Recap And Reviews Kdrama Trot Lovers: Episode 10

Recap and reviews korean drama Trot Lovers: Episode 10 -

What a fluff filled episode of utter cuteness! Joon-hyun and Chun-hee finally enjoy their adorable coupledom - but in secret, of course, because this show can not handle another scandal. Haha! Just kidding: We all know that the plot can not move without a scandal or two along, and our characters have definitely a few face, whether from their own production or from the conniving of others (and Guess Who for responsible is "sneaky"). As much as Joon-hyun and Chun-hee delight us with her sweet and fun romance, apparently there is a price for a pair pay so happy in love. But who would have thought that the price would be trite plot twists that you want to tear your hair?


After Joon-hyun gently Chun-hee kisses as she sings, he takes them from earphones, asking why she always gets in trouble when he is not near. Then he kisses her again.

He apologizes and pulls her into a hug, and the two leave their special place, smiling and holding hands. Joon-hyun drives Chun-hee home, her invitation declined to go in and at least say "hello" to Byul, because they still have to be cautious about any potential scandal. Chun-hee does not care about a scandal, but Joon-hyun does. She is pouting that they not be together as before, but go in, without him, and he returns to the apartment he shares with Tae-Song.

The happy new couple waiting anxiously by their phones that expect each texts of others. Joon-hyun is stirred when Chun-hee is not responding to wonder how they can sleep when they shared their first kiss just. But he is more unprepared when texts that it was not their first kiss - "Bad boy." It was with some

He immediately calls her, wanted to know who it was, and she laughs him that he was - he was the "bad boy" of their first kiss. That changes the mood considerably, and the two hide under blankets dizzy continue their conversation.

The next morning, Chun-hee meets with Geon-woo, apologized that she could not be reached yesterday. He is not particularly disturbing because, inviting them instead to lunch, tease, that they do not have to look so surprised, because it is not as he asks her to marry him.

But Chun-hee decides to be honest, and let him know that there is indeed someone that they want, and they instead with this person lunch. He's a little stunned, but admits he can not complain because of their openness.

You trying to sneak on Joon-hyun, while waiting in the lobby Shine Star, but some other people they welcome, and she turns, diverts from its original objective. The couple pretends to ignore during the day, but to keep secret their hands in the elevator and mutually pass notes to and the cutest looks and waves when she seeks no thinking. But someone, and smiling Soo-in can not as merciful as it appears while watching them.

After a happy afternoon playing around outdoors, Chun- hee and Joon-hyun to Officetel he shares back with Tae-Song. Joon-hyun writes from a dating contract Where Person "B" (which he does lay claim) is person "A" obey (Chun-hee), no matter what; B is to make a laugh once a day, and (with Chun-hee insistence) both A and B give each other a compliment and a pat on the head every day.

Joon-hyun initials of the contract to tie it, and Chun-hee insists that he call them "MJ" on, because those who are not their initials. But he reminds them, it would be easier to hide their identity when the contract was ever leaked, and besides, it was because of their meddling medal that they met in the first place. Then he wants to see, to see how it is put it in her cell phone, and he is offended that it "bad guy." He makes a quick change, so that it takes "Pretty Man" reads.

Soo-in meets with Geon-woo upwards, which is at the bar, his Chun-hee worries with shot after shot of whiskey drowning. She tells him that there is now a Shine-star pair: Joon-hyun and Chun-hee. He pauses a little while her shot watering, but tells her that he is something to be aware.

then comes right out and tells Geon-woo that she likes him. But he does not feel the same. Soo-in reminds him that Chun-hee someone already dating is different but Geon-woo, he says in his one-sided love is content. When he downs yet another shot of whiskey.

Chun-hee and Joon-hyun continue her date to Tae Song Officetel where they sit on the floor watching TV until Joon Hyun turns off the light, and bends over - but not for sexy times, Chun-hee first assumes (protesting that they are too quick in motion, and it is not ready). Instead, he draws from a projector, and they see the music video Joon-hyun of their time taken in the river, on his "To MJ" song. It is very nice and sweet.

Tae-song comes home the couple cuteness (and eating the delightful dinner, Joon-hyun had prepared for Chun-hee) to interrupt. When Joon-hyun leaves her home to see, discovered Tae-Song of the projector with the music video, and is surprised (but delighted!) To find that the two are together.

Director Wang Yang with Joo hee meets to tell her that Soo-in is all set to get the top spot on the music show. But their joy is short-lived when they got a call that Soo-in was in a car accident.

Soo-in refused to get out of the car or even lift his head from where it is hidden behind the steering wheel, and Director Wang tried the loud to convince ahjussi (clutching his neck, of course) that they pay him what he wants compensation. Until the ahjussi recognize who drove the car -. A popular singer ever in a drunk driving accident is great news

on the music show ( music container instead of Music Bank ha), Chun-hee exchanges like to respect texts with Joon-hyun without that it is in third place. Soo-in, on the other side waiting nervously the results of the first place competitions to hear - they do not contain. The PDs tell her that may not run because of drunk driving message, Soo-in.

When Soo-in and their manager leave the transmitting station, Chun-hee greets cheerfully their "sunbae" and thanks her happily for them the image of Joon-hyun sleep in the living room with her and Byul shows because now all is well between them. Without knowing that Soo-in was pushed from the performance list, Chun-hee cheering for her and said Soo-in is sure to win first place.

In their eagerness to answer their phone, they see missing against Soo-in look of contemptuous dislike, and Soo-in relieving angry frustration over a mop Tiamat, as it leaves the building.

Chun-hee rushed outside to meet with Joon-hyun, but she immediately mobbed by their fans, so that the pair just adorable little finger hearts exchange afar. He leaves Chun-hee with her fans to meet, and runs in President Jo, who says he has to be the third vote on Chun-hee disappointed. But Joon-hyun admired the fact that Chun-hee is so far come on their own strength, and assured President Jo that he does not want to bind Chun-hee to his own album - he will comeback on his own strength to ,

Tae Song Officetel the pair retreat ever, as Chun-hee a large back-hug to Joon-hyun, the courts busy washing is arrives to give. Oh, I missed these domestic moments, and Chun-hee seems to have, since it is reluctant to let go of Joon-hyun to answer her phone. It calls Coach Bang Chun-hee to celebrate their third victory on Music Tank .

A festival will invite in Coach Bang Restaurant, and everyone toasts Chun-hee success. But Joon-hyun, concerned about Chun-hee drinking too much alcohol, their black knight and drinks can be explained to them, soothing the loan shark ahjussis (and their current manager) that they do not. In every respect

to do as a coach Bang the way Joon-hyun drank Chun-hee shot of soju for them, Tae-song immediately admired volunteers the same for Coach Bang. But Chul-man pours for them even a glass instead, and she agrees avidly a "love shot" to do with Chul-man. Tae-song jumps up in despair, offering to sing. Despite Coach Bang enthusiasm for his music, Chul-man next next all Coach Bang to get attention. Aw, poor Tae-song -. At least you cutie-pie Byul offer to dance with you to make sure you are not ignored

Late at night, Chun-hee is amazed at the posters for their upcoming concert. She calls Joon-hyun and asks him if he would perform the song he wrote. He is cautious, and she reminds him about their dating the contract, he has to obey it - but he still asks her to think of something he can do except the. Pouting, she hangs up to him.

Tae-song, annoyed with her little lover spat to eavesdrop, asks him why he does not run only agree. But Joon-hyun is concerned revealed about their relationship and ruin another scandal Chun-hee. She has hardly come so far, and still has yet to find her father. Besides, if he has made his own comeback, he will proudly stand on their stage.

After Joon-hyun leaves the room, Tae-song thinking and hard long before he uploads something at a songwriting website. Hmm. Is it Joon-hyun "MJ" song?

Yang Joo-Hee Soo-catches in a handful of pills to swallow, and yells at her and wondered what she brought into this state. Soo-in reminded her mother that she has been a trainee at Shine Star, since she was fourteen years old, and all that she has done since debuting exclusively on and on stage. Never regretted it because she wanted so badly to sing

But when they shrieking begins about Chun-hee, her mother suggests (hard, also. - Ouch!). She screams for coming to senses Soo-in, because if this does is just about Chun-hee, then stepping on them Soo-in, before it has occurred. That's just the way in this business to get ahead. Of course, it is all they can do to help her daughter.

Like a meeting with a set assemblyman to introduce him to a singer of her company promising to carry out his campaign song. When Yang Joo-hee is behind it, then it can not be good - and you would think Chun-hee would have learned by now, but she seems pleased to be given the opportunity assemblyman for singing


until it comes and discovers that it is only the two of them for their dinner meeting - Yang Joo-hee makes an excuse and said that she is not to make the meeting. The assemblyman's total creeper when he squints at Chun-hee and Chun-hee looks incredibly uncomfortable, although they remain polite, agrees.

When Chun-hee prepares Creeper Assemblyman campaign song, record Director Wang sets the rumor mill about Chun-hee, the new "sponsor" (as in, a high-profile person assisting an artist by providing opportunities and connections, usually sexual favors received sums in return).

Joon-hyun is busy to bring someone into the demo to check on his new song (and is rejected because it still has its own scandal hanging over him). It runs in Hyo-yeol, who says that Joon-hyun Chun-hee will remain manager, considering how successful it has been lately. But he says it does not matter, because it is now supported by Creeper Assemblyman.

Grabbing Hyo-yeol by the collar and shoved him against the wall, Joon Hyun demands to know what he is talking. Hyo-yeol says that the rumor spread everywhere, and Chun-hee have some enemies in Lucifer because it started from their own company.

Joon-hyun versa star to shine, and the concern in his eyes as he watches melts Chun-hee in their practice room away. The couple share a moment of happy solitude outside while Chun-hee says she is worried about how things are going so smoothly for them. If only her father would return, everything would be perfect

For this reason, they decided to "filial duty" as her concert title, as in a radio interview that the reason explained, started she was a singer to find her father. Chun-hee dedicated her live radio performanceHence by Oh Ki-taek of "Papas spring of youth" not only to his own father, but all parents out there.

as Chun-hee beautiful voice want as their children to be happy and successful, only the haunting melody of parents from nothing, Yoo-mi's father weeps sings, when he sing the video of his daughter watches. When he goes to her school to see her, he pulls her into a tight hug. Does this mean they could get a chance to meet?

During this musical montage, Joon-hyun also discovered where Chun-hee's father, and take him to lunch, where he asks him to come home to his daughters. But Choi Myung-sik simply asks Joon-hyun to keep it a secret that he found him -. But still manages the fatherly thing to ask, do when Joon-hyun like his daughter

Joon-hyun, he says, and Choi Myung sik asks him Chun-hee to protect from the harsh world, so that they can concentrate on her singing. If he only knew how much Joon-hyun has already done.

Tae-Song returns to find his apartment Joon-hyun brooding over the situation with Chun-hee and Creeper Assembleyman. When he a beer from Joon-hyun pitfalls, he suggests, it would be good to ward another scandal when Chun-hee was revealed to have a friend. The sets Joon-hyun run creative juices, and he designed a necklace that will have "their" initials on it.

He can then Chun-hee knows he sing 'll for them at their concert. She is thrilled he agreed, but he warns that it also something to tell her then. She wants to know now (as we all do!), But he says to wait her.

Oh, and yay! Chun-hee gets a call from Yoo-mi and said, agreed her father to let her sing!

But no "yay" for Soo-in, sitting with a huge glass of wine scowling as Chun-hee beam clocks at its television and blush when she denies that she is in some kind of relationship , Soo-in the glass raises against against the TV, the red wine over Chun-hee dripped smiling face when she gives her interview.

at Shine Star (and actually in his office for a time), Geon-woo hands Chun-hee, an envelope of cash that a fairly serious chunk of change seems to be - million won, or thousands of dollars. He calls it an "incentive bonus" because it was so much for the company, to remind them that they once said they needed the money badly.

She says she'll only take a part of it, but in exchange for Joon-hyun guitar. Gah, it's so cute when she dances with her price, pleased that she can return it to her boyfriend.

Byul Badminton tries to play alone, but President Jo offers game (who they called "Hawaii Grandpa") with her. Fully smokes him, however, and enjoy both some post-game ice where he asks about her sister friend (describes Geon-woo).

Byul you say unni any friend have, but you know it like someone Chun-hee. She is not sure who it is yet, though. Or who wants to be there, as it passes through the different positive properties of both Geon-woo and Joon-hyun. She sighs that it's so hard to choose between the two. Yes, tell it to the rest of the viewing audience.

After learning that Chun-hee backup singers all are ill, Coach Bang asks Tae-song at the concert to help. Of course, he can not say no to something Coach Bang asks. Pil-nyeo only happens to visit the restaurant, and Tae-song recalls that she a trainee for Shinestar be used. Of course they can not "No" say it when he asks her to join him as a favor, even if it is singing back-up for Chun-hee learns.

Joon-hyun finds a small stuffed animal frog who says: "I love you", when pressed, and when he made it to Chun-hee locker room took some encouragement to enter, for their performance, he spots Soo-in parts made. She Rub red on their sleeves paint, and once Joon-hyun sees that Chun-hee outfit marked the concert in red color, are raised his suspicions.

He immediately calls Chun-hee, where to ask her, and she reminds him that he her a text had sent her to meet on stage. Except he did not. Daughter Soo-in meltdown over the attention Chun-hee was receiving through the sporting good photo shoot, Joon-hyun says their right to stay there and going into the auditorium runs.

Chun-hee is lost in their own happy little world, as she sits in the middle of the stage, humming to herself, completely unaware that Soo -in in the wings is ready to solve the pulley on the set pieces about Chun-hee hung his head. Rushing in will be relieved to see that nothing has happened, until he discovers Soo-in backstage Joon-hyun.

off the lights Remotely, Soo-in is the string, and then panics when she sees Joon- hyun on stage running to protect Chun-hee. The decoration falls on top of Chun-hee and Joon-hyun, but he takes the brunt of it. Wriggling from under him, Chun-hee cries for help as she in his lap cradles her shirt to try his bloody head, and to stop the bleeding. Once it is clear that they, how much pain they caused Joon-hyun, Soo-in silent freaks out, still hidden in the shadows.

Chun-hee has not to call her phone she is for emergency assistance, and so she hurries from the auditorium as soon as injured ankle let her use the phone from a nearby Housekeeper begging. After Chun-hee leaves, Soo-in hurry to cry about Joon-hyun, still panicking. Few lifts hands come in this moment and soon to hear the sounds of an ambulance as Chun-hee back limping to the auditorium.

But the stage-hands refuse their input and said it was an accident. Joon-hyun is as a concerned Soo-in runs alongside the gurney taken to the ambulance, shouting "Oppa! Please wake up!"

Facing the paramedic that she one who is supported at the scene of the accent (instead of, you know, to be the one who actually caused it), and it passes the ambulance.

to let Chun-hee pounds on the closed ambulance doors, screaming in. Soo-in their path takes a look, but does nothing to stop the ambulance that soon accelerated a way. They tried to run after the ambulance, but injured ankle prevented to walk very far, and collapses on the ground, a bloody mess as she cries her heart out.


When I said last week that I was concerned, the authors so quickly through the action were zooming we would with angsty filler such as birth secrets or cancer stick, I totally forgot (heh) about amnesia. But that seems to be where we're going, right? Head injury = amnesia after drama Country arithmetic.

So far I have not digested that the action has been pretty thin, because it was moving rapidly and was entertaining enough, and all the characters are wonderful. They are the reason why I love this show so much - I stupid, can process fluffy rom-com plots, as long as each is lovable

But the show took a wild and unexpected turn for the melodramatic, and I. just do not know what to think even more. I can not even claim to have one of the subplots care now (Chun-hee's father, Yoo-mi and her father, Coach Bang Love Triangle, President Jo and Byul as our adorable Greek chorus), so frustrated, like the last minute so much of my squee worthy joy all leads until withdrawn. I mean, I can not even go "OMG, guys! How sweet are Chun-hee and Joon-hyun together? Your natural and comfortable skinship is perfect for a couple that is happy dating!" Because I so angry am, as the authors have decided to tear them apart.

First of all, where the hell everyone during the "accident?", Was when she was prepping for her concert in the Night , I would the auditorium buzzing with various technicians and whatever other musicians they expect has set up to support them (if they have backup singers, I suppose she has a band, too). Not Chun-hee phone mysteriously disappears to mention. They used it to Joon-hyun to speak, but then to borrow a phone has to run? I'll be generous and assume that it was broken in the fall, or that she was panicked and not thinking clearly.

But why have the platforms hands do not understand that they had been in the room, because she was screaming in this accident, especially since she was distraught, limping, and in blood? or are ignored by the paramedics, because clearly she could own use medical help her? It felt like such a forced scenario, I can not can take them seriously, in a show filled with forced scenarios.

I suppose that Soo-in to the dark side as well over that she's gone actually tried to kill Chun-hee. Okay, maybe they just thought Chun-hee would hurt enough not to be able to perform, but that prop hanging looked pretty vicious there, and when it hit Chun-hee on her head, she would probably be dead now. Then again, we must remember who Soo-in the mother (and the dormant "we assuming they killed Chun-hee mother with her car" plot thread), so I think it's not too far-fetched. Sins of the mothers are passed on to their daughters.

Another reason why I am legitmately angry, as this episode has ended, because when we were first introduced to Soo-in, it seemed as if it could are some internal conflicts - to the desire would fight to please her mother to be a singer at all costs, or want to play through competition with Chun-hee solely on talent fair. Or heck, even decide that her mother's life has it's not carved the one they eventually will, and because their heart is in it no longer, perhaps they will go to school, finish the implementation and wild about something and crazy as a doctor or lawyer. But apparently not.

This means Soo-in pretty unredeemable in my eyes. I try as Baek-hee think, save in Dream High when she pushes the pot out of the building, to hit the intention Hye-mi, but Sam-dong hurries them and it is hit instead. Which means that Geon-woo has the Jin Gook in this situation, the Chun-hee will rush to comfort and confuse possibly - but noooo because being with Joon-hyun, is meant! Now I can not decide if I prefer Joon-hyun amnesia or lose his hearing. (And this makes Pil-nyeo and Tae-Song milk pair?)

But I want almost the authors actually would (who, thanks to this last five minutes, I'm officially call "hacks") go Dream high route. I think I could bear it, because I will know the characters redeemed and a happy (ish) end. I have long thought of Soo-in as Baek-hee - someone who works very hard to be successful, but not necessarily trying put the wow factor talent, so to manipulate the path to fame, so she has not get chewed up and spat out. Even Baek-hee an interesting character arc had -. She was no one-dimensional villain who unfortunately what Soo-in appears is turning in to

My love grow observe signs and change, and have seen that has happened to Joon-hyun why I 'm hoping so desperate that the show will prove me wrong, somehow - that it does not get bogged down with a ridiculous amnesia action, and have to be Chun-hee to sacrifice inconsolable Edler idiot Joon-hyun just avoid a scandal , Because we do not have the girl the last ten episodes (and clearly not the girl we've only known in this episode, is known who was all, "No, but seriously - why not we live now together ")

did not dwell too long on the bright side, one of the most encouraging aspects of the show, the fact it was on each plot thread - ?. it is usually resolved in the next episode, if not the same result. So fingers crossed for whatever happens next week are answered quickly, so we have the nice again as soon as possible.

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tags: featured, Ji Hyun-woo, Jung Eun-ji, Trot Lovers

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