Recap And Reviews Kdrama Fated To Love You: Episode 13

Recap and reviews korean drama Fated To Love You: Episode 13 -

Thank you, the drama sky that this episode filled with such sweet moments that I could get a cavity from the sugar overload. But as each cavity, these saccharine moments are paired with some emotional beats that to remind us all too recent pain. At least I'm not the only person longing for sweet things in this hour, as we see Gun jump through all kinds of tires to be at least in the vicinity of a gem of a woman who is returned as even brighter star in his Sky.

If you can believe it, Fated to love you saved first place with 11.5%. Joseon Gunman hit 11.1% and It's okay, it's love came to 9.8% in.


Ailee - "잠시 안녕 처럼 (Goodbye My Love)" from the OST [ Download ]

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We open with a man in a bubble filled bath tub relaxing, and he takes a baby in his later give hands. the infant a kiss, the man (Cameo of Park Joon-hyung of God) delivers his lines over the body shampoo and sends another message to the camera.

of Director sectional calls enveloped the shoot commercial to ignore Yong weak protests to get better take Just then, someone snapped her fingers and a familiar voice calls out. "they keep it." it is Gun, strolling into the crowd, along the rapp song "to my mother." (Another meta moment. Jang Hyuk also appeared in the music video)

Gun takes it upon himself to teach the celebrity how to keep the child properly so that it feels comfortable in his arms. Ha, I am reminded of the time, Gun acted as midwife and knew all the things about birth. Did he held with pre- and postnatal care in the last three years?

Gun arises Park Joon-hyung before they call orders on the set, all. With a hearty laugh and wide smile When he down the stairs with Manager Tak meets, he assured him that he never denounce any kind of contract in the past three years is threatened, let alone completed.

We are also a familiar reintroduction to Mi given -Young: running with coffee in both hands in a building, are in the gallery exhibition preparations underway. Daniel production monitored, and if an employee a certain painting Recalls (entitled "le soupir" or "Miss / Lives" from the Korean) shows a child gesturing a snail with his hands, he says the artist probably treasures of the most.

Daniel suppressed a smile when the staff asks curiously, when the artist, Ellie Kim is coming, fixed his eyes on Mi-young. It is sweet, as Mi-young to offer a drink to everyone, including the doorman ajumma before it is introduced as an artist in question and the star of the show.

Gun meets with Doctor Moon in the hospital, and notes how the doc is one of the people he sees these days most often. It seems more like his devil-may-care attitude about his health is a front repel all else worry, though still looking forward to hearing his latest test results hears clean again.

Immediately it seems like his genetic disease lies dormant, and Gun will need to ensure that no trigger is set to be off. He also adopted a realistic perspective on death, but it is slightly annoyed that he should have a special someone in his life.

Speaking, grandmother Wang is busy look at Lee Manor suitors for gun over. HA, are those all pictures of Jang Nara? That. Is. Brilliant. But instead of a prestigious background, grandma is more interested in someone who has pride in its roots and puts others before

Ji-yeon, who is this selection responsible, airily remarked. "What if you just returned Mi-young?" Heh. Granny Wang says they're not perhaps for someone so perfect could as Mi-young hope. Aww, I love that she really adored her granddaughter-in-law. And while she cherishes the notion of sending Gun on a romantic trip overseas, steals Mama Yong of the portfolios of the candidates.

In the car, Daniel puts out his hand, the Mi-young accepts. Are you two an item now? This only takes a few seconds though, as Daniel said, the attention is paid to the road. With his hand like a microphone, he interviews Mi-young, how it feels to Korea return.

She says she thought that much would change, but it feels like not much has. Daniel takes jokingly offense that, say that he is now on their side. Do you now split his friend-zone and extended neighborhood oppa?

Gun takes Se-ra by one of her students performances. Suffice it to say, she is a teacher now, and Gun laughing happily on the hill of gifts from their own fan clubs. He asks if they leave regrets ballet, but she seems pretty happy, and if anything, they seem to be on friendly terms.

He likes to help her a fix necklace given to her by her fans, and of course, this is the moment, Daniel and Mi-jung at the same restaurant arrive , Mi-young the only one the other Duo spots, although the sight is enough to distract them about working in Korea during their meeting.

Both Daniel and Mi-young are surprised when they are asked about future plans for marriage, although Daniel says he gives hints about his feelings towards Mi-young's been. I do not think a three-second hand-holding really counts, but Imma take a bone anyway.

When Gun drops Se-ra, giving her this weekend to hang rejects invite citing personal business. They tease each other on their (absent) love life: He says they have the door can pick her up today lining out with the men; she says that he must have forgotten the basics in dating.

Mom closes business in their small restaurant and sends the rest of the family at home. It keeps a watchful eye on the clock when she something to eat for a special kind of regular crops: Gun. Has he kept with mom all those years in contact? I am both moved and in tears - it in this drama verse been years have, but the pain still feels so fresh

makes a fuss about how he visited so often, even if they love what he does. and Gun asks if Mom sneak into meds in food. They bicker back and forth like a real mother and son while he eats, and he says Mom (which he calls "Lady salad wrap" affectionately) that she looks a decade younger.

It is sweet and heartbreaking as Gun stays outside, as long as he can, until Mama finally chasing him out. He keeps to offer home, only to refuse to drive for mom, and it is only when he finally does not it leaves not sigh, as he did not ask her the burning questions in his head.

But her frown turns into happy surprise as Mi-jung with Daniel appears around the corner moments later. Mother and daughter share a happy reunion, and the trio heads home together. Which means that if Gun doubled back his gift for mom to drop off, he finds the restaurant closed.

Mi-Young family in reverence at home is over, is as sophisticated and successful Mi-young today, although she downplayed a relationship with Daniel. President Park kills the mood by how Gun lost seriously with Mi-jung with his chance, and Mom flusters short when Daniel as "mother".

Gun comes home to a spread of the marriage candidates that it looks like a snail noticed collection. He smiles Omas threatening letter to hurry and get married, and then runs in his man cave where ... he all children's products is maintained.

Apparently Gun has with Mi-young success kept as an artist, smiling on her upcoming gallery exhibition program. "Our snails are really great," he says. "Keddong-ah, Mom really cool, is not it?" Is it just me or are the tears building in his eyes?

refuses Too Grandma displeasure Gun on any of seon (blind dates with the intention of marriage) to go, then turns to his half-brother Yong to hurry and get married. Pfft, it tears that he cries Yong "Dragon".

Mama Yong on jumps, the best of this offhand remark in their meeting with the Lee clan head elder, because while Gun won over shareholders by throwing himself into his work, Yong was able to establish by marry and produce an heir.

Gun checked in his hotel for a business trip and is not to be satisfied in another room when he, because another guest in checked already specifically planned , Hilariously, he has said that he will stay in Room 09 not Room 06 ... because there stay the Mi-young.

Staring blankly at the number she sighs: "Why must it be rooms in 06?" it checks whether the last digit is movable. Hahaha.

And as luck would have it the coincidence Gun room happened to be just right down the hall. I'll laugh when the "9" denote swing directions.

After the gallery opening, Mi-young sitting with a couple of reporters for an interview down. She hopes her work makes joy and happiness to women who are injured, and press a happy, self-confident woman receiving love. It makes a slight mention of a painful time in her life, and as someone encourages them to pursue art that the emotional pain to heal. Finally she laughs the question about her personal love life.

Meanwhile Gun has made his own Gollum / Smeagol crisis in his hotel room, discussing whether he should go to Mi-Young-gallery exhibition or not. Gollum Gun: "Can I really?" Smeagol Gun: "Why can not we, it is only a cultural experience?" It's funny how Gun anxiety builds with every second:

Gollum Gun: ". But what if we cross paths have a plan?"
Smeagol Gun: "I'm Gun you think that I go without one. ? would you listen to, you fool. "
Gollum Gun: " Right, you're Gun What you gonna do Tell me, "
Smeagol Gun:.! "As you know, we meet and exchange greetings course." It's been a while "," good to see you, '' you have been good? ''
Gollum Gun: "Is that it? Is that really "
Smeagol Gun: "? Then I say: I came to see the images "

After all the rifle again decides upside Seoul, picked up his suitcase, but then we see him linger outside Mi-Young anyway!. Art exhibition. Then Gun Eyes courage and throws on a pair of shades before he sneaks and staggers towards the door.

Ha, I'm glad to see that Gun spy moves better over the years, though they are still ridiculous and obvious and crowned with Inspector gadget soundtrack. His jealousy pettiness has not changed, because when he sent a floral arrangement by Daniel sees, he calls promptly in an even greater order. As the biggest.

Gun literally to pay for the flowers swings (one line reads "your number 1 fan forever"), then sets the mammoth assembly next Daniels. LOL.

Gun sneaks the gallery is doing his best to remain unseen down (seen it completely out). He sees Mi-young next to Daniel and mutters to himself that while he appreciated Daniels watched Mi-young in France, Daniel better remain as a friendly oppa and nothing more.

He sighs, then acts as a bodyguard to Mi-young works, people chase them away if they so much as touching the canvas. It prides itself as the first person recognized for their artistic talents Mi-young, then dropped his eyes to the "le soupir" painting.

hearing that the artist values ​​this work most, Gun realized the similarities between this portrait and the Keddongie cup. He expresses his interest to buy the painting immediately.

After Mi-young returns to the gallery with her whole family in tow, she is surprised and devastated their valuable paintings see sold so quickly. Daniel assures her that he will seek in the buyer and try to cancel the sale, but Mi-young insists to talk to this person.

So Mi-young calls the contact number later in the evening, and Gun fast a female voice takes (he a woman, left the name behind) and hangs up before she can get a word in. They continue the conversation via text, in the Mi-young expressed their gratitude and apologies cancel was selling.

She says that the work is never to be sold, responds to the Gun that he in fact to which he likes to buy. It provides it with another painting exchange, and he does not respond with a little. He directs them trying to talk on the phone about it, and she says she'll wait down at the bar to meet in person. He says he will be later in contact.

Thus, both Mi-young and Gun leave their hotel rooms at amazing times for their schedules this evening.

Back in Seoul, Yong is on a blind date, which seeks the opportunity to hear that he was able to walk one day Jangin Chemicals. Asks you what kind of woman he wants to marry, and Yong replied: "A woman who is small and weak, but makes me want to leave them a woman whose soft heart you can see, even if their bright. eyes are hidden behind round glasses. A woman who made me cry inside makes even her whisper. "Pfffft, talk Mi-young?

However, the one who hears this is a very excited Ji-Yeon, who marched the duo up. Since the temptation of woman OST plays in the background, Yong tells her not to make a scene because this family is at stake. Ji-yeon says it does not matter, because she is in love with him crazy. Ji-yeon runs away, so Yong with physical emotional pain. Haha.

Gun is seen with her staff at the bottom of the time Mi-young-sharing congratulatory drinks champagne. He jumps unseen to stay, jump out only to return when they gather for Mi-Jung and Daniel share a Love shot in an egg-shaped chair.

He all but there and then breaks when they do, but then moments later trips and falls flat on his face. I like to be a little, that this hour is devoted to Gun a bumbling fool and pining to Mi-young.

Gun make derogatory remarks to see Daniel stick remains near the bar but so close by Mi-young page. He noted that it is not more glasses and takes a moment carries in her pretty face staring. Aw.

He chokes on his drink at almost overheard the question of Daniel and Mi-Young's marriage plans. Mi-young are a non-binding response, and Gun turns to his neighbors, all, What is to be so bad at single and alone?

He is on the issue worked up about their first kiss he unwittingly attracts attention by banging a glass, then playing in the moment when drunken ramblings of a Chinese guest aloud to introduce as Jang Hyuk. HAHAHA.

But Mi-Jung and Daniel have not yet had their first kiss, as Daniel suggests that they do it here and now. He claims to be about serious and takes her hand, despite Mi-Young attempts to laugh the matter. So Daniel pulls Mi-jung toward him, leaning slowly in a passionate kiss as Gun at the bar freaks out.

But of course Gun imagination has run away with him again, because he watches to see at the bar, Daniel, instead whispering something in her ear. "Did you think I would have like this first kiss in one place? For whose benefit?" He asks teasingly.

Gun sends hastily text to Mi-jung to discuss the painting that the trick to pull off. So Mi-young waits for the Park, every woman, to stop hoping, that's who she is looking for. Not too far away, Gun sits on a bench.

He asks if she's here, she says yes. (Omg, you have a gun store already on your phone, such as "Sweet ♥ Peng-ie?") He apologizes that he will not be able to cater for all. Mi-young answers that it is as bad as the health of their meeting trumps and hopes that they can stay in touch. Still the same ol 'considerate Mi-young.

And now we see Gun sit next to Mi-young, vocalizing loudly their text talk. He asks what is so special that Mi-young with the painting, no, she would appreciate an artist so. It holds real meaning for them and is their first picture, but more importantly, the painting is like her family and other self. "Family? Other Self", he repeats

micro- young .:
Gun "In all my life, it's my brightest, precious, and a gem of a memory I can not ever want to forget?": :. "is not the Get your brightest and precious moment in your life "
Mi-young: ". well, well ... but it pales in comparison to this store "

Mi-young begins to wonder why they blathering to a customer is at this moment. When they held a look at their surroundings, Gun is gone.

Gun reflects on words Mi-Young, while shots of soju Downing. He babbles drunk in awe as Mi-young to manage their time positively would think together while all believed he hurt them.

Back in her room, Mi-young to take out the Keddongie magazine and interrupted by a loud knocking and kicking to enter her room. As expected, it is Gun roaring say at the door, that he always remains in this area, not to be able to why is not his keycard.

He keeps banging on the door, so Mi-young calls down to the front desk about the disorder. You inch toward the door carefully and grabs a heel for the defense to use, while Gun screaming drunk "Open sesame!" From the other side of the door.

These cries soon turn into the "Open dalpeng-ah!" But mi-jung is to focus on bracing to hear properly. She opens the door and falls in Gun in his arms before they both fall to the ground.

Both look at each other with surprised expressions and Gun asks why she comes out of be space. Mi-young ". But this is my room" Gun repeated:

COMMENTS [1945078"Butthisismyroom"]

, thank God for robust result for a highly anxious couple episodes last week. I do not know what I have done when we had to go through the hellish emotional wringer some more at this point. I can only say that when it comes to Fated To Love You , the emotional ups had lower lows-there come Gun was in such a positive light, just as perfect [1945012gebaut] , then his fall had quickly and make it as the most terrifying man look the hour to come. Even if that means him speak words meant to hear and see him away to Mi-young act (gee thanks Noble Idiocy-take go your place now) even though he knew him to hurt so much. You are better than all those drama Heroes, and you might just be less been a jerk about Gun, all I'm sayin '.

Even though it was a three-year jump in this timeline drama, it was less than a week for the rest of us to cope with the consequences. Honestly, that made it difficult to laugh at the top of the hour at the much needed comedy, because the scars still felt so fresh to see, to feel this played similar moments of the beginning of the series as the reopening fresh wounds. Although I still wrestle with all these different emotions, I have to show for hand, to find ways to make me laugh anyway. And that is no easy task for a show with a few weeks to air ( Fated 20 episodes).

So, now it's redemption time for Gun when he returns a shot at winning micro- GOTs young. All small those what-could've-been throwaway lines help us determine how he become a still-more improved Gun. He has threatened to terminate any business contract at a whim, mom in their restaurant visits (even if secretly) do not forget, and above all, he has either Mi-young or Keddongie. I'd worried about the last piece the most, because I wondered, had as much Gun was affected by the loss. And if there ever was a moment that assures us that Keddongie loss hurts him still, it was as if he was moved by the painting, which I would assume was Keddongie, and bought it then.

Because Gun and Mi-young-separation was so painful, there were times I took to see kind of sadistic pleasure, how hard Gun worked in this hour Mi-jung calm, even if they never knew that he would, (see also: Giant flower arrangement). He went through the mental gymnastics to build that moment when they would meet again, that I find it borderline funny that cause these thoughts would be to him a drunken mess when he ran in Mi-young again. Not all the better or impressive way to meet her again, I can imagine.

It's nice to see that gun and Se-ra were able to remain friends (and the Se-ra moved with her career as well), though the bigger question mark is what between Daniel and Mi-young's going on. It is clear that Daniel still has feelings for her and that Mi-young, white to appreciate his company .... but the whole issue of marriage has gone only her skirt. C'mon Daniel - had you three years with Mi-young in Paris of all places, and you still could not sweep her off her feet?

And speaking of Mi-young, I love the fact that to love in their flowering successful career, she is still the same sweet spirit we came in the first place. She's still considerate of others and thoughtful, and even after such a great emotional pain, it can with gun on their time to look back as a bright and precious memory. So while their reunion may not be what either expected of them, sometimes people need a little magic to bring them back together. What happens after that, up to them is' cause sometimes people just need to make their own destiny.

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tags: Choi Jin-Hyuk, Fated to Love you, in Jang Hyuk Jang Nara

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