Recap And Reviews Kdrama Triangle: Episode 18

Recap and reviews korean drama Triangle: Episode 18 -

A kidnapping throws everything and everyone However, to work to secure their release in a tizzy this hour, to force our rival in love (and brothers) together briefly. Never before has just two brothers fighting over a girl affection, corporate power, and everything in between was heartbreaking, especially when the truth is so close.

While Doctor Stranger still held the lead with 10.1% Triangle crept in on his opponent, as taken in this sequence by 8.9%. Yet Trot Lovers remained stable, a 6.1% netting.


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Go down the van flag otherwise kidnapped the Jung-hee, Yang-ha makes an angry call to the chairman go They accused him of kidnapping recourse to get back to Young-dal. "She is someone special for me." But Chairman Go takes offense and denies doing anything like that.

Note when Director Hyun spoke like Yang -ha out of favor with his adoptive father fell recently had President Go noticed that the chairman Yoon was more cruel than he thought.

Nevertheless, Chairman Go really seems unaware any kind of kidnapping, was tried for it, find out who was the victim, only to be told that it is best left Myung-jae to itself. In other countries, poor early-hee is bound and alone to roar assistance that may never come.

Myung-jae is pleased that things are going according to plan, there is no point in letting Young-dal know that his love kidnapped one is, since he come to crawl will reach you when he finds out anyway.

Missing Jang-soo finally makes contact from Macau, was published by his captors recently. After hearing that Yang-ha told about their plans in Macau, Young-dal his fear returning friend after she reached quickly found out to Korea.

There is now only that Young- dal learns that Hanchang Group (Chairman Sung casino company) has established a working relationship with Myungahnsoo Group, and connects the points that they had will have.

He grabs a handful of Yang-ha lawsuit if this comes to storm into his office, but he has said that they have bigger things than to worry as companies now-Jung-hee kidnapped.

Yang-ha-pins the blame for her abduction to him, and because this knowledge is hour for Young-dal, he works out that Myung-jae somehow found out about Jung-hee. The truth finally hits when he tried to call, but their phone goes unanswered.

At least he sends Jailbreak for Haus Jung-hee to cover disappearance, so they by informing their family do not worry that they 'll the night shift work. Oh, that's sweet.

Once Dong-soo is filled, he warns Young-dal against any rash behavior because otherwise in Myung-jae play hands. While Dong-soo has his former detective team looking at Myung-jae pied Boss Min and Manbong trying Young-dal, to remain calm.

Young-dal is a bundle of nerves, not to sit in a position carrying idle while Jung-hee says in danger, but Boss Min one wrong move you further could jeopardize. Hardly able to see Young-dal so distressed to bear, she asks Manbong whether they should really act, but he advises against it.

Both Young-dal and Yang-ha breeding isolated and thought back to her last conversations with Jung-hee. And for what it's worth, could be Jung-hee scared but unharmed.

After Director Hyun learn from Jung-hee the next day of the kidnapping, he calls President go diabolical to say that their participation could kill two birds with one stone for them, because Jung-hee is someone both Young- dal and Yang-ha take care of us.

So Young-dal suggests his rival, their differences temporarily put aside and work together to save Jung-hee. Young-dal admits that he is the reason why it has taken, but points out that Yang-ha also is not exempt because it could have stopped Chairman Go.

Yang-ha argues that the chairman knew nothing Go, a naive way of thinking Young-dal mocks. Their abduction was definitely doing Myung-jae, which means that he teamed up with the chairman to us go.

Detective has a guess on where Jung-hee may be imprisoned, but he warns Dong-soo to the location infiltrate on his own. Dong-soo assured him that he did not. While Jang-soo hear later about Jung-hee kidnapping, gets Young-dal some advice from Shin-hye, how to proceed if we get, not to hear what that is.

Meanwhile, Jung-hee her captor Myung-jae, who eventually met them-this TSKS, the unfortunate consequence for the wrong guy is derived. We interrupt this dramatic moment on this short PPL close-up focus

Obviously advice Shin-Hye used the same words out Young-dal throughout the day can be heard. Stay calm, do not act first and do not show signs of weakness, because his enemy could use against him. In addition, will be only in the kidnappers demands make Jung-hee rescue difficult.

So when Young-dal an incoming call from Jung-hee phone gets, his thumb hovering over the screen. He is naturally came into conflict on what to do, but then the courage to pick up.

Oh, thank God, it's Jung-hee, the voice on the other end of the line. is achieved, even if they seem to be the Best in panic, fearful cries does trouble hearing him, Young-dal as well as possible. Myung-jae takes over the call, but it falls on any kind of concern always from Young-dal.

It is good that this conversation is not a video call because while we can see , as Young-dal bothered expression betrays his brusque answers, neither Jung-hee yet Myung -jae can. His eyes begin to fill with tears, as he says Myung-jae that he has no girlfriend, so Myung-jae can feel free to do what he wants.

By Jung-hee heard increasingly coming terror and desperate pleas and save they shall eventually be too much for Young-dal to. He wipes his tears as he is forced words to grind out that he does not mean. That Jung-hee means nothing to him

Jung-hee can not believe what they hear as Young-dal it speaks to them: "Do you think that I am the same lowlife that you used to hunt?" Now he's an exec great time, which can not be kept as back like a casino dealer. It hangs up after Young-dal first he does for the callous he beat words do not mean, angry back tears.

Myung-jae looks at his stone-hearted words while Jung-hee sobs confused rightly. He is not satisfied with his informants Top Dog (ah, so he had squealed on Young-dal relationship with Jung-hee), but neither he is ready, but just go their hostage permit.

Yang-ha, now it beelines to demand release of Office Chairman Go Jung-hee. He has. Not Go excuses today, albeit a brief flicker of surprise over her eyes reached at the mention of his affection for Jung-hee

Yang-ha growls that he not forgive him, if something should happen to her, and added that the chairman Go that are kept in mind, so that he does not want his involvement in the Daejung Casino and Resort lose.

When Go uses the card, which has no competence Yang-ha, such threats to pull more, calling Yang-ha explains these mere rumors and these together at the end of their relationship. But Chairman Go asks how he is Young-dal face when Jung-hee is free, on the Yang-ha Gift in offers exchange for leaving Young-dal him, Yang-ha give Chairman to participate in the business go hit with Myungahnsoo group.

that the trick to secure Jung-hee release and Yang-ha finds shaken and alone but unharmed. He removes them and asks if she's okay, written concern on his face. She nods.

gently wipe a tear from his cheek, Yang-ha pulls in a comforting embrace. And ... it's just me or is Jung-hee looks like it has the second thoughts about him? Um, maybe it's just because it has been through a traumatic experience.

The intimate moment is cut short, but if Manbong comes with his crew and error Yang ha for the kidnappers, only for Jung-hee to clarify the situation. Did Young-dal Manbong Send to save about it?

He must, because he walks nervously in his office. He is extremely relieved to hear that Jung-hee is now safe, although he did not know Yang-ha came first. Enraged at how Top Dog has betrayed them, Boss Min gives the order for him to be found.

Yang-ha falls Jung-hee from home to tell her to take some time away from work. Even in her exhaustion, Jung-hee, she says back soon and left turns, but Yang ha keeps telling her to think this whole situation like a bad dream and put them behind.

"It's such a relief that I wake up from this bad dream," she replies tired. When Yang-ha it sends on its way, neither he nor Jung-hee are aware that Young-dal same is around the corner.

Once Jung-hee alone in her room, she sags to the floor and breaks into a new wave of tears down, having regard to Young-dal harsh words against his sincerity. As for Young-dal, he broods and drinks alone, reminded Jung-hee wishes for his life and their desperate pleas over the phone.

Yang-ha live another day as Daejung group heritage thanks see to secure that deal with Myungahnsoo Group. He grins Young-dal lose a little respect (and patience) with the Chairman Yoon, and dismisses Director Hyun worried that Hanchang group is seen to a greater threat.

Young-dal calls Jang-soo to ask if there is another way the favor Chairman Yoon Curry. Jang-soo do not know of any, but Young-dal takes an interesting tidbit on. Chairman Yoon and Sung between their children (Jiyeon and Yang-ha) in the discussions of an arranged marriage are

takes Director Hyun the relevant approach with Jiyeon (her Yoo-jin name, but for consistency, we will keep up with Jiyeon) to tell it like it bothers him, as it is used by Yang Just ha.

Madame Jang and their lackeys are banned from Daejung Casino to enter. Ah, that was her plan some Daejung VIPs network? Boss Yang tells them not to worry he is-pull, because his son is here on payroll some threads. But Jang-soo just waves it away later.

Young-dal and his friends put their heads together to come up with something something before they are made a fool by the Chairman Yoon. Since Yang-ha went behind her back, she will only repay the favor in kind, Young-dal figures. But he does not say how.

Myung-jae pays a surprise visit Boss Mins, and the two exchanged terse pleasantries before she tells him to cut the chase. As he told Young-dal, he has a similar warning for Boss Min and Manbong. to support Young-dal longer and walk away

Neither Boss Min and Manbong intend to do such a thing. They are amazing.

Yang-ha can barely hide his happiness when he receives invite a dinner of Jung-hee. It runs in Young-dal on their way over, and awww, Young-dal looks even happy to see them. Still angry, she passes him. is

Yang-ha beyond excited about their plebian trip, although it says that it is to repay him for their salvation. Nearby, see Young-dal on with a lost expression. This feels like a repeat of Episode 12

to leave the building with Jung-hee as Jiyeon spots Yang-ha, she remembers how director Hyun you specifically said wen Yang-ha has feelings for: , Jung-hee

When Young-dal meets later on with Jiyeon, he is surprised to hear that she knows about his two latest company and past Gangster reputation already.

Somehow social network of Shin-hye exceeds all others in this show because it is with Yang-ha right hand up. You know that he was responsible for Yang-ha adoption process. And maybe for the first time in this show, they not the information obtained they want, because you told someone that your nose into the private life is poking.

Shin-hye, but finds all these convenient and says Dong-soo, that they which his little brother Dong-woo is white. But ... you do not even have any solid evidence!

Nevertheless, it is not stop her to tell him that the chairman Yoon was the one who accepted Dong-woo. In other words, "Yoon Yang-ha Jang Dong-woo."


Seriously, serious Shin-hye? Even though I know you're right about the Jang brothers, you still manage to find ways to blow my mind if you specify conjectures as facts. Sigh. (Blows a pillow). On the teensy the head when it comes to Shin-hye, however: It was high time that someone did not tell her, and that their interference does anyone even if it is good, the inhabitants of character which runs around collecting information for the show.

for what it's worth, I ask myself was how long we find out for either Dong-soo and Young-dal, wait about baby bro current identity and whereabouts had had. So while I'm not thrilled just within the last few minutes at such a fast execution, things are soon between our three Jang shake brothers. If we look at the time, all the brainstorming for future secret plans is actually carried out, as is more brainstorming sessions spend where that is. To this end, I can say that Triangle for my patience once more asks, while more conflicts in the last run of its running brews on. We found that Young-dal did not anticipate that Yang-ha will interfere with its business plans in this round, and although I want to trust that Young-dal semi-secret strategy will be wise, I miss the Young-dal, which told us his thought processes, allowing us to anticipate the future with him.

Basically, I'm hoping that the disbursements for all these device coming soon "about, because right now these two episodes as two steps feel backward and a step forward in terms of progression. It could be why I could not feel so afraid or for Jung-hee panicked when she was abducted, especially if we we have some random baddie should of in Myung-jae Hyungnim afraid but weren 't, because it seemed out of the air to pop. So then at least 20 minutes was dedicated by this hour each character to see who on Jung-hee kidnapping had to know learn about their abduction . Nevertheless, it was this week Young-dal with Jung-hee, an outstanding moment-we could see how much it hurt him to be so hard in Jung-hee just a little more time to buy. And even though he had to act harder when her captors at the time, his actions (and phrases) still show that he cares for them, in fact.

And because Jung-hee had fought several times for their relationship, even while she was imprisoned, I could see how they would feel betrayed by Young-dal. It still gives me not feel better about their friendship with Yang ha rekindling (which is hopefully out of gratitude and nothing else, because I our love couple) that almost feels like foam, rinse, and repeat at this point in the game. Perhaps the truth is the youngest bro has unwittingly tried his Hyungs takedown is to break him out of his thoughts. Or maybe we should boyish crazy man could enjoy his moment. For the time being

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tags: featured, the Shi-wan, Jaejoong, Lee Beom-soo, triangle

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