Recap And Reviews Kdrama Harre, Gu Hae-ra: Episode 9

Recap and reviews korean drama Harre, Gu Hae-ra: Episode 9 -

There is me again, when filling an extra meta-tastic episode of Persevere, Gu Hae-ra to recapitulate that is winking at drama country and hilarious references to backstage shenanigans full of sly. (If you follow the updates here on the mad functioning of drama productions, it should specially recognize fun, which she shows poking fun at.) There is also a sequence of payments (and paybacks) what satisfactory for a nice catalog moments and laughs.


Yoo Sung-eun, Ulala Session - "그랬 나봐" (it must be) from the Persevere, Gu Hae-ra OST [ Download ]

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EPISODE 9: "drama"

Ray kissing Hae-ra on the balcony, which can be seen from Se-jong on his way home, because he is determined to always have the worst timing. his face hardened, and he keeps walking.

From the living room, Henry catches a glimpse of the kiss the window. When Woo-ri begins for kissing couple looking to go fast Henry preventing, then grins knowingly, as they bring the group back. Jang Goon asked what they were doing, and Hae-ra changes quickly the subject.

There are a whole range of Se-jong birthday applied, and ask them what it take so long. Just then, Hae-ra gets a text from him asking her out to see, and when Ray asks she tells him what he says he. send them with a slight smile.

Before Se-jong can say anything, Hae-ra says compassionately that he would have gone through a lot and has apologized for their role in it, as they with their feelings imposed on him. She promises not to do, and asks if they are to be able to bring good friends, and Se-jong repeated these words with frustration: "Back to ... good friends," It is a bitter pill because it only now decided to be honest about his feelings, and here it is, go on.

She wishes him a happy birthday and shake a hand reaches out. He takes it and thanks her but do not let go. "I can not agree to your request," he says.

Despite his smiling face, as Ray Hae-ra sent, he looks fidgety as he waits out on the balcony. Henry is with him, and begins to wonder about his "friend", the sorta-maybe unintentionally kissed this girl, and now, when he sees her lips, his heart racing. He wonders if he likes, or if he is just confused, and Ray, do to confirm how he feels again suggests.

Henry this view, then asks if Ray and Hae-ra officially together. Ray replies that it is still a mystery because Hae-ra still figure things out, and that he intends to wait until it 100 percent secure. "Hae-ra takes time," he says, "and I am a person who can wait."

It is when Hae-ra steps back inside, and Se-jong, a few moments later arrives, although he passes quietly in his room. Hae-ra says Ray that she wished Se-jong happy birthday only, and while that sounds unlikely, Ray does not press. He proposes an appointment tomorrow, and Hae-ra agrees.

She has to sleep, play their conversation with Se-jong in her mind, what we see now the rest difficulties. He admits that he had not been able to be honest with her, and that he thought that made it go on his own and refrain from doing anything to hurt was the best thing he could do. "But now, I can not," he says.

Hae-ra Key her hand away from him, and he apologizes for hurting her all the while. "Now I want to be honest," he adds. "Gu Hae-ra, I ..."

She cuts him off, did not he finish his sentence. But he blurts, "I like you from the first day we met, and at this moment it seems I'm late, but I -.."

"That's right," she said hastily. "You're too late. There was a time I really wanted to hear those words. But not now. I finally made it, just sort out my feelings-not confuse me more."

He tried to protest, but she tells him that she decided and asks to remain as good friends and colleagues again.

Se-jong has to go to sleep and difficulties. Ray checked if he was still, then flicks the lights (the tennis ball throw mastered to have) to first apologize earlier for hitting him first, and then for him to warn not to approach Hae-ra.

Se-jong and apologized and said that he no longer and hold back, even if it is too late, he will not turn back.

The "MBS" office, the Hwangje idols meet with the author and director of the new drama Scarlet. Besides Scarlet, the occupation has Ki-joon and a third idol actor Robin (ha, a cameo of Baro ).

Writer Uhm annoyed with the attitude of idols, sniffing that Scarlet got the gig through their connections and is a terrible actress. The writer is also unfortunate that the ratings do not rise and wants to strengthen to use interest Scarlet real-life scandal, and a look at Se-jong image online has them nod in agreement-she'll write him as a friend in Scarlet. Ki -joon blurts out that they can not, and then proposes a Baro hyung he knows (name dropping Sandeul his B1A4 players) and also works in a Hyde reference by joking that he was "the Robin who is as Hyun Bin better looking! "the writer is amazed at the rudeness of these idols who do not know their place.

Manager Pyun tried to stop them, with Se-jong, but the writer does all the advertising that would produce from the real life to unite ex-couple in a drama again.

The writer steps with the director speak of, and the idols all burst into complaints about the writer behind the back. Manager Pyun has to pull them out of the room to close the Schreiber-they planted a recording device in the room. Apparently it is M. O., and every actor who in her last drama (heh, Husband temptation ) was one who killed badmouthed it.

Henry leads the team Persevere Studio a jazzy interpretation of Sistar of Loving You, and the texts coincide with the thought of Woo-ri: Hey, it's really weird, I've never felt before / Every time I see you my heart pounds ...

and he imagines, Woo-ri next to him as he sings and he finally realizes " Perhaps tips online I'm in love with you ... "

he remembers Ray to confirm proposal as it feels and looks up how course to maneuver a kiss situation. Take, for example, you're watching the World Cup, and kiss each cheek in excitement, including your girl. Or tell it easier in the context of a story. Ha, his fantasy encounters Henry tried his movements on Henry-in-drawing, which is funny.

Ray and Hae-ra go on the day, and presenting them with a gift: two identical pairs of sneakers, because their habit one side losing. She teases him about the saying about a lover giving a gift (because they run are) and Ray answers ". Do not run away from me, running away from me" Whenever she feels or to fight, they can come to him. She nods okay.

He takes her to an amusement park, and she insists today to pay for everything, so they can go home after their wallet is empty. She does not have a ton of cash and Ray is worried that the date will be short, but it has received a voucher, so start them out at the rink, where she teaches to skate it. It's sweet that he for saving as much money as possible decides want to stretch the day for a long time.

Se-jong rejects the drama offer immediately and repeatedly, despite the insistence of the director. Just then, he sees Ray and Hae-ra at home comes from the day, and also, to Hae-ra recalls said that she hopes they will get the chance to air and to promote their group, and he agrees with the drama ,

He remains subdued when Tae-Poong known excited about the group is that they finally have their chance to win a TV appearance-she got cameos in Scarlet drama. (Henry tried to kiss Tae-Poong in joy to initiate his kiss-go-round plan, but rebuffed and sighs, "Mission failed.") Se-jong was cast as Scarlet ex-boyfriend, the leader of a band Persevere teams will play the band, and is even a song to get on the OST. The entire Scarlet connection mutes the excitement a little, and Tae-Poong draws Se-jong aside to talk.

Ki-joon Scarlet tries to win again and again to ask her why she is with a man in love, who does not love them back. He adds that he knows her secret, but protects it and moves in for a kiss in. She pushes him back ... and then he clings his heart, bleeding from the nose. Oh ha, that is their drama, is not it? Ki-joon slumps to the floor and says he is sick, and his last words before are going limp "I loved you very much."

Scarlet whines screen (her "act" remarkably awful), while in real life, they, with President Hwang watches that has not heard the details and wonders why Ki-joon dying when he worked hard to pack all the idols in the show. Scarlet says Writer Uhm the "curse" has started (a clear reference to the writer of Aurora Princess and the current series Apgujeong Baek-ya ). She worries that she next while Dad assured her that the actress can not die. Ha. You would think.

Manager Pyun in on the whole story President Hwang filled, including the part where teams Persevere scored itself an appearance. President Hwang flips his lid Manager Pyun order it and stop it again, he slips and says they have Hae-ra to stop before they have to stop the group to say, corrected.

Hae-ra is at Se-jong his script in the studio to study, and he asks for their help running lines. In the scene, he is pushing away her can while they give up easily, if he asks. It is, of course, an echo of their own situation and he says: "I can not do easily to you to go, you also understand how I feel?"

There is a charged moment for him, but Hae -ra it breaks through it cheesy name, although his acting compliments. Then she read the last scene direction that has to kiss him "Bo-ri" (Scarlet). She apologizes, and a spa voucher falls from the script. He gives it to her and said that. As a friend, she has no reason to refuse, and he can not make the appointment anyway

Operation: Kiss Woo-ri is still under construction, and Henry tried the funny story option. Woo-ri interrupts before he gets punch in the kiss, and he has to sigh in defeat.

Hae-ra to the spa is the massage claim, and while it is shown in, the spa manager makes a call to tell someone that they just got here. HA, then Scarlet makes her look in the room, and the two ladies look upset to see each other. But scarlet prevented Hae-ra's departure, because they are both public figures now, and they can not know that they are in poor conditions.

So Hae-ra to a painful massage submits although Scarlet premature to demand another room when Hae-ra sneezes-you can not catch a cold before their big kissing scene. It lowers the temperature in Hae-ra room a few degrees just to be extra fussy.

for the drama in a scene, "Bo-ri" finds out that her father is not her bio-father, and a woman who, like her, ( but for the additional mole on her face-ha, another wife temptation reference) is seen at the bar and announces: "that's right I'm your s-!" and then ends the episode. Tune in next time!

at home, cursing the mothers at the terrible makjang history (observed during each episode, no doubt), but they change their tune once when Tae-Poong informing them that the children go to this very his show. He writes Se-jong for the opportunity to save while Hae-ra mother is worried that they will come down with something.

The cold seems worse when the children arrive at the day of shooting on set. Ha, then Baro (he, "Robin") comes by and lights his Hyung while seeing Ray looked at him blankly. Robin mistake him for the leader of "the totally hot idol group B3A4" and Ray has to correct it.

Se-jong checks to Hae-ra in custody, but she shrugs off the arm and tells him that he no longer has to look after them. Ray lets you take them aside, and he is worried about the low-grade fever. She tells him it's not so bad, and he kisses her quickly on the lips: "I have just your cold away." He walks away, to buy medicine, and finds Se-jong around the corner in hand with medicine available.

It is only now that Se-jong realizes that Ray is officially Hae-ra's friend, and he asks when it happened. Ray tells him that's what he meant when he warned of Se-jong, then start shooting heads inside.

The scene takes place in a bar, in the Se-jong character ( "Min-Hyuk") drinking brooding while team-Persevere leads (a moody version the sunny Aloha Cool ").

Bo-ri faced min-Hyuk, and the drama-in-the-drama story is that they are ex-lovers, but now she is employed to his older brother. (Scarlet action is stunningly bad, especially since we Hae-ra looked to do a much better job a few minutes ago.) Se-jong his eye keeps on Hae-ra, while delivering his lines, and Hae-ra understands that he said to her when he says that he remained silent to love about it "because the words too hard to say. I love you. "Then he grabs her for a kiss, and Hae-ra looks away.

Ray noticed and when the director cut calls and praises Se-jong exuberant, she leaves immediately the set. Ray follows and Se-jong tried as best. Hae-ra apologizes to Ray, but he realizes that he crashed in front of her feelings were finished, and promises hard and they love to try as he waiting.

the director is so pleased with Se-jong that he refuses to keep this to a cameo, which in a fit president Hwang. Roars he do when Manager Pyun what it takes to to stop it.

lunch break. Tae-Poong buys adorably his lunch children prefer to eat as Scarlet Food truck and cheers them ( "you would probably get digestive") on. Then he gets the call that a last minute rewrite calls the next scene to use only the boys, and they come immediately. Hae-ra cough again, and both Ray and Se-jong remove their jackets for them, although Ray faster. Then Henry clocked the scene, takes off his jacket and puts it on Woo-ri's shoulders to their lack of understanding.

Manager Pyun resorts to sabotage, someone cash and slip a beverage bottle. The woman turns out to be the floor director and insists on taking Hae-ra to the hospital to give her the drink. Hae-ra Ray tried calling, then says Woo-ri to the hospital with the FD on their way.

The drink is Hae-ra sleepy as the putative FD she drives away. When the boys finish (to sing another song while Bo-ri a sexy Latin dance number) their next shooting, Ray sees their text and call back, but she's asleep by then. The FD on the phone.

Se-jong overheard Ray with Woo-ri in check. Meanwhile, the FD draws to a place and wakes Hae-ra and said that the filming was moved upward. She says Hae-ra to go inside while parks ... and then only them. On the side of the road ditches

The team in panic when they realize that the story does not match up, and they can not get a hold of Hae-ra. Woo-ri her memory for the name Hae-ra racks gave her, and they confirm that it is not on the crew roster. None of the crew knows who she is, either.

cold, sick and stranded, Hae-ra wanders dazed, their attempts to flag down help ignored going. She finds a phone booth, and when a phone is buzzing, everyone reached the team for their phones. It is Se-jong, the answers-aw, I knew the old cell phone numbers would hold play someday. Crying, she gives him the address on the phone booth.

Se-jong tears with Tae-Poong car keys from there, and Ray hunts for him to get a taxi try. It is Baro / Robin, which keeps and offers him his car, because he reminds him of the Hyung he is so fond.

Both boys go mad, and this time it's Ray, which is off to a step (or stop light) behind Se-jong.

Se-jong comes at the phone booth as well as the van sputters to a stop. It runs from Hae-ra in the dark cabin to find crouched and carries them on her back, urging her to hang in there while attempting a passing car to flag. She murmurs that she could only remember his number, and he yells that he's sorry and asks her to stay awake.

Ray finds and pulls over, and they accompanied in the car. Se-jong can only stand there, like Ray anfährt.

you brought to the hospital, and while the kidnapper was arrested, she says not a word. Tae Poong suspects a tie to Hwangje Entertainment, however, because they once worked for a subsidiary, and this name has Hae-ra mother in a rage screwing on: "Messing with my husband was not enough, and now you go after my daughter? I will not let you go through with it, you bastard piece of junk Hwang Je-guk! "

Ray sitting by Hae-ra bedside when she sleeps, relive the moment when seconds jong phone rang and it's not. Se-jong, on the other side can see only from outside the door and then let alone.

Hae-ra finally wakes up, Ray relief, and is looking for her mother. But Mom is not there, because she goes to the office Hwangje storm threatens to sue if President Hwang does not comply with it, and displays the name of her husband.

He feigns ignorance while Hae-ra mother in a rage faces, and explains him that it would now claim their revenge, died fifteen years after her husband unjustly. President Hwang mocks that Mom partly responsible, she urged hard about that night thinking, "Is your precious daughter know you will not because you could not tell her?". The memory includes Mom, and replaced her rage with concern.

Writer Uhm is in a fit over the chop job the director did her script. The director protests that he is doing all President Hwang, and he was forced to make the changes.

At the end there is President Hwang, sitting back in satisfaction, Scarlet ensure that it does not have to worry about these children, and that they got the OST song. She is thrilled, and Dad says he bought a new machine to take care of small problems with their inability to sing.

We hear the melodious ballad sung as Scarlet voice is processed by the machine ... then they listen to their side of the recording glass, like a drowned cat howling. Okay, if you condemning a machine that can make magic all music in our autotune robot overlords to failure.

Hae-ra's much better by the time they connect to their friends at the bar for broadcast night of their episode. Oh no, this can not end well. They are excited when the episode begins ... but confused when the song she recorded, "sung" with their voices will be held from Bo-ri. It is completely nonsensical because Bo-ri, all the different parts to sing, and (included Hwang) each staring open-mouthed at the screen-this has to be a broadcast accident. And when they try to contact the manufacturer, they get radio silence. Muahaha! Please tell me this is their planned revenge!

The Scarlet at the top of the results ... with words like "lip sync" and beyond paired Engine brings "foot action." Team Persevere lands a spot on the list because it is still her Song not a complete victory, but not either a complete setback.

Then kiss scene Se-Jong comes on, and Hae-ra dips and goes away.

In another scene Jang Goon and Woo-ri are unique scene in the background, as shown below is a song to sing ... from the neck. You are trying to console themselves, to hear their voices, but the image disorders, cutting to the full shot their faces. Oh, it's really a beautiful triumphant moment, and the search engine light.

Thrilled, Henry grabs Woo-ri for a pat on the lips. He says that he was just upset but totally smiles to himself. Woo-ri looks stunned, although more confused than unhappy about things. (Yay!)

Jang Goon takes Netizen compare Comments Woo-ri voice to Scarlet. Woo-ri looks a bit dodgy in this, but surely the secret will come soon enough. to have

Se-jong goes out on the streets to join the group for the broadcast readers rejected. Hae-ra's follow on a bit of a distance with Ray. But he is too far to follow them on a bus, and losing track of her.

Hae-ra and Se-jong come face in the street to encounter as it starts to rain, and they duck under a roof overhang. Se-jong offers her his jacket, but she pushes him back and starts to leave.

He grabs her by the arm. She tells him that they act as stop because they went through a lot of pain because of him. He tells her that he did, and while that is true, we know there is a message to her when finally admits the truth.

"I was first. I liked you before Se-chan does. And I could not say that I caught in a fake scandal with Scarlet, I feel nothing for. The car accident was not me, either. I came to you with more trouble than you know. "

Hae-ra's really stunned to hear everything. He continues: "Because I wanted to come back to you, because I wanted to make Se-chan Bucket List true, I said that I did it." He has, he tells of the secret treaty signed and the orders he had to follow. She begins to cry, to ask why he says this only now, and he adds: ".. To have someone else beside you-I can not see more because I decided to be honest with you"

Slowly he takes her face in his hands. "I love you," he tells her. And then he kisses her.


President Hwang Flicks is through the channels on the TV, and team Persevere everywhere. Pyun manager stammers that netizens have compiled is comparisons between Woo-ri and Scarlet votes while Harren take on the charts an upswing, and beyond, even though he had Writer Uhm fired, now have fueled reviews the drama. Ah, that's so satisfying.

After yet another unpleasant call President Hwang will receive: Under pressure on the ratings of the broadcasting station has Writer Uhm had to adjust again. At least she had her Scarlet kill not to, so they can just relax on this front

section to. Hospital where Bo-ri is eyed Cross and semiconscious. The camera focuses on the feet, as the writer approves, for once, of Scarlet "foot action." Omg. She is great.

Additional Bonus Scene: At the end of the NG sections, we see a cut scene in which Baro / Robin a sexy dance by Bo-ri enjoys having only a sudden nosebleed. "I'm actually ... dead Ki-Joon ... half-brother," he says. It has the same disease, and keels over dead.


I love that sense of fun of the episode because it is a great time not its meta with took too seriously the trimmings, while retaining the core emotional line sincere-it knows when to crack a joke, and when they retire and let the feelings get a moment upright. We see it often in team Persevere interactions; Henry is always a great source of comic relief, popping up below in a moment with a laugh, and Tae-Poong.

It is important to keep the balance in check, because I feel like it is when anxiety takes over, that the show is to be ordinary in danger. I never have the feeling that it is done, but I can see that the core love triangle is super familiar, as the culprit is not-I can not be-with-you conflict (and the better that the show may light up, that the light on yourself through that dramatic twists in his play-in-the-drama makes light). Gu Hae-ra What are its magic for me is the chemistry of the entire group together-it is not just a love triangle Plus buddy show, or it should not be, because Woo-ri Jang Goon and Henry are the people with their own set of struggles and dilemmas. And it is when everyone is together that I feel the characters and the show is strongest at its / his.

It helps that Se-jong finally takes active measures, instead of silence in his suffering. And I'm not so concerned about whether he is going to get the girl in the end (even though he totally going to get the girl) -It is that the web for Se-jong is to be honest with his own heart. Because his streak of noble idiocy is not a new development inspired by Hae-ra or Se-chan; it has been since the birth of its history, and it is time, he saw the light and realized that his way of doing things is not the only way. That although he thought that his way was the best thing he could do, he now is willing to look for other options.

So for Se-jong, is not about to get what he wants, but to bring self-expression and to open his heart. []; _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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