We have reached the end of Seok-ju travel, even if the end came sooner than we could have hoped. Seok-ju continue the good fight even after the loss of the large case, maturing on the way and strengthen its relationships with friends and family to fight. Seok-ju memory can come back, but whether that happens or not, he has in the person newly forged he wants to be. It is a satisfying and safe end, although many promising storylines that were so gripping halfway to be sacrificed by the show had to meet the time constraints. A New Leaf might have been surprising if it had been at the time enough to bring the same amount of depth to the other characters, was given as to Seok-ju. But it is useless to grieve over what can never be, so I'll try my best to remember what was good sheet, rather than what I hoped it would be. And in retrospect, there are more than enough bright memories. A new leaf, miss you!
The final episode RECAP
Seok-ju doing his best Baekdu Soju to help, but Chairman Jin is not easy. The pictures were just the beginning, because Seok-ju finds out that he also initiated a lawsuit against Goldrich and the Cha Yeong Woo company. This is very bad news for our side, because Chairman Jin has no hard evidence of wrongdoing.
We cut back and forth between Seok-ju team and CEO Cha, alternate a feel for getting furious legal battle by snippets of strategy sessions. The Cha Yeong Woo company goes on the offensive to go, an injunction in Japanese court filing and planning to approach Chairman Jin stepbrother, who could be against the presiding justice in relation to the personal use of misappropriated funds convinced testify.
Chairman Jin is because of his efforts subjected to gain the respect he wanted 10 companies for its top. Seok-ju scrambling to mitigate the damage, recommends that he sell Baekdu Japan. Then word comes in about the firm actions against them in the Japanese courts.
Chairman Jin and Seok-ju meet with a Japanese chairman, to discuss the sale of Baekdu Japan. The Board received an email from Goldrich to let him know about Baekdu Hong Kong stocks in Baekdu Japan, and the imminent seizure application. Seok-ju replies that they own the shares, so that the sale go through yet. The chairman says that he will return to Japan to examine the sale.
When they left their meeting, Seok-ju Chairman Jin says he may have to part with Baekdu Japan for less than he wants. Speed is the most important thing for this sale, which means that he has to prepare may sell for even half the price.
CEO Cha comes with his legal team as Seok-ju and Baekdu Chairman leave, and the former partners in the courtyard square off. Chairman Jin seems to enjoy the excitement and go thanks CEO Cha by we do for the public good work Seok-ju. They leave, and CEO Cha Vice President points out that Seok-ju once represented Goldrich. CEO Cha orders him by Seok-ju computer to dig history, in hopes of finding some evidence that pitfalls in law case Seok-ju can.
Ji-Yoon comes via former employees Baekdu Soju Goldrich actions protested. They were fired all after the company underwent restructuring management, thanks to the deal, the Jin people was conveyed on the golf course and caught on film by Chairman. The ex-employee Ji-Yoon talks says that Chairman Jin is not perfect, but he would not have his staff shot so recklessly when the company was itself healthy.
in his office, Seok-ju complains Sang-tae on Chairman Jin irresponsibility. His unprofessional actions make things difficult for Seok-ju. Sang-tae tells him that a new life begins, is not easy: The old Seok-ju would have not even heard alone Chairman Jin to the small businesses that buy the foreign exchange options, let
Ji -. Yoon joins them, and Sang-tae asks if attorney Lee has been around lately. She did not, and Ji-Yoon says they must be employed. Then thanks Seok-ju for taking this case, as what has happened to the workers is grossly unfair. It reminds her of her father's situation, where his company was also at risk of restructuring, which could lead to collective redundancies.
It's time for the trial to determine whether the seizure application for Baekdu Soju is granted. The opposition defended the management of restructuring, while Seok-ju says that the company that will be dissolved after the sale of Baekdu Japan only a temporary cash flow problem. But Seok-ju of the opponent is prepared for a last minute document from the buyer stating that they have ceased all negotiations with Baekdu until the seizure is clarified question. There will be no sale for the Chairman Jin if he does not win in court.
The next stumbling block, whether or not Chairman Jin should be allowed to retain management rights. He is under investigation for embezzlement that would disprove his contention that he can revive the company again, if only given the chance. Seok-ju counters this with his own accusation that Goldrich abused trust placed in them as a consultant. There is no formal contract their participation shows, however.
Last but not least for this session, the leader of the protesting former employees takes the stand. He delivers a passionate argument that Goldrich was only after profits and put more than a thousand employees by SMS. He says that these workers can keep their jobs if only selling Baekdu Soju is complete, and asks the judge to make a wise decision.
After the trial, the defense team leaves the courtroom hall ~~ POS = HEADCOMP. Seok-ju is to be arrested worried about President Jin, and asks if he knows who would have tipped the other side, that the chairman allegedly used funds for personal reasons.
CEO Cha has to Seok-ju in the past pursued involvement with Goldrich. He did not represent in anything directly relevant to the Baekdu case, but the CEO is not ready yet to do without this advantage. He asks who Seok-ju of the company has hard drive, and is informed that Ji-Yoon it took.
In his office with Ji-Yoon Seok-ju puzzles over Goldrich stock purchases in Baekdu Hong Kong. This particular daughter did no good, so it makes no sense for a prosperous bank like Goldrich to buy them. They bought like stocks in Korea as well, and Seok-ju says that this pattern sounds familiar.
Seok-ju finally to look through the content prepares his hard drive. However, just as he is about to turn on the computer, he gets a call from his father. One of the small business owner committed suicide.
Seok-ju leaves his father to take. The men who apologize that brought the message, in the hope that their bad news not Seok-ju's father worsen condition. Father and son mourn together and Seok-ju admits that he thought no problem, that was about money in the first place would end this way. "Can for the other a question of life and death to be." "What is hope only for some people," Dad serious answers,
Back in his apartment, Seok-ju opens his computer after. In the silence of contemplation He finds a list of files regarding Goldrich stock purchases and they begin looking. Whatever he finds, is clearly of great interest to him.
Seok-ju calls employee Goldrich Hong Kong on the shares to ask that they bought. The man remembers him and said that the person who accompanies him when they met recommended before buying. but Seok-ju curiosity warns him, and after hanging up, he calls to report someone to call. He says he answered general questions, but do not give Seok-ju no special features.
CEO Cha soon hear the call, like Seok-ju was surprisingly obvious to someone. His second-in-command thinks Seok-ju nothing more concrete than an intuition must have, otherwise he would not have called. CEO Cha says Seok-ju has caught, however, and that they need to push arrest as soon as possible for the Chairman Jin.
Seok-ju gets a follow-up call from his contact with Goldrich Hong Kong. The man explains that the shares were part of an in Baekdu Hong Kong to the expansion in the Chinese markets aimed at producing long-term investment strategy. Seok-ju scoffs after hanging up the phone and said sarcastically that it was to give this information to him "very nice" man. Chairman Jin also weighs in, saying that the market for soju in China are not worth the cost.
Ji-Yoon comes in and shows Seok-ju a video on her cell phone: the arrest warrant for Chairman Jin issued. Not knowing the bad news, laughing, the Chairman of the two as a pair. Ji-Yoon tells the truth to him, and it will be confirmed shortly by a call from a prosecutor. Chairman Jin expresses belief in Seok-ju, but Seok-ju does not see anything optimistic.
At trial Chairman Jin guilt, CEO Cha master plan works as intended to decide. Chairman Jin arrives half-brother, from his seat, the chairman amazing, and testifies to President Jin unethical use of corporate funds.
Chairman Jin talks with Seok-ju after the hearing, and Seok-ju tells him flatly that he would be willing to go to jail. The good news is that it is that he can get by calling a chance after six months. Seok-ju has plans in place, and he says Chairman Jin that he can not falter now. You have to keep fighting, and keep in mind that the plan Baekdu Soju for sale, is not destroyed, only delayed.
CEO Cha vice president told him about the successful implementation of their plan. Chairman Jin is the sale was delayed, and Goldrich will likely assume management of Baekdu Soju be arrested for good. CEO Cha says dark that it's one thing left to do, and they have the facility to draw from the roots.
Seok-ju Chairman Jin advises on what he should do to keep Baekdu Soju from Goldrich control. He must choose a team he can trust to continue the management of the company, while he is in prison. He is to be careful control leave his hands, but Seok-ju convinces him it's the only way. Chairman Jin promises Seok-ju 20% of the shares of the Baekdu when it can to keep control permanently the temporary management team. Seok-ju agrees the amount, but stipulates that the chairman Jin must give the shares of the union to him not.
By those actions set Chairman Jin is taken into custody. Before leaving well, he says Seok-ju that he trusts him.
Ji-Yoon is a meeting between the union representatives and the men who. Over for Chairman Jin while he is in prison You have a proposal which could potentially save the company, if the union agrees. The company has the working for a while, long enough to arrange a 30% pay cut, their loans to pay back and to keep the company undergo legal management. The possible sale of Baekdu Japan would generate enough revenue to pay them back. The union has offered three positions in upper management.
The union rep not seem that excited, and Ji-Yoon calls her father, to find out if he knows anything. He says that he can help her, and the representatives also seem a bit more open when they learn of their connection to workers the same challenges they are. They make no promises, except the offer to consider carefully.
When Ji-Yoon meets with Seok-ju, she tells of the unions challenges. Their opponents use dirty tactics like an SMS with the families of laid-off workers and said that striking things will only make matters worse. Workers must then opposition are by their own families, in addition to the concentrated power of large companies.
CEO Cha watches the protesters in front of his building from above while receiving a report from his vice president. You have the text messages are sent to the families as a deterrent, but it can not break the spirit of the demonstrators. The next step is to arrest some of them, and if the rest fall in line to see.
Seok-ju Chairman Jin in prison visited to ask if he would not give up his claim to his company and go freely, or to endure for a while in the interests of the company. Chairman Jin is not completely broken, as he says that he can hold it for a few months. He asks Seok-ju his company save.
continued to search his apartment Seok-ju for hidden files on his hard drive. Finally, he finds a voice recording of various calls from CEO Cha office, including one where to have it, and Seok-ju agree Goldrich purchase shares in Baekdu Hong Kong. Evil Pre-Amnesia Seok-ju strikes again!
Seok-ju immediately calls Sang-tae, and asks him to get this recording secretly CEO Cha. Sang-tae warns him say that putting this kind of information immediately a target on his back. The Goldrich employee who was initially dug in Baekdu Finance found dead in Hong Kong, so that the risk Seok-ju is, is very real. Sang-tae does not believe that Seok-ju should set itself in the crosshairs, but Seok-ju is resolved.
Despite the late hour, Seok-ju calls Jung-Seon and tells her he missed her. She comes into his office after he asks if it is eaten, and she can tell them that he does something. He does not share his recent discovery, but asks if he just in the past called when there are problems. She says that in fact was the case, and that it was probably true only to marry her because she was never out of his time challenging and never gave him no problems. He promises a fiancee difficult to try, if he has a chance.
Sang-tae met its part of the bargain by recording deliver. The vice-president accepts it immediately to CEO Cha, who believed that Seok-ju got Sang-tae involved as a security measure. Now, if something happens with Seok-ju, suspicion will be compensated by the company. "Does that mean we now have to protect Kim Seok-ju?" The Vice President asked bluntly. CEO Cha does not respond.
When Seok-ju home with dramatic music in the background returns, he finds that his home was ransacked. He says mysteriously that they two search locations were desperate enough .
CEO Cha the turn of events with the vice president discussed to decide to change its approach to the negotiations. It aims to drive a wedge between President Jin and Seok-ju, on the fact that relying Seok-ju an ingrained hatred weak, hypocritical people. It goes back everything when his mother was wounded by a mentally disabled worker, and his father was fishing when it happened. This event ruined Seok-ju relationship with his father, and it provides the framework for his eventual lack of sympathy for the rich of the wronged and powerful.
CEO Cha plan is to negotiate secretly with the Chairman Jin offers to get him for betraying Seok-ju in exchange prison. Unaware of the machinations CEO Seok-ju continue to defend the president. After another appeal he leaves the court with Ji-Yoon and asks for the recording. It turns out that he gave the original to her, and though her home was ransacked, it is all right, because they. A recording of her aunt for safekeeping
Seok-ju meets with Chairman Jin, who tells him to stop coming to visit. It seems like he is going to do what CEO Cha want ... to do it until Seok-ju a list of secret accounts reveals that he got from the union. The representatives warned him that they do not trust Chairman Jin, and got along with the clerk with a list of financial transactions accumulate.
They put their trust in Seok-ju, so that it is ready, though disappointed by the Chairman Jin predictable egoism. CEO Cha voice plays in voiceover as Seok-ju of the imprisoned chairman regarding: "He will see how little his sacrifice was worth it will be a good lesson for him.."
In Seok- ju office, he, Ji-Yoon and Sang-tae celebrate the union with the new management team to throw in Baekdu Soju store. Ji-Yoon and Sang-tae be disappointed by President Jin, but Seok-ju seems to have over it well. Sang-tae says he really matured.
Seok-ju and his father speak, now that he knows the reason why his father no longer enjoys fishing. Dad is worried that he has put his son on a difficult path, but Seok-ju asserts that this is how it needs to grow and learn.
He now wants to live his name, and tells his father, ready to go with him fishing rods at the. "You do not really hate fishing, do not you?" He asks when their car heads down the road.
CEO Cha looks at the unionized workers from his office on the street protesting the bottom, and his second-in-command comments that he looks sad. He says that it is pre-Amnesia Kim Seok-ju was actually that originated these conditions with the unions, back when he was on the mergers and acquisitions team and company needed a solution to the constant struggle with the unions. The CEO of evil sees from its tower corruption and sighs: "That's why life is interesting ..."
I do not think that there is now no secret is by that I have more of a new leaf of hope. part of it was beyond the control of the show, by the circumcision of two episodes that might have gone a long way diluted to the concentration of fast-and-furious court battle to give us something while satisfying closure. But even if the author has a great work under pressure, I believe that the show ended with a hiss. had the last court case, not the same performance as that also not. from the middle episodes as crucial Seok-ju inner struggle or growth
The murder trial, bind, for example, all kinds had to satisfy. Seok-ju trying to save someone he was primarily responsible for victimizing and to fight the attempt made him his inner demons and the opposition fight. The same is true for fishermen done it wrong; in particular, I remember that an oil-soaked fish on the sidewalk seemed helpless Seok-ju pleadings while fluttering. This trial, and Ji-Yoon defense of the boy who actually may have been a murderer, blended perfectly legal steps with individual growth. As we went on, we seemed that losing the connection because Seok-ju had been pretty much he discovers everything needed to know about himself, before he lost his memory. He was a bad guy
What is to come, is adjacent to the new Seok-ju forge new relationships with the people around him. To some degree, I thought I saw that happening, as Seok-ju collected his underdog Legal Team and began colliding with Ji-won. But in this last episode, we lose every bit of inter traction we are gaining managed. Jung-Seon long enough will appear two lines to say, Ji-won and attorney Lee are generally marginalized, and a ridiculous amount of screen time is devoted to Chairman Jin, a sign that you do not have this end to take care of me in could pay game. What's worse is that by this time, Seok-ju has already learned the lessons that the process is to teach him!
I know I'm probably too hard and to be giving for the issue because if it was good, it was hell good. Seok-ju's gradual process of recovery and discovery was very convincing, and his reconciliation with his father makes a lot in my book. Nevertheless, I can for legal disputes much potential untapped went sacrificed that were sometimes fascinating, but sometimes clapped severe exposure and lacked not help the human warmth of the impression that.
The twists in this episode, including the Declaration on Seok-ju mother and show that seemed to be at the very end of CEO Cha, crashed. Doubts about Pre-Amnesia Seok-ju trying to throw true nature, not really justify all the horrible things that can be laid at his doorstep. It took the new Seok-ju to actually begin to fight for his principles for something to happen significant, so that the final moment was very flat for me.
In my opinion, and it is only my opinion, a strong ensemble proposes a one-man show every day. I thought we had a strong ensemble of about Episode 2 episode to 10, with strong and complex female characters in Ji-Yoon, Jung-Seon Lee and lawyer. But they were gradually advertised or less interesting, and have what we get instead? Chairman Jin and his Soju shares.
My ranting is only due to dashed hopes, and not a condemnation of the writer or the team should be. On the contrary, I look forward to the next drama very much -. I hope they have to be just the time justice
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