Recap And Reviews Kdrama Witch Romance: Episode 10

Recap and reviews korean drama Witch Romance: Episode 10 -

Dong-ha continues its dark descent into drunken depression (how's that for some alliteration?), while Ji-yeon struggling to reconcile what it means in their lives Shi-hoon officially back. None of the leads is very happy, this episode, except when they come to for a moment forget everything except each other, and then they light up almost brighter than the sun. Until Shi-hoon always showing his handsome face, and then we are back doom-and-gloom. On the plus side, get our supporting characters bucket ridiculous experience cuteness, like almost everyone gets a love interest, and, oh yes, it may - or may not -. Something kiss


The morning after Dong-ha and Ji-yeon emotional confrontation, Ji yeon looks Shi-hoon for her outside her apartment waiting for his aversion to early morning sacrificed to give her a ride to work. Dong-ha is on the way to work well, and drag him and his scooter at the same stoplight upwards, he looks about a smiling Ji-yeon as Shi-hoon of the passenger to see.

in their restaurant, Na-Rae and Min-goo prep their fishcakes (and she thinks that it spoiled, but Min-Goo tells her that their sense of smell must be turned off). She tells him that Ji-yeon and Shi-hoon will later stopping by, and threatened her husband with bodily harm if he lets on that she used to live with Dong-ha.

Ji-yeon tries Dong-ha to draw attention to themselves, as they will be looking for a file, but he ignored her pointedly. Rushing in informed Young-sik Ji-yeon a juicy news tip, and as they leave to prepare, she gets a text from Shi-hoon to let her know he waits out front. Too Young-sik astonishment, she tells him that he must go and will take pictures on his own, because they have to leave.

Shi-hoon and Ji-yeon come in Na-rae restaurant (and aw, Ji-yeon says Min-Goo a talented chef is - although its appearance can be something to be desired, pffft). The two couples enjoying a meal together, and when Na-rae asks Shi-hoon adventure in Africa, he admits that he really like to live there and would be happy to stay there for the rest of his life.

Ji-yeon warns him if he keeps educating Africa, she will not leave him alone. He admits teasingly his surprise that Ji-yeon never acted with him in this powerful way, but he begins to like it. some knowledge (And Min-Goo is fascinated with the idea that it was not scary before, pfft.)

taking away over Na-rae, Ji-yeon asks about her health. But she shrugs it off, it is to think that because their restaurant is so busy that she has not had time to properly take care of themselves. At the suggestion that they should set a part-time employee, Min-Goo is excited when he remembers that Dong-ha will be out of a job soon. Aw, Min-Goo beings on Team Dong-ha's just the sweetest.

But he is the only one who, at the table, who is happy at the thought Dong-ha, and Na-Rae gives him the "be quiet, my beloved idiot man" look when they tried the embarrassment.

Speak of the devil, Dong-ha is on the way to the restaurant to eat to cover dinner with Soo-chul and Eun-Chae (the only "happened "as he closed in, uh-huh, sure to show at Soo-chul restaurant), but if he sees through the window a happy Ji-yeon with Shi-hoon, drops his face. He gets Soo-Chul and Eun-chae to agree to go elsewhere, and they are denominated in a end, crowded club on.

want to go as Eun-Chae apologizes to the bathroom (with Soo-Chul screaming warnings about how all men are Wolves), he asks why Dong-ha, of all people, to come to a club , was Dong-ha says the only place he is assured that he can not in "the two." Running would Soo-Chul cheerily admits that's true, and invite him to the night club atmosphere to enjoy (especially the pretty young women around her to dance).

But Dong-ha is still in a gloomy mood when they leave, and when Soo-chul employs his car to retrieve, Eun-Chae Dong-ha asks if he had broken his heart. He sighs that it is something like that, but before she can push even further, two skeevy guys who had hit on her previous show up. They continue, Eun-Chae and Dong-ha steps to harass that she should leave her alone and told them to get lost.

The skeevy guy grabs Dong ha collar and Dong-ha just smiles and said he was waiting for someone to mess with him - and then the man beats the face. He is ready to continue the fight with a few kicks on the defenseless dude on the floor, but Soo-Chul only comes and pulls Dong-ha removed.

When Shi-hoon Ji-yeon goes back to her apartment, he promises that he will take them to work tomorrow, but she asks him teasingly, how long it will take (to know how much he hates the early morning). Your phone rings, and it's Young-sik, excited to report that the embezzlement businessman they had ordered him has been to pursue just arrested. The reporter in her is pleased in all the ways they will be able his scandal as Shi-hoon is to reveal her a ride to the police station.

Young-sik her met at the door with the confirmation that he got to the photos, and she hurries to get the attention of a detective who breaks free from the reporters inside around him privately with her hold true. Obviously, this is not the first time he has been their anonymous internal source, and he agrees to give her access to photos of the evidence to enable them to get the scoop on the dailies.

Within this same police station (oh, how convenient!), Dong-ha sits stoically while Soo-chul argued that the nightclub guys were the ones who the fight started. But the cop says Dong-ha for an assault case nor is responsible to give because of the guy injuries that will take at least three weeks to heal.

A distinguished older man comes in and declared himself "that bastard father", and handed over a business card (which he is the director of One Light Medical Center says) informed the officer that her lawyer shortly will be a settlement agreement.

Dong-ha does not recognize his father (or even blink!) When he asks angrily his son, if you leave after school and to leave the house, everything he is now fighting to do. From the hallway of the police station, Ji-yeon looks on with concern, and if the detective with her evidence returns photo, she asks him to look into the situation with Dong-ha.

When they police station, Dong-ha father asks leave him if he ever goes back to school, or simply to live his life. Dong-ha cuts him off and said he did not want to talk about. Dad asks if he still annoys him for the "incident", but Dong-ha interrupts again and said that he never asked to look after his father about him, and he would pay back the settlement fee as soon as he can.

In the police station the detective Ji-yeon informed about the case of an attack, and added that the perpetrators, the son of the director of the hospital where the victim got his injury checked out, and so the hospital manages lawyers get a settlement within a few minutes. He wonders about the power of money when he asks Ji-yeon, whether it's someone they know, but they refused it.

Papa Yoon gets into his car (chauffeured, of course) with a last remonstrance that Dong-ha his youth is losing, but Dong-ha straight, not even to stare looking at his father.

Ji-yeon followed by Dong-ha, called his name. She tells him that she was at the station for an interview, to ask whether he is at home on the road.

He ignores and goes on foot, before turning back to spiders and wanted to know if it is to follow. It points out that they live in the same direction, he turns around and starts the other way about. She continues to follow him, and this time he turns to ask her why, she says, "just because." Aw.

But he is not too happy about it, and calls angry when his words to know means nothing to her, to remind them that he had asked to stop their attention on him to pay.

This time, she is the one who anxiously back and forth in the yard below her apartment complex as she waits for him back - and then goes scurrying away to hide when it arrives. Soo-Chul is also waiting for him like a mother hen, and when Dong-ha a beer from the fridge pack, he rips it away and putting in its place some water. Aw, true friendship.

He insists that he did not name Dong-ha father, and when he babbles about how scary Papa Yoon is, Dong ha retreats into his

brooding bedroom.

The next day, Ji-yeon finds that Dong-ha is not at work, and asks Eun-Chae, when she saw him. Eun Chae-faced bravely Ji-yeon to ask whether they would be a little too hard to Dong-ha. He was so much going on lately, but Ji-yeon does not even seem to care.

Troubled, she News asked him if he comes to work, then fires at him with a dozen other texts ( "Are you sick? Did you happen?"). She's like a nervous schoolgirl when she literally biting her nails, watching to be confirmed, but still received no reply the text as read.

Later in the restaurant, Na-rae can not believe that Dong-ha hit someone, but Ji-yeon can not believe that he ignored the thirty text messages sent Him Has. Ha

Na-rae Recalls that it makes sense - after all, Ji-yeon rejected him, and then he did not just show his best even at the police station. Ji-Yeon is still concerned that it continues to stay late, drink - but sighs when she says that he is still young, so he will soon forget and meet someone better

A text message appear on. her cell phone and she opens it frantically, and then throws her cell phone in disgust aside, if there is only an automated message (instead of the expected text from Dong-ha).

Da Na-rae found out earlier that their health problems due to pregnancy were, Ji-yeon jumps to Min Goo to help serve a few patrons (and tells them, instead of asking for their soup for a refill, they should just buy another item from the menu, ha). They defended their desire to help, and said that Na-rae careful they do not overexert yourself to be extra has, and she argues with Min-goo, that they should really consider helping someone part-time hiring.

But Na-Rae gets them by pretending "the baby" is to declare a ceasefire needs rest, and Ji-yeon leaves after a sincere bid farewell to "the baby." be totally cool Ji-yeon would aunt.

return home, she stops at the door of the Dong-ha held its own go directly to. He tries to ignore persistent ringing of the doorbell until he gets over the intercom that he has nothing to tell her, so she should go easy.

Offended that he. Home and will not talk to her face to face, they pulling the emergency alarm gave her He can not, that the shrill noise ignore, even if he tried. You can be in the apartment, the alarm dangling in his face and said she would have not had to use when he answered the door in the first place.

then asks why he was not ignored today and all their texts at work. Although he only worked there for a few days, she was worried for him still. She adds, reluctantly, that Eun-chae was worried about him, too, and stops when she describes her as pretty, with a good personality.

Dong-ha incredulously asks if she is now trying to hook up with Eun-Chae or instead move it to any person. Since she is happy, he estimates can not, how he feels.

Ji-yeon insists that she's just worried for him because he was a walking time bomb, since Shi-hoon returned. She is worried he is in the wrong direction, but every time she tries to tell him something, he just gets angry and yells at her to get lost.

she starts to cry as she says she does not do with him, this will be, but what it can do - should move it only? After she storms out of the apartment, says Dong-ha to himself that he never asked to take care of him -. You should only with the polar bears live happily

Ji-yeon Mother Na-rae, a charged visit, now have learned about her pregnancy, and sighs, wondering when Ji-yeon will ever marry her a grandchild their own type. Na-rae assures her that it will probably be soon, and mom admits that she thinks that "Mr. Yoon" is a pretty good choice (and Na-Rae and Min-goo exchange pained glances).

in Troublemaker office, Ji-yeon panics when she realizes that she somehow lost the article, she had spent the whole day working, and Young-sik is not that fix it for them. But Dong-ha breaks his silence about to go and help her to find them on your computer, and Ji-Yeon is very, very aware of how he bends over her, his hand on her placement so he can move the mouse.

She is totally focused on her work as pass the hours, and Dong-ha quietly gives her a necessary file and fresh cup of coffee as required. Finally it considers to stretch and realizes that he is still there. He gasps in mock horror, what time they made him stay on his last day of work, and tells her that they at least owe him dinner.

you, ask at a fine restaurant at the end, and Ji-yeon is amazed at the variety of food that fill their table as he can possibly eat anything. He says that, since it is the last meal will buy for him, he will eat until it explodes. Ji-yeon competitiveness rears its head when she says she should see who can eat the most. Dong-ha asks if she must be the first in Essen, too, and she reminds him that he will never lose seen.

Dong-ha says suddenly that the loser of the second round of pay, and quickly digs in. Ji-yeon hurry to catch up, over his fraud projection Murren. You can not help but laugh when she inelegant stuff their faces and try to block the others accept from bites. Hahaha!

After a while, Dong-ha capitulated, and Ji-yeon prost their victory. When they laugh at the ridiculousness of it all (and their stomachs stuffed), Dong-ha admits that he saw for the first time, he thought that she was a witch with no blood or tears. She says that the first time she saw him, he thought was a crazy Santa. Who would have thought that Santa would a suspicious criminals fight to save a wicked witch

you go to a bar nearby for a second round of drinks, and Dong-ha wonder about their fate if their phones hadn 't has been turned on, if it was not followed in her apartment and attacked if he was not the master of part-time, if she was not the witch - she would be standing here today? Intern Dong-ha wonders if that means he would not to like them have landed, and she wonders if that would have meant their kiss never happened, either.

When they about their wine glasses at each other rigid, the MC announces a surprise event - the most romantic couple in the bar to win a bottle of champagne. Daughter back to her first kiss, Dong-ha and Ji-yeon get the giggles (and I have to wonder if this couple Competition is super trendy, or if they have to start at a new venue to go). The MC they noticed smiling at each other, and pulls them for special attention.

start The bar patrons (and the rest of the viewing audience) to sing "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss" and Dong-ha pulls Ji-yeon near when he repeated that every time he with her entangled, it seems to come so far. Then leans into a kiss on the lips ...

... before he again pulls slightly to give her a gentle kiss on the forehead.

The bar patrons and MC (and the rest of the viewing audience) are disappointed with elegant restraint of Dong-ha. He takes the microphone to Ji-yeon to announce actually has a really great friend, and that he hopes that they will be satisfied henceforth with him. But he seems certain not thrilled to give Shi-hoon his blessing.

Speaking of whom, Shi-hoon is lurking in the courtyard of her apartment, all ready to be a party-pooper to Dong ha and Ji-yeon comfortable familiarity, as they return home. Dong-ha apologizes to go home first, and Ji-yeon invites Shi-hoon in her apartment.

She tells him he should have called first, and he says he did, but she did not answer. He admits he is jealous that she and Dong-ha are so close, and it takes the safe route by teasing him and said she did not know it was possible for him to be jealous.

Mom to think happy in the barges apartment, that Dong-ha there because they saw a pair of men's shoes at the door - but is shocked to see that it is instead Shi-hoon. She reminds him that she never told him again Ji-yeon, to see, and he asks her for forgiveness. But she tells him coldly that she did not like him. "I still hate that you never called during the whole time, and now appeared only"

she then turns to Ji-yeon, fighting back tears as she recalls her daughter, how much time they spent Shi-hoon resenting and hating - she would so easily erased think the years? Even if they would prefer if they stopped seeing each other, admits that they meet in the defeat that they are both adults who have their own location decisions. My only wish is that, if they really love each other, get married next year.

Shi-hoon immediately in gratitude kneeling (and Mama still refuses to see him), but Ji-yeon face seems terribly sad and thoughtful for someone who knows that they marry will be her first love.

The Troublemaker Office raises Dong-ha farewell party in Na-rae restaurant, and he helps merrily, though the guest of honor is. Ji-yeon tells him that he has worked hard, and holds a moment before adding, "I'm sorry." When he asks what she answered vaguely: "Considering that, everything." They toast each other, and their phone buzzes

she goes away to answer it -. it is Shi-hoon to ask whether it is done with the party, but she tells him she'll be late, and it can only go on home. Dong-ha, they watched as he swallows a glass after the alcohol down. The rest of Troublemaker staff are ready to continue their party in another operation, but Dong-ha is drunk on the table.

Soo-Chul drives them at home (with Eun- along, of course) and Ji-yeon tries to stagger their way into the apartment, while supporting Dong-ha unconscious body Chae-tagging. Eun-Chae discovered that Ji-yeon left her cell phone in the car, and that like her boyfriend. Soo-Chul concludes that it must be "the polar bear."

In the courtyard, Dong-ha on a bench with his head in Ji-yeon sleeping lap and meditate quietly that she is the one usually who get drunk in itself but today is specialized, it is Dong-ha. She wonders aloud what would have happened if she had met under different circumstances - things would have been different

carefully, she shakes him awake and he sits dazed. Just as she is by the bank from getting up, he grabs her to pull her back down on the wrist, and then leans slowly for a kiss in - and this time, it is on the lips



So we finally get a kiss. Yay? Somehow it is not very satisfactory. Not only because it is a one of those "dead fish" more kisses to all the main channels than cable, but there is a sense of desperation by Dong-ha and emptiness of Ji-yeon. I want to sizzle my kisses, and this just felt sad.

It does not help that she had more chemistry earlier in the episode, led kiss of sexual tension on the forehead (now that could have been a horny kiss, especially in Ji- could see yeon eyes that she fully prepared for it had happened with his thumb), stroked her hand on the way he "accidentally" as defined her computer.

Speaking of chemistry, how amazing it is that explained by the whole episode Shi-hoon as her boyfriend Ji-yeon goes, and yet they seem today barely touching. There is always between them that barrier, be it a table or a car or telephone or ten feet of air. I choose to think this is a directorial choice because they also emphasized how much Ji-yeon (whether knowingly or not) tries to separate Shi-hoon from the rest of their lives. It's like they him a second chance in theory is to give, but not in reality.

She is offended when he shows up, unannounced, at the Troublemaker offices, part of the team to try and; Mom finds out only, they are dating because they show the right time by chance; she leads him only to Na-Rae that yes, her only friend is, but it is also the only person who really knew before ten years Shi-hoon; whenever he calls it, it slips away from whomever they with aside to lead a conversation with him. These are not the actions of a woman who is happy to have her first love back in her life.

Not only that, but Shi-hoon just seems to suck the joy out of it. Dong-ha may be a bit worried when he sees she smiles as she is with Shi-hoon, but that's nothing like this gorgeous grins beaming goofy she has when she and Dong-ha together. In fact, they seemed happier when they have a chance to track down the news about the man embezzlement business, as she did on her all day with Shi-hoon (and let's face it more chemistry in two minutes with her detective buddy had when she and Shi-hoon previously).

If the show is trying to convince us that Shi-hoon is a viable threat, it has been spectacularly failing. I know that LollyPip many questions touched surrounding Shi-hoon (and second lines) in the last recap, so I will not repeat them here, except to say, if he rides thinking to work and cups of coffee are enough to form for complete heartache and utter lack of communication for six years, well, he's clearly delusional. Yes, they have "history" together but Ji-yeon's made her own history with Dong-ha, even if it has been for a few months only. But those few months are just as important and viable because it new and fresh, as compared to a long history that has been dead for six years.

Speaking of history, I'm not sure how I feel about Papa Yoon made an appearance. For some reason, probably because of all he has ties to the orphanage, I had it in my mind that Dong-ha was an orphan himself. So I was a little thrown, when I realized he is yet another chaebol-type. I think I preferred him as the man who worked like crazy from a parent without any hint of support in med school. Although I am sure that "the incident" will be important (and probably has to do with Young-chae), there is a back story that does not seem necessary.

Because this story is not independent of the history of the two they have each other had (why turn Shi-hoon just do not seem to fit). It's about the two of them, today, to find out a relationship that goes against social norms and calls also on a personal level.

Although thankfully each episode seems to focus less and felt less of their age difference, because that's never like a real stumbling block in the first place (especially since virtually all approve in their world the two of them, appears together well everyone but Eun-Chae and Shi-hoon). No; the only moment stumbling block is Ji-Yeon is uncertainty out how she really feels about the men in her life.

But if the guy you are trying very hard, not previously managed more skinship (and shared laughter!) When the guy is one you're supposed to have the day, marry well, the answer seems to be right there.

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tags: featured, Park Seo-joon, Uhm Jung-hwa, witches romance

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