Recap And Reviews Kdrama Joseon Gunman: Episode 12

Recap and reviews korean drama Joseon Gunman: Episode 12 -

Ooh, a strong episode with a lot of profits and several major revelations. Yay to truths be blown wide open because this changes the path of our relationship, and I'm eager to see where we go from here. I found myself cheering on just about our whole range of characters, win the right thing or the upper hand to do or just even stop even a joke, and at the end of an hour I was pretty flooded in satisfaction. Now the waiting begins next week. ! Blerg


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Just in Soo Yoon-kang touching how the hair reached over while he asleep, he opens his eyes and grabs her wrist. When he asks if she still believes it to be Yoon-kang, she stammers an apology over just thought he looked sad, and hurry trying to get away her racing heart to calm. I love that he directly confronted the touch, rather than to do so it does not happen, but! I only ever want the reunification sigh.

son ​​Taek-soo, the last words of a certain nobleman named Lord Jung, as the one who 'd orchestrated the frame job on Park Jin-han, so that is our next guide. Yoon-kang outside his home waiting when Mr. Jung passes, then the entourage begins in the street to them on the load horseback.

He his gun fires at the ground to distract the guards, snares then Mr. Jung with a rope to pull him in the street (ouch). He takes him to a secluded shack at gunpoint to ask, knowing ask who gave him orders. He warns that Mr. Jung is in die "their" hands when he at Yoon-Kang does not die, so he can speak.

Not an unfounded assumption, since, as coldblooded Mr. Kim has with his subordinates. He receives word of Mr. Jung kidnapping and a message from the kidnappers.

Yoon-kang already suspected Mr. Kim as the mastermind to be confirmed and Mr. Jung that he is at the top of their Suhogye company and ordered the hit on Park Jin-Han. But he has no information on the identity of the hired gunman; only know Mr. Kim that.

Yoon-kang message to Mr. Kim tells him to send out the gunman who killed himself Park Jin-Han. Mr. Kim has no problem with it, and he tells Choi Won-shin to kill the man and save Mr. Young, while he is at it. He recalls Choi that this is his last chance, and that he had better not fail.

Yoon-kang waits at the meeting point, tied with Mr Jung to a tree and held at gunpoint. A lone gunman walks toward her, and throws away his gun when ordered. Yoon-kang approaches cautiously, not sure yet and we are not-if this Choi or someone else.

Not far away, Choi Won-shin squats in the grass and orders his backpack of fighters in the positions around the circumference. The bait ineptly for his gun and sends Yoon-kang ducking out of the way, then runs, after a chase with Yoon-kang hot on the heels.

The shooter falls victim of a stumbling manipulated between some trees (smart hero!), And is again knocked through the apparatus. He takes a shot at Yoon-kang, who returned the fire and brings him in the chest. The man goes down.

Yoon-kang checked the man's left arm, but it is not scarred-dammit, he had been cheated. His keen senses save him, picking up on the arrival of another enemy as well as the real Choi is taking aim. Yoon-kang stirs the risk to encounter, but takes a bullet in the arm.

Yoon-kang writhes in pain. He reaches for his gun, but is overwhelmed by Choi, who on the ground pins and reaches for his mask ... drags him to him ... and shows his face. Omo! I do not believe that they would actually do it.

Choi Won-shin looks shocked to receive this confirmation, then reached over Yoon-kang to bare chest, but did not find anything. Perhaps he was expecting scar of years ago a bullet?

Yoon-kang fights out of it, then beats a hasty retreat when Choi reinforcements arrive. But they are again stopped by the arrival of the officers and Moon his Men and Yoon-kang gallop goes by on his horse, officer moon catches a glimpse of him. And his familiar face. Eeee! Yes. Also, maybe this means Jung-hoon will get out of prison sooner rather than later.

Choi Won-shin freed Mr. Jung, but not be grateful to the rescue, the nobleman slaps Choi for going after the kidnappers to free in front of him, roaring that be life is the Priority.

Choi fights press as he is abused and insulted his mounting anger, called a hunting dog, whose task it is as his Master bids do. He approached the edge, and then Mr. Jung pushes it over, growls that Choi done for. Something snapped inside Choi, grabs his gun and shoots. Gasp!

Mr. Jung is in the gut with a ball down, and Choi is above him and says: "I did not put my life for everyone on the line The same applies to Mr Kim.." Bang ! The second ball ends his life.

I can not say I'm sorry to see the end of Mr Jung, but oh no, what about Chois souuuuul ? It looks like it is crossed to the other side. He also breathes easier now, instead of cowering in submission.

Thank God that Yoon-kang was only shot in the arm because it is to him the bullet to fish out independently. He manages, but not without much torment.

Choi Won-shin comes in Hanjo door with a determined look on his face, but Soo-in is at the same time and suggests it together a. Choi apologizes and says that he would return another time that Yoon-kang buys a little more time.

is Despite the pain, Yoon-kang itself forces normally act Soo-in to receive, although it takes up immediately to be something wrong. He dismisses them, but may not last long enough, and collapses, stained his sleeves with blood.

Choi Won-shin makes his report to Mr. Kim, but curiously, it is about not the gunman, to confirm the identity. Also, do not say that he, as Mr Kim sneers that he is good for nothing. Mr. Kim decides to conduct another person with its dealer organization, but other than a fleeting protest, Choi does not look quite torn about it. Mr. Kim is a smart bastard to notice and thought ". He has begun to harbor ulterior motives"

Soo-in redresses Yoon-kang Association and tends to him while he is unconscious, and tried to hide her emotional reaction when he wakes up. He wonders why they do not ask for an explanation, but she replies that he must have his reasons, and adds that they do not talk about it to anyone.

Choi Won-shin heads is in its hidden storage of weapons-which is where Hye-won finds him unexpectedly. And instead of falling for some lame excuse, as weapons are only a hobby for him, Hye-won agile mind makes connections quickly, on the truth of the landing: ". Father, are you the gunman"

She doesn 't him leave to protest, all the facts outlining that they had struck for years as a mystery, which now perfectly align any room: how he was specially trained in guns as a soldier, as he suddenly began for stretches of time disappear as increased by the businessman counts with amazing speed. Asks-although more like statements that go unchallenged-if he was the one who tried Soo-in father kill that killed alos Park Jin-Han. In addition, she understands that her father had to prove Hanjo to be Yoon-kang, to make him the next target.

Choi remains tight-lipped, but Hye -Won requests, "Let Hanjo alone, even if he is Park Yoon-kang. Do not touch him. If Hanjo dies , you will lose your only daughter. "

he tells her that the day will come when he can tell her everything, and they will understand. She breaks out that he has to stop what he is involved with, but he only says that the only thing he cares about is Hye-won: "What I have done so far, and what I future- do in it is everything just for you. you know that. "

Yoon-kang is angry, the shooter could see his face to know then wonders why the man had torn open his shirt (... it is sticky to crack a joke?). A thought comes to him to shoot at the pier three years ago.

He returns to this site the day's events to repeat in his head. Now he realizes that he had not shot by the soldiers, he has been shot by this madman.

Choi Won-shin broods over his dispute with his daughter, but the question of what he would do with Hanjo, he replies without hesitation. "I will kill him the instant I hand in hand with Yamamoto He is Park Yoon-kang, who came back to kill me. "

thank God Yoon-kang is also spiritual Connected, now certain that Choi Won-shin is the shooter who him before two shot years and the other day. The problem is, they have no evidence, and the evidence will be their priority.

Hye-won drops by unannounced, and as she pours him a drink, she says bluntly that she knows the truth, that he Yoon- kang. He deceives confusion, but she says that he does not need to worry that they'll tell someone. She asks for a favor: "Let's Go Soo-in now if you keep them in your heart, it will endanger Forget:

Hye-won .. they now and empty your heart. In turn, from now on I will stay by your side. I always and take care of you forbid. It is what I want. I want Hanjo now no, Park Yoon-kang. "


Choi Won-shin out of the head of Gojong's new office, one of the men who was with interpreter Jung and Ho Kyung-this in work concert, is min Yeong-ik, nephew of the Queen. Choi gives him a gift, and Min Yeong-ik eyes wide the pile of gold to see. His first impulse is to refuse, but Choi says very nicely that he wants the means for progress Kaehwa be used and would like the Min grow communities and lead Joseon help.

Then he adds one wish: that the exiled ex-Minister Kim to return to his position. They know that Choi is good when something that sounds to actually be an outright bribery convincing as it might appear puts it-as in the restoration of the Minister, it is the dissidents soothe and smooth the way for Kaehwa. And if Min Yeong-ik can deduct some of the public unrest, well, that would be a great help to be his aunt, the Queen.

Ho Kyung is recovered enough to him to continue his work, and Soo-in looks from the target. Jan-yi Chimes, that they look like man and woman, and Ho-Kyung may his joy not hide about, while Soo-in attempts to protest clumsy. They told to cut her maid, but Jan-yi's all Sure, you do not like it, you do not want to act diligently anyway. She's a crack-up. Although Ho-Kyung is nonsensical happy reaction Achy does things in my heart.

Soo-in is via a written wanted sign in the city, wearing Yoon Kang masked (but still a recognizable bit) face. Oh, and Je-mi brings a whole bunch of them home so that they have torn from their posts to keep Sang-chu safely. It promises to protect him, I swear to enjoy Sang-chu more if it were not a lie is to live the shooter. All the more reason to come clean!

Soo-in mentioned the posters when Yoon-kang of the dressing and said indirectly that she hopes that he'll be careful and stay healthy. Yoon-kang asks why she would care to a desired gunman, and she says that he did not seem like a bad person.

Yoon-kang excuses Soo-in by it tends or in the mine work longer available, and the sudden announcement has Soo-in somewhat flailing an excuse to find near him to stay. She insists that she only wants to help, but he turns away resolutely.

On their way they encounter Hye-won, here on a friendly visit. It proposes a chat with Soo-in, and as she explains walk out together, Soo-in, Hanjo that she is here to treat the minor injuries in an accident.

There was Hye-won, who suggested replacing Soo-in is for the mining project, and while it is a perfectly reasonable thing to want the motivation Hye-won knowing skews more this exchange for me. It is not ... mean , nor is it to be hurtful. But I can not say their behavior is not a touch off-putting, as she says, Soo-in "to return to your place" and resume with their books and playthings- "with Ho-Kyung."

Hye-won says she can not think of Soo-in apart from Ho Kyung now, and recalls how he spent the last three years faithfully at her side. Soo-in insists that gratitude where her feelings for Ho Kyung end, but Hye-won counters that gratitude is how it starts and that's how it started with her and Hanjo. "I came to like him," she says, "enough that I would do anything to have him."

Hye-won says she wishes that for Soo-in and Ho Kyung, pointedly added, "that's what the dead Yoon- would like kang also. "

Min Yeong-ik ends the inquiry Minister Kim reinstate to the king, swayed by Choi request, arguing that they do not want to meet the same fate as the murdered scholar. Gojong is violently opposed to the idea, Min Yeong-ik call proposal with the enemy a compromise. But the Queen supported her nephew and told the king that he must be affiliated to beat his opponent the policy game.

Gojong puts his foot down and barks Min Yeong-ik not to raise this issue again. But interpreters Jung nudges Gojong to reconsider, goes so far as to show that Ho-Kyung Kim Minister's son. For Ho-Kyung's sake, he begs the king of the Minister to give a second chance, and to win Kim to his side.

Soo-in and her mother are shocked to hear it, especially since it was Minister Kim, of the whole torture little regulated. Interpreter Jung is fixed, while Ho-Kyung have nothing to say to hurt when he hears about Soo-in anger against his father.

Jung-hoon looks like he to make the most of his jail time because his favorite gisaeng it is. For his plight indignantly Officer Moon comes with a letter he intercepted-it was Jung-hoon was sent by his secret correspondent, and asked him to come to him to make. Jung-hoon is concerned that he Yoon-kang left in a time of need hanging, but officer moon barking, he went instead and found a dead nobleman on site.

To his credit, Jung-hoon remains tight-lipped when officer moon requires a name. But once officer moon his suspicions votes and asks if Yoon-kang lives, not Jung-hoon confirm. He is that he knows nothing, where he is, or how to find him, and to be asked out of jail. Officer moon he decides can rot in jail until he is ready to spill everything.

Yoon-kang finally a little evidence of Choi Won-shin, when it turns to the records out, he had tried to get rid of titles to designate him as part of a regiment that in guns specialized; he had fought in the 1866 war against the French and played a big role, earning praise for his actions.

It does not escape notice Choi that someone digs into his past, and Hanjo is the most likely possibility. He decides, "I'm going to send him a warning."

The next day home Hanjo is searched by the police, who received a tip that the masked gunmen hiding here. Comparing Yoon-kang written on the drawing, they pull away as Choi Won-shin counts and not guaranteed only for the criminal Hanjo not be, it also offers an alibi. It is the officers to retreat, but that is no reason to relax, because we play Choi know something.

Choi Won-shin assumes that someone sent in an incorrect tip, and says that it understood the enormity of the crime, when given caught the gunmen overlooking would on capital costs. Yoon-kang says that he remembers of this young man, Park Yoon-kang. Did he Choi seek not to kill his father, then die immediately after a meeting with him?

There is a not-so-veiled accusation, and Yoon-kang, he says only ask would have been as Choi would have felt:


He laughs it as mere fantasy from, but adds another hypothetical to the crowd:? "What if I were Park Yoon-kang Iwould have you felt when hitting I would have thought this- "

he turns to face Choi and speaks like himself (well, as his true self):". I'm going to reveal the whole truth and I will for Their crimes charged have to. "

Choi says Hanjo focus on companies because Yamamoto will arrive soon. "This is your way to survive," he says, patting Yoon-kang shoulder in patronizing ... and then release a feeling to his upper arm and a hard squeeze, while looking for any sign of reaction.

Yoon-kang holding a face of stone and even manages a grin. He asks Choi interest in Yamamoto ( "I want to meet him," Choi says), then drops the news that delayed Yamamoto visit. He had advised him a letter to him to wait, sent to the city due to the unstable conditions.

Now it's Yoon-kang's turn for patronizing Arm Pat, and Choi notes: ". You keep complicating things"

Yoon-kang returns, is "that? For me it is out of work."

When Ho-Kyung visited his father on his return however, Minister Kim mainly grazes on his face, as if Ho Kyung had wanted to see him forever in exile. Ho Kyung asks him not to go after the young interpreter, where his father explodes and throws him to lose his head over a woman and one who would not marry an illegitimate son, it.

"You will soon find out where your end is," says Minister Kim. "They will come to my side. You will soon realize that your place among my shadow."

Ho Kyung says that this will not happen, and his father asks him to try out.

Yoon-kang visited the temple of his sister, you know that the end is in sight, and that they be able to ensure, to live together soon. (A surefire way to frustrate your hopes!) As they go hand in hand, Soo-in occurs in the temples and sees them together, and now it's too late to argue, they do not know. Uh-oh, well, yay!

their cards are now on the table and they him without the feigned ignorance he had hidden behind her as the young master addressing. Yoon-kang first reaction is to be angry that she would endure because of him all this torture, and it does not help when it says that it can made her happy, to protect him. So he tells her hard that he already a dead person, they should forget and move on, because he has long forgotten him. "So do not come looking for me," he orders, "or for Yeon-ha. Happy you do not bring us in danger."

He tells her to meet someone else and live. Soo-in does not believe him, despite how do the words hurt, and she asks if he really means: "Do you want me to be someone else woman" She pushes him to say the words.

Yoon-kang clenches his fist, then scrutinizes his determination and says, "Yes. I'm serious."

takes his answer and leaves in tears. Yoon-kang watches her back and rolls retreat and stopped his heart, and finally it can not last. He runs (before Yoon-kang RUNNNN run) her and grabs her in a tight embrace.


Woohoo! Finally! Yes.

It is not only that we finally get some (deliberately) skinship in this hizzy, although that is always a bonus, but that the lie is blown wide open and the two lines now have this number outside but they get that together do. I liked when he knew, and she did not, and then I liked, as she knew, but he was not aware, and I liked when he grew suspicious that they may know. So I do not in any way quibbles with the steps we went through to get it is here-just that they have their story served purposes, and now it's time for a couple of kisses truth and openness.

In addition to our two main characters on the same freakin page for the first time in a long time from getting it depends finally their purposes, and it is time! It's one thing for him about her to observe under umbrella of another identity, or that they protect him with lies, but you know, everything is better when you can work together towards the same goal. Do not get me wrong, I loved quite as Soo-in was his place Yoon-kang, and held it worried not to add to his account. There is a case where doing nothing was actually the useful thing, so they experience the exercise restraint was poignant as they will be introduced into the process. But when this restraint is no longer necessary to open a door to new possibilities, and I want to go there.

Even if he tries to take this opportunity to push her away (and hey, it is exactly the kind of noble hero I can not call him an idiot, at least not yet-who would do anything under the sun it sure to be condemned) to keep logic of action now that they both recognizing the truth to each other, I have a feeling that he did not find this tactic quite as effective. And the "I hurt you now have to protect you later" method only really works if the other party is left in the dark.

There is also a relief of such eventually Yoon-kang to give a safe harbor, which can be one of the biggest reasons that had to lie Soo-in so counterproductive. I had not even noticed how much had to deny themselves of a source of tension for Yoon-kang that his heart ached at the service of their perceived safety (I will not even say it -though in service of his revenge that would be a expenses-due to color have been nicer way his character with little this whole thing above needle) until he finally let go and gave only his honey a hug already. There is a visceral reaction of relief to have a load down, and it feels great open.

Even honest, blank, Soo-in was going to not be secure, push him aside all the time. So if your primary motivation arises moot, should not just go ahead and embrace the inevitable and be happy in the meantime?

It's nice with Hye-won commitment to him as beautifully timed school as coincidence of their realization of their feelings for him and her discovery of her father's activities in time. In fact, I will say that the drama on the whole of its history Timing developments has a great sense, so that they overlap for effective points and dovetail. It speaks to a carefully planned-out action I guess if I suspect that whatever the plan might be one reason why the action at times feels like it moved mechanically. It is not a serious complaint, because I'm still a big fan of this drama, but his stimulation will be slightly faster, I think, and the writing retains. It's not as slow as I think it intentionally, and a little wild energy would not be a bad thing. (Just a little!)

But to see the glass half full, to manage the drama is to be sent only in the phrase before I'm tired prepared by the situation, so at least I have the certainty that the conditions with comforting regularity change. Hopefully for the better.

But back to Hye-won, which takes place some interesting strikes. I loved the confrontation with her father, and then her dignified commitment to Yoon-kang. No dithering, no despair, just honesty. It's a beautiful couple scenes for her ... which is why I find their scene with Soo-in interesting. It's not like they never lied, but her style is, things head-on (the Soo-in at her before pointed out) to see, so the fact that they manipulate me against fraud Soo in concern to the use. If they take a turn on love? Or she is sentenced tragically one-sided love to fail, a la Ho-Kyung?

And when Hye-won flirts with the dark side, it means that Choi Won-shin has already taken up his position there? We have seen him before killing so, I do not know why I was surprised that he killed these nobles today, but maybe it's because the show has done so a solid work of humanizing his situation I was hoping that he would find a way out. Although I think he has , and that was the point of the scene he is taken a dog, and the command accepts his fate. (Perhaps tragically?)

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