Recap And Reviews Kdrama Hyde, Jekyll, Me: Episode 11

Recap and reviews korean drama Hyde, Jekyll, Me: Episode 11 -

Everything is head turned downward in this episode, as confessions start left and right to unroll. What happened to good old-fashioned lying through his teeth? Peaceful coexistence between Robin and Seo-jin is threatened when suddenly nothing is quite as confusing as Seo-jin ... niceness Hana to exit completely spun. And they say a leopard his spots can not change.


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When Seo-jin wakes up memories of the kidnapping the night before flood back. he is so shocked as everyone else, as he runs recalls with a gas mask to rescue Hana. he mutters aloud, "I ... saved her."

Hana takes him to check, and asks how is possible that Seo jin was in the camp with her there, and then suddenly appeared Robin She looks at Seo-jin bandaged arm down and her eyes widen. "Who are you ..."

Instead of respond, Seo-jin stops just stared and stared, then asks if she's okay and not sleepy, he says that he is tired and thinks he could fall asleep right now he ignores interrupts and asks:.. "Can you stay by my side until I wake up? "Omo. you mean ... wake up as Robin?

he says that this is the answer to their question is, and that if they stay here until he wakes up, she'll find out who he is. For real? We are doing this? Are we safe?

Seo-jin is back down and closes his eyes, and then we fade sometime later, when Robin wakes up with a start. He sees Hana sitting next to him and immediately reached out her cheek to touch, checked to make sure she's okay. He asks her why she was there in the camp, and they only yawns: "Are you ... Robin"

It is then that he realizes where they are, and he starts to lower his hand. But it begins with their own and touched his cheek in the same way to check almost, to ensure that it is genuine. It is fairly certain that he is Robin, but still do not know how.

Robin asks careful how she came to be here and Hana tells him that Seo-jin asked her to stay here until he woke up. Ha, now that I think about it, he shirked basically difficult discussions and made it to Robin.

As expected, Robin is straightforward and gently explains that he and Seo-jin have Dissociative Identity Disorder. She asks if this means that they are the same person, but he is quick to say no-Seo-jin and Robin, are two different people, two different personalities, emotions, memories, jobs. "The person you like is me. And the person that you like, I am." He pressed her hand for emphasis.

Tae-joo shows Dr. Kang recordings of Seo-jin in the warehouse stunt, her eyes with tears of joy fill him different curative effect, to see change. That annoys only Tae-joo more, and he growls jealous that they are not so happy about his needs.

He's dead set on forcing Seo-jin to remember their traumatic childhood abduction, but Dr. Kang argued that Seo-jin does not lie about it, he really does not remember. She does not believe that there is necessarily a bad thing for people to reconstruct painful memories to be done, and that forcing them to be recalled, is not always the way to cure it.

Tae-joo just barrels along and says that there is only one way, Seo-jin to force his hand. He has to remove every one of his shields. Dr. Kang points out that he has been all from the moment it was taken alone, but Tae-joo she blames for the omission Seo-jin, the largest plate. Robin

He mocks that Seo-jin "Hyde" is a guy who saves people when Hyde is supposed to be the evil nature that people are hiding. He says that Seo-jin is to himself that he is a nice guy to create by a nice person, and has even made a third plate in Hana. Tae-joo decides that he will make turn all these signs on Seo-jin, because if he is without them, to show its true face.

A few hours later, Seo-jin wakes up in bed and Hana comes to see him. It is still uncertain how she asks if there Seo-jin, and he explains that after his trauma experienced as a child, he wanted to die and Robin created to live. But he looks into her eyes when he says that he has now changed: ". I have saved you, you came for me, to protect me." And he really seems to look different with her.

Hana looks hesitant, but Seo-jin said, "Robin is me. I'm Robin. We are one person." Well, that's not confusing. The poor girl. A man says that they two people and the other swears that they are equal. She turns to her room in a daze and remembered forever Seo-jin there was when Robin saved them.

In batcave, Seo-jin Robin latest video message to is to see, and we see them as if they are back facing each other. Robin asks why he do this now, when Seo-jin was always reluctant. This time it's Robin who is not prepared is the truth, put to, arguing that it is revealed to his feelings and about him that he is the person he likes.

Robin knows that Seo-jin asked for his help, and says that he is thankful for to be confirmed for the first time. But he contends that the truth about Hana reveals striking his feelings were apart.

His face enters the video and Seo-jin begins to answer his own admission. He thanked Robin for the first time ever, and then starts to say something else, although we do not listen to learn. Seo-jin comes out and feels a pain in his temple, and something about her makes him wide-eyed, as he wonders what it is.

Hana all night spends only in the same place to sit, trying to collect her thoughts and Seo-jin comes from the morning to read with her. He says he'll treat the police report alone, and she holds him to say that she is confused about everything still, but that the person she loves is on Robin.

she asks him not to say that this means their feelings about Seo-jin also apply, but then he asks her why she for him then came in the camp. He answers his own question guessing that it was pity, and explains rather robotically that compassion the next thing is to love anyway, and it is a good start.

He throws like an afterthought: "I have already started." It starts as he is angry to leave them stunned. Pfft, you suck a bit of romantic proposals. Nevertheless, I like that it is honest.

He, however, seems very pleased with himself, and heads to the police station with an ease in his behavior. He says Detective Na to take Dr. Kang from the suspect list because the kidnappers clear Details knows that Seo-jin not even remember, so that only one possible suspect: Lee Soo-hyun. Detective Na wants to go with the investigation the public, but knows it's a long shot for Seo-jin and his family.

Seo-jin asks the fake Lee to see Soo hyun, to see whether his implanted memories of his own ideas, and uses the opportunity to whisper something in his ear , Seo-jin mentioned a second hijacker, and it is unclear whether he makes it to lure him or not. Detective Na notes that Seo-jin seems different, and he agrees that his attitude to this case has changed-it's now about his survival, and he wants to live.

Hana walking along Angel Bridge, the Wonderland looking into the distance. She remembers what Robin told her last night when he held her hand, about five years away, but return for their. He says that what hide Seo-jin reasons behind him, Robin start was and always will be Hana, and he never wants to go of her hand.

Once Seo-jin returns to the office, secretary Kwon told him about his lack of day, and how Robin had to attend the board meeting and curled at the end of the camp. Seo-jin seem concerned about the fact that he was hiding for a full day behind Robin, and has to do not have a memory so intentionally.

Chairman Dad calls him in and asks if Seo-jin something out ", remembers that day." He's flying a specialist next week got orders and Seo-jin to begin treatment immediately.

by Tae-joo place, Dr. Kang said that the kidnappers the first twelve years of Seo-jin and Tae-joo committed suicide, and asks him that is take their lives now. Tae-joo is not responding, and is surprised by someone at his doorstep. He opens it and Seo-jin stands apologetically unannounced coming. Too Tae-joo shock, Seo-jin says he to remember things about his childhood abduction, begins and it does not really affect.

Tae-joo hit a button under his desk so that Dr. Kang can listen to and Seo-jin admits the truth about his dissociative, seek help. Aaack. Seo-jin outlined the basics, saying that everything was routine, until the other day when his pattern for the first time broke and he did not wake up. He had no conscious intention to do so, and wonders what that means.

By Dr. Kang wheezing, this certainly means something important, and Tae-joo says that it is a sign of the two split personalities is destroyed. He needs their coexistence mean not both vanish, right? He says he'll do some more research, since this is not his area of ​​expertise, and promises to name a few answers.

Seo-jin leaves more disturbed than when he arrived, while Tae-joo practically like a child to Dr. Kang skips on Christmas Day. He knows that she overhears and says with relish that Robin have an ambition for discovered you have no matter how beautiful the alter ego, that is a question of survival, and Robin will want to live. The scary thing is that the strongest survive, which is not not put the odds in Seo-jin favor.

Seo-jin sitting at his desk and repeated advice Hana that he must rely on itself, like a little mantra. He makes a decision and says Secretary Kwon police go public in the search for the real Lee Soo-hyun allow.

Detective Na is all business, until his colleagues tease that his face for television is not done, and he wonders if he should get a face, heh. Seo-jin starts uploading a new video recording online, but we cut away before it starts.

At home, he looks toward Hana room, and his bodyguard tells him that she took off. Seo-jin tells him just to keep an eye on them for their security and leaves a voicemail if she does not answer her phone.

Robin wakes later on at night and goes to Hana room, where he finds a note addressed to him. She asks him for some time and does not respond when he calls it. It runs until batcave, and we get the message heard, the Seo-jin left.

Seo-jin thanks Robin and says he was right Robin rescued him, and by all the things he wanted to, but could not do it. Seo-jin admits that all he ever wanted to get rid of Robin, and had always been considered an enemy to destroy it. "But now I know ... you ... you're mine."

Robin attempt on his feet, chilled to the bone. His eyes to saucers rotate as Seo-jin says Robin disappears, or rather become a part of him that remains inside. Gauntlet thrown.

Robin does not look like he is, to pass, even if he suddenly clasped his head like a sharp pain brings a memory back. Omg, it's one of Seo-jin memories, of letting go of Soo-hyun hand as he escaped from the kidnappers. Are they really merges after all?

Robin is running, to Hana, and Woo-Jung comes from him to help look, especially because they know what it feels like on the other side to be when the person you love disappears on them.

Robin thanks for them, to remind him for five years, suddenly very grateful that they seem to make his life real and not just in his imagination. She is worried that he might disappear again, but Robin says it's exactly the opposite, he plans a long, long time to stay.

He manages to Tae-joo apartment next, and seems to Tae-joo is pick sudden onset of fear when he learns that Hana is unaccounted for. Robin says that it is none of its concern, but Tae-joo asks if Hana knows the truth, admitting that Seo-jin came and told him everything.

Robin is puzzled and Tae-joo figures that Hana some time to process, might need because their relationship seems to be quite serious. Robin asks why Seo-jin came here, and again Tae-joo leaves Dr. Kang in listening. He says the only thing that Robin should not hear-that one of them is about destroyed-and is that that's why Seo-jin Hana telling the truth.

Tae-joo admits that this is the only thing is the split personality would never know, and Robin asks why he then share the information. Tae-joo looks exactly up to him and says that in Seo-jin case, it was Robin who saved him and made it so that he would survive ... Oh no. Do not listen to the crazy doctor lies!

Robin tells him that he will have memories has begun, are not his, and says that they are kidnapping of Seo-jin childhood. Tae-joo can hardly contain his reaction, and stammers when he refuses to answer Robin wondering what it means.

Robin insists that he has just as much right to know, and his voice is in despair when he asks coated: "Am I not human in your eyes I am a mirage, a fake, only Seo-jin accessories? "he says, that Seo-jin recognized that Robin saved him, but now wonders why it all sounds like a wish to disappear for him.

he asks Tae-joo, to tell him the truth: Is he going to disappear for good? Tae-joo slowly shakes his head and says that it is the opposite, that if Robin begins to have Seo-jin memories, then it is possible that Seo-jin will be the one to disappear is. It is-the seed has been planted.

Tae-joo is Robin under a trance, and he leaves me wondering if it is possible to stay for him Hana side. Tae-joo versa Dr. Kang roaring progress with him for intervention in Seo-jin. But Tae-joo argued that Robin has a new ambition, now that he knows that there is a possibility that he would win.

Of course, Tae-joo plans fan to the flames, and has already sent a letter to Robin do just that. Robin gets the anonymous letter in the cafe, to ask why he thinks Seo-jin is so eager to find Dr. Kang who let him know about Dr. Kang to heal a way Seo-jin has found. It ends with: "You will be destroyed, Robin soon."

Robin tries his mounting fear to swallow, and reiterates Hana. He can ask another voicemail if she's gone for good, but can not even finish the question when he begins to cry. He hangs up abruptly, wiping the tears.

A call from Detective Na (on Seo-jin phone) shakes him out of the moment, and he runs down to the station to ask if Hana has come through. Detective Na just stares at him and asked if he declare wild party or as the new look, and tells him that he is the one who wanted to keep Hana from the investigation this time.

Robin expires and next Secretary Kwon faced guessing that he Dr. Kang know healing. told The feeling asks Robin how he could keep from him, and wonders if he that Robin wants to disappear.

Hana reviewed their series of voicemail messages, most of them from a panicked Robin asked her to let him know that she's okay. But one of Seo-jin is much quieter, and he agrees with her statement that this all feels like a dream. He admits that he changes and he kind of likes it, and ends with: ". Thank you for watching over me when we were kids, and now" AWW

When Tae-joo calls, Hana answers. immediately and tells him that he need not worry about them. He says that both Seo-jin and Robin came to see him, and that he knows they are twins not to learn to play the truth, empathy over her shock on. She assures him that she'll be fine after a few days to sort through things, and he gets to reveal her where she is. He swings the car to head in this direction.

While away, Dr. Kang wriggles out of her chair and used the spoon her from her dinner tray crept beating on the pipes. The downstairs neighbor heard the noise, although they do not really know what to make of it.

Hana walks, mulling over all times, the Robin was their salvation and they in turn came to Seo-jin rescue. This pattern applies to everything. True between them, including all the times that Robin comforted her, and she comforted Seo-jin She has no chance any conclusions before a car to go racing on a dirt road, and then she whipped it at sound of footsteps coming on them ...

There is Robin, on it with determination on foot , He stops in front of her a blow, and then falls for a kiss in, and flutter their eyes closed.

After a campfire in the yard building, Robin holds her hand and asks if she was not afraid of being alone here, and then wonders if they had more afraid of him. Finally, speaking for the first time since he arrived and tells him not to think that way.

He tells her that, while all the others he said he was not real, she understood him and made him feel alive. He pulls her hand on her heart and asks: "If I'm fake, then what are these feelings that I feel What then is my racing heart?"

Morning Seo-jin wakes up in his car , and we see that Tae-joo Hana has found in the distance. He freezes when he sees Seo-jin approach her, and is deflected by a message that he will receive a document with regard to Seo-jin.

Hana gets when she sees Seo-jin, and everything he does is ask if Robin was here last night. He just nods and turns to go, but keeps on the Council to ask them to rely on themselves by her father. He wants to know if it worked to conquer her fear, and when she got right back on the wires afterwards.

She says no, she was too scared for a while, but she kept it simple over and over and practicing singing. Seo-jin says that the phase he must in is now over repetitive and as a charm, buried in attempting memories deep 22 years before re-use.

Tae-joo, the video message states that Seo jin recorded and uploaded the other day. It is addressed to Soo-hyun and Seo-jin asks him to meet so that they can discuss the truth about what happened that day. "The truth, which I have forgotten, and the truth is that you do not know , "TAE joo face hardened.

Seo-jin goes back to Hana and says that it changes, that's it changed him. He says everything is: "Come back I'll wait.", but it feels it to say much more like. Close Caption: not plump hide your scar. Hiding it will not grow new skin.


I know I'm probably weird for wanting that Hana the truth does not know, but I'm a little sad that she had a chance to never fall for Seo-jin, before learning that is Robin. Admittedly, it is much conflict about it now, and it will get worse for them, so I do not think we are afraid of romantic missing. It may only be a very different conflict, to have argued Robin for his own identity, and to have made Seo-jin, that they are the same person. The good (or terrible) thing is that they are both right, but makes this impossible for Hana an interesting conflict for the story.

There is a much greater dramatic momentum when Seo-jin embraces his inner good guy and Robin pushed into a corner, fighting for survival. Previously, Robin was too vital for Seo-jin, but Seo-jin faces his fears (thanks Hana) and becoming stronger by the day, which means that he will soon outgrow his need for Robin. It is to have a much richer character sheet Robin suddenly realize that his whole existence is at stake, and to fight for its own identity. Whether he actually succumbed to his baser instincts, to win this fight, will be a great internal struggle, especially since he has not been so far carelessly up. It is the woman he loves, and to lose his whole being, and I can not blame him for doing what it takes to protect these things.

I still want the show were executed with more tension, especially now that the stakes are fascinating. I enjoy the Seo-jin / Tae-joo / Robin dynamic and the love triangle makes more sense at this stage, but overall there is very little to ease the tension on the screen on ramp. After the last episode, where the villain is finally stepping and carry out actions on words, today we are too much heads talk back. At least the topic of the presentation is important because it was a day of confessions, and I'm doing the show credit for which we are-two-person no-we are giving not swing, because that is not what I expected had seo-jin to say.

And maybe I'm so partial to Seo-jin that I see more in his quiet admission that Hana has changed him, or that I am moved by his baby more steps as large sweeping romantic gestures Robin. That's not to say that I do not find Robin predicament heartbreaking because he argues that his feelings are his own (so true), and it is very likely that this is the end, it could cease to exist. But I like that he is an obstacle Storywise always Seo-jin the growth and healing that makes the expansion Tae-joo and his privileged position all the more dangerous.

Already begin to overcome the wall that Robin and Seo-jin, separated at least in the past, and I can not help but wonder if that makes Seo-jin right or more to the right, about them to be a person. I'm still sure that his feelings must be separated for Hana and his own though, so I hope that Seo-jin starts on them to act before too much time passes. If Robin affection for Hana Protect and concern grew, then Seo-jin is not wrong to think that for him Hana affection could be the same; it's just that someone has to break that chain. I think I am a hope that for each other, which will feel it and Seo-jin bigger than any of them expected.

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tags: featured, Han Ji-min, Hyde Jekyll me, Hyun Bin, Sung Joon

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