Recap And Reviews Kdrama It's okay, it's Love: Episode 10

Recap and reviews korean drama It's okay, it's Love: Episode 10 -

This is a complicated couple, and not just because one of them sees imaginary people and invents life for them. Hae-soo like new understanding his relations, but it is not new to understand people, or so one might think. Even with its fly-by-night ability to read the intentions of the man, she does not know if she loves, at least this hour making some good progress, as far as exploring Jae-yeol past goes. We get some answers, but mostly more questions at this stage is not the game so bad. It's enough to keep us intrigued, that's for sure.


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While Hae-soo is still in shock over Jae-yeol cavalier attitude to move back in his old place, she finds him with a bag of clothes position.

he stated that the construction noise, as not to be heard after dark, he spend the night at his house. Hae-soo tentatively asks when he comes back, just to get a shrug of Jae-yeol back when his work goes well, it could be a few days. Then, just like that, he goes.

Hae -Soo later in a huff calls him to ask where he is, and if he her to say something. "Yes, I do", he does not answer. "Sleep well." click. even if it is happy about his behavior, she can not help him, but missed.

Two days pass without Hae-soo got a call from Jae-yeol, the has left her quite unnerved. Jae-yeol, on the other side looking a little rough around the edges and unshaven, even if he can not help but smile as he recalls Hae-soo kissing on a couch in his living room.

He debates whether to call Hae-soo hovering a finger over the button, but ultimately decides against it. Hae-soo has left forlornly in his room to wander in her house, and found a note that he with the code on the left (the flight number of their journey Okinawa) to its locked bathroom, as a way to open up completely to her ,

"Now there is no such thing as my private room. You can come whenever," reads the note. "But ... when you see me going to say that you love me, Ji Hae-soo?" After reading it lies in his bed / bath, lost in thought.

in prison managed Sunbae Jo the truth serum to Jae-bum, which is a little out of tune with the idea that even if he prove able he'd allowed in court the truth about Jae-yeol of telling participation, nothing of the meeting.

But he is still on the drug, twitching that he wants to try it anyway because it can no longer be trusted to know whether the memories he has are real or not.

Jae-yeol has with PD Choi Jae-bum around with on his lecture program and although PD Choi she claims that Jae-bum him as the real culprit holds suspect involvement, Jaeger yeol claims it is suspicious that the persecution away for 11 years without solid evidence.

"I ask you, his brother was put in a position. Delete my brother name from that crime. If you can do that for me, you will have my respect "Jae-yeol says. "Also ... stay away to Hae-soo." Huh, well that's maybe not the best way to ask for a favor to go.

PD Choi gets on his high horse, as he does not leave hemodialysis soos page until it is positive that Jae-yeol is not dangerous, and warns him not to get close to to Hae-soo. "What will you do if I very got near her ?" Jae-yeol retorts, whereupon PD Choi to grab his arm violently as he asks if they slept together.

When Jae-yeol tried quietly him, PD Choi beats him to shake off the face. Then he throws another blow, even after Jae-yeol tells him that they should stop right now, forcing Jae-yeol to fight back to defend themselves. But he overestimated his strength, as he sends PD Choi flying into a stack of boxes, him knocking out cold.

Jae-Bum takes Sunbae Jo on a journey through his truth serum induced memories to the soothing sounds of electro. His jealousy of Mama Ok-ja of favoritism when. To his little brother about him is clear as well as his contempt for the way Jae-yeol were beaten get by her stepfather

He remembers trying to defend his brother the fateful against his stepfather night by the oil he threw for Mama Ok-ja had bought for him, and threatened to set it on fire. But somehow got her stepfather the upper hand, and began to beat the daylights out of Jae-Bum, while Jae-yeol observed.

This is when Jae-yeol the seized knives, and such was her stepfather stabbed. Jae-Bum was the one to pull her stepfather from Jae-yeol (as it would on the knife and his little brother "like" a kind), the bits of the Flashback results that we have seen where Jae-Bum took the knife from ,

In the present, Jae-bum screaming: "... Jae-yeol is the one who killed him Jae-yeol killed him Jae-yeol killed him Jae-yeol killed him !!" Sunbae Jo Eyes widen in shock. Could it be that this is the truth?

Hae-soo a suicidal patient speaking down successfully, but to find Jae-yeol slumped in the park bathroom corner will be remembered when the patient falls asleep even in the hospital bathroom.

his best attempts by the so-nyeo begins Soo-Kwang, curb her father his garbage hoarding habits, he TSKS at too help kinked PD Choi sitting in the cafe. Jae-yeol and PD Choi have reached a preliminary ceasefire / understanding, although PD Choi will allow the matter with Hae-soo rest not when he asks: "Did you love Ji Hae-soo you are toying really not with her? ? "

Jae-yeol know that PD Choi not angry would matter his answer, and refuses to pass on Choi message to Hae-soo that while he does not think he can easily forget, he is they do not bother with his presence, if they do not like it.

But Jae-yeol did not tell him to hurry because Hae-soo not a girl be so easily forgotten. Even after all the hostility, Jae-yeol nor PD Choi asks to do well with TV his brother interview and while the promise to make sometime to buy him a drink in payment, he sees Kang-woo outside the cafe and gestures to him. PD Choi sees where he showed nobody there and finds.

PD Choi rushes out of the café, when he gets a call that his team's lawyer found treated Jae-Bum case, past Jae-yeol and the imaginary Kang-woo involved in conversation.

Kang-woo just want Jae-yeol to tell him whether his writing in his eyes (as he would have passed or failed recently gave him a manuscript ), break out only in high spirits when Jae-yeol tells him the truth. It would happen

Soo-Kwang the "exchange" with interest observed, apparently because Jae-yeol is talking nobody in his eyes. Then Tae-yong calls Jae-yeol to check if he really Back to need his business card wallet, because if so, it means Tae-yong to go into the rural police station to get it.

as Jae-bum starts coming to the truth serum, he is more like a child relief flooded with tentative because now he can believe him when he claims that he did not kill his stepfather.

Sunbae Jo with him empathizes, as he says, must have felt, "You are so lonely all the time more not be lonely I know how you.. feel, Jae-Bum. "Jae-Bum not himself and is divided into pitiful sobs can help. Sunbae Jo gives some space to sort him his feelings, but expressed the hope that they will meet again.

Jae-Bum flashes back to how his mother found him with a knife over her stepfather keep and tend immediately went to the unconscious Jae-yeol. But only when you consider all of this was based off Mama Ok-ja misconceptions about who did the deed, we find out it was Jae-Bum, who told her that Jae-yeol stabbed him ... but that , he would take the case to the police for his little brother.

he then stated that he had intended only for a few years in prison, but when he was served with eleven, he decided to tell the truth: that Jae-yeol killed her stepfather. It was and then that both Jae-yeol and Mama Ok-ja his back turned and called him a liar. No wonder that he feels betrayed that.

Jae-yeol calls Hae-soo for the first time in five days to tell her that his producer of the talk show like they did before, and cause them to return as invite guest. Hae-soo asks what he would do for them if they do this for, agrees it will decide not to move? "I can not do that," Jae-yeol answers.

"You, you still love me?" Hae-soo challenges. Jae-yeol: "How crazy I wish you were here with me now.." While his tone romantic and wistful is Hae-soo, it is not.

Under Hae-soo roar as proof that they do not do the show, Jae-yeol hangs just so, so Hae-soo to sigh, how much she missed him.

Hae-soo advises the couple with shared psychotic disorder after a week keeping them separated, which proves that the woman would not see the imaginary cockroaches when she and her husband was. Her husband, although they separated, the hallucinations saw every evening.

on the error reason to try and get Hae-soo both asked what happened right before they began to see cockroaches, but they're both reluctant to say with the husband Hae soo to say that they would if she was not married do not understand.

Sunbae Jo enters Jae-yeol room when he is not there a published collection is done by Jae-yeol memoirs he wrote, when he was fifteen. With Jae-Bum confession fresh in his mind, he sits down to read it, on Jae-yeol, the use of the term focus "self-defense".

[1945010zumGlück], is Sunbae Jo able to cover for themselves when Jae-yeol finds him acting like his usual eccentric self to read in his room by, although he wonders about the manuscript-how he knew how self-defense worked at such a young age?

Jae-yeol claims that he saw it on the news, to take a rape victim in the context that has not been found guilty for revenge on her rapist because it was considered an act of self defense. He says Sunbae Jo that think him the law was fair, at least until Jae-Bum case changed.

Hae-soo appears in the doorway and asks Sunbae Jo: "What do you think of Jang Jae -yeol move from here and leave me behind" a hurry Sunbae Jo he says would come to their defense, then from dodge gets the stern.

Jae-yeol tries with Hae-soo to be nothing loving what is wrong, although the reason they the motion field, it is both angry in the face , is staring at her. When she mentioned his unshaven face, he wonders if she sexy does not find it, to which it responds with the same, same, same old refrain: "Why, your other women did think it's sexy?"

Nevertheless Jae-yeol has to get him not been able past block its writers, and just the thought of it has him turn the hand that is always spasming. Hae-soo is angry that Jae-yeol has been nightmares that because he is sleeping in his office chair already, and TSKS , that they not be with him in a relationship ... before him in the kitchen down order so she can give him a proper meal.

Sunbae Jo Jae-yeol / Jae-bum case with Doctor Lee discussed (the name of the confidentiality left), and as it was less a murder and more of a accident because her stepfather on the knife's younger brother was held. His Hyung, though, it looked as murder.

Doctor Lee suspects that her mother did not testify on the older brother in the name, because they went to the scene, as he holds the bloody knife in his hand. But when she asks what Sunbae Jo thinks about why the little brother lied in court, he provides a few theories:

The first is that the little brother, might have thought the accident was actually murder and be framed hyung made to it but Sunbae Jo knows that now is not true that he has read Jae-yeol memoirs because even Jae-yeol knew the difference between an accident and a murder and as that would be taken to court

this leaves him with the second theory, which is postulated a Jae-bum. that a deliberate act of Jae-yeol him was framing (I'm using their names to make it easier, but know that it is not made in an effort) to get rid of his abusive stepfather and abusive brother. But again, Sunbae Jo does not believe this also.

The reason why he does not, because it would not make sense to try free for Jae-yeol Jae-Bum from prison if it was all a cover-up, because he has seen firsthand how much Jae-yeol actually cares for Jae-bum. The question remains why Jae-yeol'd lied about his brother have to commit murder in the first place. committed

While Doctor Lee is more concerned with the official crime are Sunbae Jo interest for the two brothers pain and suffering in nursing. How can he treat Jae-Bum, which is rotting for 14 years in prison on false charges already? How can he treat Jae-yeol, who pretend can on the outside, to be optimistic, even if he is no way traumatized escaped might have?

Doctor Lee of the belief is that even if Jae-yeol / younger brother's character is not displayed now, this type of trauma is bound eventually to the surface. Sunbae Jo at least seems confident that both brothers will have help and support, even if he is less worried about the younger of the two, because he has a good person (Hae-soo) at his side.


as they had told last episode so much Hae-soo, Doctor Lee finally worked up the courage to her ex-husband to apologize, not only about their feelings the other day to bring, but for the use of contraceptives against his wishes when they were still married.

Sunbae Jo treats the subject with utmost understanding, and acknowledges that it the doctor would not have today if they had then had a child. "I really love you very much," he says, before adding that, has when he is one thing to love through them learned it, is that the sexy kind of relationship a true friendship between a man and a woman-and that he would not ruin their friendship, by failing in the physical desires to give it still for them.

Jae-yeol can not understand why Hae-soo is so excited with him about his movement, but at least he is not alone. Soo-Kwang says Hae-soo to wonder if they really thought that Jae-yeol would live in their house forever and also will make it easier for them to have sexy times when they did not have him to worry or Sunbae Jo be around. Win / win, right?

That's when Sunbae Jo cuts, to say that their house will be a place of total abstinence, and that he better not hear any suspicious noises in the middle of the night. It is not to facilitate Hae-soo grumpy attitude, and Jae-yeol know enough by now around them constantly expanding temperament.

But if Soo to tiptoe kwang tried it, whipped, Jae-yeol throws a glass of water to make the face fun of him, shut him up.

Hae-soo talking to Sunbae Jo about Jae-yeol, the deep-rooted problems associated with its past and its current writer's block, completely unaware that Sunbae Jo knows much more about him than she does , But he agrees for them to Jae-yeol to take over the case, and right after getting a text from PD Choi and asked him to meet with the lawyer who handled Jae-Bum case.

In the rural police station, Tae-yong is unable video of Jae-yeol process fighting with thin air, but he refuses the officers thinking his best friend to be sick, even if he is so frightened seen by what he is, that he can not help but cry.

he decides to follow the situation, down to where the police found Jae-yeol wallet, and although they could find no evidence of Kang-woo, the camera that took the material from a burned house stationed was ... the childhood Jae-yeol of earlier.

Tae-yong, very much afraid for his friend now calls Jae-yeol innocently asking him for Kang-woo's name and telephone number of the High School , Hae-soo backhugs Jae-yeol, while on the phone is only as a threat to be thrown out, as to leave only a little confused them more.

As expected, the number Tae-yong doesn dials for Kang-woo 't exist. But it's still sad his hopes die with this call to see how the realization hits that something very, very wrong with Jae-yeol.

Jae-yeol looks like another version of himself when he finally hemodialysis concerned soo of whether they misunderstood his profession of love to him but she want-when treated so could she needs.

is so ruthlessly to stop

[1945010sie] interrupts him when he begins to say why he moved to wonder whether they are or are not. He is upset that she is confused about it, even after they slept together, and indicates how it around them is especially considerate and their work, do not reciprocate. "The reason why I'm ... moving"

"... is because you can not work here," Hae-soo sent for him. "It is because of your work, is not it? I have a job of my own, did you think I would not understand?" Gee, I do not know. Do you act just spend the last 45 minutes as you understood?

She claims she would have him pushed to move if he had not brought up is how much they are appreciated. He then asks why she said he was the reckless one, and it is throttled when it says it is because he with is worrying how little he became lately of itself care. She worries too much, is the reason.

Jae-yeol anger fades with understanding how he sighs, "I missed you." But Hae-soo is not quite finished when she asks him why he treated the subject of so sober factual and emotional. He replies that they all always so cool that he does not believe that they all would be that shocked, but now that he knows he is happy. "It sounds like you love me."

Hae-soo asks how he managed relations with its former women (* headdesk *) with the work in the past to ask for him, as she herself would dare to compare with them, if. on a whole different level

She has worked with him a fixed weekly time setting for them to go on dates, with the condition that she would call ahead if they want an unscheduled date. Although skinship is allowed, Hae-soo not let Jae-yeol kiss, citing that they are not unplanned moves like you do not like. Should submit the Lord make a request a week ago, then?

Jae-yeol acknowledges how hard and cruel it with a resigned air, enough to agree for them to grant him a desired. It is really disappointed if he does not ask for a kiss, and instead asks them to appear on this talk show with him again.

"I love you," Jae-yeol says. "I do not know yet," fires back. But they admit, finally, that it has been particularly hard on him when he admitted he loved her and lets you win most of their (many) arguments, if they never returned the feeling into words. So instead, they will return it with actions and provides the lights-'cause it off company time.

While Tae-yong hits the high school Jae -yeol alleged Kang-woo only went to find that it is written not Kang-woo there, Jae-yeol a visit Hae-soo mom and dad paid for the restaurant. Apparently his visit Mom a regular occurrence now.

Hae-soo jealous brother-in-law is Jae-yeol in the hot seat by mentioning marriage, laughing nervously Jae-yeol has, as he says that he and Hae-soo are, uh, now career-motivated.

Hae-soo unni, Yoon-soo, she names it take about sleeping with Jae-yeol to task and allows him so close to her mother get if they did not intend to marry him. She claims that the marriage is in their blood, it's what they're doing is , and that she her husband suffers alcoholism and poor financial decisions because they made a vow, damn. And Hae-soo should, or end things with Jae-yeol.

Both Hae-soo and Jae-yeol end just rush in time to the station to make their broadcast appearance, and Hae-soo is denied for a fast elevator kiss when Jae-yeol their attention on the security camera rotates because he said only the channels that they were the last time they met on the show.

When Hae-soo asks why he just does not tell them that they were together, Jae-yeol answers in his usual devil-may-care fashion manner that it was just too lazy. Hae-soo thinks back to her sister words of warning regarding Jae-yeol to be a professional player, and makes explain himself.

"" She's the woman I'm dating. 'Are these words annoying to say? Or you do not want to know them, because I am a woman finally break with at all? . ", Asks, her temper flaring

He asks for clarification, as if he can not believe that she would insinuate he was so disingenuous to her, and she is not afraid to give it to him: "If I'm not a woman, want to marry you, then I'm with a woman you're going to break, is not it? "

Jae-yeol countenance is serious when he looked directly into her eyes." What could I say? You're right. "


As much as I like Jae-yeol, I really look forward to the tip see his psychological problems come if only because it would dynamically add something new to the relationship that not just a foam rinse, repeat from Hae-soo uncertain and Jae -yeol either calm her lecture her, or games with spirit to lead them to the right conclusion.

I would really love if this show does not hinder the act of affection Hae-soo by the hour, she has difficulty because watching . it's okay if they got a mountain of personal issues to be overcome when it comes with Jae-yeol to their relationship, but lately it's just boiled down to , a problem lately ( her sense of insecurity debilitating), and it keeps no matter to manifest the situation and despite what should at least partially rational thoughts on the contrary be. Apart from the fact that she has a degree in rational, level-headed thinking.

But well, let's say that we with the idea rolled that Hae-soo is incapable of self therapy and that, at least when compared with Jae -yeol, they can not control their forced his to mention past, with women or their inability to believe every word he says. You waffles between an adult to be a child to be engaged in a little argument, and not yet found in a gray zone, where they can only be in a relationship. Heck, she also confirmed that she is excessively hard on him, and that they bicker constantly, but that was it as far as development. I know that relationships are a process, but why is it that this one feels especially processed?

I return all developments have to enjoy, although they were not directly linked to their relationship as Tae-yong solo hunt for the truth Sunbae Jo, heart-to-heart with Doctor Lee and Jae-bum trip in his memories of that fateful night. The twist that he was the one who had to take the blame for his brother volunteered unexpectedly, and all the more tragic because of what Jae-yeol him finally did ... when Jae-Bum's version of events believe wholeheartedly , And I'm honestly inclined to trust someone in this show as a narrator, also under the influence of the truth to say Drugs.

There are the questions asked during Sunbae Jo talking to Doctor Lee that keep me fascinated because it's honestly hard to form a theory with what piecemeal information that we got ,. If the trauma his own brother is involved for his crimes, causing Jae-yeol to separate from his past, then the question that remains is one of intent. Is Jae-yeol an honest and righteous person or a cold-hearted schemer of his own brother framework would save his skin? , There must be than to be it, and I can not figure out what to wait. Bring on the truth serum! Lord knows more dramas could use it

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