Recap And Reviews Kdrama Heart to Heart: Episode 12

Recap and reviews korean drama Heart to Heart: Episode 12 -

Love is a very thing healing, and its effects are evident as we see exactly begin, how far Hong-do is come. She never wears her helmet, she is able to speak new people in stressful situations and to see them in the eye, and she even dressing better. But just when it looks like Hong-do and Yi-seok can relax and be happy together, to threaten a secret from their pasts two faces everything.


Two little boys plan their Hide-and-go-seek strategy, while a girl several years their junior ranks against a tree (the one of the boys as Young-ji addresses). The boy hiding in a shed in a field of dry grass, and Young-ji stops counting and it starts searching.

is distracted by a box of matches in the grass, and lights a curiosity, then another. Before she knows it, she's falling one game left and can only watch helplessly as the fire-race watching in the shed, where the boys are hiding.

Hong-do and Yi-seok sitting at his place to eat, but are interrupted by a call by the chairman. He orders angry Yi Seok home, but if Yi-seok hangs up he says quietly Hong-do that loses his grandfather Ms. Oh is a bit excited. He tells her to eat alone and runs so that Hong-do suspect.

Butler Ahn and Chairman CV woman Ohs Go check it out now catch only some discrepancies before missing. Apparently the housekeeper (whose name Geum-Shim) vouched for them, since Mrs Oh is as much employees known in their circle.

The Chairman concludes that it really is a con artist and a prospector, and Butler says Ahn that they really kissing the same young woman she saw in his office Yi-seok. Yes, it looks bad when you say it that way. If Yi-seok comes succeeds Butler Ahn intercept him before he goes up and sitting talking to him below.

He says Yi-seok that the chairman knows that it was Hong-do dressing as a woman Oh, and sharpens him the seriousness of the situation. He tells him how difficult it to know for his grandfather that the woman he wanted his retirement to spend, is really friend of his grandson.

Yi-seok chairman apologizes and tells him that he did not want to deceive him, and declared phobia and its argument of Hong-do for disguise dressing , He says he her to tell the truth, once said that he found out, but that he also understood why they did it.

The Chairman allows that he also thought it was strange that an elderly woman was so good at typing and smartphones, but that was why he did it so well-liked. Yi-seok says he bad for the theft of a grandfather by his friend feels, that's so sweet. He throws in a small aegyo and says that he send for tricking them Hong-do into prison. It works, and the Chairman waves tell him off that he's not like him. Hee.

The next day, Se-Ro's place as a police officer dressed up to Doo-soo and throwing pebbles at his window, until he comes out. He thanked them for him home, to bring the other night, and she asks if he haltingly Hong-do recalls embrace. He does not answer and goes to work, but he stops and goes back to adjust their uniforms to make her adorably happy.

housekeeper Geum-Shim CV Hong-do place in the study of the chairman, and is upset that he has to search for it's use on their image. She is so excited that takes from the meals, also Yi-seok mother to them. They Slams , the chairman of the plates down in front of him, and when he complains about the food, she blows him up and leave on the spot. HA, his face is priceless.

I thought Se-Ro, she said as a police officer accused already had, but apparently it is still only audition, and it is rejected twice before already. She goes for her third attempt and the producer says tired that they are not looking for female officers, but Se-Ro asks for one last chance. You let them, and they do, to the point that they change completely nails the role of a woman on the spot.

housekeeper Geum-Shim stomps in the Chairman of the Library with their suitcases determined to have their say. She rants that he not be treated in this way, like a crazy person sound and get the serious side eye of the chairman, who has no earthly idea what she is upset. They eventually bursts, that she loves him, but leaves before he can formulate a response.

Butler Ahn confirming a call that the real Oh Young-rae is dead, but something's strange ... for a specified period, was her address the same as that of the chairman. His memory is stirred and Butler Ahn hits through some old photos and found a photo of Yi-seok and Il-seok - and Ahn is about the image, holding a little girl.

Yi-seok finds in the clinic Hong-do and assures her that his grandfather is not angry with her, or if he had also summoned. His mother shows before he can say more, and he starts, Hong-do introduce, but she actually talks to and imagines. Yi-seok says shyly that this is his girlfriend, and pushes a surprised Hong-do in an arc. Hee.

Doo-soo and Yang hear sounds of a struggle in a house of the suspect and Doo-soo stands at the door to close if the suspect is bursting. He body slams and throws Yang Doo-soo down the stairs, and escapes. Yang tried to wake Doo-soo, but he was unconscious.

Yi-seok takes his mother and Hong-do to eat, and Mama asks gently why face of Hong-do is so red. Ha, she also says he Yi-seok average is to be when he pokes Hong-do's cheek and says, it's sweet, and Hong-do's all: "It's okay, I'm used to it." The poor guy, the ladies have hardly met in his life, and they are already ganging up on him. Instead running and hiding, Hong-do actually makes eye contact with mom and explains her condition, and Yi-seok says proudly that it works it difficult to overcome.

Se-Ro rushes to see still unconscious Doo-soo in the hospital, and Yang assures her he has only a bump on the head and a twisted ankle. She speaks with Doo-soo, as if he were awake and told him that she got the role. She waves away Yang and stays to watch Doo-soo while he sleeps.

After much insistence, Butler Ahn shares what he has with the Chairman Go found and put together the clues about Hong-do. Apparently once worked Hong-do grandmother for the family of the chairman, and they realize that Hong-do that granddaughter's remember all those years ago. But Ahn says he believes, Yi-seok version of recent events, that it is only a coincidence that Hong-do hit Yi-seok and recently began for her family to work.

Yi-seok mother is understandably concerned about his dating Hong-do, since they clearly still problems. She asks why he loves her so much, and he just says that he does not know - he is doing. That's all that needs to hear Mom, and she says that if he is happy, she is happy. Okay, I officially love Mama.

Se-ro makes Doo-soo hospital bed more convenient to bring him scented candles and a beautiful ceiling. He woke up and told her to go, but he should know now it's not so simple, and instead placing it for the night. Their power play is hilarious presented with the ceiling, as Doo-soo it repels and Se-Ro brings it back over him, over and over again, as they argue.

He tells her she has only to destroy a moment, but Se-ro counters that she knows her own heart, thanks - very-much-Sir. She tells him to sleep, threatened to kiss him if he did not obey him and a hilarious seductive look. Oh Doo-soo, you poor man - you're call not the shots now. Or maybe never again.

The next morning, Yi-seok asks Hong-do what they thought of his mother to take and she admits that she was nervous, but liked his mother. He invites her to come to his family, at his home, but she feels it is too early. He tells her the chairman knows about her disguise, and that they are going forgiveness earlier and ask, rather than later.

Yi-seok gives a gift-Hong do that to be a chain of his mother, it turns out, proving that they really liked Hong-do. He puts it on her and assures her that his grandfather, also.

The Chairman marvels back on the coincidence of Hong-do in their life after all these years. Cryptic, he spoke and Butler Ahn on "the situation", and Ahn says that the name of the granddaughter was changed after they leave the house and that they probably do not remember everything. Chairman Go says they need and Yi-seok, no matter what can not be separated.

Se-Ro lyrics Doo-soo repeatedly of his favorite kimbap restaurant, and he moans to her tenacity. Texts in quick succession, pressed him to order something, and he finally answers that he wants nothing. It's so cute, Se-Ro not not seen as a rejection, and is just upset that he answered. She holds SMS and Doo-soo whimpers, but I heard that laugh. You, sir, are toast.

housekeeper Geum-Shim jogs behind Go home, that's just an excuse to see how they do without them. The chairman comes out while it is stretching, and they whipped the sunglasses than usual even more makeup to reveal she is wearing, which has something to say. She takes him for using banmal with their task because they can no longer not working for him, and breezily told him of the many travels, she now wants to do.

Haha, they do not get the answer she is looking for, because the chairman as everything is more upset. They fuss over his clothes, and he says that's why he does not like, because they do not know their place. She says that for her boss falls from the series was, but he should not treat her this way after twenty years and jogs off as he wonders how they fit into those tight pants.

Se-Ro is one to Doo-soo sickroom back from any kind of kimbap, but she has had enough, as he continued to complain and says to go away again. She claps her hand over her mouth and tells him to stop hurtful things to say because all they can do is either wait until he perceives them, or leave their feelings.

Se-Ro says he should know how that feels, and calls him her sunbae-nim (in unrequited love) when she asks him what she should do. He says that they too remain busy, has to think about the person they like - but if she still thinks of them, only to suffer the pain. She hugs him and offers to be his drinking buddy, and Doo-soo grumbles just to practice to go. Cute.

Yi-seok takes for acceptable clothing Hong-do officially to carry shopping to meet his family (hey, at least it is finally wearing clothes that fit. It looks good!), And it is sweet as he left the store asks employees alone to buy as Hong-do is shy. You have an adorable Pretty Woman moment as Yi Seok each costume she nixes tried on.

Oh no, they do not tell the chairman, ahead of time, they would come? This is a bad decision, and in his surprise that he overreacted, order Hong-do, according to immediately leave. Hong-do falls to his knees to apologize and ask for forgiveness, but he tells her its resistance is not because of their work there in disguise.

The chairman begins insults about their lack of parents or education, and for the first time in a long time, Hong-do face blazes bright throwing red. Yi-seok mother tries to smooth things over, but the chairman suddenly clutching his chest and begins to collapse.

Yi-seok and Mom are frozen, but Hong-do thinks fast and brings the medicine of the chairman. His attack easier, but the chairman is determined to end this, and he takes Hong-do ask them to leave his grandson hand.

Yi-seok follows Hong-do, as she flees the house and insisted that his grandfather only said those things because he was injured. Hong-do countered that everything said about them nothing to be without training, and with a mental illness on it was all true what he. Yi-seok told her not to listen to anyone other than the person who loves and cherishes it more than any other, and holds it as she cries.

Mom says firmly Chairman, that although they based on their lack of qualifications, it is on Yi-seok's side, objecting to Hong-do it because wants him to decide for themselves who will marry even understood. not fight because of Hong-do, Yi-seok or unhappy more. She asks Yi-seok and respect to trust his choice.

Se-Ro is a little slack on the next morning, and she asks Yi-seok, if he is sure about his feelings for Hong-do. She says she asks because Doo-soo in the hospital and he misses Hong-do, and she thinks it would help if Hong-do visited him. She says she's jealous and sad, but she does not like to see him hurt.

Yi Seok Hong-do about Doo-soo is in the hospital told bristles then. With adorable jealousy when she asks about him She swears she likes only Yi-seok, and it will be up to hear it again.

Yang helps Doo-soo pack brought all the stuff Se-Ro and said that it is strange that they leave all these things, but it is not there unloaded to see him. Yi-seok and Hong-do come Doo-soo, to see, and they are neither ten seconds before Yi-seok everything is, "Okay, there you are, let's go." HA.

awkward sitting The three of them in the hall on a bench and Yi-seok send Hong-do for coffee. Doo-soo admits grudgingly that Hong-do has become much better, but Yi-seok, he says, because Se-Ro really came. He asks whether Doo-soo intends to use his sister, to get revenge, but Doo-soo flares up and says that the people in the other see - he did not not know about Yi-seok, but normal people can see each other only, because they like each other. Ooo, burn .

He assures Yi-seok that he is not interested in Se-Ro, but that makes Yi-seok crazy, for brass with heart his sister ( "Are you a man candy?" HAHA). He called Doo-soo, the real players, going from Hong-do to Se-Ro as fast, but he is interrupted by a call of the chairman.

Apparently his grandfather decided to take matters into their own hands, and has an acceptable wife for Yi-seok already arranged. Yi-seok only sighs and remembers his grandfather that he would like for Hong-do, as Mrs Oh, and that there is nothing wrong with someone preference for who they are have instead of what they do or not. The chairman warns him that she'll regret it, and gasps for Yi-seok, to make things end up with her now.

Doo-soo is still alone, as Hong-do brings the coffee and they make awkward small talk. Doo-soo jokes that he fills never problems used to have the silence, if they do not speak that invites only more calm. Finally, Hong-do Yi-seok finds out, and he admits that he speak left alone them.

asks for his grandfather and said she to see him go to regret soon. Yi-seok told her it is her fault that he has to go tomorrow on a wedding date, and asks her cutely when he should go meet the woman. She says hey, he chose her, but he should go ahead and go, as they can not stop him.

Yi-seok expressed his confusion over objections to his grandfather because he also liked Hong-do enough to want to marry a woman Oh. Yi-seok decides he must take drastic action, and warns Hong-do that they can not be moved.

Awww, Yang is a good friend, and he assures Doo-soo that Yi-seok and Hong-do not look well at all together, and they will surely break soon. Doo-soo only tells him that it's over with Hong-do and talking about it to stop. Yang gives him a bag of Se-ro stuff and tells him that she is much more beautiful than he thought.

Se-Ro decides to cut her hair short, because it is too sweet to be taken seriously by a man, but to ask a text of Doo-soo, where their stuff to send them has just him to be instead meet at the station. He offers to buy her coffee, and she turns down the expensive coffee shop things in favor of cheap vending machine coffee ... that she wants him to buy her every day. It operates from a few colleagues when they flirt with a bit too much Se-Ro. Se-Ro offers skimpy clothes often wear if he would keep jealous, and he is forced to admit that she is sweet - oh yes, he is definitely toast.

That night, Yi-seok told his grandfather he moved off. It's the only way he can make his independence law unless he has it with the utmost respect. He says he does not think of marriage, but because of his grandfather, he will think of it now. He is not only off ... it will move with Hong-do.

The Chairman explodes, and Yi-seok told his mother quietly this is the only way he can get his grandfather to stop him on marriage data send. He tells her to explain that he does, to prevent fighting and leaves.

The Chairman orders Mom by Yi-seok to go, but she reminds him that she is on her son page. In fact, if he does not come near, it will also leave the house. The chairman asks if she knows who the girl is, and spits out that she is the granddaughter of her old housekeeper. Mom keeps in its tracks, shocked and confused.

Mom shakes when she stammers - he means that the girl who brought Yi-seok home the same girl who killed his brother Il-seok? His silence is her answer, and she breaks down and cries, devastated.

Yi-seok knocking at Hong-do door, and he stands there with a suitcase and a huge grin as she opens. He tells her that he and undressed made his stand, and asks her to let him stay.


now, I hope that the last secret, because this is a lot of drama landing on this poor family is in such a short period. For once I can actually see where the family came from and why they would object to Hong-do and Yi-seok Composition. It's bad enough that they lost their first son to a tragic childhood accident, and it is a loss, which is all of them followed for over twenty years. Yi-seok by it is the most affected, since he has spent his whole life trying to be the golden child, that his brother earlier. But causes for the same girl, the Il-seok death, even if to show by an accident, and threaten their remaining son of them take ... well, I do not agree with their attempt to break them without to tell them why, but I can not quite they complain about how they feel, either.

But one of the things I love most about this show is, as all the usual tropes there, but only sigh and roll their eyes when they faced the main characters with them. We have the typical "you can not you love to marry the poor simple girl, instead you have to marry these chaebol daughter and do your duty to your family" situation, but no one goes into histrionics, flail around trying to stubborn head to convince family, or is everything noble idiot and tries to break, can marry her love. Now, Hong-do tried for about thirty seconds, but it was all it took a reminder that the man who is the only one whose opinion counts and everything was fine again loves. I love how no matter what happens, Yi-seok and Hong-do is only joking, teasing each other, sigh and then do what they want to do damn good.

I can only hope that once they are faced with the ultimate trope ( I am directly responsible for the death of your One loved when we were kids ), that holds true. It will be hard put to Yi-seok of the fact that the woman he loves killed his brother, whose death has shaped his life and made it hard for him even to know who he really is. Not to mention what it will do to Hong-do themselves - they, that the time does not even remember, or the incident or the fact that they have used a different name. And I'm pretty sure their phobias and extreme blushing submitted directly to the accident. Surely to have caused a fire that killed your friend would create some deep-rooted feelings of guilt and shame that could cause these two problems and make it difficult to put the world. And if that is the root of their problems, I'm sure, at least subconsciously, that Yi-seok acceptance and love, which are currently responsible for their amazing recovery. Deep inside he is the only one who needed her forgiveness she could offer to move.

But I also think that Hong-do has found to now be able to treat enough confidence and strength in themselves, what comes next. Yi-seok love helped her to heal and fight, that love will keep what they in turn helps heal him. Even if they were split by a terrible tragedy as a child, I think that same tragedy, and (hopefully) their willingness to overcome it, is what brings them together at the end.

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tags: Choi Kang-hee, Chun Jung-myung, in Heart to Heart

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