Recap And Reviews Kdrama School King of Savvy: Episode 8

Recap and reviews korean drama School King of Savvy: Episode 8 - warned

there in this episode a lot of feelings. Soo-young struggles aside to put a director, while the inclination of the second coming, while Min-seok his feelings tried bottled to keep a strain on the woman to avoid, whatever he wants. His coping mechanisms do not help to deal him, since neither steak nor exercise can ease the sting of Cupid's arrow. It takes a while for our results in learning their own heart, but fortunately for all involved, they can not lie forever to himself.


by Min -seok swoops in for the kiss, he explains that he does not violate wanted to be Soo-jung by the truth. "I like you," he says simply. He has more to say, but flees Soo-young, before he has a chance. She loses her shoe in her haste. Min-seok is helpless on the stairs, shoe in hand, as he run his Cinderella watches away.

The memory of the kiss remains with Soo-jung, as it passes through the street. Finally, they also lose their socks and has Yoo-ah call them to bring some shoes. "Did you chase something perverse?" Yoo-ah demands immediately. HA! Substitute "teenager in love puppy" for "pervert" and Yoo-ah quite nailed.

Soo-jung tosses and turns back on that night, experience the turbulent events of the day again. In a neat piece processing, divides the screen Min-seok and to show, not to sleep in a position. Then, the screen is divided further, we see all three members of our budding love triangle, all equally unhappy and unable to sleep able.

Soo-young is the gift back, he gave her to Jin-woo office. He says he must return the Thermos, but Soo-jung answers immediately that he should throw it away. Min-seok occurs shortly after Soo-young leaves, with a message for Jin-woo. Castle

Min-seok is actually grateful Jin-woo to help him realize his feelings, by a donkey to be Soo -Young. He has a great line that used his signature slogan: "For such a complete bastard ... thank you very Kamsa." But he did not just bring his gratitude; Instead, he does not warn his rival director to mess with Soo-jung more. Jin-woo takes the opportunity to ask if he before, after Germany went to weeks. Min-seok answers cool that it is not his thing, and he was personal from Min-seok life and Soo-young in the butt.

Soo-young has some research to take files in Min-seok office, and it is still clearly uncomfortable about the kiss. He calls his way she acts, closes the door, when she tries to leave. He says: "Stop crying about another man, and come to me Okay," Soo-young bursts past him and slammed his foot accidentally with the door


the next morning, min-seok calls Soo-jung, blamed it for him a morning call not send. "I give you a morning call that you say call me a morning." Pfft. He reminds them to react to him to relate the many instant messages and texts he sends her during the working day.

President Yoo a meeting with his two chief has bootlickers wishing to submit information a revised company brochure. It even has the profile of the company's management, with pictures and biographical information there to see a bitter contest to see who can complete the most effective president They say he like James Dean looks, but President Yoo is dissatisfied.. he heard that Robert Pattinson the guy everyone is like these days.

The President Jin-woo sees the company profile and realizes he forgot his son's birthday. Now he understands why Jin-woo asked if he wanted to eat the Sunday meal. When he is alone, he calls his secretary to tell her a present to prepare for "the young people", to mention cufflinks as not-so-disposable proposal.

has the retail team a long meeting about her current project, which includes access to shopping malls sending promotional videos. Team manager Kim Min-seok asks permission he gives immediately. He appears in the observation Soo-jung to be more interested than following the details of the proposal.

After the meeting, the team plays a game to decide who would go to buy snacks. Min-seok and Soo-jung selected. In order to avoid a one-to-one situation, it has to change with Assistant Manager Park, the happy save 20,000 won. But then the other members of the team feel bad about having a job, the Director post, so they all go together and leave Soo-jung alone with Min-seok office. tries Soo-jung to rush off, excursions and hurt his ankle.

At the end of the day Min-seok asks Soo-young, if she wants to leave together, but she says that it is a work to be done first. She waits a while before packaging, so they must not be alone with Min-seok. My ankle still hurts, so they hobbled out of the building.

He was waiting for her, wants to know why they him out of the way. "Am I so uncomfortable?" She says that it was only yesterday they may be Jin-woo, and they can not easily change their minds. Soo-young has decided to focus only on the work. It is based on a wonderfully apt metaphor for her last romantic disaster, say bitten by a dog has even made her fear of puppies. Min-seok has no choice but to let them go, even if he insists that they take a taxi as it was hurt because of him.

Yoo-ah counts money for skates and goes to her sister, who icing their ankles. The story of the directors comes out, and Yoo-ah approach is commendable simple: "If you like him, Date If you do him, then do not.." But Soo-jung does not know it's that simple. She has seen Min-seok to every day at work, and his sudden confession is overwhelming and stressful. It's in their gaudy pajamas, wondering why it is so attractive. Yoo-ah laughs that her sister got full of himself.

The boys are, as always eating at Tae-seok parent business. You talk about an upcoming training session, the Min-seok have to find time in his busy schedule. They have a game against a tough rival to come, even if it is not much hope of winning. Then the boys will see Min-seok of the phone, with its unanswered text ( "OK?") To popcorn sister. They tease him to try to get a girl, and he goes.

Min-seok runs out his frustration, then breaks on the ground. He can not hold back, so that he takes his phone to call Soo-jung.

The Sisters of the bed ready when the call comes. Yoo-ah says Soo-jung to be simple, so that the director can pack up his feelings, but Min-seok not give her a chance. He asks again if it can not be him. "Director ..." Soo-young says, but then Min-seok you cut the word from ". Okay, then," he promises not unpleasant henceforth to make determined to be back friendly allies

When Yoo-ah hears that the director has given up so quickly after confessing his love, she says he must not liked so much to all of her sister. Soo-jung says that everything worked, although she is no longer happy as we expected. As with Min-seok, he is still in the field struggle with his feelings. "So what if she likes you?" He asks the sky. "How far would you go?"

The next morning, Min-seok meets Soo-young before the elevator and followed through on his promise. He asks her to his schedule and nothing else, and Soo-jung looks a little surprised at his new attitude. Then team leader Kim comes tearing around the corner and called for Min-seok. "! Fake" He sees Soo-jung a second later and tried to stutter backtracked, nonsense until Min-seok drags him into the stairwell of

Min-seok wants team leader Kim to cover for him on Friday work is missing, as it is the first day of the training camp of the team. He asks whether the team leader to take responsibility for his life if he is kicked the hockey team. As team leader Kim asks her why she had to go for the interview to the stairwell, Min-seok answers that he give him a little practice only and then the next flight and start. Alas, these two are so cute when they bicker!

The day passes to treat professionally Soo-jung with Min-seok his promise implementation. He asks another team member to get his Cola and hamburgers, and only calls to confirm his scheduled appointments. Soo-jung day passes with a puzzled expression, as if they can not quite Min-seok who actually believe do what he said he would.

Min -seok takes the boys to the corporate card for Steak thanks and tries his grief with two pounds of steak to eat away (surefire cure for a broken heart : coronary). He tells his friends with a smile to eat, which is so obviously fake even his immature friends know something from above. Later, he goes with them, still with this set smile on his face along. He looks a shopping cart and decreases it to drive along the road in the dark.

Soo-young to the road going down, still upset that Min-seok leave, without waiting for them. A shadowy figure appears behind her, matching his steps with her. Soo-jung accelerated their pace, and the figure also makes on. A hand grabs her shoulder ... and it's Min-seok Opa! He makes an adorable happy dance in the street to explain that he found right Unni.

She takes him to the store for ice lollies, and Gramps is such a good listener, Soo-young shares their problems. She tells him about the director at work who confessed to her and she refused. Yet he seems okay with it, maybe to okay with it, and she thinks that it was unfair of him only to leave that day, without waiting for his secretary. Gramps hears with an open ear, then asks for another popsicle. Just then Soo-young sees Min-seok and his friends hurtling through with the shopping cart, and snorts that they should gather the young hooligans and teach them a lesson.

Min-seok finally falls to be fake smile after shopping trolley ride and had to show his dejection. His friends suspect that it like that is because of the popcorn sister who she is. When it comes to a woman at his work, shows Duk-hwan, the inevitable problems out with an older woman at work to like.

There is a 10-year age difference, and if he is about his age fraud it is. Min-seok says he knows everything they want to say, so he tried to overcome his feelings. His friends want him to get over it by training hard in camp, but Min-seok only sighs and shakes back and forth in his cart of fear.

That night Soo-young her bungee jumping dreams dream again, but this time it's Min-seok, the fixed without the rope falls comes down. Soo-young wakes muses that their dreams have been pretty much lately.

you find Yoo-ah in the living room, lovingly some fried tofu snacks for Min-seok Packaging. Soo-young says Yoo-ah, that they should love their own sister even half as much as this "man Lee" guy.

Min-seok takes a call from Yoo-ah, back in his usual brusque manner. His father hears the call and muses that is Yoo-ah come to the house, and that the Min-seok should treat them well. He then Min-seok to keep some red ginseng its energy, worried about all these workouts had his son recently.

Gramps steals some ginseng, with the intention to give it "Pretty Unni." Min-seok plays along so that Gramps some more so that he share with his mystery girl. Before Min-seok leaves, he notices that Soo-Young-Moss has become faded a little after days of neglect.

Yoo-ah and her henchmen come to the bus in time to see the boy away. You are Min-Seok, the food they prepared, and Duk-hwan and Tae-seok promise to make sure that he eats it. Soo-jung is all smiles for Min-seok, but bring Tae-seok back with a no-nonsense gloss and warns him about his feelings not to say anything, and to hurry up and get over it.

When Min-seok not stab not to work that day, team leader Kim has some quick thinking and says he went for a last minute business trip to Japan. It puzzles the team, but assistant manager Park moans only that people in Osaka to it must be back to cause trouble with her flightiness.

is Soo-jung concerned about the flight, but in the light of their dream. They booked online to ask what could mean your dream. One comment suggests that the person concerned might get in an accident, but the general opinion is that their dream was meaningless. Soo-jung relaxes with a relieved smile.

in training camp Min-seok throws his all in the exercises. His friends see in astonishment, and Duk-hwan wonders if unloaded always a fire would burn under his butt. Then Tae-seok slaps his ass, and the boy restore their maturity with a blow to fight.

Jin-woo gets a call from the rehabilitation center, that makes rush him immediately. The sisters say his mother was well that day, but now they can not. They claim, searched everywhere, but Jin-woo gets a thoughtful look and runs away.

Soo-jung accidentally a glass breaks, while a document from Min-seok office to retrieve. The bad omens reignites her fear for the director, and the things worse when the team sees the message from a relatively strong earthquake in Osaka. You begin to worry, and Soo-young starts calling Min-Seok hectic.

Min-seok forces to come to the mountain, in the first on the run. It does not make him feel better, though, and he considers suicide even after the last of his teammates to stop running. The coach says to take him a break, but he continues until he falls down and scrapes his arm. The team rushes to see over whether it's okay

President Yoo hear that a guest for him is because -. It's Jin-woo mother. It is in a pretty dresses and has brought some flowers for the president desk. He wants to know why she's here. Is she threatened him? You just wanted to see him, but President Yoo says that she can not be here because this Jin-woo workplace. It annoys them to hear him speak to Jin-woo, so they beat him and he requests that the Secretary to accompany her out.

Jin-woo comes as the president of subordinates try to get his mother to leave the premises. He yells at her to leave them alone, they say, "someone he knows", and takes her arm gently to perform before her.

The retail team finally manages to get a hold of Min-seok, who confirmed that he was not hurt. His arm is in a sling, but that's coming bad news for the hockey team with the game. Tae-seok comes with Duk-hwan on the back, and the two friends give a hard time, Min-Seok as only true friends can.

President Yoo getting the gift that he requested for Jin-woo and puts it next to him. But as Jin-woo enters the office, is the only thing in his mind, as the president treats his mother. He shook practically with anger when he asks how his father could treat someone so cruel, especially someone who gave up their lives for him. "I lose, Father," he says, and leaves without a second look. In his apartment, Jin-woo takes the birthday cake, the Soo-young bought it. He hears her voice on the map to read the words to wish him a birthday full of laughter. He covered his face with his hands, completely crushed.

Now that they know, Min-seok is safe and healthy, the retail team ready to get something to eat. You go away to eat gopchang remains (intestines of cattle or pig) but Soo-jung back. She says Assistant Manager Yoon that it is not very good, the feeling he further accepted without question.

Min-seok coach deals with the hockey team after their training. He is proud of them for their hard work, and tells them to put every last ounce of effort into this game, but also in life. ". No regrets" They respond confidently while Min-seok with a sigh looking downwards

As the guys go for the barbecue, Duk-hwan congratulates Min-seok on his feelings to finish clean. He begins memories of a time he had almost broken his heart, though Tae-seok there to remind him that the girl threw him, the next day he asked her friend out. The call is terminated when the boys realize that Min-seok is nowhere to be found.

Cut to the truck driver, is mitgefahren with the Min-seok. The man asks if Min-seok, is when back to Seoul to get his arm checked out at a hospital, but Min-seok says no. "I just want someone to see"

Meanwhile, Soo-jung walks along the way, to say that she was only concerned about the dream and the earthquake. However, their memories play in flashbacks from that punish their words lies that all. The meaningful moments with Min-seok Play Suddenly she stops and admits himself: "You know that's not the only reason is because you like it ... it's because you like it that you are in this way act.." With renewed determination it originates a taxi and leaves for the airport. NOOOO, Soo-young, you're going in the wrong waaaaay !!!

Soo-young waiting at the airport with a sign that says "OK". Oh, it is the answer to Min-seok text! Min-seok comes to the company, as well as the last plane from Osaka lands without Min-seok it arrive. To think that Min-seok has already changed his mind, Soo-jung throws her characters into the garbage and leave prepares. Luckily she sees the missed call from Min-seok, calling him again. Loosen immediately to meet in their neighborhood.

After such running wild through the area, they finally see each other on opposite sides of the street. As they wait for the traffic stop, Soo-young calls from to Min-seok: "Okay" when he can not hear her, she tries to spell instead. She makes a big "O" with their arms, and then a "K" (correction quickly when she realized her "K" backward, ha).

Min-seok still can not figure out what she says, and when the next bus passes, he's gone. He runs a transfer and sprints, although it looks to Soo-young, as if he just disappeared. A few seconds later he appears behind her and pulls her into a hug. "I could not give up," he admits, breathing heavily. "You know, I have killer fighting spirit."

"Okay," Soo-jung says. "My answer is also in order. Director, I like you." Then she closes her eyes and leans in to kiss to initiate. She shoves his arm in an accident, but Min-seok only raises his injured arm and puts it behind her neck, pulling her close.

catch as "Walk" sign smooching is green, and in voiceover Soo-jung reflects that her dream was pointless. "I will no longer rely on those kinds of dreams," she says. "A professional modern woman, full of responsibility and sense of duty. A woman who love just begun ... I am Jung Soo-young."


There was heartbreak aplenty this episode, but it was only the end to make the much more satisfying. Finally, our lovebirds who are running stopped each other. The last scene was so suitable, and the distance between them from the highway shown. Now they are together, going in the same direction, with finally gave her emotions.

But still secret, to mention crushes involved secret with Min-seok identity not different family, I doubt it will be smooth sailing here. Jin-woo is likely to keep things tense at work, and I'm sorry for Yoo-ah, when she finds out that her husband Lee is actually in love with her sister. Come to think of it, is Gramps going to be heartbroken - his right Unni makes time with his grandson

It's nice that Min-seok efforts Super Male to be Halt! always undermined in this episode. It's great that he wants to be more mature and responsible for Soo-young, but the danger is that he is too dominant. Check out the scene in his office, for example, when he says that if she does not like Jin-woo, they should just come to him instead , as if that were her only option. There is no help that he keeps the door closed when he says that what even a shadow is aggressive for me quite feel at ease.

work prompted the boss is almost always unpleasant because of the imbalance of power, even if Soo-jung does not know really boss said only teen is an amorous. I was very happy that Min-seok to his efforts ended domineering with the sharp edge of a door to walk. Min-seok puppy love is adorable and I'm sure he means no harm, but he is so young and impulsive, he can not see how his actions could be annoying or even threatened for Soo-jung. Imagine Jin-woo that Stunt draw (or a different boss you have experienced), and you can see what I mean. Much better was Soo-jung oblique at first for the kiss at the end - it shows she still has the same impulsive spirit, even after their experience with Jin-woo. Go for it, girl!

One of my favorite moments was Min-seok reputation Soo-jung when Yoo-ah says the director, they must not like when he gives up so easily. The way they react to the differences between Min-seok and Yoo-ah with respect to the way they think about love. He is very careful to respect the feelings about the person he likes. For much of the action it proposes nothing to do burden Soo-young, even if it means his distance to maintain, and to keep his feelings inside. Yoo-ah, on the other hand, thinks that if you love someone, then you need to go the distance. She lives the creed regarding Min-seok, take his grouchiness installation and its side against the world. Both philosophies have their charm, also if they so different.

The secondary characters are also a big part of the show appeal. First for me Duk-hwan and Tae-seok, the bumbling but good-hearted duo always have Min-seok back. Then, the scheming directors at Comfo with their silent dispute over Robert Pattinson, and team leader Kim with his woe-is-me approach to managing Min-seok. Each of them had only small moments in this episode, but somehow they manage to it still shine.

The retail team, who have come on a mission than your average bitchy colleagues over could the heroine hard to make a living, manage actually to show a certain depth, even if such a work as a drop easy to check dinner on their director. Gramps and his attraction to law Unni gets me every time and Papas Spice Hyung-Seok and Min-seok's exactly should be like a father. The main lines in Savvy are certainly strong enough to stand on their own, but one of the greatest strengths of the show is that they do not need.

now that our lovebirds have (so far) by their feelings, it's time for the real conflict is about to begin. The guilt of leading a double life, the consequences when life comes to Min-seok should collapse ears and repair of strained relations over the coming weeks just as captivating and entertaining to do as the previous ones.

I am particularly pleased Jin-woo role because he is showing lately such depth of character, manages. This episode, which he devastated really, and yet he still seems really want to repair relations with his father and mother. He is not (at least so far) made for easy revenge - he wants to build a family again, but his pride and defense mechanisms make it just as flawed in its own way, like his father.

While I would not exactly thrilled to see him at this point with Soo-jung at the end, I think he desperately needs someone like you in his life. And it's a shame that he is locked in not-so-deadly combat with Min-seok, because the two really best friends could be. Min-seok simple loyalty and caring heart would go a long way to relieve Jin-woo solitude, though he may have let his defense first down. I have no idea what will happen at the end, but I keep hoping for a happy ending with a healthy dose of bromance!

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tags: featured, high school king of Savvy, Lee Hana, Lee Soo-Hyuk, Seo In-gook

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