Recap And Reviews Kdrama Gap-dong: Episode 13

Recap and reviews korean drama Gap-dong: Episode 13 -

Now that we know the ones about the matter, it is time to make the why of things. Give us the killer's identity to go with so many episodes was a risky choice, but this drama has become increasingly interested in pipelines were the psyche of his characters, so I expect a lot more to deal in the question of what drove GAP dong and why he has lain dormant all these years. For as find our characters in this episode, take the question that everyone is crazy not know how he pulled it, but where he disappeared.


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Tae-oh reaches a breaking point and insists on the see Mary, who arrives to find him in a sad, scared heap on the floor of his prison cell, he tells her. "When I met Gap-dong, I was happy, I thought that I could learn the secret of how to. stop a monster like me. "

why he had felt, Gap-dong was his God, he was the rare psychopath who found the way to stop himself, and he wanted to know how to do that. But if he killed the stewardess on the plane, he realized that he could not be stopped. the murders he had found exciting, began to change, especially if the victim was sobbing in the greenhouse had and asked what she had done wrong. TAE - oh replied that she had not done anything "At that moment I felt strange.. Why am I doing this? Nevertheless, I always had to do it "

He explains Gap-dong that Poopy which he had believed to be, had told him to beat him. When Tae-oh all nine murders finished, he would know the answer. But now Tae-oh recognizes that Poopy also did not know, and he never doubted know.

Section Chief Cha revealed is the original to be Gap-dong, he of reeds in the field of heads and starts whistling Gap-dong melody. Mu-Yeom calls him from outside the prison hospital to ask for his help, the Tae-oh situation in dealing. Mu-Yeom is not entitled to Maria to join, but the longer it is inside, on the edge of it is more.

Tae-oh asks Maria desperately him the secret of the ninth murder to tell. Maybe with some pity, agrees they tell him, but on one condition: first he must tell them in detail what he did for the victims one to seven.

Maria listened with a shocked expression as Tae-oh his murders Laughing describes and upward through the fifth case that Ji-wool involved, he had no problems. The doubts began with the sixth incident, after he found that Poopy was not the real killer if he believe the country that had left lie, he was able to satisfy itself that he stop the psychopathic pulse could. But instead he found himself during the flight in uncontrollable anger swells: "I knew I would be caught, but I could not help it-I feel like I had to do something."

Dully, he admits: "the seventh killing was not planned as Ha Mu Yeom said." He wonders what the true gap dong looks but advises Maria their hopes ad catch him. "He is dead." Tae-oh now believes that how people must be dead, by death ergo, Gap-dong can not be stopped shortly be

Section Chief Cha draws hospitalized upwards and meets Mu-Yeom there, its presence in both enables Tae-oh and Maria talk about security camera watching. Tae-oh asks for the secret of the ninth murder now, and Maria began her statement by saying that the victim was her best friend.

Section Chief Cha starts to go in order to connect them, but Mu-Yeom stops him, saying that Mary is the only person who could get Tae-oh, to speak openly. You can not risk that ruin by disturbing, and Maria is strong; they can deal with it.

your call in the morning takes in, and it is daylight as Maria explains that the mystery is that no one knows why Gap-dong disappeared. She tells Tae-oh, that he has done a good ting when speaking up, and that he can call them whenever he wants to talk again.

Mu-Yeom waiting for them when they came out the steps, and she smiles relieved to see him, takes over shortly before their fatigue and dips. He catches her before she falls, and waits until she later wakes up a bit, to tell her to rest.

But Maria Fixed to their greater concern-Tae-oh convinced that Gap-dong died. Could that be true? Mu-Yeom wipes away the tears and says he does not believe that, and it holds while she sobs. Section Chief Cha comes in the door of her office and clocks the scene, so softly.

The photographs of Tae-oh confession is handed over to the police, now that the case imitators they all breathe a huge sigh of relief allowed by ( and prosecutable). The officers note that in spite of their faith, on the contrary, Tae-oh actually had no contact or communication with the original Gap-dong.

Ji-wool working at the station, as they observe Detectives Tae-oh of overheard confession and hurries outside, upset and conflict. Mu-Yeom follows her and asks if she liked Tae-oh, and on their refusal (and remembering who they really like it), he is satisfied.

But Ji-wool challenges: "If I do not like him, is that everything to do well I had hoped that Ryu Tae-oh was a man that he is not the animal went the way is it?. wrong for me to hope for someone to be a man? Just as long as I do not like him? "

Ji-wool sobs that she a fool to have been mistaken for the animal for a human being, and that she hates herself for it.

The focus of the investigation shifts to collecting evidence of Tae-oh contribution to each of the murders. But while everyone in high spirits in the team over the break in their case, Mu-Yeom and Section Head Cha remain subdued. Mu-Yeom proposes seriously Cha that they do not stop with the Tae-oh case they go to Gap-dong.

The expiry of the limitation period, the source of a bitter realization for Mu-Yeom had: that Gap-dong will get his ticket to freedom, but the rest of the traumatized he would live the rest of their lives punished. And because the process, Mu-Yeom can not really do anything now either. Chef Cha asks what he intends to do, and when he is ready to say for Mu-Yeom, we see the mouth quirk up in an eerie grin.

Mu-Yeom missed the look, however, and Cha advises to let go only Mu-Yeom Gap-dong, as the wise Hyung he is. It is consulting Chul-gon is true and he says Mu Yeom to take it.

A Grim Discovery is made at a construction site when human remains unearthed. The police called, and Mu-Yeom takes in detail: The buried long skeleton, torn clothes, the whistle that found next to the bone. Tae-oh words sound dead in the ears to Gap-dong, but first they need to examine the remains. From the bones go to the lab, where the forensic investigator suggests that they reconstructed the face with the skull.

boss Cha says Chul-gon apologetically, that he is not able to get him into position again. Chul-gon, it accepts the fact to say that he can use the Gap-dong case trust him. Outwardly it sounds like he go ready to leave from the case, but I think we can expect Chul-gon to exist on their own. He goes to the Profiler Han next and asking for a job. "I'll make copies or get coffee only as long as we can talk about Gap-dong"

Tae-oh mother calling in their high powered lawyers Tae-oh, buy a way out of its mess. They hit affluenza as potential Excuse me, where extreme wealth negatively affect someone to the point where they do not feel emotions. They cite the case of a young Texan, affluenza used as his defense and was a prison escape, parole rather than receiving. Mom likes that idea. can be deducted

In prison Poopy eyes grow furious when he discovers Tae-oh the hall escorted. He jumps at him, calling him a wrong call and: "How dare you copy me?" It looks like his Gap-dong deceptions only grow stronger.

Tae-oh meets with his lawyer and seems to find the affluenza defense absurd or at least amusing fetched far. But he sits surprised to hear that his mother has called Ji-wool, and is, to convince them, ... to marry him. WHAT.

Mu-Yeom get the update and heads to Tae-oh cell mocking defense tactics. Tae-oh, there are not like, but says it makes his mother. But Mu-Yeom is here for another reason, and asks what Tae-oh his new theory thinks that Gap-dong did not actually stop itself.

Tae-oh jumps on hopeful to ask whether there is evidence to support that. Mu-Yeom said that Tae-oh is the proof-Tae-oh could not be stopped, so it is not strange to think that Gap-dong could? Instead of thinking that Gap-dong to stop for themselves rare, you should the opposite, that it was not unusual and did not stop.


Go Ji-wool head, the proposal serious consideration, it (and ₩ 5,000,000,000 was offered Tae-oh to marry). I suppose it's crazy, but she has a crazy amount of compassion for Tae-oh and a warped sense of responsibility through its essence Sonya ...

You visited the monk food from her mother to fall off, and hears that Maria has not felt good. So she keeps by to see her and the mood is subdued, oppressed with two ladies with their thoughts.

Ji-wool asks: "Why do we want that I'm poor and powerless and can not receive love from the I like I have never bullied or hated someone?.. Everything I've done, is like someone. I'm only nineteen. committed What sin I have in a previous life? What did I do wrong? "Maria tells her sympathetically, that she has done nothing wrong, but there is not much Trost.

Ji-wool says that she knows that Maria died by more than it has been, and that she knows Maria almost at Gap-dong hands. "How did you stand it?" She asks.

Maria is shaken in the memory. In a flashback, we see Maria friend her the same question, and suggesting that they run away. Oh, so that's why Maria (Jae-hee) had been dragging along a suitcase, when she was attacked, and when her boyfriend came to meet her, she was also taken.

Mu-Yeom out Profiler Han Chul-gon to discuss the new (old) case of the remains found. There is no direct evidence that this gap dong work, both his signature and his custom node missing shows his crimes this body had left. Profiler Han is not ready, the idea of ​​Gap-dong dismiss participation, although postulate that it could have been a "hidden crime" -in this case, would be to hide the body the need to naught, to add it to his signature to mark. Or maybe he was in a hurry. "Or it was a failed work," Chul-gon theorized.

Profiler Han shows the other two, a computer program, he worked, where he has entered the details Tae-oh the killings. The satellite map shows an interesting pattern, each of the killings occurred in a certain radius, with its center at Tae-oh was the apartment. He ran the old Gap-dong case by the same program, a similar plot points ... with the stamp is displayed in the center. Omo.

to 1995 retrospect, after the eighth murder is discovered. In the temple, sitting teenage Mu Yeom with a detective and takes notes on the latest murder. He asks for the victim, a police officer, and the detective says she was not the type to shoot-her nickname was Crybaby. (Hmm, was that old letter not Mu-Yeom at all, but from the first Gap-dong case?) The monk faux grumps all detectives hanging over that here at the moment on board. It is hard to say, but it's one of them a young Cha?

Mu-Yeom the idea scoffs that the monk could be suspected, but Profiler Han does not mean he does him the detectives. But he also is not sure, and sighs: "It can not be, right?"

boss Cha offers Ji-wool a ride home that takes them gratefully. He asks her webtoon, and she says she is working on a new one. Heard that it is about a detective who is the criminal, he jokes that they should write a about a good guy this time.

Mu-Yeom posts notice people on the bulletin board is missing, what if he booked the love letter near spots. He takes it on him is (scoffing at its popularity), but the sign-off "crybaby" captures his attention, and he racks his brain trying to remember why that sounds familiar. He grabs his notebook containing the notes he had jotted down twenty years before, and since it is :. Victim No. 8. But it is such a route, and he says to himself, it can not be

boss Cha arrives and takes a look at the board, and it recognizes a young woman missing in 1995, the him sweating occurs. His eyes get devious, but he keeps his cool as he Mu Yeom asks. Mu-Yeom explains that caught with Tae-oh and everyone told him to leave Gap-dong fall, he focus on these unsolved cases going on. Section Chief Cha does not look pleased.

Maria texts back and forth with Mu-Yeom, as she gets ready for a date, but when her eyes fall on the old photos with her dead best friend dies smiling on her lips. "Is it to be okay for myself happy?" She asks herself. "What can I do now? What should I do now?"

Meanwhile, Tae-oh the bars of his jail cell rattles, more and more excited, the longer Maria is growing away. The guard assured him that he left her a message, but Tae-oh is losing control, muttering to himself that he was lied to.

Maria finally do not show up, but your eyes are not friendly by far. It is not quite Vixen Mary today, but it is in this in-between stage with the edgy jewelry and hard look in her eyes. Tae-oh bubbles that he going crazy, and she replies: "Why Because you can not kill anyone here"

Tae-oh says: " I confessed. kill me or something. "He says that prisons are overwhelming and asks to be killed. Maria tells him that his freedom is now over:

Tae-oh her to stay just a little longer "The freedom to steal people's lives, and also to die freedom as you want." , asks, clinging desperately. She asks if he has to confess more, and added: ". I'm sure there was more, like me, you did not tell the whole story" Tae-oh looks stunned and hurt, but she says: ". I do not know either the whole story"

Maria detour means that she misses her date with Mu-Yeom, the Profiler Han calls to check. Profiler Han asks: "Could it ... went there?"

The next thing we know, Maria goes along a familiar deserted road, armed with their tough outfit and hard face. She reaches into the night of her childhood, to stop at the scene of the old crimes. It stands to be taken against the dark area and recalls of Gap-dong and begging for their lives.

Young Maria asks why he playing rock-scissors-paper, he would not let them go, and Gap-dong replied that it was to decide who would die first. He binds and gags her mouth and pulls her shirt. Gap-dong breaks at the sight of a birthmark on her shoulder, and then heard steps-it's Young-Mu Yeom walk around, toying with his nunchaku. Gap-dong leaves.

Mary thinks: "I will this time not running I'm going to show his face in the world.." And she closes her eyes and forced to think about their encounter, again with Gap-dong and this time she sees his face.

It is then that Mu-Yeom found here in the street and be reached to pat his shoulder. Maria goes into self-defense mode and takes him late to realize who it is. Maria looks at him with tears in his eyes, to tell him: "I remembered."

It is also recalled that it nunchaku Mu Yeom, the Gap-dong sent away and saved her life.

At the station, Ji-wool asks Officer Young-ae, if she wrote the love letter, said only that the letter of her own book came. Detective Ki-ri has comes from its stack, the CCTV footage shows the letter seen her completely flummoxes. The others think she's lying, but she explains it to get to the bottom.

She takes a look at the book in question, and place the page title with the name inscribed Do-Hyuk (the name Section Chief Cha). The accompanying note reads: "Is a perfect crime possible"

Cha is at home with his wife and daughter, who is planning a picture of family harmony, as they call their to go abroad. But a call from Mu-Yeom has rushing him with a worried face-Maria back to the station to has remembered the criminal face.

Mu-Yeom brings Mary to Upper Cha station to meet and the police to have drawn sketch. While the monk colleagues on the wall of the missing women speak, and recognize image the same as that set in such a fidgets boss Cha.

Cha watches Maria closely when he asks how she remembered, and how he looks. You looking for a way to explain it, said: "It's like I've seen him before ..."


There is no evidence that the section head Cha disclose a Fakeout was, and the show runs with him as our original Gap-dong. I suppose they conduct nor us astray could, but based on their pattern of narration so far (and the way treated the show the unveiling of Tae-oh), I'll go ahead and assume that Cha our man is.

This means that our main question is why, and the like. When Gap-dong is a psychopath, how could he turn into a seemingly upstanding law abiding citizens (as it seems to have not to kill, continue), and tamped his impulses? Hat Cha settle with his wife and child down and change from the inside out? Is he a monster in sheep's clothing? Or is there something else going on?

If we accept Mu Yeom hypothesis and support them on Tae-oh experience that killer instinct can not be deactivated, which means that Gap-dong have to kill, can continue. Unless we actually comes from two decades is the latest discovery may say (as at the time of the other Gap-dong) murders, so it is not means that Cha held over the years to murder and hid only to the victims. But that is a possibility that during the-Gap-dong of 1994-1995 seemed to cease its activities, perhaps the man who kept killing behind Gap-dong, only a different set of tools / markers / protocols.

Is Gap-dong man, escaping only capture? Or is he just a person represented by a man who killed in other ways? Or is it something special that missing woman who led from the rest in a different treatment?

I think it's safe to say that Maria memory is sufficient imperil boss Cha, because if we are to go by flashback, it's pretty clear seems that the young officer in the temple is our Gap-dong. This reveals a little felt was, in my opinion, because obviously we knew we Gap-dong so was widely seen anyone had we recognized, and so the first time the camera lingered on a new face, it was pretty obvious why it did so. But in terms of the narrative, continues this Cha on the hook in such a way that he did not expect that to be interesting to watch, because I want to see him squirm a bit.

The more interesting question (to me at least) is what motivated Chef Cha. Perhaps he is to be shown at the end as a random madman to which only kill people like, and in this case there is no argument for reasons because it is just crazy. I hope for something more psychologically nuanced, however, and have hopes show that explore with a certain depth, because that's what the show like to do. In fact, what makes the show at the expense of power and mystery, because it gives us the offender forward and then taking the long way to explain why they did what they did. I mean, we just twelve episodes on Tae-oh, and he is not the type in the title of the exhibition. (I think they did a good job filling Tae-oh, although the marriage bit has me rolling my eyes. Of course, one can argue that he he was in love with the girl kidnapped, but I do not see how that is out you the time you killed six people.)

on the one hand we have the woman who wrote the love letter, and it seems safe to assume that Crybaby wrote to Cha who dipped into the Gap -dong case at the time (for obvious reasons). We know that it was an officer, but is it at all connected to the woman missed? Why should Cha kill someone who knew him when his other victims appeared to be strangers? Was he from Gap-dong to be from some sick desire to pull the perfect crime, as he wrote flap in the book? (I maintain still that Crime and Punishment is a flawed analogy, I see no way you can psychologically connect Gap-dong to Raskolnikov, except for the fact that they both thought that they as the society were better. in this way, the Sonya allusion a better fit for Tae-oh, but not for Gap-dong itself. but well, I suppose it has a neat literary reference.) in this case, it is only the find answer to be his question, and it's not gonna pretty

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tags: featured, Gap-dong Kim Ji-won Kim min-jung, Lee Joon, Sung Dong-il, Yoon Sang-hyun

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