Recap And Reviews Kdrama School King of Savvy: Episode 4

Recap and reviews korean drama School King of Savvy: Episode 4 -

Savvy is getting better! In just one hour we see friendships, rivalries develop, realign loyalties, and more to reveal from the parent mystery itself. There are even some drunken shenanigans that we do not tolerate course ... but still pretty funny. Min-seok can over his head, but the more he is challenged, the more we will come to appreciate the goodness and loyal, form the core of his character. He'll begin to find its place at Comfo how Soo-young and Assistant Manager Yoon that are quickly become friends and allies with colleagues. hustles his


Min-seok out the door and friends as fast as he can, so that they. loudly scolding for trying him to sell things Jin-woo colleagues around the corner with an intrigued expression. Outside the office, promises Min-seok to explain later, then rushes off to a management meeting. see the two friends today after Min-seok leaves, shrugging, and head in search of food.

The retail team office, Soo-young off is always chewed for viewing on late for work. Your colleague calls it, whether or not they understand the basics of working etiquette that emerge include on time.

Then Min-seok comes and the employee changes his tune. He fans Min-seok, like the ladies of the office scurrying to greet the boss. Min-seok apologized for being late, then shows Soo-jung to the bite marks on his hand from the night before. She flees before it to make a scene.

Soo-young speaks in voiceover as she dejectedly down the hall goes. She thinks of a song in which the singer wants to turn the clock back - for Soo-young, the moment they want to erase, is angry-drunk on the night before Min-Seok. She sees him in an elevator and running on the other, do not even realize that Jin-woo is. She sees him and makes taking a picture-perfect spit, sprayed him with a mouthful of breakfast. Nothing is going right for them today, as it seems.

Jin-woo is another briefing, this time on an extreme amusement park for adults. Min-seok phone interrupts the meeting several times in quick succession, as Yoo-ah tried to reach him. The chairman takes his snort of disgust as veiled comment, and asks him to share his thoughts on the proposal. Min-seok stammers that "extreme" things like bungee jumping and wakeboarding have a limited audience, and the chairman says Jin-woo to take this objection under consideration.

Soo-young day is a little brighter when the assistant manager to get something to eat (I love that he is prickly about Min-seok, but it's all about smiley-Soo-jung). She thanks him, asking for his daughter, and also checked to see if he has taken his medication. asking A call for Min-seok for his cell phone number, but since it is against company policy, conscientiously refused Soo-jung.

When Min-seok returns to his office, a post-it note waiting for him to know him, was on the call. He laughs that Soo-jung him might have said just, and only her embarrassment about the biting incident is prolonged.

He recognizes her post-it with another Post-it, and his handwriting makes Soo-jung laugh. She's giggling and reading the note as she peeks Min-seok looks through the blinds of his office and immediately picks up the phone and pretends to take a call.

Min-seok meets with his friends and has to explain his double life. They are understandably upset and said he would have kept it a secret until the end when they had not found him. It looks like he could be with his friends in big trouble until he shows his trump card. The company credit card

splurge on a shopping Assembly Cutting like the boys on shoes and new clothes, with Min-seok whip the plastic out and asked them to buy more. The boys want to know if there are a lot of pretty women at Min-seok Computer, and they ooh and aah when they see the interior of the apartment of his brother.

Yoo-ah takes on a video game their aggression until her boyfriend takes her away and said she killed for enough one day (pfft). She calls her spies again, but they are and they do not pick up with Min-seok.

Min-seok a call from the same person gets who formerly sought his number that day. There is a businessman whose company was recruiting Min-seok brother in Germany, and he decided to find out exactly why director Lee has decided to work at Comfo. He treats Min-seok to dinner, and hilarious, we see that his hockey friends have tagged along. Min-seok commends the contractor for his tenacity, which prompted the man to say that he is much more flexible than its reputation a to believe leads.

Then the businessman then takes them to a bar. You hesitate before going inside, the prospect of drinks and pretty women almost high-schoolers overwhelming. whiz Min-seok friends inside and Min-seok followed by the remark that his friends drive him crazy.

The businessman the hostess tells her to be nice "oppas", and there's a hilarious moment when they drink the first round and find hard liquor to be stronger than they expected. Min-seok friends are on cloud nine, giggling and the girl embrace, and it is not long before they are completely lost. Out in the hallway, a Comfo employee passes and stops to see Hyung-Seok (he thinks), drinks with a competitor.

Min-seok friend Tae -seok wakes the next morning next to someone whose curly hair pokes out below the ceiling are. Tae-seok pulls the covers always so carefully back, and cries when he is his other friend Duk-hwan sees. Min-seok comes to see, to make sure that his cat friends are all right. Apparently they ended at Min-seok house after her drunken adventures.

In a flashback, we see them get into a cab, with Min-seok at least still in control of his abilities. The businessman finally gets business alone to talk with Min-seok, bluntly to get him twice his current salary to offer work for Sewha society. Even drunk, Min-seok has to refuse enough sense firmly but politely. He promises the businessman for his goodness to pay back before they escape into the taxi.

Min-seok Father scolds the boy at breakfast, which consists of hangover soup. He gives each of them a good slap and warns her not to come back as home. Min-seok told his friends that he has to leave for work, which gives them a collective shudder. Opa screams that Min-seok to work, and the boys start whooping and roaring Dad keep from hearing. He gives them an incredulous look, to ask if they think they are freedom fighters.

Min-seok friends are reliving still the night before. Duk-hwan says he embarrassing to have caressed all night with Tae-seok, the finish him about it, said in an interview, because he get embarrassed, too. They begin to each other in true teenager young fashion punching.

Yoo-ah catches up and asks her informants why they did not respond to their calls. She warns them that they will not let it slip again, and scampers by Min-seok from. The two boys shake their heads, they agree on some leeway to cut ", because she is sick."

In the classroom, Min-seok is preparing to leave the window, but is held by a persistent Yoo-ah. To exit, they get, he promises her to see a movie. Your obvious delight and surprise is kind of cute, and she goes to the warning not to be too late to him. Min-seok jumps out the window, and his friends rush a mannequin in a hoodie at his desk to place, to deceive the teacher. Life is much easier if your friends have your back!

Min-seok, fully suited up, catches a taxi and heads to work. On the way he discovers Soo-jung, who just missed the last bus. Min-seok told the driver to pull over, but when Soo-jung sees him turns and flees. She takes the first bus she sees ignored Min-seok, as he shouts out that she is on the wrong bus always. HA!

Assistant Manager Yoon welcomes Min-seok in the lobby to watch that he finally on time. The two run in the Chairman while waiting for the elevator, and it seems that the chairman Assistant Manager Yoon has been known for many years. The chairman says that he should not be so stiff, or otherwise he will break.

Soo-jung comes too late, sure her nagging boss will only be too happy to chew them out. She is right when he needs a break in order of prancing down the stairs (I think it should be exercise, but it's really only looks like he shows his ass) reproach to her that he again too late to be. is Soo-young, that they actually arrived earlier, and the kind-hearted Assistant Manager Yoon supports.

Soo-young and Assistant Manager Yoon to speak in private, and she thanks him or her for support. He tells her from now on to get in on time to try. Then he shows her a necklace he bought for his daughter, who travels across the United States today off after a short trip from her studies. He strives to be a better father to her, and Soo-jung assured him that his daughter love the necklace. The two are so cute together

messages appear on the Internet a new project to be launched over the of Sewha society into being. It is an extreme theme park, and an exact copy of the project, the Comfo was about to begin. The news raises the entire company in a mess, as it looks like a big project has been drawn.

The President holds a meeting to find out who is responsible. He calls Jin-woo, who was responsible for the project, and demands to know how this could happen. The best estimate of the assembled team is that it has to do with a corporate spy. Hyung-Seok name comes because they know that he has previously been courted by Sewha. The suspicion grows only if the man who tells Sewha vice president looked drink these juicy little info Min-seok. The chairman assigns to investigate further, and maintains Jin-woo back to warn him that if he does not solve this problem, he should prepare his resignation letter.

Through the course of the investigation, circulated the rumor about Min-seok fast as a spy. In no time at all, speculating his office colleague whether he, the company only he entered the back stabbing. Soo-jung says that he does not seem like the type, but her colleague insists that where there's smoke, there's fire. Assistant Manager Yoon tells them to get back to work, but when Min-seok comes with a cheery "Good morning!" He does not get the usual enthusiastic response.

He looks out of his office blinds, ask to meet in changing the atmosphere and Soo-young gestures for them. Up on the roof it in him to the rumors about him being a spy hints. They also take the opportunity to apologize for the other night for their behavior, said: "I'm usually not throwing drunken fits the type." Pfft. As Min-seok has during not one but two such seizures seen her, he welcomed her apology with an understandable Portion sarcasm.

Then team leader Kim appears for a meeting Mitigation. He is not very happy, running around as his Hyung-Seok lasts twice and getting into trouble. Now that the higher-ups think Hyung-Seok met with Sewha management, they are digging all about him. That could their duplicity and spell the end of the team leader Kim and his boss out. Min-seok he knows screwed up, and wants to fix it. He says that the only thing they can do now the problem is to be solved, the team leader Kim whiny ineffective arm-punching and hissy fits is much more proactive.

Jin woo is hard at work to find the culprits, threat of his father still mainly in his head. The security team found a recording of someone on the retail team download the confidential files. The virtual data track leads to Assistant Manager Yoon, of all people, and he is immediately taken from his desk for questioning.

Jin-woo demands answers, and he refuses to hear Assistant Manager Yoon when he says he is innocent. He has to prove that his opinion is all that he needs in addition to a confession. He becomes increasingly angry at Assistant Manager Yoon stubborn denials until he throws away a folder and roars the friendly man.

The retail team of detainment Assistant Manager Yoon staggers. Your suspicion of Min-seok gone, she now marvel at how such a seemingly loyal man who could betray his principles for money. Take his guilt for granted and keeping speak ill of him until Soo-young, it can not. She says that her words are too hard and nothing is certain yet, so they should be more careful how they speak. She takes Assistant Manager Yoon drugs and storms out. Min-seok watching to go with a small smile.

Min-seok connects Soo-jung outdoors, complimenting her colleagues call for her thoughtless cruelty. She says Min-seok on blood pressure medication, and the fact that Assistant Manager Yoon daughter, the country will leave tonight.

Assistant Manager Yoon has denied accusations for a long time Jin-woo, and finally he has had enough. "Do not you like me?" He Prompts. "I do not know," Jin-woo replies coolly. "I am someone who only looks at the facts." Assistant Manager Yoon says he is to leave for the night going on, and goes out. Jin-woo follows him, however, and grabs him by the arm in the hallway.

Min-seok comes and throws Jin-woo arm to intermediate between the Director and the Assistant Manager. He roars Jin-woo for a senior to be treated with such disrespect, even if he examines a crime. For a second, it looks like our two directors collide finally open until Assistant Manager Yoon sighs and says he will go back to the conference room to continue answering questions.

Jin-woo is preparing to begin again when Min-seok barges into the conference room. He says he can not trust Jin-woo not people begin to beat. Also, because he heard he was a suspect in a point, Jin-woo can use this opportunity to also scrutinize him. Jin-woo starts to ask again in question the same line.

The Chairman comes from the company and learns from the situation. A colleague protested that Assistant Manager Yoon is one of the founding members of the company, and it makes no sense that he would reveal it. In other countries you can in a news report we know that a mercenary hacker group was arrested named Iceberg. They specialize to steal proprietary information stolen IP addresses.

Meanwhile, Jin-woo continue Grill Assistant Manager Yoon and Min-seok, no knowledge of the origin of hacker news. Min-seok gets annoying than the questioning until he finally yells ask Assistant Manager Yoon stop detention and him instead in question at Jin-woo. The Chairman comes and asks if Jin-woo, he is absolutely sure the man has. Jin-woo says he has solid evidence, but then another employee comes with the news that the hacker group was responsible for the leaked information in fact. Assistant Manager Yoon prevents the chairman and travels with Min-seok rushing after him. The Chairman calls an idiot Jin-woo and leaves as well.

Min-seok Assistant Manager Yoon followed by the office asks hesitantly if he is going to the airport. But he does not answer. Min-seok alone dwells in the office, wondering why leave early Soo-young, when she was so concerned about Assistant Manager Yoon

When they leave the office, Soo-young pulls in a taxi -. You did not leave after all! She is overjoyed to hear that Assistant Manager Yoon has been deleted, although it was not in time for him to adopt his daughter. Min-seok has for him a taxi to call, but the assistant manager invites them instead for a beer from.

Oh no! In all the excitement, it seems that Min-seok has forgotten about his movie date with Yoo-ah. She is waiting near the theater, practically glowing, though her stomach hurts. She says to suffer themselves do not want this special night with Min-seok mar. "He would not stand me, he would?" She asks herself. Oh, that's going to hurt ...

Assistant Manager Yoon the events of the day can go upside down with a cold beer. He feels cheated, and rightly so. As someone who for the company, thinking of his staff when his family, the lack of confidence in its all set his own loyalty has to question him. But Min-seok thinks not everyone is so; once an ally, he says you're an ally for life. Then gets Assistant Manager Yoon text of his daughter, with a picture of yourself wearing the necklace he bought it. Aww, that's too cute! Now they know where Soo-jung went during Jin-woo interrogated.

Jin-woo, meanwhile is getting chewed by the chairman personally. He says that even if Jin-woo has no brains, it should at least be able to read people. "Are you really so unhappy with me?" Jin-woo asks. "Everything I do, every word that I say ... are you really that happy with me?"

"I am unhappy with your life," replied the chairman. Ouch. Jin-woo as a parent leaves, staring out the glass elevator out in pained silence. When he goes home looks Assistant Manager Yoon with Soo-young and Min-seok, and the contrast between their happy camaraderie and his complete isolation is staggering.

assistant manager Yoon asks why not to drink the other, to which they respond to both that they are trying to cut alcohol. Min-seok takes the opportunity Soo-jung needle "Why take not fit drunk or anything Drink up." Pfft. He also talks about his family, to share that his father is not his biological father and that he disturb an older.

Soo-jung flashes back when Min-seok faced Jin-woo in the hallway, he was confident and respectful of their elders. Min-seok asks if he has something on his face, because they stare at him holding. Then he gets a text from Yoo-ah and remembers the film. He runs, while assistant manager Yoon chuckles that he has to meet his girlfriend.

He comes out of breath and asks why Yoo-ah waited so long. She says that she was not sure whether he comes or not, and now that he he should buy their food here. Min-seok affects all unnerved, but in the end he wonders what they want to eat.

He buys her food in a street stall, claiming that he only purchase because he hungry. He noted that Yoo-ahs temperature is higher than normal, but she insists that she is fine. Then it breaks, making it quite clear that they do not.

Min-seok piggyback Yoo-ah to worry through the street looking for a taxi to be blaming too headstrong for her and not of yourself. He fishes for her phone and calls her sister, who is of course Soo-jung. He tells her what happened and asks her to come to the hospital.

Soo-jung comes to the hospital as fast as they can, and fortunately Yoo-ah's okay. Instead of Min-seok, Soo-young finds a message from him in the waiting room. It must be sent "Yoo-ah sister", and says that he had to go because something was urgent, but Yoo-ahs operation went well. She giggles at odd handwriting, but not the connection with Min-seok of the post-it note to make from the time before. Outside the hospital, Min-seok rushes Opa find who strayed again.

That night Soo-young to have a recurring dream about bungee jumping without Bungee, and in voice-over, she says that the dream sometimes acts like a forewarning of species. The next day at work, welcomes the Retail Team Assistant Manager Yoon with cheers. He bought breakfast for all, and the harmony is created in Team again.

Min-seok goes to Soo-jung, and says that it is a relief. He was worried that Yoon Assistant Manager may not show up for work after what happened the day before. Soo-jung says nothing, but she smiles to herself after he goes.

Min-seok runs in Jin-woo in the bathroom, and apologized hurriedly. He says he will get angry, and hopes that they can get to this misunderstanding now that the hackers were caught. Jin-woo is all smiles as he says he apologizes too, and that he was oversensitive, because his project. After Min-seok leaves, Jin-woo stares in the mirror with more than a hint of menace.

team leader Kim Soo-jung asks for a word. He says in a lowered voice, which does not extend the company its contract, and although he tried to fight for them, there is nothing he can do. You dejectedly going out of the office as well as Min-seok arrives, whistling merrily.

team leader Kim leaves the rest of the office know Soo-Young Treaty, the Min-seok shock. He goes after her immediately to advise that they will be on the roof. He sees them, forcing a smile, and called to her: "! Popcorn sister Ally" So. Freakin. Sweet.

It is to eat a late breakfast and staring into the city. When she sees Min-seok, she stammers that she does not have enough to eat before you. Putting a brave face, she says that sometimes when she has an empty stomach it is depressed. She turns away, still trying to be strong, and wipes the tears when Min-seok watches away with touching concern and sympathy.


I loved pretty much everything about this episode, so it's hard to begin to know where. As others have said previously recappers, Savvy really distinguished tug at your heartstrings, even if you control yourself in the crazy fast hijinks. It is an emotional roller coaster, but nothing feels contrived or manipulative. Storytelling is sincere, but plenty of laughs has never out of sight of the depth of feeling, have the characters of clothing.

The development with Assistant Manager Yoon was excellent, and really touching. At first I thought of him as grumpy killjoy, but halfway through the episode I realized my mistake. When Min-seok was for him to Jin-woo, I was willing to do a victory dance. The short scene in which to go for beers the three allies was so touching, as Assistant Manager Yoon shares his new doubts, but the loyalty of the Min-seok and Soo-jung holds him to lose hope. I can imagine that without Min-seok passionate defense of being allies or Soo-Young pensive journey his daughter would gift Assistant Manager Yoon deliver not have come back the next day to work. And that would have been a shame because the team that Min-seok at work is to observe the installation so much fun.

Although Jin-woo at the moment is the role of the villain, I find it very convincing. His self-control cracks in this episode, and in his single-minded determination to resolve the problem, he went too far. I felt so sorry for him, moved as to its breaking point, he asks his father if he is really so disappointed in him. I can not imagine much worse than told by your father that your existence is a disappointment. Jin-woo's all alone now, and I'm nervous about what to do to drive it. When he Min-seok encountered in the bathroom in the morning after hacking incident, his self-control and sneers were positive frightening.

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