Recap And Reviews Kdrama Joseon Gunman: Episode 5

Recap and reviews korean drama Joseon Gunman: Episode 5 -

Gah, nobody beats Lee Jun-ki for expressive eyes. The painnnn, you can easily view his feel it through.

This is an episode that a good bit of setup ground covered, because we begin anew, as our hero continues his revenge mission in motion. I am grateful that the show has so despite always done a convincing job of setting up his original conflict, because by a little exposure, I did not feel that the story slows down or make me wait, I was for on pins and needles Make the payment. This is one aspect of the show that my belief in the drama as a whole buoys because investing regardless of the specifics of the plot, I'm so in the central conflict that I will be on board this train by the end. Yoon-kang or bust


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The mysterious (not-quite-a) stranger at the port in time comes a stop brewing fight with some strategic shots, scattering the Send ruffians. Soo-in is from Ho Kyung, who warns that it too dangerous here as traders Choi Won-shin narrowed his eyes. the new arrival looks familiar ... [1945009weggezogen]

Yoon-kang as Hasegawa Hanjo, the right hand to an important businessman, Yamamoto. so is the Chois has invented the way smooth with Hanjo to need to score the big thing again. Yoon-kang puts his gun with one swing away and a grin, and he on the pier he comes in Japanese disdainfully throws out: "I Joseon still see the sword is used."

Choi Won-shin Raises his suspicions when he takes a meeting with Yoon-kang entourage, to play the part of caring supplicant. Yoon-kang has a right hand of his own (two, in fact), and one of them, Sang -chu ( Choi Jae-hwan ) is, Joseon born and acts as an interpreter, although Yoon- kang in fluent Korean indicates that he is on his own just fine. Sang-chu points out that her boyfriend Kanemaru ( Otani Ryohei ) to the translation only needs to be reminded that Kanemaru is not in charge here.

to be

Yoon-kang in this type surprisingly rude Meeting, which holds the Chois on their toes, as they do their best to appease. He gasps for Choi to sum up to, interrupts his jokes and ridicules Choi for information about his arrival bribed someone. It is not just trade proposal down flat, he does so with an acute insult ". One who never wears kickbacks good products used"

so Yoon-kang and his entourage momentum out of the room so that the Chois braising. It is quite enjoyable because we know he works a different agenda, although this Hanjo guy the worst is somehow taken at face value. Interestingly, Hye-won observations, how rude Hanjo was even when they seem to be fascinated by him.

Soo-in on their mission continues that bring special items that came today. Her maid Jan-yi tried to warn them away from the rough amount of the harbor, but Soo-in is determined and Ho Kyung only numbers they will get this with quickly.

Soo-in makes the purchase of photographic equipment, a few minutes prior to loading is searched by officials. The camera can be harmless, but also deals in Store Keep gunpowder, and our guys do not want to get caught up in the chaos.

The officials overloaded with swords drawn, and explodes into a fight between the dealers finds Ho Kyung an opening for them to escape. Soo-in packs her purchase and follows him.

In her haste, Soo-in stumbles right into Yoon-kang the road and goes down tumbling. He barks furiously to see in front of her, but her attention is fixed on the event that they are dropped. There is no time to pick up their camera, and it is entrained during casting looks back on their lost buying.

Yoon-kang is stunned to see her, and quickly turns away when looking short of Soo-in to his face flits on. You only get a quick look, but it is enough to ask to get her mind.

to take the part of the arrogant merchant to handle actors, Yoon-kang complains about another boat in the city, Choi Won is the possibility to propose an alternative -shin. He has his own horses for Hanjo (to take the less comfortable boat itself) to keep sharp the use of his apartment for their stay open trade talks.

Yoon-kang asks his companions for their opinion, and the principles Kanemaru states that it is not appropriate to receive gifts and favors. Yoon-kang "translated" his protests as acceptance of the Agreement, adding requests for alcohol and women for good measure, and Kanemaru is none the wiser as womanizing Zecher painted. Choi Won-shin is, now, happy to help.

Soo-in is steamed all the way home, and Ho Kyung assumes that she is bummed about their camera. Soo-in stated that it is not the equipment that they but the man she saw looked like Yoon-kang plagues. The mention of his name brings an immediate look of concern to Ho Kyung face while Jan-yi sighs: "You were so long in order, but you now start all over again."

Soo-in assures them that she died Yoon-kang knows. But this man looked so much like him ... She decides she has to meet him, and maybe they are her camera back into the process. Ho Kyung only sees her with a pained expression.

Choi Won-shin houses a drinking session that night, where Yoon-kang strong with his gisaeng companion flirts to ease the discomfort of pretty much everyone. When he starts, their top untie then and there, Hye-won can no longer remain silent and orders the women to leave, say Yoon-kang chilly, that they want to do business with people, not mannerless animals. If they want to continue their discussions, had behaved Hanjo best start.

Yoon-kang insulting actions to their censure, and when she offers them gibang a sending instead he gets up and explains its connection to their trade association about. His group will leave with their bags, and his scornful persona falls true to disclose including when he growls, "Uppity bastards."

Choi Won-shin does not remain quiet throughout the exchange despite significantly agree with the two Hanjo of uncouth manners and Hye-won righteous outburst. After the guests have gone, he blames gently Hye-won and said that a merchant must keep his pride in check until the transaction is complete. Hye-won apologized, and her father, he says to find another way. Then musing Choi that Hanjo looks familiar, but shakes his fleeting suspicion as unfounded.

Yoon-kang pulls at an inn, where it falls to Hanjo act giggle with Sang-chu, who congratulated him on his return to Joseon and asks why he acted in this way with the merchants. Was not his goal that the trade organization, no matter what to infiltrate?

Yoon-kang has a plan, however, and says that the traders come back. You need this agreement with the Japanese, it is only give them a bit of a runaround.

We flash back three years ago, after his rescue and subsequent trip to Japan. He had died instantly set was home when returning, but it was had his rescuer Kim Ok-kyun, the to take away his time persuaded. receive him like a dog would immediately only hunted return; he must ensure that he can win the fight before headlong jump into it. And so, Kim Ok-Kyun had commissioned him to find a way for him before to be back home successfully.

The next day, Yoon-kang of heads with Sang -chu, disguised as a peddler. He puts Sang-chu, to figure out the task, why his father was framed, then heads to Soo-in at home. He ducks out of sight when she and Jan-yi of one day operations of surfing and watches come with an intense look in his eyes.


Soo-in spent another day hauling operations in dissatisfaction (and the clientele by complaining about the Krämer underhanded tactics for passing off goods as less valuable driven). They run in Ho-Kyung on the way of asking about the Japanese man for her, offers. When she tells him that he need not bother about their concerns, Ho Kyung says it would be his pleasure.

His manner is so swoonworthy that Jan-yi to Soo-in gushes assuming that they precede marriage. Soo-in protest that they are not in this type of relationship, and change the subject, to find with the intention to buy another camera.

Jan-yi asks if her aside nothing of the camera interesting because they are fully used in the world and new ideas of interest. But Soo-in has now become jaded and says flatly that everything is useless, and that too at opening Joseon to the outside world, the status quo has remained. Anyone who had been dreaming of the revolution has died in vain, says she Teacher Hyun Bin, Scholar Oh Kyung, Park Jin-Han ... and Yoon-kang.

"What has changed?" She asks bitterly. "I will not do it again. I have everything now forget the young man and Yeon-ha, everything."

Oof. to eavesdrop Heavy words for Yoon-kang. He drags himself back to his room and takes the broken compass he was still carries. He remembers Soo-in words the last time they saw each other, when she asked would stay him alive and promised they would not back a part when they reunited

Sang-chu returns with a guide. The name Son Taek-soo. This is the man who "discovered" that a traitor was Park Jin-Han which was really Choi Won-shin mole. He has to be retired since of a soldier and lives in luxury and interestingly, Sang-chu has noticed a strange figure lurking Son Taek-soo, a police officer.

Aw, it's best friend Jung-hoon? We cut beside him as he is mulling over the facts: He is sure that Son Taek-soo for someone working greater. Ha, it is during working hours by the new prisoner drink gets chief officer is Moon, who was Dad second-in-command of the newly appointed in the police station.

officer moon stated that King Gojong called him back to the city secretly open the gunman again. He has an officer responsible moon, which in turn has decided that Jung-Hoon working with him, is the only police officer was participating prior to the examination of three years.

Hilarious, but Jung-hoon has no stomach for hazardous work and protests that he was involved only for the reward. Officer moon is unimpressed and told him that he already told the king that they would work together is Jung-hoon mean to disobey the order of the king? Gulp.

officer moon meets Gojong to report its latest findings, and we are now getting an official name for the Society of Sugu followers of Lord Kim out that calls itself Suhogye. Officer moon has identified involved in the organization of the main players, but now he must find evidence of their actions. His first step is after the Mole Son Taek-soo.

That night, Yoon-kang still attracts another person as he takes his gun and arms with ammunition. He comes outside Son Taek-soo home just one step behind Jung-hoon, lurking outside, went to an all-night stakeout. I am glad that Yoon-kang has a buddy in the police, but they sorta wondering how he got so high because, as it is inattentive; Yoon-kang jumps easily over the wall right behind him.

Shortly thereafter Son Taek-soo wakes up with a start tied to his wife and found gagged. A pistol pressed into the back of his head and Yoon-kang growls a name: Park Jin-Han.

He wants to know who ordered framed Park, who shot the gun that the plot of the masterminds, everything. "The second you say you do not know," he warns, "you die."

He gives it to the count of three, and son starts bubbling, spilling everything will kill him and his family. He swears that all he did was to follow orders and asks for mercy. Yoon-kang counts to three and Son Taek-soo braces for death ... but the shot is not

Instead Yoon-kang tells him a message to his boss to mediate. Meet him died in two weeks at the place where the Park Jin-Han. If this man does not come, then dies son.

Jung-hoon, a look at Yoon-kang begins when he leaves the property, and makes a clumsy job chase through the neighborhood to give. He finally stops him at swordpoint in the street, but Yoon-kang knocks him pretty easily, then props him through a gate and smiles his old buddy to see. Then it goes into the night.

The Queen tells the King that it is pointless now to revive the investigation again, since all tracks are gone. Gojong replies, while the perpetrators are still alive, the notes exist, added that Park Jin-Han died because of him. Because of him, he must continue to fight.

Soo-in the Father is an official State interpreters, and it attracts the attention of Suhogye members constantly at the side of the king to be. You suspect that this meeting is a cover for the king something secretly plotting could be, and that interpreter Jung can more of a co-conspirator as mere interpreters, because his support of Kaehwa scholars in the past. Once again the ministers are antsy to act immediately, but Mr. Kim holds her back rash action, saying that they will have to be observed in detail first.

Soo-in mother is furious with the latest merchandise their obsession to worry, and urges her husband to do something about it. Interpreter Jung is much less affected, but say that it is much better to see them and. As closed in her room, that's how they spent most of the following Yoon-kang death

Jung-hoon, an account of his middle stakeout attack officer moon, setting that he has become a destination itself. He offers from the case to remove, but officer moon rejects dry this proposal and Jung-hoon finds tight. He's such a wuss.

Speaking of wimps, Son Taek-soo heads the next day to deliver the message to his boss. Sang-chu tails him.

Choi Won-shin comes from Yoon-kang, to see the displaced on its haughty front to say that he is not interested in further talks. But today Choi's hardass mode and reminds Yoon-kang that he just want to Yamamoto representative-it is to hear him or to bring risk damage to his employer.

"Are you threatening me?" Yoon-kang requirements. "If that's how it sounds to you," Choi Won-shin answers.

Yoon-kang staring at him, looking thoroughly angry and then the laughter suddenly breaks in. He explains that he likes after all, and agrees to chat Choi drinks.

with a much more open mind this time, Yoon-kang launches debate on the proposed deal. He suspects that Choi Won-shin want to buy Japan industrial products produced and distribute them in Joseon, and in turn sell something to Japan. What is the

Choi plan is ambitious: Gold mining. Yoon-kang has the large sums required to pursue the project, but Choi has already started a lot of preparation and promises strong returns. That's why he Yamamoto needs help in financing. And with the advent of explosives, it can accelerate the process by favor of firepower ditching, and has she enlisted the traditional pickaxes an explosives specialist from China.

Yoon-kang a closer look at the details but will deliver its initial approval and the deal is on.

followed by Sang-chu Son Taek-soo through the city, but its presence is detected and son manages to take to surprise attack him. The two men engage in a rather awkward fight that ends badly for Sang-chu, and losing son in the process.

Choi Won-shin returns home in a good mood and said Hye-won, that the meeting with Hanjo went well. She balks at the idea of ​​him back to invite into the house, after the deal is wrapped up, but he warns that they do not seek the only developer in the mining industry, they must be careful to close their contacts to keep.

It is to make a salient point, because only word they get that mining technician did not arrive as scheduled, he was headhunted his promised fee double. It is a big blow.

Yoon-kang disappointed to hear that son Taek-soo escaped, and Sang-chu fears that the bad guys kill him before they get him, he is now a liability you. But Yoon-kang is counter when they kill him, they would give her a chance to find him, the mysterious gunman.

Ho-Kyung has found the Japanese merchant, where to stay, the news for Soo-in promising is that is anxious to recover their camera. They plead for a meeting with Hanjo with Sang-chu, and as Soo-in their case makes Yoon-kang recognize her voice. Stiffening in alarm, he steals a look at it from his room.

Yoon-kang are commands in Japanese, and Sang-chu she turns away. Ho Kyung assures her they can return on another day, but Soo-in notes, an opening when the two cronies to be distracted with other things. Seizing the moment, she darts behind them and give them to race for Hanjo Quartier Yoon-kang hardly avert a moment before throwing his door open.

Yoon-kang keeps his back to her and speaks only in Japanese, while Soo-in explained hurriedly about their camera. fast Sang-chu intervenes and pulls them away, Yoon-kang leaves deal with his turbulent emotions.

Soo-in and Ho-Kyung are more time pushed violently, but you can not get rid of this nagging feeling that only grew with this encounter. "It's like he have something to hide," she says. "Otherwise he would have no reason to avoid me like this." Vowing to find out what he's hiding, and to recover their camera.

Son Taek-soo finds Choi Won-shin in his mountain headquarters of his encounter with the stranger to report. The man knew details about Park Jin-han death and introduced a state-of-the-art-gun, which is a fact that certainly arouses interest Chois. He mobilized his two key attackers (the gunmen from before), and we see that Choi maintains a small army of armed men and trained them in the mountains.

The second bomber, Moo-deok, the problem of the care taking sent. Yoon-kang observed him at Son Taek-soo arrive home, where he informs son about that a hiding place was secured to escape temporarily son.

I am skeptical about the existence of a hiding place and it turns out, so is the Son Taek-soo, who is nervous while driving. If he insists on breathing that he says not a word about anything on the gunman, Moo-deok has, it is not the son that they want it-the guy is following him. Ah, so he did, after all, Yoon-kang notice.

But son can see no sign of Yoon-kang and decides this is a trick, and he turns around and goes back to the way he came. Moo-deok grabs his gun and followed.

also Yoon-kang not far behind, so it is not long before Son Taek-soo comes to him riding. See Yoon-kang grab his gun, son turns back around and darts in yet another direction.

Which means that a few seconds later, it's Yoon-kang and mosses deok, who come in the range of face to face, both clutching rifles.

The gunmen react simultaneously spur their horses toward while to raise their weapons at full speed gallop. They aim. They fire.

Both balls land in the arms, non-lethal and Yoon-kang his horse falls. Quick as a flash he whipped around the gun and fires a second shot that spun the gun out of Moo-deok hand. Unarmed, Moo-deok decides to beat a hasty retreat and rides.

Moo-deok comes to Choi Won-shin back at headquarters and reports. He was of the encounter, not thoroughly confused only came the gunmen a clear look at his face, his speed and power was uncanny. He describes it as feeling like Park Jin-Han came with a gun back to life, instead of a sword in his hand. Not words lightly.

Choi Won-shin directs him to take to their trainees and to lay a trap. But before they kill the gunman, make sure to learn his identity and agenda.

Soo-in visits with Hye-won, her thoughts still on her lost camera equipment. She is fascinated rightly by the newfangled technology that allows you to capture images with absolute precision, but I think judging her father is smart, and it seems to have to deal with transfer all their fixations in this one object as a kind of mechanism ,

In any case, Hye-won is with an idea struck and offers her recover to help the camera. Soo-in rejoicing in gratitude and Hye-won asks back for a favor.

Yoon-kang the mining plans with Choi Won-shin reviews that not losing not reveal at the moment of their technicians. You have on the way, he assures Yoon-kang.

When Hye-won escorted Soo-in together, she explains that it is too late she remembered that Soo-in does have experience dealing with explosives. Ohhhhhh. Soo-in protests that her experience is limited, but Hye-won assures her that she is not much today-traders want to have to do prove that they to know their way gunpowder. This is only until they find a new technician.

The ladies come into the meeting, Soo-in with fireworks kit in hand. Yoon-kang she sees first, making his eyes in alarm widening while Soo-in her bow, but the moment she raises her eyes, the rate falls to the ground.

recognizes Yoon-kang at first glance, panting, "Young Master!"


How much do I love all Yoon-kang's Personas? I expected Hanjo from kang Yoon-to be different, we had received for knowing obvious reasons, he is old, he has become blunted more, he works a disguise, but I did not think he would such ass , and it's kind of great. Hanjo itself is terrible, of course, but because we know that he is fully justified in his treatment of his father's murderer, it gives me special kind of satisfaction to see Choi backward to please him stooping. I imagine that's what may feel waiter if they spit in the food of a customer particularly nightmarish. Choi might not know why he is being treated in this way to be, but that does not prevent me from enjoying it

There is also is a chance to shine Hye-won, because they always seemed to have a strong to be, decent person with a solid sense of justice. I find her interactions with her father telling and revealing, and would even go so far as to say that Choi Won-shin relationship with Hye-won mitigates my opinion of him as a cold-blooded killer and lackeys. It is through his connection with her that he was not quite as bad seems that says a lot about them.

It makes Hye-won interesting in a different way than Soo-in, though I would not paint it as better worse dichotomy. In fact, I like this jaded Soo-in more, because while they admirably bright eyed idealism, it is was quite naive, and now that they know the world as it is, it has a more rounded perspective. It does not mean that she has lost her miracle in modern things, but it gives her more complexity, and that is something they must compensate Yoon Kang of transformations it would not have a side, remain protected, while the other page dimension develops and depth.

I had fully expected the reunion come much later, with many angsty near misses, so I'm glad that they have come face, so fast. I'm sure Hanjo will deny it until the cows come home, as a hero-in-disguise always do, and you know, that narrative tension something I have always deeply pleasing so find him. But even if this is not quite your thing, it is worth to give Soo-in the ability to respond to it that is revealed in their own way. (And if that comes with more scenes of Lee Jun-ki soulfully rigid with pain in his eyes, I take that as well. What can I say, it's a good kind of pain.)

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Tags: featured, Joseon Gunman, Lee Jun-ki, Nam Sang-mi

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