Recap And Reviews Kdrama Hyde, Jekyll, Me: Episode 5

Recap and reviews korean drama Hyde, Jekyll, Me: Episode 5 -

If only each prickly romantic hero had to force him out of his comfort zone a mischievous alter ego. Now that he is forced to the woman to hut until he tried to send away, Seo-jin can not exactly cut off from the rest of the world more, though not try for lack of. He reluctantly agrees his days in half with Robin, fair and honest to split, but a double life is not easy, on one of them, especially when emotions get involved.


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After finding Hana on his doorstep, suitcase in tow, Seo-jin in his batcave returns to see Robins Low last night. Robin says Seo-jin crossed a line when he went to Hana and made her cry, and he throws to warn a fist that Seo-jin meet his end if he ever again makes a woman cry seo-jin :. "I'll kill you if you wear these lines say my face". Ha

Robin threatened to go as seo-jin split personality public, when it tries to Hana to change the contract in any way. and it's pretty entertaining that Seo-jin can impotent but stew nothing to do.

Seo-jin Robin leaves a bad news that he is her number one rule-it bankrupt should not pretend to be each other. he puts his red thumbs up to the camera (still wet with the ink of Hana contract signed) and asks how they want to, when Seo-jin he pretended to be. I hope this is your revenge plan really, because that is will be funny.

He throws a tantrum in the greenhouse and secretary Kwon with him to go with him to plead together only until they find Dr. Kang. Seo-jin hates that are not yet in control of the situation and vapors that it took him five long years to get this far, and Robin can only make it in one fell swoop destroyed.

Hana sneaks into the greenhouse looking seo-jin, and when he sees before his batcave door, he tears them away strictly. He tells her that she'll be here as spirit live, unseen and unheard, and that they'll go see Dr. Tae-joo for a hypnotherapy session every morning.

He goes away without leaving throw a glance, it follows and asks if he really wrote this treaty itself. You seem skeptical, but Seo-jin stutters that he did-who else would it be? She flips open to a page in the back and is added to promote them and do little notes to cutesy, and Seo-jin stunted a little inward.

he tears the contract from her hands, but he does it so hard that Hana tilts forward and lose their balance on the stairs. He catches her in his arms and even draws closer (hellooo, nurse!) Gritting his teeth, saying: "I told you not to be in danger Do not mean to hurt you do not get sick..."

There sounds as a swoony declaration of a rom-com hero ... until he just adds and says that so long may stumble on her face when he is not near to see. Ha, way to undercut the fainting. Because his concern is about their safety really for himself, of course, he openly admits.

Hana mulling over the strange behavior whiplash of Seo-jin, the funny how he does it got to its own multiple personalities without Robin appearance. She smiles as she tries on the funny glasses, wearing feel better about her Robin when she was sad, and then she stands cute little cartoon versions of them make trampoline jumping on her phone.

But then Chibi Seo-jin appears and rips the screen protector from among them to be the killjoy who he is, and Hana staring at him.

Seo-jin in his batcave goes and leaves a new message for Robin, that for the moment, they are to their old rules back: Seo-jin in the day, and Robin at night. Chairman Dad is upset to hear that this is the plan, and while mom to keep the idea Hana near Dr. Kang to help support find Dad is far more concerned about what happens to Seo-jin and Robin when a woman is involved.

Hana announces that the circus troupe will go to a planning workshop this week, and they stir in excitement.

Meanwhile cousin Seung-yeon and his spy Secretary girlfriend make bets on the Seo-jin girlfriend is young-Woo between Hana and the fangirl. He sends a spy Hana to succeed for the moment.

When Robin that night wakes up, he finds a note from Seo-jin to see the latest video message and finds a key to his room. He jumps down and introduces himself, Seo-jin sitting there to him excruciating while being tightened. Seo-jin reminds him that no one should know that he lives here, and that they must keep their hours, barring unforeseen loss of consciousness.

Seo-jin growls him to get some sleep to please, and Robin only waves all his nagging aside like a mischievous little boy. Okay, it would drive me crazy if my alter ego refused to get any sleep. I am with Seo-jin on this.

Robin simply ignores the rest and runs out, beaming, as he finds his car in the garage exactly where he left it. He noticed Hana outside for a walk in the snow heading and followed behind her. Seung-yeon spy lurking nearby with a camera at the ready.

Robin just fits their steps to keep the same tempo, and can suddenly Hana behind her feel someone and gets them to panic and thought it glasses Strangler. Robin thinks that she is a dummy for not even notice that it's there, and decides his Monster Hoodie all the way to zip up to scare them.

He creeps and she barks, and Hana screams in terror ... and proceeds to beat the crap out of him with her umbrella. Ha. He manages to say that it's Robin, but when he raises his head, all she sees is his uncanny Hoodie face, and she beats him all over again.

When he opens the zipper and peeks out, it sinks into tears on the floor, bubbling, that they thought that he was a murderer. Robin apologizes just over and over again, feeling terribly stupid prank (and you say, do you not cry girl!).

She cries stops when she realizes that he has a cut on his forehead, and she takes him to mend it for him in her room. I hope that it does not scar what Seo-jin to say exactly about the same athletic head wound?

Robin takes one of her notebooks with badly drawn sketches for her new circus filled stage act and quickly fixed on one of the drawings. He asks if she needs a storyboard sketch artists, and offers its services since he was nothing but has the time. She noted to herself that fits with what they of him suspected, he's a bit of a rich slacker who sleeps all day and play at night.

she agrees to hire him, but warns that it is not an easy task, wondering if he is going to be the challenge. Robin asks how much they will pay, and then stuns them rattling through the usual professional advising, finishing it with: ". So you want to talk to my agent" Ha, the look on her face is priceless

Robin she takes his webtoon Publisher Editor minutes to see where they gobsmacked staring at the poster of one of his comic books right there with his right. Editor Min hugs Robin, overjoyed that he really returned.

Woo-Jung comes home and complains the second she lays eyes on Robin, but hilarious attacks him instead to embrace him. She screams disappear and waaaaails that Dad said she was the one who drove him away him. Hana jaw drops at the sight, especially when Woo-jung him falls to the ground like a professional wrestler.

They finally calmed down and then bubbling through her tears that she was drawn as he disappeared because he was her first love, and he tried they stop crying, as if she is still a child. Robin has zero Policy Editor Min why he was five years away and just shrugs when he asks for Hana.

Woo-young, on the other hand, the feeling is territorial where Hana is concerned. She scowls as Robin pours her a drink and steps between when Dad pictures. When the guys to chat below head, Woo-Jung says Hana that they sent off Robin Army twice metaphorically, because that's what they told twice while waiting for him to return.

It assumes that Hana Robin is only known for a week or so, but Hana counters only causally with "Fifteen years." Heh. Woo-jung jealousy flares up, and spits it back quickly that it does not matter which is longer known him.

Editor min asks Seo-jin, although it is unclear how much he knows about their real relationship. Robin says Seo-jin scored even grumpier in the last five years. When Editor Min about Hana asks again, this time Robin says that she is the person who saved him.

Upstairs are Hana and Woo-jung gotten so sauced that Woo-jung is the dining fainted and Hana is drunk she was slurring alone "! Have I aegyo If I do it, it's totally cute"

makes drunken cutesy faces, and the next thing we know, it's morning and Seo-jin wakes up in bed feeling sore and a hangover. Hana wakes with a start-up and wonder how they even got here and found a sketchbook with drawings Robin filled for their circus act.

It brings a reminder of her back up the stairs with Robin crawls cautiously tried to help her. She tells him not to try and touch her while she is drunk, the insistence on the stairs getting up on her own.

He soon her to her room piggyback and put them on the bed. She pulls him close and tell him to come retreat in the workshop, and do not take no for an answer. When he agrees, at least her fall, she coos that he, before being made a good boy and tugs at his ear.

Seo-jin waits to come to the car so that they can go see Dr. Tae-joo, and he asks Secretary Kwon why his insides are churning. The bodyguard ekes that Robin all night with Hana drank, and he frowns.

Hana yet her thoughts still running smelling by car from alcohol, to Robin and he probably her humiliating to recall behavior.

Seung-yeon is shocked to receive the report of his spy who is Seo-jin involved with two women, and even more surprised to see his cousin in a casual hoodie, recalled that Seo-jin did not even dress up in this way as a child. Yes, I bet that he always wore a bowtie. Although one should not really talk fashion decisions about other people, Faux Hawk.

Dr. Tae-joo notes that Hana happy looks today, and asks if she is dating. It is all too defensively, only admit to refuse that they could be. This time he shows her a blurred CCTV frame of the glasses Strangler help her memory on the jumps. It should be increased to recognize the face, but it gives her the creeps.

, under hypnosis, Tae-joo, it takes about an art gallery and tells her that in this area they can do what they want, and see what she wants. He tells her to stop at a painting and focus on and remember the face of the suspect. Eek why "The Scream" all images?

With concentration, it creates the face flash to make a couple of times, but if they really get the tribes a good look, suddenly a ghost of glasses Strangler jumps out of the screen and begins to suffocate. Ack! That's creepy.

(Imaginary) Tae-joo his arms wrapped around her and covered her eyes, remember her gentle mind that this is a world he created in her mind, so nothing bad can happen in it. She eventually calms down and stops a panic attack. He asks her to trust him and open their hearts, and promises to remove all their bad memories.

in the real world back out, Tae-joo walks her out of the office, and she says that their resistance is not because they him there unfamiliar is that they do not dare. She asks if the majority of his patients, who do not like to suffer from diseases of the heart, because they can not be trusted. He agrees, and she asks him to trust them.

When they down the hall, she catches a glimpse of glasses Strangler Detective Na questioned, and it gives her a strange feeling. She asks who he is, and Tae-joo says he is the CT technician at the hospital.

Robin wakes that evening to his new rocket alarm clock with an old radio replaced to find, and a nasty note from Seo-jin does not change. Robin chuckles a number of texts from Hana to see, asked him to forget what happened last night and do not come to their workshop, after all.

But he lifts it as planned, and she agrees to come down if he did not swear yesterday to bring the evening. Let in a good mood, but noticed on the way there, Robin, that they are to be persecuted. Perhaps one of Seung-yeon thugs?

He says Hana to hold on tight and leave the motorway to lose the tail, except then a second tail glasses Strangler he takes, behind the wheel of a truck of fate. Well this can not be good. (Also, as he found it? I hope there is some logical explanation Tracker or anything involved, otherwise the attack is completely random.)

Robin accelerated and avoid getting rear ended by a hair, turned curves fast enough to force the truck off the road and into a ditch. But as it to be in breathe out of danger, he misses a stone before him and plunges directly into it.

Luckily, they do not look seriously injured, but the car is broken and Robin is concerned to find Hana unconscious. He calls for emergency the nearest hospital and piggyback it there. He asks the doctor hastily Hana to help, except then he collapses to the ground in a faint. Oh no. He will wake up Seo-jin!

And yup, as he opens his eyes in the hospital bed, Hana hovering over him worried looks ... and calls him Robin. His eyes wide, he noted that she calls him, and he shoots in bed to ask where they are. If she says that they are in Kangwon-do all the way out, then he burns internally.

Hana circus members get the call and they rush in the hospital to pick up, and her friend Jin-ju warns the others that Robin happens to be Seo-jin twin brother. They come and ask cheerfully while Seo-jin flips can be seen from even that they seem to know Robin.

He takes tidbits from what Hana's say the other, and is alarmed to hear that the killer came all the way out here for them. He sneaks away Kwon Secretary to call that gives overslept rebuffed him, assuming that he is Robin. He has to call twice, you know, driving him bonkers, and finally secretary Kwon is convinced that there Seo-jin and immediately jumps to his knees and switched to jondae.

calls After Detective Na call to find out what happened Secretary Kwon, to tell him that the police are forced to clear the streets to wait, because they are snowed in this moment, so will he must stay there overnight ... as Robin.

Seo-jin can not believe that he has to spend the night in Robin Cosplay, and whisper barks into the phone: "How How can I pretend to be Robin?" Secretary Kwon: "Smile "Even funnier is Seo-jin answer:" Why smile, as if it is ?? "is a completely foreign concept?.

When Hana comes out to look for him, he turns with this awesomely awkward smile on his face. When Jin-ju suggests that they go to their homes, Seo-jin replied in his usual formal language patterns and Jin-ju wonders how much he sounds like Seo-jin. He grumbles to himself and says it again more casual

over on the drive, Seo-jin closes his eyes and chants to himself again and again that he is Robin now. "I'm Robin. I am the fucking son of a bitch Robin ..." He wonders if they want to stay at a resort and Jin-ju says that it is more like a guest house, but when they arrive, Seo-jin moreover horrified to see that the whole group is home to stay in a small country.

he calls Secretary Kwon like a little princess and refuses to stay in this place, not that he has no options. He tenses, if he believes someone behind him slowly, and a goat to find whips in his face. Hana laughed at him at all find on the goat and then a small dog. She remembers that Robin dogs like before, and Seo-jin murmuring robotically ". Oh What a cute dog."

he will have to go to the toilet, so Hana him all the way from the outhouse goes, and it accesses her jacket and asks her not leave him here. He is appalled that it's just a hole in the ground, but anxiety seems to be overriding feeling and Hana has fun teasing him for it.

She leads him by the hand back and wonders how a man who lives most of the night of his life may be afraid of the dark, and thank him or her all the way to the hospital to carry out, if he must've been scared.

She plays a cinch with untie his mind his fear and Seo-jin thinks in his mind that this is completely ridiculous, but even they find a meow on reflex answer to, to play the game, though. (He smiles all for real, if they are not looking!)

join the rest of the circus troupe for dinner, and Hana leads Robin as their new storyboard artist. This is a message to Seo-jin, but he is more concerned about Hana announcement that he is going to create for them new designs here and now. He sits in front of a blank sketchpad each eyeball on him feel and comes with the excuse that he needs privacy when working.

He himself locked in a room and is its best attempt a draw to make, and comes up with a stick figure. Hahaha, you're so broken. He believes that his cover is flying, but it looks at the stack and stack of Soju boxes in the corner of the room above, and comes up with an idea.

he calls secretary Kwon to ask how can hold a lot of alcohol Robin (as Seo-jin that stuff does not touch). His idea is as much to drink basically that he faints and breaks her switch. That's not a bad idea, if I have a feeling he's Robins tolerance to underestimate.

He gets to drink the entire group, and downs a glass after ... until the last person is out of it fainted. HA. Hana asleep on his shoulder, and he pushes them away.

He is right now chugging Soju directly from the bottle. He runs outside and gets Secretary Kwon drunk to complain. "I can hold my liquor completely"

Worse to still be drunk just makes him awake, and secretary Kwon he thinks should only awake then stay because he at a meeting lunch has and not have Robin make an appearance during the day. Secretary Kwon laughing, he got to drink and do not go very funny on a retreat thanks to Robin, who find Seo-jin.

Hana comes out and connects Seo-jin through the fire, and suggests roasting sweet potatoes. He even takes a bite and laughs-really this time smeared deliberately on her face to bring in the soot they him smile.

You could tell that he was uncomfortable all night, and thanked him with her come are anyway. She admits that there are times when she really feels pressured like when their troop members all look to her to comfort her. She tells them always that everything will be what, okay, but it's always crushed her heart a little that carry the weight. Seo-jin say anything, but seems to know exactly what she means.

She thanks him to be with her, and then breaks the moment with a sneeze. Seo-jin to reach out instinctively to his blanket to protect themselves from their cooties, although he has to share the blanket think about it, and insists that she is fine.

Although it keeps sneezing and Seo-jin murmurs in his mind that he is doing all sorts of things, because he is drunk (uh-huh, blame on the soju) and sweeps his arm around her to share his blanket ,

Hana his eyes looking upwards in and after a long beat, she says, "You're a good man, Robin. Therefore ... I like you." Seo-jin turn eyes to saucers. Caption :. While You Were Sleeping


Um, yeah. While you were sleeping, your girl explains her feelings for you ... me ... us? Man, it already starts to get confusing, but that's really the point, is not it? Hana falls for Robin, but Robin is not even in the building right now, so how much of what she feels is for Seo-jin? So far I think it's pretty robin specifically when it comes to like him, but I know that I swoon over Seo-jin which one is getting near her. I know I get ahead of myself, but I can not wait for Seo-jin starts getting jealous of her feelings for Robin. There will be only so karmically satisfying.

Seo-jin has already dropped his guard and do unusual things to Hana. I know that in his mind, it's all in the name of self-preservation, so it's not like it to be really considerate on purpose, but it is very amusing to see that the lines between Bad Seo-jin and good Robin are blurred than you recognize, . Of course, this is nothing compared to Seo-jin actually doing Robin for one night so that to be that one of them is my favorite version so far. It's much funnier when he is forced to keep his bad mood on the inside and are going to be going through the motions of a nice guy, all counterfeit attempts smiles and awkward manners.

The false identity hijinks are more entertaining than the straight versions of the characters, so I hope there is a lot more of it in business. Robin-as-Seo-jin would be quite amusing, like a child, boss to play for a day. I think I enjoy total Seo-jin when he is cornered and Robin has the upper hand because it makes his bad temper in vain and suddenly endearing. And it's killing me that Seo-jin's total fraidy cat where Robin is courageous because appears in most other species, Robin childlike. There is a folly to Seo-jin, coming out when he desperately feeling (what kind of plan, drink until you lose consciousness?) And it makes me to his gradual transformation forward.

I'm glad Hana now beginning to come to life as a sign that we have roommates gimmicks and a thriving love triangle. Your confusion about Seo-jin emotional whiplash is understandable, but I like how direct she is with Robin. I was surprised how bad I felt for Seo-jin during her confession, because it is not exactly in love with her. But it stands still, if she has to look into his eyes, thought he was someone else and is so bluntly. It is part voyeuristic and part disappointing, though perhaps it is exactly what Seo-jin needs to get his head in the game. Petty competition with its split personality is perhaps not the most mature motivating force in the world, but it is quite entertaining for the rest of us.

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tags: featured, Han Ji-min, Hyde Jekyll Me, Hyun Bin, Sung Joon

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