Recap And Reviews Kdrama Oh Hae-young again: Episode 10

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Oh Hae-young again: Episode 10 -

There are when time to do the right thing, wait and let things happen as they want, and to step up times when you need, and make things happen. The trick is to know when and do the right thing when it. Time for action With Do-Kyung visions grow more and more ominous, the moment has come for him to make a decision - he will let life decide his future, or he will make his own destiny

episode 10: "on its way to you"

some space Needing to kiss Hae-young to think, Do-Kyung visited the playground where he and his father (cameo of Lee Pil-mo ) used playing together and talk. They had a very close relationship, and Do-Kyung particularly loved his father to ask questions about sound.

father told his son that he loved tones, because they disappear. He had said that, considering that things do not last forever, do not waste your energy on useless things. Little Do-Kyung had not fully understood, but he had these words remembered.

Hae-young goes back to her parents' house, and sits in her room at her silent phone frowning and experience that kiss in her head again. They finally snapped screaming on the phone: "What you could kiss me so, and do not call me too?" Never accuse this girl to be with their emotions out of touch.

She takes her aggression on the laundry, phone in hand out just in case , swear that they call at first not Do-Kyung. She yells Mom for more laundry, and Dad asks Mom just give her something, anything to wash. LOL, taking Mom clean ceiling starts to their half-crazy daughter.

The phone finally rings, but it's Tae-jin and Hae-young face actually falls. She refuses his offer for lunch, and now it's Tae-jin's turn to be disappointed.

Mom finally asks to know who is the cause of Hae-Young's behavior - it's Tae-jin, or that neighbor guy? She threatens Hae-young, to kill, if it comes either of them, but Hae-Young says only, she goes out.

Dr. Park's worried if Thu-Kyung not not show for his appointment, and go for him at home looking. He says that he is only Do-Kyung friend, not his doctor today, and continues to explain his theory premonitions regarding Do-Kyung.

Dr. Park thinks this has something to do with how people perceive time. We think it is moving in a straight line to present the past in the future. But in his theory, only the body is limited by the time, and the mind is free to move in a position. Thus the body moves forward in time, but the spirit fluidly back and forth move.

It is his assumption that Do-Kyung is the body, right now, to experience in the middle of a car accident. The shock of his body dying caused his brain in time scurrying around, looking for the woman he loves, Hae-young. That's why he keeps seeing her and only her - he is unable to see the future, but in the past only a few moments before he relives memories it in his head.

Do-Kyung listen very carefully, to ask a few questions, and gives the theory seriously considered. He imagines himself covered lying dying in the street in the blood, his body, while his mind for a person he is looking for will be seen in his last moments the most. His conclusion: "You're a weirdo, right" ~ ~ PFFT

But the idea that his body can at this moment dying shakes him, although Dr. Park says that it could be another explanation. He promises to hang in there with Do-Kyung, and help him find out.

Do-Kyung runs in Drunk French Soo-Kyung on the way home, but he goes right past her. He asks if she is to come home, and she drags behind her, muttering that their life is too pathetic to live sober for going through it.

They did not stop at thinking about waking Jin-sang bed, and when he runs into her on the street is clear that he remember anything because she stole before he awoke. He has a nice little "congratulations" song and dance, and tells Soo-Kyung all about a guy he knows who they would marry a woman to love.

He turns around and starts walking down the street in front of her pee, not so sober. Soo-Kyung yells at him, and he turns, almost get her wet, ew. She yells at him respectfully, to be, if he does not see how a woman. She runs home shouting: "I am a woman!" And we see that Jin-sang only was pouring out his water bottle, ha

to. arriving home, Do-Kyung tries his concerns about this startling theory of Dr. Park to drink away. Hae-Young breaks another date with Tae-jin, claiming that she has to work, and goes with her girlfriend Hee-ran out. She says Hee-ran over everything that has happened, including the passionate kiss, but laments that Do-Kyung has not called her since.

Hee-ran thinks he has to do with his bouncing from one Oh Hae-jung on the other straight, and warns patience. It is certain that he call as soon as he comes up with the idea. But Hae-Young does not understand - they can not hold back, so how can he do it so easily

Later that night, Hae-young faces Do-Kyung home, practically? Vibrating with the desire to let him go and find. She struggles with herself whether to go in their own place, and she wonders how-Kyung may so hold back when he likes. It ends left and to her parents' home.

After a few beers, Do-Kyung still can not get Dr. Park words out of his head that he's somewhere right this moment to die and want to see Hae-young. He closes his eyes and hears a loud crash, and opens it to find lying in the street, blood pooling on his face and under his head.

He Hae-jung looks walk safely through the traffic, his arm in a sling, in the vision of the first day they met. Back to reality (or is it?) His eyes fly open again, and he's back on his couch, safe and healthy.

morning Do-Kyung knocking over his coffee cup, and something about it made him feel uneasy.

Hoon's An-na to visit at work, where she greeted him with her usual shrill enthusiasm. She had read about the moon after his screenplay, said it is amazing and asks him to point to a producer as soon as possible.

The other Hae-young visits Chairman Jang, her mother's ex-husband, and he asks her unfortunate engagement Do-Kyung. You clams in his interrogation on when he says that he is just curious, since he get married on Do-Kyung mother.

Although they are not related by blood, his two stepchildren who become almost married could today a point of gossip, so he wants to confirm that it's really over. Hae-Young says that it is over, although the expression on her face Chairman Jang says that it is not for them, and she admits that they still have feelings for Do-Kyung.

She thinks of herself that she really thought it would be over once their emotional wounds healed. She remembers a time when only the sound of her voice was enough to calm him to sleep, and the sweet memory she cry.

Hoon takes his screenplay for Hee-ran that promises to read it and returned to him. He asks her to keep it a secret from Do-Kyung, who has been especially moody lately.

Do-Kyung mother orders him to the chairman Jang birthday party against his will, to warn him not to bring inexpensive gift. Do-Kyung Thinks two marriages should have been enough for them, and takes exception to the idea that he needs another father at his age. He noted that President Jang is notorious for fraud, the stomp his mother in anger makes away, screaming that it is not true.

Do-Kyung is mowed down almost by its own employees, as he makes the curbside steps, and his newfound horror auto accidents overreact him. He pauses for a coffee and sees Hee-ran Hoon to read the script, and it does not seem as if she likes it.

He joins her and asks for the script to ignore their big fat information on Hae-young, and Hee-ran recalls Hoon her promise and asks Do-Kyung not to mention that he knows that they read it. She says Hoon write level is not at the level, and that it regrets agree to read it because it was not worth going on behind Do-Kyung back.

Do-Kyung taking it reads, and yes, it is bad. If Hoon comes home, asks Do-Kyung, who else has seen the screenplay, angry that Hoon even after so many years of rejection is trying to be a screenwriter. He says that he at least tried Hoon to inform his business, so he has a career to be proud to have.

Hoon says he still wants to try and do-Kyung hurls the script at his feet, calling Hoon write embarrassed. That annoys Hoon, who says that bad scripts made into movies all the time, and to be embarrassing, is not the worst thing in the world. He growls that Do-Kyung is the one who can not be at a loss, but Hoon itself can live with embarrassment when it means to be his dream of being a writer.

Do-Kyung yells back that he can not stand to see Hoon devalued, and asks him to only learn from him sound direction. With tears in his eyes, says Hoon that although Do-Kyung thinks him respect people, they call him actually behind his back. So what is the meaning of all the pride, if they are going to do it anyway?

An-na is out to Hoon behalf when she hears what Do-Kyung said of his script, and it's ready to go now kill that jerk. Hoon they must physically restrain from storming out to confront his brother.

Do-Kyung walks, Hoon words that people talk about him anyway mixing with statement of his father that you should not waste energy on useless things. A flashback shows us close Do-Kyung and his father, loving relationship as they talk about the sounds that Dad from visiting the DMZ was once.

When asked Dad had said that his favorite sound was his son's voice in the world. Awww. Do-Kyung mother (Cameo of Lee Yu-ri ) was drunk come home, complaining that her husband prefers the company of his children to his wife, accusing him of its task by a pretext, not home get .

Dad little Do-Kyung on one of his trips takes sounds recorded, this time to a high cliff above the sea. He warns not to play Do-Kyung near the edge, to tell him to listen for the sound of a butterfly wing.

A strong wind peaks of the microphones on the edge of the cliff, and Dad lunges for it. If small Do-Kyung turns around, his father has disappeared. He creeps to the edge of the cliff on hands and knees, but he can not see anything.

He runs all the way to the bottom of the cliff and found his father lying on the beach, covered in blood in the side of his face and pooling under his head. Is it me, or is not, that accurate pattern of blood that we saw on the adult Do-Kyung in his vision?

Little Do-Kyung has to lead to the nearest farm and pull a trailer all the way prone body with his fathers back, and he somehow manages to pull his father to her car. The powerful little boy pushes the car as far as he can, until late at night, until he collapses from exhaustion. He gets into his car and asks his father in a small voice to wake up like, and that's when help finally arrives. But it's too late.

Little Do-Kyung had gone back to her favorite playground, and cried to heaven, "Why did you without asking me? Why ?? I will never leave, never! "and as he experienced these memories, adults Do-Kyung runs circles around the playground, trying to exhaust themselves.

When he finally not call Hae-young to see his name on the screen, the waterworks starts all over again. She shouts to him to say something when he spoke immediately, and he says only two words: Hae-Young says angrily that they are not so simple, but his next words to disarm them completely to remember, "Come here." how they 'd wanted them so bad to hear. "I miss you."

He is crying now, and he says it again: "I miss you", and Hae-jung literally running to him. When she finds him both go a little shy, but show their faces, how happy they are to have only reached an understanding, without having to discuss it.

After a long, gorgeous awkward moment, just go, and Do-Kyung face splits into the largest, most beautiful smile ever. Finally Hae-young breaks the silence, in chiding is so simple that it comes whenever he calls and asks what else he wants to do it.

Do-Kyung asks for a hug, looking scared that they might reject it. But easily Hae-young wraps her arms around him, and he turns to embrace her, and they both close their eyes as they finally live.

you go for a drive where Hae-young jokes that it's so easy, they do not even cares where they go. Do-Kyung teases back that he glad that they simply, and they threatened to kill him if he changes his mind. He promises that he will not, and Hae-young loose a loud cheer leaves. So cute.

go for a walk on the beach, and asks Hae-young, when Do-Kyung started her preference. She suspects it was when they first met, but he shakes his head. It was when she admitted to herself for class president vote. Their courage, such embarrassing thing to reveal is what they like him. Ha, Hae-young startup has a whole long list of embarrassing things they have done, and their stories have Do-Kyung laugh freely.

you stop for dinner, and Do-Kyung pours himself a drink once. Hae-young tried some aegyo on him and is shot, hee, and Grill reminds Do-Kyung this awkward dinner with her parents. was Hae-jung embarrassed, but Do-Kyung it reminds more tender, because her mother had put a piece of meat on his rice.

There is a very motherly gesture, and he was touched, does not have a very loving mother herself. anytime meat to put Hae-young promise on his rice, and its disk starts filling with grilled oysters.

Do-Kyung they watched for a while to feel loved their determination smiling at him. Suddenly he jumps up, turns her chair around with her in it, and planted a big old kiss on her. They made do like teenagers for quite a long time, do not worry about whether someone sees.

Jin-sang stops to say hello to Soo-Kyung, when she goes home, his fancy new suit showing off. He does a little dance, and they can not stop staring at his prey, and is struggling to shake off its fascination. So Soo-Kyung to cringe He boogies off to a party at her newfound attraction.

She runs in the neighborhood ladies who go after dark young women home, and deters them in for them to go home once. Ha, they look more afraid of her as a potential attacker.

it invites in for juice, they sit and drink order, whether they want to or not. Out of nowhere, she asks how many men have you slept with each, and gives them to shy that at forty-four, she has only slept with two and a half men. A half ??

My problem is that as soon as she's sleeping with a man, she falls in love with him. And now she's slept with Jin-sang, and she feels threatened destruction on them, hee. She rants that of course only makes sense to have a relationship with someone who has been sleeping, but why is that womanizer Jin-sang his needs? In a fit of rage, chasing the neighborhood ladies out of the window.

go Hoon and drink An-na, where we learn that Hoon and Do-Kyung are actually stepbrothers. You'd met when Hoon was six years old and his father had married Do-Kyung mother, and he had followed Do-Kyung about a week to do-Kyung told him to go back home. And now they still live in the same house.

Hoon decides that he with An-na, to live safely, will agree that the messages do Do-Kyung angry and look forward. But An-na says that now that they know they are not related by blood, she thinks, Do-Kyung is likely to react so strongly, because he really does love Hoon.

Apparently Drinking rotates Do-Kyung in a huge Cuddlebear and Hae-jung starts thinking about a beautiful cozy motel room to entertain. But he's been called a driver, argues Hae-Young that a room would be much cheaper than a trip back to Seoul. She is amazed that he does not think along the same lines as it is for such a romantic day (not to mention all the kissing), but he missed completely their point.

looks Hae-young as they could kill the driver with their brain, when he overheard her complaints about the cost and offers a deep discount. Dude, you're not helping! Unwilling to admit that she really just wants a chance to jump Do-Kyung bone, she is forced to make the journey back to the city.

She sees eye -daggers at Do-Kyung on the way back, and he says that women do not in any case should sleep in motels prove that he knew exactly what she wanted. But when the Lord he is, he says that he first wants to be in a nice place. Next time.

The appeased Hae-young, and she snuggles with Do-Kyung and both nod off to sleep. He wakes up in the morning, back to the city, and smiles Hae-young to see his head in his lap still in a deep sleep. He pushes her hair gently behind her ear, and protects the eyes from the early morning sun with his hand.

he thinks: "Let's go Let's go all the way.."


First of all, I just love that the show allows its characters to be real people who think and talk about sex as if it is a natural part of life, not something shameful. I love how open Hae-young is about the desire to sleep with Do-Kyung (because if it was all coy, we would not buy it anyway - you seen the type ??) and that he apparently she wants to, but he wants to be her first time something special. Your Kisses reflect their natural chemistry and attraction, and then, surprise, surprise, they actually speak about it! Seeing they have an open, frank discussion of today want to, and plans as actual responsible adult is very refreshing. I just wanted to get that out of the way.

This theory that Do-Kyung dies and seeing his life, before his eyes has flashing definitely struck me (and many of you, I know), but I admit, but I was for pretty much everything of hope. If this be the truth, it turns out - and I'm going to go with him to be true to the history tells us otherwise - I suppose there is hope that Do-Kyung just die and not dead , and that he can still be saved. I think that Do-Kyung slowly learn that the visions are not necessarily immutable fact and his attitude toward them changed this. At first he saw only passively pass it, and it seems now actively doing things to make it happen. In the last episode he watched was clear for the moment when he had seen Hae-jung kiss, and there were a few times when he shows watched, when she had blood on her lip, knowing that they would, when they finally kissed. He looked really disappointed when he would see it, there was no blood, but when they fought and he saw it, finally, it was like the signal he had to do, finally, to do for ages what he was missing.

So now that Do-Kyung starts to anticipate his vision, then it is my wish that he still goes a step further and find a way to actually events change before they happen. Maybe he can even go as far as his accident to stop from happening. At least, it is possible that he has enough time to avert disaster, and while he may not be able to avoid his accident all he could do something to mitigate the severity of what will happen with him. I wish Art in the wind here, but I'm really just desperate someone find a way to save his life, and only with us to be in the middle of the show I hope it's enough time for that to happen. I hope that the key to all this is in the blood pattern on his face, which in any case exactly on his father's face, the same as the blood saw pattern when he fell this cliff. There is a link here if I have to find out, not all can. But what ever it is, I feel as if Do-Kyung to solve the puzzle, he can change his own destiny.

Speaking of which, it is no wonder that Do-Kyung so reluctant to talk about his father's death. Apart from being a parental figure he could count on the love and security, as his father had died when extremely traumatizing to such a young child. It shows us that he was a very emotionally strong and determined boy from the start, as he saw his father's need for help and only did what had to be done without hysterics. Although he did not save his father's life in a position to do-Kyung was a pure hero, and it explains a lot about why he believes he is the stoic, strong in the family must be now. He's a natural caretaker and an old soul, and no doubt when his father died believed the head of the family had to be, given how unreliable his mother was even then. It is no wonder that he has a hard time let go, and by being guided by his emotions, especially the one time he did, it is possible go to him in the most painful way backwards. It is nothing less than a miracle that he is able now Hae-jung to open.

to get the problem that I do return, they will sooner rather to pursue both as later that Do-Kyung has not yet said Hae-young to and about his role in Tae-jin incarceration their subsequent exit. I believe that he made a terrible mistake, but it came from an unfortunate misunderstanding, and I think he regretted it long before he ever met our Hae-young. He only intended to confuse some financed by Tae-jin, never Do-Kyung aim was to ruin his life. But no matter how it was meant, the truth is that he has only now Hae-young, because he managed to break their upcoming marriage, and she will be heartbroken when she learns the truth. With everything Do-Kyung's going on, do not blame him, I. Not for taking on luck as he can, but that is no excuse for keeping Hae-jung in the dark

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tags: Episode 10, Eric, in Jeon Hye-bin, Oh Hae-jung again Seo Hyun-jin

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