Recap And Reviews Kdrama Cantabile Tomorrow Episode 6

Recap and reviews korean drama Cantabile Tomorrow Episode 6 -

It's a great episode with great moments of the heart of everyone - our once cold hero, our maturing heroine, and also the crazy Maestro with a hidden agenda. The introduction of a new character shakes the story in a really fun way to give by our hero a run for its money when it comes to his teacher his pride, and yes ... even his girl.


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urge After playfully Yoo-jin in the pool, Nae-il and watch the boys curious, as he to splash and then remains below the surface. They do not know that he has post-traumatic panic attack of some sort that, and he's lying on the floor of the pool thinking he is to die.

Suddenly a boy jumps are close in to save him, and drags Yoo-jin from the pool and revived him. Without so much as a thank you from the other, he is pushed aside by Nae-il, who weeps Orabang wake.

Yoo-jin panic attack continues as he rests in the first aid room, and when the memory wears his plane crash in the ocean, he stands up and sighs that there really is no chance of him ever abroad . study

the boy out of the pool, LEE YOON-HOO ( Park Bo-gum ), is chauffeured away and when his mother calls on his sudden detour into a water park to complain, he says pleasantly, that it has not a lot of fun when he got there, but his goal was something not to try because he had to, but only because he wanted a bucket list out and opens up and crosses "waterpark go.".

Curiously he takes his phone the other things on his list on a trip with his parents go include and movies all day long watching. He begins to expand the list, but not, perhaps he can not think what he wants to do about it?

The three stooges sitting outside Yoo-jin rooms at the resort, worried that he sleeps all day, but too scared to check on him if he hates them. But Streseman comes down drag Yoo-jin through the ear like a stray puppy and Nae-il screams that Yoo-jin a itself is recovering patients now.

Streseman gets distracted by how beautiful she is, and says that he did her also invite to the festival. The three stooges suddenly gape: "Did you nominate based on appearance?" Yoo-jin does not tell them to believe that when he asks if Streseman nominated to have him a lackey's hand.


Nae-il and Su-min take up their posts on either side of Yoo-jin and explains that she follows him and also Il-lac protect suit with a stranglehold. I kind of wish they would go this way.

They argue that Streseman some very important voting (the tiebreaker for her orchestra struggle) has to do, but he asks cryptically, the orchestra they think most benefits if he abstain from voting. This brings and Streseman yanks Yoo-jin off the ear.

The director of the music festival teacher Yoon walks around the grounds of the students to behave nagging right and seems unhappy with anyone until she comes over Yoon-hoo, the she welcomes you with a hug and calls her teacher.

he is a total spin doctors who puts quite thick on the compliments, but he seems sincere when he says very sweet that she has the most beautiful hands he has ever known. "They make a person excited, enraptured, and sad, "he says her piano playing, of course, and they can not help but smile


she is happy that he was able to make during the period from a UNICEF concert in Europe, and says that quality of performer is now better, complains that Streseman brought some odd students with him , to hear Yoon-hoo benefits only to that Streseman here.

Streseman employs the pool is trying to take a good acrobatic selca to send Dean Mina. It calls first and lets him know that she's stunt crazy about his, but already knows what he would say it-was only a part of the big picture.

He agreed readily, but she sighs that she no longer knows whether he got a big picture plan, or changes only on a whim his mind. Yes, join the club. She puts on him as their own small form of revenge, and the rejection throws it.

Yoon-hoo is about Nae-il is trying to climb a lamp and catches her before she falls. She asks him to help her, and go say Yoo-jin to sit closer to the window, she can not see him like, and it suffers from Orabang resign if they do not see him every two hours. Ha. Or you could just go there?

It is strange, but Yoon-hoo is amused, and he remembers them now as the same girl who cried for Orabang back in the water park. She does not remember him, but he says that they are meeting again.

First he wonders why he should listen to her request, but when she's like, Sure, whatever and start again climbing the lamppost, he takes her by the wrist and right to help her see Orabang.

Yoo-jin stares blankly when Yoon-hoo comes in and only presents itself, and then sighs: "You followed me all the way here?" Yoon-hoo supported until he realizes that Yoo-jin not even talk to him.

Nae-il pokes her head from behind Yoon-hoo, and Yoo-jin grabs her wrist to keep her out. But Yoon-hoo adheres he holds the wrist already, and Nae-il is like Gumby stretched between them.

They are already angry argue with the double wrist grab, but then begin the boys. Yoon-hoo asks how Yoo-jin, a woman treated in this way, and Yoo-jin looks straight at Nae-il down: "That thing" Do you eat your barbaric flakes this morning?

You stand there like that still keeps Nae-il from both sides with hostility growing by the second, until Streseman interrupts and demands iced water. Yoon-hoo welcomes the Maestro and asks if he comes to a solo concert recalls his and Nae-il even Yoon-hoo recognizes by name as a famous cellist.

Yoo-jin is obviously upset that this guy is a world-class talent, and it annoys him even more when Streseman praises his presentation as memorable. Yoo-jin, on the other hand, it is only said ice water to bring as a gofer. Yoon-hoo beats him with a glass of the stamp, and they get into another tiff, on the water, ice or at room temperature, he is drinking, and Yoo-jin wins this round.

Streseman decides he is to drink large amounts of alcohol to soothe his broken heart, and Nae-il relish she says also welcome. But before Streseman they can lure in a night of drunken partying, Yoo-jin grabs for her performance practice and leads Streseman from. Nae-il sighs shortly after them that their real competitor for Yoo-jin affection is the Maestro.

Yoo-jin lands later that night a drunken Streseman back to his room and piggyback mutters aloud that he came all this way to be the old codger of an errand boy. Streseman slurs that he can hear him, and complains about him his teacher call an old codger. He asks if Yoo-jin really thinks this senseless missions.

The Yoo-jin gets the attention, and he listens attentively as Streseman asks how a man who can not even perform faces "his musicians do not know." Why is the position of the President in the middle? In order to recognize good from his orchestra members. In order to see well. "

Streseman asleep while murmuring that Yoo-jin is to resemble just now a real conductor begin and Yoo-jin goes back to put him to bed. He is sitting outside studying the notes on the table and Streseman peeking with a tiny hint of a smile at him. Oh, you're sneaking teaching him!

teachers do worry about how do Stresemann and his minions at the music festival and asks teachers Ahn for an update, in hoping that they are not as terrible as he thinks you are

cut to:. Il-lac always kicked out of practice for sucking and Su- min kicked too much power flair from practice. Nae-il is their last hope, and it assures them that it is practiced. the boy they warn that the piano teacher teacher Yoon is notoriously strict and scary, and sets suddenly nevus il at the edge.

as it is to practice has worked in a nervous terror, and the sight of the teacher Yoon to help with a huge stick in his hand is not to bark at her students. Nae-il is unlikely to be able to make it to the piano for her turn, and if they immediately Flubs, teacher Yoon she grabs her cane in the back. Yikes.

tried at the teacher's request, Nae-il, to concentrate on the music and start again, but it triggers a memory of her shrill childhood piano teacher who used to beat with a ruler their hands and force to play them a song a thousand times when they made mistakes. The teacher told her literally to play the piano is not for fun, it is their future.

The song in her memory rings in the ears, and it freezes very top. Finally running out of the classroom in a terror and collapses on a bench outside, flooded into tears. She had played through her tears as a child, and now, as she calmed down, she can only think of one thing. Orabang

She takes his hand and holding on to it for dear life, and he asks if she's a puppy (in an endearing way), move away before. He does not know how excited she is, and asks only to their class. But if she says she wants to go home only he gets strict and says their forward then to go, and not half-ass a chance that someone else would kill for.

It is a hard thing that perhaps needs to hear it, but the timing is terrible and she wipes fresh tears.

Back on campus, ex-girlfriend Do-Kyung through the coffee shop keeps catching up with Yoo-jin mom and Mini Min-hee calls Nae-il to ask why girlfriend Yoo-jin is to visit someone else to act as mother and a daughter-in-law. Oh, they do not know his mother that mom is still. Nae-il says Do-Kyung is an ex, and Min-hee seems easier.

Streseman is so hungover that he spends all day crawling in and out of the bathroom, and when a festival coordinator asks what they are actually doing about the ensemble workshop, he conductive today Streseman points at Yoo - jin and says his students will take its place.

Yoo-jin gapes, the coordinator heard during radiation that he students Streseman is true and happy with the change at the last minute. So just like that, Yoo-jin conducts the Ensemble Workshop, and a crowd of spectators began to gather.

He is good, and Yoon-hoo looks a little shocked when he observed in the background. A reporter goes on the bubble performance, and gasps hear that Yoo-jin's father is a famous pianist. Teacher Yoon commented that Streseman never takes on students and others around her wonder where he will be studying abroad.

Nae-il goes up and her face she falls over Yoo-jin to go far away to talk to hear, and Il-lac admits that he is jealous of Yoo-jin looks and abilities. But Nae-il is Wisful as she says: "That's why I liked him ... but that's what makes me nervous."

Do-Kyung goes to meet Dean Mina, who tried to comfort her about losing the lead role in her audition. Mina tries that with a little more effort to say the next time ... But Do-Kyung cuts her off that trouble to say it has brought so far, but in a place like this, trouble with the genius can not compete and their natural talent.

Do-Kyung says it's okay, if it's not a genius, and that they must be satisfied next will instead using standing. When you talk about taking the second lead role in an opera, I would say good for you. But I'm pretty sure that you mean instead have Yoo-jin, and that makes me feel icky and sorry for you.

An Orchestra concertmaster Shi-won calls Su-min to ask how to go the Festival, and Il-lac buzzing suddenly around him cuddle excited to even try and hear what Shi-won says. Su-min shoves him off and calls him a pervert, and Il-lac main concern is that Shi-won heard him.

The boys swoon as Yoo-jin is dressed for dinner with the teacher Yoon, and he wonders where Nae-il, but again is not live for very long on it. At dinner, Yoo-jin apologizes to lie for Streseman absence and tries that he does not feel good, but teacher Yoon is all too familiar with Streseman drinking habits (which, incidentally, four bottles of wine, Holy Moly).

Your colleagues say that Yoo-jin lives on as a pupil to Streseman name, and teacher Yoon throws to say one that he the only one, the others is she says: "If the worst!" she complains most about Nae-il, and it is now only that Yoo-jin finds out what has happened in their class and why she was so confused.

Yoo-jin boldly defended it, and says that they are not the worst. Il-lac is a violinist who enjoys emotional expression, Su-min is hardworking and talented, and Nae-Il is not mindlessly, she is innocent and simply enjoys playing


He bows and takes his farewell, and then running the whole area looking on for Nae-il. Awww.

Yoon-hoo finds Streseman and asks if he has time for a chat, and Streseman has disapprovingly out that Yoon-hoo to have all kinds of seems time stopped on his hands, since he playing the cello. Hm.

must be Without even the question asked Streseman tells him "do what you want to do. Until you want to do it again." He leaves Yoon-hoo with tears in her eyes pooling, and he wonders aloud what to do, when he does that and still not do it.

slowly drawn out of his thoughts by the sound of a piano, he-it is Nae-il, a beautiful rendition of Ravel's play "Jeux d'eau." He follows the sound of the piano and lights up when he sees it, so engrossed to play in the dark, they do not notice him.

Yoon-hoo wonders to himself, if this speed is also possible, but decides that the feeling isn 't because of speed alone. He turns excited and thought, " 'water games," I also want to play it. "She stops when she notices him, and he goes to ask to them why they play alone and not be evaluated at the festival.

Yoo-jin finds finally her, but happens just arrive on time and smiled to see them at Yoon-hoo. He turns with a frown to go, and Nae-il fortunately intercepts left him and gone after him. she says Yoo-jin that they . their review they piece played has done alone, but it has worked really hard and they played it well

When they tried to approach him, he tells her cold followed him and calls to stop, "Why keep you make me so worried! "he shouts they follow him, and his heart is turned inside out, as if it is their fault that he is interested in.

course Nae-il does not read between the rows, and only annoyed that they have done something wrong to make him mad at them. She says she is sad, although she does not know what she was doing. He sighs and his hand projects for keeping on ". C'mere" Omg nice

you inch your feet forward, but that it is so nervous , can not even take his hand, so that he actually only draws and places around her arm. He knocks her to comfort her, and then as they go back so he tells her not to be too happy, because he only does it because it's cold outside and you might stumble in the dark on the shoulder. Hmm.

Back in his room, Yoon-hoo looks on his cello over and down the hand and feels inspired to play again. He believes finally add something to his bucket list and writes: ". To play the cello while my fingers allow"

The quadruple the hard leaves in good spirits, the Yoo-jin mad course drives the whole ride home. Back in the coffee shop, Min-hee spends the afternoon "half" are of oboe and clarinet sunbaes who discover that they had the same idea to win her and run away bickering.


Min-hee is much happier if Nae-il arrives with the food for them, and assures her that Do-Kyung definitely is dating someone new now, because they like a daughter-in-law acted exactly to their boss. Mom overheard Nae-il brag that Yoo-jin praised her and patted her on the head, and she thinks that the girl is a bit unfortunate, but it is a kind and that's what is important.

Meanwhile, Yoon-hoo arrives in Seoul and asked his driver what has gotten into him his plans even though changes his mother is waiting for him on a plane. Yoon-hoo says with a smile that he has found something he wants to do, and adds another thing to his bucket list. Leave a strange girl he has never met before

To this end, he arrives on campus Haneum and tells Dean Mina, he wanted to be a student here. You know who he is, and wonders why on earth a Juilliard student wants to transfer here. He lets his guard down a bit and says that he is tired of the competition: ". Only if I want to enjoy music with other kids my age"

Il-lac goes googly eyes while on Shi-won and spy chief Dad has the entire opposite reaction, annoyed that she and her friends always come here an orchestra. It's nice that Dad is crazy because they hit Il-lac in the violin battle while Il-lac tried to speak up, because he has a crush on a secret.

He nerves worked up to their table to sneak in and says that he has something to tell her. He whispers something in her ear and shrinks away, and she tells her friends that everything he said was that he is not a pervert. Haha. Yes, but now she's thinking that you Weirdo one.

The board of the school is up in arms over their students ghastly appearance in the music festival, and they will gather to discuss punishment. Streseman says they should be punished if they did something wrong ... but then adds that if he had known, he would not have sent Yoo-jin to an interview.

Yoo-jin is just as surprised gone at Streseman request for the session. When the journalist imagines, he says he is in an interview about his father is not interested, but she explains that this is from him, and that Streseman proposed him as his pupil in his place for the piece.

The CEO their attitude when Yoo-jin is rethinks immediately ready to interview, (he is always rejected previous requests to do so, to promote the school), and Streseman warns to him stop trying to take their music and sell, and added the risk that if it continues, it will destroy them.

Mina follows him, to thank him, to say the things they always wanted but could not, then asks him for a decision on the orchestra to make. But Streseman says that is not up to him, even if it takes time, it is decided for the students themselves. The chairman has enough of though Streseman had escapades, and teacher says it's going to get for the upcoming music festival at school.

When Yoo-jin interview, the reporter that you tell him that he will be playing at the festival school with his orchestra piano and that Streseman want to carry yourself , It's pretty funny how he is the one who the journalists to ask questions about: What song I'll be playing? When will I be playing this?

I do not know how they found out, but Do-Kyung comes through knowing that Yoo-jin has an interview and the reporter strives to get a nice campus couple in front of the camera. But Nae-il stands between them and announces that Do-Kyung is the former, while it is the current girlfriend. Yoo-jin does not look happy, but he is also not contrary to it, and he did not shoved away either.

The reporter asks Nae-il to get out of line, but I like that they do not back down. Do-Kyung says she is the one who should leave, because they are just friends, and Chef Dad looks her sigh, that she would be perfect for Il-lac.

Streseman attitude towards Yoo-jin has changed greatly, and he puts him even for a lesson down to what is important as a conductor. He says that good health in order is crucial to keep pace and warns him, too much alcohol. He can not help, and adds the bit of advice is not to be old and boring as (Yoo-jin Idol) Viera.

Streseman ensures that Yoo-jin not conductors thinks looking podium down on his orchestra and Yoo-jin says it is so that it best seen his orchestra. Streseman jokes that he should then first learn humility, and they actually laugh together.

He asks Yoo-jin, the orchestra he would for A or S-tune and asks him thinking about it. Nae-il is running in panic over her upcoming test to Yoo-jin, asking for his help, but he is still lost in thought about the question and wonder to themselves what orchestra is correct: "Or in the music, it is such a thing as a 'right'? "

He says that classical music is at its best when so perfectly calculated beauty that is promised on the page is delivered. But then, when he thinks about the S Orchestra, he wonders if music that communicates the audience has no value. Classical can avoid Freestyle expression, but was not that the music made by the trends of the time?

He is so absorbed in thought that he heard nothing, to say the Nae-il, and she pouts that he is always thinking these days and never plays more with her. He is not done to think though, and pushes them aside brusquely, not even notice that it has fallen to the ground.

She's excited, but calls for him to say when he comes by the number of three back, they'll forgive him. Oh, you're really sweeter than he deserves. She begins to count, but gets nervous when she gets to two-and-three-quarters ...

Suddenly Yoon-hoo appears beside her and says that she and Yoo-jin are the same as always. He holds out his hand to help her, like a gentleman on and Yoo-jin turns around, suddenly very interested in what Nae-il wants to do.

Yoon-hoo says that certainly Yoo-jin did not miss it, then turns to Nae-il: "But what about you-products not you miss me" Then Yoo-jin marched to them and draws Nae-il to the right in his chest, and staring Yoon-hoo down.


eeee! I know he just jealous, but I love it anyway. Frankly, Yoo-jin could use a good kick in the ass of a pretty rivals who actually treated Nae-il well. The thing is, I think, Yoo-jin not treat her when it counts, especially when no one else is around, but he has to learn still much about basic courtesy and took her devotion for granted. That's the part I'd like to see him lose a little so that he learns to appreciate it more. Meanwhile, he is not actively pushing them away, and sometimes looking too out of contention, which is quite a big step forward. The moment has really excited me in this episode was when he ran away to go Nae-il find after hearing that she was scolded in class. It was so serious and sweet, and it did not matter that the moment of pain was over for them; he still had to comfort her.

I like the addition of Yoon-hoo that the bat is right an interesting character. I find his crisis convincing (if it is a mystery illness is attached) that the music has become very red and only one form of competition to him. It is believable that he is inspired by Nae-il piano and hypnotized to enjoy again through music, because that's just who she is and what she did to Yoo-jin. I love their music inspires others, that's maybe the best compliment, it could be from one musician to another. When Yoon-hoo desire will play again after you play it, it feels really uplifting.

I look forward to what will do the addition of a rival for the story, because this is a drama that could use a little more conflict. A love triangle will probably do wonders the romance angle ahead there are already a lot of progress in an episode since Yoon-hoo arrival, and I honestly do not do-Kyung as something useful to include the story, because I'm so petty. There is a big difference between a boy who is sincere for Nae-il about his feelings, and a girl who wants to use Yoo-jin to be her headlights because they have a can not get on their own.

I know that right now Yoo-jin usually reacts out of jealousy, but I love love jealous escapades in dramas, because they force people like Yoo-jin of Denial , He is fiiiiiine let Nae-il pine and sulk if he is the only in its orbit, but now he'll clearly not stand by and let Yoon-hoo blow in its not-a-friend, maybe-girlfriend. I know that they do not jump ship or it will even work for it, but I hope somehow, he has anyway.

It is especially good to switch gears and some conflicts on the romance get front because in return we finally see some semblance of a teacher in Streseman and Yoo-jin gets him a true teacher-student relationship to start. I was honestly confused and upset by the character until today, where I was relieved to see that he was not totally thoughtless. []; _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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