's not true. There are so many things more important than the money in the world. What breaks my heart and saddens me is that the Chairman Yoon you raised to think so. "

After choking his own tears back, Dong-soo apologizes. Yang-ha never says a word.

Yang-ha is embraced by the chairman Yoon after his return, although he can not help but think back to Dong soo wish that he in the not follow his father's footsteps. But methinks Yang-ha knows how little his father was involved in his early release when he tells his father that it's all thanks to his efforts-when in reality, he knows that he Young-dal has to thank.

Speaking of promises Chairman Yoon Yang-ha, he of Young-dal [loszuwerdenwerde and Elder Ahn. Yang-ha does not have to worry about anything.

While Chairman Go is listening to messages over the moon that the investigation in Yang-ha (and by extension) was called off, Young-Dal's friends are only the moon, how about when he tells them that they could be cut in this multi-billion dollar Hanchang Deal .

But since news only gets about human Carriers, Young-dal, the last has been done to find out about Yang-ha-release though he was the one draw making strings. Whatever the case, Young-dal is happy to hear it.

Dong-soo is to call the next person Young-dal with the same message, admits Yang-ha release was all thanks to him. But Young-dal begins quickly to the fact that Dong-soo had a little too much to drink, as his Hyung complained that he too ashamed even Young-dal, because he has never done something nice for him to face.

he starts to tear, as he he happy Yang-ha was alleged released, but that his heart still every time he thinks of Young-dal hurts. Because he feels sick to his stomach when he thinks about how the three of them ended up in this way, and because of the anger he feels towards President Yoon, he felt justified in a few drinks.

"I have our father just miss you so much today" Dong-soo says as he collapses on the phone. Young-dal can not do anything, but his concern for his Hyung voice ... at least until the Dong-soo, in desperation, asks what they will do about Yang-ha.

He hangs up before Young-dal can even try to answer, and as we see both brothers crying separately, we Yang ha drink find alone as he thinks back with Dong-soo, and promise to his encounter his father Young-dal rid. [1945009[

Yang-ha is back to Daejung with open arms as the new CEO all but Director Hyun welcomed the plans to bring about Yang-ha fall by pitting him against his black-hearted father.

Speak of the devil, Chairman Yoon calls Yang-ha to say that he "worried" is Elder Ahn, and that all Yang-ha has to do to take care of Young-dal.

... meaning, Young-dal in for a rude awakening when he only Messenger Pigeon Jun-ho at work to tell him that Elder Ahn was in a car accident. He's alive, but at least in a very critical condition.

Yang-ha, so quickly get the replacement in shock before Young-dal sprints out of the building watches intently at the hospital, as he can.


because, as Chairman Yoon his own dirty work with about 99.9% more can do efficiency pressed to find a reason why Go is still treated as if he is not completely obsolete and / or irrelevant as chairman Go, I am. He had to have come his time in the spotlight as a particularly nasty villain, but that seems the time, and now that Young-dal came into the big leagues tail, the show itself hung a lantern on chairman of his vile Flair go away to lose when he literally asked his favorite when he lost them.

we a big deal So looked inability of Chairman Gos no orders ever perform last episode, and when he entrusted with the care of the young -dal (again), only spectacularly fail (again), I was kind of glad that we are not to the chairman a cartoonish "has Go cut I'm going to get next time, gadget! Neeeext time!" moment. Because that's all it would have been at this point: a joke. He is turned into a joke at this point, so I really hope Young-dal was serious about the chairman going care. Someone has to do it.

While I admit, a little disappointed with Yang ha response to the great apparent feeling, there is definitely room for growth now that he will be even the slightest bit torn between his adoptive non- seems a family and its real. Young-dal, the change in the way he approached Yang-ha was also very subtle (perhaps too subtle) because it does not all have long to spend that Yang-ha to reconcile it against the little brother he hated missing. I had expected more conflict on this front, but it is not so out of character, the Young-dal can not even ignore his better self, if he wants to, he could. And although he wants Yang ha throwing a pot in the Chairman Yoon, this hour made it clear that he is thinking of Yang-ha as his flesh and blood, whether he wants it or not.

, which still leaves Dong-soo with nothing to do but to continue his career of being sad and worried. There are clearly some confidence on the part of the show, when it comes to Chairman Go impotence, but I wonder if Dong-soo clumsiness is something that will be addressed in the near future. His conversation with Yang-ha was just about the only worthwhile action he had, since his only other attempt to do something in the confrontation with President Yoon, only was sad . He made it clear no plans other than Chairman Yoon, saying his thoughts, as Chairman Yoon all but brushed it off, he was left with nothing. He made no impact. This scene was taken completely unnecessary.

However, when Dong-soo tearful phone call with Young-dal is an indicator, it could be a way for some sign change on the horizon. I would not know, because spinning theories are based on future unknown is the task of the Shin-hye.

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tags: featured, the Shi-wan, Jaejoong, Lee Beom-soo, triangle

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