Recap And Reviews Kdrama Joseon Gunman: Episode 14

Recap and reviews korean drama Joseon Gunman: Episode 14 -

Our hero loses a little of faith, but wins determination and vengeance at the center, the policy of maneuvering aside. Not that politics is not her way not try again to Horn, but our hero is not not-having, if it do more important things to kill people.

It feels like we step into a new phase with this episode, as a sign on new roles and shifting alliances to. Thus, while an extension is not my favorite thing, I can see that we have mines not worry much more history that we'll run here from history.


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Yoon-kang sentenced to death. Minister Kim and Choi Won-shin exchange satisfied looks, pleased outmaneuvered to have Yoon-kang, while Yoon-kang roles.

Gojong closer to caving to looks devastated his enemies, but feel bad about doing the wrong thing is of little consolation to the guy, that is, to lose his head. He is alone in his inner chamber, lost.

in his cell, Yoon-kang above as Choi Won-shin jumps brought in, made his anger by bars impotent keep him . in Choi offers up a bit of advice: an armed man can feel in this fraction of a second, your goal may disappear

at home, Soo-in fighting .. to hold it together when Yeon-ha asks excited when her brother will soon be released and cleared her father name. But it's too much to hide, and she breaks into sobs to Yeon-ha apologetically.

Choi Won-shin Kim Lord bows in gratitude to him for salvation. Mr Kim warned that the next time he will not be as generous-Choi, is expected to kill himself if he fails again. Choi assured him that will not happen. He Pose is meek, but he and Minister Kim exchanged a glance as they are now allies behind the back of the head.

After making the same request to Choi Minister Kim that he had once made of Mr. Kim to consolidate the dealer groups. He promises that buoyancy to use to put all behind Minister Kim his support, with the aim him more powerful than Mr. Kim. Minister Kim does not have enough to do clout everything. Itself, but Choi has a plan in place, assuring him that he would arrange it

That night, Soo-in visits Yoon-kang in prison. She's here to reassure him of Yeon-ha situation, to tell him that she now lives with her family. She adds that she Yeon-ha tomorrow will bring, so they say their last goodbyes. But Yoon-kang shakes his head and tells her not to bring his sister, and not to come up.

Soo-in answers they come: "I will not cry, before-I when I'm doing smile come I'll come to the best of my away to send."

He asks for a promise: "Even without me, do not cry smile, as in the past, and live that way Be as you were when you said you wanted to travel at the end of the sea not at the thought.... hurt me. promise me that you live in this way. "

promises, and they do their best to smile through her tears.

morning comes and is transported as Yoon-kang for his execution, he discovers Soo-in and Yeon-ha on the street. He gives Soo-in a pleading look and she nods in return, as if promising to take care of Yeon-ah.

After leaving the city, the prison entourage traveling on a mountain road when suddenly a flood fly with them the arrows, guard the crackdown. A team of masked bandits invites the guards and engages in a sword fighting their faces are covered, but as far as I can see, they are not familiar numbers. Yoon-kang is as shocked as his captors, but while they are busy the highwayman he fend off the wooden beams on the work to occur on the door until the lock yields.

bound also with his upper body, Yoon-kang puts an impressive fight on, knocking the guards down, trying to stop him. The guide highwayman strikes him, and he is in a strange building to later. HA, is the leading provider officer moon? Way to go, Mr. stick-in-the-mud! Who knew he it to break a rule in him?

officer moon accompanied him outside someone-a someone in nobility robe dressed with a group of scientists in tow to meet. It is ... Gojong? Omo Omo. I thought it might Ho Kyung be, but this is even better, I all the curses officially back I have him (in my head) spin since yesterday. This is also very promising, as our good guys had tied her hands to the rules, while the bad guys were to break them willy-nilly. Time to play the same game.

The king said that he has never once forgot Park Jin-Han and decided countless times clear his name, but found it too difficult. "But I will not stop," says Gojong. "One day I'll make sure to punish them by the laws of this country. And I'm the false allegations put on your late father upset." I find it moving that Gojong not Yoon-kang to look into his eyes as he that all there, but now lifts his gaze as he asks,

but explain to his shock, Yoon-kang "Join me on my way." "I can not do as you wish. at the moment my father's murderer went free and you sentenced me to death, I abandoned all false hope. I liberate all my last hopes for you and this state law. "officer moon as his disrespect is horrified, but Yoon-kang continues ". Kill me here if you do not, I just go for it and-run with my own hands, I will punish them."

officer moon says that if it was so easy thing to resolve this problem by turning in an assassin he , it would have long ago done before Yoon-kang. But he held back, in the interest of Park Jin-Han names.

Yoon-kang asks accusingly what officer moon all this while achieved while retaining to his father. Yoon-kang departure is blocked by the guards, the king calls out. He gives Yoon-kang let go, but asks one thing to remember: "To save you, I risked everything I will do my keeping promises to you I will delete it and continue to fight Park Jin-Han name to recover... If you change your mind, come to me. I'll wait for you. "

Yoon-kang least bows his head to the King this time, but still definitely.

not knowing the plans of this phrase, Soo-in parents worry about Soo-in behavior, it is far more unnerving her calm and composed, to see instead of crying in distress. But she explains Ho Kyung that they had promised to keep Yoon-kang smiling, and it intends to remain strong.

Choi Won-shin pays another visit to Kaehwa official Min Yeong-ik, who tried to distance themselves from Choi. He does not want to be under Choi thumb, but grows increasingly stuck. He tries to deny another bribery, it dirty, but causes the problem is, he's not really on purpose have to be more.

Choi responds that money is not dirty, it is the heart of the people who are and makes his request / threat: Minister Kim will work to consolidate dealer groups. He wants to Min Yeong-ik him agree

(Side note:.!. Ah now I see what they do with the Min Yeong-ik character that I had confused the history knows him to have with the Conservative side, despite early expectations that he would be part of the Enlightenment, and I asked why they would put him in Kaehwa stock in this drama, if he had been historically on the opposite side. But the drama has this offer Statement up why he jumped the sides.)

Choi Won-shin returns to find home, Hye-won it leaving with packed bag. You may be perjured save his life, but they do not even tolerate his choice and tells him not seek to come to her. She plans to continue working in the trade, but says she'll do anything on their own strength, and to prove to her father that his choice was wrong.

Finally, word comes from Yoon-kang escape. The King puts on a pretty good show of indignation to his court, the criminals ask caught to examine during his ministers promise.

It is suspicious, however, and speculate on another Suhogye meeting, our villains that the king must be involved in Yoon-kang breakout. After all, it is too risky and difficult an act without the king's help to pull off, and the members to beat noise for Mr. Kim now and plunge Gojong from the throne.

Mr. Kim says that they still have to wait for their time, as the best way to involve the King recognized initially at Yoon-kang, and wring a confession from him.

Je-mi tries a visitor away, saying that the master of the house has recently passed away, is to have only the visitors Muse "Hm, then it is a not so easy to die." Ah, there is the reappearance of Yoon Kang's savior, Kaehwa scientist Kim Ok-kyun, who just says: ". If he happens to come alive again, tell him that a good friend from Japan was"

Kim Ok-kyun, a figure rotates to see by in one of the buildings ringing and quietly follows in a room where he Yoon-kang elbow the neck finds pressed. Yoon-kang register his teacher's face in shock, and Kim cough at the warm welcome. has

Kim Ok-kyun of the murdered Minister and takes Yoon-kang for stooping to the level of the offender belongs to the task. That's not why Yoon-kang as much return suffered, he says, and reminds him of his teachings. people not with his pistol to kill the bad guys to stop because more will jump only in place. "If the world does not change, everything returns to their seats," says Kim. "I'll have the gun, so you could change things."

Yoon-kang understood his point, but is still eager to continue on its way, now embittered by his dead hopes. He returns to bring his gun to his camp, though he his teachers words not pause to remember

A tumult up there has just to stop him. Choi wonderful shin has arrived to search the premises for the escaped criminals. When he ordered his men are no stone unturned to let Bellows Kanemaru at them to stop, they must inform that this company is now his responsibility. He asks to leave them to the threat added. "If you want to maintain a relationship with Yamamoto" He says in Korean, "From here on, I'm Yamamoto, and I am Hanjo."

Woohoo! Choi withdraws, and sends the Kanemaru other than good. So he is the only one in the room when the cabinet pops open, revealing the secret passage behind, and the steps Yoon-kang, who is impressed with how he handled things.

Kanemaru looks frightened, although he takes it in stride, as Yoon-kang him in the secret room displays. Yoon-kang it excused a secret from him to keep, and Kanemaru admits it is to have been sad not entrusted little with him. Yoon-kang says that he wanted to keep only Kanemaru of harm's way, and asks him to look for the company, and also Sang-chu and Je-mi.

Kanemaru promises, and adds: "The debt I owe you to Kyoto ... I have to pay it back."

Choi decides he'll have to get the track Yeon-ha, who is currently staying with Soo-in, but actually decides the temple back. While her brother is a refugee, their presence here could Soo-in the family threaten, and she insists despite Soo-in protest.

And so, the ladies return to head out for her on the mountain temple, only Choi's already got a man watching her. Sung-gil between and they drowned in the street and easily Soo-in, grabbed Yeon-ha. But out of nowhere, shot fire and hits him in the arm, took him down. Yoon-kang!

He Sung-gil at gunpoint and unmasked his face to confirm that he people Choi, then commands him to take a message back: would come for him, Yoon-kang, sitting so and wait , Choi Won-shin ... do not take this news well.

Yoon-kang-Soo in the role of King tells in his flight, and he declined to yourself to him, this is a fight he himself must end, he says. But Soo-in counter that the thing is to take into their own hands not help Yeon-ha, and urges him to agree to the request king.

Jung-hoon Yoon-kang in his hiding secretly meets and confirmed that this. The work of Mr. Kim and his company Suhogye He warns Yoon-kang not go to Lord Kim shop, which has beefed up security. But Yoon-kang has other plans to Choi take first.

Kim Ok-Kyun pays his respects to the king, and congratulated him have achieved too much, in the years that he was in Japan. But Gojong sighs resignedly, to ask ridiculous done for little to have to make real progress or enlightenment. It is self-pitying, but also confidently.

Kim Ok-Kyun meets with Ho-Kyung on the ongoing projects are completed, how to build their plans for a modern army. Kim he decides Ho Kyung'll put troops in command, saying that it will be useful for the future. Hm, he has firm plans in mind?

Mr. Kim visited Gojong under the pretext of concern and said that the king must be strongly disturbed by criminals on the loose. He urges the king to find him before Yoon-kang the country thrown into chaos, and they dance to the implication that the king of criminals helped the king says that he has no idea who is to blame, and Mr. Kim says that the first person to catch, to find out the truth to him. It's a warning, informing the King, the Lord Kim is on the hunt.

, the scene at Choi Won-shin house, and is recognized That afternoon, Yoon-kang scopes by an official. He cries out for him, and Yoon-kang runs.

Hye-won is their business smarts to good use and withholding goods from the middleman agencies. They stated that they do those who work hard for the acquisition and distribution of goods, but those agents act like their bosses and reap the rewards. It's time to change the system, she says.

has convinced other traders to join them, even though they make so uncomfortable. However, it is confident and urges them to trust her.

When she wraps her session, she sees the excitement unfolding near as Yoon-kang passes with officers on his tail. So when he scrambles to find a hiding place, she drags him into it and looks out until the coast is clear.

Given what has happened, when she saw (while he was in court) the last time, it's no wonder that he turns to walk away, but Hye-won bursts that she is happy , to see him alive. hardens his face when she says she wants to apologize, but she says she does not ask for his forgiveness. "I have just one wanted to put close to the things you are the first person in my life that in I my have cherished heart. Although before terminating began my feelings were true. "

He tells her hard" Apologies and forgiveness are meaningless between us. They chose the Hof your father, and I'm the person to kill one day your father "

asks:". But ... why did you save me then why you were me? nice? Why did you weigh my heart with your warm smile? I'm your enemy daughter colder me should have been. "

he says that he never meant to influence their feelings that a tear demands of their fall eye. "These words are more painful," she says. "I see you never thought a woman to me." Turning away, she asks to let him say that this is their last encounter. "As you will kill my father, I will not hide the next time."

Kim Ok-Kyun pays a visit next interpreter Jung, as it had long been known. He hears of Soo-in interest in modern technology and intelligence and suggests it as an appropriate court lady, as the queen is looking for someone intelligent and progressive.

Soo-in warms to the idea, although her father of her is matters relating to more in court. It strives to be the Queen interlocutor, but for a good cause continue their studies and perhaps do a good job.

Mr. Kim receives the report that Min Yeong-ik working on this dealer consolidation plan ... and curiously enough, is Minister Kim. Mr. Kim realizes what is going on behind his back and ponders in front of him: "The dog I is raised wags its tail on something else." He seems to be along a counterattack stringing, and Hye-won has something to do with it.

Looks like Hye-won streets to protest against middleman seller was too strong, because they retaliate by setting their camp on fire. It is a heavy blow, and worse, the rest of the traders it you are angry to connect convinced. You. In their anger and explain that they must be boycotted from their business She crumpled to the ground in despair.

Choi Won-shin one hears of this and is desperate to go to her, overrides Sung-gil warnings that he can not venture outside with Yoon-kang stalking. Fear is justified as Yoon-kang lurking nearby and watched him leave, but Choi has bigger worries on his mind and comes to the camp to hear that Hye-won to get some air left.

I would say Hye-won of the devastation is only half about their business, because it's Yoon-kang words that are their memories at the top. It plays over and over again, as he told her he never intended for her to fall for him. She comes to the water's edge and go further, go deeper and deeper into the lake, lost only in their fear.

your father comes to see her head submerged just in time, and he races into the water to fetch them.

Back on land, he asks to wake them up and said that he can not live without it. open their eyes slowly, and he asks what happened and why it has weakened. She says dully, "I have lost everything. The love I had felt for sad, and my last pride also."

He urges to be stronger than love and pride "otherwise as a luxury for us. "he tells her that her mother had to go hungry, but did everything to nurse Hye-won, and everything he do watch was able. The same applies to Hye-won-she was raped and beaten and begging to be killed, he could do nothing to stop.

"This is the fate that we were given," he says, his voice full of emotion. "We can not live as others do." He urges to raise his hand and take ", and enter the world with feet."

Hye-won the hand takes. And from afar, Yoon-kang takes this in.

Soo-in goes into the yard and is presented with the Queen, who warmly welcomed. They accompanied to the ceremony the establishment of the new, modern military marker that is commanded by Ho-Kyung.

Yoon-kang, the situation in the country outside Mr Kim's Polls Minister Kim arrival estate and notes. As warned, it is highly protected, and he returns for more strategizing to his hiding place. He can see in and out of Mr. Kim at home from the movement that involved big time hitters in something, and he says Sang-chu, to find out the object of what.

Sang-chu reported that Mr. Kim was the one who ordered burned Hye-won warehouse, and that Choi Won-shin is planning to see him today. This gives Yoon-kang its opening for him to go, and he followed silently as Choi leaves his house. Once they are on the road, he followed open, shoot first guard Choi from his horse, then shoot at Choi and causing him to fall from his horse.

Choi is intact, but now on foot, and runs into the woods. Yoon-kang follows on foot, and their chase ends at the edge of a cliff. Is not that a nice reversal of that earlier meeting if it considers gunpoint Choi Yoon-kang had been.

Choi asks: "Gripping Wait!"

Yoon-kang snarls, and fires in his leg "enemy of my father!". But Choi staggers still erect, and Yoon-kang adds: "enemy of my sister" The next bullet in the arm goes.

"And also my enemy!" he Fires a third shot. She ends up directly in Choi Won-shin chest. Choi staggers and falls over the edge of the cliff, the water beating down. Yoon-kang falls his gun and falls to his knees, but not as it seems in relief. Rage? Frustration? Emptiness?


Yoon-kang actually pulled the trigger for once! You know, I can see the dilemma the drama is in the attempt to keep Yoon-kang relatable while still portraying him as a badass, and it's hard when, in the context of this story that he's a guy to kill, but not to do a lot of killing. Granted, it does not like that we our heroes want to willy-nilly go around to kill, but it is only repeating (not unintentionally funny to mention) when you keep your heroes have his opponent at gunpoint several times, completely about him shoot, really- give me honest-absolutely, just a minute here, dithering over until it loses comfort his chance to kill and then give up the heroic code of drama country a part of his soul.

So I find it interesting that a drama that was reluctant very dark his hero allowed to go to shoot, and furthermore with so many episodes go left. (I am now the ability to ignore Choi Won-shin survive that fall, because we all know that no one is not dead in drama country until his body is buried, and sometimes not even then to be. Point, he shot to kill .) But on a narrative level I appreciate how the author are matched character development, because whether or not Choi lived, it just happens to Hye-won with him confirmed their relationship and struck him. So with or without him, you have the continuation of the conflict through her now, when she both picks up her father jacket in the economy and in thematic relevance.

Speaking of Hye-won, I was really excited what the drama with her in this episode (and all together), of Jeon Hye-bin's beautiful traditions is strengthened of course, are fully worthy of fear. Their struggles felt grounded and real to me, and I can see that their actions are completely true to her character, from the way she saved her father on the way they later distanced himself.

I think it crumbles a bit suddenly, although at least the drama in a statement worked on it a double-whammy of heaping. Or maybe it's more like a triple whammy, shunned by its first her father, is rejected by Yoon-kang, and then to have destroyed their sights their livelihood by Mr Kim. At least after the break with her father she had to do their job, but at the end of the episode, it makes sense that they'd go nowhere feel would. It is the decisive moment for her father in their lives back to step because they like Yoon-kang, actually-is ready, from the ashes of their lost faith to rise to take a new view of the world.

It is not necessarily to the dark side climbed over, because if anything I feel the Chois have to escape with enough shade that easily drawn labels of evil or corrupt. It's more hardscrabble a return to their roots to build nothing but themselves and each other their own lives with confidence. And maybe Yoon-kang a more formidable antagonist see her. At least I hope they will play with this conflict in future.

I liked Yoon-kang The new bitterness in this episode really, as I am with Soo-in on this to want to yell at him to align only been with the king. But of a character and plot summary, it was refreshing to see how to work the harsh realities of the world, and how his faith in the law and justice was ultimately naive and disappointed as such. He was not wrong to think that he could get the bad guys by the law, if he could get enough evidence against them, but now he sees how close was his scope. I want him to learn from it and think bigger, harder, smarter.

But even with his cynical self in this episode, I guess his reaction to the killing (?) Choi Won-shin was no relief or victory, but something much more complicated. Revenge is not as simple as just pull a trigger, as it turns out. Perhaps words of his teacher ringing in his ear: You kill a villain, and keep only rise. With no real change in the world, you only live the same life over and over again. It's like Groundhog Day, only much more depressing

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tags: featured, Joseon Gunman, Lee Jun-ki Nam Sang-mi

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